Tag Archives: pain and pleasure

Everything that we do in life is motivated by a desire to experience pleasure or circumvent pain.



Most of us are young, inexperienced and extremely naïve when we start rearing our children. We raise our children on a trial and error basis. There are virtually no education or preparation available to young couples when they get married or when they decide to start a family. The first six years in a child’s life is his or her most important formative years. The “emotional” foundation put down in his heart and mind during this important period will become the decision “filter” that he or she will use for the rest of his or her life. It impacts on every aspect of his or her being if a child was “damaged” psychologically in these vulnerable years.

We think of child abuse and serious neglect when we read statements like this, but psychological and emotional damage can be caused by many other factors. Most of us do not know that everything that we do in life is motivated by a desire to experience pleasure or circumvent pain. This mechanism controls who you are and impacts on every other aspect of your life. This mechanism works on a subliminal basis and can make you or break you.

Your parents “programmed” you by using their own perceptions as base. They programmed their fears and preferences into your decision-making mechanism. You might fade under pressure or mentally hide in terror because of an unpleasant experience that your mother had in her childhood.

When you study the real achievers in life you soon discover that they broke the negative influences that their parents cemented into their decision-making mechanism. They look at each new project or problem in a very objective and realistic manner. They do not allow the automatic pain and pleasure system to kick in as it usually does.

Success is thus a ridding process. You need to get rid of your historical programs that are possibly outdated or that may have been warped from the start. Take each person, event or problem and focus on it objectively and in the moment. They rise above other people because of their wisdom and insight. Stop reacting automatically when faced with a choice and ask yourself, “What is the valid data in the moment?” Love your parents unconditionally, but stop projecting defective and outdated fears into your current moment.





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Posted by on October 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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Disappointment and guilt will follow you around like a stray dog for as long as you live.

I am now going to share with you something that very few authors shared with their readers before. Many of the so-called gurus and world renown speakers that wrote a lot more books than me fail to share the ultimate tool with their readers and audiences. It can be ignorance or a lack of insight that cause this oversight or it can even be that they want their readers and audiences to remain reliant on them because it is good for business. Look at the graph of the inner and outer or perfect self before you continue reading my prescription. You will notice that you have the perfect self at your core that is in turn layered by you false (imposter) self. You were pure perfect self at birth. Look at the characteristics that you were programmed with. Now look at the outer layer that envelope your perfect self and study the various characteristics depicted in this layer. You are an extension of God on your arrival, but get exposed to those that either out of habit or fear feels that you need to be domesticated so you can one day like them fit into society. You are conditioned by these enthusiastic programmers with a pain and pleasure method. When you acted as prescribed you were praised and when you fell short of their requirements you were punished physically or mentally. You gradually concluded that you are this defective false self that daily fall short of the hundred and one rules and regulations that they hammered into you. It did not take them long to get you to forget who you are and where you came from. Try as you may you continuously fell short of the requirements. Read the characteristics again and you will see with what flawed perceptions you were left to take on the world. It is impossible for you to improve the false self or the impostor  The impostor cannot become the perfect self. You can read your holy book and pray until you wear out your knees my friend. You can go to the so-called gurus that claim that they can miraculously transform the soiled and defective false self daily. You might for relative short periods experience an improvement, but will discover that the old false self program will kick in the moment you stop fighting and praying. I am going to state this again. You cannot transform or modify the false self. The false self is not alive like the true self and connected to God. The false self is like a virus that infiltrated your computer. It cannot perform at the level of the perfect self. All it can do is to disrupt all your good intentions with its poison when triggered. The solution is thus not to try and improve your false self or the false self of anybody else. You are attempting the impossible if you sustain this fallacy. Disappointment and guilt will follow you around like a stray dog for as long as you live. You also do not need a savoir my friend. Your real self is already an extension of God and the false self with its pathetic history is nothing more than defective software. Your biggest day since your birth is the day that you grasp what I am sharing with you here. The day you grasp this extremely important lesson is the day that you wake up to you full potential.





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Posted by on August 10, 2013 in WISDOM


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The solution is not to attempt try and improve your false self (ego) or the false self (ego) of anyone else.

