Tag Archives: nature

WISDOM – You learn that love doesn’t mean leaning and company doesn’t mean security.



Comes The Dawn


By Veronica A. Shoffstall


After a while you learn the subtle difference
between holding a hand and chaining a soul.

You learn that love doesn’t mean leaning 
and company doesn’t mean security.

You begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts
and presents aren’t promises.

You begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes open
with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.

You learn to build all your roads on today,
because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans,
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.

So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

You learn that you really can endure,
that you really are strong, and you really do have worth.

You learn and learn, with every goodbye you learn.


Thank you Annalise for this Wisdom!


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Posted by on August 21, 2015 in WISDOM



Water reveals hidden messages/reacts to human thoughts/music/emotions/prayers/written words.



When most people think about water, they’re thinking about something to drink, or perhaps that hot, steamy and refreshing liquid that funnels out of the shower head to remove the grit and grime after a long day’s work.


Dr. Masaru Emoto is not one of those people. He believes that water reveals hidden messages and reacts to human thoughts, music, emotions, prayers and written words.


Epiphany Works, an inspired event-planning company that provides forums for enlightening entertainment that is experiential in nature, is responsible for bringing the famed scientist to Cranberry on Sunday, Oct. 2.


The co-founder of Epiphany Works, Gina Hillier, contacted Emoto in hopes of bringing him to the Pittsburgh area to demonstrate his almost incomprehensible beliefs.


“Our goal is basically to show people things they’ve never done before, whether we create it or bring someone in,” Hillier explained.


“Dr. Emoto is one of those such people, and we’re honored to have him visiting. He’s touching a nerve and his message is so simple yet universal, that water has intelligence.


What he basically does is use scientific methods to prove that thoughts change the chemistry of water.”


The well-known Japanese scientist became interested in water at a very young age.


“When I was a child, I learned from my mother that ‘water is a reflection of your soul,’”


Emoto explained

“In remembering that experience, I decided to embark on this current research for and with water.”


Emoto has been on a non-stop quest for two decades and was internationally recognized through his breakthrough film, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” He believes that almost everything is affected by water, including tsunamis and hurricanes on a deeper level than is obvious. He feels that everyone should be learning much more about the importance of water’s impact on everyday life.


“Water is essential to life, but how long have we been ignorant about water? Forever,” Emoto stated. “I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that people are really ignorant when it comes to water.”


A few examples of the main questions Emoto feels people should be looking into: Why we can’t live a single day without water? How can water dissolve anything? Why is water the heaviest at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit?


While these questions can be answered in a scientific fashion, Emoto feels the root of the mystery has not been uncovered in an adequate way.



Emoto points to the fact that NASA has confirmed that all of the water on Earth actually came from outer space in the form of ice comets.


“This information was reported over eight years ago, yet no one takes it seriously,” Emoto said. “This is because if this finding was accepted, all the theories that have been discovered in modern science in the past will be nullified. This is particularly (important) because if this theory is accepted as a fact, then it means that humans really came from outer space.


“Furthermore, this forces our thinking to leave the parameters of science and enter the realm of God or other spiritual reasoning, which is one of the most despised thought process by scientists.”


Another concern of Emoto’s is that the Earth is losing the battle to hold so much water.

He says NASA has concluded that ice comets are about usually 100 tons and nearly 10 million of them hit the earth every year. Due to the influx of water, Emoto predicts many more natural disasters, along with the concern of global warming.


“What I can theorize is that Earth is now acting like a full sponge and can no longer absorb enough water,” Emoto explained.


“I am seriously worried that a part of this Earth really will be consumed by water and disappear, just like in the case of the continents Mu and Atlantis.”


Emoto believes that water is so powerful that it can create havoc merely as a result human thoughts. One of his studies consists of taking photographs of water crystals by two photographers; one who is at peace and another who is agitated.


When the feeling of what Emoto calls “Love and Thanks” was sent to the water, the crystal formation was at its best and the most beautiful. On the other hand, ugly water crystals formed when when negative feelings were sent toward the water.


Part of this research has lead Emoto to the conclusion that humans are responsible for some water-related natural disasters.


“Are modern day people living a life on a daily basis that is full of ‘Love and Thanks’ energy? The answer is no,” Emoto stated.


“We are all immersed in fear and resentment and are living a life that is full of gluttony.”


The renowned water researcher concludes that our water will reflect those feelings and retaliate, possibly wreaking havoc in more areas if people do not come together, live in harmony and respect the water.


Emoto uses Einstein’s theory of relativity, E=mc2 for his water research, believing the ‘m’ represents the number of people and the ‘c’ equals consciousness.


As far as healing powers go, Emoto believes that water has true powers when one realizes that the origin of every phenomenon can be traced back to vibrations.


“Vibration can only travel through water,” Emoto explained. “All illnesses are created when a particular vibration is corrupted. The best way to heal this irregularity is to apply the same irregular frequency vibrational wave pattern so that this relationship will cancel out the bad vibration and condition that followed.”


Due to the fact that humans are made mostly of water, Emoto feels that water has the ability to change things around the world and for mankind because water is a reflection of the soul.


“I believe water is a reflection of all human consciousness,” Emoto said. “Therefore, the current tragedies around the world that are caused by water are a result of the unbalance in the culture, economy and politics.”


The leading water scientist is selling out in almost every city he’s visiting and is attracting a vast amount of people, including medical students and churches. His lecture, “The Power of Water,” is expected to be well attended in Cranberry, his only stop in the Pittsburgh area.


By Kate Canan / Source: Gateway Newspapers


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Posted by on March 15, 2015 in WISDOM


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As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports.


Sailing the Seven Seas of Life

When we arrive into this world, we enter as a ship that navigates by the forces of nature and propelled by the power in the invisible auras of Spirit. It takes a few years for us to launch our ship with a self-propelled man made motor. During this process, we are taken to many shipyards for a refit to our intellect’s knowingness. We are trained by man-made ideologies and our natural awareness starts to go down deep inside the “Davy Jones locker” within us. We are taught to accept a new identity that will become the captain of our ship. We have to pass many tests of approval by our Admiralty of mis-guided intellects. Once we believe we are qualified to be our own pilot and navigator, we set out to chart our voyage of a lifetime.


As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports of call to pick up passengers and cargo. Some of these passengers become permanent guests in our lives. Some come for a short trip as they were sent to us to fill a need. Our thoughts advertised we were in need of advice and guidance so they came along for that part of our journey, for they knew the waters we were sailing. They steered us clear of dangers and helped us weather passing storms. Then they went on their way. Some died of a sickness or old age, but their souls stay with us for guidance, as long as we know where they are located in our inner sanctuary. They are the angels that we asked to help steer our course. We still have our trusted physical crew all around our ship, and we have to be aware that we need to treat them with love and respect or else we may encounter a mutiny.


We should always be on guard, for there are dangerous sharks and pirates in these waters. Many are after our cargo of money and treasures, whilst a few wish to take the joy out of our lives. The stock market is a vast ocean of scurvy forces that lie in wait to ambush us when we have lost our direction. There are many other unknown, hazardous ships, we will encounter on our travels and many fly the flag of friendship from a distance, but when we get up close, they hoist the skull and crossbones. Our lookouts fell asleep and we were attacked because impostors penetrated our vigilance. Enemies posing as friendly sailing vessels, in the seas turbulent cross currents of information. And so, we battle the storm and survive, but each battle leaves its scars on our vessel.


