Tag Archives: change

The less informed think that he can make a difference in the world of a toxic person.


You can remove anything from your playing field of life in the blink of an eye. You can remove a toxic person instantaneously if you are brave enough to make such a choice. The reason why people find it so difficult to remove or cut things from their world is because they try and understand the world of the toxic person. You will never fully understand the world of the toxic person. The less informed thinks that he can make a difference in the world of a toxic person. Any change that you make in the world of the toxic person will soon again be overgrown by the weeds of his own egotistical superciliousness. The only sustained improvements come about when a toxic person admits that he/she needs to grow, change and upgrade his coping skills. Only sustained work by such a person can move him/her to a higher level of consciousness.   



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Posted by on August 20, 2015 in WISDOM



No wonder God wants us to spread our wings and soar with eagles..










When it rains, most birds head for shelter; the eagle is the only bird that, in order to avoid the rain, starts flying above the clouds…


An amazing tidbit about the Eagle’s eyesight: The eagle can probably identify a rabbit moving almost a mile away. That means that an eagle flying at an altitude of 1000 feet over open country could spot prey over an area of almost 3 square miles from a fixed position.


No wonder God wants us to spread our wings and soar with eagles..




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Posted by on April 29, 2015 in WISDOM



Change your thought patterns, and you change your life.




“There is a slight difference between the words mantra and mantram. Both are taken from a Sanskrit word meaning instrument of thought. The difference is this: a mantram is a vocalized instrument of thought, while a mantra is silent.”

Whether you realize it or not, you create and shape your life with your thoughts. All things that become part of your physical reality are first created in the mind from the raw material called thought. Because it is an instrument of thought, a mantram is a tool which you can use to help shape your life as you wish it to be.

Now, in order to use mantrams to your advantage, you need to first understand the mind and how it works. Nowadays, the term subconscious mind is one that’s frequently heard but seldom understood. Instead of subconsciousness, the lamas use a word that could be translated as superconsciousness — consciousness of a higher order. The job of the superconscious mind is to take thought, which is pure energy, and give it physical shape in the material world.

Whole books could be written on the subject, but just now the important thing for you to remember is this: your superconscious mind is a willing and eager servant whom you command by way of your thought patterns.

When you think a thought, you issue a command. Your servant obeys by manifesting the thought in the physical world where it becomes the things and events in your life. Thus, physical reality is a mirror of your thought patterns. Change your thought patterns, and you change the reflection in the mirror. In other words, you change your life.

This concept, as simple as it is, is a stumbling block for many people. They point to some unhappy or even tragic event in their lives and refuse to believe that they could have created it with their own thoughts.

But if you examine your thoughts closely, you’re likely to discover negative patterns competing with positive ones. In one breath you’ll say, “I want to achieve happiness.” But in the next breath you’ll give yourself a thousand and one reasons to be unhappy: your job is stressful; the weather is unpleasant; bills are piling up; you’re overweight; the neighbors are noisy; you are late for an appointment; and on and on. So while your stated goal is happiness, your thoughts are working overtime to create just the opposite.

A mantram is something you can use to unify your thought patterns and bring them into alignment with your highest and best desires. To start using this powerful tool, you must first clearly identify the rewards which life is to deliver to your doorstep.

A Very Simple Exercise to Unify Your Mind

There’s a very simple mental exercise that can help you accomplish this. It takes only a few minutes, so I suggest that you repeat it every month of so. Sit down and make a written list of the things you desire most. Don’t reason as to what you ought to want. Instead, jot down your desires quickly, including everything that comes to mind.

Now examine your list carefully and ask yourself what rewards each of your stated desires must bring you. The rewards are what you’re really after, so write them down also. For example, if you wrote, “I desire a better job,” what you really want are the rewards of a better job. Maybe you want the fulfillment that comes from putting to good use special talents and training you have. Perhaps you want a bigger paycheck and the feeling of security that comes with that. Or maybe you want the pleasure of working in a friendly, relaxed environment.

The rewards you want should always be expressed in terms of feelings. Feelings, both bitter and sweet, are the fruits of your lifetime experience. They are the prize. When you depart this world,you leave behind your material treasures. But your feelings remain with you always. So choose with care those which you wish to have as lasting companions.

Now review your list of desires and the rewards you wish to achieve. Read it top to bottom, and as you do, search for just two or three words or phrases to summarize everything. This may seem impossible at first. But once you look closely, you’ll see groups of seemingly different desires and rewards all aimed to a common goal. Separate your desires into two or three such groups and find a word or phrase to capsulize each one. To use a simple example, if you desire a better house, an expensive automobile, and a new wardrobe, the fundamental goal behind all three is abundance or prosperity.

Create a Short, Simple Command For Your Superconscious

By now you should have a clear picture of your fundamental goals, so put them all together and state them in a brief command. Make the command positive, short, and to the point. For example, “I demand happiness, power, and prosperity right now.” And there you have it. When your command is spoken aloud, it becomes a mantram, or plainly stated, a device you can use to stimulate your superconscious mind into action.”

The word power is a good one, because it will help bring about health, strength, and vitality in your physical body. And on a mental level, it will empower you to become master of your own destiny. “Right now” at the end of your command tells your superconscious mind when you want things to happen: NOW. It tells your superconscious mind to get busy immediately manifesting your desires

How to Use Your Mantram

Now that you have a mantram, putting it to use is as simple as can be. All you need to do is speak it aloud with conviction. Don’t be timid. Feel the power of your voice and speak as if you are commanding a magic genie who will bring you whatever you desire. Once you have spoken your mantram aloud with unwavering conviction and resolve, you’ve done all that’s needed.

Speak your mantram just before going to sleep at night and upon waking in the morning. Then form the habit of repeating it at regular intervals throughout the day. If you find yourself in front of a mirror, gaze directly into the reflection of your own eyes and repeat your mantram with firm confidence.

Then, as you go about your daily life, pay close attention to all the things you think and say. Be alert for negative thoughts or words that will send conflicting commands to your superconscious mind. They will undo the positive force of your mantram, so when you detect them, stop, take a deep breath, and cancel the negative thoughts or words by speaking your mantram with steadfast resolve.

Of course, if you are in the presence of other people, you can’t all of a sudden blurt out, “I desire happiness, power, and prosperity right now!” In such a case, I would suggest that you use a mantra. All that’s needed is to repeat your mantra inwardly and contemplate the meaning of the words. Since it isn’t reinforced by the power of the voice, a mantra isn’t quite as effective as a spoken Mantram, but it will get splendid results nevertheless.

Focus on the End Result

Whether you’re using a mantram or a mantra, an important thing to remember is this: when you command the superconscious mind, you must focus only on the end result which you desire. Never try to dictate how superconsciousness will accomplish its miracles.