I am now going to share with you something that very few authors shared with their readers before. Many of the so-called gurus and world renown speakers that wrote a lot more books than me fail to share the ultimate tool with their readers and audiences. It can be ignorance or a lack of insight that cause this oversight or it can even be that they want their readers and audiences to remain reliant on them because it is good for business. Look at the graph of the inner and outer or perfect self before you continue reading my prescription. You will notice that you have the perfect self at your core that is in turn layered by you false (impostor) self. You were pure perfect self at birth. Look at the characteristics that you were programmed with. Now look at the outer layer that envelope your perfect self and study the various characteristics depicted in this layer. You are an extension of God on your arrival, but get exposed to those that either out of habit or fear feels that you need to be domesticated so you can one day like them fit into society. You are conditioned by these enthusiastic programmers with a pain and pleasure method. When you acted as prescribed you were praised and when you fell short of their requirements you were punished physically or mentally. You gradually concluded that you are this defective false self that daily fall short of the hundred and one rules and regulations that they hammered into you. It did not take them long to get you to forget who you are and where you came from. Try as you may you continuously fell short of the requirements. Read the characteristics again and you will see with what flawed perceptions you were left to take on the world. It is impossible for you to improve the false self or the impostor. The impostor cannot become the perfect self. You can read your holy book and pray until you wear out your knees my friend. You can go to the so-called gurus that claim that they can miraculously transform the soiled and defective false self. You might for relative short periods experience an improvement, but will discover that the old false self program will kick in the moment you stop fighting and praying. I am going to state this again. You cannot transform or modify the false self. The false self is not alive like the true self and connected to God. The false self is like a virus that infiltrated your computer. It cannot perform at the level of the perfect self. All it can do is to disrupt all your good intentions with its poison when triggered. The solution is thus not to try and improve your false self or the false self of anyone else. You are attempting the impossible if you sustain this fallacy. Disappointment and guilt will follow you around like a stray dog for as long as you live. You also do not need a savoir my friend. Your real self is already an extension of God and the false self with its pathetic history is nothing more than defective software. Your biggest day since your birth is the day that you grasp what I am sharing with you here. The day you grasp this extremely important lesson is the day that you wake up to you full potential.


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Posted by on May 22, 2013 in WISDOM


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Success is a ridding process. You need to get rid of your historical programs that are possibly outdated or that may have been warped from the start.



Most of us are young, inexperienced and extremely naive when we start rearing our children. We raise our children on a trial and error basis. There are virtually no education or preparation available to young couples when they get married or when they decide to start a family. The first six years in a child’s life is his or her most important formative years. The “emotional” foundation put down in his heart and mind during this important period will become the decision “filter” that he or she will use for the rest of his or her life. It impacts on every aspect of his or her being if a child was “damaged” psychologically in these vulnerable years.

We think of child abuse and serious neglect when we read statements like this, but psychological and emotional damage can be caused by many other factors. Most of us do not know that everything that we do in life is motivated by a desire to experience pleasure or circumvent pain. This mechanism controls who you are and impacts on every other aspect of your life. This mechanism works on a subliminal basis and can make you or break you.

Your parents “programmed” you by using their own perceptions as base. They programmed their fears and preferences into your decision-making mechanism. You might fade under pressure or mentally hide in terror because of an unpleasant experience that your mother had in her childhood.

When you study the real achievers in life you soon discover that they broke the negative influences that their parents cemented into their decision-making mechanism. They look at each new project or problem in a very objective and realistic manner. They do not allow the automatic pain and pleasure system to kick in as it usually does.

Success is thus a ridding process. You need to get rid of your historical programs that are possibly outdated or that may have been warped from the start. Take each person, event or problem and focus on it objectively and in the moment. They rise above other people because of their wisdom and insight. Stop reacting automatically when faced with a choice and ask yourself, “What is the valid data in the moment?” Love your parents unconditionally, but stop projecting defective and outdated fears into your current moment.



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Posted by on April 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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The final choice is now in your hands my friend. Continue to play horror movies founded on historical BS or create a brand new successful future for yourself




Why do certain people turn out success after success while others display the uncanny ability to make things of beauty or great potential turn into shit almost all the time? Why do certain people remain calm, relaxed and composed under difficult conditions while others seem to change into bumbling anxious idiots when the first sign of potential pain or problems are detected?