Once we journey beyond our half way mark, we suddenly get the feeling we might be heading in the wrong direction. We start to understand the real enemy is within our own ship, and the pilot we have so much faith in is an impostor. It is the same type of impostor that we have been battling in the other pirate ships, only this foe was planted in our thoughts for many years and has grown in stature and strength. So much so it thinks it can control the ship in heavy raging seas, even when it knows the ship is aging and does not have the power it once had. When it realizes it does not have any real power, it wants to abandon the ship as it begins to sink. It wants to forsake the vessel and allow it to crash on the rocks of worry and anxiety.


The captain of our ship is a wimp. A false-hearted scalawag, with no care for anything, except its own importance. It is a stowaway, which dresses up in a captain’s uniform recognized by society’s elite and panders to their whims. That is why we believed it to be so real, for we have all been flying the wrong flags, because our captains are nothing but sophisticated, adulterated, decoys. The real captain named Soul is still onboard but held captive in the deep recesses of our vessel.

Captain Ego needs to retire and become a quiet member of the crew.


The time has come to unlock the chains of imprisonment and allow our authentic, trusted captain to gain mastery of the controls of our ship. To escort us to safe waters, where we can float on a tide of supreme bliss. Each day we will set out to achieve new goals and visit places beyond distant horizons. We will still encounter many storms along our cruises but with a steadfast captain at the helm, we will never fear any assault on our peace and tranquillity. We have a twenty-four hour watch in the crow’s nest. Our finely tuned awareness is enjoying the true order of command. We have turned off the old worn out motor and we are sailing into the sunset with Spirit’s forces supervising our sail.


Within our life span, everyone will sail the seven seas. We come into this world as a newborn baby and some of us leave within a day or two. We have still sailed the seven seas, only we did it in a pure vessel and in super fast time. Others may sail for over one hundred years. The time-scale is not that important. The quality and value of time spent joyfully is important.


The seas are the same for everyone. Only the time frame is a little longer for some. In cosmic terms, there is little difference in a second or a hundred years. The first taste is the banquet. The first sail is the experience of a lifetime. So we sail the seven seas of life, until the time comes to set our ship adrift. We then sail into the infinite calm waves, in the imponderable gala-seas of eternity. Until that day comes, let’s sail our charter on the authentic sensations of love and joy. Only Spirit can award us with a true captain and navigator. Allow each moment to become a soul-filled adventure of un-surpassable bliss


An essay from the book, The Joys of Live Alchemy by Michael Levy

Free Success Ebook: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010

DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


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If you simply want to view this ebook reference within your web browser, simply left click the link and your web browser should open the file using a PDF file plugin. You may download the file for viewing offline in your PDF viewer by right-clicking (control-click on a Macintosh) on the following link, then choosing the option that allows you to save or download the item (depending on the browser, this option will be labeled, “Save Target As,” “Save Link Target As,” “Download Link to Disk,” “Download Linked File As,” etc.) to directly download this file to your computer. You can then open the file using your PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other number of PDF file viewers.Adobe Acrobat Reader may be downloaded at no cost by clicking here.


DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


Enjoy this book my friend – It could change your life!




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Posted by on March 1, 2015 in WISDOM


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Evidence of advanced ancient technology – Amazing!!

From around the world, objects have been discovered over the past 200 years that clearly originate from highly advanced civilizations.


Found in California, a rock was cracked open in search of fossils. But instead of a fossil, out fell a very strange object. The rock came from a formation that had been dated at around half a million years old. In the picture below on the right is an x-ray of the object. It is composed of a ceramic material and metal. In some respects it resembles a modern spark plug.


Thousands of spiral, screw-like objects have been unearthed over the past 20 years by gold miners in the Ural Mountains in Russia. These metal items have been found at depths from 3 to 40 feet. The layer which contains the spiral shaped objects consists of gravel deposits which have been dated at up to 100,000 years of age. These are obviously man-made objects manufactured to a high degree of sophistication.

Man-made artifacts in coal

A small steel cube was found in a block of coal in Austria in 1885. A few years later, in 1891, a woman in Illinois reportedly discovered a gold chain in a chunk of coal. An iron pot was found in coal in Oklahoma in 1912. A woman found a child’s spoon in coal in 1937. In 1944 a bell was discovered (shown below) inside a lump of coal that was mined in West Virginia. What are such objects doing inside coal dated as hundreds of millions of years old?



Two workmen signed sworn statements as to their discovery in 1912 of an iron pot inside a large piece of coal that they were breaking up to be used in the furnace of a power plant. Apparently, the pot left a clear fossil impression in the remaining pieces of coal.

Man-made objects in rock

An iron nail was found in rock in a Peruvian mine by Spanish conquistadors (in 1572). An iron nail was discovered in a Cretaceous block of stone from the Mesozoic era (mid-1800s). A gold thread was found in stone in England (in 1844). An iron nail was found in quartz in California (in 1851). A silver vessel was extracted from solid rock in Massachusetts (in 1851). An intricately carved and inlaid metal bowl was found in a piece of stone (in 1852).

In June 1851 Scientific American reprinted a report from the Boston Transcript about a metallic vase, found in two parts, that was dynamited out of solid rock, about 15 feet below the surface in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The bell-shaped vase, made from a zinc and silver alloy, was 6 inches high. On the sides were figures of flowers in bouquet arrangements, inlaid with pure silver. The estimated age of the rock out of which it came was 100,000 years.

On June 22, 1844, a report appeared in the London Times to the effect that some workmen quarrying rock close to the Tweed about a quarter of a mile below Rutherford-mill, discovered a gold thread embedded in the stone at a depth of eight feet. Dr. A. W. Medd of the British Geological Survey wrote in 1985 that this stone was of Early Carboniferous age between 320 and 360 million years old.

In 1851, in Whiteside County, Illinois two copper artefacts, a hook and a ring, were brought up during the drilling of a well from a sand stratum 120 feet deep. The stratum was dated at 150,000 years old.

A two-inch metal screw was discovered in 1865 in a piece of feldspar unearthed from the Abbey Mine in Treasure City, Nevada. The screw had long ago oxidized, but its form, particularly the shape of its threads, could be clearly seen in the feldspar. The stone was calculated to be 21 million years in age.

Ancient constructions

In 1869, in the December 17 issue of The Los Angeles News it was reported that a smooth slate wall covered with strange alphabetic writing had been discovered in a coalmine. The letters were raised and well defined. When chiseled away, the coal that had covered the wall bore their distinct impression, which confirmed that the wall dated to a time when the coal was formed. The coal was from the Carboniferous era, well over 200 million years old.

In 1891, close to Cleveland, Tennessee a length of wall was discovered which extended for about a thousand feet. It was on average 2 feet thick and 8 feet high, with numerous projections spaced along the top every 30 feet or so. Its position dated it geologically to over a million years old. The wall was composed of red sandstone blocks. Along one stretch of wall a number of the sandstone blocks were covered with the hieroglyphs of a mysterious language. All together, 872 individual characters were recorded.

While shot blasting a coal seam in 1928, a miner found, among the dislodged coal, blocks of concrete about a foot across. The faces of the blocks were highly polished. The remainder of the wall disappeared into the coal seam. A second miner working a coal face about 100 yards away struck what seemed to be the same wall. Another coal miner in West Virginia claimed miners had found a well constructed concrete building.

On June 27 in 1969, workmen cutting into a rock shelf situated on the Broadway Extension of 122nd Street, between Edmond and Oklahoma City, found an inlaid tile floor 3 feet below the surface, and covering several thousand square feet. A form of mortar was found between the tiles. It was dated at 200,000 years old.