The superconscious mind is far more clever and resourceful than you can possibly imagine. If it is headed off in one direction, it is not discouraged and does not give up, for it knows that there are ten thousand other ways to achieve a desired goal. If, through your own thoughts and preconceptions, you try to tell the superconscious mind how to do its work, you will only limit its options and restrict the magic which can unfold.

The superconscious realm of your mind is a magnificent thing. It takes great delight in working to accomplish literally anything you desire. Desire is a very strong force, and when you use it to stimulate the superconscious mind into action, it will be thrilled to bring you your heart’s desire in ways you never dreamed possible.

Another thing you should know is this: the superconscious realm of the mind does not judge your thoughts before it responds to them. It does not differentiate between pain or pleasure, sorrow or happiness, grief or joy. A better way to state it is, no feelings or emotions are pleasant or unpleasant to the superconscious mind. Its job is to transform thought patterns into matter — all thought patterns. And it couldn’t possibly do the job it is meant to do if it were to first judge your thoughts good or bad, happy or unhappy, worthy or unworthy.

In short, the wonderfully simple secret which can help everybody achieve whatever they desire is this: change your thought patterns, and you change your life. If you think thrilling thoughts, the superconscious mind will flood your life with thrilling things, instead of the miserable things in life.

By Peter Kelder, Author of: Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth


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Posted by on April 6, 2015 in WISDOM



The less informed thinks that he can make a difference in the world of a toxic person.


You can remove anything from your playing field of life in the blink of an eye. You can remove a toxic person instantaneously if you are brave enough to make such a choice. The reason why people find it so difficult to remove or cut things from their world is because they try and understand the world of the toxic person. You will never fully understand the world of the toxic person. The less informed thinks that he/she can make a difference in the world of a toxic person. Any change that you make in the world of the toxic person will soon again be overgrown by the weeds of his own egotistical superciliousness. The only sustained improvements come about when a toxic person admits that he/she needs to grow, change and upgrade his coping skills. Only sustained work by such a person can move him/her to a higher level of consciousness.   



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Posted by on February 9, 2015 in WISDOM


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Progress is only possible when you accept “what is” and boldly start working towards the outcome you desire.




Dear Fellow Bloggers,


The only reason why we suffer is because we resist, argue or fight with “what is”. When we become convinced about the facts of “what is” we stop sabotaging our ability to enjoy, progress and succeed with whatever we are busy with at any given moment.


If you insist in your attempt to change, modify or enjoy a different “what is” then you might as well attempt to train your dog to sing like a canary. You can try all you like, but will end up with a dog that still barks like crazy notwithstanding all your effort. Wanting your reality to be different than what you are faced with at any given moment is just stupid and a waste of time. You can send your dog for singing classes or you can hire a tutor for him, but will end up with a dog that still barks like the day he got this stupid notion in his head. All you willpower, money and effort will not provide you with the outcome you desired.


I want you to sit back for a moment and think how many time in the last day or week did you think thoughts like – My partner should have or could have – My neighbour should have – My son should have – My boss should have etc.


These thoughts clearly illustrate that you wanted reality to be different than it was or still is at this moment in time You experienced frustration, anger, anxiety, rejection and stress because you argued against the hard cold facts of “what is”.


You might think that you can see in what direction my message are moving and would like to tell me that if you simply accepted the reality of “what is” you would become passive and nothing would change or improve in any area of your life. If you posed this question to me I would ask you which of the following questions sound more logical and sane to you. “I wish I never made that stupid investment and lost all my money” or “What can I do, starting today to generate more income so I can make up for the money I lost?”


Accepting the reality of “what is” does not mean that you condone or approve of the way things are or of the behaviour of someone, it just means that you give up all your resistance and inner struggle wishing that things were different. I know that no one wants to lose his money, experience the moaning of a partner or boss or struggle with a sick child. It is however vital that you understand that it is much more helpful not to mentally argue with the reality of the moment. This might sound extremely logical, but the fact of the matter is that we have been doing this since early childhood and achieve nothing beneficial from this habitual responds pattern. We know that our resistance to “what is” is counter productive and futile, but be sustain this mode of operation and hope that one day we will achieve an acceptable outcome.


You will be amazed how your life will change when you learn to accept “what is”. It will not be easy initially to just accept “what is” because you have been playing this game since early childhood and your ego is of the opinion that it is the right thing to do. The problem that you are faced with is that you always lose when you play this silly game. When you argue with “what is” you always lose my friend.


Just awareness of this fact will bring a new perspective into the way you do things. You will stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been. You will accept “what is” without mentally fussing and straining and start working on ways that you can avoid a repeat performance in the future. You will stop wasting energy on what you hoped or wished for. Progress is only possible when you accept “what is” and boldly start working towards the outcome you desire.


Kind regards




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Posted by on January 5, 2015 in WISDOM


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Getting married will not make him stop drinking, flirting, fighting and will also not make him more caring or responsible.



The fool is under the impression that he can change people. People often change for a relative short period not because they see the error of their ways, but because it seems like a good strategic move to make to achieve a desire objective. The chances of a rotten person making a permanent change are less than a million to one. Accept a person without his history or take note of his history and run for the hills. Getting married will not make him stop drinking, flirting, fighting and will also not make him more caring or responsible. Having a baby will not make him more responsible and caring. Constantly giving someone money will not make him more productive. Punishing him for years will not prevent him from doing it again. Sulking for a day, week or month will not change his mind and heart. We live in a something for nothing world today. Doing as little as you can get away with seems to be a top priority. Using guilt or fear will not change anyone that lacks compassion and empathy. See things as they are my friend.




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Posted by on December 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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The less informed thinks that he can make a difference in the world of a toxic person.


You can remove anything from your playing field of life in the blink of an eye. You can remove a toxic person instantaneously if you are brave enough to make such a choice. The reason why people find it so difficult to remove or cut things from their world is because they try and understand the world of the toxic person. You will never fully understand the world of the toxic person. The less informed thinks that he can make a difference in the world of a toxic person. Any change that you make in the world of the toxic person will soon again be overgrown by the weeds of his own egotistical superciliousness. The only sustained improvements come about when a toxic person admits that he/she needs to grow, change and upgrade his coping skills. Only sustained work by such a person can move him/her to a higher level of consciousness.   



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Posted by on December 23, 2014 in WISDOM


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All things that become part of your physical reality are first created in the mind from the raw material called thought.




“There is a slight difference between the words mantra and mantram. Both are taken from a Sanskrit word meaning instrument of thought. The difference is this: a mantram is a vocalized instrument of thought, while a mantra is silent.”

Whether you realize it or not, you create and shape your life with your thoughts. All things that become part of your physical reality are first created in the mind from the raw material called thought. Because it is an instrument of thought, a mantram is a tool which you can use to help shape your life as you wish it to be.

