Tag Archives: quantum shift

SUCCESS IS ONLY A QUANTUM SHIFT AWAY – Your house or office can theoretically be slap, bang in the middle of a very busy shopping mall in one dimension or a factory in yet another dimension.



How would you like it if a complete stranger offers to give you money or solve a problem for you that you thought will remain unsolvable?


How would you feel if a friend that you lost contact with phone you and ask you to become his partner in a lucrative business venture?


Would you be surprised if you suddenly sell your house at an above expected price notwithstanding the serious deflated market?


How would you feel if you suddenly discover that you have above average skill in writing and publish a bests selling book?


Would you be blown away if you suddenly get a brilliant idea that becomes a huge success in the market?


Would it not be wonderful if you out of the blue meet a person that becomes your soul mate or best friend?


What will you do if you suddenly get promoted to a much higher position with much better benefits?


Are you aware that you have millions of duplicates of yourself that operate in the endless number of parallel universes that make up the quantum soup that we live in? Each universe vibrates at its own unique frequency and cannot be seen or experienced by those that operates outside its own unique frequency range.


We all know that you can tune a radio or TV to a desired program or station. Once you tuned into your desired station or program you become oblivious to the other radio and TV programs broadcasted in a slightly higher or lower frequency range. It would be stupid to insist that only the program that you are looking at or that you are listening to is real.


It is now a well proven scientific fact that we are nothing more that a cluster of atoms and molecules that are vibrating at a specific frequency. It is only because our “vibration” can be detected by others in this dimension that we appear real to them. The same goes for everything and everyone that share this dimension with us.


The same holds true in other dimensions as well. Everything and everyone in the limitless number of dimensions also appear real and solid to those that are calibrated to tune into the unique frequency band that they operate in.


Your house or office can theoretically be slap, bang in the middle of a very busy shopping mall in one dimension or a factory in yet another dimension. You are thus sharing the same space with an unlimited number of parallel universes.


What might astound you more is the fact that you do not only operate in the current universe that you are living in now. You might be a salesman in this dimension while you are a plumber, doctor, dentist, artist or professional athlete in other dimensions. All this might be difficult for you to absorb or digest at this stage, but will soon become clearer to you.


This revelation came to me many years ago. I accompanied my father one day when he visited a very wise old lady that could detect these parallel universes. I can still recall as if yesterday how she expressed serious discomfort to my father. She told him that they are busy building a shopping mall in one of the parallel universes adjacent to our own that will place her house in the middle of this construction. She told him that the noise and activity is driving her crazy and expect things to get worse once they completed the shopping mall.


I studied all aspects of metaphysics, spirituality and quantum physics for more than forty years now. The unveiling of this principle to me was a very slow and gradual process. It was only when the principles of “The Secret” and “What the Bleep” gained so much acceptance that I decided that society evolved enough to grasp and accept what I am sharing with you in this document.


Everything in the endless universes has a unique frequency range. Not a single blade of grass has the same frequency than its neighbour. Everything operates on its own unique frequency. Every hair on your head boasts with its own unique frequency. Every cell in your body transmits at its own unique frequency. You can almost say that everything has a unique barcode.


The collective symphony of all the frequency transmissions in your body merges to form a unique symphony that not only make you visible in your current dimension, but also transmits your tone throughout the quantum sea of possibility that contains the collective frequency of everything. This collective sea of consciousness is called God, Allah or Mohamed by many. Everything in all dimensions is thus contained in a collective pool of consciousness.


Let us go back now and re-visit the concept that we simultaneously operate in millions of different dimensions at any given moment in time. We are not trapped in earth dimension. Many tried in vain to convince us that we can only upgrade to higher dimensions after our death if we do what they tell us to do. I am sure you can also see now that death is also an illusion. Your earthly vehicle might run out of steam in this dimension, but your spiritual self that operates on millions of other dimensions continue as if nothing happened.


We can, if we know how, travel between these various dimensions. We can for example consult with our duplicate selves in other dimensions. We might for example be faced with a specific problem that we find daunting and difficult to overcome. We can go to our parallel self in another dimension that is an expert in the field that is causing our current discomfort or stress and consult with him or her. We will not only receive guidance on the subject matter at hand, but come back to our current dimension tuned to the right frequency needed to solve our problem or achieve our desired goal. Our short visit to one of our duplicate selves in another dimension will recharge our energy levels and download vital information that will help us to overcome a problem or help us succeed with a project that we are working on.


