Tag Archives: choice

The reality is you always have choice. With every choice comes a cost.




There are times when I stop what I am doing in my business and ask myself the reasons why I am doing this. I am sure that it seemed like a good idea at the time! Working late at night, no guaranteed monthly income, concerns about cash flow, BAS Statements, my wife asking when I will finish in the office and spend time with her – Why am I doing this again?


That’s right, I remember now. I have no limit on the amount of money I can earn, I get to work with fabulous people, I have a lot of flexibility in my working hours so I can participate in family activities, I have tax advantages running my own business and many other reasons too.

Basically, I chose to run my own business because the benefits outweigh the costs. By the way, the costs are not just financial. There are time costs, worry costs, opportunity costs and many others to consider. The thing with the costs is that there are usually costs you are not aware of when you first start out – that’s ok though because there are surprise benefits too!

We do what we do by choice. It is important to know that we always have choice – ALWAYS! Now some of you may be thinking, “But I don’t have choice about paying tax – I have to pay tax.” The reality is you don’t have to pay tax. I have a guaranteed way to never pay tax again. Are you ready for it? It is very simple. Don’t earn any money!! Tax is the cost of success. Personally, I look forward to having a MASSIVE tax problem.

So we always have choice. Well… maybe not quite always. Those times when things happen that we have no choice over, we get to choose our attitude. Maybe you had massive sales and your business was going well, but you didn’t win the local Achiever Business of the Year award that you wanted – if you have done all you can, you get to choose your attitude and your focus on this situation. How could you learn from this situation?

So the reality is you always have choice. With every choice comes a cost.

In the previous example, let’s say you did win Business of the Year award. One of the costs will be that the local newspaper will want to run a profile on you, people may call you and want an hour of your time to find out how they can be successful like you, maybe other businesses will start calling you to sell you their product or service because you are so successful. So there is a cost to winning this as well as a cost if you don’t.

I always try and consider the costs of what I want. It then becomes a very simple process.

What do I want, what price am I willing to pay and then I pay the price and move forward.

So for you, what do you want and what price will you pay? Now go for it!

By: Warwick Merry

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Posted by on March 5, 2015 in WISDOM


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Stop and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?”



There are times when I stop what I am doing in my business and ask myself the reasons why I am doing this. I am sure that it seemed like a good idea at the time! Working late at night, no guaranteed monthly income, concerns about cash flow, BAS Statements, my wife asking when I will finish in the office and spend time with her – Why am I doing this again?


That’s right, I remember now. I have no limit on the amount of money I can earn, I get to work with fabulous people, I have a lot of flexibility in my working hours so I can participate in family activities, I have tax advantages running my own business and many other reasons too.

Basically, I chose to run my own business because the benefits outweigh the costs. By the way, the costs are not just financial. There are time costs, worry costs, opportunity costs and many others to consider. The thing with the costs is that there are usually costs you are not aware of when you first start out – that’s ok though because there are surprise benefits too!

We do what we do by choice. It is important to know that we always have choice – ALWAYS! Now some of you may be thinking, “But I don’t have choice about paying tax – I have to pay tax.” The reality is you don’t have to pay tax. I have a guaranteed way to never pay tax again. Are you ready for it? It is very simple. Don’t earn any money!! Tax is the cost of success. Personally, I look forward to having a MASSIVE tax problem.

So we always have choice. Well… maybe not quite always. Those times when things happen that we have no choice over, we get to choose our attitude. Maybe you had massive sales and your business was going well, but you didn’t win the local Achiever Business of the Year award that you wanted – if you have done all you can, you get to choose your attitude and your focus on this situation. How could you learn from this situation?

So the reality is you always have choice. With every choice comes a cost.

In the previous example, let’s say you did win Business of the Year award. One of the costs will be that the local newspaper will want to run a profile on you, people may call you and want an hour of your time to find out how they can be successful like you, maybe other businesses will start calling you to sell you their product or service because you are so successful. So there is a cost to winning this as well as a cost if you don’t.

I always try and consider the costs of what I want. It then becomes a very simple process.

What do I want, what price am I willing to pay and then I pay the price and move forward.

So for you, what do you want and what price will you pay? Now go for it!


By: Warwick Merry


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Posted by on July 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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Champions never create or facilitate these failure monsters in their minds.


Are you a WRITER who does not write a PAINTER who does not paint, an ENTREPRENEUR who never starts a venture? Do you feel that SOMETHING prevents you from ACHIEVING your full potential? Then it might be an appropriate moment to take a hard look at how your RESISTENCE arrested your ability to take decisive and sustained action. New Series – No. 15

Failure can only hurt you if you make a conscious choice to view it as a disaster and not a lesson. Once you labelled failure with the “disaster” or “failure” label, it begins to erode your soul. Champions never create or facilitate these failure monsters in their minds. They know that they hold the key to its power in their hands. They never view any failure or mistake as final and irreversible.


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Posted by on June 30, 2014 in WISDOM


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Champions never create or facilitate failure monsters in their minds.


