Tag Archives: free e-book

“Stop Thinking” – FREE 85 Page E-Book






Meditation Mind Map

How to Meditate

Breathing Properly Mind Map

Time to Think Mind Map & Explanation

Dealing with a Negative Thought Mind Map

Use Thinking Don’t Let it Use You

Thinking Outside the Box Mind Map

Brain Functions Mind Map

Why I use Mind Maps

Enhancing Creativity through Thought Reduction

The Gap Mind Map

Stop Thinking Mind Map

Thoughts Mind Map

Taming Your Gremlin Mind Map

Rushing Mind Map

Present Moment Awareness


More about “Stop Thinking and the e-book”



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Posted by on March 16, 2015 in WISDOM


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“Stop Thinking” – FREE 85 Page E-Book








Meditation Mind Map

How to Meditate

Breathing Properly Mind Map

T3 – Time to Think Mind Map & Explanation

Dealing with a Negative Thought Mind Map

Use Thinking Don’t Let it Use You

Thinking Outside the Box Mind Map

Brain Functions Mind Map

Why I use Mind Maps

Enhancing Creativity through Thought Reduction

The Gap Mind Map

Stop Thinking Mind Map

Thoughts Mind Map

Taming Your Gremlin Mind Map

Rushing Mind Map

Present Moment Awareness


More about “Stop Thinking and the e-book”

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Posted by on July 9, 2014 in WISDOM


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The Law of Focus

Read about the important “Law of Focus” and what it means for us in practice:


What you focus your attention on grows

This law teaches us that whatever we focus our attention on grows.


   This is a far-reaching and very empowering discovery. It means we energize whatever we focus our attention on. Our attention “brings to life” out of the vast field of infinite energy or pure potentiality whatever we focus on. This has now been confirmed by Quantum mechanics which has proven that observation by a conscious observer is responsible for the collapse of the wave function (Heisenberg principle) into actual particles in the field of potentiality. In other words, the waves of energy or potential that make up the field of reality that we live and move and breathe in become actual time-space events when they are observed. This is how phenomenon pops out of the field when we focus our attention on it.


The power of attention

Attention, it seems, is the magic wand of creation—at least when it comes to your experiences and mine! So let me ask you—how are you using your power of attention? How are you using this, amazing ability, this priceless gift?

   Are you focusing on difficulties, lack, and illness or are you focusing on all the blessings in your life right now? What exactly are you doing? If you want to live a happy live, it’s important to take the time to take a good look at exactly what you are doing. Ask yourself—what is the general tone of your thinking? Is it a prayerful song of gratitude from morning to evening for the blessings of life—or is it one long complaint? And what is your experience? If you look carefully (and are honest) you will see that your experience is a perfect reflection of your focus. Always! And again this is because thought is cause and experience is effect. So when we look at the power of our thinking in terms of what we focus on, we see it is all about learning to use the power of our attention wisely. This is an extremely important key when it comes to understanding why our lives are like they are. And it’s also extremely empowering because we can learn to consciously direct the power of our focus.

   So let’s look more closely at this phenomenon.


Focusing on this moment

Here’s a big one. What is the general drift or tendency of your mental life? Do you spend a lot of time dwelling on the past? Or are you one of those people who is always worrying about the future? And does the thought of the future give you anxiety and sleepless nights? So much so that you fail to actually notice this moment?

   Or do you actually notice this moment? Are you mindful enough to actually be able to focus enough on what is happening right now? Are you able to actually experience and enjoy this moment? It’s embarrassing but the honest truth is that most of us have a pretty hard time doing this. Most of us spend most of our lives somewhere else (at least in thought)!

   And frankly, you might not even be conscious of what you are doing. And if you’re not conscious of what you are doing, you might not be aware of the fact that you actually have a choice! You might not realize that you can actually choose what you focus your attention on. But of course to do this, you must first notice what you’re actually doing. So you have to start by watching yourself for a while so you become aware of the general drift or tendency of your daily thinking. Once you become aware of this, you can begin to exercise the power of choice and begin to consciously choose what you focus your attention on.

   And yes, it sounds simple, but it’s not always easy to do—especially in the beginning. And no, there’s isn’t any magic wand or secret formula that makes this happen all at once and forever. Rather learning to focus the power of your attention is a lifelong project.

   But don’t despair! Just the fact that you are becoming aware of your thoughts and how you are using the power of focus is a great step forward. Especially if you can see that you are using the power of your attention in a negative way. This awareness means you are beginning to understand the way the mind works and that you are more and more able to see the cause and effect relationship between your thoughts and your experiences. This is crucial if you want to become the master of your focus.

   It’s also important to realize that choosing our focus is our only freedom. This is where we exercise our free will. So keep noticing what you are doing and keep practicing. Make up your mind to focus on the Highest and Best you can conceive of. And do it again. And again! This is the magic and joy of life. This is the great adventure. So enjoy your adventure and enjoy learning. Amazing things will happen as you become better and better at focusing on the wonder of this moment!


