Tag Archives: future

Just look around you today and notice that there are meters running all the time.

There is one element that decides how long you will live, how you dress, what you drive, where you stay, what you eat, who you marry and where your children go to school. This element is money. Look at the layers in society. You have the affluent at the top of the pyramid and the struggling bottom feeders right at the bottom of the pyramid found in all societies. Many of us were born into a certain layer in society. Try as we may we fail to break out of the law of gravity that keeps us locked into our social layer. It is easy to say that everybody have an equal chance of reaching the top of this pyramid. That is a bullshit story. It is almost as ridicules as the myth told by many churches that God provides each person with the same opportunity to go the heaven. Look around you and you will see that there is no equality in society. The churches say that God works on a “one strike and you are out” principle. You have one life time that can end at any time and need to find Jesus in that time allocation or your will be toasted.


The element that decides your fate and future my friend is money. Most of the money in all societies is in the hands of those that reside close to the top of the pyramid of life. Those lower down in the middle class and the bottom feeders at the base of the pyramid is expected to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. The lower you enter the game of life on this pyramid the less you earn and the scarcer the opportunities that come your way. It is these layers in society that is at the root of most of our problems when it comes to crime. Most of those that have nothing, little education have a slim chance of success. They then select crime as their career. They discover that they can lay their hands on the “magic element money” with little effort by following a career as a criminal. They can “work” for twenty minutes and earn more than most of the slaves that man the middle class of society can earn in a month. They know that they are in a risky profession, but think that there are many other professions that also carry serious risks.



The miner, policeman, fire fighter or farmer is exposed to potential adversity every day. The miner, policeman and fire fighter is confronted by occupational risks while the farmer in turn is often faced by those at the bottom of the pyramid. Crime statistics will not come down soon. Our hard working police cannot win this battle trying to get the criminals off the streets. There are millions that are ready to step into the shoes that got caught in the legal trap. Job creation and service delivery can force our crime rates down overnight.


Just look around you today and notice that there are meters running all the time that will stop the moment you fail to feed them with money. There are no lights, water, transport, fuel, food and shelter for those that lack the element of money. It is easy for those that fail to grasp the problem of access to money to judge and condemn those that live under a bridge or hide in a shack when the rain and rivers threaten their survival. It is easy to look down on those that beg for money on the streets when you have enough funds in your account to survive one more month. I want to tell you that most of us are less than three months away from jointing those that I described above if for any unforeseen reason we lose our job or health and cannot continue working.




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Posted by on March 16, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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ARE YOU SICK OF THE SAME OLD STUFF? Most people live as if there is some kind of invisible force that captured their will and ability to remain active and productive. They act as if they are helpless victims of life and circumstances. Just look around you and see if you can detect one single person that made a really dramatic and sustained modification (turnaround) to his or her unsatisfactory lifestyle.

People often bitch and moan about their work, relationships, spouses and unruly children and act as if they are the victims of some sinister plot. When you go to social occasions you often discover that most people spend hours trying to top each other’s “victim” stories while they stare at each other through the bottoms of their cocktail glasses. When you finally drive home after these “socials” you often feel drained and incomplete.

Your “social” with your friends might have made you feel slightly better initially because you received confirmation that you are not the only one that are a victim in this cesspool called life. You are exposed to “bad news” messages wherever you go. Whenever you feel enthusiastic and upbeat, buy a newspaper. Before you read two pages you will be back to your normal subdued self.

We might feel that we are living under very testing conditions today and that our situation is unique, but when you investigate the “victim” phenomena worldwide you will find that most people suffer with this form of mental bondage.

We use crime and instability as our crutch to justify our victim behaviour in South Africa. You will discover that an endless range of excuses are used to justify “victim” behaviour globally even when crime is not so visible as in South Africa. The bottom line is that “victim” behaviour is something that comes from the inside, from your own mind.

We tend to “think” ourselves to a standstill and into an early grave. The “look at me, I am a victim” turmoil in the world has reached pandemic proportions. The collective negative mood on planet earth is negative and very destructive. The main reason why people experience these very immobilizing emotions is because of the overall habit of living in the PAST or the FUTURE. We can think up the most amazing disasters in the theatre of our minds. We can die a thousand deaths in our mind with our habit of projecting ourselves into imagined future disasters.




We form opinions at a very young age about most things in life. We have “feelings” about almost anything that we can ever be faced with. Any conclusion that we came to during our lifetime will usually remain part of our coping style until the day we die.

Most people fail to understand that “everything will remain the same until a change is made”. If you are allowing fear of something that might never happen to control your thinking you are disqualifying yourself from the reality of the now.

Just think of the key areas in your life such as your work, relationships and general lifestyle and take stock of your “general” behaviour in these areas. You need to study your habitual reaction pattern in any area if it is not working as you hoped it would. Stop waiting for others to modify their behaviour, beg you for forgiveness or that the problem will go away.

Become bold and active and start doing something about whatever you feel is bothering you. Nothing will change until you activate such change. Remember if you are in waiting mode and your dispute is with someone else you are handing control to this person. When you live in the NOW and you act in the present tense you make your life predictable and much more stress free. When you live in the FUTURE and fail to take action in the NOW you are “manufacturing” your own house of pain.


The only way that you can escape this stuck in the future or past zone is to begin to live in the NOW. Give yourself a fair chance to make a success of any given day. You can do this by talking to yourself.

Tell yourself that you are not interested in things that might never happen or that happened in the past. You are talking to yourself all day long, make these “chats” constructive and motivational. Give yourself a break and stop running yourself down. When you find your mind drifting into the “horror” mode tell yourself that you are not going to waste energy on events that may never happen. If you mind drifts into the “feel sorry for me mode”, take control and say, “I create my own circumstances and will not create a torture chamber for myself today.” Wipe the slate clean every morning and attack each day with enthusiasm and commitment. Live for the moment my friend. Today and each and every day is indeed a new day with wonderful opportunities if you are focused on the now.



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Posted by on March 16, 2015 in WISDOM


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The Future of Mind-Controlled Weapons.

Soldiers could control weapons systems simply by using their minds, British scientists have suggested

 Researchers found the Armed Forces could harness the rapid advance of neuroscience to improve the training of soldiers, pilots and other personnel.


A study, from the Royal Society, Britain’s national academy of science, showed the possible benefits of neuroscience to military and law enforcement.

It predicted new designer drugs that boost performance, make enemy troops fall asleep and ensure captives become more talkative.

But among the more remarkable scenarios suggested in the report involved the use of devices called brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) to connect soldiers’ brains directly to military technology such as drones and weapons.

The study stated that the work built on previous research that has enabled people to control cursors and artificial limbs through BMIs that read their brain signals.

In their report, one of a series from the Royal Society looking at the field of neuroscience, the experts call on the UK Government to be as “transparent as possible” about research into military and law enforcement applications.

“Since the human brain can process images, such as targets, much faster than the subject is consciously aware of, a neurally interfaced weapons system could provide significant advantages over other system control methods in terms of speed and accuracy,” the report states.

The report also showed how neuroscientists employed so-called “transcranial direct current stimulation” (tDCS) to improve soldiers’ awareness while in hostile environments.

It showed how soldiers’ ability to spot roadside bombs, snipers and other hidden threats were improved in a virtual reality training program used by US troops bound for the Middle East.

But the report’s authors argued that while hostile uses of neuroscience and related technologies were now more likely, scientists were oblivious to its potentials.

While the benefits to society were obvious, through improved treatments for brain disease and mental illness, there were serious security implications to consider.
“Neuroscience will have more of an impact in the future,” said Prof Rod Flower, chair of the report’s working group.

“People can see a lot of possibilities, but so far very few have made their way through to actual use. All leaps forward start out this way.”

Prof Flower, from the William Harvey Research Institute at Barts and the London Hospital added: “You have a groundswell of ideas and suddenly you get a step change.”

“If you are controlling a drone and you shoot the wrong target or bomb a wedding party, who is responsible for that action? Is it you or the BMI.

“There’s a blurring of the line between individual responsibility and the functioning of the machine. Where do you stop and the machine begin?”

Vince Clark, a cognitive neuroscientist and lead author on the study at the University of New Mexico, admitted he was uncomfortable in knowing neuroscience could be used by the military.

“As a scientist I dislike that someone might be hurt by my work,” he said. “I want to reduce suffering, to make the world a better place, but there are people in the world with different intentions, and I don’t know how to deal with that.

“If I stop my work, the people who might be helped won’t be helped. Almost any technology has a defence application.”

The Ministry of Defence has not commented on the report.

By Andrew Hough / Source: The Telegraph


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Posted by on March 14, 2015 in WISDOM


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Our minds are like a garden. If you diligently attend to your garden, it will produce the things you cultivate.



Take a trip to any jail or prison and you will meet hundreds of people who will tell you they are the “victims” of their circumstances.

Travel through any big city ghetto and you’ll hear the same thing.

Visit any affluent, high-class neighborhood, talk to the people there and you’ll discover the same thing.

Visit a middle-class neighborhood in New York, Toronto, London or Sydney and you will meet people who believe they are the result of their circumstances, good or bad.

They will talk about the opportunities they were given, or the chances they were denied. They may be grateful for the education they were exposed to, or complain they were denied the education they deserve.

One person will tell you about her wonderful childhood and upbringing was, while another will complain that she came from a “dysfunctional” family.

There is no denying that income, status, education, upbringing, neighborhood, family and many other situations will influence, effect and even determine the outcome of our lives.

But who creates the circumstances?

Your parents? Your environment? God? Destiny? Lost in all this analysis and the assumption of almost every unconscious person I have ever met is this one very important reality.

The effect of our thoughts ABOUT our circumstances.

We cannot change what happened to us, but we can change our PERCEPTION about what happened to us. This is the key to changing our present circumstances and our future.


Our minds are like a garden. We can intelligently cultivate our garden, or we can allow it to run wild. If you diligently attend to your garden, it will produce the things you cultivate.


If you don’t plant specific seeds, then the animals, wind and other elements will cause RANDOM things to grow which will likely to choke out the things you want to cultivate from your garden.


Just as a gardener must tend his or her garden, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity.

If you practice gardening of this kind, you will soon discover that you are the gardener of your soul. You will come to the profound revelation that you are not the victim of your circumstances–but the creator of them.

The reason is simple: Whatever you give your attention to and focus on shapes your character, creates your circumstances, and determines your ultimate destiny.

Please read that again

What you experience in your life is directly connected to your inner state of mind. The most important thing you can learn about success, prosperity and happiness is that cause (thought) and effect (results or experiences) are one.

But face this important fact – You don’t simply end up in jail or the hospital, bankrupt, or alone no more than you simply wake up rich, successful, happy, and healthy. All these CIRCUMSTANCES are the RESULT of thousands of little decisions, which are reached as a result of the thoughts you give your attention to.

Now, if you are like most people, this is the part where you start to mentally make excuses and argue with me.

Perhaps you believe that what I just said is true for other people, but you are quite certain that you have been the victim of extenuating circumstances beyond your control.

I know. I know. YOUR situation is different.

So just how does that work?