With the destruction of the ancient libraries of Alexandria and China, the only remaining records of the very ancient past are to be found in India and Tibet. They speak of a golden age when men could fly in fantastic craft that could defy gravity. What happened to these fabulous civilizations? It appears that they we obliterated from the face of the earth in a series of environmental catastrophes. Such was the ferocity and scope of the destruction that virtually nothing remained. But as shown above, evidence has been coming to light. As this evidence slowly accumulates, it is becoming increasingly clear that man has had a far more glorious past than the one that has been painted by modern archaeology.


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Posted by on February 18, 2015 in WISDOM


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IN EYE OF THE BEHOLDER – Nature at its stunning best!


erotic flowers erotic flowers

erotic flowers erotic flowers

erotic flowers




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Posted by on February 3, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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The capacity for self-pity is something unique to human beings.




A small bird will drop frozen dead

from a branch without ever having felt

sorry for itself.


D. H. Lawrence


The capacity for self-pity

is something unique to human beings

and is a way of turning our inner world of sunshine

to one of constant drizzle and grey skies.


If you feel sorry for yourself

and spend your whole life complaining,

sooner or later people will stop trying to cheer you up

and will start commiserating.




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Posted by on February 3, 2015 in WISDOM


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Courage is the key to a Successful life – The World’s Most Dangerous Hike.





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Posted by on February 3, 2015 in WISDOM


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Mother Nature deposits her gifts on everyone regardless of their status, race or career



My mood was cold, dark, and directionless. My tortured mind was filled with thoughts of missed opportunities and broken promises.


The cutting wind on my unshaven face made my eyes water and drove the dark clouds of depression into my shattered soul.


The years slipped by like fleeting dreams. Moments of joy and victory came and vanished like the waves of the ocean bashed on the black rocks of sadness.


I looked up and noticed the sheets of rain that endlessly poured its gift of life and growth in all directions.


A thought darted into my tired defeated mind. I suddenly noticed how nature shares her abundance with everyone and everything.


Mother Nature is not selective when she sends gifts of rain and sunshine to feed, nourish and rejuvenate everything with a smattering of life at their core.


These gifts of life are given to the seeds that are still sleeping in the soil. The dark scorched earth will soon put on a new coat of colour and in turn pass on these gifts of life to the bees, birds and everything else that waited patiently on Mother Nature to return as she has done since the beginning of time.


I suddenly understood that it is mankind’s inability to give unconditionally that is responsible for the inequality that drips off this planet like black wax from a candle.


Our homes are filled to the brim with stuff, but we want more, better, faster and the latest. Something inside us drives us like a hungry pack of wolves forward in our quest to feed our greedy ego.


There is no time for compassion in our busy lives. Poverty stares at us on every corner, but we are so obsessed with our own little world that we never notice that cold and hungry child on the corner of the street or a mother that worked her hands to the bone to serve us where we sit in our artificial castles sipping our wine of success.


The clouds of gloominess gradually lifted from my bowed shoulders. I knew what Mother Nature came to teach me in this dark night of my soul. She came to teach me about compassion and gratitude. She showed me that I must learn to give unconditionally and abundantly if I want to make a contribution to life on this planet.


I noticed that the sun began to break through the clouds announcing that the rain moved on to go and do some more teaching down the road. A rainbow suddenly appeared on the horizon. I slowly got up, wiped the water from my face, pushed back my shoulders with new hope in my heart against the backdrop of the singing of the birds that were thanking Mother Nature in advance for the new gifts that she will bring the next time she pays us a visit. She will like before pour her gifts on the rich and the poor, on those that have in abundance and those that have virtually nothing. She deposits her gifts on everyone regardless of their status, race or career and knows that a time will come when mankind has evolved enough to grasp that we are one and an extension of her.



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Posted by on February 3, 2015 in WISDOM


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Book review – Societal Implications of Our Herding Culture.




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Posted by on February 3, 2015 in WISDOM


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“Self-suggestion allows you to control what gets planted into your head.”




A suggestion is like a seed…once it is thrown onto the soil of your mind, it can grow into a mighty tree; it can even create a forest, with trees bearing nothing but the fruit of that suggestion.

There are places and people that are constantly broadcasting gloom. Avoid exposure to anyone or anything promulgating pessimistic views; for their gloominess can vine onto you and in no time, the tree of pessimism will be rooted, miles deep, into your mind.

A forest cannot grow in unfriendly environments…environments of extreme cold or dryness. Make your mind so consumed with positive emotions, that it will become an unfriendly place for hopelessness to grow.


“Self-suggestion allows you to control what gets planted into your head.”
Andres Lara


Here is how you can turn your mind into an unfriendly place for desperation and other negative emotions:

1- What To Say: Suggest to yourself out-loud “I’m the best at what I do. I experience abundance everyday. I am a very lucky person. Wealth is attracted to me.” This is called self-suggestion, which is a great tool to plant great thoughts into your mind.

2- How You Say It: Think about the people who have had the most influence on you or society. They were influential because they believed in what they were saying. Say your suggestions with conviction, so they’re felt within the inner most chamber of your mind. It’s how you say it that counts.

3- When to Say It: The fields of your mind are the most fertile or receptive to suggestion when they are plowed…meaning when you are relaxed which is:

1- Right when you wake up because you are rested and untouched by exterior forces

2- Before you fall asleep because your conscious mind lacks the energy to disagree. Use self-suggestions at these times.

4- Limit Negativity: You can avoid strangers, but you cannot completely avoid a negative relative or co-worker. Yet you can limit your interactions with them. Most importantly, you can make yourself inaccessible to them during your most receptive times (see #3). Save those times for you to plant some positive seeds with self-suggestions.

5- Picture it while you say it: Since a picture is worth a thousand words, develop a picture of each of those self-suggestions (see #1) inside your head. For instance, picture yourself being the best at what you do. What would others say about you? What kind of pay would you get? Where would you work from? Visualize and say your suggestions simultaneously.


By: Andres Lara – TheCubanGuy – Motivational Speaker

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Posted by on February 3, 2015 in WISDOM


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A champion knows that his winter season will pass like so many times before and make way for a brand new summer.



1. A child reared without clear boundaries has little chance of success. Limits are necessary to give purpose, direction and structure to life. The fool swims in a boundless sea of opportunity and finally drowns because of his failure to latch onto a specific purpose. He tries to own the sea while the wise man selects a single purpose (opportunity/goal) and then pursue it with all his heart. The wise man understands the power of commitment and focused thought and is well rewarded.

2. A defeated person becomes indifferent about his fate. He finally stops feeling ashamed or sorry. He stops resisting and fighting to reclaim his dignity. The wise is very aware that passive behaviour could make him act like a dog with a broken spirit. Our parks are filled with defeated individuals that tragically accepted their fate in life.

3. A desperate or worried person displays the tendency to cling to anything or anyone that displays even slight compassion. A true warrior understands that this behaviour will eventually exhaust the person that he clings to. A champion never makes panic decisions or choices. He lives in the moment and knows that his winter season will pass like so many times before and make way for a brand new summer.

4. A few moments of indiscretion could become a burden that you might haunt you for the rest of your life. The need for instant gratification is usually at the root of most of our less spectacular choices. Any choice that we make can be compared to the pull of a trigger on a gun. Once the bullet leaves the barrel it cannot be recalled.

5. A good friend is like a good investment. To make good longterm friends be a friend. Friends become a shield in troubled times. Friendship is not a one-sided deal. There are people that claim that they are your friends, but they are often just stranger exploiting you. Several of the friends you make during your lifetime will stick a knife in your back the first time your friendship is really tested.