Focus and health

What is your focus when it comes to your health? This is a very interesting and challenging question for most of us. When you’re not feeling well, do you focus on every ache and pain—or do you focus on the wonderful strength and healing power of your body and of Life itself? You can see this is a most important question and crucial choice, especially when we know that whatever we focus our attention on grows.

   According to the law of focus, if we feel weak and then focus our attention on feeling weak, we will feel even weaker. Because whatever we focus our attention on grows. And if that is the case, then the reverse must also be true. If we focus on strength—on whatever strength we do have—we will feel stronger. Which means we have an amazing power at our disposal in terms of health and healing—so why not use it?

   When you think about it, it’s quite fascinating to realize that we have this amazing power at our disposal and we’re not using it! How can it be that we’re not using this priceless gift? Obviously because most of us don’t know about the power of focus! We don’t know it exists because nobody taught us how the mind works. So we don’t recognize this power or understand what it is and how to use it. Instead we are walking around in a daze, asleep to our true power.

   But now you are waking up! So claim your true power and think about the law of focus when you’re feeling ill. And use this wonderful power wisely. Watch yourself carefully and see what you are thinking and saying and focusing your attention on. And if you discover that you are sabotaging yourself and your recovery, you can start changing your focus now! It’s never too late.


Focus and challenges

The same holds true for all the many challenges and so-called problems we face in our daily lives. What is the focus of our attention when we face so-called difficulties? Do we focus on the potential in each situation and how everything in life is supporting us or do we focus on the hassle, the inconvenience, and the irritation? When you know about the power of focus, you can see how important your choice is.

   So make up your mind that whatever it is, you are going to grow stronger because of it and evolve into a more magnanimous and compassionate person—and watch yourself turn every situation into a true blessing, for yourself and everyone involved!


It’s your choice

So we see that what we focus our attention on grows. You focus your attention on something/someone/some thought and then you get to experience what you focused on.

   It is also important to remember that the focus of our attention is always our choice—always! We are the choice-makers—always—whether we are conscious of what we are choosing/doing or not.


Click here to download The Mental Laws for free.


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Posted by on May 16, 2014 in WISDOM


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“Stop Thinking” – FREE 85 Page E-Book





Meditation Mind Map

How to Meditate

Breathing Properly Mind Map

T3 – Time to Think Mind Map & Explanation

Dealing with a Negative Thought Mind Map

Use Thinking Don’t Let it Use You

Thinking Outside the Box Mind Map

Brain Functions Mind Map

Why I use Mind Maps

Enhancing Creativity through Thought Reduction

The Gap Mind Map

Stop Thinking Mind Map

Thoughts Mind Map

Taming Your Gremlin Mind Map

Rushing Mind Map

Present Moment Awareness


More about “Stop Thinking

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Posted by on January 18, 2014 in WISDOM


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Five lessons about the way we treat people



Five lessons about the way we treat people

 As entrepreneur (we all are) we need to take the stories to heart.


1. First Important Lesson – Cleaning Lady


During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and breezed through the questions until I read the last one:


“What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”


Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark haired and in her 50′s, but how would I know her name?


I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.


“Absolutely,” said the professor, “In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say ‘hello.’”


I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.



2. Second Important Lesson – Pickup in the rain


One night, at 11:30PM, an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rain storm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.


A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict filled 1960′s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab.


She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man’s door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached.

It read:


“Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband’s bedside just before he passed away … God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others.




Mrs. Nat King Cole”



3. Third Important Lesson – Always remember those who serve


In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10 year old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.


“How much is an ice cream sundae?” he asked


“Fifty cents,” replied the waitress.


The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it.


“Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?” he inquired.


By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient.


“Thirty-five cents” she brusquely replied.


The little boy again counted his coins.


“I’ll have the plain ice cream,” he said.


The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickles and five pennies …


You see, he couldn’t have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.



4. Fourth Important Lesson – The obstacles in our path


In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the the huge rock. Some of the King’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came ny and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.


Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!


Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.



5. Fifth Important Lesson – Giving when it counts …


Many years ago when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5 year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked him if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.


I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, “yes I’ll do it if it will save her.” As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color return to her cheeks.

Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, “will I start to die right away?”


Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor, he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.


Most importantly …


Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody’s watching!

Thank you Simon for this contribution!


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Posted by on January 1, 2014 in WISDOM


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FREE 85 Page E-Book “Stop Thinking”





Meditation Mind Map

How to Meditate

Breathing Properly Mind Map

T3 – Time to Think Mind Map & Explanation

Dealing with a Negative Thought Mind Map

Use Thinking Don’t Let it Use You

Thinking Outside the Box Mind Map

Brain Functions Mind Map

Why I use Mind Maps

Enhancing Creativity through Thought Reduction

The Gap Mind Map

Stop Thinking Mind Map

Thoughts Mind Map

Taming Your Gremlin Mind Map

Rushing Mind Map

Present Moment Awareness


More about “Stop Thinking


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Posted by on December 16, 2013 in WISDOM


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Are you OVER THINKING everything and often end up confused/stressed.




