Tag Archives: business









YOUR HEAD IS LIKE A TOOLBOX: Everyday you make a thousand choices. You choose what to wear, where to go, who to meet, what to eat and what to do. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, YOU decide WHAT TO THINK. One thing is sure and that is that your day will not be better than you thoughts.

Just close your eyes for a moment and see if you can visualise this open toolbox and if you can see the hundreds of tools that are neatly placed in this toolbox. Now look if you can see the maker’s name on these tools. The creator of these tools (thoughts and perceptions) is you. You created thousands of thoughts and perceptions (tools) about everything since your childhood.

When confronted with any situation or problem you reach into this toolbox and take out what you think the most appropriate tool and attempt to fix the problem. It is estimated that your mind thinks at least 2,500 thoughts an hour. Every thought that you think is a tool (perception) that you have that you imagine would work best under specific circumstances. This thought process continue day and night and will do so for the rest of your life.

I am convinced that we think ourselves to a standstill. We never stop playing with these tools in our toolbox and can hardly ever really relax for a while. If we are not faced with a problem or task that needs completion we still continue to take out these tools and mentally rehears and contemplate how we will use them should something that we fear become a reality.

We are forever thinking and scheming and never become still and tranquil inside. Our bodies might seem relaxed, but deep inside our heads this thought process continues churning around. What I am most worried about is that most of the tools that you have in our toolboxes is very old and outdated.

Many of the modern problems that you face cannot be repaired using these tools. If you take a modern mechanic’s toolbox and you place the toolbox of a mechanic of fifty years ago next to it you will find that there are major discrepancies. When you are confronted with something that needs repair and you do not have the right tool for the task at hand it can be very frustrating. We usually improvise and try using some other tool and hope that it will also get the job done.


When you are faced with a problem you need to select the right tool for the task at hand. If you do not have the tool in your toolbox it can complicate your life. What most people seem to ignore is that it is sometimes better not to reach for your toolbox when faced with a problem. Sometimes you need time to pass or need to leave the problem with its rightful owner. How well you use your tools is usually reflected in the world you see around you. What would you do if you were faced with any or all of the following?


You get a flat tire on your way to an important customer or meeting. You can fall apart, develop a migraine and think that life is against you or you can take out the right tools (patience and reality) and take care of the problem in a relaxed manner.


You have been working on the computer for hours and suddenly lose all your work. You can drop dead with a heart attack, think that God hates you or you can take out the right tool (sanity and reality) and begin over again and remember this time to make a backup your work.


A lover or wife possibly cheated on you. You can go crazy and get an assassin to take her potential lover out, think that you are a failure or you can take out the right tool (no fear of loss) and get on with your life.


When you have the right tools in your toolbox it makes life a lot easier. The choices we make are vital in our lives. The more quality choices we make during any given day the higher the probability of success and peace of mind.

I suggest that you equip your toolbox with the best tools you can lay your hands on. If you discover that one of your tools are outdated or that a more modern version is available. How would you react if your TV packed up and a technician that obviously knows very little about electronics arrived at your house with only a sledgehammer and a few other primitive tools in his toolbox? I am sure that you will send him away and find someone better qualified and equipped for the task.

You might sometimes be like this incompetent and poorly equipped technician indicated above if you do not often update your tools (thoughts) in your toolbox. You can also have all the right tools in your toolbox and never use them because you are afraid that you might make a mistake.

You must remember that happiness and success is always just one thought (tool) away. You should remember when you find it difficult to cope with something that one new tool (thought) could change your life. One fresh thought and one new idea can change your life from pain and suffering to success and peace of mind.

You are what you think. Your choices that you make on a moment-to-moment basis decide your fate and future. You are really what you think. You can never feel or perform better than the ongoing thoughts that you allow to occupy your mind!





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Posted by on February 15, 2017 in WISDOM


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“Nobody can go back/start a new beginning, but anyone can start today/make a new ending.”






As Maria Robinson once said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” 

Nothing could be closer to the truth. But before you can begin this process of transformation you have to stop doing the things that have been holding you back.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Stop spending time with the wrong people. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot. Never, ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your worth. And remember, it’s not the people that stand by your side when you’re at your best, but the ones who stand beside you when you’re at your worst that are your true friends.

2. Stop running from your problems. Face them head on. No, it won’t be easy. There is no person in the world capable of flawlessly handling every punch thrown at them. We aren’t supposed to be able to instantly solve problems. That’s not how we’re made. In fact, we’re made to get upset, sad, hurt, stumble and fall. Because that’s the whole purpose of living to face problems, learn, adapt, and solve them over the course of time. This is what ultimately molds us into the person we become.

3. Stop lying to yourself. You can lie to anyone else in the world, but you can’t lie to yourself. Our lives improve only when we take chances, and the first and most difficult chance we can take is to be honest with ourselves. Read The Road Less Ravelled.

4. Stop putting your own needs on the back burner.The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too. Yes, help others; but help yourself too. If there was ever a moment to follow your passion and do something that matters to you, that moment is now.

5. Stop trying to be someone you’re not. One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everyone else. Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, but they will never be you. Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.

6. Stop trying to hold onto the past. You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one.

7. Stop being scared to make a mistake. Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing nothing. Every success has a trail of failures behind it, and every failure is leading towards success. You end up regretting the things you did NOT do far more than the things you did.

8. Stop berating yourself for old mistakes. We may love the wrong person and cry about the wrong things, but no matter how things go wrong, one thing is for sure, mistakes help us find the person and things that are right for us. We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.

9. Stop trying to buy happiness. Many of the things we desire are expensive. But the truth is, the things that really satisfy us are totally free love, laughter and working on our passions.

10. Stop exclusively looking to others for happiness.If you’re not happy with who you are on the inside, you won’t be happy in a long-term relationship with anyone else either. You have to create stability in your own life first before you can share it with someone else. Read Stumbling on Happiness..

11. Stop being idle. Don’t think too much or you’ll create a problem that wasn’t even there in the first place. Evaluate situations and take decisive action. You cannot change what you refuse to confront. Making progress involves risk. Period! You can’t make it to second base with your foot on first.

12. Stop thinking you’re not ready. Nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises. Because most great opportunities in life force us to grow beyond our comfort zones, which means we won’t feel totally comfortable at first.

13. Stop getting involved in relationships for the wrong reasons. Relationships must be chosen wisely. It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company. There’s no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen in the right time, with the right person, and for the best reason. Fall in love when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely.

14. Stop rejecting new relationships just because old ones didn’t work.
 In life you’ll realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you and some will teach you. But most importantly, some will bring out the best in you.