6. A grievance poisons your mind and chains you to the past. It leaves you bitter and twisted. Everyday of your life you chose between grievances and freedom. You must make up your mind if you want “pain” or “joy” or the “old” or the “new”. When you choose to go for freedom then learning the art of letting go becomes a top priority. When you have mastered the art of letting go of your history you begin to predominantly live in the now.

7. A man that cannot find enough compassion in his heart to forgive is a fool. We all make mistakes, but the fool continues trying to convince everybody that he is flawless. When you master the art of forgiveness you enter a safe harbour and gain peace of mind.

8. A man that is mature, fair and respectable is worth more than precious jewellery. Everybody respects maturity and predictability. Wisdom only comes to those that are slow to anger and careful in their judgement.

9. A man that lacks self-esteem needs titles and certificates to justify his position in life. A man at peace with who he is does not need the constant blessing or praise of others. Never allow a person’s title or position to intimidate or dominate you. See yourself on equal footing with others. Do not allow a person to intimidate you with his pedigree or current superior vantage point.

10. A man with willpower always has the best chance of coming out on top. The main reason why people fail is not because they do not have the skills and know-how, but because they lack the willpower. A person without willpower and determination always ends up the slave of those that do.








“Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival” – The Dalai Lama


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Posted by on January 31, 2015 in WISDOM


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Our lives work on a simple, but effective CAUSE and EFFECT system.



We only attempt change when we become painfully aware that certain of our actions and reactions are just not working for us.


It is imperative to wake up and face it that most of us are as blind as a bat when it comes to noticing our own flaws and mistakes. We thus only attempt change when we become painfully aware that certain of our actions and reactions are just not working for us. We usually remain in a trance like state until something, usually something accompanied by pain cross our path. A negative and passive mindset slows your vibration down. You manifest people and events that match your vibration. It is thus silly to expect happiness and success when you go around with a grumpy, faulty finding attitude. Some of us hibernate and do nothing, but expect wonderful people to break down our door to offer us wonderful opportunities or to shower us with their support. Our lives work on a simple, but effective CAUSE and EFFECT system. What we think, do or fail to do materialize and set up camp in our world. It will be silly to constantly cause  pain, discomfort and confusion in your interaction with others and still expect brilliant, warm, kind and compassionate outcomes. 


Our lives work on a simple, but effective CAUSE and EFFECT system. 



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Posted by on January 26, 2015 in WISDOM


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As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports of call to pick up passengers and cargo.


Sailing the Seven Seas of Life

When we arrive into this world, we enter as a ship that navigates by the forces of nature and propelled by the power in the invisible auras of Spirit. It takes a few years for us to launch our ship with a self-propelled man made motor. During this process, we are taken to many shipyards for a refit to our intellect’s knowingness. We are trained by man-made ideologies and our natural awareness starts to go down deep inside the “Davy Jones locker” within us. We are taught to accept a new identity that will become the captain of our ship. We have to pass many tests of approval by our Admiralty of mis-guided intellects. Once we believe we are qualified to be our own pilot and navigator, we set out to chart our voyage of a lifetime.


As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports of call to pick up passengers and cargo. Some of these passengers become permanent guests in our lives. Some come for a short trip as they were sent to us to fill a need. Our thoughts advertised we were in need of advice and guidance so they came along for that part of our journey, for they knew the waters we were sailing. They steered us clear of dangers and helped us weather passing storms. Then they went on their way. Some died of a sickness or old age, but their souls stay with us for guidance, as long as we know where they are located in our inner sanctuary. They are the angels that we asked to help steer our course. We still have our trusted physical crew all around our ship, and we have to be aware that we need to treat them with love and respect or else we may encounter a mutiny.


We should always be on guard, for there are dangerous sharks and pirates in these waters. Many are after our cargo of money and treasures, whilst a few wish to take the joy out of our lives. The stock market is a vast ocean of scurvy forces that lie in wait to ambush us when we have lost our direction. There are many other unknown, hazardous ships, we will encounter on our travels and many fly the flag of friendship from a distance, but when we get up close, they hoist the skull and crossbones. Our lookouts fell asleep and we were attacked because impostors penetrated our vigilance. Enemies posing as friendly sailing vessels, in the seas turbulent cross currents of information. And so, we battle the storm and survive, but each battle leaves its scars on our vessel.


Once we journey beyond our half way mark, we suddenly get the feeling we might be heading in the wrong direction. We start to understand the real enemy is within our own ship, and the pilot we have so much faith in is an impostor. It is the same type of impostor that we have been battling in the other pirate ships, only this foe was planted in our thoughts for many years and has grown in stature and strength. So much so it thinks it can control the ship in heavy raging seas, even when it knows the ship is aging and does not have the power it once had. When it realizes it does not have any real power, it wants to abandon the ship as it begins to sink. It wants to forsake the vessel and allow it to crash on the rocks of worry and anxiety.


The captain of our ship is a wimp. A false-hearted scalawag, with no care for anything, except its own importance. It is a stowaway, which dresses up in a captain’s uniform recognized by society’s elite and panders to their whims. That is why we believed it to be so real, for we have all been flying the wrong flags, because our captains are nothing but sophisticated, adulterated, decoys. The real captain named Soul is still onboard but held captive in the deep recesses of our vessel.

Captain Ego needs to retire and become a quiet member of the crew.


The time has come to unlock the chains of imprisonment and allow our authentic, trusted captain to gain mastery of the controls of our ship. To escort us to safe waters, where we can float on a tide of supreme bliss. Each day we will set out to achieve new goals and visit places beyond distant horizons. We will still encounter many storms along our cruises but with a steadfast captain at the helm, we will never fear any assault on our peace and tranquillity. We have a twenty-four hour watch in the crow’s nest. Our finely tuned awareness is enjoying the true order of command. We have turned off the old worn out motor and we are sailing into the sunset with Spirit’s forces supervising our sail.


Within our life span, everyone will sail the seven seas. We come into this world as a newborn baby and some of us leave within a day or two. We have still sailed the seven seas, only we did it in a pure vessel and in super fast time. Others may sail for over one hundred years. The time-scale is not that important. The quality and value of time spent joyfully is important.


The seas are the same for everyone. Only the time frame is a little longer for some. In cosmic terms, there is little difference in a second or a hundred years. The first taste is the banquet. The first sail is the experience of a lifetime. So we sail the seven seas of life, until the time comes to set our ship adrift. We then sail into the infinite calm waves, in the imponderable gala-seas of eternity. Until that day comes, let’s sail our charter on the authentic sensations of love and joy. Only Spirit can award us with a true captain and navigator. Allow each moment to become a soul-filled adventure of un-surpassable bliss


An essay from the book, The Joys of Live Alchemy by Michael Levy

Free Success Ebook: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010

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DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy SUCCESS MANUAL STRATEGIST EDITION 2010


Enjoy this book my friend – It could change your life!




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Posted by on January 21, 2015 in WISDOM


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Why Some Men Have Dogs And Not Wives.


1. The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you.

2. Dogs don’t notice if you call them by another dog’s name.

3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.

4. A dog’s parents never visit.

5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across.

6. You never have to wait for a dog; they’re ready to go 24 hours a day.

7. Dogs find you amusing when you’re drunk.

8. Dogs like to go hunting and fishing.

9. A dog will not wake you up at night to ask, “If I died, would you get another dog?”

10. If a dog has babies, you can put an ad in the paper and give them away.

11. A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling you a pervert.

12. If a dog smells another dog on you, they don’t get mad. They just think it’s interesting.

13. Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck.

