Tag Archives: travel

The historic/Jewish people’s emergence/radically different from/story told.


De-constructing the walls of Jericho


By Ze’ev Herzog


Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out: The patriarchs’ acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.

This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells.

What follows is a short account of the brief history of archaeology, with the emphasis on the crises and the big bang, so to speak, of the past decade. The critical question of this archaeological revolution has not yet trickled down into public consciousness, but it cannot be ignored.


Inventing the Bible stories


More information? Follow the link below



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Posted by on March 15, 2015 in WISDOM


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Collective Consciousness – Invisible field – Animals following their collective instincts.


Birds in flocks make turns as a collective. Ants build, supply, and defend their burrows. How does a group make better decisions than any one of its members? Welcome to the hive mind.

The queen of an ant colony is like the queen of England. She doesn’t really have any power (except in Canada). She doesn’t oversee the colony or give orders. She’s a part of the collective more than the organizer. An ant colony doesn’t have an organizer. Despite that, it works efficiently.

The colony doesn’t just pump out genetically pre-determined components. Many ants can switch to different roles during the course of their lives, depending on what the colony needs. Together, the colony has an intelligence, which single ants do not possess. Over the years, many different studies hae been done to explore this concept of collective intelligence.

Some study the mechanics of collective intelligence. For example, a Stanford researcher noticed that foraging ants would change their search patterns if they were given different-sized areas to search. Ants don’t see very well, so they weren’t able to see each other. Nor did any one ant ‘round up the others’. The most likely theory was that each ant had a number of different possible search patterns. If it ran into other ants too often, it would change to a wider-reaching search pattern. If it didn’t run into them often enough, it would switch to a more conservative one. The result was all the searching ants, as a collective, changing their individual search behaviors in the same way after roughly the same amount of time.

Ants are also incredible at collectively finding the shortest routes through complicated systems, using luck and pheromone trails. As ants move through the world, they leave behind pheromones. The ants that follow behind them use a combination of chance, and pheromone scent to plot out their own routes. The first forays are random, but over time the most efficient routes have the most bunched-together pheromones trails, until the most efficient trails are discovered.

So far, it seems like just animals following instincts which lead them to a successful outcome – which is natural to all animals. The useful behaviors stick around. It’s more than that, though. Collectively, a colony learns. Destroy it one day, and it will move and rebuild. Destroy it the next day, and it will do the same thing. Faster.

Collective intelligence is a possible hot concept. The behavior used by ants can be used by malware scanners, cleaning robots, and mapping programs. Design a machine to do a complicated thing, and it becomes a complicated problem if something goes wrong. Design it, and many of its fellows, to do simple things that, collectively, accomplish the same task, and things can go a lot more smoothly.



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Posted by on March 15, 2015 in WISDOM


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Water reveals hidden messages/reacts to human thoughts/music/emotions/prayers/written words.



When most people think about water, they’re thinking about something to drink, or perhaps that hot, steamy and refreshing liquid that funnels out of the shower head to remove the grit and grime after a long day’s work.


Dr. Masaru Emoto is not one of those people. He believes that water reveals hidden messages and reacts to human thoughts, music, emotions, prayers and written words.


Epiphany Works, an inspired event-planning company that provides forums for enlightening entertainment that is experiential in nature, is responsible for bringing the famed scientist to Cranberry on Sunday, Oct. 2.


The co-founder of Epiphany Works, Gina Hillier, contacted Emoto in hopes of bringing him to the Pittsburgh area to demonstrate his almost incomprehensible beliefs.


“Our goal is basically to show people things they’ve never done before, whether we create it or bring someone in,” Hillier explained.


“Dr. Emoto is one of those such people, and we’re honored to have him visiting. He’s touching a nerve and his message is so simple yet universal, that water has intelligence.


What he basically does is use scientific methods to prove that thoughts change the chemistry of water.”


The well-known Japanese scientist became interested in water at a very young age.


“When I was a child, I learned from my mother that ‘water is a reflection of your soul,’”


Emoto explained

“In remembering that experience, I decided to embark on this current research for and with water.”


Emoto has been on a non-stop quest for two decades and was internationally recognized through his breakthrough film, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” He believes that almost everything is affected by water, including tsunamis and hurricanes on a deeper level than is obvious. He feels that everyone should be learning much more about the importance of water’s impact on everyday life.


“Water is essential to life, but how long have we been ignorant about water? Forever,” Emoto stated. “I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that people are really ignorant when it comes to water.”


A few examples of the main questions Emoto feels people should be looking into: Why we can’t live a single day without water? How can water dissolve anything? Why is water the heaviest at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit?


While these questions can be answered in a scientific fashion, Emoto feels the root of the mystery has not been uncovered in an adequate way.



Emoto points to the fact that NASA has confirmed that all of the water on Earth actually came from outer space in the form of ice comets.


“This information was reported over eight years ago, yet no one takes it seriously,” Emoto said. “This is because if this finding was accepted, all the theories that have been discovered in modern science in the past will be nullified. This is particularly (important) because if this theory is accepted as a fact, then it means that humans really came from outer space.


“Furthermore, this forces our thinking to leave the parameters of science and enter the realm of God or other spiritual reasoning, which is one of the most despised thought process by scientists.”


Another concern of Emoto’s is that the Earth is losing the battle to hold so much water.

He says NASA has concluded that ice comets are about usually 100 tons and nearly 10 million of them hit the earth every year. Due to the influx of water, Emoto predicts many more natural disasters, along with the concern of global warming.


“What I can theorize is that Earth is now acting like a full sponge and can no longer absorb enough water,” Emoto explained.


“I am seriously worried that a part of this Earth really will be consumed by water and disappear, just like in the case of the continents Mu and Atlantis.”


Emoto believes that water is so powerful that it can create havoc merely as a result human thoughts. One of his studies consists of taking photographs of water crystals by two photographers; one who is at peace and another who is agitated.


When the feeling of what Emoto calls “Love and Thanks” was sent to the water, the crystal formation was at its best and the most beautiful. On the other hand, ugly water crystals formed when when negative feelings were sent toward the water.


Part of this research has lead Emoto to the conclusion that humans are responsible for some water-related natural disasters.


“Are modern day people living a life on a daily basis that is full of ‘Love and Thanks’ energy? The answer is no,” Emoto stated.


“We are all immersed in fear and resentment and are living a life that is full of gluttony.”


The renowned water researcher concludes that our water will reflect those feelings and retaliate, possibly wreaking havoc in more areas if people do not come together, live in harmony and respect the water.


Emoto uses Einstein’s theory of relativity, E=mc2 for his water research, believing the ‘m’ represents the number of people and the ‘c’ equals consciousness.


As far as healing powers go, Emoto believes that water has true powers when one realizes that the origin of every phenomenon can be traced back to vibrations.


“Vibration can only travel through water,” Emoto explained. “All illnesses are created when a particular vibration is corrupted. The best way to heal this irregularity is to apply the same irregular frequency vibrational wave pattern so that this relationship will cancel out the bad vibration and condition that followed.”


Due to the fact that humans are made mostly of water, Emoto feels that water has the ability to change things around the world and for mankind because water is a reflection of the soul.


“I believe water is a reflection of all human consciousness,” Emoto said. “Therefore, the current tragedies around the world that are caused by water are a result of the unbalance in the culture, economy and politics.”


The leading water scientist is selling out in almost every city he’s visiting and is attracting a vast amount of people, including medical students and churches. His lecture, “The Power of Water,” is expected to be well attended in Cranberry, his only stop in the Pittsburgh area.


By Kate Canan / Source: Gateway Newspapers


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Posted by on March 15, 2015 in WISDOM


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So, are you ready to get naked?

As an artist’s and photographer’s model, I’ve spent substantial portions of my early-to-mid twenties standing around in front of strangers with no clothes on. And while it might be initially nerve-wracking, it’s also one of the most interesting and worthwhile experiences I’ve ever had — so worthwhile that I firmly believe it belongs on the bucket list for any young woman, no matter what her shape, size, or level of confidence with her own naked body. Why should you take a photo or two in your birthday suit?


  • Your body is beautiful. Really, it is. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re plump or slender, reedy or Rubenesque; your whole self — top to toe — deserves its day in the spotlight. Women put in huge amounts of effort each day just to meet society’s standard of beauty, only to get bogged down by stress and insecurity over failing to fit within that narrowly-defined (and often unhealthy) ideal. Stripping down and showing it off is a celebratory, powerful, even subversive act — and it’s exhilarating. And when you see those photos in the days, months and years that follow, it’ll be with a lasting appreciation for your body as the glorious, gorgeous machine it is.

  • It’s a confidence boost. Between diet culture, celebrity obsession, and the airbrushed images that we see every day on billboards and in magazines, women have developed an utterly warped idea of what a healthy body looks like. And the effects go way beyond simply disliking what we see in the mirror; at this point, many women are battling body dysmorphia and/or too afraid to even look at themselves naked. Seeing your own body given just a fraction of the star treatment — with makeup, lighting, and a skilled photographer to help you pose — is a powerful way to fight back against that fear and insecurity. Basically, you are so much hotter than you think you are.