15. Stop trying to compete against everyone else.
Don’t worry about what others doing better than you. Concentrate on beating your own records every day. Success is a battle between YOU and YOURSELF only.

16. Stop being jealous of others.
 Jealousy is the art of counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own. Ask yourself this: “What’s something I have that everyone wants?”

17. Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. 
Life’s curveballs are thrown for a reason to shift your path in a direction that is meant for you. You may not see or understand everything the moment it happens, and it may be tough. But reflect back on those negative curveballs thrown at you in the past. You’ll often see that eventually they led you to a better place, person, state of mind, or situation. So smile! Let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday, and you will be.

18. Stop holding grudges.
 Don’t live your life with hate in your heart. You will end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate. Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is okay.” It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my happiness forever.” Forgiveness is the answer… let go, find peace, liberate yourself! And remember, forgiveness is not just for other people, it’s for you too. If you must, forgive yourself, move on and try to do better next time.

19. Stop letting others bring you down to their level. 
Refuse to lower your standards to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs.

20. Stop wasting time explaining yourself to others. 
Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it anyway. Just do what you know in your heart is right.

21. Stop doing the same things over and over without taking a break.
 The time to take a deep breath is when you don’t have time for it. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly.

22. Stop overlooking the beauty of small moments.
Enjoy the little things, because one day you may look back and discover they were the big things. The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.

23. Stop trying to make things perfect. The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists, it rewards people who get things done. Read Getting Things Done.

24. Stop following the path of least resistance.
 Life is not easy, especially when you plan on achieving something worthwhile. Don’t take the easy way out. Do something extraordinary.

25. Stop acting like everything is fine if it isn’t.
 It’s okay to fall apart for a little while. You don’t always have to pretend to be strong, and there is no need to constantly prove that everything is going well. You shouldn’t be concerned with what other people are thinking either cry if you need to it’s healthy to shed your tears. The sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to smile again.

26. Stop blaming others for your troubles.
 The extent to which you can achieve your dreams depends on the extent to which you take responsibility for your life. When you blame others for what you’re going through, you deny responsibility you give others power over that part of your life.

27. Stop trying to be everything to everyone.
 Doing so is impossible, and trying will only burn you out. But making one person smile CAN change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. So narrow your focus.

28. Stop worrying so much.
 Worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens, it will strip today of its joy. One way to check if something is worth mulling over is to ask yourself this question: “Will this matter in one year’s time? Three years? Five years?” If not, then it’s not worth worrying about.

29. Stop focusing on what you don’t want to happen. 
Focus on what you do want to happen. Positive thinking is at the forefront of every great success story. If you awake every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen in your life today, and you pay close attention, you’ll often find that you’re right.


30. Stop being ungrateful. No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs. Instead of thinking about what you’re missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.


Source: Marc and Angel Hack Life





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Posted by on October 19, 2015 in WISDOM



Who do we think will come and rescue us and show us that we are worthy?




It is mind blowing to see what hardship and distress some of us need to go through before we wake up to the fact that we are trapped in a state of NON-ACTION by our fear. How many of our relationships must be destroyed by our inability to do what need to be done or say what we desire to say before we grab resistance by the throat. We resist our feelings in our relationships because our partner might gain the upper hand or get the wrong impression of us. A person or partner treat us like sh*t and we just stand there and bite our tongues. We are too afraid to take drastic and sustained action because we are afraid that he or she might leave us. We remain in a toxic relationship because we are afraid that we might end up lonely in a flat with only a big fat cat and a canary to keep us company. We yearn for success, money and affluence, but do little or nothing that can move us towards our desires and dreams. We are so afraid that we might fail that we remain in a sustained state of hibernation. Many of us want to write a book, play or paint something, but we fail to lift a finger because we allow the fog of resistance to cloud our mind. What are we waiting for? Who do we think will come and rescue us or break down the door to come and give us a job or show us that we are worthy? The fog of resistance clouds our judgement and ability to walk tall and play to win. This feeling or force that kept many of us prisoner since early childhood has no power to bind us. We are its power source. It feeds off our fear of failing or getting hurt. It is recharged every time we allow doubt to clasp its slimy cold fingers around our hearts. Do you know why many outperform us in business, relationships and entrepreneurial ventures? I am sad to report that they have nothing that you don’t have other than the courage to walk forward in the face of adversity. Champions also feel the fear, but they have that little something that override their fear. Their hearts are also beating like a drum, but they do what they know needs to be done until the task is completed. The key is to take that first step forward no matter what you are faced with. Then take a second, third and forth step as well. You will soon gather a rhythm of your own while you write that first page of your book or put down that paint on your masterpiece’s canvas. Yes my friend feel the fear and then do what needs to be done anyway.


Spend some time today pushing back the resistance that have been blocking you for far too long now. Make a list of stuff that you have been sidestepping for a while now. Take number one on the list and do what needs to be done until you can put a tick (task completed) next to it on your list. Now do the same with number two etc. You will soon be flooded with powerful surges of energy and courage. I will continue this series tomorrow.






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Posted by on October 19, 2015 in WISDOM



The Donkey People.


The enemy and the most destructive force inside all of us is our resistance to anything that might force us to think or take action outside our comfort zone. We have this door that automatically slams shut when anything or anyone expects us to take action for an extended period of time. An extended period can be anything between five minutes and several years. We live in an instant gratification world where we want to hit a button and see our desired outcome materialise. A powerful resistance instantaneously swamp our mind when we are confronted with anything that our current frame of reference identifies as “unknown” or “risky”. Some of us walk or even run away (mentally or physically) from challenges that could cause us discomfort or expect us to confront challenges where the outcomes are difficult to compute. We become like a donkey that digs in his heels. We must often literally be dragged through our wall of resistance by our manager or partner.


Please think about the role that RESISTANCE possibly play in your life today. Make a few notes. I will continue with this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on October 17, 2015 in WISDOM









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Posted by on October 11, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM



Change Your Questions, Change Your Life!

This Will Change Your Life



Choice Map


Click HERE to download PDF of Choice Map


The individual with a STUDENT mindset do not jump to conclusions and do not blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. The STUDENT is fully aware that he or she has the option to travel down the well worn path of the JUDGE or detach from this mindset and remain open, relax and alert to opportunities. The STUDENT is eager to learn and to hear what other people have to say. The STUDENT never jumps to conclusions and ask questions like, “What do I really want?”, “What is the facts and what can I learn from this experience?”, “What is my choices and what will allow for a win – win conclusion?” The student experience feelings of hope, optimism, collaboration, flexibility and fun while the JUDGE in turn remains focused on the opposite side of the scale. Read the notes below on the JUDGE and you will notice the complete different approach between the two options that we have when faced with challenges. The STUDENT open an endless number of directions that he or she can move while the JUDGE in turn remains so rigid that he or she soon runs out of options. Print a map for your office and home. This is a powerful tool that will assist you daily.