And last, but not least:

14. If a dog leaves, it won’t take half of your stuff.


Option A

Option B



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Posted by on January 14, 2015 in WISDOM


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Emoto feels that water has the ability to change things around the world/mankind because water is a reflection of the soul.



When most people think about water, they’re thinking about something to drink, or perhaps that hot, steamy and refreshing liquid that funnels out of the shower head to remove the grit and grime after a long day’s work.


Dr. Masaru Emoto is not one of those people. He believes that water reveals hidden messages and reacts to human thoughts, music, emotions, prayers and written words.


Epiphany Works, an inspired event-planning company that provides forums for enlightening entertainment that is experiential in nature, is responsible for bringing the famed scientist to Cranberry on Sunday, Oct. 2.


The co-founder of Epiphany Works, Gina Hillier, contacted Emoto in hopes of bringing him to the Pittsburgh area to demonstrate his almost incomprehensible beliefs.


“Our goal is basically to show people things they’ve never done before, whether we create it or bring someone in,” Hillier explained.


“Dr. Emoto is one of those such people, and we’re honored to have him visiting. He’s touching a nerve and his message is so simple yet universal, that water has intelligence.


What he basically does is use scientific methods to prove that thoughts change the chemistry of water.”


The well-known Japanese scientist became interested in water at a very young age.


“When I was a child, I learned from my mother that ‘water is a reflection of your soul,’”


Emoto explained



“In remembering that experience, I decided to embark on this current research for and with water.”


Emoto has been on a non-stop quest for two decades and was internationally recognized through his breakthrough film, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” He believes that almost everything is affected by water, including tsunamis and hurricanes on a deeper level than is obvious. He feels that everyone should be learning much more about the importance of water’s impact on everyday life.


“Water is essential to life, but how long have we been ignorant about water? Forever,” Emoto stated. “I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that people are really ignorant when it comes to water.”


A few examples of the main questions Emoto feels people should be looking into: Why we can’t live a single day without water? How can water dissolve anything? Why is water the heaviest at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit?


While these questions can be answered in a scientific fashion, Emoto feels the root of the mystery has not been uncovered in an adequate way.



Emoto points to the fact that NASA has confirmed that all of the water on Earth actually came from outer space in the form of ice comets.


“This information was reported over eight years ago, yet no one takes it seriously,” Emoto said. “This is because if this finding was accepted, all the theories that have been discovered in modern science in the past will be nullified. This is particularly (important) because if this theory is accepted as a fact, then it means that humans really came from outer space.


“Furthermore, this forces our thinking to leave the parameters of science and enter the realm of God or other spiritual reasoning, which is one of the most despised thought process by scientists.”


Another concern of Emoto’s is that the Earth is losing the battle to hold so much water.

He says NASA has concluded that ice comets are about usually 100 tons and nearly 10 million of them hit the earth every year. Due to the influx of water, Emoto predicts many more natural disasters, along with the concern of global warming.


“What I can theorize is that Earth is now acting like a full sponge and can no longer absorb enough water,” Emoto explained.


“I am seriously worried that a part of this Earth really will be consumed by water and disappear, just like in the case of the continents Mu and Atlantis.”


Emoto believes that water is so powerful that it can create havoc merely as a result human thoughts. One of his studies consists of taking photographs of water crystals by two photographers; one who is at peace and another who is agitated.


When the feeling of what Emoto calls “Love and Thanks” was sent to the water, the crystal formation was at its best and the most beautiful. On the other hand, ugly water crystals formed when when negative feelings were sent toward the water.


Part of this research has lead Emoto to the conclusion that humans are responsible for some water-related natural disasters.


“Are modern day people living a life on a daily basis that is full of ‘Love and Thanks’ energy? The answer is no,” Emoto stated.


“We are all immersed in fear and resentment and are living a life that is full of gluttony.”


The renowned water researcher concludes that our water will reflect those feelings and retaliate, possibly wreaking havoc in more areas if people do not come together, live in harmony and respect the water.


Emoto uses Einstein’s theory of relativity, E=mc2 for his water research, believing the ‘m’ represents the number of people and the ‘c’ equals consciousness.


As far as healing powers go, Emoto believes that water has true powers when one realizes that the origin of every phenomenon can be traced back to vibrations.


“Vibration can only travel through water,” Emoto explained. “All illnesses are created when a particular vibration is corrupted. The best way to heal this irregularity is to apply the same irregular frequency vibrational wave pattern so that this relationship will cancel out the bad vibration and condition that followed.”


Due to the fact that humans are made mostly of water, Emoto feels that water has the ability to change things around the world and for mankind because water is a reflection of the soul.


“I believe water is a reflection of all human consciousness,” Emoto said. “Therefore, the current tragedies around the world that are caused by water are a result of the unbalance in the culture, economy and politics.”


The leading water scientist is selling out in almost every city he’s visiting and is attracting a vast amount of people, including medical students and churches. His lecture, “The Power of Water,” is expected to be well attended in Cranberry, his only stop in the Pittsburgh area.

By Kate Canan / Source: Gateway Newspapers


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Posted by on January 12, 2015 in WISDOM


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The people and events that cross our path on any given day are our teachers.


Neville Goddard2


Humanity’s preoccupation with themselves while they operate in their own little worlds obstructs them from noticing the amazing spectacle on show. They look and see nothing. They listen and only hear what they want to hear.


Most of us make our way through life in a daze. We daily find ourselves exposed to many opportunities to learn and to grow. We fail to identify the wonderful lessons that are hiding in our adversities. We cannot understand that everything around us, every tree, rock or event transmits subliminal messages to us. We are so busy with our superficial lives that most of us fail to hear the universal language that bind all of us together. Humanity’s preoccupation with themselves while they operate in their own little worlds obstructs them from noticing the amazing spectacle on show. They look and see nothing. They listen and only hear what they want to hear. They grow calluses on their ability to feel and experience. When will we evolve enough to care about every living plant, rock, tree and drop of water? Will we ever grasp that we are one with everything? What they do to a single blade of grass they do to themselves. Planet earth is alive. Planet earth is an extension of God. Everything and everyone is interconnected. What you do to anyone or anything affects the collective spiritual and physical well-being of the whole. Make each day a learning experience. Let the events that unfold on any given day be your teacher. God teach us via the wisdom of a rock or the grace of an eagle in full flight. God provides everyone with hundreds of opportunities to learn and to grow. The people and events that cross our path on any given day are our teachers. We must become still to hear God’s voice and experience his love and compassion. When you become still and open your spiritual eyes and ears, you notice that you and God are one.





Make each day a learning experience. Let the events that unfold on any given day be your teacher. God teach us via the wisdom of a rock or the grace of an eagle in full flight. 




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Posted by on January 6, 2015 in WISDOM


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Avoid exposure to anyone/anything promulgating pessimistic views.




A suggestion is like a seed…once it is thrown onto the soil of your mind, it can grow into a mighty tree; it can even create a forest, with trees bearing nothing but the fruit of that suggestion.

There are places and people that are constantly broadcasting gloom. Avoid exposure to anyone or anything promulgating pessimistic views; for their gloominess can vine onto you and in no time, the tree of pessimism will be rooted, miles deep, into your mind.

A forest cannot grow in unfriendly environments…environments of extreme cold or dryness. Make your mind so consumed with positive emotions, that it will become an unfriendly place for hopelessness to grow.


“Self-suggestion allows you to control what gets planted into your head.”
Andres Lara


Here is how you can turn your mind into an unfriendly place for desperation and other negative emotions:

1-What To Say: Suggest to yourself out-loud “I’m the best at what I do. I experience abundance everyday. I am a very lucky person. Wealth is attracted to me.” This is called self-suggestion, which is a great tool to plant great thoughts into your mind.