This is obviously a fairly complicated subject that might at this stage boggle your mind. I want you to put all your questions out of your mind and first “test drive” it for a while. You have absolutely no idea how electricity works, but use it all the time. I am sure you never really sat down and attempted to figure out how the electricity in your TV produces the wonderful programs that you watch daily. You never questioned this magical energy that cooks your food or wash your washing. I am sure the thought never crossed your mind that this amazing force that we use to drive our economy is something produced by the devil.


The process to shuttle from one dimension to another is very easy once you get your analytical mind out of the way. All you need to do is to apply the following technique. You can do this exercise anywhere. The best time however is before you fall asleep at night.


Find a comfortable position.


Close your eyes and begin to focus on your breathing.


Slowly breathe in through you nose. Visualize how the oxygen is entering your body through the crown on your head.


Feel how the oxygen is making its way down all the way to your stomach.


Now slowly exhale.


Visualize how the carbon dioxide is released out of your body via your belly button.


Repeat this exercise until you feel completely relaxed.


Now for a few moments, focus on the problem that you are faced with or the obstacle that is preventing you from achieving a goal that you desire to achieve.


Keep your eyes closed throughout this exercise.


Now look through your forehead and notice a solid carved wooden door in front of you.


Mentally move towards the door and slowly open the door.


You will almost immediately notice one of your duplicate selves just inside the door that you used earlier to transfer to his dimension. Your duplicate self might be busy working in his garden or he might be busy fishing. Your duplicate self can be busy with a hundred and one tasks or on he might on the other hand be asleep or busy reading a book. I never found any of my duplicate selves at the same place doing the same thing.


It is important at this stage to understand that the duplicate self that you meet outside in a different dimension is the one that is most likely to assist you with the specific project or problem that you want to address. Remember you have millions of duplicate selves that are all busy with their own lives in their selected current dimension. Some of them might appear like a much younger model of you while others on the other hand could appear much older. Don’t forget that the duplicate self that you selected my even be a female or male version of you.


There is no need to go through rituals and other time wasting exercises when you approach your duplicate self. There is also no need to tell your duplicate self all the grizzly details of what led you to find it necessary to consult him or her. Simply state the reason for your visit.


Mentally listen very carefully for clues or information while you consult with your duplicate self from another dimension. He might telepathically only say a few words or project a certain feeling to you. He might show you something or may simply decide to download what you need to know directly into your subconscious mind.


It should be obvious from the above that this visit is usually brief. Turn around and go back to the door when you feel that the meeting is over. Do not attempt to question and probe your duplicate self. He might give you a simple sentence that is the key to your project or problem. Accept the thoughts, feelings or concepts that come to mind. You will later discover how the key or keys provided unlock the situation or problem for you. Your duplicate self might decide to reveal nothing to you, but could implant a vibration in you that will attract the right person or circumstances to you in the next couple of days or weeks. Thank your duplicate self for the assistance and then leave his dimension. Close the door behind you when you move back into your own dimension. You can then open your eyes. I found that I often drift into a deep natural sleep, especially when I visited another dimension just before I go to sleep at night.


You will soon feel that your vibration changed. You will begin to feel more energized and ready to do what need to be done. I always detected a change in my mood and general attitude. I am convinced that a visit to another dimension will compare well to a full night sleep after a busy day.


It is important to remain vigilant after your visits to other dimensions. You will be given clues or run into people that want to assist you to make your problem go away. Watch out for clues all the time. You might get a strong feeling to buy a book, make a phone call, write a letter, visit an old friend or contact someone that you never met. You might get an urge to move, look for another job, walk away from a toxic relationship or start painting the roof of your house. Allow the information downloaded by your duplicate self to direct your actions. I want you to read this again. I used the word “action” deliberately. You must take action on the impulses that you experience. You must remain alert and focused.


You might at this stage ask, “What are some of the things that I can do when I apply this method?”


You can materialize money.


You can sell your house, vehicle or anything else that you want to get rid of.


You can change your mood in minutes when you use this method.


You can change from an introvert into a powerful speaker.


You can do extremely well in any sport that you participate in.


You can invent stuff that could make you a fortune.


You can become an author that write best selling books.


You can become a love machine.


You can become an outstanding cook or photographer


You can become a wonderful and caring father or mother.


You can become salesman of the year.


You can buy that smart vehicle that you always dreamt about.


You can find a dream partner.


You can expand your business or start your own business.


The reason why you can do almost anything or achieve outstanding outcomes is because your duplicate self will download the skills and the matching vibration that you need into your sub-conscious mind. Say for example you want to become an author. Visit your duplicate self that is already a best selling author and allow him to download his experience and skills into your sub-conscious mind. You might decide that you want to become an outstanding leader. Visit your duplicate self that is already a powerful leader.


