Daily Archives: August 6, 2012

A person with a well disguised parasitic tendency can infect and finally destroy its hoist. They walk, talk and smile and make the right noises while they subliminally like a deadly bacteria infect everyone that they come in contact with.

I have been consulting in the psychic and energy distribution field for many years now. I assisted many individuals and corporations to come to terms with a wide range of situations. Very few people know or understand that we are powered by an energy field that permeate every cell of our body and mind. Individuals are daily exposed to two forces. The first is a positive and productive force that enhances the quality of our lives. We are also exposed to negative and destructive forces that parasite on our energy resources. These negative polluting forces have absolutely nothing to do with the evil satanic entities that are bounced around by the religiously inclined. You might be surprised to learn that partners, teams, families, corporations and even nations have a collective energy field. I have been blessed at birth to detect not only the levels of the psychic energy in a person, but also in a cluster (team etc. as indicated above) of individuals. Most individuals do the best they can under their given circumstances. They often work extremely hard, but more often than not never really achieve their desired outcomes. It is only after I point out the sources that sabotage them that happiness, success and growth returns to them. Every person that you have in your game of life and every person that you come across in the street have an invisible force that surround them. This energy field is either predominantly negatively or positively charged. Your energy field should be strong and your first line of defence. It can be compared to your immune system in your body. It must repel or defeat negative attempts to suck you dry in an attempt to recharge their own energy resources. I am sure you know at least one person that drain you and leave you depleted almost every time you have the displeasure to run into them. That is the reason why it is so important when you select a partner or a person to work for your company. A person with a well disguised parasitic tendency can infect and finally destroy its hoist. They walk, talk and smile and make the right noises while they subliminally like a deadly bacteria infect everyone that they come in contact with. I could write a book on the tragic wreckage that they often leave behind them when they finally like a parasite move to their next donor. Please note that what I describe in this post have nothing to do with psychology or religion. It is a field that very few understand. I still consult on a person to person basis with individuals that want to disinfect their energy field. I also consult with corporations and often prevent parasites to be appointed in their staff or management structures. I still have person to person and remote national and international consultations with individuals or corporations. I saved countless individuals years or meaningless effort and frustration. I prevented corporations to invest in products, ventures and projects that would have crippled them. Look around you for a couple of days and you might notice some of the stuff that I mentioned in this post.



Posted by on August 6, 2012 in WISDOM


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Improve Your Life in One Minute

Want to make some positive gains in your life? A lot of folks would like to improve their lifestyle, but just cannot find the time to take action.

Still, the highest mountain is scaled only step at a time, and the biggest goal is only accomplished one step at a time. So why not just commit to take one small step right now?

I suggest an approach of just focusing on something you can accomplish in one minute — just 60 seconds.

You may surprise yourself. You can actually do quite a bit in only one minute. Here are some ways to use the power of a single minute:

Exercise for One Minute

No time to go to the gym? OK. Forget about the next 59 minutes, and just focus on the next one minute. Do a deep breathing exercise, or one minute of push-ups or sit-ups. After a while you may expand to two minutes — and wow, you have just made a 200 percent jump.

Relax for One Minute

Just relax into your chair and suck in a slow deep breath all the way down into your belly. Then open your mouth slightly, and release your breath as slowly as you can. Try this right now to refresh your mind with increased oxygen.

Calm Your Mind for One Minute

Your mind is a fabulous theater, and contains wonderful visions of your favorite places. Go visit one of those places for one minute. Just relax and clear your mind wherever you may be. You’ll come away feeling refreshed, and a lot calmer and clearer.

Change Your Outlook for One Minute

You can even experiment going outside your normal self for a minute. Try acting the exact opposite of how you usually act for one minute. If you tend to be introverted, think like an extrovert. If you are an engineer, think like an artist. If you are a man, think like a woman.

Re-Frame a Problem for One Minute

Choose a problem, then select a different frame of reference to consider it from. Try considering the problem through the eyes of someone you admire. Does the problem look different? Try looking at it with the mind Albert Einstein or Bill Gates or Martha Stewart. Now how does the problem look?