  • It’s totally vain… and completely awesome. When it comes to balancing your busy life, you’re always being told to take care, take time out, and take one day a week to do something nice for yourself. Well, go big or go home, lady. Your “just for me” weekly manicure only lasts as long as it takes your nail polish to chip, but a private album of drawings or photos that show you at your prime — young, healthy, and before childbirth, gravity, and the vagaries of time have taken their toll — is a memory you’ll have forever. (Not to mention a great conversation-starter when someone pulls it off your bookshelf in 2072 and says, “Grandma! Was that YOU?”)


So, are you ready to get naked? You’ve got options, but they’re not all good. Unless you’re the edgy type, avoid amateur photographers with seedy apartment “studios” and no portfolio to speak of; chances are, they’re just looking for spank material. And even if your boyfriend is a totally trustworthy dude who would never, ever blackmail you with your sexy shots post-breakup, he may lack the photographic skills to do your naked body justice. (And while an unflattering photo is never pleasant, an unflattering naked photo is a special kind of hell.) Instead, plan to drop a little cash and consider the following:


  • Boudoir photography. If you want to look gorgeous and play coy, hire a professional boudoir photog to snap some sexy, low-lit photos of you in your favorite lingerie… or less. (Check with your individual photographer to see how he or she feels about topless shots, straight-up nudity, or tasteful draping.)

  • Go retro. Love the look of old-school pin-up shots like Marilyn Monroe’s famous series with Bert Stern? Photogs specializing in vintage-inspired photoshoots have begun cropping up all over the country; if you’re nervous about taking it all off, some studios also offer costumes and wigs to get you into character.

  • Sexiness optional. Naked photos don’t have to be porn-y; if looking lascivious isn’t your thing, skip the sex factor and work with a fine art photographer to shoot some artistic, black-and-white nudes that explore your body’s form in a non-erotic way.

  • Put it on paper. Taking nude photos absolutely isn’t the recipe for disaster that people make it out to be — you retain the rights to pictures you’ve paid for, but even if you didn’t, a naked body isn’t a moral evil in and of itself. (Meaning that if someone sees them, it’s not like your life is over. Just ask Carla Bruni!) But if you simply can’t stomach the thought of actual photographic evidence that, at one time, you did not have clothes on, consider posing for a figure drawing or painting class. The in-practice terror factor is substantially greater — instead of one photographer seeing you nude, it’s a dozen aspiring artists and an instructor — but the sketch that one of your new artist friends gifts to you at the end of class will forever be a cool and unique souvenir of your brass-balled bravery.


Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. ???

PLEASE NOTE: this is an educational video on nude modelling and it contains nudity.



‘Intimacy 2.0’ features Studio Roosegaardeʼs new, high-tech wearable dresses composed of leather and smart e-foils which are daringly perfect to wear on the red carpet. The e-foils become transparent and opaque in response to the heartbeat of the model wearing the e-dress.

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Posted by on March 15, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports.


Sailing the Seven Seas of Life

When we arrive into this world, we enter as a ship that navigates by the forces of nature and propelled by the power in the invisible auras of Spirit. It takes a few years for us to launch our ship with a self-propelled man made motor. During this process, we are taken to many shipyards for a refit to our intellect’s knowingness. We are trained by man-made ideologies and our natural awareness starts to go down deep inside the “Davy Jones locker” within us. We are taught to accept a new identity that will become the captain of our ship. We have to pass many tests of approval by our Admiralty of mis-guided intellects. Once we believe we are qualified to be our own pilot and navigator, we set out to chart our voyage of a lifetime.


As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports of call to pick up passengers and cargo. Some of these passengers become permanent guests in our lives. Some come for a short trip as they were sent to us to fill a need. Our thoughts advertised we were in need of advice and guidance so they came along for that part of our journey, for they knew the waters we were sailing. They steered us clear of dangers and helped us weather passing storms. Then they went on their way. Some died of a sickness or old age, but their souls stay with us for guidance, as long as we know where they are located in our inner sanctuary. They are the angels that we asked to help steer our course. We still have our trusted physical crew all around our ship, and we have to be aware that we need to treat them with love and respect or else we may encounter a mutiny.


We should always be on guard, for there are dangerous sharks and pirates in these waters. Many are after our cargo of money and treasures, whilst a few wish to take the joy out of our lives. The stock market is a vast ocean of scurvy forces that lie in wait to ambush us when we have lost our direction. There are many other unknown, hazardous ships, we will encounter on our travels and many fly the flag of friendship from a distance, but when we get up close, they hoist the skull and crossbones. Our lookouts fell asleep and we were attacked because impostors penetrated our vigilance. Enemies posing as friendly sailing vessels, in the seas turbulent cross currents of information. And so, we battle the storm and survive, but each battle leaves its scars on our vessel.


Once we journey beyond our half way mark, we suddenly get the feeling we might be heading in the wrong direction. We start to understand the real enemy is within our own ship, and the pilot we have so much faith in is an impostor. It is the same type of impostor that we have been battling in the other pirate ships, only this foe was planted in our thoughts for many years and has grown in stature and strength. So much so it thinks it can control the ship in heavy raging seas, even when it knows the ship is aging and does not have the power it once had. When it realizes it does not have any real power, it wants to abandon the ship as it begins to sink. It wants to forsake the vessel and allow it to crash on the rocks of worry and anxiety.


The captain of our ship is a wimp. A false-hearted scalawag, with no care for anything, except its own importance. It is a stowaway, which dresses up in a captain’s uniform recognized by society’s elite and panders to their whims. That is why we believed it to be so real, for we have all been flying the wrong flags, because our captains are nothing but sophisticated, adulterated, decoys. The real captain named Soul is still onboard but held captive in the deep recesses of our vessel.

Captain Ego needs to retire and become a quiet member of the crew.


The time has come to unlock the chains of imprisonment and allow our authentic, trusted captain to gain mastery of the controls of our ship. To escort us to safe waters, where we can float on a tide of supreme bliss. Each day we will set out to achieve new goals and visit places beyond distant horizons. We will still encounter many storms along our cruises but with a steadfast captain at the helm, we will never fear any assault on our peace and tranquillity. We have a twenty-four hour watch in the crow’s nest. Our finely tuned awareness is enjoying the true order of command. We have turned off the old worn out motor and we are sailing into the sunset with Spirit’s forces supervising our sail.


Within our life span, everyone will sail the seven seas. We come into this world as a newborn baby and some of us leave within a day or two. We have still sailed the seven seas, only we did it in a pure vessel and in super fast time. Others may sail for over one hundred years. The time-scale is not that important. The quality and value of time spent joyfully is important.


The seas are the same for everyone. Only the time frame is a little longer for some. In cosmic terms, there is little difference in a second or a hundred years. The first taste is the banquet. The first sail is the experience of a lifetime. So we sail the seven seas of life, until the time comes to set our ship adrift. We then sail into the infinite calm waves, in the imponderable gala-seas of eternity. Until that day comes, let’s sail our charter on the authentic sensations of love and joy. Only Spirit can award us with a true captain and navigator. Allow each moment to become a soul-filled adventure of un-surpassable bliss


An essay from the book, The Joys of Live Alchemy by Michael Levy

Free Success Ebook: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010

DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


Download Instructions


If you simply want to view this ebook reference within your web browser, simply left click the link and your web browser should open the file using a PDF file plugin. You may download the file for viewing offline in your PDF viewer by right-clicking (control-click on a Macintosh) on the following link, then choosing the option that allows you to save or download the item (depending on the browser, this option will be labeled, “Save Target As,” “Save Link Target As,” “Download Link to Disk,” “Download Linked File As,” etc.) to directly download this file to your computer. You can then open the file using your PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other number of PDF file viewers.Adobe Acrobat Reader may be downloaded at no cost by clicking here.


DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


Enjoy this book my friend – It could change your life!




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Posted by on March 1, 2015 in WISDOM


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Memory techniques work on anything that you like to master.


You’ve heard about several memory enhancing techniques. Linking and associating, creating a story out of several items you need to remember.


There are in fact, many ways how you can remember important information such as numbers, events, errands and names. The challenge is how to make all the information easy to retrieve, out of the top of your head in a random situation.


Memory techniques work on anything that you like to master. There are things you may need to work on in memorizing something for the first time but all information has techniques on how they can all be memorized. It just takes a lot of interest and enthusiasm to be able to absorb all the information we want to understand and remember.


Creating an absurd and outrageous story from a list of non-related items will do well enough to stick in your head. What else is that it stays there in your memory the way the story is created, the chronological order and even the positioning of the character!

The fun part about this technique is that there’s no limit to how you want to create the story and the sillier it is; the easier for you to remember it and the keywords that comprise it.


Now you’ll say what if you need to memorize an entire chapter of items and information; surely you can’t create a novel out of this. True. But in fact, what you can do to get around this problem is to break down all the information you need to remember. Try to put the related or similar items in one cluster and name it. Do the same with the rest.


You can also create acronyms out of the clusters you have made and then, create a silly story using the acronyms or the cluster of words you’ve created.