I am sure you can see from the above that the potential is absolutely limitless. The only thing that can slow down your progress is doubt and fear. Doubt and fear will gradually corrode the new energy and information downloaded into your sub-conscious mind.


You can go back into the other dimensions as many times as you like. Your duplicate selves will not become impatient or think that you are some kind of idiot. Go back whenever you feel the need to recharge your internal batteries.


A final comment that I want to make is that you must not become discouraged if you are unable to see the other dimension like you would view a picture on your TV. If I ask you to think of a donkey an image or picture will immediately come to mind. If I ask you to recall a house that you lived in as a child images and feelings will immediately come to mind. Many of us do not close our eyes and watch a home video of the subject we think of. There are times when you can get completely swept away by the subject that you are busy visualizing. You might on these occasions begin to really see full colour pictures on the screen of your mind. You will in time see and feel more and more on your visits to other dimensions.


Remember seeing actual movies are not important. Everyone can recall events, friends or specific activities without too much effort. This is good enough to obtain outstanding results with this system. I found that certain students get so hung up and frustrated because no “movies” appear on the screen in their minds that they give up.


You find the same problem with persons that want to learn how to meditate. They anxiously wait for lights and weird and wonderful things to appear on the screens of their mind. Most give up soon after they started and walk away feeling like a failure. You can even replace “see how” with “think how” in the script I provided above if it will remove mental obstacles that might stifle your attempts.


I developed a range of alpha brainwave generating sound effects over the years that assist with the relaxation and visualization process. The sound effects that I developed tune your mind to the right frequency for best results. You can even use a CD with soft classical music or sound effects to assist you to achieve the desired relaxed and focused state of mind. I found that earphones produce the best results.


You do not go into some kind of trance. So do not get hung up on the fear provoking possible loss of control that your ego might come up with to prevent you from participating in this amazing experience. You go into this deep relaxed state every night when you go to bed. You cannot fall asleep until the frantic vibration level of your mind reduced to what is known the Alpha level.


I am giving you this system free of charge. Will you please post your comments, victories and the miracles that this system blessed you with so future readers can gain from your experiences.








Posted by on September 17, 2012 in WISDOM


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I am giving you this system free of charge. Will you please post your comments, victories and the miracles that this system blessed you with so future readers can gain from your experiences.






How would you like it if a complete stranger offers to give you money or solve a problem for you that you thought will remain unsolvable?


How would you feel if a friend that you lost contact with phone you and ask you to become his partner in a lucrative business venture?


Would you be surprised if you suddenly sell your house at an above expected price notwithstanding the serious deflated market?


How would you feel if you suddenly discover that you have above average skill in writing and publish a bests selling book?


Would you be blown away if you suddenly get a brilliant idea that becomes a huge success in the market?


Would it not be wonderful if you out of the blue meet a person that becomes your soul mate or best friend?


What will you do if you suddenly get promoted to a much higher position with much better benefits?


Are you aware that you have millions of duplicates of yourself that operate in the endless number of parallel universes that make up the quantum soup that we live in? Each universe vibrates at its own unique frequency and cannot be seen or experienced by those that operates outside its own unique frequency range.


We all know that you can tune a radio or TV to a desired program or station. Once you tuned into your desired station or program you become oblivious to the other radio and TV programs broadcasted in a slightly higher or lower frequency range. It would be stupid to insist that only the program that you are looking at or that you are listening to is real.


It is now a well proven scientific fact that we are nothing more that a cluster of atoms and molecules that are vibrating at a specific frequency. It is only because our “vibration” can be detected by others in this dimension that we appear real to them. The same goes for everything and everyone that share this dimension with us.


The same holds true in other dimensions as well. Everything and everyone in the limitless number of dimensions also appear real and solid to those that are calibrated to tune into the unique frequency band that they operate in.


Your house or office can theoretically be slap, bang in the middle of a very busy shopping mall in one dimension or a factory in yet another dimension. You are thus sharing the same space with an unlimited number of parallel universes.


What might astound you more is the fact that you do not only operate in the current universe that you are living in now. You might be a salesman in this dimension while you are a plumber, doctor, dentist, artist or professional athlete in other dimensions. All this might be difficult for you to absorb or digest at this stage, but will soon become clearer to you.