FREE!! POWERFUL LIFE CHANGING PROGRAM – Take back your power today!


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Posted by on October 5, 2015 in WISDOM



Our lives SHRINK or EXPAND in proportion to our level of COURAGE.




It is mind blowing to see what hardship and distress some of us need to go through before we wake up to the fact that we are trapped in a state of NON-ACTION by our fear. How many of our relationships must be destroyed by our inability to do what need to be done or say what we desire to say before we grab resistance by the throat. We resist our feelings in our relationships because our partner might gain the upper hand or get the wrong impression of us. A person or partner treat us like shit and we just stand there and bite our tongues. We are too afraid to take drastic and sustained action because we are afraid that he or she might leave us. We remain in a toxic relationship because we are afraid that we might end up lonely in a flat with only a big fat cat and a canary to keep us company. We yearn for success, money and affluence, but do little or nothing that can move us towards our desires and dreams. We are so afraid that we might fail that we remain in a sustained state of hibernation. Many of us want to write a book, play or paint something, but we fail to lift a finger because we allow the fog of resistance to cloud our mind. What are we waiting for? Who do we think will come and rescue us or break down the door to come and give us a job or show us that we are worthy? The fog of resistance clouds our judgement and ability to walk tall and play to win. This feeling or force that kept many of us prisoner since early childhood has no power to bind us. We are its power source. It feeds off our fear of failing or getting hurt. It is recharged every time we allow doubt to clasp its slimy cold fingers around our hearts. Do you know why many outperform us in business, relationships and entrepreneurial ventures? I am sad to report that they have nothing that you don’t have other than the courage to walk forward in the face of adversity. Champions also feel the fear, but they have that little something that override their fear. Their hearts are also beating like a drum, but they do what they know needs to be done until the task is completed. The key is to take that first step forward no matter what you are faced with. Then take a second, third and forth step as well. You will soon gather a rhythm of your own while you write that first page of your book or put down that paint on your masterpiece’s canvas. Yes my friend feel the fear and then do what needs to be done anyway.


Spend some time today pushing back the resistance that have been blocking you for far too long now. Make a list of stuff that you have been sidestepping for a while now. Take number one on the list and do what needs to be done until you can put a tick (task completed) next to it on your list. Now do the same with number two etc. You will soon be flooded with powerful surges of energy and courage. I will continue this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on September 28, 2015 in WISDOM



Mother Nature deposits her gifts on everyone regardless of their status, race or career.





My mood was cold, dark, and directionless. My tortured mind was filled with thoughts of missed opportunities and broken promises.


The cutting wind on my unshaven face made my eyes water and drove the dark clouds of depression into my shattered soul.


The years slipped by like fleeting dreams. Moments of joy and victory came and vanished like the waves of the ocean bashed on the black rocks of sadness.


I looked up and noticed the sheets of rain that endlessly poured its gift of life and growth in all directions.


A thought darted into my tired defeated mind. I suddenly noticed how nature shares her abundance with everyone and everything.


Mother Nature is not selective when she sends gifts of rain and sunshine to feed, nourish and rejuvenate everything with a smattering of life at their core.


These gifts of life are given to the seeds that are still sleeping in the soil. The dark scorched earth will soon put on a new coat of colour and in turn pass on these gifts of life to the bees, birds and everything else that waited patiently on Mother Nature to return as she has done since the beginning of time.


I suddenly understood that it is mankind’s inability to give unconditionally that is responsible for the inequality that drips off this planet like black wax from a candle.


Our homes are filled to the brim with stuff, but we want more, better, faster and the latest. Something inside us drives us like a hungry pack of wolves forward in our quest to feed our greedy ego.


There is no time for compassion in our busy lives. Poverty stares at us on every corner, but we are so obsessed with our own little world that we never notice that cold and hungry child on the corner of the street or a mother that worked her hands to the bone to serve us where we sit in our artificial castles sipping our wine of success.


The clouds of gloominess gradually lifted from my bowed shoulders. I knew what Mother Nature came to teach me in this dark night of my soul. She came to teach me about compassion and gratitude. She showed me that I must learn to give unconditionally and abundantly if I want to make a contribution to life on this planet.


I noticed that the sun began to break through the clouds announcing that the rain moved on to go and do some more teaching down the road. A rainbow suddenly appeared on the horizon. I slowly got up, wiped the water from my face, pushed back my shoulders with new hope in my heart against the backdrop of the singing of the birds that were thanking Mother Nature in advance for the new gifts that she will bring the next time she pays us a visit. She will like before pour her gifts on the rich and the poor, on those that have in abundance and those that have virtually nothing. She deposits her gifts on everyone regardless of their status, race or career and knows that a time will come when mankind has evolved enough to grasp that we are one and an extension of her.




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Posted by on September 21, 2015 in WISDOM



Being at peace is a choice. How? Stop struggling/fighting the world around/within us.




Being at peace is the wonderful state of mind and body where all is calm, where thoughts are quiet and serene, and where muscles are relaxed and comfortable. In this article, you’ll learn how to attain this inner peace in a matter of minutes.


Once you are adept at controlling your mind and body, you are always only one simple thought away from perfect peacefulness.


You can “will” perfect peacefulness at any time. You will be able to move out of stressful situations immediately. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps to train yourself. A little practice is all that is required. But, you must take the time to direct the mind and body in positive ways so that you can ensure the pleasures of inner peace.


You’re at the wheel. So let’s drive on!


Let peace happen.


Being at peace is a choice. When we stop struggling and fighting the world around us—and the world within us—peace can happen. Our individual fight is with our thoughts, emotions and physical bodies. The fighting can be directed toward ourselves or those we face each day. Here are several approaches to quickly give up the fight and win at the same time.


There are many ways your physical body can take on struggles you face each day. Maybe you clench your jaw when you get mad. Maybe you collect tension across the back of your neck and shoulders. Maybe butterflies trouble your stomach. The first step is being aware of what you are doing. The second step is to consciously make the choice to release the tension.


Your mind takes on struggles in the form of mental images. Do you tend to imagine the ideal end result or the worst possible situation? Troubling and negative mental images translate into unpleasant emotions and stressful physical reactions.


Choose carefully the thoughts you think because they absolutely affect how you feel. Realize that the only person who can change your thoughts is you. You can then take charge and change your thoughts for the better.


