Tag Archives: achieve







I know a number of people that act as if their perception about things is the only valid perception or option worth considering or listening to. This type of person goes around with a mindset about most things in life and makes as if only their fix on something is worth consideration. Anything that falls outside their belief system is viewed as wrong, defective, evil or false.

You might often display the same tendencies without even being aware of it. You might have several perceptions about yourself that is also out of tune with reality. The only way that you can modify any unacceptable behaviour is to tune into a new and appropriate perception in this regard. It is vital that you make a conscious decision to tune into a different station if you want to modify such behaviour.

You can have a burning desire to lose weight, but if you fail to turn the dial in your head your perception about your weight will remain the same. You might have all the talent in the world, but only when you actually fine-tune your performance will you achieve a level of greatness.

You must actually lift your hand to find another station on the dial of your radio. Nothing is going to happen without you physically lifting your hand and placing it on the knob that tunes your radio. You can sit and stare at the radio for days and dream about the wide variety of stations at your disposal, but if you fail to actually act on your dream your radio will remain on the same old station.

You can read as many self-help and motivational books as you like, but without acting on your desired outcome you will see no change in your status. Most people are too afraid to touch the dial of their radios. They are so afraid of the new and unknown that they will rather take the pain than act on their dreams.


The problem with most people is that they do not even know of the variety of options available to them. They got hooked on a specific station in life and think that they must remain loyal to it long after it served its purpose. All I can say is that you need to be brave and turn that knob on your perception tuner if you want to experience what life has to offer. When you ask people why they continue with a specific destructive and flawed relationship they mumble something about, “Better the devil you know.”




You can always go back to your old radio station if you discover that nothing on offer is better than your old and trusted station. You must however not moan and bitch what raw deal you got in life if you lack the courage to investigate alternatives.

I have seen many people at the end of their life cry over what could have been. Please understand this; it is never too late to retune your life. Nothing can stop you from turning that dial on your radio of life. The only person that stands between you and a whole new life, filled to the brim with new experiences is you.

It is your fear of potential pain and discomfort that is locking you into one station in life. If you want pleasure, you must go and search for it. If you want business success, you must retune you radio on a regular basis. If you want success in your relationships, you must be able to tune to your partner’s frequency.

The champions in life never get stuck on a single perception. They are always scanning for new opportunities. People that are brave and flexible exert tremendous influence. They are exciting and easy to be with. All it takes is a simple action to steer your life in a brand new direction. This action is to make a choice and then to act on the choice you made. Remember nobody can do it for you. You must retune or unconditionally accept where you are.




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Posted by on September 14, 2014 in WISDOM


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It is good to have long-term goals, but it is better to learn to enjoy each step of your journey.






We tend to postpone our happiness because we have been conditioned that we can only be happy when we achieve a specific objective. The unpredictability of the times that we are living in make life a very painful experience for individuals with this frame of mind.

I once asked a young man in his mid twenties what would really make him happy? He responded and said, “I would love to retire and live in a small cottage close to the sea.” It was difficult for me to comprehend the long postponement of this young man’s happiness and then asked him, “What will make you really happy in your work?” He stared through the window for a while and then said, “I will only be really happy when I become managing director of the company that I work for.” You might think that this young man showed a lot of ambition, but I diagnosed him as a chronically unhappy boy.

It is good to have long-term goals, but it is better to learn to enjoy each step of your journey. Only when you learn to enjoy the current moment will you achieve real contentment.  


Happiness is not something that you need to strive for or that must be handed to you by someone else. Happiness is something that must be allowed to escape from your heart. Happiness is the ability to experience happiness notwithstanding what happened in the past or what might happen at some future date.

If you knew that you have only one month to live, will you be able to enjoy every last second before your date with fate? If you are a person that is truly happy you will make the absolute best of the final hours of your life. You will give and receive love unconditionally. You will not waste time to accuse others of past mistakes that they made. What you will do is to live life to its fullest. Why then do we need to know that we will die soon before we actually live the final hours of our lives? Live each day as if it is your last on this planet and see what difference it will make. Stop looking for happiness from some outside source. Happiness is already in your heart; all you need to do is to release it.


The fear that something might be wrong with you is causing you to search for happiness in all the wrong places. Your beliefs that something or someone else will make you happy move your attention away from “here” to a place or destination away from yourself. It activates the perception that the “now” (current situation) is not the place where you will find happiness and that you can only expect happiness at some future time at a different destination or location.

Most of us are always busy pondering our “next step” and forget to appreciate what we already have. People search, struggle and strive, but never really arrive at their desired destination because they cannot get past the feeling that something is missing. I have met so many people that find it impossible to enjoy the present moment, the present company or their present partner because they feel that there is always still something missing.