Meditation Mind Map

How to Meditate

Breathing Properly Mind Map

T3 – Time to Think Mind Map & Explanation

Dealing with a Negative Thought Mind Map

Use Thinking Don’t Let it Use You

Thinking Outside the Box Mind Map

Brain Functions Mind Map

Why I use Mind Maps

Enhancing Creativity through Thought Reduction

The Gap Mind Map

Stop Thinking Mind Map

Thoughts Mind Map

Taming Your Gremlin Mind Map

Rushing Mind Map

Present Moment Awareness


More about “Stop Thinking

FREE 85 Page E-Book “Stop Thinking”

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Posted by on November 8, 2013 in WISDOM


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The Law of Focus

Read about the important “Law of Focus” and what it means for us in practice:


What you focus your attention on grows

This law teaches us that whatever we focus our attention on grows.

   This is a far-reaching and very empowering discovery. It means we energize whatever we focus our attention on. Our attention “brings to life” out of the vast field of infinite energy or pure potentiality whatever we focus on. This has now been confirmed by Quantum mechanics which has proven that observation by a conscious observer is responsible for the collapse of the wave function (Heisenberg principle) into actual particles in the field of potentiality. In other words, the waves of energy or potential that make up the field of reality that we live and move and breathe in become actual time-space events when they are observed. This is how phenomenon pops out of the field when we focus our attention on it.


The power of attention

Attention, it seems, is the magic wand of creation—at least when it comes to your experiences and mine! So let me ask you—how are you using your power of attention? How are you using this, amazing ability, this priceless gift?

   Are you focusing on difficulties, lack, and illness or are you focusing on all the blessings in your life right now? What exactly are you doing? If you want to live a happy live, it’s important to take the time to take a good look at exactly what you are doing. Ask yourself—what is the general tone of your thinking? Is it a prayerful song of gratitude from morning to evening for the blessings of life—or is it one long complaint? And what is your experience? If you look carefully (and are honest) you will see that your experience is a perfect reflection of your focus. Always! And again this is because thought is cause and experience is effect. So when we look at the power of our thinking in terms of what we focus on, we see it is all about learning to use the power of our attention wisely. This is an extremely important key when it comes to understanding why our lives are like they are. And it’s also extremely empowering because we can learn to consciously direct the power of our focus.

   So let’s look more closely at this phenomenon.


Focusing on this moment

Here’s a big one. What is the general drift or tendency of your mental life? Do you spend a lot of time dwelling on the past? Or are you one of those people who is always worrying about the future? And does the thought of the future give you anxiety and sleepless nights? So much so that you fail to actually notice this moment?

   Or do you actually notice this moment? Are you mindful enough to actually be able to focus enough on what is happening right now? Are you able to actually experience and enjoy this moment? It’s embarrassing but the honest truth is that most of us have a pretty hard time doing this. Most of us spend most of our lives somewhere else (at least in thought)!

   And frankly, you might not even be conscious of what you are doing. And if you’re not conscious of what you are doing, you might not be aware of the fact that you actually have a choice! You might not realize that you can actually choose what you focus your attention on. But of course to do this, you must first notice what you’re actually doing. So you have to start by watching yourself for a while so you become aware of the general drift or tendency of your daily thinking. Once you become aware of this, you can begin to exercise the power of choice and begin to consciously choose what you focus your attention on.

   And yes, it sounds simple, but it’s not always easy to do—especially in the beginning. And no, there’s isn’t any magic wand or secret formula that makes this happen all at once and forever. Rather learning to focus the power of your attention is a lifelong project.

   But don’t despair! Just the fact that you are becoming aware of your thoughts and how you are using the power of focus is a great step forward. Especially if you can see that you are using the power of your attention in a negative way. This awareness means you are beginning to understand the way the mind works and that you are more and more able to see the cause and effect relationship between your thoughts and your experiences. This is crucial if you want to become the master of your focus.

   It’s also important to realize that choosing our focus is our only freedom. This is where we exercise our free will. So keep noticing what you are doing and keep practicing. Make up your mind to focus on the Highest and Best you can conceive of. And do it again. And again! This is the magic and joy of life. This is the great adventure. So enjoy your adventure and enjoy learning. Amazing things will happen as you become better and better at focusing on the wonder of this moment!


Focus and health

What is your focus when it comes to your health? This is a very interesting and challenging question for most of us. When you’re not feeling well, do you focus on every ache and pain—or do you focus on the wonderful strength and healing power of your body and of Life itself? You can see this is a most important question and crucial choice, especially when we know that whatever we focus our attention on grows.

   According to the law of focus, if we feel weak and then focus our attention on feeling weak, we will feel even weaker. Because whatever we focus our attention on grows. And if that is the case, then the reverse must also be true. If we focus on strength—on whatever strength we do have—we will feel stronger. Which means we have an amazing power at our disposal in terms of health and healing—so why not use it?

   When you think about it, it’s quite fascinating to realize that we have this amazing power at our disposal and we’re not using it! How can it be that we’re not using this priceless gift? Obviously because most of us don’t know about the power of focus! We don’t know it exists because nobody taught us how the mind works. So we don’t recognize this power or understand what it is and how to use it. Instead we are walking around in a daze, asleep to our true power.