Emotions are natural physiological changes that occur when thoughts are held in your mind. You can easily direct your emotional states by changing your posture; for example, sit straight, tilt your head, use facial expressions, walk differently, etc. You can also direct your emotional states by holding brighter and more pleasing visual images in mind. You have the choice, but you must make the choice.


Creating Peace of Mind


To create peace within yourself, simply relax your body and breathing; then, direct the mind.


A still body is the reflection of a calm mind, but the mind cannot be still until the body is still.


Begin by making your body comfortable. Then release areas of tension. As example, gentle movements of the neck and shoulder muscles can help stretch and release tension in those areas.


Breathing in an even and steady way will quickly calm both the body and mind. Make the inhale and exhale of equal length without any pauses in between. Your breathing will become smooth and even.


The next step is to quiet the mind. Start by bringing your awareness into this present moment, here and now. By doing this you can effectively eliminate distracting or troubling thoughts. Any anxieties about the future or tensions from the past will leave your mind and body.


Another way to direct the mind is to direct your inner voice–especially if it is anxious or overbearing. Play with the idea of changing the volume of your inner voice. Have it be quieter.


Modify the tone of you inner voice until it is pleasant, warm and nurturing. You can have it say pleasant and comforting words to you—words of encouragement and self esteem. Some people even repeat soothing words or phrases in a rhythmic way.


The final step is to hold images that encourage a peaceful mind. For thousands of years, prayerful and meditative people have directed the mind by holding steady mental pictures. For example, the image of a candle flame can be used to concentrate one’s attention and steady the mind. You can use images of a peaceful scene from nature, a vacation setting, an imaginary room of comfort, a cathedral, rose bushes, or anything calming, wonderful, and peaceful.


What To Do Once You’ve Got There.


Getting to a relaxed state of mind and body by the above steps may take 20-30 minutes at first. With practice, however, you’ll be able to accomplish this within a few minutes.


When you try to extend this peaceful feeling for long periods of time, you may find that your mind will race to other thoughts. After all, your mind is trained to race, to go full throttle, all day long. If you suddenly stop for 20 minutes, will your mind to cooperate? No. It will do what you trained it to do for the 16 hours–race!


So, what’s the solution? How do you create a peace-filled life, and not peaceful three-minute spurts? Take it one moment and one thought at a time. Bring peaceful, serene, and positive images and feelings into the rest of your day. Learn to release tensions as they occur. Learn to direct your thoughts and emotions at the time they start getting out of hand. You’ll discover that not only can you create a peacefulness, but you are living a peace-filled life.


By Paul R. Scheele, Creator of the Ultimate You Mindfest


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Posted by on September 21, 2015 in WISDOM



The person with a STUDENT frame of mind never jumps to conclusions.


Click HERE to download PDF of Choice Map


The individual with a STUDENT mindset do not jump to conclusions and do not blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. The STUDENT is fully aware that he or she has the option to travel down the well worn path of the JUDGE or detach from this mindset and remain open, relax and alert to opportunities. The STUDENT is eager to learn and to hear what other people have to say. The STUDENT never jumps to conclusions and ask questions like, “What do I really want?”, “What is the facts and what can I learn from this experience?”, “What is my choices and what will allow for a win – win conclusion?” The student experience feelings of hope, optimism, collaboration, flexibility and fun while the JUDGE in turn remains focused on the opposite side of the scale. Read the notes below on the JUDGE and you will notice the complete different approach between the two options that we have when faced with challenges. The STUDENT open an endless number of directions that he or she can move while the JUDGE in turn remains so rigid that he or she soon runs out of options. Print a map for your office and home. This is a powerful tool that will assist you daily.



FREE!! POWERFUL LIFE CHANGING PROGRAM – Take back your power today!


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Posted by on August 17, 2015 in WISDOM



The bigger the percentage of reptilian brain thinkers in a society the more unstable and unpredictable such society becomes.


We looked at the “spontaneous” reaction patterns in earlier deliveries of this series. Your brain consists out of three main sections that merge together in a single operating system. The most evolved section (part) of your brain according to neuroscientist is the cortex. This brain cluster is responsible for logic, learning, conscious thoughts and also your unique personality. The second cluster is known as the Middle or Mammalian brain. This cluster is also known as the limbic system. This part of your brain deals with your emotions, moods, hormones and memory. The third part or cluster of your brain is called the “old” or “reptilian” brain. This cluster manage all your survival functions, breathing, appetite as well as your “fight or run like hell” reactions that will hopefully keep you out of harm’s way. The experts concluded that our “old” or “reptilian” brain is more often than not used when we need to make rapid decisions. The problem that we have is that many of us use this part of our brains almost all the time. I explained in the previous post that we have millions of thought clusters that float around in our heads that can be triggered at any time. My friend you are looking at the triggering devise (smoking gun), the “old” or “reptilian” brain that is causing most of your problems. The observations made by your senses are then “processed” in this department (reptilian brain cluster) in your head. Keep in mind that this part of your brain is your first line of defence. Decisions are made here about the potential threat level of incoming events or observations. Our survival depended strongly on the rapid processing of data when we still lived in caves and watched dinosaurs roaming the planes. The decision making process was relatively simple. Run for the hills, fight like a demon or relax the perceived threat is not something you need to worry about right now. This primitive computer software developed a substantial data bank of all conceivable threats that could threaten your survival. You might notice that many of us still utilize this un-evolved primitive part of our brain when faced with choices or obstacles. We act “spontaneously” and usually do or say the first thing that comes to mind. Every action and every reaction produces a set of circumstances. Poor quality choices activate perpetual primitive survival actions. This is how we got caught up in a never ending survival mode that in time took on a life of its own (ego). It is only when we began to evolve and when we learned how to DETACH that we began to broke down the built in RESISTANCE mindset maintained by our reptilian brain cluster. The old reptilian brain drives our emotions. It should be obvious what kind of emotions will be most dominant in a person that still mainly work from this department in his head (anger, anxiety, fear, worry, attack, defend etc. Every person has his own level of evolution. You will soon notice to what extent a person still rely on his reptilian perceptions and actions when you observe his general coping style. We earlier in this series looked at the collective clusters that tribes and nations lived and operated in. The collective evolution of these groups becomes quite obvious when you observe the social and intellectual skills of such group. People might look the same, but that does not in any way explain what level of evolution they achieved as a group or a nation. Global societies are made up of a mixture of tribes and nations. Society became a melting pot where reptilian brain thinkers mixed and interacted with more evolved members of society. The bigger the percentage of reptilian brain thinkers in a society the more unstable and unpredictable such society becomes. They might walk and talk like all other members of society, but that do not mean that they make decisions from the same part of their brains. There is also an upside to the merging of the various levels of evolution that make up groups or nations. The examples set by more evolved thinking speeded up the evolution process of underdeveloped tribes and nations with hundreds of thousands of years. The flip side of the coin is that the more primitive tribes made their own valuable contributions as well. The more primitive tribes often contributed to the overall learning experiences of the evolved groups by the opportunities that they offered to learn lessons in patience and compassion. Being less evolved should never indicate inferiority. You do not go to school and start in high school. You gradually work and earn your way to finally go to university or college. There is not a single soul that originally arrived in this dimension partially or fully evolved. Every member of the evolved groups gradually worked and learned their way to the more evolved status that they hold today. It will thus be silly to judge or look down at anyone that still display more primitive behaviour patterns. I repeat stop judging and finding fault. You probably took even more time to evolve to your current level of civility. I also mentioned that we (evolved or not evolved) are one. The collective higher vibration brought about by those more evolved pushed up the collective vibration of the entire earth zone.