Once you have this ready, you can then associate mental images with the story and each key word you’ve made. It has been proven that the imagination, especially when there’s clear images associated with it works efficiently – efficient enough to be remembered.

Following these techniques for the first time may come a bit slower and difficult but practising them can gradually increase your expertise over any memorization tasks.


Source: Memory Improvement Techniques


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Posted by on February 8, 2015 in WISDOM


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Why many of us might find it difficult to find accommodation in Japan! – Better be thin in Japan.


Why many of us might find it difficult to find accommodation in Japan! – Better be thin in Japan




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Posted by on January 21, 2015 in WISDOM


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As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports of call to pick up passengers and cargo.


Sailing the Seven Seas of Life

When we arrive into this world, we enter as a ship that navigates by the forces of nature and propelled by the power in the invisible auras of Spirit. It takes a few years for us to launch our ship with a self-propelled man made motor. During this process, we are taken to many shipyards for a refit to our intellect’s knowingness. We are trained by man-made ideologies and our natural awareness starts to go down deep inside the “Davy Jones locker” within us. We are taught to accept a new identity that will become the captain of our ship. We have to pass many tests of approval by our Admiralty of mis-guided intellects. Once we believe we are qualified to be our own pilot and navigator, we set out to chart our voyage of a lifetime.


As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports of call to pick up passengers and cargo. Some of these passengers become permanent guests in our lives. Some come for a short trip as they were sent to us to fill a need. Our thoughts advertised we were in need of advice and guidance so they came along for that part of our journey, for they knew the waters we were sailing. They steered us clear of dangers and helped us weather passing storms. Then they went on their way. Some died of a sickness or old age, but their souls stay with us for guidance, as long as we know where they are located in our inner sanctuary. They are the angels that we asked to help steer our course. We still have our trusted physical crew all around our ship, and we have to be aware that we need to treat them with love and respect or else we may encounter a mutiny.


We should always be on guard, for there are dangerous sharks and pirates in these waters. Many are after our cargo of money and treasures, whilst a few wish to take the joy out of our lives. The stock market is a vast ocean of scurvy forces that lie in wait to ambush us when we have lost our direction. There are many other unknown, hazardous ships, we will encounter on our travels and many fly the flag of friendship from a distance, but when we get up close, they hoist the skull and crossbones. Our lookouts fell asleep and we were attacked because impostors penetrated our vigilance. Enemies posing as friendly sailing vessels, in the seas turbulent cross currents of information. And so, we battle the storm and survive, but each battle leaves its scars on our vessel.


Once we journey beyond our half way mark, we suddenly get the feeling we might be heading in the wrong direction. We start to understand the real enemy is within our own ship, and the pilot we have so much faith in is an impostor. It is the same type of impostor that we have been battling in the other pirate ships, only this foe was planted in our thoughts for many years and has grown in stature and strength. So much so it thinks it can control the ship in heavy raging seas, even when it knows the ship is aging and does not have the power it once had. When it realizes it does not have any real power, it wants to abandon the ship as it begins to sink. It wants to forsake the vessel and allow it to crash on the rocks of worry and anxiety.


The captain of our ship is a wimp. A false-hearted scalawag, with no care for anything, except its own importance. It is a stowaway, which dresses up in a captain’s uniform recognized by society’s elite and panders to their whims. That is why we believed it to be so real, for we have all been flying the wrong flags, because our captains are nothing but sophisticated, adulterated, decoys. The real captain named Soul is still onboard but held captive in the deep recesses of our vessel.

Captain Ego needs to retire and become a quiet member of the crew.


The time has come to unlock the chains of imprisonment and allow our authentic, trusted captain to gain mastery of the controls of our ship. To escort us to safe waters, where we can float on a tide of supreme bliss. Each day we will set out to achieve new goals and visit places beyond distant horizons. We will still encounter many storms along our cruises but with a steadfast captain at the helm, we will never fear any assault on our peace and tranquillity. We have a twenty-four hour watch in the crow’s nest. Our finely tuned awareness is enjoying the true order of command. We have turned off the old worn out motor and we are sailing into the sunset with Spirit’s forces supervising our sail.


Within our life span, everyone will sail the seven seas. We come into this world as a newborn baby and some of us leave within a day or two. We have still sailed the seven seas, only we did it in a pure vessel and in super fast time. Others may sail for over one hundred years. The time-scale is not that important. The quality and value of time spent joyfully is important.


The seas are the same for everyone. Only the time frame is a little longer for some. In cosmic terms, there is little difference in a second or a hundred years. The first taste is the banquet. The first sail is the experience of a lifetime. So we sail the seven seas of life, until the time comes to set our ship adrift. We then sail into the infinite calm waves, in the imponderable gala-seas of eternity. Until that day comes, let’s sail our charter on the authentic sensations of love and joy. Only Spirit can award us with a true captain and navigator. Allow each moment to become a soul-filled adventure of un-surpassable bliss


An essay from the book, The Joys of Live Alchemy by Michael Levy

Free Success Ebook: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010

DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


Download Instructions


If you simply want to view this ebook reference within your web browser, simply left click the link and your web browser should open the file using a PDF file plugin. You may download the file for viewing offline in your PDF viewer by right-clicking (control-click on a Macintosh) on the following link, then choosing the option that allows you to save or download the item (depending on the browser, this option will be labeled, “Save Target As,” “Save Link Target As,” “Download Link to Disk,” “Download Linked File As,” etc.) to directly download this file to your computer. You can then open the file using your PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other number of PDF file viewers.Adobe Acrobat Reader may be downloaded at no cost by clicking here.


DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


Enjoy this book my friend – It could change your life!




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Posted by on January 21, 2015 in WISDOM


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Why should you take a photo or two in your birthday suit?

As an artist’s and photographer’s model, I’ve spent substantial portions of my early-to-mid twenties standing around in front of strangers with no clothes on. And while it might be initially nerve-wracking, it’s also one of the most interesting and worthwhile experiences I’ve ever had — so worthwhile that I firmly believe it belongs on the bucket list for any young woman, no matter what her shape, size, or level of confidence with her own naked body. Why should you take a photo or two in your birthday suit?


  • Your body is beautiful. Really, it is. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re plump or slender, reedy or Rubenesque; your whole self — top to toe — deserves its day in the spotlight. Women put in huge amounts of effort each day just to meet society’s standard of beauty, only to get bogged down by stress and insecurity over failing to fit within that narrowly-defined (and often unhealthy) ideal. Stripping down and showing it off is a celebratory, powerful, even subversive act — and it’s exhilarating. And when you see those photos in the days, months and years that follow, it’ll be with a lasting appreciation for your body as the glorious, gorgeous machine it is.

  • It’s a confidence boost. Between diet culture, celebrity obsession, and the airbrushed images that we see every day on billboards and in magazines, women have developed an utterly warped idea of what a healthy body looks like. And the effects go way beyond simply disliking what we see in the mirror; at this point, many women are battling body dysmorphia and/or too afraid to even look at themselves naked. Seeing your own body given just a fraction of the star treatment — with makeup, lighting, and a skilled photographer to help you pose — is a powerful way to fight back against that fear and insecurity. Basically, you are so much hotter than you think you are.

  • It’s totally vain… and completely awesome. When it comes to balancing your busy life, you’re always being told to take care, take time out, and take one day a week to do something nice for yourself. Well, go big or go home, lady. Your “just for me” weekly manicure only lasts as long as it takes your nail polish to chip, but a private album of drawings or photos that show you at your prime — young, healthy, and before childbirth, gravity, and the vagaries of time have taken their toll — is a memory you’ll have forever. (Not to mention a great conversation-starter when someone pulls it off your bookshelf in 2072 and says, “Grandma! Was that YOU?”)


So, are you ready to get naked? You’ve got options, but they’re not all good. Unless you’re the edgy type, avoid amateur photographers with seedy apartment “studios” and no portfolio to speak of; chances are, they’re just looking for spank material. And even if your boyfriend is a totally trustworthy dude who would never, ever blackmail you with your sexy shots post-breakup, he may lack the photographic skills to do your naked body justice. (And while an unflattering photo is never pleasant, an unflattering naked photo is a special kind of hell.) Instead, plan to drop a little cash and consider the following:


  • Boudoir photography. If you want to look gorgeous and play coy, hire a professional boudoir photog to snap some sexy, low-lit photos of you in your favorite lingerie… or less. (Check with your individual photographer to see how he or she feels about topless shots, straight-up nudity, or tasteful draping.)

  • Go retro. Love the look of old-school pin-up shots like Marilyn Monroe’s famous series with Bert Stern? Photogs specializing in vintage-inspired photoshoots have begun cropping up all over the country; if you’re nervous about taking it all off, some studios also offer costumes and wigs to get you into character.

  • Sexiness optional. Naked photos don’t have to be porn-y; if looking lascivious isn’t your thing, skip the sex factor and work with a fine art photographer to shoot some artistic, black-and-white nudes that explore your body’s form in a non-erotic way.