The reason for this is because most people think that happiness must arrive from a source outside them. This perception is at the root of feelings of unworthiness and unhappiness. Most people are waiting for their friends, partners, children or employer to make them happy. This self-enforced feeling that something is missing and that happiness will mystically appear do not only put themselves under constant pressure, but also cause a lot of discomfort to the other players in his or her game of life.

I am convinced that you have met many individuals that are constantly unhappy. Such people also tell endless stories how people have let them down or how they have been taken advantage of. In short these people love to play the role of a victim and enjoy the moments of attention that it provokes in their listener. The problem with people with this disposition is that they are unable to see the whole picture. They look at things selectively and only see the things that will confirm and support their negative point of view.

When a happy person looks at a wonderful sunset he or she will allow themselves to be swept away by the kaleidoscope of colours and shadows. They might even experience a moment of deep respect for the creator. The habitually unhappy person will also look at the sunset, but will not even see the amazing play of colours. He or she might still be upset because his or her partner arrived late for their appointment.

I often tell people that you must not only listen to music, but feel the music as well. When you become a person that live your life in the now you usually become optimistic and appreciative. Unhappy people live in the past or the future. They usually drag trainloads of bad experiences with them. They find it impossible to let go of past failures and setbacks. They also cannot stop worrying what might happen in the future. While you are still busy congratulating them with their new job they will already speculate about things that could possibly go wrong at some future date. I am sure that you might think that this type of person should be classified as a perpetual pessimist, but I see people like this everyday. In fact I do not know a lot of people that I would classify as happy. When you take a careful look at all the things we do and strive for you will discover that our yearning to be happy is behind most of our actions and decisions.



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Posted by on July 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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Your propose in life? It was designed to enable you to experience an idea and its effects/consequences.



The Most Powerful Force in the Universe


 Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force in the universe. Why would such a great man say something that sounds so silly and trivial? Look at those words again: ‘greatest creative force’. Imagination? Not education? Nor money?


Nor luck?


Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said that imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known. Before you pass him away as a crackpot, know that Mr. Hill was an advisor to two U.S. presidents, was commissioned by the great and wealthy Andrew Carnegie to teach people about making their dreams come true, and has been thanked by many of the greatest people around the world for the success he helped them achieve. People like F. W. Woolworth (founder of Woolworth’s), Woodrow Wilson (former U.S. President), George Eastman (founder of Kodak), W. M. Wrigley, JR. (Wrigley’s), and many others have used his teachings to manifest their dreams.


Imagination is the force that takes you to places you have never been.


Henry Ford relied on imagination and belief. Walt Disney said that had he not seen Disneyland in his mind, the rest of the world would not have seen it on earth. Bill Gates first imagines his products before they become actual software that we rely on. And it would serve you well to remember that many of the world’s greatest people started with nothing and built empires. They had a dream. And the universe conspired, as it always does, to let them experience their imagination.

The universe always lets you experience your imagination, whatever it may be.


The Bible says ‘As a man thinketh, so shall he become’. It also says ‘Without vision we perish’.


Your mind’s images are literally the blueprint from which your world is built.


Your mind is infinite. What are your limits? What are limits, except those that you say are so? Why else would two different people have different ‘limits’?

Life is images of the mind, expressed. What this means is that Life, The Source, uses your thoughts, your mental images, as the instructions by which to create your reality in the material world. Life expresses your mental images into physical reality.

To express is to make known, to state, articulate, communicate, convey. The force of Life makes known your thoughts to yourself and everyone else by forming them into experiences and objects that can be experienced, here in the physical world.

You experience your own thoughts first hand, your images of your mind, so that you may know which ones are suitable and which ones are not. That is how you know yourself, that is how you experience your self, and that is how you grow.


This is the supreme purpose of this physical world that we are now in. It is designed to enable you to experience your Self. It is designed to enable you to experience an idea and its effects and consequences.


Life does not select which ones of your images to express and which ones not to. How would it choose for you? It therefore expresses all of them to the extent that you have them and believe them. You have true free will. This free will is truly free because of the fact that all of it is acted upon without filtering or favoring. Free will is truly free because of the fact that it actually gets results all the time, not just some of the time, and it gets them exactly.

Your ideas, visions and dreams, whatever they may be, are the prophecies of what you shall one day become and achieve. You can predict your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change your tomorrow by changing your inner self today.


As you think, there do you find yourself. You attract the people that have something to teach you in line with your thoughts, people who have something to learn from you in line with your thoughts, and you repel those who have nothing more to learn from you and give you in line with your thoughts. The same goes for places and conditions, situations and environments.



Many things influence your imagination – past fears, desires, poor mental training, lack of awareness, sub-personalities, lack of goals – any much more. But anything that influences your imagination is under your control. You can stop it simply by becoming aware of it and releasing it. And this is where awareness, consciousness, comes in as the key to clearing your mind of the debris that brings suffering to you and sabotages your success.