Now, in order to use mantrams to your advantage, you need to first understand the mind and how it works. Nowadays, the term subconscious mind is one that’s frequently heard but seldom understood. Instead of subconsciousness, the lamas use a word that could be translated as superconsciousness — consciousness of a higher order. The job of the superconscious mind is to take thought, which is pure energy, and give it physical shape in the material world.

Whole books could be written on the subject, but just now the important thing for you to remember is this: your superconscious mind is a willing and eager servant whom you command by way of your thought patterns.

When you think a thought, you issue a command. Your servant obeys by manifesting the thought in the physical world where it becomes the things and events in your life. Thus, physical reality is a mirror of your thought patterns. Change your thought patterns, and you change the reflection in the mirror. In other words, you change your life.

This concept, as simple as it is, is a stumbling block for many people. They point to some unhappy or even tragic event in their lives and refuse to believe that they could have created it with their own thoughts.

But if you examine your thoughts closely, you’re likely to discover negative patterns competing with positive ones. In one breath you’ll say, “I want to achieve happiness.” But in the next breath you’ll give yourself a thousand and one reasons to be unhappy: your job is stressful; the weather is unpleasant; bills are piling up; you’re overweight; the neighbors are noisy; you are late for an appointment; and on and on. So while your stated goal is happiness, your thoughts are working overtime to create just the opposite.

A mantram is something you can use to unify your thought patterns and bring them into alignment with your highest and best desires. To start using this powerful tool, you must first clearly identify the rewards which life is to deliver to your doorstep.

A Very Simple Exercise to Unify Your Mind

There’s a very simple mental exercise that can help you accomplish this. It takes only a few minutes, so I suggest that you repeat it every month of so. Sit down and make a written list of the things you desire most. Don’t reason as to what you ought to want. Instead, jot down your desires quickly, including everything that comes to mind.

Now examine your list carefully and ask yourself what rewards each of your stated desires must bring you. The rewards are what you’re really after, so write them down also. For example, if you wrote, “I desire a better job,” what you really want are the rewards of a better job. Maybe you want the fulfillment that comes from putting to good use special talents and training you have. Perhaps you want a bigger paycheck and the feeling of security that comes with that. Or maybe you want the pleasure of working in a friendly, relaxed environment.

The rewards you want should always be expressed in terms of feelings. Feelings, both bitter and sweet, are the fruits of your lifetime experience. They are the prize. When you depart this world,you leave behind your material treasures. But your feelings remain with you always. So choose with care those which you wish to have as lasting companions.

Now review your list of desires and the rewards you wish to achieve. Read it top to bottom, and as you do, search for just two or three words or phrases to summarize everything. This may seem impossible at first. But once you look closely, you’ll see groups of seemingly different desires and rewards all aimed to a common goal. Separate your desires into two or three such groups and find a word or phrase to capsulize each one. To use a simple example, if you desire a better house, an expensive automobile, and a new wardrobe, the fundamental goal behind all three is abundance or prosperity.

Create a Short, Simple Command For Your Superconscious

By now you should have a clear picture of your fundamental goals, so put them all together and state them in a brief command. Make the command positive, short, and to the point. For example, “I demand happiness, power, and prosperity right now.” And there you have it. When your command is spoken aloud, it becomes a mantram, or plainly stated, a device you can use to stimulate your superconscious mind into action.”

The word power is a good one, because it will help bring about health, strength, and vitality in your physical body. And on a mental level, it will empower you to become master of your own destiny. “Right now” at the end of your command tells your superconscious mind when you want things to happen: NOW. It tells your superconscious mind to get busy immediately manifesting your desires

How to Use Your Mantram

Now that you have a mantram, putting it to use is as simple as can be. All you need to do is speak it aloud with conviction. Don’t be timid. Feel the power of your voice and speak as if you are commanding a magic genie who will bring you whatever you desire. Once you have spoken your mantram aloud with unwavering conviction and resolve, you’ve done all that’s needed.

Speak your mantram just before going to sleep at night and upon waking in the morning. Then form the habit of repeating it at regular intervals throughout the day. If you find yourself in front of a mirror, gaze directly into the reflection of your own eyes and repeat your mantram with firm confidence.

Then, as you go about your daily life, pay close attention to all the things you think and say. Be alert for negative thoughts or words that will send conflicting commands to your superconscious mind. They will undo the positive force of your mantram, so when you detect them, stop, take a deep breath, and cancel the negative thoughts or words by speaking your mantram with steadfast resolve.

Of course, if you are in the presence of other people, you can’t all of a sudden blurt out, “I desire happiness, power, and prosperity right now!” In such a case, I would suggest that you use a mantra. All that’s needed is to repeat your mantra inwardly and contemplate the meaning of the words. Since it isn’t reinforced by the power of the voice, a mantra isn’t quite as effective as a spoken Mantram, but it will get splendid results nevertheless.

Focus on the End Result

Whether you’re using a mantram or a mantra, an important thing to remember is this: when you command the superconscious mind, you must focus only on the end result which you desire. Never try to dictate how superconsciousness will accomplish its miracles.

The superconscious mind is far more clever and resourceful than you can possibly imagine. If it is headed off in one direction, it is not discouraged and does not give up, for it knows that there are ten thousand other ways to achieve a desired goal. If, through your own thoughts and preconceptions, you try to tell the superconscious mind how to do its work, you will only limit its options and restrict the magic which can unfold.

The superconscious realm of your mind is a magnificent thing. It takes great delight in working to accomplish literally anything you desire. Desire is a very strong force, and when you use it to stimulate the superconscious mind into action, it will be thrilled to bring you your heart’s desire in ways you never dreamed possible.

Another thing you should know is this: the superconscious realm of the mind does not judge your thoughts before it responds to them. It does not differentiate between pain or pleasure, sorrow or happiness, grief or joy. A better way to state it is, no feelings or emotions are pleasant or unpleasant to the superconscious mind. Its job is to transform thought patterns into matter — all thought patterns. And it couldn’t possibly do the job it is meant to do if it were to first judge your thoughts good or bad, happy or unhappy, worthy or unworthy.

In short, the wonderfully simple secret which can help everybody achieve whatever they desire is this: change your thought patterns, and you change your life. If you think thrilling thoughts, the superconscious mind will flood your life with thrilling things, instead of the miserable things in life.

By Peter Kelder, Author of: Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth


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Posted by on December 23, 2014 in WISDOM


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TRAPS – My partner should have or could have – My neighbour should have – My son should have – My boss should have etc.



Dear Fellow Bloggers,


The only reason why we suffer is because we resist, argue or fight with “what is”. When we become convinced about the facts of “what is” we stop sabotaging our ability to enjoy, progress and succeed with whatever we are busy with at any given moment.