Be Happy for One Minute

Maybe you are currently overwhelmed with problems and challenges beyond your control. Try finding something to give thanks for, and focus on being grateful. Forget any current or past tragedies or disasters, and let yourself be happy for one minute.

You really can achieve wonders in just one minute. And these single minutes can add up to a greatly improve quality of life. Give it a try!

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

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Posted by on August 6, 2012 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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Mark Twain said the difference between the right word and the almost right word is “the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

Mark Twain said the difference between the right word and the almost right word is “the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” Twain had an incredible knack for nicely summing it all up, didn’t he?

The value of your content and/or your offer is what ultimately matters. And yet the words you use to demonstrate that value and present that offer will determine to what degree people take action.

The goal of this post is to give you some examples of words that bring the lightning. And by lightning I mean words that invoke and engage emotion.

Of course, these words work exceptionally well in written copy, too. But with multimedia content, you’ve got a lot more electricity to draw upon.

With audio, you’ve got the enthusiasm and emphasis that comes from your voice inflection and tone. And with video, the power of relevant visuals to enhance your message should not be underestimated from a psychological standpoint.

There are way more emotional trigger words and phrases than the examples I list here. And there are many more categories of emotion to tap into. My hope is to simply get you thinking about word choice, regardless of content format.

Let’s get started.

Health and Hope
They say if you don’t have your health, you’ve got very little. And health as a metaphor also works for all sorts of other areas outside of the realm of mental and physical wellness, such as relationships and businesses.


Likewise, if you don’t have hope, life is bleak indeed. The desire to believe that things will be better in the future is a primary motivator for action, recently exemplified as a core theme of the Barack Obama campaign for U.S.



Anger and Frustration

Let’s face it, a lot of people are pissed off about a lot of things, and empathizing with that anger while simultaneously engaging it is very powerful. You don’t provoke anger for anger’s sake though; you do it to create an identification with your solution that ends the anger and moves people to a more positive emotional state.


Tapping into the frustration your audience feels can be incredibly actionable. After all, frustration stems from the inability to solve a problem. If you have a real solution, identifying with the frustration first intensifies the immediate desire for that solution.

Had enough?
Never again…
Temporary fix

Betrayal and Revenge

The word betrayal itself is a powerful emotional trigger word. As a theme, it powers Shakespeare’s most powerful works, and runs repeatedly though current headlines regarding the economy, Wall Street, Big Pharma, and on and on.


Revenge is the desire that results from betrayal, and it’s so powerful because revenge connotes action. The action you want people to take, however, is more along the lines of “living well is the best revenge,” not something ugly or destructive (unless you’re selling something ugly or destructive, but that’s your issue).

Turn the tables

The Forbidden and the Powerless

The power of the forbidden is why banning books to prevent exposure to the ideas in them is a stupid strategy. It’s why we’re drawn to secrets and why Adam took the apple from Eve. In a nutshell, we want what we can’t have (or what we’re told we shouldn’t have), and respond favorably to a solution or promise that we can now have it.


Powerlessness is frustration taken to the extreme, and we’ve all felt it. Beyond that which is forbidden, we feel a solution is literally unattainable. Beyond anger, we feel intense resentment. The ability to empathize with and empower those who feel this way makes you a hero.


Passion and Urgency

When your audience is passionate about what you have to say or sell, there’s no need to convince them of need, it’s all about want. Beyond attaining the objects of our desire, we love to experience excitement along the way. So don’t take passion for granted; enhance it!



It’s not enough to make someone want to do something, you’ve often got to get them to take immediate action if they’re to take action at all. A sense of urgency is an emotional response that can range from fear of loss to unbridled enthusiasm, and one way or another you’ve got to create it at your close.

Before you forget…
While it’s fresh on your mind…

The Power of the Right Words

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is determined by the level of emotional identification that word prompts. In other words, the right emotional trigger words take the same basic message to all new heights. Don’t settle for lightning bugs on a clear summer night when you could be shooting for the stars.

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Posted by on August 6, 2012 in WISDOM


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