By David Cameron Gikandi

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Posted by on February 26, 2014 in WISDOM


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You can always cope with the Now, but you can never cope with the future – nor do you have to.




Are you stressed? Are you so busy getting to the future that the present is reduced to a means of getting there? Stress is caused by being “here” but wanting to be “there,” or being in the present but wanting to be in the future. It’s a split that tears you apart inside.

Does the past take up a great deal of your attention? Do you frequently talk and think about it, either positively or negatively? The great things that you have achieved, your adventures or experiences, or your victim story and the dreadful things that were done to you, or maybe what you did to someone else?

Are your thought processes creating guilt, pride, resentment, anger, regret, or self-pity? Then you are not only reinforcing a false sense of self but also helping to accelerate your body’s aging process by creating an accumulation of past in your psyche. Verify this for yourself by observing those around you who have a strong tendency to hold on to the past.

Die To The Past Every Moment

You don’t need it. Only refer to it when it is absolutely relevant to the present. Feel the power of this moment and the fullness of Being. Feel your presence.

Are you worried? Do you have many “what if” thoughts? You are identified with your mind, which is projecting itself into an imaginary future situation and creating fear. There is no way that you can cope with such a situation, because it doesn’t exist. It’s a mental phantom.

You can stop this health- and life-corroding insanity simply by acknowledging the present moment.

Become Aware Of Your Breathing

Feel the air flowing in and out of your body. Feel your inner energy field. All that you ever have to deal with, cope with, in real life — as opposed to imaginary mind projections — is this moment. Ask yourself what “problem” you have right now, not next year, tomorrow, or five minutes from nöw. What is wrong with this moment?

You can always cope with the Now, but you can never cope with the future — nor do you have to. The answer, the strength, the right action, or the resource will be there when you need it, not before, not after.

Are you a habitual “waiter”? How much of your life do you spend waiting? What I call “small-scale waiting” is waiting in line at the post office, in a traffïc jam, at the airport, or waiting for someone to arrive, to finish work, and so on. “Large-scale waiting” is waiting for the next vacation, for a better job, for the children to grow up, for a truly meaningful relationship, for success, to make monëy, to be important, to become enlightened. It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.

Waiting is a state of mind. Basically, it means that you want the future; you don’t want the present. You don’t want what you’ve got, and you want what you haven’t got. With every kind of waiting, you unconsciously create inner conflict between your here and now, where you don’t want to be, and the projected future, where you want to be. This greatly reduces the quality of your life by making you losë the present.

For example, many people are waiting for prosperity. It cannot come in the future. When you honor, acknowledge, and fully accept your present reality — where you are, who you are, what you are doing right now — when you fully accept what you have got, you are grateful for what you have got, grateful for what is, grateful for Being. Gratitude for the present moment and the fullness of life now is true prosperity. It cannot come in the future. Then, in time, that prosperity manifests for you in various ways.

If you are dissatisfied with what you have got, or even frustrated or angry about your present lack, that may motivate you to become rich, but even if you do make millïons, you will continue to experience the inner condition of lack, and deep down you will continue to feel unfulfilled. You may have many exciting experiences that monëy can buy, but they will come and go and always leave you with an empty feeling and the need for further physical or psychological gratification. You won’t abide in Being and so feel the fullness of life nöw that alone is true prosperity.

Give Up Waiting As A State Of Mind

When you catch yourself slipping into waiting… snap out of it. Come into the present moment. Just be, and enjoy being. If you are present, there is never any need for you to wait for anything.

So next time somebody says, “Sorry to have kept you waiting,” you can reply, “That’s all right, I wasn’t waiting. I was just standing here enjoying myself — in joy in my self.”

These are just a few of the habitual mind strategies for denying the present moment that are part of ordinary unconsciousness. They are easy to overlook because they are so much a part of normal living: the background static of perpetual discontent. But the more you practice monitoring your inner mental-emotional state, the easier it will be to know when you have been trapped in past or future, which is to say unconscious, and to awaken out of the dream of time into the present. But beware: The false, unhappy self, based on mind identification, lives on time. It knows that the present moment is its own death and so feels very threatened by it. It will do all it can to take you out of it. It will try to keep you trapped in time.

In a sense, the state of presence could be compared to waiting. It is a qualitatively different kind of waiting, one that requires your total alertness. Something could happen at any moment, and if you are not absolutely awake, absolutely still, you will miss it. In that state, all your attention is in the Now. There is none left for daydreaming, thinking, remembering, anticipating. There is no tension in it, no fear, just alert presence. You are present with your whole Being, with every cell of your body.

In that state, the “you” that has a past and a future, the personality if you like, is hardly there anymore. And yet nothing of value is lost. You are still essentially yourself. In fact, you are more fully yourself than you ever were before, or rather it is only now that you are truly yourself.

