Tag Archives: programming cycle

It is arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did? You ended up in a certain job, attended certain schools and a specific church while you socialised in a particular community. You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play. You felt more at home with certain people that came from a specific ethnic or social group or language. You opened up to those that you felt safe with while you ignored, avoided or even shunned individuals that failed to make the grade according to your entrenched value system. The point that I am making is that you formed specific perceptions and belief systems early in life and diligently stuck to the blueprints that you fixed in your head. The only times you possibly questioned your belief system was when something happened that caused you serous discomfort. The pain and doubt that a specific incident or event caused you may have stopped you in your tracks for a while, but you more often than not returned to the “tried and tested” when the scars healed or when the problem faded.

What we often forget is that each person on this planet including those on our playing field of life (friends, family, strangers etc.) went through the same “programming” cycle. A person for example that grew up in China, Egypt or for that matter any other country on this planet formed their own set of perceptions and belief systems as well. They for example went to a different church or temple and prayed to a God with a different name. They dress differently and see life from a totally different perspective. They eat different food and dance to different music. There is a tendency in all of us to cluster together with those that seem to have the same value and belief systems than us. We thus end up with societies, tribes and nations that come together in united groups that work, play, go to war and pray together.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime. The values, rituals and dogma that they were taught from early childhood usually remain their fixed guide until they at the end of their life put their heads down for a final time. It is thus surprising that many of us are under the impression that we have some moral duty to recruit or convert individuals that don’t have the same religious convictions than us. We feel that we must “save” these individuals with their different perceived Devil inspired ideas and ideologies. We in all sincerity feel obligated to attempt to convince these “lost souls” that our specific saviour and God is the only way that can ensure a safe passage to a peaceful afterlife. Some of us even have the audacity to warn these “lost sheep” that hesitate to dump their entrenched religion and their current saviour or God that they are setting themselves up for a horrific afterlife where they will be toasted forever. We might be zealous in our attempt to rescue those that sit with a totally different set of religious convictions, but forget that they have been indoctrinated just like us that their deity is the way to a successful afterlife. I hope you can see how silly this mode of thinking is when you keep in mind how all of us come though different childhood indoctrinations. It is thus arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to simply abandon his deeply entrenched religious convictions and follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.

The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.

 I want you to keep the above in mind when we look at individuals that start waking up from their historically indoctrinated hypnotic sleep. This person starts questioning the many superstitions and dogma that he has been programmed with since childhood. The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.  This person might think that there must be a religion somewhere that might have answers to his many questions, but he soon realise that most religions have the same superstition based foundations. They might have a different God perception, deity or style, but turn out to be the same dogma and rituals wrapped in a different package. The discovery that you cannot make the confusion go away by simply joining a new religious group often fill such individual with lots of pain, anxiety and doubt. Some that experience doubt about the God perception that he grew up with or that he read about in his Holy book become atheists. Waking up is a real test for those that develop a desire to make sense of life, death and the reason why we visit this plane.

A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”. He is often driven out of his church by a zealous pastor and some of his previous fellow believers. There is no place in conventional religion for those that ask questions and require clarity to the many so-called “truths” written down by God inspired authors. This person soon reaches a stage where he can no longer listen to the same old dogma and finally stop attending these indoctrination sessions. He is usually soon stripped of his old friends and even family. Waking up is a lonely path for “free thinkers”.


Stripping off the fear that you might have offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight.


I believe that all of us come to earth to learn and experience. I also believe that we come to this dimension to wake up to our true identity and to set ourselves free from indoctrination. It might initially be a painful experience, but nothing can provide you with more joy than the knowledge you gain when you begin to grow spiritually. Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight. Each person wake up in his own unique way and will find it difficult to join a spiritual group that provide all the answers to his many questions. Our original yearning to be part of a group can lead us from one religious trap into a fresh spiritual trap that might turn out to be even worse than the one we escaped from. I mentioned above that we come to this zone to learn. Each one of us is at a different level in our spiritual evolution. It will thus be silly to join a single group that boast with their own in-house guru. Many spiritual seekers end up getting sidetracked by the endless range of cults that prowl the streets looking for the vulnerable and confused. I suggest you become still and allow the perfect self at your centre to guide you in your quest for growth and understanding. Knowledge set you free. Breaking away from the sustained influence of a specific religious dogma or one of the many cults can be the best thing that ever happened to you.