Are you a WRITER who does not write a PAINTER who does not paint, an ENTREPRENEUR who never starts a venture? Do you feel that SOMETHING prevents you from ACHIEVING your full potential? Then it might be an appropriate moment to take a hard look at how your RESISTENCE arrested your ability to take decisive and sustained action. New Series – No. 15


Failure can only hurt you if you make a conscious choice to view it as a disaster and not a lesson. Once you labelled failure with a “disaster” or “failure” label, it begins to erode your soul. Champions never create or facilitate failure monsters in their minds. They know that they hold the key to their own power in their hands. They never view any failure or mistake as final and irreversible. Champions see failures and loss as learning experiences. It is silly to get stuck on what could or should have been. All you have is your current moment. Each new current moment provide you with an opportunity to make a fresh start.


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Posted by on March 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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Stop and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?”



There are times when I stop what I am doing in my business and ask myself the reasons why I am doing this. I am sure that it seemed like a good idea at the time! Working late at night, no guaranteed monthly income, concerns about cash flow, BAS Statements, my wife asking when I will finish in the office and spend time with her – Why am I doing this again?

That’s right, I remember now. I have no limit on the amount of money I can earn, I get to work with fabulous people, I have a lot of flexibility in my working hours so I can participate in family activities, I have tax advantages running my own business and many other reasons too.

Basically, I chose to run my own business because the benefits outweigh the costs. By the way, the costs are not just financial. There are time costs, worry costs, opportunity costs and many others to consider. The thing with the costs is that there are usually costs you are not aware of when you first start out – that’s ok though because there are surprise benefits too!

We do what we do by choice. It is important to know that we always have choice – ALWAYS! Now some of you may be thinking, “But I don’t have choice about paying tax – I have to pay tax.” The reality is you don’t have to pay tax. I have a guaranteed way to never pay tax again. Are you ready for it? It is very simple. Don’t earn any money!! Tax is the cost of success. Personally, I look forward to having a MASSIVE tax problem.

So we always have choice. Well… maybe not quite always. Those times when things happen that we have no choice over, we get to choose our attitude. Maybe you had massive sales and your business was going well, but you didn’t win the local Achiever Business of the Year award that you wanted – if you have done all you can, you get to choose your attitude and your focus on this situation. How could you learn from this situation?

So the reality is you always have choice. With every choice comes a cost.

In the previous example, let’s say you did win Business of the Year award. One of the costs will be that the local newspaper will want to run a profile on you, people may call you and want an hour of your time to find out how they can be successful like you, maybe other businesses will start calling you to sell you their product or service because you are so successful. So there is a cost to winning this as well as a cost if you don’t.

I always try and consider the costs of what I want. It then becomes a very simple process.

What do I want, what price am I willing to pay and then I pay the price and move forward.

So for you, what do you want and what price will you pay? Now go for it!


By: Warwick Merry


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Posted by on January 17, 2014 in WISDOM


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Champions never create or facilitate failure monsters in their minds.

Are you a WRITER who does not write a PAINTER who does not paint, an ENTREPRENEUR who never starts a venture? Do you feel that SOMETHING prevents you from ACHIEVING your full potential? Then it might be an appropriate moment to take a hard look at how your RESISTENCE arrested your ability to take decisive and sustained action. New Series – No. 15


Failure can only hurt you if you make a conscious choice to view it as a disaster and not a lesson. Once you labelled failure with a “disaster” or “failure” label, it begins to erode your soul. Champions never create or facilitate failure monsters in their minds. They know that they hold the key to their own power in their hands. They never view any failure or mistake as final and irreversible. Champions see failures and loss as learning experiences. It is silly to get stuck on what could or should have been. All you have is your current moment. Each new current moment provide you with an opportunity to make a fresh start.



Posted by on January 6, 2014 in WISDOM


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Can you see how chemical cocktails that are released into your blood all day long influence every choice, action or reaction that you take or make



I mentioned earlier in this series that every single word or thought triggers a set of emotions and feelings that almost instantaneously cause our brains to dump a cocktail of chemicals in our blood. Our responses are activated by a mixture of chemicals injected into our system. Everything stored in your sub-conscious mind have a set of reactions (emotional and otherwise) that match the conclusions that you made historically about the thing, person or experience that you were exposed to. The interesting thing about these memory “response prescriptions” is that our reactions remain the same for the best part of our lives. We might think that most of us would modify our reaction patterns regularly as we evolve or mature. The sad fact is that most of our standard reactions remain the same and continue to trigger very similar responses until we one day leave this plane again. Some of our experiences cause a wonderful uplifting and inspirational feeling in us via the chemical cocktail released into our blood. There is however a massive volume of reactions that leave us frustrated, angry, upset and anxious. We judge events, people, places, experiences etc. according to the “feelings” that they generate in us. You will find that every person that you met historically left a certain imprint in your mind. You can test this theory and think of a few individuals (family, friends, enemies or even teachers that taught you in the first year you went to school). You will probably agree that each one of those that you focused on generated a specific “feeling” in you that is unique to him or her. It might stun you that you have a similar reaction pattern when it comes to everything else that you were ever exposed to. (Food, medicine, religion, sex, music, cultures, races, etc.) The stuff that generates good feelings causes you to be OPEN and EXPANSIVE in your actions and reactions. You will on the other hand discover that those things that historically caused you to feel sad, disappointed, hurt and frustrated cause you to become RESISTANT and ISOLATED when re-stimulated. Can you see how chemical cocktails that are released into your blood all day long influence every choice, action or reaction that you take or make? This is how we became like a puppet at the mercy of chemical cocktails installed in us historically. A large percentage of these reaction patterns are based on false and warped data stored in your sub-conscious mind as explained extensively in this series. The fatal mistake many of us make is that we allow the range of feelings (rage, sadness, revenge etc.) to run riot in our lives. We act and react “spontaneously” as “prescribed” by the feelings that come rushing in. Let me now share some wonderful news with you. You have the ability to override the silly standard performances that you give on the stage of life. You can immediately when triggered DETACH and either do or say nothing or treat every given event on its own merit. The answer is to not RESIST or FIGHT the feelings that flood your system. All you need to do is to OBSERVE them and then LET THEM GO. The chemicals are already release into your blood. That is the reason why we continually duplicate the same actions and reactions. You however have the power to not proceed with the process activated. You achieve control by not RESISTING or FIGHTING your feelings. You just OBSERVE your feelings and the current event and in the process defuse the chemical injection and neutralize its effect with your COMPOSED and RELAXED DETACHED choice of action. You will soon discover that old events and individuals that triggered negative reactions in you no longer influence you. The key is thus to stop RESISTING and to stop dancing to the same old tune.