Let’s talk about how all this applies to you.

First, you must accept that on one level or another, you have manifested everything that is happening in your life. Even the horrific, nasty stuff.

I agree that you don’t do it consciously. But you do it.

Now here’s the thing . . .

You are surrounded by a data-sphere of information that promotes negativity, fear, anxiety, limitation, and lack. It pummels your senses from all directions. It comes from your TV, radio, the Internet, your friends, family, church and the people you work with.

Most people are so saturated by negative programming that they can’t even conceive a life of anything but struggle and complaint.

What you read, what you listen to, and the people you talk with have a huge effect on the person you are and the thoughts you have. It not only comes from the media and other individuals but from the government.

The doom, gloom and negativity that is perpetuated by the government is designed to appeal to the programmed fear of the masses in order to get re-elected. We elect and re-elect these people to *save and protect us* from the pending doom and gloom.

If that wasn’t enough, consider that the microcosm of our mass culture can be found in entertainment and even sports personalities. Most of these people are insecure, self-centered and only interested in their own 15 minutes of fame.

However, they are not the problem. We are, because we are willing to spend countless hours and pay billions of dollars to watch them, mimic their lifestyles and even their manner of dress.

You must recognize that this data-sphere is continually programming you 24/7, and that almost 95% of it is fear, lack and limitation programming.

So what do you do?

If you want to reach the highest levels of success, you have to zealously guard the input you allow to come into your life. You must control your own programming, and reject the poisonous stuff most people are trying to feed you.

In order to focus on success, it is imperative that you spend more time on your own personal growth. Each morning and each evening before you go to bed, spend time on focusing on something positive.

Remember: You are the foundation from which all your dreams are made reality. This is the only way you can guarantee your success, wealth and happiness…

By Robert Anthony, Ph.D


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Posted by on December 31, 2014 in WISDOM


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ARE YOU SICK OF THE SAME OLD STUFF? Most people live as if there is some kind of invisible force that captured their will and ability to remain active and productive. They act as if they are helpless victims of life and circumstances. Just look around you and see if you can detect one single person that made a really dramatic and sustained modification (turnaround) to his or her unsatisfactory lifestyle.

People often bitch and moan about their work, relationships, spouses and unruly children and act as if they are the victims of some sinister plot. When you go to social occasions you often discover that most people spend hours trying to top each other’s “victim” stories while they stare at each other through the bottoms of their cocktail glasses. When you finally drive home after these “socials” you often feel drained and incomplete.

Your “social” with your friends might have made you feel slightly better initially because you received confirmation that you are not the only one that are a victim in this cesspool called life. You are exposed to “bad news” messages wherever you go. Whenever you feel enthusiastic and upbeat, buy a newspaper. Before you read two pages you will be back to your normal subdued self.

We might feel that we are living under very testing conditions today and that our situation is unique, but when you investigate the “victim” phenomena worldwide you will find that most people suffer with this form of mental bondage.

We use crime and instability as our crutch to justify our victim behaviour in South Africa. You will discover that an endless range of excuses are used to justify “victim” behaviour globally even when crime is not so visible as in South Africa. The bottom line is that “victim” behaviour is something that comes from the inside, from your own mind.

We tend to “think” ourselves to a standstill and into an early grave. The “look at me, I am a victim” turmoil in the world has reached pandemic proportions. The collective negative mood on planet earth is negative and very destructive. The main reason why people experience these very immobilizing emotions is because of the overall habit of living in the PAST or the FUTURE. We can think up the most amazing disasters in the theatre of our minds. We can die a thousand deaths in our mind with our habit of projecting ourselves into imagined future disasters.




We form opinions at a very young age about most things in life. We have “feelings” about almost anything that we can ever be faced with. Any conclusion that we came to during our lifetime will usually remain part of our coping style until the day we die.

Most people fail to understand that “everything will remain the same until a change is made”. If you are allowing fear of something that might never happen to control your thinking you are disqualifying yourself from the reality of the now.

Just think of the key areas in your life such as your work, relationships and general lifestyle and take stock of your “general” behaviour in these areas. You need to study your habitual reaction pattern in any area if it is not working as you hoped it would. Stop waiting for others to modify their behaviour, beg you for forgiveness or that the problem will go away.

Become bold and active and start doing something about whatever you feel is bothering you. Nothing will change until you activate such change. Remember if you are in waiting mode and your dispute is with someone else you are handing control to this person. When you live in the NOW and you act in the present tense you make your life predictable and much more stress free. When you live in the FUTURE and fail to take action in the NOW you are “manufacturing” your own house of pain.


The only way that you can escape this stuck in the future or past zone is to begin to live in the NOW. Give yourself a fair chance to make a success of any given day. You can do this by talking to yourself.

Tell yourself that you are not interested in things that might never happen or that happened in the past. You are talking to yourself all day long, make these “chats” constructive and motivational. Give yourself a break and stop running yourself down. When you find your mind drifting into the “horror” mode tell yourself that you are not going to waste energy on events that may never happen. If you mind drifts into the “feel sorry for me mode”, take control and say, “I create my own circumstances and will not create a torture chamber for myself today.” Wipe the slate clean every morning and attack each day with enthusiasm and commitment. Live for the moment my friend. Today and each and every day is indeed a new day with wonderful opportunities if you are focused on the now.



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Posted by on November 27, 2014 in WISDOM


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The element that decides your fate and future my friend is money.


There is one element that decides how long you will live, how you dress, what you drive, where you stay, what you eat, who you marry and where your children go to school. This element is money. Look at the layers in society. You have the affluent at the top of the pyramid and the struggling bottom feeders right at the bottom of the pyramid found in all societies. Many of us were born into a certain layer in society. Try as we may we fail to break out of the law of gravity that keeps us locked into our social layer. It is easy to say that everybody have an equal chance of reaching the top of this pyramid. That is a bullshit story. It is almost as ridicules as the myth told by many churches that God provides each person with the same opportunity to go the heaven. Look around you and you will see that there is no equality in society. The churches say that God works on a “one strike and you are out” principle. You have one life time that can end at any time and need to find Jesus in that time allocation or your will be toasted.


The element that decides your fate and future my friend is money. Most of the money in all societies is in the hands of those that reside close to the top of the pyramid of life. Those lower down in the middle class and the bottom feeders at the base of the pyramid is expected to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. The lower you enter the game of life on this pyramid the less you earn and the scarcer the opportunities that come your way. It is these layers in society that is at the root of most of our problems when it comes to crime. Most of those that have nothing, little education have a slim chance of success. They then select crime as their career. They discover that they can lay their hands on the “magic element money” with little effort by following a career as a criminal. They can “work” for twenty minutes and earn more than most of the slaves that man the middle class of society can earn in a month. They know that they are in a risky profession, but think that there are many other professions that also carry serious risks.



The miner, policeman, fire fighter or farmer is exposed to potential adversity every day. The miner, policeman and fire fighter is confronted by occupational risks while the farmer in turn is often faced by those at the bottom of the pyramid. Crime statistics will not come down soon. Our hard working police cannot win this battle trying to get the criminals off the streets. There are millions that are ready to step into the shoes that got caught in the legal trap. Job creation and service delivery can force our crime rates down overnight.


Just look around you today and notice that there are meters running all the time that will stop the moment you fail to feed them with money. There are no lights, water, transport, fuel, food and shelter for those that lack the element of money. It is easy for those that fail to grasp the problem of access to money to judge and condemn those that live under a bridge or hide in a shack when the rain and rivers threaten their survival. It is easy to look down on those that beg for money on the streets when you have enough funds in your account to survive one more month. I want to tell you that most of us are less than three months away from jointing those that I described above if for any unforeseen reason we lose our job or health and cannot continue working.



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Posted by on July 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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Life is not about FINDING yourself – It is about CREATING yourself.






ARE YOU SICK OF THE SAME OLD STUFF? Most people live as if there is some kind of invisible force that captured their will and ability to remain active and productive. They act as if they are helpless victims of life and circumstances. Just look around you and see if you can detect one single person that made a really dramatic and sustained modification (turnaround) to his or her unsatisfactory lifestyle.

People often bitch and moan about their work, relationships, spouses and unruly children and act as if they are the victims of some sinister plot. When you go to social occasions you often discover that most people spend hours trying to top each other’s “victim” stories while they stare at each other through the bottoms of their cocktail glasses. When you finally drive home after these “socials” you often feel drained and incomplete.

Your “social” with your friends might have made you feel slightly better initially because you received confirmation that you are not the only one that are a victim in this cesspool called life. You are exposed to “bad news” messages wherever you go. Whenever you feel enthusiastic and upbeat, buy a newspaper. Before you read two pages you will be back to your normal subdued self.

We might feel that we are living under very testing conditions today and that our situation is unique, but when you investigate the “victim” phenomena worldwide you will find that most people suffer with this form of mental bondage.

We use crime and instability as our crutch to justify our victim behaviour in South Africa. You will discover that an endless range of excuses are used to justify “victim” behaviour globally even when crime is not so visible as in South Africa. The bottom line is that “victim” behaviour is something that comes from the inside, from your own mind.

We tend to “think” ourselves to a standstill and into an early grave. The “look at me, I am a victim” turmoil in the world has reached pandemic proportions. The collective negative mood on planet earth is negative and very destructive. The main reason why people experience these very immobilizing emotions is because of the overall habit of living in the PAST or the FUTURE. We can think up the most amazing disasters in the theatre of our minds. We can die a thousand deaths in our mind with our habit of projecting ourselves into imagined future disasters.




We form opinions at a very young age about most things in life. We have “feelings” about almost anything that we can ever be faced with. Any conclusion that we came to during our lifetime will usually remain part of our coping style until the day we die.

Most people fail to understand that “everything will remain the same until a change is made”. If you are allowing fear of something that might never happen to control your thinking you are disqualifying yourself from the reality of the now.

Just think of the key areas in your life such as your work, relationships and general lifestyle and take stock of your “general” behaviour in these areas. You need to study your habitual reaction pattern in any area if it is not working as you hoped it would. Stop waiting for others to modify their behaviour, beg you for forgiveness or that the problem will go away.

Become bold and active and start doing something about whatever you feel is bothering you. Nothing will change until you activate such change. Remember if you are in waiting mode and your dispute is with someone else you are handing control to this person. When you live in the NOW and you act in the present tense you make your life predictable and much more stress free. When you live in the FUTURE and fail to take action in the NOW you are “manufacturing” your own house of pain.


The only way that you can escape this stuck in the future or past zone is to begin to live in the NOW. Give yourself a fair chance to make a success of any given day. You can do this by talking to yourself.

Tell yourself that you are not interested in things that might never happen or that happened in the past. You are talking to yourself all day long, make these “chats” constructive and motivational. Give yourself a break and stop running yourself down. When you find your mind drifting into the “horror” mode tell yourself that you are not going to waste energy on events that may never happen. If you mind drifts into the “feel sorry for me mode”, take control and say, “I create my own circumstances and will not create a torture chamber for myself today.” Wipe the slate clean every morning and attack each day with enthusiasm and commitment. Live for the moment my friend. Today and each and every day is indeed a new day with wonderful opportunities if you are focused on the now.