  • Put it on paper. Taking nude photos absolutely isn’t the recipe for disaster that people make it out to be — you retain the rights to pictures you’ve paid for, but even if you didn’t, a naked body isn’t a moral evil in and of itself. (Meaning that if someone sees them, it’s not like your life is over. Just ask Carla Bruni!) But if you simply can’t stomach the thought of actual photographic evidence that, at one time, you did not have clothes on, consider posing for a figure drawing or painting class. The in-practice terror factor is substantially greater — instead of one photographer seeing you nude, it’s a dozen aspiring artists and an instructor — but the sketch that one of your new artist friends gifts to you at the end of class will forever be a cool and unique souvenir of your brass-balled bravery.


Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. ???

PLEASE NOTE: this is an educational video on nude modelling and it contains nudity.

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Posted by on January 21, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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The historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence/radically different from what that story tells.


De-constructing the walls of Jericho


By Ze’ev Herzog


Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out: The patriarchs’ acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.

This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells.

What follows is a short account of the brief history of archaeology, with the emphasis on the crises and the big bang, so to speak, of the past decade. The critical question of this archaeological revolution has not yet trickled down into public consciousness, but it cannot be ignored.


Inventing the Bible stories


More information? Follow the link below



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Posted by on January 21, 2015 in WISDOM


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Emoto feels that water has the ability to change things around the world/mankind because water is a reflection of the soul.



When most people think about water, they’re thinking about something to drink, or perhaps that hot, steamy and refreshing liquid that funnels out of the shower head to remove the grit and grime after a long day’s work.


Dr. Masaru Emoto is not one of those people. He believes that water reveals hidden messages and reacts to human thoughts, music, emotions, prayers and written words.


Epiphany Works, an inspired event-planning company that provides forums for enlightening entertainment that is experiential in nature, is responsible for bringing the famed scientist to Cranberry on Sunday, Oct. 2.


The co-founder of Epiphany Works, Gina Hillier, contacted Emoto in hopes of bringing him to the Pittsburgh area to demonstrate his almost incomprehensible beliefs.


“Our goal is basically to show people things they’ve never done before, whether we create it or bring someone in,” Hillier explained.


“Dr. Emoto is one of those such people, and we’re honored to have him visiting. He’s touching a nerve and his message is so simple yet universal, that water has intelligence.


What he basically does is use scientific methods to prove that thoughts change the chemistry of water.”


The well-known Japanese scientist became interested in water at a very young age.


“When I was a child, I learned from my mother that ‘water is a reflection of your soul,’”


Emoto explained



“In remembering that experience, I decided to embark on this current research for and with water.”


Emoto has been on a non-stop quest for two decades and was internationally recognized through his breakthrough film, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” He believes that almost everything is affected by water, including tsunamis and hurricanes on a deeper level than is obvious. He feels that everyone should be learning much more about the importance of water’s impact on everyday life.


“Water is essential to life, but how long have we been ignorant about water? Forever,” Emoto stated. “I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that people are really ignorant when it comes to water.”


A few examples of the main questions Emoto feels people should be looking into: Why we can’t live a single day without water? How can water dissolve anything? Why is water the heaviest at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit?


While these questions can be answered in a scientific fashion, Emoto feels the root of the mystery has not been uncovered in an adequate way.



Emoto points to the fact that NASA has confirmed that all of the water on Earth actually came from outer space in the form of ice comets.


“This information was reported over eight years ago, yet no one takes it seriously,” Emoto said. “This is because if this finding was accepted, all the theories that have been discovered in modern science in the past will be nullified. This is particularly (important) because if this theory is accepted as a fact, then it means that humans really came from outer space.


“Furthermore, this forces our thinking to leave the parameters of science and enter the realm of God or other spiritual reasoning, which is one of the most despised thought process by scientists.”


Another concern of Emoto’s is that the Earth is losing the battle to hold so much water.

He says NASA has concluded that ice comets are about usually 100 tons and nearly 10 million of them hit the earth every year. Due to the influx of water, Emoto predicts many more natural disasters, along with the concern of global warming.


“What I can theorize is that Earth is now acting like a full sponge and can no longer absorb enough water,” Emoto explained.


“I am seriously worried that a part of this Earth really will be consumed by water and disappear, just like in the case of the continents Mu and Atlantis.”


Emoto believes that water is so powerful that it can create havoc merely as a result human thoughts. One of his studies consists of taking photographs of water crystals by two photographers; one who is at peace and another who is agitated.


When the feeling of what Emoto calls “Love and Thanks” was sent to the water, the crystal formation was at its best and the most beautiful. On the other hand, ugly water crystals formed when when negative feelings were sent toward the water.


Part of this research has lead Emoto to the conclusion that humans are responsible for some water-related natural disasters.


“Are modern day people living a life on a daily basis that is full of ‘Love and Thanks’ energy? The answer is no,” Emoto stated.


“We are all immersed in fear and resentment and are living a life that is full of gluttony.”


The renowned water researcher concludes that our water will reflect those feelings and retaliate, possibly wreaking havoc in more areas if people do not come together, live in harmony and respect the water.


Emoto uses Einstein’s theory of relativity, E=mc2 for his water research, believing the ‘m’ represents the number of people and the ‘c’ equals consciousness.


As far as healing powers go, Emoto believes that water has true powers when one realizes that the origin of every phenomenon can be traced back to vibrations.


“Vibration can only travel through water,” Emoto explained. “All illnesses are created when a particular vibration is corrupted. The best way to heal this irregularity is to apply the same irregular frequency vibrational wave pattern so that this relationship will cancel out the bad vibration and condition that followed.”


Due to the fact that humans are made mostly of water, Emoto feels that water has the ability to change things around the world and for mankind because water is a reflection of the soul.


“I believe water is a reflection of all human consciousness,” Emoto said. “Therefore, the current tragedies around the world that are caused by water are a result of the unbalance in the culture, economy and politics.”


The leading water scientist is selling out in almost every city he’s visiting and is attracting a vast amount of people, including medical students and churches. His lecture, “The Power of Water,” is expected to be well attended in Cranberry, his only stop in the Pittsburgh area.

By Kate Canan / Source: Gateway Newspapers


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Posted by on January 12, 2015 in WISDOM


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Can you see how the process of enslavement happened to you? This is how the never ending cycle of entrapment is sustained.

a story behind each window


You should by now understand that each one of us has a unique RESISTANCE bubble or energy field that encase us like a glove. Many of us live and die within the perimeters of our RESISTANCE zone. The biggest percentage of us is so dedicated to maintain our zone of RESISTANCE that we hardly ever venture outside its perimeters. We sometimes during moments of courage pull up the heavy draw bridge of our fortress of RESISTANCE and venture into the unknown. Our visits to the unknown zone are usually fleeting. We rush back to the safety of our walls the moment we run into anyone that criticize,  question or confront us with stuff that fail to match the blueprints in our perception archive. There comes a time when we feel that we must find a partner. We are then forced to venture out of our fortress. We begin our search for a suitable partner by matching the potential partner’s RESISTANCE against our own. We do our best to avoid bringing in a partner that might cause us discomfort. We reason that it will be very beneficial if we select a partner that closely matches the frequency of our own RESISTANCE level. That is why a partner with the same religious, political or race perceptions etc. is selected. We also know that there will be a gradual merging of the RESISTANCE levels of the partners. We try our level best to find a partner that will preferably enhance our own convictions and strengthen our RESISTANCE objectives. Our fear of the unknown immediately limits the number of potential partners that we have to choose from. When we find someone that we think will be a suitable partner we propose marriage. We then go through the prescribed rituals and gradually become a collective cluster of RESISTANCE. We then when appropriate procreate and begin to produce children. The children arrive in this dimension with no perceptions and no fears. They are free mentally. They are little spiritual bundles of joy that love unconditionally. Both partners soon realize that it is imperative that this new arrival are domesticated and taught how to become an acceptable member of the society that they live in. Can you see how the process of enslavement happened to you as well? This is how the never ending cycle of entrapment is sustained.


Look around you today and see how man has been reduced to entities that live in tiny boxes. Look at the endless rows of dwellings that go on for as far as the eye can see. Inside each of the dwellings (boxes) are living beings with hopes and dreams that are more often than not too afraid to attempt anything that might rock the boat or cause discomfort. We vigorously RESIST anything or anyone that dare to trespass into our space. We create the impression that we are happy and successful from behind our picket or barbed wired security fences. I will continue with this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on December 13, 2014 in WISDOM


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De-constructing the walls of Jericho.


De-constructing the walls of Jericho


By Ze’ev Herzog


Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out: The patriarchs’ acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.

This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells.

What follows is a short account of the brief history of archaeology, with the emphasis on the crises and the big bang, so to speak, of the past decade. The critical question of this archaeological revolution has not yet trickled down into public consciousness, but it cannot be ignored.


Inventing the Bible stories


More information? Follow the link below



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Posted by on December 13, 2014 in WISDOM


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Memory techniques work on anything that you like to master.


You’ve heard about several memory enhancing techniques. Linking and associating, creating a story out of several items you need to remember.