I suggest you read this material a few times today. It is important that you understand the mechanism that drives the invisible force that at times make your life ungovernable and unpleasant. I also want you to stop for a few moments today and observe the things, people and stuff around you. You can for example do this at home, work, in a shopping centre or in your vehicle while you are on your way somewhere. Notice how you have specific feelings and perceptions about every person, product, service etc. These feelings and mental images control the quality of your life. Please read the above again. It is the feeling clusters you filed historically about everything and everyone that decides your fate and future. Your mind is infested with many millions of these time capsules that can at any time pop and release its toxic load into your life. You can view these hidden energy clusters as your enemy or you can see them as early warning systems that recommend that you stop RESISTING and FIGHTING. The simple act of DETACHMENT and the choice not to play along with the software in your head will make a massive difference in all areas of your life.



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Posted by on December 13, 2013 in WISDOM


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All of life is a learning experience for you to become all you can be.



True learning is about discovering yourself and how you create your life at every level. All mistakes are mistakes of ignorance. Awareness is power, the more you have it, the more power you have over every area of life. Perception is the key to solving all problems. Understanding the problem dissolves the problem.   Awareness is power because awareness gives you choice. Choice is an illusion created by those in control for those who are not. To be in control, you must know. You must understand how things work and know what is going on. You need awareness to make conscious choices.   Awareness is the first step, the second step is change. You should understand what you intend to change and the reasons behind it. Knowledge brings awareness therefore knowledge is power. All of life is a learning experience for you to become all you can be.

Enoch Tan

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Posted by on December 13, 2013 in WISDOM


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You will never fully understand the world of the toxic person.


You can remove anything from your playing field of life in the blink of an eye. You can remove a toxic person instantaneously if you are brave enough to make such a choice. The reason why people find it so difficult to remove or cut things from their world is because they try and understand the world of the toxic person. You will never fully understand the world of the toxic person. The less informed thinks that he could make a difference in the world of a toxic person. Any change that you make in the world of the toxic person will soon again be overgrown by the weeds of his own egotistical superciliousness.


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Posted by on October 22, 2013 in WISDOM


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Champions never create or facilitate these failure monsters in their minds.

Are you a WRITER who does not write a PAINTER who does not paint, an ENTREPRENEUR who never starts a venture? Do you feel that SOMETHING prevents you from ACHIEVING your full potential? Then it might be an appropriate moment to take a hard look at how your RESISTENCE arrested your ability to take decisive and sustained action. New Series – No. 15

Failure can only hurt you if you make a conscious choice to view it as a disaster and not a lesson. Once you labelled failure with the “disaster” or “failure” label, it begins to erode your soul. Champions never create or facilitate these failure monsters in their minds. They know that they hold the key to its power in their hands. They never view any failure or mistake as final and irreversible.


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Posted by on May 15, 2013 in WISDOM


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What would the implications be if the depictions of the Gods were wrong and that God never insisted on the endless range of requirements now cast in stone in their Holy Books?

What would the implications be if we discovered that God want or need nothing from nobody? I know some of the readers my experience feelings of anxiety, fear, anger or even panic when they attempt to contemplate what might look like a preposterous statement far removed from the historical “God perceptions” that we grew up with. What would have happened to mankind if they discovered a long time ago that God actually never needed or expected anything from anyone?

Would there have been any meaningful theology?

Would there have been any churches?

Would there have been the endless number of religions and spiritual movements with all their individual dogmas?

Would there have been the ongoing love – fear relationships that many still today experience when they think of the God concept promoted by their church?

Would there have been fear of death, hell and Satan?

Would there have been fear of old age?

Would there have been the religious wars where many millions were killed in the name of various Gods?

Would there have been a Roman Catholic, Christian and a Muslim Movements that boast with billions of followers?