This revelation came to me many years ago. I accompanied my father one day when he visited a very wise old lady that could detect these parallel universes. I can still recall as if yesterday how she expressed serious discomfort to my father. She told him that they are busy building a shopping mall in one of the parallel universes adjacent to our own that will place her house in the middle of this construction. She told him that the noise and activity is driving her crazy and expect things to get worse once they completed the shopping mall.


I studied all aspects of metaphysics, spirituality and quantum physics for more than forty years now. The unveiling of this principle to me was a very slow and gradual process. It was only when the principles of “The Secret” and “What the Bleep” gained so much acceptance that I decided that society evolved enough to grasp and accept what I am sharing with you in this document.


Everything in the endless universes has a unique frequency range. Not a single blade of grass has the same frequency than its neighbour. Everything operates on its own unique frequency. Every hair on your head boasts with its own unique frequency. Every cell in your body transmits at its own unique frequency. You can almost say that everything has a unique barcode.


The collective symphony of all the frequency transmissions in your body merges to form a unique symphony that not only make you visible in your current dimension, but also transmits your tone throughout the quantum sea of possibility that contains the collective frequency of everything. This collective sea of consciousness is called God, Allah or Mohamed by many. Everything in all dimensions is thus contained in a collective pool of consciousness.


Let us go back now and re-visit the concept that we simultaneously operate in millions of different dimensions at any given moment in time. We are not trapped in earth dimension. Many tried in vain to convince us that we can only upgrade to higher dimensions after our death if we do what they tell us to do. I am sure you can also see now that death is also an illusion. Your earthly vehicle might run out of steam in this dimension, but your spiritual self that operates on millions of other dimensions continue as if nothing happened.


We can, if we know how, travel between these various dimensions. We can for example consult with our duplicate selves in other dimensions. We might for example be faced with a specific problem that we find daunting and difficult to overcome. We can go to our parallel self in another dimension that is an expert in the field that is causing our current discomfort or stress and consult with him or her. We will not only receive guidance on the subject matter at hand, but come back to our current dimension tuned to the right frequency needed to solve our problem or achieve our desired goal. Our short visit to one of our duplicate selves in another dimension will recharge our energy levels and download vital information that will help us to overcome a problem or help us succeed with a project that we are working on.


This is obviously a fairly complicated subject that might at this stage boggle your mind. I want you to put all your questions out of your mind and first “test drive” it for a while. You have absolutely no idea how electricity works, but use it all the time. I am sure you never really sat down and attempted to figure out how the electricity in your TV produces the wonderful programs that you watch daily. You never questioned this magical energy that cooks your food or wash your washing. I am sure the thought never crossed your mind that this amazing force that we use to drive our economy is something produced by the devil.


The process to shuttle from one dimension to another is very easy once you get your analytical mind out of the way. All you need to do is to apply the following technique. You can do this exercise anywhere. The best time however is before you fall asleep at night.


Find a comfortable position.


Close your eyes and begin to focus on your breathing.


Slowly breathe in through you nose. Visualize how the oxygen is entering your body through the crown on your head.


Feel how the oxygen is making its way down all the way to your stomach.


Now slowly exhale.


Visualize how the carbon dioxide is released out of your body via your belly button.


Repeat this exercise until you feel completely relaxed.


Now for a few moments, focus on the problem that you are faced with or the obstacle that is preventing you from achieving a goal that you desire to achieve.


Keep your eyes closed throughout this exercise.


Now look through your forehead and notice a solid carved wooden door in front of you.


Mentally move towards the door and slowly open the door.


You will almost immediately notice one of your duplicate selves just inside the door that you used earlier to transfer to his dimension. Your duplicate self might be busy working in his garden or he might be busy fishing. Your duplicate self can be busy with a hundred and one tasks or on he might on the other hand be asleep or busy reading a book. I never found any of my duplicate selves at the same place doing the same thing.


It is important at this stage to understand that the duplicate self that you meet outside in a different dimension is the one that is most likely to assist you with the specific project or problem that you want to address. Remember you have millions of duplicate selves that are all busy with their own lives in their selected current dimension. Some of them might appear like a much younger model of you while others on the other hand could appear much older. Don’t forget that the duplicate self that you selected my even be a female or male version of you.


There is no need to go through rituals and other time wasting exercises when you approach your duplicate self. There is also no need to tell your duplicate self all the grizzly details of what led you to find it necessary to consult him or her. Simply state the reason for your visit.


Mentally listen very carefully for clues or information while you consult with your duplicate self from another dimension. He might telepathically only say a few words or project a certain feeling to you. He might show you something or may simply decide to download what you need to know directly into your subconscious mind.