The past cannot survive in your presence. Whatever you need to know about the unconscious past in you, the challenges of the present will bring it out. If you delve into the past, it will become a bottomless pit: There is always more. You may think that you need more time to understand the past or become free of it, in other words, that the future will eventually free you of the past. This is a delusion. Only the present can free you of the past. More time cannot free you of time.

Access the power of Now. That is the key. The power of Now is none other than the power of your presence, your consciousness liberated from thought forms. So deal with the past on the level of the present. The more attention you give to the past, the more you energize it, and the more likely you are to make a “self” out of it.

Don’t misunderstand: Attention is essential, but not to the past as past. Give attention to the present; give attention to your behavior, to your reactions, moods, thoughts, emotions, fears, and desires as they occur in the present. There’s the past in you. If you can be present enough to watch all those things, not critically or analytically but nonjudgmentally, then you are dealing with the past and dissolving it through the power of your presence.

You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You find yourself by coming into the present.

By Eckhart Tolle, Author of The Power of Now

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Posted by on January 16, 2014 in WISDOM


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People think that their life will only be perfect when they have achieved everything they want, when everything is completely going the way they want it to go.


Your Life is Perfect

People think that their life will only be perfect when they have achieved everything they want, when everything is completely going the way they want it to go.


They are looking at the perfect state of life as something that is in the future, that they don’t have it now but they need to move towards it.


The truth is even when they have reached that state, there will still be new desires that will arise to be achieved. It is an illusion to think that the perfect life is something in the future instead of being present with us.


If you think that the perfect state of your life can only be experienced when everything you desire is manifested, then you are separating yourself in time. Thinking in terms of linear time is what creates resistance towards our desires manifesting as perfectly as possible.


There is really no separation between past, present and future because spirit contains it all as one reality. Your perfect life is not something that happens at a certain point of time, but it is the one where you’re aligned with your highest purpose.


There is not just one line of time that you will experience. There are multiple lanes of time running parallel with each other with their corresponding alternate states of the universe.


Out of the many pathways that you can take in life, there is one particular path that is in alignment with your highest purpose. The universe has what you truly desire all lined up at different points of time in that particular path. The moment you step into your true path, you are living the perfect life instantly no matter where in time.


The things that you truly desire will never come to you on any other pathways other than your highest one. That is because your higher self sent you into this world with a purpose and everything to do with that purpose is what truly makes you happy. The feeling of happiness, fulfillment and true desire is what you experience when think or act in alignment with your higher self. These feelings were programmed into your soul before it emerged into physical life.


They are your guidance of what you are here for.


The reason why we experience disappointment and unhappiness is because we are on another path instead of our true one. Even when we are on our true path, it does not mean we will remain in it all the time. We tend to get on and off our path from time to time. The purpose of growing is to become more developed in our consciousness and being so that we can find and remain on our true path more and more of the time. Every time we are off it, life feels bad but every time we’re on it, life feels good again.


There is a difference between a life path and a lane of time. Our life path can switch between lanes of time from time to time. Even our true life path is not created to stay fixed in one particular lane of time all the way. Every new decision we make can alter the entire course of our lives in ways that changes everything. Therefore the way things are going in one lane of time will totally change when we switch lanes. Our higher self will guide us in the switching of lanes according to the life path it has charted.


In pursuing your true path, you may face obstacles along the way that seem to stop you from moving forward. You may start doubting if you’re on your true path and start thinking that God is playing a cosmic joke on you for leading you in a direction that only gets your head banging against a wall. Actually the obstacles are only present in the lane of time we are on. When it seems impossible to move forwards but we are guided to, that’s when it’s time to trust the universe to shift our time line as we move on.


We would think the future is impossible when looking at it based on the timeline we are on. We can only predict the probable futures based on the present. That is why predictions of the future turn out wrong when the time line is shifted. When you think what you’ve been given is wrong, you’re saying that the universe makes mistakes. But there are no mistakes. Every element is a piece of a greater puzzle, and with each new piece that falls into place, the look of the entire picture in the moment is changed.


There is a life path you have in which everything you need to have will come in through synchronicities that cannot be calculated because the factors are hidden and will only be revealed in divine timing and divine order. Things aren’t always what they seem to be. What you see are only possible future scenarios that can only be seen from the present time point of view. But as time moves along, many elements will shift and rearrange themselves turning what seems to be bad into what is completely good.


Obstacles are not really obstacles. It is an illusion when we think something is stopping us. If the universe wants us to go a certain way, the way will open up and the obstacles will disappear when we move in that direction. If something seems to remain in the way, it means it is not the right timing for it to happen yet. Just keep moving where the path is open for you and you will find that is exactly where the universe has intended for you to move all along. The universe makes a way where there is no way.