Spend some time today to master the art of NON-ACTION or REACTION when you are faced with anything or anyone that triggers less acceptable and negative emotions in you. Do not attempt to RESIST, FIGHT or CONTROL the emotions evoked. Simply OBSERVE them for a moment and then LET THEM GO. Your ego (reptilian brain reactions) might be disappointed that you took away wonderful opportunities for him to rise and shine and act like an idiot, but do it anyway. You came to this dimension to overcome your reptilian reaction patterns. The only way to achieve that is to become aware of the silly and often destructive outcomes that reptilian brain thinking produces. I will continue this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on August 13, 2015 in WISDOM



If you constantly ask yourself, “Why am I such an idiot” you will continue to display “idiotic” behaviour.




The process of thinking is nothing more than an ongoing series of questions that you ask yourself. You question your own performance and the performances of others all the time. You ability to focus on the positive in life is determined by the type of questions that you ask yourself. If you constantly ask yourself, “Why am I such an idiot” you will continue to display “idiot” behaviour. When you continually ask yourself, “Why is everybody picking on me all the time” you will continue to display the role of a victim. If you ask yourself, “Why am I continually missing out on career advances and promotions” you will make very little progress in whatever career you currently follow.

Superficially these questions might seem as if they come from the heart, but if you study them closer you will see that they cannot in any way enhance your performance in any area of your life. If you for example ask, “Why am I such an idiot” you will never really discover why you feel that you are giving the performance of an idiot all the time.

We also ask questions about the people around us all the time. We will for example ask, “Why is he always out to belittle me and make me look bad in situations.” This type of question can send you on a mental trip into a maze that will never provide you with a solution to the discomfort this person are causing you. We must stop asking ourselves questions that are designed to make our already negative and despondent feelings even more destructive.

The quality of your life depends on the type of questions you ask yourself about your own performance and the performances of others. If you are at the moment feeling let down by someone and you ask, “Why is everybody always letting me down” will not alleviate your pain, but rather deepen the feeling of disgust or despondency in you.

I think that this questioning habit comes from our childhood where our parents “questioned” us when we made mistakes or did something wrong. We seem to take this parent to child method of questioning into our adult life.


The way to question yourself should always bring your closer to a solution to your perceived problem. Rather ask, “What can I do to improve my performance in maths” and avoid the “Why am I such an idiot” style. When you ask “how can I improve” questions you, start thinking solutions while when ask “Why am I such an “idiot” questions you just deepen the negative perception you have about your performance in maths.

When you begin to pose solution-orientated questions, you are directing your attention towards things you can do to improve your status. If you ask destructive questions that only highlight your perceived inadequacies, you are setting yourself up for ongoing failure.

You can ask yourself questions on paper and begin to grow right now. If you list a number of “improvement questions” and begin to work on things you can do to improve on your current performance you are well on your way to success. If you are unhappy about something then ask, “What can I do right now to become more happy and fulfilled?” Make a list of positive question on the following subjects and then answer them in a constructive manner.

Make a list of questions on happy, success, passion, gratitude, money etc. Now answer your “what can I do to improve” questions. You will be amazed what progress you make in a relative short period. Remember questions are good as long as they are posed and answered in a constructive manner.





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Posted by on August 10, 2015 in WISDOM



Minding your own business – by my friend Barbara Berger



Minding other people’s business is a sure fire way to make yourself unhappy. That’s why if you want to live a happy life, I highly recommend you take a closer look at this mechanism and ask yourself whose business you are in?


But what exactly do I mean by “minding someone else’s business”?


Well when you mind your own business, you take care of yourself. You are in your own space, focusing on what is going on inside you and on what’s good for you. And you try to make the best possible decisions and take the best possible actions based on everything you know, feel, and love.


When you are minding someone else’s business, you are in their space either telling the person in your mind or out loud to their face what you think they should feel, think and/or do. When you do this, you’re minding their business. And minding another person’s business is quite simply invading their space, unless they have specifically asked for your help or opinion.


So try watching yourself during the day and ask yourself “Whose business am I in right now? Am I minding my own business or someone else’s? Who am I making judgments and decisions for right now? For me or for someone else? And who am I worrying about right now? Who am I thinking about, making plans for, or afraid for?”


You might want to stop for a moment and ask yourself this question right now. Who’s in your mind at the moment? Who are you worried about right now? Is it your mate, your parents, your friends, your kids? And what kind of worry is it? Is it concrete and practical because you’re standing right next to this person and he or she is in a life and death situation right this minute and only you can save them? (Probably not because how can you be reading this at the same time?) Or are you extending yourself into their space and making judgments and suggestions—in your own mind—that are not yours to make?


It’s interesting to think about. And it’s interesting to observe as you go through your day and interact with your family, friends and business colleagues. Whose business are you minding? This can be quite a new concept for many people because it’s something we don’t learn in school. So few people are truly aware of what they’re doing. But if you want to live a happy life, the time to wake up and become aware of this mechanism is right now. The key to releasing yourself and others is to stay at home in your own business. Watch what you’re doing and when you find yourself moving out of your own space, make the conscious decision to pull back your projections and ideas about what you think other people should or shouldn’t be doing. And stay home with yourself! (It’s such a relief for you and for everyone else when you do! And it’s also trusting the intelligence of other people/the Universe/and God to figure out what’s best for them.)


When you start to understand this mechanism and begin to notice what you’re doing, you’re probably going to find that a lot of the time you’re everywhere except at home with yourself. If this is the case, don’t despair. Becoming aware of this mechanism is in itself a very powerful impulse for transformation. And it works automatically because as you start to see what you are doing, your natural inclination will be to pull back your projections, ideas and suggestions about what you think is good for other people. Your natural inclination will be to let them decide for themselves because as you wake up, it becomes obvious that you can’t possibly know what is good or bad for other people anyway. In my experience, thinking that you can or do, causes nothing but pain and personal anguish.