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Posted by on December 17, 2014 in WISDOM


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A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”.



Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did? You ended up in a certain job, attended certain schools and a specific church while you socialised in a particular community. You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play. You felt more at home with certain people that came from a specific ethnic or social group or language. You opened up to those that you felt safe with while you ignored, avoided or even shunned individuals that failed to make the grade according to your entrenched value system. The point that I am making is that you formed specific perceptions and belief systems early in life and diligently stuck to the blueprints that you fixed in your head. The only times you possibly questioned your belief system was when something happened that caused you serous discomfort. The pain and doubt that a specific incident or event caused you may have stopped you in your tracks for a while, but you more often than not returned to the “tried and tested” when the scars healed or when the problem faded.

What we often forget is that each person on this planet including those on our playing field of life (friends, family, strangers etc.) went through the same “programming” cycle. A person for example that grew up in China, Egypt or for that matter any other country on this planet formed their own set of perceptions and belief systems as well. They for example went to a different church or temple and prayed to a God with a different name. They dress differently and see life from a totally different perspective. They eat different food and dance to different music. There is a tendency in all of us to cluster together with those that seem to have the same value and belief systems than us. We thus end up with societies, tribes and nations that come together in united groups that work, play, go to war and pray together.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime.


A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime. The values, rituals and dogma that they were taught from early childhood usually remain their fixed guide until they at the end of their life put their heads down for a final time. It is thus surprising that many of us are under the impression that we have some moral duty to recruit or convert individuals that don’t have the same religious convictions than us. We feel that we must “save” these individuals with their different perceived Devil inspired ideas and ideologies. We in all sincerity feel obligated to attempt to convince these “lost souls” that our specific saviour and God is the only way that can ensure a safe passage to a peaceful afterlife. Some of us even have the audacity to warn these “lost sheep” that hesitate to dump their entrenched religion and their current saviour or God that they are setting themselves up for a horrific afterlife where they will be toasted forever. We might be zealous in our attempt to rescue those that sit with a totally different set of religious convictions, but forget that they have been indoctrinated just like us that their deity is the way to a successful afterlife. I hope you can see how silly this mode of thinking is when you keep in mind how all of us come though different childhood indoctrinations. It is thus arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to simply abandon his deeply entrenched religious convictions and follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.

The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.


I want you to keep the above in mind when we look at individuals that start waking up from their historically indoctrinated hypnotic sleep. This person starts questioning the many superstitions and dogma that he has been programmed with since childhood. The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.  This person might think that there must be a religion somewhere that might have answers to his many questions, but he soon realise that most religions have the same superstition based foundations. They might have a different God perception, deity or style, but turn out to be the same dogma and rituals wrapped in a different package. The discovery that you cannot make the confusion go away by simply joining a new religious group often fill such individual with lots of pain, anxiety and doubt. Some that experience doubt about the God perception that he grew up with or that he read about in his Holy book become atheists. Waking up is a real test for those that develop a desire to make sense of life, death and the reason why we visit this plane.

A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”. He is often driven out of his church by a zealous pastor and some of his previous fellow believers. There is no place in conventional religion for those that ask questions and require clarity to the many so-called “truths” written down by God inspired authors. This person soon reaches a stage where he can no longer listen to the same old dogma and finally stop attending these indoctrination sessions. He is usually soon stripped of his old friends and even family. Waking up is a lonely path for “free thinkers”.

Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight.


I believe that all of us come to earth to learn and experience. I also believe that we come to this dimension to wake up to our true identity and to set ourselves free from indoctrination. It might initially be a painful experience, but nothing can provide you with more joy than the knowledge you gain when you begin to grow spiritually. Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight. Each person wake up in his own unique way and will find it difficult to join a spiritual group that provide all the answers to his many questions. Our original yearning to be part of a group can lead us from one religious trap into a fresh spiritual trap that might turn out to be even worse than the one we escaped from. I mentioned above that we come to this zone to learn. Each one of us is at a different level in our spiritual evolution. It will thus be silly to join a single group that boast with their own in-house guru. Many spiritual seekers end up getting sidetracked by the endless range of cults that prowl the streets looking for the vulnerable and confused. I suggest you become still and allow the perfect self at your centre to guide you in your quest for growth and understanding. Knowledge set you free. Breaking away from the sustained influence of a specific religious dogma or one of the many cults can be the best thing that ever happened to you.