So your perfect life is not something you experience when all your dreams and desires are manifested. Your perfect life is experienced the moment you step into your true path where you are living your dream and expressing yourself fully in the moment. Your perfect life is not something you have to move towards in time, it is something right beside you that you can step into instantly. It is not something in the future but what you can experience in the present now. When you shift into your destiny, it is perfect.


By Enoch Tan / Creator of Secrets of Mind and Reality

Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on December 12, 2013 in WISDOM


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We yearn to re-unite with the God force, but cannot achieve this while we live in a state of delusion.

It is difficult to come to terms with the reality of this dimension. We get up in the morning with a song in our hearts and good intentions in our minds. We tend to forget that we are at earth school. We are spiritual beings that decided to visit this dimension as part of our training and evolution. It is a fallacy to believe that spiritual beings are God like and flawless. We are an extension of God, but we still fall far short from His or Her perfection and love. Our vibration is much slower and weaker than the source of everything. We yearn to re-unite with the God force, but cannot achieve this while we live in a state of delusion. Every single person on this planet is busy evolving. Some achieved much more during their periodic incarnation cycles than others. Many have been at earth school for many millions of years while others only arrived much later. It is easy to observe a person’s state of evolution, by viewing such person’s state of civility, maturity, dignity and general coping ability. I discussed the stages of evolution of man in earlier posts. We consist out of two parts. We have a minute percentage of what represent who we are that is visible and operational in this dimension (slow vibrations) and a huge volume that is not visible to our senses that extend into the higher dimensions (fast vibrations). I have been trying to explain in the last number of posts that it will be devastating if we were spiritual beings that are at the mercy of a God perception that acted and reacted the way portrayed in many of the holy books. All the pain, anxiety and discomfort that we experience in this dimension takes place in the minute part of our being that are currently extending into the physical earth zone. When you do the exercise recommended in the previous post you once again come in contact with the majestic invisible extension of you that reside in the God dimension. A small percentage of us remain stuck in the dark world of matter under the influence of our egos until we learn how to reconnect to our true self. You should thus not underestimate the exercise in the previous post because it will once you mastered the process provide you with an opportunity to connect at will with your higher self when you feel like it. The God force or energy field that your perfect self is connected to can be seen as electricity that power and endless range of appliances etc. in this dimension. This Godly power force is everywhere and in everything. There is nothing that do not contain the God force or that have not been constructed by the God force. I want to remind you that this force is invisible and remain nothing more than potential until we connect with it. It is only when we plug in a toaster or light that the invisible power of electricity becomes visible. The toaster and the lamp will remain inactive and ineffective until they are connected to the electricity power grid. The same holds true for us that find ourselves in our earthly body (vehicle) in this dimension. All we can do while we are disconnected from the God force is stagger around in our ignorance. We can only begin to experience and utilise the God force after we reconnected to the source. Man lived on this planet thousands of years in darkness. Some of the older readers might recall the curtain of darkness that enveloped us not long after sunset. These readers might recall the massive restrictions that we lived under before we discovered the magic of electricity. Most of the wonderful stuff we use today would never have been invented if we never discovered electricity. Look around you for a moment and you will see that electricity brought about a new enlightened world with limitless potential. The amazing thing is that electricity have been around for millions of years, but remained invisible to us. It might be shocking to think that electricity was only harnessed not so long ago. You are now again on such a threshold. You are now busy learning how to harness the God force that have been out of your reach up to a few days ago that animate and fuel everything and everyone. Religion and philosophers speculated about this invisible force for thousands of years. Many of the superstitions that are still with us today came from well meaning visionaries that attempted to describe and clarify this force that everyone of us feel or see in action in nature. The biggest mistake made was that these well intentioned visionaries were under the impression that this force is super human like. The other mistake that was made was the idea that man on tiny planet earth can only reconnect with the God force if we find the right church etc. and remain loyal to this church and its God perception until the day we die.


I suggest that you read this message a few times today and master the principle explained. I also think it will be a good idea to observe the endless number of things that will be useless or may never have been invented if we never discovered electricity. You will be blown away when you look at your list at the end of the day. I will continue this series tomorrow.


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Posted by on October 12, 2013 in WISDOM


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Attitude plays a vital role in everything you do. A poor attitude can never produce good results.

Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already know, but never apply!

Assist people to achieve what they really desire if you want to make friends for life, become awfully rich or become very popular. Our expectation and hope drives us forward and helps us to overcome serious setbacks.


Attempt to make the right and best choice on a moment-to-moment basis. If you are going to wait for the perfect moment or until you have all the data, you might never make up your mind. Remember that your in-basket will still be full even on the day you die.


Attitude plays a vital role in everything you do. A poor attitude can never produce good results. A poor attitude is at the root of most failures. A poor attitude caused more marriages to fail and relationships to break down than all the other reasons put together.