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Posted by on July 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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Life is not about FINDING yourself – It is about CREATING yourself.






ARE YOU SICK OF THE SAME OLD STUFF? Most people live as if there is some kind of invisible force that captured their will and ability to remain active and productive. They act as if they are helpless victims of life and circumstances. Just look around you and see if you can detect one single person that made a really dramatic and sustained modification (turnaround) to his or her unsatisfactory lifestyle.

People often bitch and moan about their work, relationships, spouses and unruly children and act as if they are the victims of some sinister plot. When you go to social occasions you often discover that most people spend hours trying to top each other’s “victim” stories while they stare at each other through the bottoms of their cocktail glasses. When you finally drive home after these “socials” you often feel drained and incomplete.

Your “social” with your friends might have made you feel slightly better initially because you received confirmation that you are not the only one that are a victim in this cesspool called life. You are exposed to “bad news” messages wherever you go. Whenever you feel enthusiastic and upbeat, buy a newspaper. Before you read two pages you will be back to your normal subdued self.

We might feel that we are living under very testing conditions today and that our situation is unique, but when you investigate the “victim” phenomena worldwide you will find that most people suffer with this form of mental bondage.

We use crime and instability as our crutch to justify our victim behaviour in South Africa. You will discover that an endless range of excuses are used to justify “victim” behaviour globally even when crime is not so visible as in South Africa. The bottom line is that “victim” behaviour is something that comes from the inside, from your own mind.

We tend to “think” ourselves to a standstill and into an early grave. The “look at me, I am a victim” turmoil in the world has reached pandemic proportions. The collective negative mood on planet earth is negative and very destructive. The main reason why people experience these very immobilizing emotions is because of the overall habit of living in the PAST or the FUTURE. We can think up the most amazing disasters in the theatre of our minds. We can die a thousand deaths in our mind with our habit of projecting ourselves into imagined future disasters.




We form opinions at a very young age about most things in life. We have “feelings” about almost anything that we can ever be faced with. Any conclusion that we came to during our lifetime will usually remain part of our coping style until the day we die.

Most people fail to understand that “everything will remain the same until a change is made”. If you are allowing fear of something that might never happen to control your thinking you are disqualifying yourself from the reality of the now.

Just think of the key areas in your life such as your work, relationships and general lifestyle and take stock of your “general” behaviour in these areas. You need to study your habitual reaction pattern in any area if it is not working as you hoped it would. Stop waiting for others to modify their behaviour, beg you for forgiveness or that the problem will go away.

Become bold and active and start doing something about whatever you feel is bothering you. Nothing will change until you activate such change. Remember if you are in waiting mode and your dispute is with someone else you are handing control to this person. When you live in the NOW and you act in the present tense you make your life predictable and much more stress free. When you live in the FUTURE and fail to take action in the NOW you are “manufacturing” your own house of pain.


The only way that you can escape this stuck in the future or past zone is to begin to live in the NOW. Give yourself a fair chance to make a success of any given day. You can do this by talking to yourself.

Tell yourself that you are not interested in things that might never happen or that happened in the past. You are talking to yourself all day long, make these “chats” constructive and motivational. Give yourself a break and stop running yourself down. When you find your mind drifting into the “horror” mode tell yourself that you are not going to waste energy on events that may never happen. If you mind drifts into the “feel sorry for me mode”, take control and say, “I create my own circumstances and will not create a torture chamber for myself today.” Wipe the slate clean every morning and attack each day with enthusiasm and commitment. Live for the moment my friend. Today and each and every day is indeed a new day with wonderful opportunities if you are focused on the now.


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Posted by on June 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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Your Mind-set may boost visual Performance + The Psychology of Luck!


Imagine seeing better by thinking differently. That’s a vision with a future, according to Harvard University psychologist Ellen Langer.

Eyesight markedly improved when people were experimentally induced to believe that they could see especially well, Langer and her colleagues report in the April Psychological Science.

Such expectations actually enhanced visual clarity, rather than simply making volunteers more alert or motivated to focus on objects, they assert.

Langer’s new findings build on long-standing evidence that visual perception depends not just on relaying information from the eyes to the brain but on experience-based assumptions about what can be seen in particular situations. Those expectations lead people to devote limited attention to familiar scenes and, as a result, to ignore unusual objects and events.

In perhaps the most eye-popping of Langer’s new findings, 20 men and women who saw a reversed eye chart — arranged so that letters became progressively larger further down the chart, with a giant “E” at the bottom — accurately reported more letters from the smallest two lines than they did when shown a traditional eye chart with the big letters on top. All volunteers had normal eyesight.

These results reflect people’s expectation, based on experience with standard eye charts, that letters are easy to see at the top and become increasingly difficult to distinguish on lower lines, the researchers suggest.

Participants who said they thought that they could improve their eyesight with practice displayed a bigger vision boost on the reversed chart than those who didn’t think improvement was possible, but only for the next-to-smallest line. Both groups did equally well at reading the smallest, topmost line.

Another set of experiments included 63 members of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps at MIT. Eye testing determined that their vision ranged from below average to excellent.

An experimenter told a group of 22 cadets to assume the role of a fighter pilot while operating a flight simulator. During this exercise, participants tried to identify letters shown on four plane wings of approaching aircraft. Each wing contained one of the bottom four lines of an eye chart.

Another 20 cadets performed the visual task while pretending to fly a plane in a simulator that they were told was broken. Ten other cadets read a motivational essay before the exercise. A final group of 11 cadets didn’t use a simulator but practiced eye exercises that researchers described as capable of improving eyesight before taking an eye test.

Vision improved substantially for nine of 22 simulator pilots compared with none of those who pretended to fly, two of 11 eye exercisers and one person in the motivational group. Simulator pilots did so well relative to the others because they more thoroughly adopted a mind-set of being real fighter pilots with presumably superior vision, the researchers posit. An initial survey of ROTC members found that they attributed particularly good vision to fighter pilots.

Simulator pilots with below-average vision displayed the biggest jumps in visual performance, perhaps because they had more room for improvement, the researchers suggest.

These results suggest that if eye exercise programs designed to improve vision work for some people, it’s not because of any physical effect on the eyes or brain. Such regimens “may be effective because they prime the belief that exercise improves vision,” Langer and her colleagues write.

Mind-set may boost visual performance without sharpening vision itself, comments psychologist Daniel Simons of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Experimental manipulations in the new study, such as reversing the arrangement of an eye chart, may have made volunteers more willing to guess when they felt a bit unsure, Simons says. Such guesses stand a good chance of being right, in his view.

By Bruce Bower / Source: Science News

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Posted by on March 6, 2014 in WISDOM


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Your propose in life? It was designed to enable you to experience an idea and its effects/consequences.



The Most Powerful Force in the Universe


 Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force in the universe. Why would such a great man say something that sounds so silly and trivial? Look at those words again: ‘greatest creative force’. Imagination? Not education? Nor money?


Nor luck?


Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said that imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known. Before you pass him away as a crackpot, know that Mr. Hill was an advisor to two U.S. presidents, was commissioned by the great and wealthy Andrew Carnegie to teach people about making their dreams come true, and has been thanked by many of the greatest people around the world for the success he helped them achieve. People like F. W. Woolworth (founder of Woolworth’s), Woodrow Wilson (former U.S. President), George Eastman (founder of Kodak), W. M. Wrigley, JR. (Wrigley’s), and many others have used his teachings to manifest their dreams.


Imagination is the force that takes you to places you have never been.


Henry Ford relied on imagination and belief. Walt Disney said that had he not seen Disneyland in his mind, the rest of the world would not have seen it on earth. Bill Gates first imagines his products before they become actual software that we rely on. And it would serve you well to remember that many of the world’s greatest people started with nothing and built empires. They had a dream. And the universe conspired, as it always does, to let them experience their imagination.

The universe always lets you experience your imagination, whatever it may be.


The Bible says ‘As a man thinketh, so shall he become’. It also says ‘Without vision we perish’.


Your mind’s images are literally the blueprint from which your world is built.


Your mind is infinite. What are your limits? What are limits, except those that you say are so? Why else would two different people have different ‘limits’?

Life is images of the mind, expressed. What this means is that Life, The Source, uses your thoughts, your mental images, as the instructions by which to create your reality in the material world. Life expresses your mental images into physical reality.

To express is to make known, to state, articulate, communicate, convey. The force of Life makes known your thoughts to yourself and everyone else by forming them into experiences and objects that can be experienced, here in the physical world.

You experience your own thoughts first hand, your images of your mind, so that you may know which ones are suitable and which ones are not. That is how you know yourself, that is how you experience your self, and that is how you grow.


This is the supreme purpose of this physical world that we are now in. It is designed to enable you to experience your Self. It is designed to enable you to experience an idea and its effects and consequences.


Life does not select which ones of your images to express and which ones not to. How would it choose for you? It therefore expresses all of them to the extent that you have them and believe them. You have true free will. This free will is truly free because of the fact that all of it is acted upon without filtering or favoring. Free will is truly free because of the fact that it actually gets results all the time, not just some of the time, and it gets them exactly.

Your ideas, visions and dreams, whatever they may be, are the prophecies of what you shall one day become and achieve. You can predict your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change your tomorrow by changing your inner self today.


As you think, there do you find yourself. You attract the people that have something to teach you in line with your thoughts, people who have something to learn from you in line with your thoughts, and you repel those who have nothing more to learn from you and give you in line with your thoughts. The same goes for places and conditions, situations and environments.



Many things influence your imagination – past fears, desires, poor mental training, lack of awareness, sub-personalities, lack of goals – any much more. But anything that influences your imagination is under your control. You can stop it simply by becoming aware of it and releasing it. And this is where awareness, consciousness, comes in as the key to clearing your mind of the debris that brings suffering to you and sabotages your success.

By David Cameron Gikandi

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Posted by on February 26, 2014 in WISDOM


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Our minds are like a garden. We can intelligently cultivate our garden, or we can allow it to run wild.



Take a trip to any jail or prison and you will meet hundreds of people who will tell you they are the “victims” of their circumstances.

Travel through any big city ghetto and you’ll hear the same thing.

Visit any affluent, high-class neighborhood, talk to the people there and you’ll discover the same thing.

Visit a middle-class neighborhood in New York, Toronto, London or Sydney and you will meet people who believe they are the result of their circumstances, good or bad.

They will talk about the opportunities they were given, or the chances they were denied. They may be grateful for the education they were exposed to, or complain they were denied the education they deserve.

One person will tell you about her wonderful childhood and upbringing was, while another will complain that she came from a “dysfunctional” family.

There is no denying that income, status, education, upbringing, neighborhood, family and many other situations will influence, effect and even determine the outcome of our lives.

But who creates the circumstances?

Your parents? Your environment? God? Destiny? Lost in all this analysis and the assumption of almost every unconscious person I have ever met is this one very important reality.

The effect of our thoughts ABOUT our circumstances.

We cannot change what happened to us, but we can change our PERCEPTION about what happened to us. This is the key to changing our present circumstances and our future.