   But now you are waking up! So claim your true power and think about the law of focus when you’re feeling ill. And use this wonderful power wisely. Watch yourself carefully and see what you are thinking and saying and focusing your attention on. And if you discover that you are sabotaging yourself and your recovery, you can start changing your focus now! It’s never too late.


Focus and challenges

The same holds true for all the many challenges and so-called problems we face in our daily lives. What is the focus of our attention when we face so-called difficulties? Do we focus on the potential in each situation and how everything in life is supporting us or do we focus on the hassle, the inconvenience, and the irritation? When you know about the power of focus, you can see how important your choice is.

   So make up your mind that whatever it is, you are going to grow stronger because of it and evolve into a more magnanimous and compassionate person—and watch yourself turn every situation into a true blessing, for yourself and everyone involved!


It’s your choice

So we see that what we focus our attention on grows. You focus your attention on something/someone/some thought and then you get to experience what you focused on.

   It is also important to remember that the focus of our attention is always our choice—always! We are the choice-makers—always—whether we are conscious of what we are choosing/doing or not.

Click here to download The Mental Laws for free.


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Posted by on November 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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Four questions that can change your life – FREE! powerful e-book!


“No one can give you freedom but you. This little booklet will show you how.” Byron Katie


Download here


Find Little book on the right hand side of the page, download and change your life. This little book will show you how you can gain insight and wisdom into anything or anyone that is currently causing you pain or discomfort by honestly answering 4 simple questions!



Bryon Katie

I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always.”— Byron Katie

The Work

The Work consists of 4 questions and “Turn-Arounds.”
The 4 Questions:


  • It is true?

  • Can you absolutely know that it is true?

  • How do you react when you believe that thought?

  • Who would you be without that thought?

  • -Turn it Turn it Around.

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Posted by on October 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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FREE E-BOOK – ‘There’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.’




True religion, being the means of reconnecting to a higher power, or true reality, is the very essence of every matrix warrior’s and sorcerer’s purpose. And yet, since matrix warriors know that the only way to reconnect to reality is by first unplugging from the matrix, they may appear to the average humaton to be profoundly anti-religious, even sacrilegious. For humatons, religion is not a means for connecting to the truth but a means of not having to think about it too much. Humaton religion provides answers to ready-made questions, and forbids any questions for which it has no answers. It is that part of the matrix program designed to sublimate and divert the spiritual instinct of humatons, the drive in them to seek higher meaning. By providing a low-grade imitation of this meaning in the various world religions, it serves to placate any humatons undiscerning enough to accept such second-rate explanations. At the same time, it likewise misleads the remainder of humatons, who dismiss the whole question of ‘higher meaning’ on the paltry and rigged evidence of these quasi-religions. New Ageism is the latest and most lacklustre example of this process. When human potential movements began to tap into the power of the will, there was a danger that, through such ideas, the collective would start to awaken, and to reject the program. All the matrix values would be supplanted, by the search for true values within. Since AI depends above all on a consensus belief system by which to enslave humatons, this would spell the end of the matrix. New Age philosophies quickly reduced this danger by once again denigrating the message in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator, thereby stripping it of any truths that might in any way empower humatons, and leaving only the soft, sticky bits, of no real use to anyone.


To the matrix warrior and sorcerer both, belief is belief in the self, and above all in the power of the creative imagination. Matrix sorcerers know that the world is a figment of their own mind and that they are dreaming it all, that they are creating it with their attention. Without this attention, it will all disappear in a flash. They know that all beliefs besides this one belong to the matrix, be they belief in democracy, science, soul, or God Himself. They are all but components of the big lie. Nothing is real save perception. The only ‘God’ matrix sorcerers recognize is in themselves, that is, in their potential to become Lucid and to mould reality as they see fit. Thus, to the sorcerer religion is not a matter of faith but of works. The matrix sorcerer knows that the only way to know God is to become God. Or, as Morpheus puts it to Neo, ‘There’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.’



 EN MATRIX WARRIOR: BEING THE ONE (complete book) 4.2 MB

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Posted by on September 1, 2013 in WISDOM


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FREE 85 Page E-Book “Stop Thinking”




Meditation Mind Map

How to Meditate

Breathing Properly Mind Map

T3 – Time to Think Mind Map & Explanation

Dealing with a Negative Thought Mind Map

Use Thinking Don’t Let it Use You

Thinking Outside the Box Mind Map

Brain Functions Mind Map

Why I use Mind Maps

Enhancing Creativity through Thought Reduction

The Gap Mind Map

Stop Thinking Mind Map

Thoughts Mind Map

Taming Your Gremlin Mind Map

Rushing Mind Map

Present Moment Awareness


More about “Stop Thinking

FREE 85 Page E-Book “Stop Thinking”

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Posted by on August 9, 2013 in WISDOM


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You have a powerful inner voice that is constantly guiding you while at work or play. There are very few mistakes ever made where you did not get fair and ample warning, well in advance that what you are about to do something that could land you in hot water. You know that you must manage your time, but for some inexplicable reason you still waste the best hours of the day on unproductive useless activities. You know that what you are about to say could hurt your child or get you in trouble with your boss or lover, but you still open your cakehole and dump it anyway. You know that the mismanagement of your money will cause financial strain, but you still proceed and buy stuff that you do not really need with “future income” that you still have to earn. You know that smoking is bad for your health, but you still smoke like a chimney and hope for the best. You know that poor eating habits will result in poor health and possible heart attacks, but you still eat everything that is not hammered down.