If you insist in your attempt to change, modify or enjoy a different “what is” then you might as well attempt to train your dog to sing like a canary. You can try all you like, but will end up with a dog that still barks like crazy notwithstanding all your effort. Wanting your reality to be different than what you are faced with at any given moment is just stupid and a waste of time. You can send your dog for singing classes or you can hire a tutor for him, but will end up with a dog that still barks like the day he got this stupid notion in his head. All your willpower, money and effort will not provide you with the outcome you desired.


I want you to sit back for a moment and think how many time in the last day or week did you think thoughts like – My partner should have or could have – My neighbour should have – My son should have – My boss should have etc.


These thoughts clearly illustrate that you wanted reality to be different than it was or still is at this moment in time You experienced frustration, anger, anxiety, rejection and stress because you argued against the hard cold facts of “what is”.


You might think that you can see in what direction my message are moving and would like to tell me that if you simply accepted the reality of “what is” you would become passive and nothing would change or improve in any area of your life. If you posed this question to me I would ask you which of the following questions sound more logical and sane to you. “I wish I never made that stupid investment and lost all my money” or “What can I do, starting today to generate more income so I can make up for the money I lost?”


Accepting the reality of “what is” does not mean that you condone or approve of the way things are or of the behaviour of someone, it just means that you give up all your resistance and inner struggle wishing that things were different. I know that no one wants to lose his money, experience the moaning of a partner or boss or struggle with a sick child. It is however vital that you understand that it is much more helpful not to mentally argue with the reality of the moment. This might sound extremely logical, but the fact of the matter is that we have been doing this since early childhood and achieve nothing beneficial from this habitual responds pattern. We know that our resistance to “what is” is counter productive and futile, but be sustain this mode of operation and hope that one day we will achieve an acceptable outcome.


You will be amazed how your life will change when you learn to accept “what is”. It will not be easy initially to just accept “what is” because you have been playing this game since early childhood and your ego is of the opinion that it is the right thing to do. The problem that you are faced with is that you always lose when you play this silly game. When you argue with “what is” you always lose my friend.


Just awareness of this fact will bring a new perspective into the way you do things. You will stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been. You will accept “what is” without mentally fussing and straining and start working on ways that you can avoid a repeat performance in the future. You will stop wasting energy on what you hoped or whished for. Progress is only possible when you accept “what is” and boldly start working towards the outcome you desire.


Kind regards




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Posted by on November 10, 2014 in WISDOM


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If people betray or hurt you, it may be to teach you about trust or forgiveness.




Humans enjoy playing board or computer games, provided the games are difficult and there are obstacles. We enjoy planning, scheming, being tested and challenged in order to finish the game. The challenges and obstacles make the game enjoyable and hook us to play for hours. Life would be senseless and meaningless without problems, hardships, setbacks and obstacles. Without the crises we experience, we will not appreciate the successes or peak experiences. The Chinese symbol for crisis comprises two characters, namely danger and opportunity. Every crisis may elicit feelings of apprehension, but it also presents an opportunity for change, growth and self-mastery. We do not always understand why certain difficult people come into our life, but there are no coincidences.

We do not always believe or accept that every person comes into our lives for a reason. We do not make mistakes or poor decisions because everything that happens to us, happens for a purpose and can be perceived as a lesson. The universe will present you with the problems and challenges that you need for your spiritual growth. Every situation, especially the adverse situations, is an opportunity to learn and to discover who you really are. If people betray or hurt you, it may be to teach you about trust or forgiveness. When faced with adversity, you have the opportunity to develop qualities such as inner strength, courage, resilience, self-discipline, willpower and resourcefulness. When people disappoint, manipulate or use you, they present you with opportunities to control your temper, to transcend your ego and to develop qualities such as patience, tolerance, unconditional love or forgiveness. Difficult people give you the opportunity to behave pro-actively and to access more light in order to attain self-mastery.


Susan Minnaar


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Posted by on November 4, 2014 in WISDOM


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The fool is under the impression that he/she can change people.



The fool is under the impression that he can change people. People often change for a relative short period not because they see the error of their ways, but because it seems like a good strategic move to make to achieve a desire objective. The chances of a rotten person making a permanent change are less than a million to one. Accept a person without his history or take note of his history and run for the hills. Getting married will not make him stop drinking, flirting, fighting and will also not make him more caring or responsible. Having a baby will not make him more responsible and caring. Constantly giving someone money will not make him more productive. Punishing him for years will not prevent him from doing it again. Sulking for a day, week or month will not change his mind and heart. We live in a something for nothing world today. Doing as little as you can get away with seems to be a top priority. Using guilt or fear will not change anyone that lacks compassion and empathy. See things as they are my friend.




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Posted by on October 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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Every crisis may elicit feelings of apprehension, but it also presents an opportunity for change/growth/self-mastery.



Humans enjoy playing board or computer games, provided the games are difficult and there are obstacles. We enjoy planning, scheming, being tested and challenged in order to finish the game. The challenges and obstacles make the game enjoyable and hook us to play for hours. Life would be senseless and meaningless without problems, hardships, setbacks and obstacles. Without the crises we experience, we will not appreciate the successes or peak experiences. The Chinese symbol for crisis comprises two characters, namely danger and opportunity. Every crisis may elicit feelings of apprehension, but it also presents an opportunity for change, growth and self-mastery. We do not always understand why certain difficult people come into our life, but there are no coincidences.

We do not always believe or accept that every person comes into our lives for a reason. We do not make mistakes or poor decisions because everything that happens to us, happens for a purpose and can be perceived as a lesson. The universe will present you with the problems and challenges that you need for your spiritual growth. Every situation, especially the adverse situations, is an opportunity to learn and to discover who you really are. If people betray or hurt you, it may be to teach you about trust or forgiveness. When faced with adversity, you have the opportunity to develop qualities such as inner strength, courage, resilience, self-discipline, willpower and resourcefulness. When people disappoint, manipulate or use you, they present you with opportunities to control your temper, to transcend your ego and to develop qualities such as patience, tolerance, unconditional love or forgiveness. Difficult people give you the opportunity to behave pro-actively and to access more light in order to attain self-mastery.


Susan Minnaar


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Posted by on September 18, 2014 in WISDOM


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Accepting the reality of “what is” does not mean that you condone/approve of the way things are/the behaviour of someone.



Dear Fellow Bloggers,


The only reason why we suffer is because we resist, argue or fight with “what is”. When we become convinced about the facts of “what is” we stop sabotaging our ability to enjoy, progress and succeed with whatever we are busy with at any given moment.


If you insist in your attempt to change, modify or enjoy a different “what is” then you might as well attempt to train your dog to sing like a canary. You can try all you like, but will end up with a dog that still barks like crazy notwithstanding all your effort. Wanting your reality to be different than what you are faced with at any given moment is just stupid and a waste of time. You can send your dog for singing classes or you can hire a tutor for him, but will end up with a dog that still barks like the day he got this stupid notion in his head. All you willpower, money and effort will not provide you with the outcome you desired.