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Posted by on July 14, 2014 in WISDOM


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Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?



Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did? You ended up in a certain job, attended certain schools and a specific church while you socialised in a particular community. You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play. You felt more at home with certain people that came from a specific ethnic or social group or language. You opened up to those that you felt safe with while you ignored, avoided or even shunned individuals that failed to make the grade according to your entrenched value system. The point that I am making is that you formed specific perceptions and belief systems early in life and diligently stuck to the blueprints that you fixed in your head. The only times you possibly questioned your belief system was when something happened that caused you serous discomfort. The pain and doubt that a specific incident or event caused you may have stopped you in your tracks for a while, but you more often than not returned to the “tried and tested” when the scars healed or when the problem faded.

What we often forget is that each person on this planet including those on our playing field of life (friends, family, strangers etc.) went through the same “programming” cycle. A person for example that grew up in China, Egypt or for that matter any other country on this planet formed their own set of perceptions and belief systems as well. They for example went to a different church or temple and prayed to a God with a different name. They dress differently and see life from a totally different perspective. They eat different food and dance to different music. There is a tendency in all of us to cluster together with those that seem to have the same value and belief systems than us. We thus end up with societies, tribes and nations that come together in united groups that work, play, go to war and pray together.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime.


A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime. The values, rituals and dogma that they were taught from early childhood usually remain their fixed guide until they at the end of their life put their heads down for a final time. It is thus surprising that many of us are under the impression that we have some moral duty to recruit or convert individuals that don’t have the same religious convictions than us. We feel that we must “save” these individuals with their different perceived Devil inspired ideas and ideologies. We in all sincerity feel obligated to attempt to convince these “lost souls” that our specific saviour and God is the only way that can ensure a safe passage to a peaceful afterlife. Some of us even have the audacity to warn these “lost sheep” that hesitate to dump their entrenched religion and their current saviour or God that they are setting themselves up for a horrific afterlife where they will be toasted forever. We might be zealous in our attempt to rescue those that sit with a totally different set of religious convictions, but forget that they have been indoctrinated just like us that their deity is the way to a successful afterlife. I hope you can see how silly this mode of thinking is when you keep in mind how all of us come though different childhood indoctrinations. It is thus arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to simply abandon his deeply entrenched religious convictions and follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.

The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.


I want you to keep the above in mind when we look at individuals that start waking up from their historically indoctrinated hypnotic sleep. This person starts questioning the many superstitions and dogma that he has been programmed with since childhood. The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.  This person might think that there must be a religion somewhere that might have answers to his many questions, but he soon realise that most religions have the same superstition based foundations. They might have a different God perception, deity or style, but turn out to be the same dogma and rituals wrapped in a different package. The discovery that you cannot make the confusion go away by simply joining a new religious group often fill such individual with lots of pain, anxiety and doubt. Some that experience doubt about the God perception that he grew up with or that he read about in his Holy book become atheists. Waking up is a real test for those that develop a desire to make sense of life, death and the reason why we visit this plane.

A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”. He is often driven out of his church by a zealous pastor and some of his previous fellow believers. There is no place in conventional religion for those that ask questions and require clarity to the many so-called “truths” written down by God inspired authors. This person soon reaches a stage where he can no longer listen to the same old dogma and finally stop attending these indoctrination sessions. He is usually soon stripped of his old friends and even family. Waking up is a lonely path for “free thinkers”.

Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight.


I believe that all of us come to earth to learn and experience. I also believe that we come to this dimension to wake up to our true identity and to set ourselves free from indoctrination. It might initially be a painful experience, but nothing can provide you with more joy than the knowledge you gain when you begin to grow spiritually. Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight. Each person wake up in his own unique way and will find it difficult to join a spiritual group that provide all the answers to his many questions. Our original yearning to be part of a group can lead us from one religious trap into a fresh spiritual trap that might turn out to be even worse than the one we escaped from. I mentioned above that we come to this zone to learn. Each one of us is at a different level in our spiritual evolution. It will thus be silly to join a single group that boast with their own in-house guru. Many spiritual seekers end up getting sidetracked by the endless range of cults that prowl the streets looking for the vulnerable and confused. I suggest you become still and allow the perfect self at your centre to guide you in your quest for growth and understanding. Knowledge set you free. Breaking away from the sustained influence of a specific religious dogma or one of the many cults can be the best thing that ever happened to you.