Avoid head on confrontations or disputes if you can. There are usually no winners in such ego driven fights. The urge to win is sometimes so strong that it clouds our mind and judgment. An obsession by both parties to win usually lead to a major loss for at least one of the parties.


Avoid people that have the tendency to make their problem yours. By appearing helpless or lost, they con you into taking ownership of their problems. You are not a garbage truck that are contracted to remove everybody’s garbage (problems).


Avoid people that promise you the world, but do little. When you rely on an “empty promise” person, he will cause you endless problems. Good advice is to do things yourself if you want to make sure that they are taken care of.


Avoid saying things that could make people feel idiotic or inferior. It might give you a short-term ego boost, but in the long run, you will create an army of enemies that would love to even the score.


Avoid the misconception that people want to hear what is right and just. They want to be fed what they feel suits their current purpose. Give people what they want and you will be richly rewarded. When you help people to achieve their own objectives, they are usually more susceptible to yours.


When instant gratification becomes our main objective, we rapidly slide into the abyss of failure and discomfort. The wise man mastered the art of projecting himself into others’ shoes. When you act in a fair and responsible manner you enhance your chances of success many fold.


Be careful and remain grounded when you are faced with obsessive driven individuals. These individuals tend to exaggerate and amplify things in an attempt to buy your support. Certain politicians, clergy and conmen are experts at the art of mass hypnosis. When you are in the presence of passion driven individuals you need to question, probe and take nothing for granted. If you do you will do it at your peril.




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Posted by on August 4, 2013 in WISDOM


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People think that their life will only be perfect when they have achieved everything they want, when everything is completely going the way they want it to go.

People think that their life will only be perfect when they have achieved everything they want, when everything is completely going the way they want it to go.

They are looking at the perfect state of life as something that is in the future, that they don’t have it now but they need to move towards it.

The truth is even when they have reached that state, there will still be new desires that will arise to be achieved. It is an illusion to think that the perfect life is something in the future instead of being present with us.

If you think that the perfect state of your life can only be experienced when everything you desire is manifested, then you are separating yourself in time. Thinking in terms of linear time is what creates resistance towards our desires manifesting as perfectly as possible.

There is really no separation between past, present and future because spirit contains it all as one reality. Your perfect life is not something that happens at a certain point of time, but it is the one where you’re aligned with your highest purpose.

There is not just one line of time that you will experience. There are multiple lanes of time running parallel with each other with their corresponding alternate states of the universe.

Out of the many pathways that you can take in life, there is one particular path that is in alignment with your highest purpose. The universe has what you truly desire all lined up at different points of time in that particular path. The moment you step into your true path, you are living the perfect life instantly no matter where in time.

The things that you truly desire will never come to you on any other pathways other than your highest one. That is because your higher self sent you into this world with a purpose and everything to do with that purpose is what truly makes you happy. The feeling of happiness, fulfillment and true desire is what you experience when think or act in alignment with your higher self. These feelings were programmed into your soul before it emerged into physical life.

They are your guidance of what you are here for.

The reason why we experience disappointment and unhappiness is because we are on another path instead of our true one. Even when we are on our true path, it does not mean we will remain in it all the time. We tend to get on and off our path from time to time. The purpose of growing is to become more developed in our consciousness and being so that we can find and remain on our true path more and more of the time. Every time we are off it, life feels bad but every time we’re on it, life feels good again.

There is a difference between a life path and a lane of time. Our life path can switch between lanes of time from time to time. Even our true life path is not created to stay fixed in one particular lane of time all the way. Every new decision we make can alter the entire course of our lives in ways that changes everything. Therefore the way things are going in one lane of time will totally change when we switch lanes. Our higher self will guide us in the switching of lanes according to the life path it has charted.

In pursuing your true path, you may face obstacles along the way that seem to stop you from moving forward. You may start doubting if you’re on your true path and start thinking that God is playing a cosmic joke on you for leading you in a direction that only gets your head banging against a wall. Actually the obstacles are only present in the lane of time we are on. When it seems impossible to move forwards but we are guided to, that’s when it’s time to trust the universe to shift our time line as we move on.

We would think the future is impossible when looking at it based on the timeline we are on. We can only predict the probable futures based on the present. That is why predictions of the future turn out wrong when the time line is shifted. When you think what you’ve been given is wrong, you’re saying that the universe makes mistakes. But there are no mistakes. Every element is a piece of a greater puzzle, and with each new piece that falls into place, the look of the entire picture in the moment is changed.

There is a life path you have in which everything you need to have will come in through synchronicities that cannot be calculated because the factors are hidden and will only be revealed in divine timing and divine order. Things aren’t always what they seem to be. What you see are only possible future scenarios that can only be seen from the present time point of view. But as time moves along, many elements will shift and rearrange themselves turning what seems to be bad into what is completely good.