Our minds are like a garden. We can intelligently cultivate our garden, or we can allow it to run wild. If you diligently attend to your garden, it will produce the things you cultivate.

If you don’t plant specific seeds, then the animals, wind and other elements will cause RANDOM things to grow which will likely to choke out the things you want to cultivate from your garden.


Just as a gardener must tend his or her garden, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity.

If you practice gardening of this kind, you will soon discover that you are the gardener of your soul. You will come to the profound revelation that you are not the victim of your circumstances–but the creator of them.

The reason is simple: Whatever you give your attention to and focus on shapes your character, creates your circumstances, and determines your ultimate destiny.

Please read that again

What you experience in your life is directly connected to your inner state of mind. The most important thing you can learn about success, prosperity and happiness is that cause (thought) and effect (results or experiences) are one.

But face this important fact – You don’t simply end up in jail or the hospital, bankrupt, or alone no more than you simply wake up rich, successful, happy, and healthy. All these CIRCUMSTANCES are the RESULT of thousands of little decisions, which are reached as a result of the thoughts you give your attention to.

Now, if you are like most people, this is the part where you start to mentally make excuses and argue with me.

Perhaps you believe that what I just said is true for other people, but you are quite certain that you have been the victim of extenuating circumstances beyond your control.

I know. I know. YOUR situation is different.

So just how does that work?

Let’s talk about how all this applies to you.

First, you must accept that on one level or another, you have manifested everything that is happening in your life. Even the horrific, nasty stuff.

I agree that you don’t do it consciously. But you do it.

Now here’s the thing . . .

You are surrounded by a data-sphere of information that promotes negativity, fear, anxiety, limitation, and lack. It pummels your senses from all directions. It comes from your TV, radio, the Internet, your friends, family, church and the people you work with.

Most people are so saturated by negative programming that they can’t even conceive a life of anything but struggle and complaint.

What you read, what you listen to, and the people you talk with have a huge effect on the person you are and the thoughts you have. It not only comes from the media and other individuals but from the government.

The doom, gloom and negativity that is perpetuated by the government is designed to appeal to the programmed fear of the masses in order to get re-elected. We elect and re-elect these people to *save and protect us* from the pending doom and gloom.

If that wasn’t enough, consider that the microcosm of our mass culture can be found in entertainment and even sports personalities. Most of these people are insecure, self-centered and only interested in their own 15 minutes of fame.

However, they are not the problem. We are, because we are willing to spend countless hours and pay billions of dollars to watch them, mimic their lifestyles and even their manner of dress.

You must recognize that this data-sphere is continually programming you 24/7, and that almost 95% of it is fear, lack and limitation programming.

So what do you do?

If you want to reach the highest levels of success, you have to zealously guard the input you allow to come into your life. You must control your own programming, and reject the poisonous stuff most people are trying to feed you.

In order to focus on success, it is imperative that you spend more time on your own personal growth. Each morning and each evening before you go to bed, spend time on focusing on something positive.

Remember: You are the foundation from which all your dreams are made reality. This is the only way you can guarantee your success, wealth and happiness…

By Robert Anthony, Ph.D

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Posted by on February 18, 2014 in WISDOM


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How To Be Awesome – A Guide To Powering Up Your Brain.

Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already know, but never apply!


You’re already awesome, but sometimes you’re tired, busy, or for some other reason can’t be at your best 100% of the time. When you need to be, however, you can manipulate your brain and body to rise to the challenge. Here’s how to fool yourself into living up to your full potential in a moment’s notice.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could absorb a power star or some sort of video-game-style power-up when you needed to overcome an obstacle that you just don’t have the energy for? It’s an alluring idea, and in ways, it’s more possible than you might think.

Look at it this way: your reasons for avoiding everything from work to exercise to social activity are all self-inflicted. We’re subconsciously playing tricks on our brains to avoid doing work. In this article, we’re going to look at how reverse the behaviors that cause common problems to solve them instead.

Work When You Want to Procrastinate

Because we’re so bad at predicting the future and, therefore, almost unaware of the ramifications of our current actions, we’re great at procrastinating. Even though you know you’ll regret it later, you do it anyway because you can’t (yet) feel the inevitable pain that’s a direct result of your procrastination — poor work, unfinished work, and compounded stress. Several methods help you beat procrastination, but nothing fools your mind into wanting to work like using procrastination’s greatest weapon against itself: emotion.

You procrastinate because you want immediate gratification. When pitted against a murky future that has no associated emotion, you’re inclined to choose the happiness you can achieve right now. On top of that, delaying gratification just increased your desire. In order to make work a priority, it needs to feel more gratifying than hopping on Facebook or watching television. You accomplish this by explaining why you want to do something rather than simply knowing what needs to be done.

For example, tell yourself you want to do your laundry right now because your favorite shirt is dirty and you want to look your best tomorrow. Looking good matters to you because you have an important meeting and want to feel confident. When you consider the reasons behind an action you want to take, you inevitably unleash the emotions you’ve associated with it. This is often enough to convince you to get started, and getting started is everything.

What keeps you working is curiosity. While laundry isn’t going to inspire your sense of wonder, you can fool your brain when it comes to grander, less-tedious tasks. They key is providing your brain with cliffhangers or, more specifically, just don’t stop working when you’re done with a task — stop in the middle. Doing so keeps you thinking about where you’ll go next. This not only elicits and eagerness to pick up your work where you left off, but will allow your mind to solve problems when you’re not working. By turning procrastination’s greatest asset against itself and remaining endlessly curious, you’ll have little trouble working despite any distractions.

Socialize More Effectively

Nobody’s born with a magnetic personality and impeccable social skills. Sometimes you’re capable of charming the room, but sometimes you’re tired and don’t want to put in the effort. When those times come, just use a couple of simple tasks to push your brain and body to a more social place.

First, exercise is your best friend. It helps get you in the mood for a social situation because of the cognitive benefits it provides, such as an effect similar to antidepressants and lower levels of anxiety. This makes it easier to feel happy and less-inhibited when socializing. In fact, a lack of physical activity makes it harder to think, so you’re not only gaining a greater social capacity but countering negative effects as well. The good news is that these basic benefits require very little work. Just 20 pushups or a brisk walk can do the trick.

But socializing is easier when you feel good, and exercise boosts your happiness through the production of chemicals called endorphins. While we don’t know everything there is to know about endorphins, we do understand that they play a large role in inciting a pleasure response and blocking the transmission of pain signals. HowStuffWorks explains how physical activity causes this wonderful chemical reaction in your brain:

Exercise stimulates endorphin production as well, but for a different reason. You’re probably familiar with the term “runner’s high,” which refers to the euphoric feeling one sometimes gets when exercising. Researchers have found that light-to-moderate weight training or cardiovascular exercise doesn’t produce endorphins, only heavy weights or training that incorporates sprinting or other anaerobic exertion.

The obvious downside is that a tiny bit of exercise isn’t going to give you many happy chemicals, so you’ll need to work hard to gain that benefit. Nonetheless, exercise is good for you so you’ll be improving your health while tricking your brain into feeling like a social butterfly.

In addition to exercise, priming your brain using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)can put you in the right mindset. This involves reciting a given set of words that are designed to alter the way you’re thinking. If this sounds dubious and like something you’d find in a fantasy novel, you’re not the first person to think that.

NLP is backed by Yale studies and found its way into one of Malcolm Gladwell’s books, The Tipping Point. There’s no clear proof that this technique works, but I use it sparingly when I need to convince myself to do something. Perhaps it’s the placebo effect taking root in my brain, but either way I’m able to motivate myself by attempting to shift my perspective with words. It doesn’t take very much time to try, so give it a shot if you want or just stick to exercise if you don’t like it.

So how does it work? You just read a bunch of words (out loud) that are reminiscent of the way you want to feel. While the individual words have no specific value, together they have an associative value that can change your current perspective. In our case, we want a list of words you can recite to prime your brain for social activity. Here’s an example:

smile, enjoy, see, together, go, good, free, shine

This list provides positive associations, but is generic. You’ll want to expand it to include other words that have the same effect for you, personally.

Priming your brain with your expanded list will help to put you in a better mindset for social activity. It’s no magic trick, and a little recitation isn’t going to instantly turn you into the life of a party, but it might alter the way you approach social situations for the better. Personally, I prefer to just talk myself into a social activity I don’t feel up to—sort of like a self-pep talk. Any type of talking to yourself may help or may feel like a waste of time. Either way, it only takes a few minutes to find out.

Make Exercise Easier

Many people are blessed with aspirations of great health and fitness, but few with the desire to actually exercise. It’s exhausting, hard work that requires a shower afterwards, making it a prime target for excuses. But just as your brain can figure out plenty of ways to keep you off of the treadmill, you can take measures to trick your brain into ignoring them.

As with everything, the key is to take an action to get you started because that will alert your brain that you are actually going to exercise. One of the simplest starting points is to consume a little caffeine. While the substance has numerous effects on your brain and body, in small amounts it can help you ignore muscle fatigue. On top of that, being slightly more alert can help you muster the energy you need to get through that seemingly torturous workout. Tea is an ideal option as it also contains theobromine and theophylline, which can relax your muscles. Taking this small action gives you first step towards exercise and a slight edge when you do.

While getting started is the hardest part, staying motivated can be a challenge at times as well. A study conducted at the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University found that you’ll work harder when listening to uptempo music, meaning you need to get a good playlist in order. All the music you choose should have have a tempo in the range of 120 to 140 beats per minute (BPM). A fast-paced playlist won’t necessarily make your exercise feel easier, but it will trick your brain into pushing your body hard enough to complete your routine.

Use These Tricks Sparingly, or They’ll Stop Working

Here’s the unfortunate catch to this whole idea: If you use these tricks too frequently, they’ll start to fail you. Initially, you allow yourself to be fooled because you’re hopeful and lured in by potential, but if these techniques become too familiar, you run the risk of reducing their efficacy. Moderation is key. You can help yourself out by using these tricks when you need them, but you’ll waste a good thing if you use them too frequently. Think of these methods as a secret weapon, and not as an everyday solution.


By Adam Dachis / Source


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Posted by on February 10, 2014 in WISDOM


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You can always cope with the Now, but you can never cope with the future – nor do you have to.




Are you stressed? Are you so busy getting to the future that the present is reduced to a means of getting there? Stress is caused by being “here” but wanting to be “there,” or being in the present but wanting to be in the future. It’s a split that tears you apart inside.

Does the past take up a great deal of your attention? Do you frequently talk and think about it, either positively or negatively? The great things that you have achieved, your adventures or experiences, or your victim story and the dreadful things that were done to you, or maybe what you did to someone else?

Are your thought processes creating guilt, pride, resentment, anger, regret, or self-pity? Then you are not only reinforcing a false sense of self but also helping to accelerate your body’s aging process by creating an accumulation of past in your psyche. Verify this for yourself by observing those around you who have a strong tendency to hold on to the past.

Die To The Past Every Moment

You don’t need it. Only refer to it when it is absolutely relevant to the present. Feel the power of this moment and the fullness of Being. Feel your presence.