The reason why many of us still insist that God have always had strict requirements is because in some peculiar way it provides us with a sense of worthiness. Some might even reason that they will have to become atheists if they bought into the idea that God needs nothing from nobody.

Churches, clergy, priests, emperors, kings etc. worked themselves into a very powerful and influential position by claiming that they are the earthly representatives of some or other God. They revealed hundreds of laws, rules, regulations and expectations that the God according to their perception of Him insist that must be enforced to make Him happy and assist Him to remain composed and not lose His cool. The prescriptions were always linked to dire warnings that, if ignored or not address to the letter would result in serious punishment in the near future or in some kind of afterlife. These warning included predictions of death, destruction, famine, droughts and hardship. These predictions were initially enough to control their followers and keep them subservient. It later became necessary to turn up the heat regarding God’s expectations and needs. This is where those that thought that they might get away with disobedience to God’s commands (like totally wiping out a so-called pagan nation) discovered that God also have a record keeping system and a court of law in heaven that is waiting for those that failed to fulfil the stipulated requirementswhen when they die . The concept of Hell and everlasting damnation after death tightened the screws of control to a level where most in a sheep like manner remain loyal to the church.

The endless laws, rules and regulations continued to flow from God through so-called inspired individuals until Constantine decided to collate a book (The Bible). All the mystical inspired chats between God and the authors suddenly dried up. Not a single person according to this philosophy have been inspire after this event. God vanished from the stage of life and apparently retreated to his heavenly abode. The clergy however kept churning out endless often self-serving commands by interpreting the historical laws and commandments and in this manner kept the upper hand, power and money flowing.

Stop for a moment and think about the statements that I made above. Let us play for a moment with the idea that God never demanded anything from anyone. What would the implications be if man made Gods for themselves in their own image? What would the implications be if the depictions of the Gods were wrong and that God never insisted on the endless range of requirements now cast in stone in their Holy Books? What if the real God (life force) never meddled with man and allowed each individual to work out his own fate and future on a moment to moment basis with the choices he or she make? What if God gave man free will to make any choice and never metered out any punishment, but like a good parent allows His now physically mature children to learn via their own mistakes? Do not reject this option. Think about it for a moment and you will discover that a million and one things that might have bothered you about your current God concept now suddenly fall into place.



Nietzsche – An 19th century philosopher and writer, his name is pronounced like Knee – Chug, but drop the G at the end of Chug. If you don’t say it this way, any philosophy major within a hundred yards will instantly correct you. Kneechu is best known for critiques of religion (“God is Dead”) and the philosophy of existentialism. Heavy, controversial, and hotly debated still. Be careful to avoid getting into an argument about Nietzsche, and just remember: “I just find his ideas to be thought-provoking.”

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Posted by on April 23, 2013 in WISDOM


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Failure can only hurt you if you make a conscious choice to view it as a disaster and not a lesson.



Failure can only hurt you if you make a conscious choice to view it as a disaster and not a lesson. Once you labelled failure with the “disaster” or “failure” label, it begins to erode your soul. Champions never create or facilitate these failure monsters in their minds. They know that they hold the key to its power in their hands. They never view any failure or mistake as final and irreversible.




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Posted by on March 15, 2013 in WISDOM


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Why Do People Get Married? – Don’t rush into something that will cause you more pain and heartache down the road.


Why Do People Get Married? This question can be answered with a million different answers depending on your upbringing, your outlook on life to your own personal experiences. Yes we can state the obvious reasons why people get married:

  • That you love this person and you want to spend the rest of your life with them

  • Society tells us it’s the right thing to do

  • Trying to Please our parents

  • Wanting to settle down and start a family

  • Fear of being alone

  • Financial security – someone to take care of you or someone to share the bills with

I would say that these are the most common reasons why people decide to tie the knot. If we dig deeper we can see that most people jump into marriage way to quickly or just do it for the wrong reasons, which eventually end up in separation or divorce.

I personally have several friends who have done this, got married to quickly or for the wrong reasons, and are now either separated or divorced. When I say the wrong reasons, I don’t mean that they were forced into getting married with a gun pointed to their head and said “I Do” because they really didn’t want to. What I’m trying to say is their were too many negative external factors that outweighed the actual benefits of getting married. Thinking that all their problems would solve itself on its own or they could just sweep it under the rug and forget all about them and they would go away on its own. Don’t get me wrong, Marriage is a wonderful and sacred gift. But it’s a Gift that you can’t return. When you make the choice to spend the rest of your life with someone – You need to make sure that “This is Really What YOU Want” If there’s even a little bit of uncertainty or any reason why you think you shouldn’t get married or you have access baggage that needs to be dealt with, then don’t do it. Don’t rush into something that will cause you more pain and heartache down the road.

Read more at the link below


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Posted by on February 2, 2013 in WISDOM


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What happens to you is not as important as how you respond to a situation.



Every decision or choice you make and action you take, gives you the opportunity to create yourself and to discover whom you really are. On occasion, we are all submitted to adversity, disappointments and setbacks. What happens to you is not as important as how you respond to the situation. How you respond to a situation determines who you are going to become. It is through hardship and suffering that we grow, create and ‘re-member’ who we are. Suffering and pain enable us to develop certain virtues that lead to self-mastery. God did not invent suffering and it is not His intention to punish us. Suffering or hardship is not a curse and it does not indicate that you are an evil person. Those who ignore and contradict the Universal Laws are more likely to experience suffering. Suffering occurs when we suppress negative emotions and harbour grudges, resentment, anger or hatred.