So all we’re left with is the question – whose business are you in? Theirs or yours? If you want to live a happy life, I highly recommend asking yourself this question often.”



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Posted by on July 29, 2015 in WISDOM



You will set yourself free when you get your “judgemental” mind out of the way.




Listening transforms relationships. The ability to listen with our spiritual ears reveals what we have been unable to hear for the best part of our lives. Most of us are very selective in what we hear. We can only hear to the extent that we mastered our ego. Our ego or false self tuned our ability to hear down to its lowest level.

We fail to hear the words that are spoken by those that we interact with. We cannot hear the voice of God that fills the spaces between words and sentences. The real messages shared with us are subliminal and embedded in the fractions of silence that occupy the space between words and sentences.

We are so busy preparing our answers or judging what a person have to say that we hardly ever hear the lessons and lectures that God is sending us during these conversations. We hear the anger in a person’s voice, but the thought never cross our mind that it is really fear that is causing his or her barrage of words and accusations.

When we learn to listen, we become aware of the true message that a person want to share with us. The universal language works across all language barriers. You can understand the hidden messages transmitted if you get your judgmental mind out of the way.

You can listen to the cry of a fish eagle and will suddenly be able to understand his plight. You can listen to the waves and might discover that it tells you about its journeys down endless rivers for millions of years. You do not hear this language you feel it in your soul. Listen to the wind. It is an integral part of a very complicated system. A system that ensures sustained life on this planet.

When you really listen to your partner you might for the first time discover the pain and uncertainty that he dragged with him since early childhood.

Become still and get your false self out of the way. Your false self wants to keep you imprisoned in a state of illusion. You will peel away the layers of residue that blocked the perfect spirit at your core.

Listen to the wind, the songs of the whales and the conversations of the birds in your garden if you want to unite with your creator. Every grain of sand and every drop of rain has God embedded at its core.

You will for the first time hear the wonderful glory of God when you start listening with your spiritual ears. You can learn more from the sound of a thunder storm than you will learn from a guru that preach about a separate God that view mankind as useless sinners.

You will become aware of God’s voice when you stop taking yourself so serious. Become still, listen to the silence and allow the wondrous glory of God to fill your tired body and over burdened mind. Your fear and doubt will dissolve like mist in the morning sun.



(Extract from my book “The Treasure Within”


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Posted by on July 18, 2015 in Release, WISDOM



The process of thinking is nothing more than an ongoing series of questions that you ask yourself.





The process of thinking is nothing more than an ongoing series of questions that you ask yourself. You question your own performance and the performances of others all the time. You ability to focus on the positive in life is determined by the type of questions that you ask yourself. If you constantly ask yourself, “Why am I such an idiot” you will continue to display “idiot” behaviour. When you continually ask yourself, “Why is everybody picking on me all the time” you will continue to display the role of a victim. If you ask yourself, “Why am I continually missing out on career advances and promotions” you will make very little progress in whatever career you currently follow.

Superficially these questions might seem as if they come from the heart, but if you study them closer you will see that they cannot in any way enhance your performance in any area of your life. If you for example ask, “Why am I such an idiot” you will never really discover why you feel that you are giving the performance of an idiot all the time.

We also ask questions about the people around us all the time. We will for example ask, “Why is he always out to belittle me and make me look bad in situations.” This type of question can send you on a mental trip into a maze that will never provide you with a solution to the discomfort this person are causing you. We must stop asking ourselves questions that are designed to make our already negative and despondent feelings even more destructive.

The quality of your life depends on the type of questions you ask yourself about your own performance and the performances of others. If you are at the moment feeling let down by someone and you ask, “Why is everybody always letting me down” will not alleviate your pain, but rather deepen the feeling of disgust or despondency in you.

I think that this questioning habit comes from our childhood where our parents “questioned” us when we made mistakes or did something wrong. We seem to take this parent to child method of questioning into our adult life.


The way to question yourself should always bring your closer to a solution to your perceived problem. Rather ask, “What can I do to improve my performance in maths” and avoid the “Why am I such an idiot” style. When you ask “how can I improve” questions you, start thinking solutions while when ask “Why am I such an “idiot” questions you just deepen the negative perception you have about your performance in maths.

When you begin to pose solution-orientated questions, you are directing your attention towards things you can do to improve your status. If you ask destructive questions that only highlight your perceived inadequacies, you are setting yourself up for ongoing failure.

You can ask yourself questions on paper and begin to grow right now. If you list a number of “improvement questions” and begin to work on things you can do to improve on your current performance you are well on your way to success. If you are unhappy about something then ask, “What can I do right now to become more happy and fulfilled?” Make a list of positive question on the following subjects and then answer them in a constructive manner.

Make a list of questions on happy, success, passion, gratitude, money etc. Now answer your “what can I do to improve” questions. You will be amazed what progress you make in a relative short period. Remember questions are good as long as they are posed and answered in a constructive manner.





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Posted by on July 9, 2015 in WISDOM



We live in an instant gratification focused world. We want to hit a button and see our desired outcome materialise.


The enemy and the most destructive force inside all of us is our resistance to anything that might force us to think or take action outside our comfort zone. We have this door that automatically slams shut when anything or anyone expects us to take action for an extended period of time. An extended period can be anything between five minutes and several years. We live in an instant gratification world where we want to hit a button and see our desired outcome materialise. A powerful resistance instantaneously swamp our mind when we are confronted with anything that our current frame of reference identifies as “unknown” or “risky”. Some of us walk or even run away (mentally or physically) from challenges that could cause us discomfort or expect us to confront challenges where the outcomes are difficult to compute. We become like a donkey that digs in his heels. We must often literally be dragged through our wall of resistance by our manager or partner.


Please think about the role that RESISTANCE possibly play in your life today. Make a few notes. I will continue with this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on July 2, 2015 in WISDOM



Remember that forgiveness does not mean that you approve what was done to you.



The rain of forgiveness wash away the hurt and pain of yesteryear. No healing can take place while you cling to your historical letdowns and painful experiences of the past. Great purity of thinking and the miraculous healing of wounds usually take place after unconditional forgiveness. Remember that forgiveness does not mean that you approve what was done to you. The act of forgiveness release the person that “sinned” against you from your mind. The lack of the ability to forgive and detach prevent you from moving on. You get stuck in what could or should have been. Wonderful opportunities will pass you by if you live in the past. The train of life is constantly moving forward. You are either on the train (in the now) or stuck on a station hoping that things can return to what could or should have been. The ability to let go of toxic thoughts, events, failures or broken promises with set your mind free. All you have is this very moment. What could or should have been is nothing more than “files” that you recall from your sub-conscious mind. You are the one that supply the past with the power to contaminate your current moment. Yesterdays failures will remain powerless files in your mind if you stop recharging its batteries with your thoughts and regrets.     