I think that your frame of mind and “belief system” plays a very important role in everything you do. We all have a decoding system in our brains that either enhance our effectiveness or diminish our ability to think in a rational and objective manner.

Let me explain how I perceive how this process works. When we are faced with any decision, we “run” the information or data collected through our “pain” and “pleasure” processor in our brains. If we perceive that we might experience pain or loss, we usually take evasive action. We then mentally and physically move away as far as possible from the person, situation, or circumstances that might cause us the anticipated pain.

When we sense that we might find ourselves in somewhat risky waters our pain centre starts playing us videos of previous situations where we experienced pain under similar or almost the same type of circumstances. These video packages also generate the feelings that we experienced in our previous failures. We cannot think in a positive and constructive manner while we are mentally confused, in pain or physically go around projecting an image of a fully-fledged victim. The main reason why people lose their composure or respond in a negative and destructive manner is because they fear potential pain or a negative outcome.


Your belief system is made up out of these “feeling” packages that are stored in your computer. While you run your life and make decisions using your “auto-pilot” in your pain – pleasure processor you remain at the mercy of your history. If you are sensitised on pain avoidance you will continually and automatically allow anxiety or past pain to taint new experiences or decisions that you are faced with.

I am sure that you have met many “pain avoiders” in your life. They spend the best part of their lives running away physically or mentally from potential pain. Champions on the other hand do not allow historical pain videos to influence their current choices that they need to make. They know that victory will only come to the bold and the objective.

Champions also feel fear, but they then replace the fear feeling with objectiveness and courage. They take out the fear videos that are playing in their mind and replace them with success-projected outcomes. Champions finally learned that what you see mentally always become a reality in your life.



 Take thirty minutes and first play one of your horror movies and see if you can make the outcome as bad as possible. Feel the pain, anxiety, doubt, and fear. Do not spare your feelings. Go for it in a big way. Before you play a positive outcome movie first ask yourself, “Is this what I want?” If you are not happy with what you see in your mind’s eye or feel mentally then slip a positive movie into your mental projector. Project yourself into a successful outcome. See and feel success and victory. Feel good feelings pumping through your body and mind. Remember what you see is what you get. The final choice is now in your hands my friend. Continue to play horror movies founded on historical BS or create a brand new successful future for yourself!


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Posted by on April 24, 2012 in WISDOM


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Earth zone is nothing more that a dream. We are not the character that act in our dream, but the dreamer that still reside in the higher dimension.


Children begin to play and explore in the early stages of their lives. They are totally fixed and focused on the current moment. Children at this very young age have no pretences and project themselves to those around them in an honest, sincere and authentic manner. Children do not need coaching and training at this early beautiful stage of their mission here on earth plane. Children act spontaneously when still young and uncontaminated. They laugh and cry to express exactly how they feel at any given moment. It is only later, when the mind of the child has been exposed his/her environment that he begin to form concepts and perceptions about things and people.


The mind of the child start classifying and qualifying experiences into categories that vacillate between good and bad and pain and pleasure. Our minds begin to record a story about everything and everyone that we are exposed to. Pleasing experiences reflect pleasant and fun filled stories while painful experiences end up in stories that reflect all our pain, frustration and anger. The dilemma that all children child face very early in life is that more often than not events and experiences differ strongly with the promised successful and pleasant outcomes that their parents and peers predicted if they displayed good and acceptable behaviour.

A few unpleasant experiences with a specific event, person or activity results in the downloading of the story previously written and stored in the short-term memory to the long-term memory. The moment that child believes that certain events or experiences cause pain, discomfort or embarrassment it is permanently recorded in the long-term memory. All the details and the feelings experienced that this child wrote into the original story will now activate perpetually when triggered. We have literally millions of stories about our experiences in our heads. I can ask you about anything or anyone and your mind will within milliseconds produce the appropriate story that displays your perceptions, feelings and emotions on the subject at hand. This process is automatic and spontaneous. Once a story is filed in the long-term memory and believed by the operator (you) it remains unaltered and ready for projection.