“There is nothing wrong with God’s creation. Misery and suffering only exist in the mind.” Sri Ramana Maharshi

It is important to make wise choices and to live in harmony with nature and the people in your immediate environment. There is grace in living in harmony with the Universal Laws. Discovering your authentic self and ‘re-membering’ who you really are, will enable you to live according to Universal Truths and to eventually overcome suffering. Suffering serves a purpose; it builds character and accumulates inner strength and wisdom. Most of the great Masters endured suffering, but they succeeded in transcending their emotional and physical pain. They disciplined their minds and this enabled them to transcend any form of suffering. They developed their divinity within, which is pure love and this led them on the path to eternal joy and inner peace. The Great Masters did not have material wealth, but they had emotional and spiritual health and ‘wellth’.


When faced with an adverse situation, it is important to figure out what you can learn from the situation. The moment you find something or somebody to blame for your suffering, you do not take responsibility for the situation and you disempower yourself. Putting the blame elsewhere deprives you of an opportunity to learn from the situation. The Divine knows what you need and what you need to learn. If you are not going to learn the lesson, it may take the universe several years to orchestrate a similar experience. Trust in the Divine and know that there is a higher purpose. The perpetrator was merely the instrument and in every adverse situation, there is the possibility of healing, a gift, the promise of growth and grace. Search for the advantages, benefits, lessons or gifts in adverse situations, forgive and move on with your life. There is nobility in losing, as long as you do not lose the lesson.

“I believe that all suffering is caused by ignorance.” – The Dalai Lama

Pain and suffering in relationships, often result from wanting to use relationships for your own purposes and needs. If you want to define the relationship in a certain way or change the other person, you will encounter resistance. If you enslave a person, you will be enslaved, but if you free someone, you will be freed. The need to enchain or change a person means that you need to look within and identify your emotional wounds that are responsible for your inappropriate behaviour. The need to change a person indicates conditional acceptance. It may also indicate that you should rather not develop a close relationship with that person. Imposing your needs on another person means that you do not truly accept and love that person, because love is not conditional and prescriptive. Love provides others with a safe place to be themselves and allows them the latitude to be imperfect and to make mistakes.

Susan Minnaar



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Posted by on December 13, 2012 in WISDOM


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The Medicine Wheel – The wheel is a tool for self-discovery.



The wheel is a tool for self-discovery. Explore the following list of questions and place your answers on the wheel to discover which direction is your home, the direction you feel closest to. Place a symbol of your choice in the corresponding direction each time you answer yes to one of the questions.


1. Are you a logical person?
2. Are you mentally disciplined?
3. Do you question “why” before acting on someone else’s decision?
4. Do you question authority?
5. Do you enjoy shaking up existing structures?


1. Do you have a sense of oneness with all life?
2. Do you have a personal experience of your relationship to God or Spirit?
3. Are you aware of moments of inspiration?
4. Do you sense shifts in the energy around you?
5. Do you feel drawn to the mysteries of life?


1. Do you have a regular exercise routine?
2. Do you enjoy physical work and using your body?
3. Do you enjoy dancing?
4. Do you like to garden?
5. Do you like your body?.

West – Emotional

1. Are you an emotional person?
2. Are you comfortable expressing your emotions?
3. Do your emotions get you into trouble?
4. Do you remember your dreams?
5. Do you welcome change?

Now look back at your wheel. Do you find yourself drawn to one direction more than the others? How is the balance with the direction directly opposite? Consider this:

People who relate to the South, love the physical realm and feel strongly connected to Mother Earth. They may also love having stones and crystals around them.

Those drawn to the West , the emotions , are often dreamers both awake and asleep. West people are drawn to water and expansive open spaces with room to contemplate and dream. Dreamers can be incredibly productive when they understand how to manifest their dreams.

North people can be very mental and seem to be without emotion ,trusting their mind and ability to figure things out. They can also move quickly from one thought to the next and may be a challenge to keep up with . They can appear very serious, deep in thought, and in an instant, can turn around and poke fun at anything important and serious.

In the East we find the trickster and the wise one often in the same person. East people often have the ability to see energy in and around people and objects. They sense their own spiritual strength and connection.

The following journal exercises are a wonderful way to explore more fully the aspects touched on in the previous exercise.

Journal Exercises -Anodea Judith/Selene Vega The Sevenfold Journey

We begin with an examination of where you are right now. Make it more of a scientific survey, than a judgement of your faults and virtues.


What is your basic form of spirituality?If you don’t have any form of spirituality in your life, do you feel a lack or are you content? Do you think of spirituality as a waste of time?

Is your form of spirituality inherited (i.e. your parents religion) or self-chosen? If self-chosen , what events led to this choosing?

How satisfied are you with the spiritual aspect of your life?

What portion of your life is spent in the practice of your spirituality? Would you like this to be more or less?