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Posted by on April 14, 2014 in WISDOM


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Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did? You ended up in a certain job, attended certain schools and a specific church while you socialised in a particular community. You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play. You felt more at home with certain people that came from a specific ethnic or social group or language. You opened up to those that you felt safe with while you ignored, avoided or even shunned individuals that failed to make the grade according to your entrenched value system. The point that I am making is that you formed specific perceptions and belief systems early in life and diligently stuck to the blueprints that you fixed in your head. The only times you possibly questioned your belief system was when something happened that caused you serous discomfort. The pain and doubt that a specific incident or event caused you may have stopped you in your tracks for a while, but you more often than not returned to the “tried and tested” when the scars healed or when the problem faded.

What we often forget is that each person on this planet including those on our playing field of life (friends, family, strangers etc.) went through the same “programming” cycle. A person for example that grew up in China, Egypt or for that matter any other country on this planet formed their own set of perceptions and belief systems as well. They for example went to a different church or temple and prayed to a God with a different name. They dress differently and see life from a totally different perspective. They eat different food and dance to different music. There is a tendency in all of us to cluster together with those that seem to have the same value and belief systems than us. We thus end up with societies, tribes and nations that come together in united groups that work, play, go to war and pray together.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime.


A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime. The values, rituals and dogma that they were taught from early childhood usually remain their fixed guide until they at the end of their life put their heads down for a final time. It is thus surprising that many of us are under the impression that we have some moral duty to recruit or convert individuals that don’t have the same religious convictions than us. We feel that we must “save” these individuals with their different perceived Devil inspired ideas and ideologies. We in all sincerity feel obligated to attempt to convince these “lost souls” that our specific saviour and God is the only way that can ensure a safe passage to a peaceful afterlife. Some of us even have the audacity to warn these “lost sheep” that hesitate to dump their entrenched religion and their current saviour or God that they are setting themselves up for a horrific afterlife where they will be toasted forever. We might be zealous in our attempt to rescue those that sit with a totally different set of religious convictions, but forget that they have been indoctrinated just like us that their deity is the way to a successful afterlife. I hope you can see how silly this mode of thinking is when you keep in mind how all of us come though different childhood indoctrinations. It is thus arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to simply abandon his deeply entrenched religious convictions and follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.

The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.


I want you to keep the above in mind when we look at individuals that start waking up from their historically indoctrinated hypnotic sleep. This person starts questioning the many superstitions and dogma that he has been programmed with since childhood. The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.  This person might think that there must be a religion somewhere that might have answers to his many questions, but he soon realise that most religions have the same superstition based foundations. They might have a different God perception, deity or style, but turn out to be the same dogma and rituals wrapped in a different package. The discovery that you cannot make the confusion go away by simply joining a new religious group often fill such individual with lots of pain, anxiety and doubt. Some that experience doubt about the God perception that he grew up with or that he read about in his Holy book become atheists. Waking up is a real test for those that develop a desire to make sense of life, death and the reason why we visit this plane.

A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”. He is often driven out of his church by a zealous pastor and some of his previous fellow believers. There is no place in conventional religion for those that ask questions and require clarity to the many so-called “truths” written down by God inspired authors. This person soon reaches a stage where he can no longer listen to the same old dogma and finally stop attending these indoctrination sessions. He is usually soon stripped of his old friends and even family. Waking up is a lonely path for “free thinkers”.

Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight.


I believe that all of us come to earth to learn and experience. I also believe that we come to this dimension to wake up to our true identity and to set ourselves free from indoctrination. It might initially be a painful experience, but nothing can provide you with more joy than the knowledge you gain when you begin to grow spiritually. Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight. Each person wake up in his own unique way and will find it difficult to join a spiritual group that provide all the answers to his many questions. Our original yearning to be part of a group can lead us from one religious trap into a fresh spiritual trap that might turn out to be even worse than the one we escaped from. I mentioned above that we come to this zone to learn. Each one of us is at a different level in our spiritual evolution. It will thus be silly to join a single group that boast with their own in-house guru. Many spiritual seekers end up getting sidetracked by the endless range of cults that prowl the streets looking for the vulnerable and confused. I suggest you become still and allow the perfect self at your centre to guide you in your quest for growth and understanding. Knowledge set you free. Breaking away from the sustained influence of a specific religious dogma or one of the many cults can be the best thing that ever happened to you.