This is why we are often astounded that certain reactions and feelings that we totally forgot about jump to the foreground when least expected. The collection of all your stories prescribe to you who you should think you are. The largest percentage of these stories are based on misconceptions and lies, but will remain true for you until they are one day evaluated and modified. Many of us end up with a final conclusion that we are just not good enough. We are faced with a real dilemma the moment we start believing that we are defective and that we will most probably never achieve the standards set for us by our programmers.


We are now forced to start role-playing the ideal standards programmed into us by our programmers if we want to fit into society. There are not many of us that would like the idea that how we really feel about something or someone be made visible. We smile when we actually hate someone. We laugh at the old stupid and stale jokes of our boss. We wear our appropriate social mask wherever we go. The tragedy of all this is that we end up believing the defective stories in our heads. We conclude that we are our stories and our histories. This leaves the door wide open for clever operators that will exploit our feelings of guilt, shame and doubt. This is how we are convinced that we are sinners and defective entities that need saviours and gurus that will lead us to some kind of Promised Land.

You can never be who you think you are in all the stories you filed in your head. The real you without the stories, lies and warped perceptions operate effortlessly. There is no duality when you operate from the software stored in your perfect self. Can you think what wonderful place earth zone would be if everyone can suddenly be stripped of their stories and perceptions? I think you will agree that it will come close to the myths you read and heard what heaven or paradise would be like. We will no longer judge ourselves and others. We will stop punishing ourselves about our perceived imperfections and we will refrain from punishing others as well.

Everything in God’s creations is and will always be perfect. It is the collective data base of mankind that created this place of illusion as depicted in the stories and myths told since the inception of this domain. Union with the God force is not a billion miles away in some fictitious place called heaven. We are one with the God force, but slightly confused by the stories and falsities that currently block us from uniting with our original source. We will be pleasantly surprised if we could turn off the projector that shows all our stories on the screens of our minds. We will suddenly understand that we were actually never separated from God as depicted by some of the stories told. We are still one with God, but it is our illusion that we are our stories and histories that prevent us from seeing and experiencing this dimension with its everlasting love and joy. Earth zone is nothing more that a dream. We are not the character that act in our dream, but the dreamer that still reside in the higher dimension.




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Posted by on March 14, 2012 in WISDOM


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The first six years in a child’s life is his or her most important formative years. The “emotional” foundation put down in his heart and mind during this important period will become the decision “filter” that he or she will use for the rest of his or her life.

Most of us are young, inexperienced and extremely naïve when we start rearing our children. We raise our children on a trial and error basis. There are virtually no education or preparation available to young couples when they get married or when they decide to start a family. The first six years in a child’s life is his or her most important formative years. The “emotional” foundation put down in his heart and mind during this important period will become the decision “filter” that he or she will use for the rest of his or her life. It impacts on every aspect of his or her being if a child was “damaged” psychologically in these vulnerable years.

We think of child abuse and serious neglect when we read statements like this, but psychological and emotional damage can be caused by many other factors. Most of us do not know that everything that we do in life is motivated by a desire to experience pleasure or circumvent pain. This mechanism controls who you are and impacts on every other aspect of your life. This mechanism works on a subliminal basis and can make you or break you.

Your parents “programmed” you by using their own perceptions as base. They programmed their fears and preferences into your decision-making mechanism. You might fade under pressure or mentally hide in terror because of an unpleasant experience that your mother had in her childhood.

When you study the real achievers in life you soon discover that they broke the negative influences that their parents cemented into their decision-making mechanism. They look at each new project or problem in a very objective and realistic manner. They do not allow the automatic pain and pleasure system to kick in as it usually does.

Success is thus a ridding process. You need to get rid of your historical programs that are possibly outdated or that may have been warped from the start. Take each person, event or problem and focus on it objectively and in the moment. They rise above other people because of their wisdom and insight. Stop reacting automatically when faced with a choice and ask yourself, “What is the valid data in the moment?” Love your parents unconditionally, but stop projecting defective and outdated fears into your current moment.



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Posted by on March 1, 2012 in WISDOM


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