2-How You Say It: Think about the people who have had the most influence on you or society. They were influential because they believed in what they were saying. Say your suggestions with conviction, so they’re felt within the inner most chamber of your mind. It’s how you say it that counts.

3- When to Say It: The fields of your mind are the most fertile or receptive to suggestion when they are plowed…meaning when you are relaxed which is: 1-Right when you wake up because you are rested and untouched by exterior forces 2-Before you fall asleep because your conscious mind lacks the energy to disagree. Use self-suggestions at these times.

4-Limit Negativity: You can avoid strangers, but you cannot completely avoid a negative relative or coworker. Yet you can limit your interactions with them. Most importantly, you can make yourself inaccessible to them during your most receptive times (see #3). Save those times for you to plant some positive seeds with self-suggestions.

5-Picture it while you say it: Since a picture is worth a thousand words, develop a picture of each of those self-suggestions (see #1) inside your head. For instance, picture yourself being the best at what you do. What would others say about you? What kind of pay would you get? Where would you work from? Visualize and say your suggestions simultaneously.


By: Andres Lara – TheCubanGuy – Motivational Speaker

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Posted by on January 6, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER


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A man that lacks self-esteem needs titles and certificates to justify his position in life.



1. A child reared without clear boundaries has little chance of success. Limits are necessary to give purpose, direction and structure to life. The fool swims in a boundless sea of opportunity and finally drowns because of his failure to latch onto a specific purpose. He tries to own the sea while the wise man selects a single purpose (opportunity/goal) and then pursue it with all his heart. The wise man understands the power of commitment and focused thought and is well rewarded.

2. A defeated person becomes indifferent about his fate. He finally stops feeling ashamed or sorry. He stops resisting and fighting to reclaim his dignity. The wise is very aware that passive behaviour could make him act like a dog with a broken spirit. Our parks are filled with defeated individuals that tragically accepted their fate in life.


3. A desperate or worried person displays the tendency to cling to anything or anyone that displays even slight compassion. A true warrior understands that this behaviour will eventually exhaust the person that he clings to. A champion never makes panic decisions or choices. He lives in the moment and knows that his winter season will pass like so many times before and make way for a brand new summer.


4. A few moments of indiscretion could become a burden that you might haunt you for the rest of your life. The need for instant gratification is usually at the root of most of our less spectacular choices. Any choice that we make can be compared to the pull of a trigger on a gun. Once the bullet leaves the barrel it cannot be recalled.


5. A good friend is like a good investment. To make good longterm friends be a friend. Friends become a shield in troubled times. Friendship is not a one-sided deal. There are people that claim that they are your friends, but they are often just stranger exploiting you. Several of the friends you make during your lifetime will stick a knife in your back the first time your friendship is really tested.



6. A grievance poisons your mind and chains you to the past. It leaves you bitter and twisted. Everyday of your life you chose between grievances and freedom. You must make up your mind if you want “pain” or “joy” or the “old” or the “new”. When you choose to go for freedom then learning the art of letting go becomes a top priority. When you have mastered the art of letting go of your history you begin to predominantly live in the now.


7. A man that cannot find enough compassion in his heart to forgive is a fool. We all make mistakes, but the fool continues trying to convince everybody that he is flawless. When you master the art of forgiveness you enter a safe harbour and gain peace of mind.

8. A man that is mature, fair and respectable is worth more than precious jewellery. Everybody respects maturity and predictability. Wisdom only comes to those that are slow to anger and careful in their judgement.

9. A man that lacks self-esteem needs titles and certificates to justify his position in life. A man at peace with who he is does not need the constant blessing or praise of others. Never allow a person’s title or position to intimidate or dominate you. See yourself on equal footing with others. Do not allow a person to intimidate you with his pedigree or current superior vantage point.


10. A man with willpower always has the best chance of coming out on top. The main reason why people fail is not because they do not have the skills and know-how, but because they lack the willpower. A person without willpower and determination always ends up the slave of those that do.



(from my book the Eagle Oracle)





“Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival” – The Dalai Lama


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Posted by on December 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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There is a time to fight and a time to just bide your time.


You Are Only One Thought Away From Inner Peace


We sometimes feel like a swimmer in trouble a long way
from the safety of the beach. We have no idea where the
currents are taking us. We feel dwarfed by the immense ocean
that seems to go on forever. We see water wherever we look.
We feel the powerful churn of the awesome power under us.
We panic and try to make our way back to the beach, but soon
realise that we are not really making any progress. We start
panicking and try even harder, but to no avail. It suddenly
dawns on us that we will surly die if we continue to fight the

The ocean will allow us to disperse all our energy. It will then
swallow us and later spit us out on some lonely beach a long
way down the coast. The only way we can buy time when in a
situation like this is to relax and to go with the flow. There is
absolutely no benefit in fighting a problem that is currently
out of control or too daunting to handle. There is a time to
fight and a time to just bide your time. It will make sense if
you swim to the best of your ability to reach the beach if you
are strong or fit enough, but it will be foolish to try and fight
the waves if you have absolutely no chance of winning.
Most of our problems, yes even the ones that seem extremely
daunting have a way of working itself out in the end. Most of
us have been faced with a wide range of problems, some of
them quite serious that today are nothing more than faded
memories. The biggest mistake we make when faced with a
problem is to immediately jump in and try to make it go away.
We say or do the first thing that comes to mind. We must not
fight problems. The best way to cope with problems is to
gather as much information as we can before we take action.
We are only escalating a problem to crisis proportions when
we panic and attempt to fight our way out of a trouble zone.

Relax, gather information and then do what you can, one
moment at a time. It is sometimes better to do nothing until
you have the strength, resources or finances to cope with
what you are faced with. Panic feed a problem while relaxed
action in turn become like the steering mechanism of a boat.
You can steer your way out of virtually any trouble during the
stormy period on the sea of life if you remain composed and
continue to think things through before you take action.
We are under the impression that specific things or people
can and should contribute to our needs and preferences. We
become depressed and unhappy if any of the things or people
that we deem attached to us let us down or fail to meet our
expectations. We only discover the intricate and inclusive
web we weaved since early childhood when we notice how
invisible and subliminal cables bind us to thousands of
objects and preferences. We in a way think we own these
objects and suffer separation anxiety when even a single item
is disconnected from us. Most of us suffer with fear of loss
and rejection. We absorb serious abused from those that we
think we are attached to. We tolerate the pain they inflict
because we are afraid that they might let go of us if we show
our disdain with their actions. A partner, child or lover can
cause us unwanted discomfort if they threaten to let go of us
or indicate that they want to be released from our comfort
zone. It is our attachment that makes us extremely vulnerable.
We do not only develop this invisible bond with people. We
allow furniture, books, a house or even an old coat to own us.
Attachment seems to indicate ownership to most of us. We
thus allow a wide range of people and things to own us and to
decide our moods and perceived security. Buddha taught his
students the powerful law of detachment. He indicated that we
can never achieve spiritual freedom while we allow anything
or anyone to own us. His advice is to let go of the false notion
that our lives will grind to a halt if we let go of the false
perception that it is what we own that sustain who we are. We
are not what we own, the car we drive or the house we live in.
We are not our money or titles. All these labels sustain our
egos and have nothing to do with the perfect self at our core.
God needs nothing from nobody. The same holds true with
our perfect selves. We are an extension of God and not our
physical bodies and the things that we accumulate around us
during visits to this dimension. Learn to detach and you will
change your life overnight. Let go of your anger, fear of loss
or desire to be respected and loved. These desires are snacks
for your ego and have absolutely nothing to do with the
reason for your current or future visits to this plane. Become
still and mentally see how you cut the endless number of
cords that currently bind you to things and people in the
matrix. You will discover real freedom when you are no longer
influenced and manipulated by the false perception of
ownership. It is our clinging to people and stuff that give them
power over us. Detach from what people say or do, detach
from the negative messages in the newspapers and media.
You can never fly with the eagles while you strut around like a
chicken in a pen with your head in the sand.