What goals would you like to set for yourself spiritually, if any? Is there spiritual programming from a childhood religion that you would like to recover or remove?


What portion of your life is spent in mental activities(reading, writing, thinking, reasoning, solving problems, daydreaming)? Would you like it to be more or less?

How mentally stimulating is your work? Your friendships? Your home life?

How many books do you read in a month? How many hours of TV or other entertainment?

Are you satisfied and confident with your mental abilities?

Are you satisfied with your level of education?

What is your favorite mental activity and what do you get out of it?


Over the course of a month , what emotional states do you spend the most time in (depression, elation, fear joy etc.)?

How emotionally fulfilling do you find your life, your relationships, your work?

what goals would you choose for yourself emotionally (i.e. to feel more confidant, less angry, more patient)?


Take time now to feel your body. Where is it chronically tense, numb, painful? Where does it feel good, full of energy and life, or pleasure?

Go into yourself deeply, exploring without judgement. Write down the places in your body that comes to your attention and what you feel there-both the good and the bad.

As a whole , how do you feel about your body? Do you pay attention to it?

Are you happy with the way it feels and behaves? Is it pleasurable to be in your body?

Does your body feel like excess baggage you have to carry around? Do you have chronic pain , or addictive disorders?

How much time in each week do you give to your body (working out, getting a massage, going for a walk, making love etc.)?

What are you goals for your body (teeth fixed, new clothes, weight loss or gain etc)?

The medicine wheel is a tool you can use whenever you have a question about your life.

Look at the problem from all four directions to find an answer that brings balance to your life.

Read more at the link below


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Posted by on October 2, 2012 in WISDOM


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What do I want, what price am I willing to pay. – We do what we do by choice. It is important to know that we always have choice – ALWAYS!


There are times when I stop what I am doing in my business and ask myself the reasons why I am doing this. I am sure that it seemed like a good idea at the time! Working late at night, no guaranteed monthly income, concerns about cash flow, BAS Statements, my wife asking when I will finish in the office and spend time with her – Why am I doing this again?

That’s right, I remember now. I have no limit on the amount of money I can earn, I get to work with fabulous people, I have a lot of flexibility in my working hours so I can participate in family activities, I have tax advantages running my own business and many other reasons too.

Basically, I chose to run my own business because the benefits outweigh the costs. By the way, the costs are not just financial. There are time costs, worry costs, opportunity costs and many others to consider. The thing with the costs is that there are usually costs you are not aware of when you first start out – that’s ok though because there are surprise benefits too!

We do what we do by choice. It is important to know that we always have choice – ALWAYS! Now some of you may be thinking, “But I don’t have choice about paying tax – I have to pay tax.” The reality is you don’t have to pay tax. I have a guaranteed way to never pay tax again. Are you ready for it? It is very simple. Don’t earn any money!! Tax is the cost of success. Personally, I look forward to having a MASSIVE tax problem.

So we always have choice. Well… maybe not quite always. Those times when things happen that we have no choice over, we get to choose our attitude. Maybe you had massive sales and your business was going well, but you didn’t win the local Achiever Business of the Year award that you wanted – if you have done all you can, you get to choose your attitude and your focus on this situation. How could you learn from this situation?

So the reality is you always have choice. With every choice comes a cost.

In the previous example, let’s say you did win Business of the Year award. One of the costs will be that the local newspaper will want to run a profile on you, people may call you and want an hour of your time to find out how they can be successful like you, maybe other businesses will start calling you to sell you their product or service because you are so successful. So there is a cost to winning this as well as a cost if you don’t.

I always try and consider the costs of what I want. It then becomes a very simple process.

What do I want, what price am I willing to pay and then I pay the price and move forward.

So for you, what do you want and what price will you pay? Now go for it!


By: Warwick Merry


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Posted by on September 28, 2012 in WISDOM


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LIFE IS LIKE ART – IT IS ALL ABOUT INTERPRETATION: The moment anything happens to you, you interpret a meaning for it. The conclusion that governs your perception, your thinking, your faith, your choices, your feelings, your behaviour, everything! When an event occurs it is your interpretation that decides how you are going to react and respond to such event. Shakespeare wrote, “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

  • They broke into your house and you put a dent into your vehicle in the same week – interpretation – God does not care about me anymore. It is Satan that is at work here or God that is testing my faith.

  • Your boss ignored you during a meeting – interpretation – He hates me and will soon try and replace me with an affirmative action appointment. He found out that I left earlier to attend to my sick child.

  • When your lover fails to return your calls – Interpretation – Your romance is cooling down. He or she must be having an affair.

  • A friend is acting out of character – interpretation – He or she found a better friend. He or she is just like previous friends and cannot be relied on.

  • A stain on your shirt or dress – interpretation – I am going to be embarrassed and make a fool of myself. I am going to lose this deal that I have been working on for months now because the customer will think that I am a pig.


Your ego is an avid interpreter. It is quick to interpret events as “good” or “bad”, “right” or “wrong”. This is particularly so during crisis when judgement, fear, anxiety and panic blocks your ability to perceive things in its real perspective.