There are in fact, many ways how you can remember important information such as numbers, events, errands and names. The challenge is how to make all the information easy to retrieve, out of the top of your head in a random situation.


Memory techniques work on anything that you like to master. There are things you may need to work on in memorizing something for the first time but all information has techniques on how they can all be memorized. It just takes a lot of interest and enthusiasm to be able to absorb all the information we want to understand and remember.


Creating an absurd and outrageous story from a list of non-related items will do well enough to stick in your head. What else is that it stays there in your memory the way the story is created, the chronological order and even the positioning of the character!

The fun part about this technique is that there’s no limit to how you want to create the story and the sillier it is; the easier for you to remember it and the keywords that comprise it.


Now you’ll say what if you need to memorize an entire chapter of items and information; surely you can’t create a novel out of this. True. But in fact, what you can do to get around this problem is to break down all the information you need to remember. Try to put the related or similar items in one cluster and name it. Do the same with the rest.


You can also create acronyms out of the clusters you have made and then, create a silly story using the acronyms or the cluster of words you’ve created.


Once you have this ready, you can then associate mental images with the story and each key word you’ve made. It has been proven that the imagination, especially when there’s clear images associated with it works efficiently – efficient enough to be remembered.

Following these techniques for the first time may come a bit slower and difficult but practising them can gradually increase your expertise over any memorization tasks.


Source: Memory Improvement Techniques


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Posted by on November 11, 2014 in WISDOM


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Inventing the Bible stories?



De-constructing the walls of Jericho


By Ze’ev Herzog


Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out: The patriarchs’ acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.

This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells.

What follows is a short account of the brief history of archaeology, with the emphasis on the crises and the big bang, so to speak, of the past decade. The critical question of this archaeological revolution has not yet trickled down into public consciousness, but it cannot be ignored.


Inventing the Bible stories


More information? Follow the link below


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Posted by on July 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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Look around you today and see how man has been reduced to entities that live in tiny boxes.


a story behind each window



You should by now understand that each one of us has a unique RESISTANCE bubble or energy field that encase us like a glove. Many of us live and die within the perimeters of our RESISTANCE zone. The biggest percentage of us is so dedicated to maintain our zone of RESISTANCE that we hardly ever venture outside its perimeters. We sometimes during moments of courage pull up the heavy draw bridge of our fortress of RESISTANCE and venture into the unknown. Our visits to the unknown zone are usually fleeting. We rush back to the safety of our walls the moment we run into anyone that criticize,  question or confront us with stuff that fail to match the blueprints in our perception archive. There comes a time when we feel that we must find a partner. We are then forced to venture out of our fortress. We begin our search for a suitable partner by matching the potential partner’s RESISTANCE against our own. We do our best to avoid bringing in a partner that might cause us discomfort. We reason that it will be very beneficial if we select a partner that closely matches the frequency of our own RESISTANCE level. That is why a partner with the same religious, political or race perceptions etc. is selected. We also know that there will be a gradual merging of the RESISTANCE levels of the partners. We try our level best to find a partner that will preferably enhance our own convictions and strengthen our RESISTANCE objectives. Our fear of the unknown immediately limits the number of potential partners that we have to choose from. When we find someone that we think will be a suitable partner we propose marriage. We then go through the prescribed rituals and gradually become a collective cluster of RESISTANCE. We then when appropriate procreate and begin to produce children. The children arrive in this dimension with no perceptions and no fears. They are free mentally. They are little spiritual bundles of joy that love unconditionally. Both partners soon realize that it is imperative that this new arrival are domesticated and taught how to become an acceptable member of the society that they live in. Can you see how the process of enslavement happened to you as well? This is how the never ending cycle of entrapment is sustained.


Look around you today and see how man has been reduced to entities that live in tiny boxes. Look at the endless rows of dwellings that go on for as far as the eye can see. Inside each of the dwellings (boxes) are living beings with hopes and dreams that are more often than not too afraid to attempt anything that might rock the boat or cause discomfort. We vigorously RESIST anything or anyone that dare to trespass into our space. We create the impression that we are happy and successful from behind our picket or barbed wired security fences. I will continue with this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on June 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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Animals following their collective instincts which lead them to a successful outcome.



Birds in flocks make turns as a collective. Ants build, supply, and defend their burrows. How does a group make better decisions than any one of its members? Welcome to the hive mind.

The queen of an ant colony is like the queen of England. She doesn’t really have any power (except in Canada). She doesn’t oversee the colony or give orders. She’s a part of the collective more than the organizer. An ant colony doesn’t have an organizer. Despite that, it works efficiently.

The colony doesn’t just pump out genetically pre-determined components. Many ants can switch to different roles during the course of their lives, depending on what the colony needs. Together, the colony has an intelligence, which single ants do not possess. Over the years, many different studies hae been done to explore this concept of collective intelligence.

Some study the mechanics of collective intelligence. For example, a Stanford researcher noticed that foraging ants would change their search patterns if they were given different-sized areas to search. Ants don’t see very well, so they weren’t able to see each other. Nor did any one ant ‘round up the others’. The most likely theory was that each ant had a number of different possible search patterns. If it ran into other ants too often, it would change to a wider-reaching search pattern. If it didn’t run into them often enough, it would switch to a more conservative one. The result was all the searching ants, as a collective, changing their individual search behaviors in the same way after roughly the same amount of time.

Ants are also incredible at collectively finding the shortest routes through complicated systems, using luck and pheromone trails. As ants move through the world, they leave behind pheromones. The ants that follow behind them use a combination of chance, and pheromone scent to plot out their own routes. The first forays are random, but over time the most efficient routes have the most bunched-together pheromones trails, until the most efficient trails are discovered.

So far, it seems like just animals following instincts which lead them to a successful outcome – which is natural to all animals. The useful behaviors stick around. It’s more than that, though. Collectively, a colony learns. Destroy it one day, and it will move and rebuild. Destroy it the next day, and it will do the same thing. Faster.

Collective intelligence is a possible hot concept. The behavior used by ants can be used by malware scanners, cleaning robots, and mapping programs. Design a machine to do a complicated thing, and it becomes a complicated problem if something goes wrong. Design it, and many of its fellows, to do simple things that, collectively, accomplish the same task, and things can go a lot more smoothly.



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Posted by on May 22, 2014 in WISDOM


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Why Every Woman Should Pose Nude.




As an artist’s and photographer’s model, I’ve spent substantial portions of my early-to-mid twenties standing around in front of strangers with no clothes on. And while it might be initially nerve-wracking, it’s also one of the most interesting and worthwhile experiences I’ve ever had — so worthwhile that I firmly believe it belongs on the bucket list for any young woman, no matter what her shape, size, or level of confidence with her own naked body. Why should you take a photo or two in your birthday suit?


  • Your body is beautiful. Really, it is. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re plump or slender, reedy or Rubenesque; your whole self — top to toe — deserves its day in the spotlight. Women put in huge amounts of effort each day just to meet society’s standard of beauty, only to get bogged down by stress and insecurity over failing to fit within that narrowly-defined (and often unhealthy) ideal. Stripping down and showing it off is a celebratory, powerful, even subversive act — and it’s exhilarating. And when you see those photos in the days, months and years that follow, it’ll be with a lasting appreciation for your body as the glorious, gorgeous machine it is.

  • It’s a confidence boost. Between diet culture, celebrity obsession, and the airbrushed images that we see every day on billboards and in magazines, women have developed an utterly warped idea of what a healthy body looks like. And the effects go way beyond simply disliking what we see in the mirror; at this point, many women are battling body dysmorphia and/or too afraid to even look at themselves naked. Seeing your own body given just a fraction of the star treatment — with makeup, lighting, and a skilled photographer to help you pose — is a powerful way to fight back against that fear and insecurity. Basically, you are so much hotter than you think you are.

  • It’s totally vain… and completely awesome. When it comes to balancing your busy life, you’re always being told to take care, take time out, and take one day a week to do something nice for yourself. Well, go big or go home, lady. Your “just for me” weekly manicure only lasts as long as it takes your nail polish to chip, but a private album of drawings or photos that show you at your prime — young, healthy, and before childbirth, gravity, and the vagaries of time have taken their toll — is a memory you’ll have forever. (Not to mention a great conversation-starter when someone pulls it off your bookshelf in 2072 and says, “Grandma! Was that YOU?”)


So, are you ready to get naked? You’ve got options, but they’re not all good. Unless you’re the edgy type, avoid amateur photographers with seedy apartment “studios” and no portfolio to speak of; chances are, they’re just looking for spank material. And even if your boyfriend is a totally trustworthy dude who would never, ever blackmail you with your sexy shots post-breakup, he may lack the photographic skills to do your naked body justice. (And while an unflattering photo is never pleasant, an unflattering naked photo is a special kind of hell.) Instead, plan to drop a little cash and consider the following:


  • Boudoir photography. If you want to look gorgeous and play coy, hire a professional boudoir photog to snap some sexy, low-lit photos of you in your favorite lingerie… or less. (Check with your individual photographer to see how he or she feels about topless shots, straight-up nudity, or tasteful draping.)