Are you worried? Do you have many “what if” thoughts? You are identified with your mind, which is projecting itself into an imaginary future situation and creating fear. There is no way that you can cope with such a situation, because it doesn’t exist. It’s a mental phantom.

You can stop this health- and life-corroding insanity simply by acknowledging the present moment.

Become Aware Of Your Breathing

Feel the air flowing in and out of your body. Feel your inner energy field. All that you ever have to deal with, cope with, in real life — as opposed to imaginary mind projections — is this moment. Ask yourself what “problem” you have right now, not next year, tomorrow, or five minutes from nöw. What is wrong with this moment?

You can always cope with the Now, but you can never cope with the future — nor do you have to. The answer, the strength, the right action, or the resource will be there when you need it, not before, not after.

Are you a habitual “waiter”? How much of your life do you spend waiting? What I call “small-scale waiting” is waiting in line at the post office, in a traffïc jam, at the airport, or waiting for someone to arrive, to finish work, and so on. “Large-scale waiting” is waiting for the next vacation, for a better job, for the children to grow up, for a truly meaningful relationship, for success, to make monëy, to be important, to become enlightened. It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.

Waiting is a state of mind. Basically, it means that you want the future; you don’t want the present. You don’t want what you’ve got, and you want what you haven’t got. With every kind of waiting, you unconsciously create inner conflict between your here and now, where you don’t want to be, and the projected future, where you want to be. This greatly reduces the quality of your life by making you losë the present.

For example, many people are waiting for prosperity. It cannot come in the future. When you honor, acknowledge, and fully accept your present reality — where you are, who you are, what you are doing right now — when you fully accept what you have got, you are grateful for what you have got, grateful for what is, grateful for Being. Gratitude for the present moment and the fullness of life now is true prosperity. It cannot come in the future. Then, in time, that prosperity manifests for you in various ways.

If you are dissatisfied with what you have got, or even frustrated or angry about your present lack, that may motivate you to become rich, but even if you do make millïons, you will continue to experience the inner condition of lack, and deep down you will continue to feel unfulfilled. You may have many exciting experiences that monëy can buy, but they will come and go and always leave you with an empty feeling and the need for further physical or psychological gratification. You won’t abide in Being and so feel the fullness of life nöw that alone is true prosperity.

Give Up Waiting As A State Of Mind

When you catch yourself slipping into waiting… snap out of it. Come into the present moment. Just be, and enjoy being. If you are present, there is never any need for you to wait for anything.

So next time somebody says, “Sorry to have kept you waiting,” you can reply, “That’s all right, I wasn’t waiting. I was just standing here enjoying myself — in joy in my self.”

These are just a few of the habitual mind strategies for denying the present moment that are part of ordinary unconsciousness. They are easy to overlook because they are so much a part of normal living: the background static of perpetual discontent. But the more you practice monitoring your inner mental-emotional state, the easier it will be to know when you have been trapped in past or future, which is to say unconscious, and to awaken out of the dream of time into the present. But beware: The false, unhappy self, based on mind identification, lives on time. It knows that the present moment is its own death and so feels very threatened by it. It will do all it can to take you out of it. It will try to keep you trapped in time.

In a sense, the state of presence could be compared to waiting. It is a qualitatively different kind of waiting, one that requires your total alertness. Something could happen at any moment, and if you are not absolutely awake, absolutely still, you will miss it. In that state, all your attention is in the Now. There is none left for daydreaming, thinking, remembering, anticipating. There is no tension in it, no fear, just alert presence. You are present with your whole Being, with every cell of your body.

In that state, the “you” that has a past and a future, the personality if you like, is hardly there anymore. And yet nothing of value is lost. You are still essentially yourself. In fact, you are more fully yourself than you ever were before, or rather it is only now that you are truly yourself.

The past cannot survive in your presence. Whatever you need to know about the unconscious past in you, the challenges of the present will bring it out. If you delve into the past, it will become a bottomless pit: There is always more. You may think that you need more time to understand the past or become free of it, in other words, that the future will eventually free you of the past. This is a delusion. Only the present can free you of the past. More time cannot free you of time.

Access the power of Now. That is the key. The power of Now is none other than the power of your presence, your consciousness liberated from thought forms. So deal with the past on the level of the present. The more attention you give to the past, the more you energize it, and the more likely you are to make a “self” out of it.

Don’t misunderstand: Attention is essential, but not to the past as past. Give attention to the present; give attention to your behavior, to your reactions, moods, thoughts, emotions, fears, and desires as they occur in the present. There’s the past in you. If you can be present enough to watch all those things, not critically or analytically but nonjudgmentally, then you are dealing with the past and dissolving it through the power of your presence.

You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You find yourself by coming into the present.

By Eckhart Tolle, Author of The Power of Now

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Posted by on January 16, 2014 in WISDOM


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Power Tool: Take any object like a flower, rock, pen or anything else. Look at the selected object without straining. Carefully look at the object in a relaxed manner. Become aware of all the details of this object. Do not take any notice of thoughts that arise and attempt to associate what you are observing with something else. Perceive the object without thinking or forming perceptions. Don’t compare or link the object with anything else. Just relax and observe.





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Posted by on December 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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The Absence of Desire is the Beginning of Happiness

Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already know, but never apply!

If you look closely, all your desires are actually like mirages.

An illusion you never get to that makes your life into a never-ending, non-fulfilling story that only keeps you wanting more.

When you’re walking in the desert, and you see the image of a lake, you thirst. You keep walking after the lake, but the more you walk, the more you thirst, the further the lake gets away from you.

And your thirst is never quenched.

This is the same insane madness that most of us live our lives in constantly… constantly wanting something else to be fulfilled. Constantly thinking about an imaginary future that will bring salvation.

This is “normal life”… as it seems.

After all, it’s what your parents taught you to do… It’s what everyone else is doing…

But, essentially, it’s madness! Because you keep going somewhere…and… You never get there!

You have small glimpses of peace, enlightenment, bliss,… “sanity” in between.

Here’s what you may have not noticed before… Eventually when you do get what you want… you are happy for a very brief while.

Why are you happy?

“Because I got what I want!” one might say.

Actually – it’s because for that moment… there is an absence of desire.

When you have no desire… all of a sudden, you’re happy for no reason. (but your mind of course links this to the fact that you achieved your “desired” outcome). In that moment, your mind stops… you are empty, you do not need anything else.

Desire is heavy. Why? Because there is a simple law in the Universe.. “What you focus on expands.” And when you desire… what expands? The assumption that you do not have what you want.

And “not having”… is a very heavy thing. It’s dull, depressing, agony. This is the pressure you feel in your bell right when overwhelming desire for getting something builds. This is the pressure and “blind spot” which actually makes your life a struggle.

The paradox is… when you are desire-less… When you are empty of all desire…

It takes only a single thought to move your life situation in the direction of that thought.

It takes only a single thought, and slight intention behind it…and of course, a little action on your part…


Whatever it is you “wanted”… somehow ends up in your life very shortly. Without the heaviness behind your desires…The Universe unfolds at your feet.

Of course… this can become a trap by itself again… as your mind can “own” this as another concept and begin to play with it, talk about it, find it interesting. Then, begin to use this as just another “fancier” way to “get what I want and keep it”

This is “fake spirituality” 🙂 And eventually leads to your suffering anyway. As you begin attached to everything you bring into your life.

Become desire-less, self-less, attach-less, then you are like the drop of clear water through which the sunlight moves through… And the rainbow appears 🙂

May all beings be free
Kacper M. Postawski
Creator of Swimming In Abundance and Dancing With the Universe

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Posted by on December 2, 2013 in WISDOM


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SELF-TALK – You are constantly redefining yourself and your future with every thought of your mind.

You are constantly redefining yourself and your future with every thought of your mind. You are constantly talking to yourself and this inner dialogue should be managed properly and directed towards your own success, victory achievements and accomplishments.

Your most important conversations are those you conduct yourself. Self-talk governs your emotional state, which in turn affects your mental and physical well-being.


What is self-talk?


Self-talk can be most simply defined as what you say or think to yourself, either silently or aloud. Silent self-talk is commonly referred to as your thoughts, but it’s actually a silent conversation that you hold in the privacy of your mind.


You are thinking all the time, day and night, 24 hours a day. In fact, psychologists estimate that the average person has 20,000-60,000 thoughts per day. Every thought either moves you towards your goals and the person you hope to become, or it moves you away. No thoughts are neutral. Every thought counts.


Unfortunately, approximately 90 percent of your thoughts today are repeats from yesterday and the thoughts you have today are repeats from yesterday and the day before, and the day preceding that.

This is the primary reason why effecting permanent, positive improvement in your life tends to be such an uphill challenge.

The human mind loves the status quo and, if not trained otherwise, it will feed you a constant repetition of old ideas. Those old thoughts, like and automatic pilot, will keep steering your life in the same direction it has always gone.


Among the most powerful influence on your character, personality, and attitude is what you say to yourself and what you belief. Every single moment of every day, you are either talking yourself into or out of success.


You are constantly redefining and reinventing yourself and your future with every thought on your mind. It’s a scientific fact that your thoughts race through your mind. It’s a scientific fact that you are constantly talking to yourself, and this inner dialogue, or self-talk can and must be controlled if you are to maximize your potential.


 Positive self-talk


You must make the shift from reactive thinking to proactive thinking. You must stop working for your mind and instead, enlist your mind to work for you. Remember, your self-talk tends to work against you unless you are aware of it.


Use it for your own goals and ambitions. A belief is a collection of subconscious thoughts which represent what you consider to be the absolute truth about any given situation or condition in your life. It’s a feeling of absolute certainty.


Your beliefs are literally hardwired, primarily through repetition, into neural pathways within your brain. Incoming data from your senses travels along these pathways on its way to interpretation in the brain.


You must feed your mind like you feed your healthy body. You eat wholesome food to have a thought to have a healthy mental outlook on life and work.


Try to apply the following exercise to eliminate negative self-talk.


* The first step is to determine the number of negative statements you make to yourself during a day. Place two jars in your workspace – one filled with coins, the other empty. Every time you have a negative thought, transfer a coin into the empty jar. At the end of the day count the coins – are there more coins in the negative – thought jar than in the other one?

 * The next day list 28 negative things that you think about yourself – for example, “I’m not good with computers.” Take 28 index cards (one for each day of the next four weeks) and on each card write a positive version response to it – for example, “I can take a computing course if I want to.”

* At the start of each day take one card and put it where you will see it often. Whenever you see your card, read it to yourself five times.

* At the end of the four-week period, repeat the first step. This time there should be fewer coins in your negative – thought jar.


Your are changing


At this very moment you are changing! Nobody stays the same for any length of time. You are continually and constantly changing in the specific direction that your thoughts and goals lead you.


You are what you are and where you are because of the dominating thoughts you have allowed to occupy your mind.


Practical examples




‘I handled that badly’ ‘I forgot what to say again’




‘I need to handle things betternext time.