Your fear driven ego interprets events as wrong and bad and triggers you to take evasive or panic filled action. It is never the event that causes the major damage, but what you do, say or how you respond that decides the outcome of such event. While you interpret things through your emotion filled ego you will always respond with panic and pain reactions.

If you study the above examples you will discover that the ego jumped to the most negative interpretation immediately. Not one of the interpretations may have been accurate, but because of your perception that they are accurate you acted accordingly.

If your ego interpreted the break in at your house and the dent in your vehicle as an attack from Satan you will react in a negative and fear filled manner. You will do soul searching, feel like a sinner and pray for forgiveness while the fact of the matter is that the two setbacks was nothing more than just a coincidence.

The stain on your dress or shirt can cause you a lot of discomfort or you make nothing of the stain and get on with you life. If we could only learn that we always have a choice how we are going to react and respond to things that we are confronted with our life will change overnight. We can see everything as a disaster and take it personal or accept that life will often put obstacles in our way that makes it just more interesting.

I am sure that most of us have been faced with situations that seemed so daunting and danger filled only to find out later that it was nothing more than a storm in a teacup. Our interpretation decides our happiness, success levels and our overall way that we manage our lives.

When you are faced with a problem or difficult situation you need to do the following. (1) Do not jump to conclusions. (2) Suspend all judgement and turn off your ego with its fear filled interpretations. (3) Gather information and ask questions until you have all the facts. (4) Do not do the first thing that comes to mind. With your ego out of the way take the most appropriate action or decide to not take any action until you really know what is going on. (5) Allow you inner self (not your ego) to guide, help and inspire you.

You are a person that is covered with “hot buttons”. These hot buttons are the ego buttons that trigger your actions and reactions when your ego “thinks” that you are faced with potential “danger”. Each button represents something that happened in the past that caused you discomfort, embarrassment or pain.

If you continue to allow these buttons to activate automatically you will never break the pain, fear and discomfort cycle that you developed since early childhood. You can modify you reactions to perceived danger when you decide to suspend judgement, panic and fear until you know what is really going on.

Only when you stop viewing things through your ego filter will any meaningful change come into your life. When you view obstacles in its true perspective you begin to act and react in a mature and adult manner. Remember it is not the actual event, what is said or how a person acted that is causing the problem, but your interpretation that decides how you are going to react and respond. When you adopt this “judgement” suspension style you give your life a whole new meaning.



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Posted by on September 19, 2012 in WISDOM


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“Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.”

Attitude quotes

“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.” Jim Rohn 

“Live with passion.” Anthony Robbins 

“A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.” Chinese Proverb

“Whether zeal or moderation be the point we aim at, let us keep the fire out of the one, and the frost out of the other.”Joseph Addison

“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” Herm Albright

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect it’s successful outcome.”–William James


“I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” Martha Washington

“To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.” Muhammad Ali

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” Lou Holtz

“The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.” Winston Churchill

“Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.” Tom Blandi

“Positive thinking won’t let you do anything but it will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” Zig Ziglar

“Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.” Thomas Dewar

“A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change.” Earl Nightingale

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”William James

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Posted by on June 15, 2012 in WISDOM


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You must be brave and actually lift your backside off the chair and make a choice.



If there is one thing that I learned that I would be forever grateful for it is that it is a total waste of time and very destructive to get stuck in the negative now. We often spend so much time focused on the pain that we are experiencing currently that we totally forget what we really need or want. If we feel depressed, lost or defeated we tend to experience the appropriate thoughts and feelings. I know people that have been wallowing in self-pity for the best part of their lives. I sometimes feel that there is some perverse joy that they get playing the role of a victim. They walk and talk like victims. They are always busy discussing what could or should have been and how life kicked them in the teeth or lower down. The stories they tell you seem so fresh and current, but on closer inspection you discover that it is events that often happened a lifetime ago.


When you go through a difficult time or when you are confronted with a problem it is logical to feel the impact of what is happening to you. You are not superman or made of steel. You will obviously feel the implications of the setbacks you experience in life.

If you currently feel defeated, letdown, judged, depressed or worried you will never be able to wish these feeling away. You know what you are experiencing or feeling right now and also what it would feel like once this problem or obstacle becomes something of the past. The path forward is therefore easy.

What you need to do is to think of things you can do to get from where you are to where you want to be. This is easier said than done for most people. The reason why most setbacks become a major mountain to climb for most people is because they allow the current feelings to control their mind and ability to plan. They spend days, weeks and months in the negative zone in an inactive state crying over the spilled milk. The champions of life decide what they would feel like once the problem is taken care of or when the source of worry is removed and then start doing something about it. Can you detect the difference? The loser remains in one spot and reshuffle the garbage and pain while the champion starts moving forward towards the outcome he wants to achieve. He understands that only if he starts crossing the bridge he gets to the other side. You will never arrive at any destination if you fail to start your journey. You will never finish building a new house if you fail to start laying bricks, one at a time.




Become outcome focused. Make sure that you know what outcome you desire and then actively pursue this desired outcome. Do not continue to focus on what you do not want or need and expect to achieve your desired outcome. Do you want to own the magic key to success and problem solving? I am sure you do. The magic key that makes all your dreams come true and problems go away is to take action. Only when you decide to take your first bold step toward your hoped for outcome will your life start moving forward again.