Obstacles are not really obstacles. It is an illusion when we think something is stopping us. If the universe wants us to go a certain way, the way will open up and the obstacles will disappear when we move in that direction. If something seems to remain in the way, it means it is not the right timing for it to happen yet. Just keep moving where the path is open for you and you will find that is exactly where the universe has intended for you to move all along. The universe makes a way where there is no way.

So your perfect life is not something you experience when all your dreams and desires are manifested. Your perfect life is experienced the moment you step into your true path where you are living your dream and expressing yourself fully in the moment. Your perfect life is not something you have to move towards in time, it is something right beside you that you can step into instantly. It is not something in the future but what you can experience in the present now. When you shift into your destiny, it is perfect.

Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

By Enoch Tan / Creator of Secrets of Mind and Reality

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Posted by on June 2, 2013 in WISDOM


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We tend to postpone our happiness. Happiness is the ability to experience happiness notwithstanding what happened in the past/what might happen at some future date.


We tend to postpone our happiness because we have been conditioned that we may only be happy when we successfully achieve desired specific objective. The unpredictability of the times that we are living in make life a very painful experience for individuals with this frame of mind.

I once asked a young man in his mid twenties what would really make him happy? He responded and said, “I would love to retire and live in a small cottage close to the sea.” It was difficult for me to comprehend the long postponement of this young man’s happiness and then asked him, “What will make you really happy in your work?” He stared through the window for a while and then said, “I will only be really happy when I become managing director of the company that I work for.” You might think that this young man showed a lot of ambition, but I diagnosed him as a chronically unhappy boy.

It is good to have long-term goals, but it is better to learn to enjoy each step of your journey. Only when you learn to enjoy the current moment will you achieve real contentment.  

Happiness is not something that you need to strive for or that must be handed to you by someone else. Happiness is something that must be allowed to escape from your heart. Happiness is the ability to experience happiness notwithstanding what happened in the past or what might happen at some future date. 

If you knew that you have only one month to live, will you be able to enjoy every last second before your date with fate? If you are a person that is truly happy you will make the absolute best of the final hours of your life. You will give and receive love unconditionally. You will not waste time to accuse others of past mistakes that they made. What you will do is to live life to its fullest. Why then do we need to know that we will die soon before we actually live the final hours of our lives? Live each day as if it is your last on this planet and see what difference it will make. Stop looking for happiness from some outside source. Happiness is already in your heart; all you need to do is to release it.

The fear that something might be wrong with you is causing you to search for happiness in all the wrong places. Your beliefs that something or someone else will make you happy move your attention away from “here” to a place or destination away from yourself. It activates the perception that the “now” (current situation) is not the place where you will find happiness and that you can only expect happiness at some future time at a different destination or location.

Most of us are always busy pondering our “next step” and forget to appreciate what we already have. People search, struggle and strive, but never really arrive at their desired destination because they cannot get past the feeling that something is missing. I have met so many people that find it impossible to enjoy the present moment, the present company or their present partner because they feel that there is always still something missing.

The reason for this is because most people think that happiness must arrive from a source outside them. This perception is at the root of feelings of unworthiness and unhappiness. Most people are waiting for their friends, partners, children or employer to make them happy. This self-enforced feeling that something is missing and that happiness will mystically appear do not only put themselves under constant pressure, but also cause a lot of discomfort to the other players in his or her game of life.

I am convinced that you have met many individuals that are constantly unhappy. Such people also tell endless stories how people have let them down or how they have been taken advantage of. In short these people love to play the role of a victim and enjoy the moments of attention that it provokes in their listener. The problem with people with this disposition is that they are unable to see the whole picture. They look at things selectively and only see the things that will confirm and support their negative point of view.

When a happy person looks at a wonderful sunset he or she will allow themselves to be swept away by the kaleidoscope of colours and shadows. They might even experience a moment of deep respect for the creator. The habitually unhappy person will also look at the sunset, but will not even see the amazing play of colours. He or she might still be upset because his or her partner arrived late for their appointment.

I often tell people that you must not only listen to music, but feel the music as well. When you become a person that live your life in the now you usually become optimistic and appreciative. Unhappy people live in the past or the future. They usually drag trainloads of bad experiences with them. They find it impossible to let go of past failures and setbacks. They also cannot stop worrying what might happen in the future. While you are still busy congratulating them with their new job they will already speculate about things that could possibly go wrong at some future date. I am sure that you might think that this type of person should be classified as a perpetual pessimist, but I see people like this everyday. In fact I do not know a lot of people that I would classify as happy. When you take a careful look at all the things we do and strive for you will discover that our yearning to be happy is behind most of our actions and decisions.