I want you to sit back for a moment and think how many time in the last day or week did you think thoughts like – My partner should have or could have – My neighbour should have – My son should have – My boss should have etc.


These thoughts clearly illustrate that you wanted reality to be different than it was or still is at this moment in time You experienced frustration, anger, anxiety, rejection and stress because you argued against the hard cold facts of “what is”.


You might think that you can see in what direction my message are moving and would like to tell me that if you simply accepted the reality of “what is” you would become passive and nothing would change or improve in any area of your life. If you posed this question to me I would ask you which of the following questions sound more logical and sane to you. “I wish I never made that stupid investment and lost all my money” or “What can I do, starting today to generate more income so I can make up for the money I lost?”


Accepting the reality of “what is” does not mean that you condone or approve of the way things are or of the behaviour of someone, it just means that you give up all your resistance and inner struggle wishing that things were different. I know that no one wants to lose his money, experience the moaning of a partner or boss or struggle with a sick child. It is however vital that you understand that it is much more helpful not to mentally argue with the reality of the moment. This might sound extremely logical, but the fact of the matter is that we have been doing this since early childhood and achieve nothing beneficial from this habitual responds pattern. We know that our resistance to “what is” is counter productive and futile, but be sustain this mode of operation and hope that one day we will achieve an acceptable outcome.


You will be amazed how your life will change when you learn to accept “what is”. It will not be easy initially to just accept “what is” because you have been playing this game since early childhood and your ego is of the opinion that it is the right thing to do. The problem that you are faced with is that you always lose when you play this silly game. When you argue with “what is” you always lose my friend.


Just awareness of this fact will bring a new perspective into the way you do things. You will stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been. You will accept “what is” without mentally fussing and straining and start working on ways that you can avoid a repeat performance in the future. You will stop wasting energy on what you hoped or whished for. Progress is only possible when you accept “what is” and boldly start working towards the outcome you desire.


Kind regards




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Posted by on August 19, 2014 in WISDOM


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The fool is under the impression that he can change people.



The fool is under the impression that he can change people. People often change for a relative short period not because they see the error of their ways, but because it seems like a good strategic move to make to achieve a desire objective. The chances of a rotten person making a permanent change are less than a million to one. Accept a person without his history or take note of his history and run for the hills. Getting married will not make him stop drinking, flirting, fighting and will also not make him more caring or responsible. Feeding the rapist will not pacify him. Constantly giving someone money will not make him more productive. We live in a something for nothing world today. Doing as little as you can get away with seems to be a top priority. Using guilt or fear will not change anyone that lacks compassion and empathy. See things as they are my friend.



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Posted by on July 2, 2014 in WISDOM


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You might as well attempt to train your dog to sing like a canary.


Dear Fellow Bloggers,


The only reason why we suffer is because we resist, argue or fight with “what is”. When we become convinced about the facts of “what is” we stop sabotaging our ability to enjoy, progress and succeed with whatever we are busy with at any given moment.


If you insist in your attempt to change, modify or enjoy a different “what is” then you might as well attempt to train your dog to sing like a canary. You can try all you like, but will end up with a dog that still barks like crazy notwithstanding all your effort. Wanting your reality to be different than what you are faced with at any given moment is just stupid and a waste of time. You can send your dog for singing classes or you can hire a tutor for him, but will end up with a dog that still barks like the day he got this stupid notion in his head. All you willpower, money and effort will not provide you with the outcome you desired.


I want you to sit back for a moment and think how many time in the last day or week did you think thoughts like – My partner should have or could have – My neighbour should have – My son should have – My boss should have etc.


These thoughts clearly illustrate that you wanted reality to be different than it was or still is at this moment in time You experienced frustration, anger, anxiety, rejection and stress because you argued against the hard cold facts of “what is”.


You might think that you can see in what direction my message are moving and would like to tell me that if you simply accepted the reality of “what is” you would become passive and nothing would change or improve in any area of your life. If you posed this question to me I would ask you which of the following questions sound more logical and sane to you. “I wish I never made that stupid investment and lost all my money” or “What can I do, starting today to generate more income so I can make up for the money I lost?”


Accepting the reality of “what is” does not mean that you condone or approve of the way things are or of the behaviour of someone, it just means that you give up all your resistance and inner struggle wishing that things were different. I know that no one wants to lose his money, experience the moaning of a partner or boss or struggle with a sick child. It is however vital that you understand that it is much more helpful not to mentally argue with the reality of the moment. This might sound extremely logical, but the fact of the matter is that we have been doing this since early childhood and achieve nothing beneficial from this habitual responds pattern. We know that our resistance to “what is” is counter productive and futile, but be sustain this mode of operation and hope that one day we will achieve an acceptable outcome.


You will be amazed how your life will change when you learn to accept “what is”. It will not be easy initially to just accept “what is” because you have been playing this game since early childhood and your ego is of the opinion that it is the right thing to do. The problem that you are faced with is that you always lose when you play this silly game. When you argue with “what is” you always lose my friend.


Just awareness of this fact will bring a new perspective into the way you do things. You will stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been. You will accept “what is” without mentally fussing and straining and start working on ways that you can avoid a repeat performance in the future. You will stop wasting energy on what you hoped or whished for. Progress is only possible when you accept “what is” and boldly start working towards the outcome you desire.


Kind regards



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Posted by on May 10, 2014 in WISDOM


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Getting married will not make him stop ……..



The fool is under the impression that he can change people. People often change for a relative short period not because they see the error of their ways, but because it seems like a good strategic move to make to achieve a desire objective. The chances of a rotten person making a permanent change are less than a million to one. Accept a person without his history or take note of his history and run for the hills. Getting married will not make him stop drinking, flirting, fighting and will also not make him more caring or responsible. Feeding the rapist will not pacify him. Constantly giving someone money will not make him more productive. We live in a something for nothing world today. Doing as little as you can get away with seems to be a top priority. Using guilt or fear will not change anyone that lacks compassion and empathy. See things as they are my friend.



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Posted by on March 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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You can send your dog for singing classes.


Dear Fellow Bloggers,


The only reason why we suffer is because we resist, argue or fight with “what is”. When we become convinced about the facts of “what is” we stop sabotaging our ability to enjoy, progress and succeed with whatever we are busy with at any given moment.


If you insist in your attempt to change, modify or enjoy a different “what is” then you might as well attempt to train your dog to sing like a canary. You can try all you like, but will end up with a dog that still barks like crazy notwithstanding all your effort. Wanting your reality to be different than what you are faced with at any given moment is just stupid and a waste of time. You can send your dog for singing classes or you can hire a tutor for him, but will end up with a dog that still barks like the day he got this stupid notion in his head. All you willpower, money and effort will not provide you with the outcome you desired.