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Posted by on February 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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Stripping off the fear that you might have offend God.



Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did? You ended up in a certain job, attended certain schools and a specific church while you socialised in a particular community. You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play. You felt more at home with certain people that came from a specific ethnic or social group or language. You opened up to those that you felt safe with while you ignored, avoided or even shunned individuals that failed to make the grade according to your entrenched value system. The point that I am making is that you formed specific perceptions and belief systems early in life and diligently stuck to the blueprints that you fixed in your head. The only times you possibly questioned your belief system was when something happened that caused you serous discomfort. The pain and doubt that a specific incident or event caused you may have stopped you in your tracks for a while, but you more often than not returned to the “tried and tested” when the scars healed or when the problem faded.

What we often forget is that each person on this planet including those on our playing field of life (friends, family, strangers etc.) went through the same “programming” cycle. A person for example that grew up in China, Egypt or for that matter any other country on this planet formed their own set of perceptions and belief systems as well. They for example went to a different church or temple and prayed to a God with a different name. They dress differently and see life from a totally different perspective. They eat different food and dance to different music. There is a tendency in all of us to cluster together with those that seem to have the same value and belief systems than us. We thus end up with societies, tribes and nations that come together in united groups that work, play, go to war and pray together.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime. The values, rituals and dogma that they were taught from early childhood usually remain their fixed guide until they at the end of their life put their heads down for a final time. It is thus surprising that many of us are under the impression that we have some moral duty to recruit or convert individuals that don’t have the same religious convictions than us. We feel that we must “save” these individuals with their different perceived Devil inspired ideas and ideologies. We in all sincerity feel obligated to attempt to convince these “lost souls” that our specific saviour and God is the only way that can ensure a safe passage to a peaceful afterlife. Some of us even have the audacity to warn these “lost sheep” that hesitate to dump their entrenched religion and their current saviour or God that they are setting themselves up for a horrific afterlife where they will be toasted forever. We might be zealous in our attempt to rescue those that sit with a totally different set of religious convictions, but forget that they have been indoctrinated just like us that their deity is the way to a successful afterlife. I hope you can see how silly this mode of thinking is when you keep in mind how all of us come though different childhood indoctrinations. It is thus arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to simply abandon his deeply entrenched religious convictions and follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.

The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.

 I want you to keep the above in mind when we look at individuals that start waking up from their historically indoctrinated hypnotic sleep. This person starts questioning the many superstitions and dogma that he has been programmed with since childhood. The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.  This person might think that there must be a religion somewhere that might have answers to his many questions, but he soon realise that most religions have the same superstition based foundations. They might have a different God perception, deity or style, but turn out to be the same dogma and rituals wrapped in a different package. The discovery that you cannot make the confusion go away by simply joining a new religious group often fill such individual with lots of pain, anxiety and doubt. Some that experience doubt about the God perception that he grew up with or that he read about in his Holy book become atheists. Waking up is a real test for those that develop a desire to make sense of life, death and the reason why we visit this plane.

A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”. He is often driven out of his church by a zealous pastor and some of his previous fellow believers. There is no place in conventional religion for those that ask questions and require clarity to the many so-called “truths” written down by God inspired authors. This person soon reaches a stage where he can no longer listen to the same old dogma and finally stop attending these indoctrination sessions. He is usually soon stripped of his old friends and even family. Waking up is a lonely path for “free thinkers”.


Stripping off the fear that you might have offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight.


I believe that all of us come to earth to learn and experience. I also believe that we come to this dimension to wake up to our true identity and to set ourselves free from indoctrination. It might initially be a painful experience, but nothing can provide you with more joy than the knowledge you gain when you begin to grow spiritually. Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight. Each person wake up in his own unique way and will find it difficult to join a spiritual group that provide all the answers to his many questions. Our original yearning to be part of a group can lead us from one religious trap into a fresh spiritual trap that might turn out to be even worse than the one we escaped from. I mentioned above that we come to this zone to learn. Each one of us is at a different level in our spiritual evolution. It will thus be silly to join a single group that boast with their own in-house guru. Many spiritual seekers end up getting sidetracked by the endless range of cults that prowl the streets looking for the vulnerable and confused. I suggest you become still and allow the perfect self at your centre to guide you in your quest for growth and understanding. Knowledge set you free. Breaking away from the sustained influence of a specific religious dogma or one of the many cults can be the best thing that ever happened to you.