‘In future I need to remember to say…’


Get rid of excuses


Many people hold themselves back by making unjustifiable and largely untrue excuses to themselves. Such as


* ‘I can’t

* ‘I am unable to because…’

* ‘I haven’t had the right education’

* ‘I am not assertive enough’

* ‘I suffer from poor health’

* ‘I am not lucky’

* ‘I am never in the right place at the right time’

* ‘I did not go to the right schools’

* ‘It is my family background’

* ‘I was born under the wrong birth sign’


Anybody can find an excuse for almost anything. In building confidence, never, make an excuse. Excuses do hold people back from goal achievement.


Try to eradicate from your thinking and speaking vocabulary like “I can’t” and “I am not” and replace them with, “I can” and “I am”.


Remember, your brain is a storage area – what you put in, you will be able to get them back. Replace the negative insertions with the positive.


More examples

Instead of Consider: I have a problem, Here’s an opportunity to, If I can meet this challenge.


Instead of Consider: I am not good at, I am getting better at, I am learning to, I have discovered that.


Instead of Consider: I failed to, Here is what I learned from, The lesson on that project is, I realized that, I discovered it is not.


Typical self-talk


* It is impossible.

* It is very difficult to cope.

* I will probably spend the holidays and weekends in the office.

* It is too much. I am expected to take on everybody’s….

* I have to handle left over jobs.


Constructive self-talk


* I will manage.

* Let me phone the office and ask if an alternate arrangement can be made.

* I can keep my other appointments anyway.

* I will call Mr. X and tell him my position and apologise.

* Such things can happen to anyone at times.


Self-talk will lead to personal belief system


The total accumulation of data involving everything that has ever happened to you in your life is referred to as your personal belief system. It serves as your frame of reference as you continue to experience new things in life and work and represents the total “Programming” of your mind.


When a mahout takes over a baby elephant, he first chains it by a hind leg to a stake. The baby, of course, tries to break free, but it can’t until the mahout comes and releases it. After a while, it believes that if cannot get free unless the mahout releases it, and soon, it does not even try.


When this baby grows into an adult elephant. It still retains the same belief and that is why even a huge and powerful elephant can safely be tied to a weak stake with a light chain. If it actually tried, it could get free in one wrench. But it does not believe it can and doesn’t even try.


A number of our beliefs operate in a similar manner. They are acquired when the circumstances were appropriate, but they tend to persist even after circumstances change, and what is more, we tend to evaluate new circumstances in the light of the old belief.


Beliefs shape our actions


Beliefs shape our actions. They make the rules and boundaries within which we operate. Once beliefs are formed. It is not only difficult to change them. It is also difficult to recognize them as beliefs.


We begin to think we just know about something – I just know I will fail, I just know I will lose, or more positively, I just know I will win. These gut feelings are actually our acquired beliefs.


Beliefs can be about anything and the most important beliefs are our self-beliefs: what we believe to be true about ourselves and our capabilities.


When faced with any situation, project or responsibility, we do a quick summing up in our minds about our abilities and what is required to handle the situation. The end result of this summing up is the belief (or lack of it) that we can handle the situation.


Our self-beliefs can be extremely stubborn and the mind tends to rationalize outcomes in keeping with the beliefs we hold. For instance, if you belief in your ability to do a certain task successfully and you fail, the mind rationalizes that we failed because of someone else’s mistakes or uncertain, market conditions or lack of support.


On the other hand, if you believe that you can’t do a certain task successfully and yet succeed at it. While you may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome, you will soon start attributing the success to luck or chance or another’s help. A belief once formed is always stronger and whatever happens after. Is interpreted in the light of that belief.


This tendency to believe out beliefs has important implications. Obviously, there is no harm done if our beliefs are positive. But if they are negative, they can hold us back throughout out it.


If for some reason a person believes that he cannot make money or that he can’t get a promotion, or cannot draw or play a musical instrument, that belief will hold true for him throughout his life unless he actively takes steps to question it.


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Posted by on November 19, 2013 in WISDOM


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Life is not about FINDING yourself – It is about CREATING yourself.






ARE YOU SICK OF THE SAME OLD STUFF? Most people live as if there is some kind of invisible force that captured their will and ability to remain active and productive. They act as if they are helpless victims of life and circumstances. Just look around you and see if you can detect one single person that made a really dramatic and sustained modification (turnaround) to his or her unsatisfactory lifestyle.

People often bitch and moan about their work, relationships, spouses and unruly children and act as if they are the victims of some sinister plot. When you go to social occasions you often discover that most people spend hours trying to top each other’s “victim” stories while they stare at each other through the bottoms of their cocktail glasses. When you finally drive home after these “socials” you often feel drained and incomplete.

Your “social” with your friends might have made you feel slightly better initially because you received confirmation that you are not the only one that are a victim in this cesspool called life. You are exposed to “bad news” messages wherever you go. Whenever you feel enthusiastic and upbeat, buy a newspaper. Before you read two pages you will be back to your normal subdued self.

We might feel that we are living under very testing conditions today and that our situation is unique, but when you investigate the “victim” phenomena worldwide you will find that most people suffer with this form of mental bondage.

We use crime and instability as our crutch to justify our victim behaviour in South Africa. You will discover that an endless range of excuses are used to justify “victim” behaviour globally even when crime is not so visible as in South Africa. The bottom line is that “victim” behaviour is something that comes from the inside, from your own mind.

We tend to “think” ourselves to a standstill and into an early grave. The “look at me, I am a victim” turmoil in the world has reached pandemic proportions. The collective negative mood on planet earth is negative and very destructive. The main reason why people experience these very immobilizing emotions is because of the overall habit of living in the PAST or the FUTURE. We can think up the most amazing disasters in the theatre of our minds. We can die a thousand deaths in our mind with our habit of projecting ourselves into imagined future disasters.




We form opinions at a very young age about most things in life. We have “feelings” about almost anything that we can ever be faced with. Any conclusion that we came to during our lifetime will usually remain part of our coping style until the day we die.

Most people fail to understand that “everything will remain the same until a change is made”. If you are allowing fear of something that might never happen to control your thinking you are disqualifying yourself from the reality of the now.

Just think of the key areas in your life such as your work, relationships and general lifestyle and take stock of your “general” behaviour in these areas. You need to study your habitual reaction pattern in any area if it is not working as you hoped it would. Stop waiting for others to modify their behaviour, beg you for forgiveness or that the problem will go away.

Become bold and active and start doing something about whatever you feel is bothering you. Nothing will change until you activate such change. Remember if you are in waiting mode and your dispute is with someone else you are handing control to this person. When you live in the NOW and you act in the present tense you make your life predictable and much more stress free. When you live in the FUTURE and fail to take action in the NOW you are “manufacturing” your own house of pain.


The only way that you can escape this stuck in the future or past zone is to begin to live in the NOW. Give yourself a fair chance to make a success of any given day. You can do this by talking to yourself.

Tell yourself that you are not interested in things that might never happen or that happened in the past. You are talking to yourself all day long, make these “chats” constructive and motivational. Give yourself a break and stop running yourself down. When you find your mind drifting into the “horror” mode tell yourself that you are not going to waste energy on events that may never happen. If you mind drifts into the “feel sorry for me mode”, take control and say, “I create my own circumstances and will not create a torture chamber for myself today.” Wipe the slate clean every morning and attack each day with enthusiasm and commitment. Live for the moment my friend. Today and each and every day is indeed a new day with wonderful opportunities if you are focused on the now.


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Posted by on November 15, 2013 in WISDOM


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MOVIES IN YOUR MIND: Every time you worry you make movies in your mind that are full of imagined horror, disaster scenes and unhappy endings. Fear used by your ego) is the director, producer and writer of these fictional horror movies that you often play on the screen of your mind. A frightening fiction takes the place of reality. Worry robs you of your wisdom, your power and your true creativity. It will attempt to steal your sanity, take away your piece of mind, destroy your relationships and make off with your sense of humour.

Worry cannot give you anything of value and was always and will forever remain a taker. Your ego loves to see you cringe with fear and cry in agony because it gives him a feeling of control and power. While you are mentally kept busy fearing what might happen (ten seconds or ten years from now) you can give very little attention to what is actually happening in the now. Your mind is not in the now and predominantly occupied with the anticipated pending disasters, losses or pain that might come your way at some future time.

Because of your strong desire to survive, live, avoid pain and loss your mind goes into a panic mode, frantically looking for potential remedies for these disasters that might materialise at some future time. Once the ego successfully puts you on the run mentally it will put more wood on the fire by using fear to fuel the flames that are already busy burning your self-image and self-esteem to a crisp.

Once you are trapped in this horror movie that portrays painful disaster that could materialise at some future date the ego dances with joy. When this happened he successfully removed you from the NOW and forces you to work frantically on the FUTURE.

While you are locked into the future and busy wreaking your brain for answers to predominantly imaginary problems that might never effect you, you lose all your ability to remain successful and effective in the now. A friend once said, “You build imaginary castles and then even have the audacity to paint them”. Worry has never once in the whole history of the human race saved the day. At best worry is an alarm bell, but no alarm bell has ever put out a fire. The only way you can break this deadly habit of living in the future is to replace worry with something much more constructive and productive.


I WORRY ABOUT MY CHILDREN: Worry affirms fear, danger, weakness and mistrust. Worry will never make your child safe. Most parents know how painful it can be to wait for a child when he or she is out. You lie awake and create the most horrific pictures in your mind. You see your child in the mangled wreck of his or her car or how he or she lies in an ally bleeding with no one to help him or her.

When you think about your worries about your children carefully you finally come to the conclusion that you can worry yourself to a standstill or heart attack and can still not make the slightest change to their fate while they are away. You cannot protect him or her, ward off robbers or kill a potential rapist while you are lying in your bed perspiring with fear and anxiety.

All you are doing is causing yourself serious discomfort about something that you have very little control over. The only way to handle this type of worry is to teach your children wisdom, people skills and ethics and then to trust them when they leave the house for a party or evening out. Keep in mind that they are children and will make just as many mistakes as you made at that age. When they fail, let you down or make a mistake they need your support and not a lecture about what could have been if they listened to you. You must learn to let go for your own sake and for the sake of your children.


I WORRY ABOUT MY FRIENDS: Worry is not love it is fear in action. When you worry about someone you are sending them a stream of fear and doubt. You are filling your heart and mind with danger. Remember you can worry yourself to a standstill and it will still not change a thing about what may or may not befall your friend(s).

I know we are living in a period in our history that is inundated with danger. There is virtually no family or friendship circle that has not been touched by a tragedy cause by the crime wave that is virtually out of control in our country. It forces us to live in the future and to feed our egos that are having a field day feeding on our fear.

We must just remember that all our worry will not diminish the danger or prevent injury or death to come to our friends. We can remind them to be careful and wish them well. Once they leave we need to let go of them. If we mentally remain attached to them until we see them the next time we are taking on a heavy, but useless responsibility.

You can worry yourself into a stupor and still discover that “what will be will be”. The only victim here is you. Let us be perfectly honest and agree that percentage wise the odds are with us that we will see our friends safe and sound when they return. If you are over-sensitised about crime then stop reading newspapers and switch off the news for a while. All you are doing is feeding your ego with the affirmations that scream at you from most newspaper front pages. Let go and accept that all your worrying will not ensure the safe return of your friends.