I want you to sit back for a moment and think how many time in the last day or week did you think thoughts like – My partner should have or could have – My neighbour should have – My son should have – My boss should have etc.


These thoughts clearly illustrate that you wanted reality to be different than it was or still is at this moment in time You experienced frustration, anger, anxiety, rejection and stress because you argued against the hard cold facts of “what is”.


You might think that you can see in what direction my message are moving and would like to tell me that if you simply accepted the reality of “what is” you would become passive and nothing would change or improve in any area of your life. If you posed this question to me I would ask you which of the following questions sound more logical and sane to you. “I wish I never made that stupid investment and lost all my money” or “What can I do, starting today to generate more income so I can make up for the money I lost?”


Accepting the reality of “what is” does not mean that you condone or approve of the way things are or of the behaviour of someone, it just means that you give up all your resistance and inner struggle wishing that things were different. I know that no one wants to lose his money, experience the moaning of a partner or boss or struggle with a sick child. It is however vital that you understand that it is much more helpful not to mentally argue with the reality of the moment. This might sound extremely logical, but the fact of the matter is that we have been doing this since early childhood and achieve nothing beneficial from this habitual responds pattern. We know that our resistance to “what is” is counter productive and futile, but be sustain this mode of operation and hope that one day we will achieve an acceptable outcome.


You will be amazed how your life will change when you learn to accept “what is”. It will not be easy initially to just accept “what is” because you have been playing this game since early childhood and your ego is of the opinion that it is the right thing to do. The problem that you are faced with is that you always lose when you play this silly game. When you argue with “what is” you always lose my friend.


Just awareness of this fact will bring a new perspective into the way you do things. You will stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been. You will accept “what is” without mentally fussing and straining and start working on ways that you can avoid a repeat performance in the future. You will stop wasting energy on what you hoped or whished for. Progress is only possible when you accept “what is” and boldly start working towards the outcome you desire.


Kind regards



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Posted by on March 2, 2014 in WISDOM


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Change your thought patterns, and you change the reflection in the mirror. In other words, you change your life.



“There is a slight difference between the words mantra and mantram. Both are taken from a Sanskrit word meaning instrument of thought. The difference is this: a mantram is a vocalized instrument of thought, while a mantra is silent.”

Whether you realize it or not, you create and shape your life with your thoughts. All things that become part of your physical reality are first created in the mind from the raw material called thought. Because it is an instrument of thought, a mantram is a tool which you can use to help shape your life as you wish it to be.

Now, in order to use mantrams to your advantage, you need to first understand the mind and how it works. Nowadays, the term subconscious mind is one that’s frequently heard but seldom understood. Instead of subconsciousness, the lamas use a word that could be translated as superconsciousness — consciousness of a higher order. The job of the superconscious mind is to take thought, which is pure energy, and give it physical shape in the material world.

Whole books could be written on the subject, but just now the important thing for you to remember is this: your superconscious mind is a willing and eager servant whom you command by way of your thought patterns.

When you think a thought, you issue a command. Your servant obeys by manifesting the thought in the physical world where it becomes the things and events in your life. Thus, physical reality is a mirror of your thought patterns. Change your thought patterns, and you change the reflection in the mirror. In other words, you change your life.

This concept, as simple as it is, is a stumbling block for many people. They point to some unhappy or even tragic event in their lives and refuse to believe that they could have created it with their own thoughts.

But if you examine your thoughts closely, you’re likely to discover negative patterns competing with positive ones. In one breath you’ll say, “I want to achieve happiness.” But in the next breath you’ll give yourself a thousand and one reasons to be unhappy: your job is stressful; the weather is unpleasant; bills are piling up; you’re overweight; the neighbors are noisy; you are late for an appointment; and on and on. So while your stated goal is happiness, your thoughts are working overtime to create just the opposite.

A mantram is something you can use to unify your thought patterns and bring them into alignment with your highest and best desires. To start using this powerful tool, you must first clearly identify the rewards which life is to deliver to your doorstep.

A Very Simple Exercise to Unify Your Mind

There’s a very simple mental exercise that can help you accomplish this. It takes only a few minutes, so I suggest that you repeat it every month of so. Sit down and make a written list of the things you desire most. Don’t reason as to what you ought to want. Instead, jot down your desires quickly, including everything that comes to mind.

Now examine your list carefully and ask yourself what rewards each of your stated desires must bring you. The rewards are what you’re really after, so write them down also. For example, if you wrote, “I desire a better job,” what you really want are the rewards of a better job. Maybe you want the fulfillment that comes from putting to good use special talents and training you have. Perhaps you want a bigger paycheck and the feeling of security that comes with that. Or maybe you want the pleasure of working in a friendly, relaxed environment.

The rewards you want should always be expressed in terms of feelings. Feelings, both bitter and sweet, are the fruits of your lifetime experience. They are the prize. When you depart this world,you leave behind your material treasures. But your feelings remain with you always. So choose with care those which you wish to have as lasting companions.

Now review your list of desires and the rewards you wish to achieve. Read it top to bottom, and as you do, search for just two or three words or phrases to summarize everything. This may seem impossible at first. But once you look closely, you’ll see groups of seemingly different desires and rewards all aimed to a common goal. Separate your desires into two or three such groups and find a word or phrase to capsulize each one. To use a simple example, if you desire a better house, an expensive automobile, and a new wardrobe, the fundamental goal behind all three is abundance or prosperity.

Create a Short, Simple Command For Your Superconscious

By now you should have a clear picture of your fundamental goals, so put them all together and state them in a brief command. Make the command positive, short, and to the point. For example, “I demand happiness, power, and prosperity right now.” And there you have it. When your command is spoken aloud, it becomes a mantram, or plainly stated, a device you can use to stimulate your superconscious mind into action.”

The word power is a good one, because it will help bring about health, strength, and vitality in your physical body. And on a mental level, it will empower you to become master of your own destiny. “Right now” at the end of your command tells your superconscious mind when you want things to happen: NOW. It tells your superconscious mind to get busy immediately manifesting your desires

How to Use Your Mantram

Now that you have a mantram, putting it to use is as simple as can be. All you need to do is speak it aloud with conviction. Don’t be timid. Feel the power of your voice and speak as if you are commanding a magic genie who will bring you whatever you desire. Once you have spoken your mantram aloud with unwavering conviction and resolve, you’ve done all that’s needed.

Speak your mantram just before going to sleep at night and upon waking in the morning. Then form the habit of repeating it at regular intervals throughout the day. If you find yourself in front of a mirror, gaze directly into the reflection of your own eyes and repeat your mantram with firm confidence.

Then, as you go about your daily life, pay close attention to all the things you think and say. Be alert for negative thoughts or words that will send conflicting commands to your superconscious mind. They will undo the positive force of your mantram, so when you detect them, stop, take a deep breath, and cancel the negative thoughts or words by speaking your mantram with steadfast resolve.