It should be obvious from the above that this visit is usually brief. Turn around and go back to the door when you feel that the meeting is over. Do not attempt to question and probe your duplicate self. He might give you a simple sentence that is the key to your project or problem. Accept the thoughts, feelings or concepts that come to mind. You will later discover how the key or keys provided unlock the situation or problem for you. Your duplicate self might decide to reveal nothing to you, but could implant a vibration in you that will attract the right person or circumstances to you in the next couple of days or weeks. Thank your duplicate self for the assistance and then leave his dimension. Close the door behind you when you move back into your own dimension. You can then open your eyes. I found that I often drift into a deep natural sleep, especially when I visited another dimension just before I go to sleep at night.


You will soon feel that your vibration changed. You will begin to feel more energized and ready to do what need to be done. I always detected a change in my mood and general attitude. I am convinced that a visit to another dimension will compare well to a full night sleep after a busy day.


It is important to remain vigilant after your visits to other dimensions. You will be given clues or run into people that want to assist you to make your problem go away. Watch out for clues all the time. You might get a strong feeling to buy a book, make a phone call, write a letter, visit an old friend or contact someone that you never met. You might get an urge to move, look for another job, walk away from a toxic relationship or start painting the roof of your house. Allow the information downloaded by your duplicate self to direct your actions. I want you to read this again. I used the word “action” deliberately. You must take action on the impulses that you experience. You must remain alert and focused.


You might at this stage ask, “What are some of the things that I can do when I apply this method?”


You can materialize money.


You can sell your house, vehicle or anything else that you want to get rid of.


You can change your mood in minutes when you use this method.


You can change from an introvert into a powerful speaker.


You can do extremely well in any sport that you participate in.


You can invent stuff that could make you a fortune.


You can become an author that write best selling books.


You can become a love machine.


You can become an outstanding cook or photographer


You can become a wonderful and caring father or mother.


You can become salesman of the year.


You can buy that smart vehicle that you always dreamt about.


You can find a dream partner.


You can expand your business or start your own business.


The reason why you can do almost anything or achieve outstanding outcomes is because your duplicate self will download the skills and the matching vibration that you need into your sub-conscious mind. Say for example you want to become an author. Visit your duplicate self that is already a best selling author and allow him to download his experience and skills into your sub-conscious mind. You might decide that you want to become an outstanding leader. Visit your duplicate self that is already a powerful leader.


I am sure you can see from the above that the potential is absolutely limitless. The only thing that can slow down your progress is doubt and fear. Doubt and fear will gradually corrode the new energy and information downloaded into your sub-conscious mind.


You can go back into the other dimensions as many times as you like. Your duplicate selves will not become impatient or think that you are some kind of idiot. Go back whenever you feel the need to recharge your internal batteries.


A final comment that I want to make is that you must not become discouraged if you are unable to see the other dimension like you would view a picture on your TV. If I ask you to think of a donkey an image or picture will immediately come to mind. If I ask you to recall a house that you lived in as a child images and feelings will immediately come to mind. Many of us do not close our eyes and watch a home video of the subject we think of. There are times when you can get completely swept away by the subject that you are busy visualizing. You might on these occasions begin to really see full colour pictures on the screen of your mind. You will in time see and feel more and more on your visits to other dimensions.


Remember seeing actual movies are not important. Everyone can recall events, friends or specific activities without too much effort. This is good enough to obtain outstanding results with this system. I found that certain students get so hung up and frustrated because no “movies” appear on the screen in their minds that they give up.


You find the same problem with persons that want to learn how to meditate. They anxiously wait for lights and weird and wonderful things to appear on the screens of their mind. Most give up soon after they started and walk away feeling like a failure. You can even replace “see how” with “think how” in the script I provided above if it will remove mental obstacles that might stifle your attempts.


I developed a range of alpha brainwave generating sound effects over the years that assist with the relaxation and visualization process. The sound effects that I developed tune your mind to the right frequency for best results. You can even use a CD with soft classical music or sound effects to assist you to achieve the desired relaxed and focused state of mind. I found that earphones produce the best results.


You do not go into some kind of trance. So do not get hung up on the fear provoking possible loss of control that your ego might come up with to prevent you from participating in this amazing experience. You go into this deep relaxed state every night when you go to bed. You cannot fall asleep until the frantic vibration level of your mind reduced to what is known the Alpha level.


I am giving you this system free of charge. Will you please post your comments, victories and the miracles that this system blessed you with so future readers can gain from your experiences.







Posted by on May 31, 2012 in WISDOM


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