Your subconscious computer is already loaded with all the powerful guidelines you could ever need. There is no need to buy additional motivational books or attend expensive seminars to add to your already overloaded “rules of living” database. The problem that you are faced with is not a lack of information, but the implementation of what you already know. The problem with most people is laziness and self-deception. Why attend another seminar on time management if you are not even able currently rock up in time for appointments? We know virtually everything there is to know to live a fairly successful and happy life, but remain unsuccessful because we are too stubborn or lazy to implement what we already know.



Let us from today onward listen to our inner voices. Let us do what we know is the right thing to do. Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already have.

We are our own worst enemies. We will rather pay some kind of guru a fortune to tell us things that we already know than implement simple, logical principles. This “wise man” may use different examples and label the principles in a different manner, but the basics are usually the same. This clever man just gave it a new jacket and called it something else to avoid being sued by a guru that in turn stole the principles from someone else.

When you take the Ten Commandments in the Bible you soon discover that these ten laws are simple to understand and should be easy to implement. We all know that virtually no man in history could stick to these laws for any extensive period of time.


Drop your unwillingness to implement what you already know and improve you hit rate substantially and instantaneously. Stop piling on more and more laws and start implementing the ones you already know. You are already qualified and ready to make a success of life. The key is implementation and not procrastination. The winners in life are do the things they know need to be done and do not hang around seminars, gurus or self-help bookshops





True religion, being the means of reconnecting to a higher power, or true reality, is the very essence of every matrix warrior’s and sorcerer’s purpose. And yet, since matrix warriors know that the only way to reconnect to reality is by first unplugging from the matrix, they may appear to the average humaton to be profoundly anti-religious, even sacrilegious. For humatons, religion is not a means for connecting to the truth but a means of not having to think about it too much. Humaton religion provides answers to ready-made questions, and forbids any questions for which it has no answers. It is that part of the matrix program designed to sublimate and divert the spiritual instinct of humatons, the drive in them to seek higher meaning. By providing a low-grade imitation of this meaning in the various world religions, it serves to placate any humatons undiscerning enough to accept such second-rate explanations. At the same time, it likewise misleads the remainder of humatons, who dismiss the whole question of ‘higher meaning’ on the paltry and rigged evidence of these quasi-religions. New Ageism is the latest and most lacklustre example of this process. When human potential movements began to tap into the power of the will, there was a danger that, through such ideas, the collective would start to awaken, and to reject the program. All the matrix values would be supplanted, by the search for true values within. Since AI depends above all on a consensus belief system by which to enslave humatons, this would spell the end of the matrix. New Age philosophies quickly reduced this danger by once again denigrating the message in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator, thereby stripping it of any truths that might in any way empower humatons, and leaving only the soft, sticky bits, of no real use to anyone.

To the matrix warrior and sorcerer both, belief is belief in the self, and above all in the power of the creative imagination. Matrix sorcerers know that the world is a figment of their own mind and that they are dreaming it all, that they are creating it with their attention. Without this attention, it will all disappear in a flash. They know that all beliefs besides this one belong to the matrix, be they belief in democracy, science, soul, or God Himself. They are all but components of the big lie. Nothing is real save perception. The only ‘God’ matrix sorcerers recognize is in themselves, that is, in their potential to become Lucid and to mould reality as they see fit. Thus, to the sorcerer religion is not a matter of faith but of works. The matrix sorcerer knows that the only way to know God is to become God. Or, as Morpheus puts it to Neo, ‘There’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.’


 EN MATRIX WARRIOR: BEING THE ONE (complete book) 4.2 MB

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Posted by on December 25, 2012 in WISDOM


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 EN MATRIX WARRIOR: BEING THE ONE (complete book) 4.2 MB
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Posted by on November 24, 2012 in WISDOM


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Free eBook — 40 Sleep Hacks: The Geek’s Guide to Optimizing Sleep


Free eBook — 40 Sleep Hacks: The Geek’s Guide to Optimizing Sleep



Here’s a great free e-book if you are suffering from any type of sleep problems (or just interested in the psychology of sleep). This book has 40 interesting tips and tricks to help you get a better night’s sleep, including everything from how and when to nap, what to eat, where to sleep, and even what time to go to sleep and wake up for an optimal rest.

Other topics include the psychology of sleep and research into lucid dreaming, meditation and reviews of various technological gadgets which may help you in your quest for a proper night’s sleep. Just right-click on the book image or on the link below to download the book to your computer.