Of course, if you are in the presence of other people, you can’t all of a sudden blurt out, “I desire happiness, power, and prosperity right now!” In such a case, I would suggest that you use a mantra. All that’s needed is to repeat your mantra inwardly and contemplate the meaning of the words. Since it isn’t reinforced by the power of the voice, a mantra isn’t quite as effective as a spoken Mantram, but it will get splendid results nevertheless.

Focus on the End Result

Whether you’re using a mantram or a mantra, an important thing to remember is this: when you command the superconscious mind, you must focus only on the end result which you desire. Never try to dictate how superconsciousness will accomplish its miracles.

The superconscious mind is far more clever and resourceful than you can possibly imagine. If it is headed off in one direction, it is not discouraged and does not give up, for it knows that there are ten thousand other ways to achieve a desired goal. If, through your own thoughts and preconceptions, you try to tell the superconscious mind how to do its work, you will only limit its options and restrict the magic which can unfold.

The superconscious realm of your mind is a magnificent thing. It takes great delight in working to accomplish literally anything you desire. Desire is a very strong force, and when you use it to stimulate the superconscious mind into action, it will be thrilled to bring you your heart’s desire in ways you never dreamed possible.

Another thing you should know is this: the superconscious realm of the mind does not judge your thoughts before it responds to them. It does not differentiate between pain or pleasure, sorrow or happiness, grief or joy. A better way to state it is, no feelings or emotions are pleasant or unpleasant to the superconscious mind. Its job is to transform thought patterns into matter — all thought patterns. And it couldn’t possibly do the job it is meant to do if it were to first judge your thoughts good or bad, happy or unhappy, worthy or unworthy.

In short, the wonderfully simple secret which can help everybody achieve whatever they desire is this: change your thought patterns, and you change your life. If you think thrilling thoughts, the superconscious mind will flood your life with thrilling things, instead of the miserable things in life.

By Peter Kelder, Author of: Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth

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Posted by on February 14, 2014 in WISDOM


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Getting married will not make him stop ……..



The fool is under the impression that he can change people. People often change for a relative short period not because they see the error of their ways, but because it seems like a good strategic move to make to achieve a desire objective. The chances of a rotten person making a permanent change are less than a million to one. Accept a person without his history or take note of his history and run for the hills. Getting married will not make him stop drinking, flirting, fighting and will also not make him more caring or responsible. Feeding the rapist will not pacify him. Constantly giving someone money will not make him more productive. We live in a something for nothing world today. Doing as little as you can get away with seems to be a top priority. Using guilt or fear will not change anyone that lacks compassion and empathy. See things as they are my friend.



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Posted by on January 24, 2014 in WISDOM


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Desire – Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl taking a stroll through the woods.


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl taking a stroll through the woods. All at once, she saw an extremely ugly bullfrog seated on a log. And to her amazement, the bullfrog spoke to her.

’Maiden,’ croaked the frog, ’would you do me a big favour? This will be hard for you to believe, but I was once a handsome, charming prince; and then a mean, ugly old witch cast a spell over me and turned me into a frog.’

’Oh, what a pity!’ exclaimed the pretty girl. ’I’ll do anything I can to help you break such a spell.’

’Well, Miss,’ replied the frog, ’the only way that this spell can be taken off and I can be returned to a handsome young man again is for some lovely and pretty young girl to take me home and let me spend the night under her pillow.’

The young girl took the ugly frog home and placed him beneath her pillow that night when she retired. When she awoke the next morning, sure enough, there beside her in the bed was a very young, handsome man, and plainly of royal blood. And so they lived happily ever after, except that to this day her father and mother still do not believe her story.

And all your life is nothing but such stories, because all desiring creates only fantasies. All desiring is fabulous, all desiring creates illusions. You go on changing – you change one illusion to another, you go from one illusion to another, but you go on changing illusions. Always from one illusion to another illusion is your movement. When you understand the very mechanism of illusions as such, there is a break, a breakthrough.

An insight dawns on you. In that moment, not only this world becomes meaningless, ALL worlds become meaningless. In that moment, there is nothing to be desired. You don’t desire even desirelessness; there is nothing to be desired. Suddenly desire is not there, that smoke is not there, and the flame burns bright.

Remember not to change problems, from one illusion to another. It does not help much.

A little girl was deeply impressed by the clergyman’s sermon as to the separation of the sheep and the goats. That night after she had gone to bed she was heard sobbing, and the mother went to her to ask what was the matter. ’It’s about the goats!’ Jenny confessed at last. ’I’m so afraid I am a goat, and so I’ll never go to heaven. Oh, I’m so afraid I’m a goat.’

’My dear,’ the mother assured her weeping child, ’you’re a sweet little lamb. If you were to die tonight, you would go straight to heaven.’ Her words were successful in quieting the little girl, and she slept.

But the following night Jenny was found crying again in her bed, and when the mother appeared she wailed, ’I’m afraid about the goats.’

’But Mother has told you that you are a little lamb, and that you must never worry over being a goat.’

Jenny, however, was by no means comforted, and continued her sobs. ’Yes, Mamma,’ she declared softly, ’I know that. But I’m afraid – awfully afraid you’re a goat.’

From one problem to another… but the basic problem remains This is not the way to solve problems – one has to look at the very root from where the problems arise.

So Zen does not call anger the problem, Zen does not call sex the problem, Zen does not call greed the problem, Zen does not call aggression, violence, the problem. Zen calls the root problem desiring – and all other problems arise out of desiring. Cut the root, and the whole tree disappears.


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Posted by on January 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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THE EAGLE – This is Amazing…It is no wonder there are scriptural references to the eagle! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.









When it rains, most birds head for shelter; the eagle is the only bird that, in order to avoid the rain, starts flying above the clouds…


An amazing tidbit about the Eagle’s eyesight: The eagle can probably identify a rabbit moving almost a mile away. That means that an eagle flying at an altitude of 1000 feet over open country could spot prey over an area of almost 3 square miles from a fixed position.

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Posted by on January 7, 2014 in WISDOM


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Any change that you make in the world of the toxic person will soon again be overgrown by the weeds of his own egotistical superciliousness.

You can remove anything from your playing field of life in the blink of an eye. You can remove a toxic person instantaneously if you are brave enough to make such a choice. The reason why people find it so difficult to remove or cut things from their world is because they try and understand the world of the toxic person. You will never fully understand the world of the toxic person. The less informed thinks that he could make a difference in the world of a toxic person. Any change that you make in the world of the toxic person will soon again be overgrown by the weeds of his own egotistical superciliousness. The only sustained improvements come about when a toxic person admits that he/she needs to grow, change and upgrade his coping skills. Only sustained work by such a person can move him/her to a higher level of consciousness.   



Posted by on December 14, 2013 in WISDOM


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Stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been.