You must be brave and actually lift your backside off the chair and make a choice. You either are going to do something about whatever is troubling you or you are going to remain non-committal and stay where you are. Nobody will push that “go” button for you. I do not care how hopeless things might seem right now. Nothing is going to change or get better until you actually make a choice to do something about it. No major earth shattering steps are needed. Just make a start and move towards your desire outcome and things will begin to fall in place in a magical manner. Indecisiveness will glue you to your current miserable circumstances. Take no action and you will remain in the current pain filled zone indefinite. Start doing something, any thing or your status will remain the same or get worse.





The above picture reminds me of the farmer that advertised for a life partner in a local magazine and asked the ladies that responded to send a picture …….. of the tractor that they own!

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Posted by on June 2, 2012 in WISDOM


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The truth is no matter what we do, reality is what it is and we don’t have a choice. It’s not in our control. It is what it is. Life is what it is. One day it rains and the next day the sun shines.




The truth is no matter what we do, reality is what it is and we don’t have a choice. It’s not in our control. It is what it is. Life is what it is. One day it rains and the next day the sun shines. Do you have any control over that? You are breathing and your heart is beating, do you have any control over that? Events and people appear before us and then they go away. Do you have control over that? Parents, partners, children, friends all come and go and things happen and life moves along quite on its own—do you have any control over that? And there you are, with this particular body, doing all the stuff you do until the body gets sick or breaks down, or gets old and the breathing stops and the heart stops beating. And that too is the way of it.


So what does any of this have to do with your expectations? Sometimes life delivers what you think you want and need, and sometimes it doesn’t. But if you really watch what is going on, it becomes pretty obvious pretty fast that you’re not the boss. No matter how hard you try, life does what it does and you’re not in control. And it doesn’t matter how fit you are or how much money you have in the bank, reality is what it is and you’re still not the boss.


That is the way of it.


And as for partners, it’s the same. Sometimes we have nice partners and friends and sometimes we don’t. And when it comes to money, well sometimes we have money in the bank and sometimes we don’t. And that too is the way of it. Just look around you and you will see that this is true for everybody. There are no exceptions to reality. No exceptions.


So obviously, obviously—believing that you need a partner, health, money in the bank to be happy is not the way to happiness! Why? Because when you base your happiness on these things—on these impossible expectations—you are fighting reality. You are asking for the impossible. You are expecting reality to deliver what you want and chances are that’s not going to happen—ever. So this way of thinking, the way we’ve been brought up to think, everything we’ve been programmed to believe is in fact the direct route to hell. And I repeat—the direct route to hell and not to happiness. Why? Because life is what it is. Reality is what it is. We’re not running the show and we don’t have a say in the matter. This moment—the real—is what it is. And that’s final. It’s done.


But again please don’t misunderstand me here. When I say that reality, this moment, is what it is, I don’t mean you shouldn’t live sanely and work for change or work to create a better world. I don’t mean you can’t do everything in your power to live a good, sensible, kind life. I don’t mean you shouldn’t develop your wisdom and understand the law of cause and effect and how it operates in your daily life. No I’m not talking about that. What I am talking about is the fundamental nature of our experience of living this physical existence with these bodies. I’m not talking about all the wise and practical steps you can take to live sensibly in this world with these physical bodies or the many wonderful things you can do to help your fellow men and women. What I am talking here about is our unrealistic expectations to this thing we call life and how these unrealistic expectations lead us straight to hell. So it’s better to wake up to reality and understand the nature of this thing we call life, because when we understand this, we can live happy lives. It is possible. And this is the good news.


In fact, this is very good news.


Why? Because when you look deeply into the nature of this thing called life and begin to understand what life is and the way the mind works, you will come to realize that in fact your happiness does not depend on any outside circumstances, events or people. This is the core realization. This is the heart of this understanding. When things begin to fall apart and then you begin to see what’s really going on, you will discover that the happiness you seek is an internal event, an internal experience. And that this internal experience has nothing to do with all the things you were programmed to believe your happiness depended on! And this is why I say this is the good news… because it means you’re free! You are free! Your happiness doesn’t depend on anyone or anything… It’s up to you. And there is something you can do about it!


Barbara Berger

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Posted by on April 25, 2012 in WISDOM


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Never view any failure or mistake as final and irreversible

Failure can only hurt you if you make a conscious choice to view it as a disaster and not a lesson. Once you labelled failure with the “disaster” or “failure” label, it begins to erode your soul. Champions never create or facilitate these failure monsters in their minds. They know that they hold the key to its power in their hands. They never view any failure or mistake as final and irreversible.




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Posted by on March 23, 2012 in WISDOM


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You will never fully understand the world of the toxic person.



You can remove anything from your playing field of life in the blink of an eye. You can remove a toxic person instantaneously if you are brave enough to make such a choice. The reason why people find it so difficult to remove or cut things from their world is because they try and understand the world of the toxic person. You will never fully understand the world of the toxic person. The less informed thinks that he could make a difference in the world of a toxic person. Any change that you make in the world of the toxic person will soon again be overgrown by the weeds of his own egotistical superciliousness.


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Posted by on March 20, 2012 in WISDOM


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