I WORRY ABOUT ROMANCE: The more you worry about finding or keeping a partner, the needier, controlling, manipulative and demanding you become. Worry about the love in your life can be devastating. You are killing your romance when you allow fear of loss and failure to take over your thinking.

There is nothing that you can do to “police” your wife, husband or lover. When you allow “fear of loss” or “suspicion” to take over your thinking you are setting your relationship up for failure. Worry will not cause your partner to remain faithful to you. You are just poisoning your mind and your relationship when you sit at home worrying yourself to a standstill about the fidelity of your partner. It will not prevent your partner from straying; all it will do is make your life and the life of your partner a living hell.


I WORRY ABOUT MY HEALTH: Worry will not make you healthier or fitter. On the contrary, enough worry will give you headaches, migraines, stress, ulcers, hypertension and ill health.

Go to any doctor’s consulting room and you will find that 75% of the patients in the waiting room suffer with some form of stress related illness. Worry does not contribute in any way to good health or longevity. If you feel worried about anything when it comes to health matters then go and see a good doctor.

Avoid self-diagnoses at all cost and listen to his or her advice. You can put yourself and everybody that have something to do with you through hell if you become over sensitised on your body. I am not even going to attempt to give you health tips in this document, but want you to accept that the habit or worry will not contribute in any shape or form to your overall health status.


I can continue using examples like this forever. I know people that worry because they do not have something to worry about. The habit of worry always takes you into the future and is driven by fear of the unknown. Worry is a sure sign that indicates to you that you are no longer living your life in the moment. You allowed your ego to hijack your ability to think and act in the now. It forces you to live in the future.

I am sure that you have experienced many nightmares during your lifetime. Can you still remember how you were tormented in these dreams? How you tried to run and hide without much success. When you allow worry to cast your mind into the future you are also unable to do anything about the horror scripts that you wrote and play in these mentally projected dramas.

Only when you wake up and return to the now and your heart stops pounding with fear can you take control of your worry. You become totally inefficient when you leave the “now” level and attempt to operate in the past or future. When you discover the power of the now your life takes on a powerful new dimension. Fear flees in front of a person that is well grounded in the moment.

When you become a person that can tune out the future and the past and remain focused in the moment you become powerful and worry-proof. When you understand that worry and guilt are the two most useless emotions ever invented you raise your game of life to levels that you never thought possible. Once you understand the utter futility of future living you can live, love and perform powerful deeds in the now. Most of us have no clue what is going to happen even thirty seconds from now. All we have to work with is our own warped forecasts.

Live today as if it is your last day on the planet and you will come alive and wake up from your nightmare lifestyle. The day that you loose your fear of dying you wake up to life. The day that you stop worrying what other people think of you, you come alive and experience purity. The day that you unconditionally accepts what that day may present you with you cross the bridge of courage and endurance. You can remove all the horror images that your ego has created when you decide to LIVE IN THE NOW. You are the creator of your world and can decide who and what may live or die in your creation.


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Posted by on October 25, 2013 in WISDOM


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FREE BOOK DOWNLOAD – There is a growing concern among many younger people today that they do not have the skills to approach life and be successful.


There is a growing concern among many younger people today that they do not have the skills to approach life and be successful. These young adults seem to suffer collectively from a lack of self-esteem. We have to ask why a whole generation seems to be afraid of their own future. We need to understand that a lack of self-esteem is easily corrected by those who desire to; there is a simple and effective cure for low self-esteem.

The book Think and Grow Rich there is a simple and effective method of achieving your desires, and the author Napoleon Hill named it “auto-suggestion” since until that time it had not been named. Today some of us will recognize the technique as something different but the principle remains the same and it works. Using auto-suggestion will indeed cause you to find self-esteem and self-confidence, and once you master this technique there is no limit to what you can be or do.

Briefly, there are three parts to your mind, the conscious which uses the senses to interpret information, to control the satisfaction of basic needs, and to think. Then there is the unconscious mind that controls the automatic functions such as blood flow and breathing. Lastly, there is the subconscious mind that is the controller of habits, beliefs, and behavior as well as the connection to the universal mind. The universal mind, also known as the higher power, is the provider of all things, it will give you everything you ask for, and the subconscious mind is what does the asking. It is the subconscious mind that can and does control your destiny, and it is the job of the conscious mind to direct the subconscious, yet here is where most of us fail.

However, we can teach our subconscious to behave differently through the process called autosuggestion. With simple actions taken by our conscious mind, we can program our subconscious to believe anything. Realize that it is what the subconscious believes that brings into our lives those physical things that correspond with those beliefs. Through years of programming we have been taught, and have directed our subconscious to believe that we are limited. Some of us were taught that life is hard and you don’t always get what you want, others were taught that you are disadvantaged for some reason and so would never achieve greatness or success. These beliefs were accepted by the subconscious and so it communicates with the universal and it provides what you believe and so you remain in poverty, working to just barely get by, as you “know” life is hard.

Here is where you have to change what your subconscious believes. You have to correct your way of thinking, and it is remarkably easy with auto-suggestion  In the book Think and Grow Rich there is a simple and effective method listed, and for brevity sake, it will be paraphrased here. First, determine what exactly it is that you desire, you must be specific and detailed. The book Think and Grow Rich gives you many reasons why, but we are being brief for this article. Secondly, you must write it down on paper, do not skimp on details and do not be afraid of expending ink. Third, promise yourself that you will read it out-loud every day, and then do so. Fourth, think about what you have written, at first do so with every meal, then as it will become a habit and you may think about your paper and its content even more frequently. Fifth, act upon what you have written, any action will do as long as it is relevant to your desire.

You will see results after only a week, you will feel the effects after only two days, this will work amazingly quickly for your benefit, and it is so easy you will wonder why you haven’t been doing this your whole life. Do not get angry for not having been shown this technique before, just understand that the universal provides to you what you desire only when you are ready to receive it, and until now, you were simply not ready. Now you are, you have found this information and it is time to use it.

Be Blessed

By: Ralston Heath

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Posted by on October 24, 2013 in WISDOM


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Imagine seeing better by thinking differently. That’s a vision with a future!

Imagine seeing better by thinking differently. That’s a vision with a future, according to Harvard University psychologist Ellen Langer.

Eyesight markedly improved when people were experimentally induced to believe that they could see especially well, Langer and her colleagues report in the April Psychological Science.

Such expectations actually enhanced visual clarity, rather than simply making volunteers more alert or motivated to focus on objects, they assert.

Langer’s new findings build on long-standing evidence that visual perception depends not just on relaying information from the eyes to the brain but on experience-based assumptions about what can be seen in particular situations. Those expectations lead people to devote limited attention to familiar scenes and, as a result, to ignore unusual objects and events.

In perhaps the most eye-popping of Langer’s new findings, 20 men and women who saw a reversed eye chart — arranged so that letters became progressively larger further down the chart, with a giant “E” at the bottom — accurately reported more letters from the smallest two lines than they did when shown a traditional eye chart with the big letters on top. All volunteers had normal eyesight.

These results reflect people’s expectation, based on experience with standard eye charts, that letters are easy to see at the top and become increasingly difficult to distinguish on lower lines, the researchers suggest.

Participants who said they thought that they could improve their eyesight with practice displayed a bigger vision boost on the reversed chart than those who didn’t think improvement was possible, but only for the next-to-smallest line. Both groups did equally well at reading the smallest, topmost line.

Another set of experiments included 63 members of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps at MIT. Eye testing determined that their vision ranged from below average to excellent.

An experimenter told a group of 22 cadets to assume the role of a fighter pilot while operating a flight simulator. During this exercise, participants tried to identify letters shown on four plane wings of approaching aircraft. Each wing contained one of the bottom four lines of an eye chart.

Another 20 cadets performed the visual task while pretending to fly a plane in a simulator that they were told was broken. Ten other cadets read a motivational essay before the exercise. A final group of 11 cadets didn’t use a simulator but practiced eye exercises that researchers described as capable of improving eyesight before taking an eye test.

Vision improved substantially for nine of 22 simulator pilots compared with none of those who pretended to fly, two of 11 eye exercisers and one person in the motivational group. Simulator pilots did so well relative to the others because they more thoroughly adopted a mind-set of being real fighter pilots with presumably superior vision, the researchers posit. An initial survey of ROTC members found that they attributed particularly good vision to fighter pilots.

Simulator pilots with below-average vision displayed the biggest jumps in visual performance, perhaps because they had more room for improvement, the researchers suggest.

These results suggest that if eye exercise programs designed to improve vision work for some people, it’s not because of any physical effect on the eyes or brain. Such regimens “may be effective because they prime the belief that exercise improves vision,” Langer and her colleagues write.

Mind-set may boost visual performance without sharpening vision itself, comments psychologist Daniel Simons of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Experimental manipulations in the new study, such as reversing the arrangement of an eye chart, may have made volunteers more willing to guess when they felt a bit unsure, Simons says. Such guesses stand a good chance of being right, in his view.

By Bruce Bower / Source: Science News

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Posted by on September 17, 2013 in WISDOM


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We spoil many wonderful potential moments with our adamant habit of projecting our FEARS into the FUTURE.

We often overlay our current moment with our expectations rooted in fear. We anticipate the future by filtering it through our past experiences. Decide today that you will from now on manage your life ONE MOMENT at a time. Most of the things we fear never come to pass. We spoil many wonderful potential moments with our adamant habit of projecting our FEARS into the FUTURE. All that is real is this current moment. This moment is all you have!



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Posted by on September 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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The element that decides your fate and future my friend is money.

There is one element that decides how long you will live, how you dress, what you drive, where you stay, what you eat, who you marry and where your children go to school. This element is money. Look at the layers in society. You have the affluent at the top of the pyramid and the struggling bottom feeders right at the bottom of the pyramid found in all societies. Many of us were born into a certain layer in society. Try as we may we fail to break out of the law of gravity that keeps us locked into our social layer. It is easy to say that everybody have an equal chance of reaching the top of this pyramid. That is a bullshit story. It is almost as ridicules as the myth told by many churches that God provides each person with the same opportunity to go the heaven. Look around you and you will see that there is no equality in society. The churches say that God works on a “one strike and you are out” principle. You have one life time that can end at any time and need to find Jesus in that time allocation or your will be toasted.

The element that decides your fate and future my friend is money. Most of the money in all societies is in the hands of those that reside close to the top of the pyramid of life. Those lower down in the middle class and the bottom feeders at the base of the pyramid is expected to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. The lower you enter the game of life on this pyramid the less you earn and the scarcer the opportunities that come your way. It is these layers in society that is at the root of most of our problems when it comes to crime. Most of those that have nothing, little education have a slim chance of success. They then select crime as their career. They discover that they can lay their hands on the “magic element money” with little effort by following a career as a criminal. They can “work” for twenty minutes and earn more than most of the slaves that man the middle class of society can earn in a month. They know that they are in a risky profession, but think that there are many other professions that also carry serious risks.