We spend years trying to work out the mysteries of life. We
want to know who we are, where we come from and what we
are doing in this dimension. We want to know why people do
certain things or why they failed to do as we expect they
would. We want to know what tomorrow, next week or next
year will confront us with. We want to know all there is to
know about God, his plans for us or what will happen to us
when we die. We want to understand why we get tired or feel
ill. Most of us have been asking “why” questions from early
childhood. We read thousands of books in an attempt to
understand what life is all about. The more we read the deeper
we need to delve into the subject matter. There is no book
that can provide all the answers. The problem with books or
lectures is that they leave us with more questions than

We begin to feel like a person that is trying to dig a hole in the
sand. Every bucket of sand that he takes out results in two
buckets that slide back into the hole. Those that developed
the historical God concepts pulled a serious stunt on us. They
created so many laws, rules, expectations and regulations
that they claim God expect of us that they left us in a no win
situation. Nobody could since the first man appeared on this
plane sustain God’s requirements that he apparently
personally dictated to the early so-called inspired authors. It
was our inability to meet the expectations of these man made
Gods that forced mankind to cling to religion and those that
claimed that they have direct access to God. We became
these mediators’ slaves and financiers. We ate out of their
hands and jump to their commands. It is impossible to get
closure on our endless range of “why” questions.

Each question answered will just dig up new ones that need
to be answered. It becomes a vicious never ending cycle. We
spend the best part of our life in a state of ignorance. We will
never know why people that we love and trust let us down or
stick a knife in our backs. We will never know why individuals
act and react the way they do. We will live longer and become
much happier if we stop trying to dig up answers to the many
mysteries of life and why people say or do certain things.
This is why I recommend that you live your life one moment at
a time and give each moment your best shot. Live as if there
is no tomorrow, as if this will be your last day. Be bold and
know that you can cope with anything that life can throw at
you tomorrow, next week and five years from now. Stop
asking “why” questions. Learn to mentally dump your “why”
question in a mental bin if you do not have a satisfactory
answer in sixty seconds. We are like a dog that tries to catch
a bus with “why” painted in big bold letters on its side. Our
problem is that even if we are fortunate enough to catch this
bus now and then we have no idea what to do with it once we
caught it. Your perfect self know all the answers. It is your
ego or false self that becomes frantic and petrified about the

We have ongoing input from our five senses. We are exposed
to millions of stimuli every hour. We have a reticular
activation system in our brains that are programmed to
immediately bring any input to our attention if it might pose a
threat to us at any time. Anything that we see, hear, taste, or
smell that might have caused us discomfort, loss or pain in
the past or that could cause us loss, pain or discomfort in the
future is immediately brought to our attention. This is a good
system because it warns us of pending danger.
Our problem is that something went wrong with our system
that validates incoming data. The holes in the filter became so
clogged up that it hardly let anything through. Many of us can
see danger or possible disaster in virtually anything.

Thoughts that pose no problem simply flow through our filter
system and have little or no impact on us. It is the thoughts
that are captured in our potential threat filter system that we
feel compelled to deal with. The mistake that we then make is
that we begin to construct mental movies about the perceived
threat in our heads. We mentally see, feel, smell, hear and
taste the negative outcomes that we write into these scripts.
We are not satisfied with one show in the theatre of our
minds. We replay these movies many times and experience
the possible painful negative outcomes a million times. We
wear ourselves out while we work through these illusions in
our heads. We find it difficult to sleep, eat or do our work
because of these horror movies. We end up with health
problems and in the process destroy our relationships as
well. We take the residue that got trapped in our mental filter
system and make it into a monster that haunts us day and
night. We will be safer and saner if we remove the filters in
our heads. The original purpose of these filters was to protect
us against physical threats. We knew that if our filter detected
a hungry dinosaur that it will be a smart idea to put as much
distance as possible between him and us in the shortest
period of time.

We must however now begin to understand that we live in a
different time under different circumstances. I promise you
that you can allow most of the stuff that are today trapped in
your filter system through. It will not harm you and become a
faded memory in an hour or two. We must allow the endless
stream of thoughts to simply flow through our reticular
activation system. Do not block them. Let them slide through
and join the billions that came before them on the garbage
heap in your past. Keep this in mind the next time you feel
sad, overloaded, trapped, anxious, worried, let down, defeated
or angry. Let these thoughts slide by. Do not energise them.
They have no power until you plug in the power with your
thinking. Your perfect self can and will assist you when you
are faced with a real threat. Do not allow your ego to take up
so much of your time. Your ego needs answers and
protection because it is a coward. Your ego want answers to
his “why” questions. Your perfect self is positive and know
that it can handle anything that anybody or life can throw at



From my book – The Hidden Treasure Within


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Posted by on December 19, 2014 in WISDOM


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Portable Wisdom 24/7 anywhere/any time.



You can now have my daily wisdom files Plus my archive of 5000 PLUS articles on tap 24/7

Upload the following link to your PC, phone or tablet today!


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Posted by on December 14, 2014 in WISDOM


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A person without willpower and determination always ends up the slave of those that do.



1. A child reared without clear boundaries has little chance of success. Limits are necessary to give purpose, direction and structure to life. The fool swims in a boundless sea of opportunity and finally drowns because of his failure to latch onto a specific purpose. He tries to own the sea while the wise man selects a single purpose (opportunity/goal) and then pursue it with all his heart. The wise man understands the power of commitment and focused thought and is well rewarded.

2. A defeated person becomes indifferent about his fate. He finally stops feeling ashamed or sorry. He stops resisting and fighting to reclaim his dignity. The wise is very aware that passive behaviour could make him act like a dog with a broken spirit. Our parks are filled with defeated individuals that tragically accepted their fate in life.


3. A desperate or worried person displays the tendency to cling to anything or anyone that displays even slight compassion. A true warrior understands that this behaviour will eventually exhaust the person that he clings to. A champion never makes panic decisions or choices. He lives in the moment and knows that his winter season will pass like so many times before and make way for a brand new summer.


4. A few moments of indiscretion could become a burden that you might haunt you for the rest of your life. The need for instant gratification is usually at the root of most of our less spectacular choices. Any choice that we make can be compared to the pull of a trigger on a gun. Once the bullet leaves the barrel it cannot be recalled.


5. A good friend is like a good investment. To make good longterm friends be a friend. Friends become a shield in troubled times. Friendship is not a one-sided deal. There are people that claim that they are your friends, but they are often just stranger exploiting you. Several of the friends you make during your lifetime will stick a knife in your back the first time your friendship is really tested.



6. A grievance poisons your mind and chains you to the past. It leaves you bitter and twisted. Everyday of your life you chose between grievances and freedom. You must make up your mind if you want “pain” or “joy” or the “old” or the “new”. When you choose to go for freedom then learning the art of letting go becomes a top priority. When you have mastered the art of letting go of your history you begin to predominantly live in the now.