  • Go retro. Love the look of old-school pin-up shots like Marilyn Monroe’s famous series with Bert Stern? Photogs specializing in vintage-inspired photoshoots have begun cropping up all over the country; if you’re nervous about taking it all off, some studios also offer costumes and wigs to get you into character.

  • Sexiness optional. Naked photos don’t have to be porn-y; if looking lascivious isn’t your thing, skip the sex factor and work with a fine art photographer to shoot some artistic, black-and-white nudes that explore your body’s form in a non-erotic way.

  • Put it on paper. Taking nude photos absolutely isn’t the recipe for disaster that people make it out to be — you retain the rights to pictures you’ve paid for, but even if you didn’t, a naked body isn’t a moral evil in and of itself. (Meaning that if someone sees them, it’s not like your life is over. Just ask Carla Bruni!) But if you simply can’t stomach the thought of actual photographic evidence that, at one time, you did not have clothes on, consider posing for a figure drawing or painting class. The in-practice terror factor is substantially greater — instead of one photographer seeing you nude, it’s a dozen aspiring artists and an instructor — but the sketch that one of your new artist friends gifts to you at the end of class will forever be a cool and unique souvenir of your brass-balled bravery.




Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. ???


PLEASE NOTE: this is an educational video on nude modelling and it contains nudity.


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Posted by on April 21, 2014 in WISDOM


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Inventing the Bible stories?



De-constructing the walls of Jericho


By Ze’ev Herzog


Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out: The patriarchs’ acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.

This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells.

What follows is a short account of the brief history of archaeology, with the emphasis on the crises and the big bang, so to speak, of the past decade. The critical question of this archaeological revolution has not yet trickled down into public consciousness, but it cannot be ignored.


Inventing the Bible stories


More information? Follow the link below


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Posted by on April 16, 2014 in WISDOM


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STAY OPEN ALL HOURS FOR MIRACLES: If you are like everyone else on this planet, you have been tempted a thousand times to give up on life, love, happiness and yourself. You have experienced failure, heartbreak, pain and personal hell. It is one of the world’s worst kept secrets that everyone – yes – everyone – has had a dark night of the soul. We have all wanted to give up and die.


When life is not working for you, I want to ask you to give up. Yes! I want you to give up your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, habits and fears that are holding you back. There can be no new miracles whilst you are holding on to old stuff. Pain is a signal to let go, give something up, open up and try something new. When life is not working for you, you might think that you are just not trying hard enough.

Whenever you feel stuck or that you are not making satisfactory progress it can always be linked to something or someone that are keeping you locked in. We are often our own worse enemies and allow our thoughts to lock us into the past or the future. We can only be at one place at any given moment in time. If you mind is locked into yesterday’s mistakes, guilt and failures, how can you operate successfully in the now? If your mind is paralysed with fear because of something that might happen at some future date, how can you operate successfully in the now?

If you are not satisfied with any situation or person then it might be a clear indication that you urgently need to let go of something or even someone. We often feel that we need to learn more or do more if we want success, but success is usually a ridding process. You usually do not need more weight, rules, laws and principle to complicate your life even more. What you need is a simple method of taking stock of what is outdated, overrated, and wrong or over its shelf life. Once you have identified what must go and you got rid of it you will be ready to start a new day and possibly a new life. Let us take a look at some of the weights that you may want to throw overboard.






























GIVE UP AND LIVE AGAIN: Why is it so difficult to give things up? I found that people hate giving things up even if they serve no real further purpose in their lives. Just look around you and see if you can spot anything that is outdated, broken and dysfunctional. It can be an old broken chair or an old bicycle in your garage. You might never use it again, but for sentimental reasons hold on to it as if it is made of gold. Take stock today and you will see that there are possibly hundreds of things that you have not used, touched or looked at in the last twelve months that are just sitting there and cluttering your space.

Possibly and old computer, books, magazines or exercise equipment just lying there cluttering the room or your garage. Most of this stuff served their purpose, but you hang on to them as if your life depends on them.

We do the same with thousands of old and outdated thoughts and feelings as well. We tend to hang on to old fears, failures, mistakes and guilt feelings as if our lives depend on them. What we fail to understand is that we need to cast out old and outdated perceptions from yesterday to make room for new ideas and opportunities that may come our way today.

While we drag these old thoughts and fears with us no real change will come into our lives. Only when we understand that only the now is alive and our window of opportunity will wisdom come into our lives. Yesterday with all its mistakes, sins, wounds and failures is dead and gone forever. The only place where these failures and guilt is still alive is in your imaginations. It is like old dusty videotapes that you take out now and then and play on the screens of your mind.

All the old “pain” tapes that you regularly haul out of the filing system in your mind and play serves no other purpose than that of self-punishment. You have been conditioned since early childhood to feel guilty when you failed or did something wrong. The only way that you were taught that you could repair or repay for your wrongdoings was that of punishment.

You were taught that all sins carry the same weight and as such soon found that the punishment metered out was not enough for your ever growing mountain of failures and sins. Your ego loved this and used this false sense of guilt to punish you and kept you locked into the past.


WHEN IT IS OVER IT IS OVER: The day that you realise that you have only the moment that you are living in right now to live in and to love in your will life changes dramatically. When you finally LET GO of the past unconditionally you enter a wonderful new period in your life. You need to learn to let go of things once its life moment is over.

You can file the information in your mind and learn from your mistakes, but when that moment is over then it is over forever. You may decide to take a few selected thoughts with you, but they should never include pain and guilt. You can recall wonderful moments in your life that will built you and motivate you, but should not spoil your perfect new moment by blending in old garbage moments. Let go and live a life of pleasure and joy. Cling to past failures and create your own personal hell on earth. You are the creator of your own future and the victim of your past. Disconnect today and give yourself a break.


LEAD THE WAY: If you can teach the people that play in your game of life this golden rule you will refresh and renew the world that you live in. If everybody stops living in the past and begin to focus on the now you are going to enjoy many moments of success and fun together. No more time will be wasted on what could or should have been or done. They will make the most of any given moment and begin to love each other unconditionally.

When everyone stops reminding each other of yesterday’s broken promises, failures, conflicts and petty arguments they learn to accept each other unconditionally. Yes my friend lead by example and explain to all players in your game of life that you will not entertain any garbage reshuffling from now on.


People treat you the way you teach them to treat you. Teach the other players in your life that you will from now on just accept “now” talk in your life. If anything from yesterday needs to be re-viewed it will be done in an objective manner and then shredded. The next time you get stuck go through the list in the document in see what things need urgent dumping. Let go of the past (even ten seconds ago) and start living every fresh new moment to the full.




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Posted by on February 25, 2014 in WISDOM


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Your subconscious mind know exactly how to bring you everything you desire.

The concepts of faith and surrender and letting go are all essential to manifesting your desires, and yet our rational (conscious) minds are constantly fighting for us to do just the opposite.

So, what do we do? How do we handle it when we know what we need to do, but somehow we just won’t do it? That’s exactly what this article will help you with. I give you some specific tools you can start using right now to harness the power (and art) of letting go!

I can’t even begin to express how important this issue is – make sure you read it all the way through and when you do, you can start to see instant manifestations!

Let it go?

If I asked for a show of hands for how many of you have been told that the final piece of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and ‘Manifesting’ process is to ‘Let it go’ – I am sure that most (if not all) of you would raise your hands.

Then, if I asked for a show of hands for how many of you struggle with ‘letting it go’ I’m sure I would see the same amount of hands go up.

The concept seems so simple – just let it go and trust the Universe – right?

Sure, simple in concept – but then our emotions kick in and the idea of ‘letting it go’ gets thrown out the window.

Why do we struggle to ‘Let it go’?

The plain and simple answer is that even though we want to trust the Universe, we feel much more likely to achieve what we desire if we stay in the driver seat. It is human instinct to clutch and hold and control. When we operate from the conscious mind we operate from the knowledge of ‘What is true’ in our physical world. BUT – you already know that the conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg and ‘What is true’ in our physical world is ONLY what SEEMS to be true.

When we are looking to our conscious mind to define reality, trust in the Universe is a tough thing – trust and faith and letting go all rely on our ability to in our believe that despite what may seem true in our external world, there is SO MUCH going on in the ‘unseen’ non-physical world that can bring anything into fruition.

What if this was true?

To start to tap into that belief, I want you to ask yourself “What if my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire, even if my conscious mind has no idea how?”

Seriously, what if that is true?

Now, I want you to suspend your disbelief for just a second here and answer this question, “If it is true that my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire – am I free to let go how it is going to happen?”

I guarantee that if you knew that your subconscious and Universe had it all taken care of, you would have no problem letting go – you would willingly surrender because you would KNOW that you were going to be taken care of.

Now, what if this is true?

What if you realized that, every time you stop trusting, and start trying to figure out ‘how’ and control the outcome – you actually set your subconscious mind back in its job of manifesting everything you desire? Would you get out of the way then?

Of course you would! If you knew this with certainty, you would make it your job to get out of the way of your subconscious.