Download this Free eBook here…

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Posted by on November 15, 2012 in WISDOM


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Think and Grow Rich – FREE – e-book


There is a growing concern among many younger people today that they do not have the skills to approach life and be successful. These young adults seem to suffer collectively from a lack of self-esteem. We have to ask why a whole generation seems to be afraid of their own future. We need to understand that a lack of self-esteem is easily corrected by those who desire to; there is a simple and effective cure for low self-esteem.

the book Think and Grow Rich there is a simple and effective method of achieving your desires, and the author Napoleon Hill named it “autosuggestion” since until that time it had not been named. Today some of us will recognize the technique as something different but the principle remains the same and it works. Using autosuggestion will indeed cause you to find self-esteem and self-confidence, and once you master this technique there is no limit to what you can be or do.

Briefly, there are three parts to your mind, the conscious which uses the senses to interpret information, to control the satisfaction of basic needs, and to think. Then there is the unconscious mind that controls the automatic functions such as blood flow and breathing. Lastly, there is the subconscious mind that is the controller of habits, beliefs, and behavior as well as the connection to the universal mind. The universal mind, also known as the higher power, is the provider of all things, it will give you everything you ask for, and the subconscious mind is what does the asking. It is the subconscious mind that can and does control your destiny, and it is the job of the conscious mind to direct the subconscious, yet here is where most of us fail.

However, we can teach our subconscious to behave differently through the process called autosuggestion. With simple actions taken by our conscious mind, we can program our subconscious to believe anything. Realize that it is what the subconscious believes that brings into our lives those physical things that correspond with those beliefs. Through years of programming we have been taught, and have directed our subconscious to believe that we are limited. Some of us were taught that life is hard and you don’t always get what you want, others were taught that you are disadvantaged for some reason and so would never achieve greatness or success. These beliefs were accepted by the subconscious and so it communicates with the universal and it provides what you believe and so you remain in poverty, working to just barely get by, as you “know” life is hard.

Here is where you have to change what your subconscious believes. You have to correct your way of thinking, and it is remarkably easy with autosuggestion. In the book Think and Grow Rich there is a simple and effective method listed, and for brevity sake, it will be paraphrased here. First, determine what exactly it is that you desire, you must be specific and detailed. The book Think and Grow Rich gives you many reasons why, but we are being brief for this article. Secondly, you must write it down on paper, do not skimp on details and do not be afraid of expending ink. Third, promise yourself that you will read it out-loud every day, and then do so. Fourth, think about what you have written, at first do so with every meal, then as it will become a habit and you may think about your paper and its content even more frequently. Fifth, act upon what you have written, any action will do as long as it is relevant to your desire.

You will see results after only a week, you will feel the effects after only two days, this will work amazingly quickly for your benefit, and it is so easy you will wonder why you haven’t been doing this your whole life. Do not get angry for not having been shown this technique before, just understand that the universal provides to you what you desire only when you are ready to receive it, and until now, you were simply not ready. Now you are, you have found this information and it is time to use it.

Be Blessed

By: Ralston Heath

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Posted by on October 20, 2012 in WISDOM


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The Law of Focus

Read about the important “Law of Focus” and what it means for us in practice:


What you focus your attention on grows

This law teaches us that whatever we focus our attention on grows.

   This is a far-reaching and very empowering discovery. It means we energize whatever we focus our attention on. Our attention “brings to life” out of the vast field of infinite energy or pure potentiality whatever we focus on. This has now been confirmed by Quantum mechanics which has proven that observation by a conscious observer is responsible for the collapse of the wave function (Heisenberg principle) into actual particles in the field of potentiality. In other words, the waves of energy or potential that make up the field of reality that we live and move and breathe in become actual time-space events when they are observed. This is how phenomenon pops out of the field when we focus our attention on it.

The power of attention

Attention, it seems, is the magic wand of creation—at least when it comes to your experiences and mine! So let me ask you—how are you using your power of attention? How are you using this, amazing ability, this priceless gift?

   Are you focusing on difficulties, lack, and illness or are you focusing on all the blessings in your life right now? What exactly are you doing? If you want to live a happy live, it’s important to take the time to take a good look at exactly what you are doing. Ask yourself—what is the general tone of your thinking? Is it a prayerful song of gratitude from morning to evening for the blessings of life—or is it one long complaint? And what is your experience? If you look carefully (and are honest) you will see that your experience is a perfect reflection of your focus. Always! And again this is because thought is cause and experience is effect. So when we look at the power of our thinking in terms of what we focus on, we see it is all about learning to use the power of our attention wisely. This is an extremely important key when it comes to understanding why our lives are like they are. And it’s also extremely empowering because we can learn to consciously direct the power of our focus.

   So let’s look more closely at this phenomenon.

Focusing on this moment

Here’s a big one. What is the general drift or tendency of your mental life? Do you spend a lot of time dwelling on the past? Or are you one of those people who is always worrying about the future? And does the thought of the future give you anxiety and sleepless nights? So much so that you fail to actually notice this moment?

   Or do you actually notice this moment? Are you mindful enough to actually be able to focus enough on what is happening right now? Are you able to actually experience and enjoy this moment? It’s embarrassing but the honest truth is that most of us have a pretty hard time doing this. Most of us spend most of our lives somewhere else (at least in thought)!