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Posted by on June 19, 2015 in WISDOM










Choices 1


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Posted by on June 13, 2015 in WISDOM



Yesterdays failures will remain powerless files in your mind if you stop recharging its batteries.



The rain of forgiveness wash away the hurt and pain of yesteryear. No healing can take place while you cling to your historical letdowns and painful experiences of the past. Great purity of thinking and the miraculous healing of wounds usually take place after unconditional forgiveness. Remember that forgiveness does not mean that you approve what was done to you. The act of forgiveness release the person that “sinned” against you from your mind. The lack of the ability to forgive and detach prevent you from moving on. You get stuck in what could or should have been. Wonderful opportunities will pass you by if you live in the past. The train of life is constantly moving forward. You are either on the train (in the now) or stuck on a station hoping that things can return to what could or should have been. The ability to let go of toxic thoughts, events, failures or broken promises with set your mind free. All you have is this very moment. What could or should have been is nothing more than “files” that you recall from your sub-conscious mind. You are the one that supply the past with the power to contaminate your current moment. Yesterdays failures will remain powerless files in your mind if you stop recharging its batteries with your thoughts and regrets.     





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Posted by on June 7, 2015 in WISDOM



The urge to win is sometimes so strong that it clouds our mind and judgment.



Assist people to achieve what they really desire if you want to make friends for life, become awfully rich or become very popular. Our expectation and hope drives us forward and helps us to overcome serious setbacks.


Attempt to make the right and best choice on a moment-to-moment basis. If you are going to wait for the perfect moment or until you have all the data, you might never make up your mind. Remember that your in-basket will still be full even on the day you die.


Attitude plays a vital role in everything you do. A poor attitude can never produce good results. A poor attitude is at the root of most failures. A poor attitude caused more marriages to fail and relationships to break down than all the other reasons put together.


Avoid head on confrontations or disputes if you can. There are usually no winners in such ego driven fights. The urge to win is sometimes so strong that it clouds our mind and judgment. An obsession by both parties to win usually lead to a major loss for at least one of the parties.


Avoid people that have the tendency to make their problem yours. By appearing helpless or lost, they con you into taking ownership of their problems. You are not a garbage truck that are contracted to remove everybody’s garbage (problems).


Avoid people that promise you the world, but do little. When you rely on an “empty promise” person, he will cause you endless problems. Good advice is to do things yourself if you want to make sure that they are taken care of.


Avoid saying things that could make people feel idiotic or inferior. It might give you a short-term ego boost, but in the long run, you will create an army of enemies that would love to even the score.


Avoid the misconception that people want to hear what is right and just. They want to be fed what they feel suits their current purpose. Give people what they want and you will be richly rewarded. When you help people to achieve their own objectives, they are usually more susceptible to yours.


When instant gratification becomes our main objective, we rapidly slide into the abyss of failure and discomfort. The wise man mastered the art of projecting himself into others’ shoes. When you act in a fair and responsible manner you enhance your chances of success many fold.


Be careful and remain grounded when you are faced with obsessive driven individuals. These individuals tend to exaggerate and amplify things in an attempt to buy your support. Certain politicians, clergy and conmen are experts at the art of mass hypnosis. When you are in the presence of passion driven individuals you need to question, probe and take nothing for granted. If you do you will do it at your peril.





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Posted by on June 6, 2015 in WISDOM



Lift your head. Take a few deep breaths and walk/act like a man with a mission.







Very few people understand the powerful role their composure plays in everything they do and how they feel. You can never act in a positive manner if you go around with a troubled look on your face, slumped shoulders and whine in your voice. How can you think and act in a positive manner if your whole demeanour is that of a loser or fader? What you think is displayed in the image you project to the people around you. I have never seen a person with a negative attitude and poor self-image go up to any rostrum to receive first prize. I have never seen any person with the image of a bird with a broken wing sell like a champion. I have never seen a parent with the image of a bull terrier win the love and respect of his own children. What you project activates chemicals in your brain that will either fuel your passion or dowse the fire in your heart.

How can you expect to feel, act and be positive if you project an image of a dog that got one too many hiding? The point I am making here is that you have the power within you to turn you negative feelings around by simply adjusting your composure. When you feel down and defeated, pull back your shoulders, lift your head and take a few deep breaths. Look life and people straight in the eye. This will immediately trigger positive chemicals in your brain. The dark clouds will lift from your brain and stop smothering your creativity and passion.

This might sound too simple to be worth much, but just try it the next time you feel down and defeated. You will be amazed what power is locked up in your brain that will be unleashed when you use this method. You will discover that the sun will push away the dark clouds of despair and the feelings of gloom that kept you imprisoned in a mental torture chamber will dissipate. You will begin to act in a manner conducive to winning again. Please remember that you cannot think or act in a positive manner with an image that reminds you of a helpless child.




If you want to exert influence, you will have to look at the image that you project while at work and play. People treat you the way you project yourself. People, will use and abuse you if you go around with the image of a defeated man. You will feel exactly what you project. People do not follow losers and cry babies. They latch onto winners and people that make them feel safe and protected.

Will you put your life in the hands of a doctor that project an image of insecurity and hesitation? Will you invest money with a person that presents you with an image of an illiterate person? You must never forget that life is a jungle out there. If you show any sign of weakness or vulnerability, the vultures, and scavengers of life will appear like magic.

In nature the weak always becomes the victim of the strong. When a kudu feels ill or appear injured, the scavengers will target and devour him. In life, it is the same. When your head and shoulder go down you lose your zest for life. Your tone of voice drops to a whisper or whine and your feel drained and tired. Remember the trigger to get you out of this frame of mind is to reverse the process.

Lift your head. Take a few deep breaths and walk and act like a man with a mission. You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you feel in control again and how much fresh new energy will begin to pump through your body and mind.





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Posted by on June 2, 2015 in WISDOM



Yesterdays failures will remain powerless in your mind if you stop recharging its batteries.