Your subconscious mind DOES know exactly how to bring you everything you desire. Your subconscious mind knows how to access Universal energy and manifest anything. Anytime you ‘hold on’, ‘force it’ or ‘try to figure out how’ – you get in the way of the process.

 How do I know? I take a look at my personal history – and that’s exactly what I want you to do to start to harness the power of letting go in your life too!

There are 2 great ways to tap into your history for this –

Think of a time in your life when you wanted something and did let go how it was going to happen (this often happens when we are too busy or are too focused on something else) – and then it showed up in your life without you ever trying to ‘make it happen’.

Think of a time in your life when you REALLY wanted (or felt you needed) something and you tried to do everything to make it happen and then finally out of fatigue or frustration you just ‘gave up trying’ – and then it showed up in your life.

Once you have given yourself some proof from your past – letting go becomes easier and makes much more sense to your rational mind. For the next week, I want you to live ‘as if’ it is true that your subconscious mind knows EXACTLY how to bring you what you desire. Here’s how…

Any time you find yourself trying to figure out how you can ‘make’ something happen – I want you to stop and say this to your subconscious mind…

“Subconscious, I know you know EXACTLY how to bring me all of the right people, opportunities and situations to bring about [NAME YOUR DESIRE HERE] or better in my life – and I know that my job is to pay attention to the people and opportunities and situations that show up and listen to your guidance so that the inspired action I can take to assist you becomes clear.”

Try it – you will be amazed at all of the amazing things that start to show up in your life!

By Kristen Howe / Source: Unlock the Power of Now

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Posted by on February 25, 2014 in WISDOM


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Look around you and see how man was gradually reduced to entities that live in tiny boxes.

a story behind each window


Each one of us have a unique RESISTANCE bubble or energy field that encase us like a glove. Many of us live and die within the perimeters of our RESISTANCE zone. The biggest percentage of us is so dedicated to maintain our zone of RESISTANCE that we hardly ever venture outside its perimeters. We sometimes during moments of courage pull up the heavy draw bridge of our fortress of RESISTANCE and venture into the unknown. Our visits to the unknown zone are usually fleeting. We rush back to the safety of our walls the moment we run into anyone that criticize,  question or confront us with stuff that fail to match the blueprints in our perception archive. There comes a time when we feel that we must find a partner. We are then forced to venture out of our fortress. We begin our search for a suitable partner by matching the potential partner’s RESISTANCE against our own. We do our best to avoid bringing in a partner that might cause us discomfort. We reason that it will be very beneficial if we select a partner that closely matches the frequency of our own RESISTANCE level. That is why a partner with the same religious, political or race perceptions etc. is selected. We also know that there will be a gradual merging of the RESISTANCE levels of the partners. We try our level best to find a partner that will preferably enhance our own convictions and strengthen our RESISTANCE objectives. Our fear of the unknown immediately limits the number of potential partners that we have to choose from. When we find someone that we think will be a suitable partner we propose marriage. We then go through the prescribed rituals and gradually become a collective cluster of RESISTANCE. We then when appropriate procreate and begin to produce children. The children arrive in this dimension with no perceptions and no fears. They are free mentally. They are little spiritual bundles of joy that love unconditionally. Both partners soon realize that it is imperative that this new arrival are domesticated and taught how to become an acceptable member of the society that they live in. Can you see how the process of enslavement happened to you as well? This is how the never ending cycle of entrapment is sustained.


Look around you and see how man was gradually reduced to entities that live in tiny boxes. Look at the endless rows of dwellings that go on for as far as the eye can see. Inside each of the dwellings (boxes) are living beings with hopes and dreams that are more often than not too afraid to attempt anything that might rock the boat or cause discomfort. We vigorously RESIST anything or anyone that dare to trespass into our space. We create the impression that we are happy and successful from behind our picket or barbed wired security fences. I will continue with this series tomorrow.



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Posted by on February 25, 2014 in WISDOM


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What is Wisdom? – We wake up to the fact that the real enemy is within and the pilot we have so much faith in is an impostor.

Sailing the Seven Seas of Life

When we arrive into this world, we enter as a ship that navigates by the forces of nature and propelled by the power in the invisible auras of Spirit. It takes a few years for us to launch our ship with a self-propelled man made motor. During this process, we are taken to many shipyards for a refit to our intellect’s knowingness. We are trained by man-made ideologies and our natural awareness starts to go down deep inside the “Davy Jones locker” within us. We are taught to accept a new identity that will become the captain of our ship. We have to pass many tests of approval by our Admiralty of mis-guided intellects. Once we believe we are qualified to be our own pilot and navigator, we set out to chart our voyage of a lifetime.


As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports of call to pick up passengers and cargo. Some of these passengers become permanent guests in our lives. Some come for a short trip as they were sent to us to fill a need. Our thoughts advertised we were in need of advice and guidance so they came along for that part of our journey, for they knew the waters we were sailing. They steered us clear of dangers and helped us weather passing storms. Then they went on their way. Some died of a sickness or old age, but their souls stay with us for guidance, as long as we know where they are located in our inner sanctuary. They are the angels that we asked to help steer our course. We still have our trusted physical crew all around our ship, and we have to be aware that we need to treat them with love and respect or else we may encounter a mutiny.


We should always be on guard, for there are dangerous sharks and pirates in these waters. Many are after our cargo of money and treasures, whilst a few wish to take the joy out of our lives. The stock market is a vast ocean of scurvy forces that lie in wait to ambush us when we have lost our direction. There are many other unknown, hazardous ships, we will encounter on our travels and many fly the flag of friendship from a distance, but when we get up close, they hoist the skull and crossbones. Our lookouts fell asleep and we were attacked because impostors penetrated our vigilance. Enemies posing as friendly sailing vessels, in the seas turbulent cross currents of information. And so, we battle the storm and survive, but each battle leaves its scars on our vessel.


Once we journey beyond our half way mark, we suddenly get the feeling we might be heading in the wrong direction. We start to understand the real enemy is within our own ship, and the pilot we have so much faith in is an impostor. It is the same type of impostor that we have been battling in the other pirate ships, only this foe was planted in our thoughts for many years and has grown in stature and strength. So much so it thinks it can control the ship in heavy raging seas, even when it knows the ship is aging and does not have the power it once had. When it realizes it does not have any real power, it wants to abandon the ship as it begins to sink. It wants to forsake the vessel and allow it to crash on the rocks of worry and anxiety.


The captain of our ship is a wimp. A false-hearted scalawag, with no care for anything, except its own importance. It is a stowaway, which dresses up in a captain’s uniform recognized by society’s elite and panders to their whims. That is why we believed it to be so real, for we have all been flying the wrong flags, because our captains are nothing but sophisticated, adulterated, decoys. The real captain named Soul is still onboard but held captive in the deep recesses of our vessel.

Captain Ego needs to retire and become a quiet member of the crew.


The time has come to unlock the chains of imprisonment and allow our authentic, trusted captain to gain mastery of the controls of our ship. To escort us to safe waters, where we can float on a tide of supreme bliss. Each day we will set out to achieve new goals and visit places beyond distant horizons. We will still encounter many storms along our cruises but with a steadfast captain at the helm, we will never fear any assault on our peace and tranquillity. We have a twenty-four hour watch in the crow’s nest. Our finely tuned awareness is enjoying the true order of command. We have turned off the old worn out motor and we are sailing into the sunset with Spirit’s forces supervising our sail.


Within our life span, everyone will sail the seven seas. We come into this world as a newborn baby and some of us leave within a day or two. We have still sailed the seven seas, only we did it in a pure vessel and in super fast time. Others may sail for over one hundred years. The time-scale is not that important. The quality and value of time spent joyfully is important.


The seas are the same for everyone. Only the time frame is a little longer for some. In cosmic terms, there is little difference in a second or a hundred years. The first taste is the banquet. The first sail is the experience of a lifetime. So we sail the seven seas of life, until the time comes to set our ship adrift. We then sail into the infinite calm waves, in the imponderable gala-seas of eternity. Until that day comes, let’s sail our charter on the authentic sensations of love and joy. Only Spirit can award us with a true captain and navigator. Allow each moment to become a soul-filled adventure of un-surpassable bliss


An essay from the book, The Joys of Live Alchemy by Michael Levy

Free Success Ebook: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010

DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


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DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


Enjoy this book my friend – It could change your life!



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Posted by on February 23, 2014 in WISDOM


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Your body is beautiful. You are so much hotter than you think you are.



As an artist’s and photographer’s model, I’ve spent substantial portions of my early-to-mid twenties standing around in front of strangers with no clothes on. And while it might be initially nerve-wracking, it’s also one of the most interesting and worthwhile experiences I’ve ever had — so worthwhile that I firmly believe it belongs on the bucket list for any young woman, no matter what her shape, size, or level of confidence with her own naked body. Why should you take a photo or two in your birthday suit?


  •   Really, it is. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re plump or slender, reedy or Rubenesque; your whole self — top to toe — deserves its day in the spotlight. Women put in huge amounts of effort each day just to meet society’s standard of beauty, only to get bogged down by stress and insecurity over failing to fit within that narrowly-defined (and often unhealthy) ideal. Stripping down and showing it off is a celebratory, powerful, even subversive act — and it’s exhilarating. And when you see those photos in the days, months and years that follow, it’ll be with a lasting appreciation for your body as the glorious, gorgeous machine it is.