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Posted by on January 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”.



Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did? You ended up in a certain job, attended certain schools and a specific church while you socialised in a particular community. You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play. You felt more at home with certain people that came from a specific ethnic or social group or language. You opened up to those that you felt safe with while you ignored, avoided or even shunned individuals that failed to make the grade according to your entrenched value system. The point that I am making is that you formed specific perceptions and belief systems early in life and diligently stuck to the blueprints that you fixed in your head. The only times you possibly questioned your belief system was when something happened that caused you serous discomfort. The pain and doubt that a specific incident or event caused you may have stopped you in your tracks for a while, but you more often than not returned to the “tried and tested” when the scars healed or when the problem faded.

What we often forget is that each person on this planet including those on our playing field of life (friends, family, strangers etc.) went through the same “programming” cycle. A person for example that grew up in China, Egypt or for that matter any other country on this planet formed their own set of perceptions and belief systems as well. They for example went to a different church or temple and prayed to a God with a different name. They dress differently and see life from a totally different perspective. They eat different food and dance to different music. There is a tendency in all of us to cluster together with those that seem to have the same value and belief systems than us. We thus end up with societies, tribes and nations that come together in united groups that work, play, go to war and pray together.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime.


A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime. The values, rituals and dogma that they were taught from early childhood usually remain their fixed guide until they at the end of their life put their heads down for a final time. It is thus surprising that many of us are under the impression that we have some moral duty to recruit or convert individuals that don’t have the same religious convictions than us. We feel that we must “save” these individuals with their different perceived Devil inspired ideas and ideologies. We in all sincerity feel obligated to attempt to convince these “lost souls” that our specific saviour and God is the only way that can ensure a safe passage to a peaceful afterlife. Some of us even have the audacity to warn these “lost sheep” that hesitate to dump their entrenched religion and their current saviour or God that they are setting themselves up for a horrific afterlife where they will be toasted forever. We might be zealous in our attempt to rescue those that sit with a totally different set of religious convictions, but forget that they have been indoctrinated just like us that their deity is the way to a successful afterlife. I hope you can see how silly this mode of thinking is when you keep in mind how all of us come though different childhood indoctrinations. It is thus arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to simply abandon his deeply entrenched religious convictions and follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.

The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.


I want you to keep the above in mind when we look at individuals that start waking up from their historically indoctrinated hypnotic sleep. This person starts questioning the many superstitions and dogma that he has been programmed with since childhood. The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.  This person might think that there must be a religion somewhere that might have answers to his many questions, but he soon realise that most religions have the same superstition based foundations. They might have a different God perception, deity or style, but turn out to be the same dogma and rituals wrapped in a different package. The discovery that you cannot make the confusion go away by simply joining a new religious group often fill such individual with lots of pain, anxiety and doubt. Some that experience doubt about the God perception that he grew up with or that he read about in his Holy book become atheists. Waking up is a real test for those that develop a desire to make sense of life, death and the reason why we visit this plane.

A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”. He is often driven out of his church by a zealous pastor and some of his previous fellow believers. There is no place in conventional religion for those that ask questions and require clarity to the many so-called “truths” written down by God inspired authors. This person soon reaches a stage where he can no longer listen to the same old dogma and finally stop attending these indoctrination sessions. He is usually soon stripped of his old friends and even family. Waking up is a lonely path for “free thinkers”.

Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight.


I believe that all of us come to earth to learn and experience. I also believe that we come to this dimension to wake up to our true identity and to set ourselves free from indoctrination. It might initially be a painful experience, but nothing can provide you with more joy than the knowledge you gain when you begin to grow spiritually. Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight. Each person wake up in his own unique way and will find it difficult to join a spiritual group that provide all the answers to his many questions. Our original yearning to be part of a group can lead us from one religious trap into a fresh spiritual trap that might turn out to be even worse than the one we escaped from. I mentioned above that we come to this zone to learn. Each one of us is at a different level in our spiritual evolution. It will thus be silly to join a single group that boast with their own in-house guru. Many spiritual seekers end up getting sidetracked by the endless range of cults that prowl the streets looking for the vulnerable and confused. I suggest you become still and allow the perfect self at your centre to guide you in your quest for growth and understanding. Knowledge set you free. Breaking away from the sustained influence of a specific religious dogma or one of the many cults can be the best thing that ever happened to you.