The rain of forgiveness wash away the hurt and pain of yesteryear. No healing can take place while you cling to your historical letdowns and painful experiences of the past. Great purity of thinking and the miraculous healing of wounds usually take place after unconditional forgiveness. Remember that forgiveness does not mean that you approve what was done to you. The act of forgiveness release the person that “sinned” against you from your mind. The lack of the ability to forgive and detach prevent you from moving on. You get stuck in what could or should have been. Wonderful opportunities will pass you by if you live in the past. The train of life is constantly moving forward. You are either on the train (in the now) or stuck on a station hoping that things can return to what could or should have been. The ability to let go of toxic thoughts, events, failures or broken promises with set your mind free. All you have is this very moment. What could or should have been is nothing more than “files” that you recall from your sub-conscious mind. You are the one that supply the past with the power to contaminate your current moment. Yesterdays failures will remain powerless files in your mind if you stop recharging its batteries with your thoughts and regrets.     





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Posted by on May 21, 2015 in Release, WISDOM



Compilation of 50 amazing quotes about success – “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”



A great quote is like a double-shot of inspiration straight to your brain. Here’s a compilation of 50 amazing quotes about success.


Contributing authors include Edison, Einstein, Picasso, Twain, Mandela, Nightingale, Churchill, Peale and other greats. Enjoy.

Top 50 Best Quotes About Success


1. “We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret.” Earl Nightingale


2. “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” Ray Goforth


3. “If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work.” Thomas J. Watson


4. “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.” Pablo Picasso

5. “Create experiences that leave you in awe, for these will be the highlights of your life.” Ryan Blair


6. “Failure is not in your vocabulary; rather, you convert all working experiences, be they positive or negative, into fuel for future success.” Anonymous


7. “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absense of fear.” Mark Twain


8. “Repetition is the father of learning, I repeat, repetition is the father of learning.” Dwayne Michael Carter


9. “Top Achievers are improvisors, not perfectionists. If you want to create more success in your life you have to move forward not knowing all the answers.” Douglas Vermeeren


10. “Weak people talk and do not act, strong people act and keep quiet.” Eliphas Levi

11. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan


12. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.” Robert Collier


13. “All success in life, whether material or spiritual, starts with the thoughts that you put into your mind every second of every minute of every day. Your outer world reflects the state of your inner world. By controlling the thoughts that you think and the way you respond to the events of your life, you begin to control your destiny.” R. Sharma

14. “The only thing that can stop you is the doubt that you carry in your mind.” Chae Richardson


15. “Unfortunately, there seems to be far more opportunity out there than ability. We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation.” Thomas Edison


16. “Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life.” Dr. APJ Kalam


17. “I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” Thomas Jefferson


18. “Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always some one to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising to tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has it’s victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


19. “How you see the world first determines your attitude, and then your attitude determines how the world sees you.” Mark Amend


20. “As soon as you realize that you don’t need anyone to make it in life. That’s your first step towards success.” Vusi Ndlovu


21. “Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” Anonymous


22. “The starting point of all achievement is desire.” Napolean Hill


23. “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” Michael John Bobak


24. “You may only succeed if you desire succeeding; you may only fail if you do not mind failing.” Philippos


25. “There are some things you can’t learn from others. You have to pass through the fire.”Norman Vicent Peale”


26. “Successful entrepreneurs are givers and not takers of positive energy.” Anonymous


27. “Seek first to understand, then to be understood” Stephen Covey


28. “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” Dale Carnegie


29. “When in doubt, act boldly, as if it were impossible to fail. In essence it is.” Steve Pavlina


30. “If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.” Anonymous


31. “When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


32. “An object at rest tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in motion.” Isaac Newton


33. “The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have.” Norman Vincent Peale

34. “The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


35. “Capital isn’t scarce; vision is.” Sam Walton


36. “Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners.” Robert T. Kiyosaki


37. “Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is.” Anita Roddick


38. “Action generates motivation; not the other way around.” Mark Amend


39. “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill


40. “I’ve been blessed to find people who are smarter than I am, and they help me to execute the vision I have.” Russell Simmons


41. “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.” Proverb


42. “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Nelson Mandela


43. “Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.” John Wooden

44. “Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” Mark Victor Hansen


45. “Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them.” Vaibhav Shah


46. “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” Albert Einstein


47. “Success belongs to those who believe in the power of their ideas.” Michael Irwin


48. “Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.” Orison Swett Marden


49. “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts breaks their bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” Patanjali


50. “The number one reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors.” Napoleon Hill


By Spencer Lanoue / Source: Inventor Spot


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Posted by on May 20, 2015 in WISDOM



We hammer on the door of opportunity until our knuckles are raw, but no one invite us in.



We all hit a wall in our lives where we feel everything is just against us. We hammer on the door of opportunity until our knuckles are raw, but no one invite us in. The key to overcome the waves of panic and pain is to trust that things will turn out ok like they did so many times before. Think back how you worried about a wide range of stuff at school and how most of them never materialised as horrific as expected. Let your mind glide through the scrap heap periods in your life and recall how many of the biggest disasters turned out ok in the end. Recall the wonderful lessons you learned and how certain individuals revealed to you that the path forward would be much more productive and pleasant without them. The biggest mistake we make when we are confronted by serious challenges is to allow the perceived magnitude to paralyse us. We start thinking in panic stricken circles and allow our minds to bind us in a state of non-action. There is nothing more lethal than a state of non-action blended with a brew of stinking thinking. The way out of any problem situation begins with calm and deliberate action. Relax and then kick the door of opportunity down if they fail to open it for you. You do not have a financial problem. All you have is a shortfall on current available cash. Your cash flow can be remedied if you continue taking deliberate action. You need to write those letters and make those calls while you talk to as many people you can that can assist you. Non-action is the killer of dreams. Non-action and the waiting game destroys businesses, relationships and families. Your circumstances can change and solutions can come in the blink of an eye. The pass code that will open many doors for you and solve most problems is your attitude my friend.




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Posted by on May 15, 2015 in WISDOM



We have a door that automatically slams shut when anything/anyone threaten our “comfort zone”.



The enemy and the most destructive force inside all of us is our resistance to anything that might force us to think or take action outside our comfort zone. We have this door that automatically slams shut when anything or anyone expects us to take action for an extended period of time. An extended period can be anything between five minutes and several years. We live in an instant gratification world where we want to hit a button and see our desired outcome materialise. A powerful resistance instantaneously swamp our mind when we are confronted with anything that our current frame of reference identifies as “unknown” or “risky”. Some of us walk or even run away (mentally or physically) from challenges that could cause us discomfort or expect us to confront challenges where the outcomes are difficult to compute. We become like a donkey that digs in his heels. We must often literally be dragged through our wall of resistance by our manager or partner.


Please think about the role that RESISTANCE possibly play in your life today. 



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Posted by on May 15, 2015 in WISDOM



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