  • It’s a confidence boost. Between diet culture, celebrity obsession, and the airbrushed images that we see every day on billboards and in magazines, women have developed an utterly warped idea of what a healthy body looks like. And the effects go way beyond simply disliking what we see in the mirror; at this point, many women are battling body dysmorphia and/or too afraid to even look at themselves naked. Seeing your own body given just a fraction of the star treatment — with makeup, lighting, and a skilled photographer to help you pose — is a powerful way to fight back against that fear and insecurity. Basically, you are so much hotter than you think you are.

  • It’s totally vain… and completely awesome. When it comes to balancing your busy life, you’re always being told to take care, take time out, and take one day a week to do something nice for yourself. Well, go big or go home, lady. Your “just for me” weekly manicure only lasts as long as it takes your nail polish to chip, but a private album of drawings or photos that show you at your prime — young, healthy, and before childbirth, gravity, and the vagaries of time have taken their toll — is a memory you’ll have forever. (Not to mention a great conversation-starter when someone pulls it off your bookshelf in 2072 and says, “Grandma! Was that YOU?”)


So, are you ready to get naked? You’ve got options, but they’re not all good. Unless you’re the edgy type, avoid amateur photographers with seedy apartment “studios” and no portfolio to speak of; chances are, they’re just looking for spank material. And even if your boyfriend is a totally trustworthy dude who would never, ever blackmail you with your sexy shots post-breakup, he may lack the photographic skills to do your naked body justice. (And while an unflattering photo is never pleasant, an unflattering naked photo is a special kind of hell.) Instead, plan to drop a little cash and consider the following:


  • Boudoir photography. If you want to look gorgeous and play coy, hire a professional boudoir photog to snap some sexy, low-lit photos of you in your favorite lingerie… or less. (Check with your individual photographer to see how he or she feels about topless shots, straight-up nudity, or tasteful draping.)

  • Go retro. Love the look of old-school pin-up shots like Marilyn Monroe’s famous series with Bert Stern? Photogs specializing in vintage-inspired photoshoots have begun cropping up all over the country; if you’re nervous about taking it all off, some studios also offer costumes and wigs to get you into character.

  • Sexiness optional. Naked photos don’t have to be porn-y; if looking lascivious isn’t your thing, skip the sex factor and work with a fine art photographer to shoot some artistic, black-and-white nudes that explore your body’s form in a non-erotic way.

  • Put it on paper. Taking nude photos absolutely isn’t the recipe for disaster that people make it out to be — you retain the rights to pictures you’ve paid for, but even if you didn’t, a naked body isn’t a moral evil in and of itself. (Meaning that if someone sees them, it’s not like your life is over. Just ask Carla Bruni!) But if you simply can’t stomach the thought of actual photographic evidence that, at one time, you did not have clothes on, consider posing for a figure drawing or painting class. The in-practice terror factor is substantially greater — instead of one photographer seeing you nude, it’s a dozen aspiring artists and an instructor — but the sketch that one of your new artist friends gifts to you at the end of class will forever be a cool and unique souvenir of your brass-balled bravery.




Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. ???

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Posted by on January 4, 2014 in WISDOM


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The Mystical Powers of Water




When most people think about water, they’re thinking about something to drink, or perhaps that hot, steamy and refreshing liquid that funnels out of the shower head to remove the grit and grime after a long day’s work.


Dr. Masaru Emoto is not one of those people. He believes that water reveals hidden messages and reacts to human thoughts, music, emotions, prayers and written words.


Epiphany Works, an inspired event-planning company that provides forums for enlightening entertainment that is experiential in nature, is responsible for bringing the famed scientist to Cranberry on Sunday, Oct. 2.


The co-founder of Epiphany Works, Gina Hillier, contacted Emoto in hopes of bringing him to the Pittsburgh area to demonstrate his almost incomprehensible beliefs.


“Our goal is basically to show people things they’ve never done before, whether we create it or bring someone in,” Hillier explained.


“Dr. Emoto is one of those such people, and we’re honored to have him visiting. He’s touching a nerve and his message is so simple yet universal, that water has intelligence.


What he basically does is use scientific methods to prove that thoughts change the chemistry of water.”


The well-known Japanese scientist became interested in water at a very young age.


“When I was a child, I learned from my mother that ‘water is a reflection of your soul,’”


Emoto explained



“In remembering that experience, I decided to embark on this current research for and with water.”


Emoto has been on a non-stop quest for two decades and was internationally recognized through his breakthrough film, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” He believes that almost everything is affected by water, including tsunamis and hurricanes on a deeper level than is obvious. He feels that everyone should be learning much more about the importance of water’s impact on everyday life.


“Water is essential to life, but how long have we been ignorant about water? Forever,” Emoto stated. “I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that people are really ignorant when it comes to water.”


A few examples of the main questions Emoto feels people should be looking into: Why we can’t live a single day without water? How can water dissolve anything? Why is water the heaviest at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit?


While these questions can be answered in a scientific fashion, Emoto feels the root of the mystery has not been uncovered in an adequate way.



Emoto points to the fact that NASA has confirmed that all of the water on Earth actually came from outer space in the form of ice comets.


“This information was reported over eight years ago, yet no one takes it seriously,” Emoto said. “This is because if this finding was accepted, all the theories that have been discovered in modern science in the past will be nullified. This is particularly (important) because if this theory is accepted as a fact, then it means that humans really came from outer space.


“Furthermore, this forces our thinking to leave the parameters of science and enter the realm of God or other spiritual reasoning, which is one of the most despised thought process by scientists.”


Another concern of Emoto’s is that the Earth is losing the battle to hold so much water.

He says NASA has concluded that ice comets are about usually 100 tons and nearly 10 million of them hit the earth every year. Due to the influx of water, Emoto predicts many more natural disasters, along with the concern of global warming.


“What I can theorize is that Earth is now acting like a full sponge and can no longer absorb enough water,” Emoto explained.


“I am seriously worried that a part of this Earth really will be consumed by water and disappear, just like in the case of the continents Mu and Atlantis.”


Emoto believes that water is so powerful that it can create havoc merely as a result human thoughts. One of his studies consists of taking photographs of water crystals by two photographers; one who is at peace and another who is agitated.


When the feeling of what Emoto calls “Love and Thanks” was sent to the water, the crystal formation was at its best and the most beautiful. On the other hand, ugly water crystals formed when when negative feelings were sent toward the water.


Part of this research has lead Emoto to the conclusion that humans are responsible for some water-related natural disasters.


“Are modern day people living a life on a daily basis that is full of ‘Love and Thanks’ energy? The answer is no,” Emoto stated.


“We are all immersed in fear and resentment and are living a life that is full of gluttony.”


The renowned water researcher concludes that our water will reflect those feelings and retaliate, possibly wreaking havoc in more areas if people do not come together, live in harmony and respect the water.


Emoto uses Einstein’s theory of relativity, E=mc2 for his water research, believing the ‘m’ represents the number of people and the ‘c’ equals consciousness.


As far as healing powers go, Emoto believes that water has true powers when one realizes that the origin of every phenomenon can be traced back to vibrations.


“Vibration can only travel through water,” Emoto explained. “All illnesses are created when a particular vibration is corrupted. The best way to heal this irregularity is to apply the same irregular frequency vibrational wave pattern so that this relationship will cancel out the bad vibration and condition that followed.”


Due to the fact that humans are made mostly of water, Emoto feels that water has the ability to change things around the world and for mankind because water is a reflection of the soul.


“I believe water is a reflection of all human consciousness,” Emoto said. “Therefore, the current tragedies around the world that are caused by water are a result of the unbalance in the culture, economy and politics.”


The leading water scientist is selling out in almost every city he’s visiting and is attracting a vast amount of people, including medical students and churches. His lecture, “The Power of Water,” is expected to be well attended in Cranberry, his only stop in the Pittsburgh area.


By Kate Canan / Source: Gateway Newspapers

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Posted by on December 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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Loving a crippling compulsion....



Just me being curious

A blog of questions and few answers.

I Dont Want To Talk About It

The Ultimate Paradox: Depression in Sobriety

Shepherd Mulwanda

ICT Research Training and Consultancy,Agriculture for Youth Development.

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma

White Shadows

Story of a white pearl that turned to ashes while waiting for a pheonix to be born inside her !


Trying to make sense of turmoil

Dince's Chronicles

My Personal Blog

Awareness It Self

Quotes for spiritual enjoyment

Doug Does Life

A Creative Monkey On How To Find Your Path In Life.


philo poétique de G à L I B E R

How my heart sings

Mainly poetry illustrated by beautiful photographs and digital art


This site is the bee's knees


Changing Our Mindset is the Imperative and Way Forward


my transformational journey into new light and occasional gushing of mind and heart - Corozal, Belize, CA

Life as Improv

Saying "Yes, and..." to life on the unfolding path to remembering full self.

Total Well-being

blog for