   And frankly, you might not even be conscious of what you are doing. And if you’re not conscious of what you are doing, you might not be aware of the fact that you actually have a choice! You might not realize that you can actually choose what you focus your attention on. But of course to do this, you must first notice what you’re actually doing. So you have to start by watching yourself for a while so you become aware of the general drift or tendency of your daily thinking. Once you become aware of this, you can begin to exercise the power of choice and begin to consciously choose what you focus your attention on.

   And yes, it sounds simple, but it’s not always easy to do—especially in the beginning. And no, there’s isn’t any magic wand or secret formula that makes this happen all at once and forever. Rather learning to focus the power of your attention is a lifelong project.

   But don’t despair! Just the fact that you are becoming aware of your thoughts and how you are using the power of focus is a great step forward. Especially if you can see that you are using the power of your attention in a negative way. This awareness means you are beginning to understand the way the mind works and that you are more and more able to see the cause and effect relationship between your thoughts and your experiences. This is crucial if you want to become the master of your focus.

   It’s also important to realize that choosing our focus is our only freedom. This is where we exercise our free will. So keep noticing what you are doing and keep practicing. Make up your mind to focus on the Highest and Best you can conceive of. And do it again. And again! This is the magic and joy of life. This is the great adventure. So enjoy your adventure and enjoy learning. Amazing things will happen as you become better and better at focusing on the wonder of this moment!

Focus and health

What is your focus when it comes to your health? This is a very interesting and challenging question for most of us. When you’re not feeling well, do you focus on every ache and pain—or do you focus on the wonderful strength and healing power of your body and of Life itself? You can see this is a most important question and crucial choice, especially when we know that whatever we focus our attention on grows.

   According to the law of focus, if we feel weak and then focus our attention on feeling weak, we will feel even weaker. Because whatever we focus our attention on grows. And if that is the case, then the reverse must also be true. If we focus on strength—on whatever strength we do have—we will feel stronger. Which means we have an amazing power at our disposal in terms of health and healing—so why not use it?

   When you think about it, it’s quite fascinating to realize that we have this amazing power at our disposal and we’re not using it! How can it be that we’re not using this priceless gift? Obviously because most of us don’t know about the power of focus! We don’t know it exists because nobody taught us how the mind works. So we don’t recognize this power or understand what it is and how to use it. Instead we are walking around in a daze, asleep to our true power.

   But now you are waking up! So claim your true power and think about the law of focus when you’re feeling ill. And use this wonderful power wisely. Watch yourself carefully and see what you are thinking and saying and focusing your attention on. And if you discover that you are sabotaging yourself and your recovery, you can start changing your focus now! It’s never too late.

Focus and challenges

The same holds true for all the many challenges and so-called problems we face in our daily lives. What is the focus of our attention when we face so-called difficulties? Do we focus on the potential in each situation and how everything in life is supporting us or do we focus on the hassle, the inconvenience, and the irritation? When you know about the power of focus, you can see how important your choice is.

   So make up your mind that whatever it is, you are going to grow stronger because of it and evolve into a more magnanimous and compassionate person—and watch yourself turn every situation into a true blessing, for yourself and everyone involved!

It’s your choice

So we see that what we focus our attention on grows. You focus your attention on something/someone/some thought and then you get to experience what you focused on.

   It is also important to remember that the focus of our attention is always our choice—always! We are the choice-makers—always—whether we are conscious of what we are choosing/doing or not.

Click here to download The Mental Laws for free.


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Posted by on October 10, 2012 in WISDOM


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Because you can prove pro or con just about everything with the Bible it has frequently led men astray and brought them to disaster. It has been dynamite in the hands of the insane. So many of the mentally ill have religious complexes. Newspapers frequently report murders that are either God inspired or Bible inspired. Misled humans have tried to help God punish. This reached mass proportions during the middle ages in the terrible persecutions of heretics and non-believers. The Bible was useful to slave masters when they quoted from it: “Slaves (servants) obey your masters.” Ephesians 6:5. How to thrust an identification hole through the ears of slaves was explained in Exodus 21:6. The Bible was useful to witchcraft when it was quoted “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” Exodus 22:18. Thousands of innocent people were accused of witchcraft and quickly killed. Non-believers like myself would have been tried as witches. Entire books have been written to illustrate the harm done by Bible texts.

All through history the church jealous of her wealth and power has tried to muzzle the scientists because their discoveries came in conflict with the teachings of the Bible or the church. These learned men had to either recant which they often did in order to survive or else suffer death or in some cases be excommunicated in disgrace. To be excommunicated was tantamount to bankruptcy for one ostracized in the middle ages was unemployable and could die of starvation. Even today it is the church’s most powerful weapon. The above should explain how the church contributed to the darkness (ignorance, sickness and squalor) of the dark ages. It should also explain why Christianity with all its evils has survived. It carried on not because the Christian religion had God’s blessing. It survived because all the people were forced to subscribe to it or suffer the brutal punishments just mentioned.