Dear Fellow Bloggers,

The only reason why we suffer is because we resist, argue or fight with “what is”. When we become convinced about the facts of “what is” we stop sabotaging our ability to enjoy, progress and succeed with whatever we are busy with at any given moment.

If you insist in your attempt to change, modify or enjoy a different “what is” then you might as well attempt to train your dog to sing like a canary. You can try all you like, but will end up with a dog that still barks like crazy notwithstanding all your effort. Wanting your reality to be different than what you are faced with at any given moment is just stupid and a waste of time. You can send your dog for singing classes or you can hire a tutor for him, but will end up with a dog that still barks like the day he got this stupid notion in his head. All you willpower, money and effort will not provide you with the outcome you desired.

I want you to sit back for a moment and think how many time in the last day or week did you think thoughts like – My partner should have or could have – My neighbour should have – My son should have – My boss should have etc.

These thoughts clearly illustrate that you wanted reality to be different than it was or still is at this moment in time You experienced frustration, anger, anxiety, rejection and stress because you argued against the hard cold facts of “what is”.

You might think that you can see in what direction my message are moving and would like to tell me that if you simply accepted the reality of “what is” you would become passive and nothing would change or improve in any area of your life. If you posed this question to me I would ask you which of the following questions sound more logical and sane to you. “I wish I never made that stupid investment and lost all my money” or “What can I do, starting today to generate more income so I can make up for the money I lost?”

Accepting the reality of “what is” does not mean that you condone or approve of the way things are or of the behaviour of someone, it just means that you give up all your resistance and inner struggle wishing that things were different. I know that no one wants to lose his money, experience the moaning of a partner or boss or struggle with a sick child. It is however vital that you understand that it is much more helpful not to mentally argue with the reality of the moment. This might sound extremely logical, but the fact of the matter is that we have been doing this since early childhood and achieve nothing beneficial from this habitual responds pattern. We know that our resistance to “what is” is counter productive and futile, but be sustain this mode of operation and hope that one day we will achieve an acceptable outcome.

You will be amazed how your life will change when you learn to accept “what is”. It will not be easy initially to just accept “what is” because you have been playing this game since early childhood and your ego is of the opinion that it is the right thing to do. The problem that you are faced with is that you always lose when you play this silly game. When you argue with “what is” you always lose my friend.


Just awareness of this fact will bring a new perspective into the way you do things. You will stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been. You will accept “what is” without mentally fussing and straining and start working on ways that you can avoid a repeat performance in the future. You will stop wasting energy on what you hoped or whished for. Progress is only possible when you accept “what is” and boldly start working towards the outcome you desire.

Kind regards



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Posted by on December 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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They say that the difference between a rut and the grave is about six feet.




Use the following method and power words when you are searching for new ideas or fresh perspectives. They say that the difference between a rut and the grave is about six feet. Many of us slip into a groove and continue to play out our lives until change is forced on us. Nothing new can be created until you work up enough desire and courage to change something. Everything will stay the same until you change the current recipe.

Creativity comes to those that are not afraid of the unknown. Inventors and innovators dare to go where nobody went before. They think of ways to achieve a specific objective or solve a problem that later seem so logical, but that have been ignored because it challenged the current rules. No progress is possible while you sustain methods and systems that might be outdated and defective.

The golden rule is to remain vigilant for fresh ideas all the time. Most of the biggest inventions came about when someone identified a problem and allowed his mind to come up with a solution. Many of us become passive or panic when they are faced with a potential problem. The innovators love problems and do not view them as barriers. They see them, as wonderful opportunities to improve or create something brand new that will make certain problems go away.

The innovators are responsible for everything that you see when you look out of the window. They saw solutions while the rest of the people remained focused on the problems. Your mind is a powerful computer that is connected to the universal mind. There is an unlimited resource of data stored in the universal mind’s archives. Creative people tap these archives and often come up with amazing inventions. Individuals that are not even connected to a specific industry come up with ideas that stun those that have been working there for years.

Use the following method and power word the next time that you are faced with a problem or barrier. Focus on the situation, problem or obstacle and repeat the power word “create”. This power word will activate a creative process in your mind.

You will soon discover that your mind will begin to search for solutions where it possibly in the past could only dig up hundreds of reasons why something just cannot be done. You will soon find that several options will come to mind when you trigger your inventive power by using the word “create”.

You are a creator in your own right. You have been creating for many years. Look around you and become aware of the many things you created to date. You created your own world and circumstances. Your historical mindset directed what you created in all areas of your life. The choices that you made historically formed the base of what you have today.

You can spend your time creating wonderful innovations or you can waste it creating excuses why certain things cannot be done. Repeat the word “create” the next time that you need a solution to a problem. You will soon discover that you will have several options or combinations of ideas that could assist you to overcome what you are faced with.

The key is to focus on the outcome you desire. The power word “create” will cause creative chemicals to be released by your brain. You will suddenly think solutions and not problems like you have possibly done in the past.

I suggest that you make notes of all ideas that surface after you used the power word “create”. Do not judge what come to mind. You will be able to later use one or a combination of the ideas that surfaced to “create” a solution to the problem. Remember you can use this system to innovate and “create” even when you have no immediate problems that need your urgent attention.

Repeat this power word when you are faced with a problem or challenge that you would like to overcome. Create. Create. Create.

Possible other power words you can use: Solution. Solution. Explore. Explore. Innovate. Innovate.


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Posted by on October 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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You are better off alone than being the sacrificial lamb of those that want to change you into something that you are not.


Many of us are of the opinion that we need to sacrifice ourselves to gain the approval of others. You did not come to this dimension to be the slave of anyone. The problem that you are faced with is that when you sacrifice yourself for anyone you are actually doing this for the perceptions that this person hold about you or about life in general. It is helpful to know that perceptions are nothing more than the opinion held by a person. These opinions might sound solid and feasible compare to your own perceptions. Both your own opinions and the opinions of the one that you are sacrificing yourself for may be far removed from reality and the truth of the matter at hand. It is often our fear of just being ourselves that cause us to attempt to act in a way far different to who we really are. It is often fear of loss or failure that is at the root of these sacrifices that we make. Courage will assist you to see things as they really are. You will stop perceiving things through a filter that warp and bend stuff according to those that expect us to be their sacrificial lamb. Trying to win or retain the approval of anyone is a very draining exercise. You act and react far outside your usual character in an attempt to impress or gain the approval of the recipient of your sacrifice. You get up tired and you drop into bed totally exhausted when you find yourself trapped in this deadly cycle. The solution is to be the best you that you can be at any moment in time. Should anyone find your natural self unacceptable or not to his or her liking then he or she will just have to get over it. I would suggest that you drop enforced behaviour right now my friend. You are better off alone than being the sacrificial lamb of those that want to change you into something that you are not.



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Posted by on October 23, 2013 in WISDOM


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