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Posted by on December 12, 2013 in WISDOM


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You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play.


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did? You ended up in a certain job, attended certain schools and a specific church while you socialised in a particular community. You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play. You felt more at home with certain people that came from a specific ethnic or social group or language. You opened up to those that you felt safe with while you ignored, avoided or even shunned individuals that failed to make the grade according to your entrenched value system. The point that I am making is that you formed specific perceptions and belief systems early in life and diligently stuck to the blueprints that you fixed in your head. The only times you possibly questioned your belief system was when something happened that caused you serous discomfort. The pain and doubt that a specific incident or event caused you may have stopped you in your tracks for a while, but you more often than not returned to the “tried and tested” when the scars healed or when the problem faded.

What we often forget is that each person on this planet including those on our playing field of life (friends, family, strangers etc.) went through the same “programming” cycle. A person for example that grew up in China, Egypt or for that matter any other country on this planet formed their own set of perceptions and belief systems as well. They for example went to a different church or temple and prayed to a God with a different name. They dress differently and see life from a totally different perspective. They eat different food and dance to different music. There is a tendency in all of us to cluster together with those that seem to have the same value and belief systems than us. We thus end up with societies, tribes and nations that come together in united groups that work, play, go to war and pray together.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime.


A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime. The values, rituals and dogma that they were taught from early childhood usually remain their fixed guide until they at the end of their life put their heads down for a final time. It is thus surprising that many of us are under the impression that we have some moral duty to recruit or convert individuals that don’t have the same religious convictions than us. We feel that we must “save” these individuals with their different perceived Devil inspired ideas and ideologies. We in all sincerity feel obligated to attempt to convince these “lost souls” that our specific saviour and God is the only way that can ensure a safe passage to a peaceful afterlife. Some of us even have the audacity to warn these “lost sheep” that hesitate to dump their entrenched religion and their current saviour or God that they are setting themselves up for a horrific afterlife where they will be toasted forever. We might be zealous in our attempt to rescue those that sit with a totally different set of religious convictions, but forget that they have been indoctrinated just like us that their deity is the way to a successful afterlife. I hope you can see how silly this mode of thinking is when you keep in mind how all of us come though different childhood indoctrinations. It is thus arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to simply abandon his deeply entrenched religious convictions and follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.

The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.


I want you to keep the above in mind when we look at individuals that start waking up from their historically indoctrinated hypnotic sleep. This person starts questioning the many superstitions and dogma that he has been programmed with since childhood. The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.  This person might think that there must be a religion somewhere that might have answers to his many questions, but he soon realise that most religions have the same superstition based foundations. They might have a different God perception, deity or style, but turn out to be the same dogma and rituals wrapped in a different package. The discovery that you cannot make the confusion go away by simply joining a new religious group often fill such individual with lots of pain, anxiety and doubt. Some that experience doubt about the God perception that he grew up with or that he read about in his Holy book become atheists. Waking up is a real test for those that develop a desire to make sense of life, death and the reason why we visit this plane.

A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”. He is often driven out of his church by a zealous pastor and some of his previous fellow believers. There is no place in conventional religion for those that ask questions and require clarity to the many so-called “truths” written down by God inspired authors. This person soon reaches a stage where he can no longer listen to the same old dogma and finally stop attending these indoctrination sessions. He is usually soon stripped of his old friends and even family. Waking up is a lonely path for “free thinkers”.

Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight.


I believe that all of us come to earth to learn and experience. I also believe that we come to this dimension to wake up to our true identity and to set ourselves free from indoctrination. It might initially be a painful experience, but nothing can provide you with more joy than the knowledge you gain when you begin to grow spiritually. Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight. Each person wake up in his own unique way and will find it difficult to join a spiritual group that provide all the answers to his many questions. Our original yearning to be part of a group can lead us from one religious trap into a fresh spiritual trap that might turn out to be even worse than the one we escaped from. I mentioned above that we come to this zone to learn. Each one of us is at a different level in our spiritual evolution. It will thus be silly to join a single group that boast with their own in-house guru. Many spiritual seekers end up getting sidetracked by the endless range of cults that prowl the streets looking for the vulnerable and confused. I suggest you become still and allow the perfect self at your centre to guide you in your quest for growth and understanding. Knowledge set you free. Breaking away from the sustained influence of a specific religious dogma or one of the many cults can be the best thing that ever happened to you.