The church had more power in those days. Church and state were one. The earthly kings ruled by divine right or by the pretended authority of God. The multitudes swallowing this fiction would grovel in the dust and touch the garments of their kings in oriental fashion expecting miracles. The pope is such a king in the eyes of his communicants. Today even in our enlightened country, Christians believe that the prayers of their priests and pastors are more apt to be heard because they received their pastoral orders by the laying on of hands or by divine right. Here is an example of one of the many superstitions that religion fosters. The public is told that these so-called men of god are middle men or mediators between the ordinary folks and the throne of god. All this makes for superstition and wishful thinking and the temptation to hoodwink and get money from the credulous masses. Where church and state are entwined people are forced by the government to believe these things. Be thankful that in America we have separation of church and state.

One thing that has helped the United States since its birth is the freedom it acquired by the separation of church and state. Thanks to our forefathers it is the law of our land. In colonial times men like Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Madison and Paine were closer to the European scene than we who try to interpret history today. They knew the dangers that a new nation would face. Such men tried to prevent here the recurrence of such events as religious wars and persecutions which had strangled the countries of Europe for hundreds of years. Freedom of thought did not prevail abroad. Heretics were imprisoned. Jews were called murderers of Christ and were branded and had to live in ghettos on the outskirts of European cities. It is no accident that we in the U.S.A. have separation of church and state. It is to protect us from religious dictatorship. Our nation’s founders insisted that what happened in Europe must not happen here.

Unfortunately many of our modern legislators do not know their history for many illegal bills have been introduced recently that favor religion in general or some church in particular. If we do not do something about this we are headed for a theocracy which is a combined secular and ecclesiastical dictatorship. If this occurs it will mean that the church in power will rule with an iron hand. Other churches will not have a chance. We will be back in the dark ages again and history will repeat itself. Do not think it can’t happen here. If separation of church and state is such a good thing for our country then separation of church and business, of church and radio, of church and the press should likewise be good for all concerned. I say beware of the grasping begging hands of the priests who ask for favors.

Background And Education
How Long A Pastor?
Was I Sincere?
Was I Paid To Quit?
Was My Motive Publicity?
What Am I Rebelling Against?
Why Did I Turn My Back On God?
What Events Led To My Conversion To Atheism?
Humanists And Atheists Drove Me To My Books
I Renounce Religion
The Most Important Day Of My Life
Ministers And Priests Are Quacks
Are The Clergy Better Educated?
What About Revelation?
Why Not Compromise?
Religion By Mail
Knowledge Is Like A Sword
What Harm Has The Bible Done?
If The Churches Do Good Why Not Leave Them Alone?
The Problem Of Behavior
Am I A Communist?
A Word To My Brethren In The Ministry
Agnostic Or Atheist?
Cheer Up! It Is Not So Bad
The World Is In A State Of Flux
Books For The Novice

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Posted by on October 5, 2012 in WISDOM


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Four questions that can change your life – FREE! powerful e-book that you can download that will change your life!


“No one can give you freedom but you. This little booklet will show you how.” Byron Katie


Download here


Find Little book on the right hand side of the page, download and change your life. This little book will show you how you can gain insight and wisdom into anything or anyone that is currently causing you pain or discomfort by honestly answering 4 simple questions!




Bryon Katie

I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always.”Byron Katie

The Work

The Work consists of 4 questions and “Turn-Arounds.”
The 4 Questions:


  • It is true?

  • Can you absolutely know that it is true?

  • How do you react when you believe that thought?

  • Who would you be without that thought?

  • -Turn it Turn it Around.

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Posted by on May 31, 2012 in WISDOM


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Free Success Ebook Download: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy

It is not the thing believed in that brings an answer to man’s prayer; the answer to prayer results when the individual’s subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in his mind. The law of life is the law of belief, and belief could be summed up briefly as a thought in your mind. As a man thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his mind, body, and circumstances. – Joseph Murphy, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”


Free Ebook Download: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy

DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010

Today’s free Success Manual ebook download is one of the more popular books to delve into the hidden powers inherent in us all – if only we learn to use them – the appropriately titled, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy. This book is another classic and offers real, practical subconscious power plays and master move techniques to employ in all aspects of your life, and in particular, towards achieving Success and Wealth.

Infinite riches are all around you if you will open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity within you. There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously, joyously, and abundantly.


Free Success Ebook: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


Download Instructions


If you simply want to view this ebook reference within your web browser, simply left click the link and your web browser should open the file using a PDF file plugin. You may download the file for viewing offline in your PDF viewer by right-clicking (control-click on a Macintosh) on the following link, then choosing the option that allows you to save or download the item (depending on the browser, this option will be labeled, “Save Target As,” “Save Link Target As,” “Download Link to Disk,” “Download Linked File As,” etc.) to directly download this file to your computer. You can then open the file using your PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other number of PDF file viewers. Adobe Acrobat Reader may be downloaded at no cost by clicking here.


DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


Enjoy this book my friend – It could change your life!



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Posted by on May 29, 2012 in WISDOM


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