The miner, policeman, fire fighter or farmer is exposed to potential adversity every day. The miner, policeman and fire fighter is confronted by occupational risks while the farmer in turn is often faced by those at the bottom of the pyramid. Crime statistics will not come down soon. Our hard working police cannot win this battle trying to get the criminals off the streets. There are millions that are ready to step into the shoes that got caught in the legal trap. Job creation and service delivery can force our crime rates down overnight.

Just look around you today and notice that there are meters running all the time that will stop the moment you fail to feed them with money. There are no lights, water, transport, fuel, food and shelter for those that lack the element of money. It is easy for those that fail to grasp the problem of access to money to judge and condemn those that live under a bridge or hide in a shack when the rain and rivers threaten their survival. It is easy to look down on those that beg for money on the streets when you have enough funds in your account to survive one more month. I want to tell you that most of us are less than three months away from jointing those that I described above if for any unforeseen reason we lose our job or health and cannot continue working.


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Posted by on August 17, 2013 in WISDOM


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Happiness is the ability to experience happiness notwithstanding what happened in the past or what might happen at some future date.



We tend to postpone our happiness because we have been conditioned that we can only be happy when we achieve a specific objective. The unpredictability of the times that we are living in make life a very painful experience for individuals with this frame of mind.

I once asked a young man in his mid twenties what would really make him happy? He responded and said, “I would love to retire and live in a small cottage close to the sea.” It was difficult for me to comprehend the long postponement of this young man’s happiness and then asked him, “What will make you really happy in your work?” He stared through the window for a while and then said, “I will only be really happy when I become managing director of the company that I work for.” You might think that this young man showed a lot of ambition, but I diagnosed him as a chronically unhappy boy.

It is good to have long-term goals, but it is better to learn to enjoy each step of your journey. Only when you learn to enjoy the current moment will you achieve real contentment.  

Happiness is not something that you need to strive for or that must be handed to you by someone else. Happiness is something that must be allowed to escape from your heart. Happiness is the ability to experience happiness notwithstanding what happened in the past or what might happen at some future date. 

If you knew that you have only one month to live, will you be able to enjoy every last second before your date with fate? If you are a person that is truly happy you will make the absolute best of the final hours of your life. You will give and receive love unconditionally. You will not waste time to accuse others of past mistakes that they made. What you will do is to live life to its fullest. Why then do we need to know that we will die soon before we actually live the final hours of our lives? Live each day as if it is your last on this planet and see what difference it will make. Stop looking for happiness from some outside source. Happiness is already in your heart; all you need to do is to release it.

The fear that something might be wrong with you is causing you to search for happiness in all the wrong places. Your beliefs that something or someone else will make you happy move your attention away from “here” to a place or destination away from yourself. It activates the perception that the “now” (current situation) is not the place where you will find happiness and that you can only expect happiness at some future time at a different destination or location.

Most of us are always busy pondering our “next step” and forget to appreciate what we already have. People search, struggle and strive, but never really arrive at their desired destination because they cannot get past the feeling that something is missing. I have met so many people that find it impossible to enjoy the present moment, the present company or their present partner because they feel that there is always still something missing.

The reason for this is because most people think that happiness must arrive from a source outside them. This perception is at the root of feelings of unworthiness and unhappiness. Most people are waiting for their friends, partners, children or employer to make them happy. This self-enforced feeling that something is missing and that happiness will mystically appear do not only put themselves under constant pressure, but also cause a lot of discomfort to the other players in his or her game of life.

I am convinced that you have met many individuals that are constantly unhappy. Such people also tell endless stories how people have let them down or how they have been taken advantage of. In short these people love to play the role of a victim and enjoy the moments of attention that it provokes in their listener. The problem with people with this disposition is that they are unable to see the whole picture. They look at things selectively and only see the things that will confirm and support their negative point of view.

When a happy person looks at a wonderful sunset he or she will allow themselves to be swept away by the kaleidoscope of colours and shadows. They might even experience a moment of deep respect for the creator. The habitually unhappy person will also look at the sunset, but will not even see the amazing play of colours. He or she might still be upset because his or her partner arrived late for their appointment.

I often tell people that you must not only listen to music, but feel the music as well. When you become a person that live your life in the now you usually become optimistic and appreciative. Unhappy people live in the past or the future. They usually drag train loads of bad experiences with them. They find it impossible to let go of past failures and setbacks. They also cannot stop worrying what might happen in the future. While you are still busy congratulating them with their new job they will already speculate about things that could possibly go wrong at some future date. I am sure that you might think that this type of person should be classified as a perpetual pessimist, but I see people like this everyday. In fact I do not know a lot of people that I would classify as happy. When you take a careful look at all the things we do and strive for you will discover that our yearning to be happy is behind most of our actions and decisions.


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Posted by on May 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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Our mode of thinking either charge or drain our body’s battery.


Very few of us understand that we have an electric current that drives the many systems in our body and mind. Our mode of thinking either charge or drain our body’s battery. Positive and realistic thinking charge our battery while negative, destructive thinking about the future or the past drain our battery at an alarming rate.

We are charging or discharging other people’s batteries. We charge their batteries when we have a healthy, compassionate and supportive relationship with them and discharge their batteries if we find fault or criticize them. People either leave you feeling drained or invigorated after interacting with you. The same also holds true with those that come into your space. They either parasite on your energy and suck out huge chunks of energy leaving you drained and depleted or they leave you feeling more upbeat and inspired.

This might be a wonderful opportunity to check your own power status. There might be something or someone that is draining your energy that must be disconnected from your energy supply. It is impossible to perform at your best if your battery is low or depleted. I found that the biggest cause of battery depletion is our own self-talk and our tendency to live our lives on a reactive basis. Procrastination is another battery killer. A do it now attitude tend to quickly recharge your battery and self-esteem.

Find time to meditate for about 20 minutes a day. You will be astounded how daily meditation pumps in fresh new energy in record time when you stop your mind from flooding you with its endless speculations about everything. Become aware of how many stories we make up about people, situations, challenges and events long before we have enough data to make informed decisions.

We charge our cell phones when we notice that its battery is low. We want to make sure that it will operate well when needed. The time has come for you to check your own battery on a regular basis as well. Your battery status indicator is your feelings and emotions. Your battery is low when you feel negative, defeated, overworked, angry, depressed, anxious and frustrated. It is important to stop for a re-charge when you experience any of the above. Nothing is going to magically charge your battery until you make an objective decision to alter your current mode of operation.

Let us look at how we can use (charge) what we learned about the energy source that governs almost everything we do daily and how we often (drain) energy from our partner in our relationships.


DRAIN – PARTNER’S ENERGY – fault finding, criticizing, talking down to partner, anger, jealousy, attempt to control, communicate parent to child, suspicious, always right, cling to partner, question, need reassurance often, amplify mistakes, demand respect, look for problems and not solutions, unforgiving, forgive- but will not forget, often remind partner of past mistakes, insist partner must always be honest – but cannot cope with such honesty, sulk, silent treatment, judge, arrogant and belittle.

CHARGE – PARTNER’S ENERGY – flexible, adaptable, tolerant, understanding, comforting, compassionate, promote, praise, supportive, aware, loving, kind, forgive and forget, ask – don’t insist, open to change, do not expect perfection, listen, communicate adult to adult, poise, confident, don’t need partner to reassure him/her all the time, own passions – hobbies – project – no need to be entertained all the time, earn respect, inspire, talk about problems – don’t turn disputes into a win at all cost affairs, do the unexpected, allow honesty even if it is a sensitive matter, responsible, dignity, warm and a soft place to land for partner when he/she is taking strain. 


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Posted by on May 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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ARE YOU SICK OF THE SAME OLD STUFF? Most people live as if there is some kind of invisible force that captured their will and ability to remain active and productive. They act as if they are helpless victims of life and circumstances. Just look around you and see if you can detect one single person that made a really dramatic and sustained modification (turnaround) to his or her unsatisfactory lifestyle.

People often bitch and moan about their work, relationships, spouses and unruly children and act as if they are the victims of some sinister plot. When you go to social occasions you often discover that most people spend hours trying to top each other’s “victim” stories while they stare at each other through the bottoms of their cocktail glasses. When you finally drive home after these “socials” you often feel drained and incomplete.

Your “social” with your friends might have made you feel slightly better initially because you received confirmation that you are not the only one that are a victim in this cesspool called life. You are exposed to “bad news” messages wherever you go. Whenever you feel enthusiastic and upbeat, buy a newspaper. Before you read two pages you will be back to your normal subdued self.

We might feel that we are living under very testing conditions today and that our situation is unique, but when you investigate the “victim” phenomena worldwide you will find that most people suffer with this form of mental bondage.

We use crime and instability as our crutch to justify our victim behaviour in South Africa. You will discover that an endless range of excuses are used to justify “victim” behaviour globally even when crime is not so visible as in South Africa. The bottom line is that “victim” behaviour is something that comes from the inside, from your own mind.

We tend to “think” ourselves to a standstill and into an early grave. The “look at me, I am a victim” turmoil in the world has reached pandemic proportions. The collective negative mood on planet earth is negative and very destructive. The main reason why people experience these very immobilizing emotions is because of the overall habit of living in the PAST or the FUTURE. We can think up the most amazing disasters in the theatre of our minds. We can die a thousand deaths in our mind with our habit of projecting ourselves into imagined future disasters.


We form opinions at a very young age about most things in life. We have “feelings” about almost anything that we can ever be faced with. Any conclusion that we came to during our lifetime will usually remain part of our coping style until the day we die.

Most people fail to understand that “everything will remain the same until a change is made”. If you are allowing fear of something that might never happen to control your thinking you are disqualifying yourself from the reality of the now.

Just think of the key areas in your life such as your work, relationships and general lifestyle and take stock of your “general” behaviour in these areas. You need to study your habitual reaction pattern in any area if it is not working as you hoped it would. Stop waiting for others to modify their behaviour, beg you for forgiveness or that the problem will go away.

Become bold and active and start doing something about whatever you feel is bothering you. Nothing will change until you activate such change. Remember if you are in waiting mode and your dispute is with someone else you are handing control to this person. When you live in the NOW and you act in the present tense you make your life predictable and much more stress free. When you live in the FUTURE and fail to take action in the NOW you are “manufacturing” your own house of pain.

The only way that you can escape this stuck in the future or past zone is to begin to live in the NOW. Give yourself a fair chance to make a success of any given day. You can do this by talking to yourself.

Tell yourself that you are not interested in things that might never happen or that happened in the past. You are talking to yourself all day long, make these “chats” constructive and motivational. Give yourself a break and stop running yourself down. When you find your mind drifting into the “horror” mode tell yourself that you are not going to waste energy on events that may never happen. If you mind drifts into the “feel sorry for me mode”, take control and say, “I create my own circumstances and will not create a torture chamber for myself today.” Wipe the slate clean every morning and attack each day with enthusiasm and commitment. Live for the moment my friend. Today and each and every day is indeed a new day with wonderful opportunities if you are focused on the now.


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Posted by on April 27, 2013 in WISDOM


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