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Posted by on May 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?

Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?

Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did? You ended up in a certain job, attended certain schools and a specific church while you socialised in a particular community. You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play. You felt more at home with certain people that came from a specific ethnic or social group or language. You opened up to those that you felt safe with while you ignored, avoided or even shunned individuals that failed to make the grade according to your entrenched value system. The point that I am making is that you formed specific perceptions and belief systems early in life and diligently stuck to the blueprints that you fixed in your head. The only times you possibly questioned your belief system was when something happened that caused you serous discomfort. The pain and doubt that a specific incident or event caused you may have stopped you in your tracks for a while, but you more often than not returned to the “tried and tested” when the scars healed or when the problem faded.

What we often forget is that each person on this planet including those on our playing field of life (friends, family, strangers etc.) went through the same “programming” cycle. A person for example that grew up in China, Egypt or for that matter any other country on this planet formed their own set of perceptions and belief systems as well. They for example went to a different church or temple and prayed to a God with a different name. They dress differently and see life from a totally different perspective. They eat different food and dance to different music. There is a tendency in all of us to cluster together with those that seem to have the same value and belief systems than us. We thus end up with societies, tribes and nations that come together in united groups that work, play, go to war and pray together.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime. The values, rituals and dogma that they were taught from early childhood usually remain their fixed guide until they at the end of their life put their heads down for a final time. It is thus surprising that many of us are under the impression that we have some moral duty to recruit or convert individuals that don’t have the same religious convictions than us. We feel that we must “save” these individuals with their different perceived Devil inspired ideas and ideologies. We in all sincerity feel obligated to attempt to convince these “lost souls” that our specific saviour and God is the only way that can ensure a safe passage to a peaceful afterlife. Some of us even have the audacity to warn these “lost sheep” that hesitate to dump their entrenched religion and their current saviour or God that they are setting themselves up for a horrific afterlife where they will be toasted forever. We might be zealous in our attempt to rescue those that sit with a totally different set of religious convictions, but forget that they have been indoctrinated just like us that their deity is the way to a successful afterlife. I hope you can see how silly this mode of thinking is when you keep in mind how all of us come though different childhood indoctrinations. It is thus arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to simply abandon his deeply entrenched religious convictions and follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.

The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.


I want you to keep the above in mind when we look at individuals that start waking up from their historically indoctrinated hypnotic sleep. This person starts questioning the many superstitions and dogma that he has been programmed with since childhood. The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.  This person might think that there must be a religion somewhere that might have answers to his many questions, but he soon realise that most religions have the same superstition based foundations. They might have a different God perception, deity or style, but turn out to be the same dogma and rituals wrapped in a different package. The discovery that you cannot make the confusion go away by simply joining a new religious group often fill such individual with lots of pain, anxiety and doubt. Some that experience doubt about the God perception that he grew up with or that he read about in his Holy book become atheists. Waking up is a real test for those that develop a desire to make sense of life, death and the reason why we visit this plane.

A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”. He is often driven out of his church by a zealous pastor and some of his previous fellow believers. There is no place in conventional religion for those that ask questions and require clarity to the many so-called “truths” written down by God inspired authors. This person soon reaches a stage where he can no longer listen to the same old dogma and finally stop attending these indoctrination sessions. He is usually soon stripped of his old friends and even family. Waking up is a lonely path for “free thinkers”.

Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight.

I believe that all of us come to earth to learn and experience. I also believe that we come to this dimension to wake up to our true identity and to set ourselves free from indoctrination. It might initially be a painful experience, but nothing can provide you with more joy than the knowledge you gain when you begin to grow spiritually. Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight. Each person wake up in his own unique way and will find it difficult to join a spiritual group that provide all the answers to his many questions. Our original yearning to be part of a group can lead us from one religious trap into a fresh spiritual trap that might turn out to be even worse than the one we escaped from. I mentioned above that we come to this zone to learn. Each one of us is at a different level in our spiritual evolution. It will thus be silly to join a single group that boast with their own in-house guru. Many spiritual seekers end up getting sidetracked by the endless range of cults that prowl the streets looking for the vulnerable and confused. I suggest you become still and allow the perfect self at your centre to guide you in your quest for growth and understanding. Knowledge set you free. Breaking away from the sustained influence of a specific religious dogma or one of the many cults can be the best thing that ever happened to you.


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Posted by on June 19, 2012 in WISDOM


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