7. A man that cannot find enough compassion in his heart to forgive is a fool. We all make mistakes, but the fool continues trying to convince everybody that he is flawless. When you master the art of forgiveness you enter a safe harbour and gain peace of mind.

8. A man that is mature, fair and respectable is worth more than precious jewellery. Everybody respects maturity and predictability. Wisdom only comes to those that are slow to anger and careful in their judgement.

9. A man that lacks self-esteem needs titles and certificates to justify his position in life. A man at peace with who he is does not need the constant blessing or praise of others. Never allow a person’s title or position to intimidate or dominate you. See yourself on equal footing with others. Do not allow a person to intimidate you with his pedigree or current superior vantage point.


10. A man with willpower always has the best chance of coming out on top. The main reason why people fail is not because they do not have the skills and know-how, but because they lack the willpower. A person without willpower and determination always ends up the slave of those that do.



(from my book the Eagle Oracle)





“Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival” – The Dalai Lama


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Posted by on December 14, 2014 in WISDOM


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The key is to take sustained action towards your dreams and goals.



How many of us do not reach a point in our lives where we feel “STUCK”. We feel like the sterile soil in a desert that yearn for the welcome rain that will once again unlock the millions of seeds lying dormant in the soul of our sand. We find it difficult to recall the last time the fertile rain triggered the untold beauty and prosperity now hibernating under the boiling soil that is mercilessly attacked by the rays of the sun. We know we have so much to give in our relationships and work, but cannot break the bondage that sustains our inability to act. These hibernation periods in our lives force feelings of inferiority and failure to cloud our minds and judgement. These “DOWN” periods in our lives can be viewed as a disaster or it can be seen as a period where we REST, REFLECT and REPLENISH our resolve. You will discover when you look back on your “life story” that your most promising GROWTH periods in your life always followed the darkest “DOWN” periods that you faced. My dear friend the key is to take sustained action towards your dreams and goals. You can bring back the rain in your life when you rekindle the passion in your heart and mind. Repeat the following as often as you can today. I will attack each day with a positive attitude. I will not let setbacks and barriers force me back into hibernation. I know that each time I fade under pressure I stifle the potential of the millions of seeds of joy and creativity in my heart that relying on my persistence. See the following image in your head while you repeat these words of wisdom.




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Posted by on November 27, 2014 in WISDOM


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The need for instant gratification is usually at the root of most of our less spectacular choices.




1. A child reared without clear boundaries has little chance of success. Limits are necessary to give purpose, direction and structure to life. The fool swims in a boundless sea of opportunity and finally drowns because of his failure to latch onto a specific purpose. He tries to own the sea while the wise man selects a single purpose (opportunity/goal) and then pursue it with all his heart. The wise man understands the power of commitment and focused thought and is well rewarded.

2. A defeated person becomes indifferent about his fate. He finally stops feeling ashamed or sorry. He stops resisting and fighting to reclaim his dignity. The wise is very aware that passive behaviour could make him act like a dog with a broken spirit. Our parks are filled with defeated individuals that tragically accepted their fate in life.


3. A desperate or worried person displays the tendency to cling to anything or anyone that displays even slight compassion. A true warrior understands that this behaviour will eventually exhaust the person that he clings to. A champion never makes panic decisions or choices. He lives in the moment and knows that his winter season will pass like so many times before and make way for a brand new summer.


4. A few moments of indiscretion could become a burden that you might haunt you for the rest of your life. The need for instant gratification is usually at the root of most of our less spectacular choices. Any choice that we make can be compared to the pull of a trigger on a gun. Once the bullet leaves the barrel it cannot be recalled.


5. A good friend is like a good investment. To make good longterm friends be a friend. Friends become a shield in troubled times. Friendship is not a one-sided deal. There are people that claim that they are your friends, but they are often just stranger exploiting you. Several of the friends you make during your lifetime will stick a knife in your back the first time your friendship is really tested.



6. A grievance poisons your mind and chains you to the past. It leaves you bitter and twisted. Everyday of your life you chose between grievances and freedom. You must make up your mind if you want “pain” or “joy” or the “old” or the “new”. When you choose to go for freedom then learning the art of letting go becomes a top priority. When you have mastered the art of letting go of your history you begin to predominantly live in the now.


7. A man that cannot find enough compassion in his heart to forgive is a fool. We all make mistakes, but the fool continues trying to convince everybody that he is flawless. When you master the art of forgiveness you enter a safe harbour and gain peace of mind.


8. A man that is mature, fair and respectable is worth more than precious jewellery. Everybody respects maturity and predictability. Wisdom only comes to those that are slow to anger and careful in their judgement.


9. A man that lacks self-esteem needs titles and certificates to justify his position in life. A man at peace with who he is does not need the constant blessing or praise of others. Never allow a person’s title or position to intimidate or dominate you. See yourself on equal footing with others. Do not allow a person to intimidate you with his pedigree or current superior vantage point.


10. A man with willpower always has the best chance of coming out on top. The main reason why people fail is not because they do not have the skills and know-how, but because they lack the willpower. A person without willpower and determination always ends up the slave of those that do.



(from my book the Eagle Oracle)






“Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival” – The Dalai Lama


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Posted by on October 7, 2014 in WISDOM


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Portable Wisdom 24/7 anywhere/any time.



You can now have my daily wisdom files Plus my archive of 5000 PLUS articles on tap 24/7

Upload the following link to your phone or tablet today!


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Posted by on September 12, 2014 in WISDOM


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A suggestion is like a seed…once it is thrown onto the soil of your mind, it can grow into a mighty tree/even create a forest.





A suggestion is like a seed…once it is thrown onto the soil of your mind, it can grow into a mighty tree; it can even create a forest, with trees bearing nothing but the fruit of that suggestion.

There are places and people that are constantly broadcasting gloom. Avoid exposure to anyone or anything promulgating pessimistic views; for their gloominess can vine onto you and in no time, the tree of pessimism will be rooted, miles deep, into your mind.

A forest cannot grow in unfriendly environments…environments of extreme cold or dryness. Make your mind so consumed with positive emotions, that it will become an unfriendly place for hopelessness to grow.


“Self-suggestion allows you to control what gets planted into your head.”
Andres Lara


Here is how you can turn your mind into an unfriendly place for desperation and other negative emotions:

1-What To Say: Suggest to yourself out-loud “I’m the best at what I do. I experience abundance everyday. I am a very lucky person. Wealth is attracted to me.” This is called self-suggestion, which is a great tool to plant great thoughts into your mind.

2-How You Say It: Think about the people who have had the most influence on you or society. They were influential because they believed in what they were saying. Say your suggestions with conviction, so they’re felt within the inner most chamber of your mind. It’s how you say it that counts.

3- When to Say It: The fields of your mind are the most fertile or receptive to suggestion when they are plowed…meaning when you are relaxed which is: 1-Right when you wake up because you are rested and untouched by exterior forces 2-Before you fall asleep because your conscious mind lacks the energy to disagree. Use self-suggestions at these times.

4-Limit Negativity: You can avoid strangers, but you cannot completely avoid a negative relative or coworker. Yet you can limit your interactions with them. Most importantly, you can make yourself inaccessible to them during your most receptive times (see #3). Save those times for you to plant some positive seeds with self-suggestions.

5-Picture it while you say it: Since a picture is worth a thousand words, develop a picture of each of those self-suggestions (see #1) inside your head. For instance, picture yourself being the best at what you do. What would others say about you? What kind of pay would you get? Where would you work from? Visualize and say your suggestions simultaneously.



By: Andres Lara – TheCubanGuy – Motivational Speaker

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Posted by on August 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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