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Posted by on May 18, 2013 in WISDOM


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I laboured under the misconception that hard work; dedication, struggle and perspiration are the only way that you will ever achieve success.

I AM DOING A LOT OF WORK ON MYSELF: We all usually grow and learn while we play the game of life. I laboured under the misconception that hard work; dedication, struggle and perspiration are the only way that you will ever achieve success. I have neglected my family and friends for years while I slaved away in an attempt to achieve “success”. I pacified my family by telling them that their sacrifices will be richly rewarded when I one day hit the big time. I think I even used words like, “When our ship comes in” and “Hit the jackpot”. The bottom line is that I worked like a slave virtually twenty hours a day for decades, only saw my family on photos and almost too late discover that I was chasing my own tail. I abused my body and almost lost my life in the process. I later realised that your employer might call you up to the podium now and then for a job well done, but do not really care about my family and me. I witnessed friends that ran in the same treadmill with me that dropped dead of heart attacks, strokes and just pure exhaustion and how they were replaced in a flash. I watched their legacy fade with the speed of light and how quickly the staff stopped thinking about them. I delivered messages of condolences to their families on behalf of the company to show our appreciation for a job well done. When these rituals was over the show went on and the new replacement “mules” were soon up to speed trying to catch the evasive “carrot” that the previous victims failed to catch during their stint in the treadmill. I believed for a long time that brute force is the answer to everything, including happiness. Disciples of this work ethic believe in the school of hard knocks and power breakfasts. They think that happiness is an achievement and that success comes from struggle. I can still remember how I a couple of months ago still shouted from podiums, “Do not wait for things to happen, make them happen.” It never occurred to me that I have been trying too hard. You may be in the same “treadmill” that I mentioned earlier. You are possibly trying too hard to be happy. You may be that you are trying too hard to be liked.

When you run into a problem while swimming the ocean and attempt to fight your way out of the situation you usually end up dead. The more you fight the might force of the waves the less progress you make. I can still remember how I swam out too deep into the ocean at a holiday resort that we often visited during holidays. I suddenly became aware that I might as well continue swimming and see if I can reach Madagascar because our own beach almost disappeared from my sight. Waves of panic suddenly gripped me and I tried frantically to swim back to the beach. I could feel the energy drain from my body with every stroke that I used to fight the gigantic waves. I hoped that the lifesavers would spot me “the stupid idiot” that ignored all safety rules that they ever made, but knew that they will not even be able to spot me at that distance with powerful binoculars. No, my life did not flash before my eyes and I did not see a tunnel with a spot of light during this experience. I suddenly realised that the only way that I will overcome this dangerous experience would be if I stopped fighting the waves and use them to my advantage. I began floating and allowed my energy to filter back into my tired muscles. I waited for several minutes and ten started to ride the waves out toward the beach. When I finally stumbled back on the beach about two hours later I felt like kissing the white sand. I still believe today that it was my ability to take control of my thoughts (panic) that saved my life. If I continued to fight the waves for another few minutes I would have become a snack for the sharks in that area.

When you learn the valuable lesson that brute force and dedication will never guarantee success you have come a long way. The only way that you can understand this “unforced action” principle is when you investigate the reasons why you are trying so hard. If you are working hard to impress your boss or to get away from your family then nothing that I wrote in this document will work for you. If you struggle and fight your way through your busy days out of fear you will also not find much of interest in this document. You must first establish what is “motivating” you to work and try so hard. Only after you established what is “driving” you will you be able to escape this self-defeating cycle. It is only much later in life that I finally understood that there is no need for forced labour if you want to achieve success. Only when you allow things to unfold in its natural manner will you reap your just rewards. Only when you reject the blood, sweat and tears system and begin to use your head in a constructive and relaxed manner will you achieve real success. I am not promoting laziness or procrastination here, I am just sharing with you the golden rule that brute force will never bring you lasting success and happiness. When you work so hard on your relationship that your partner feels that he or she want to hide when he or she spots you, you are setting yourself up for failure. You can rush your way through life and run from task to task or you can proceed in a relaxed and mature manner and do things right the first time. Remember it is not the volume of work that you go through but the results that you achieve that really counts. Your success is not measured by using “perspiration” or “brute force” meters. The only thing that counts in life is the bottom line. How you achieve your objectives is not important, but the quality of your achievements will decide your progress in life. Learn to give yourself and other a break my friend and begin today to apply “relaxed action” in your life.


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Posted by on May 8, 2013 in WISDOM


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Amazing what you can achieve by working 60 seconds at a time.



Want to make some positive gains in your life? A lot of folks would like to improve their lifestyle, but just cannot find the time to take action.

Still, the highest mountain is scaled only step at a time, and the biggest goal is only accomplished one step at a time. So why not just commit to take one small step right now?

I suggest an approach of just focusing on something you can accomplish in one minute — just 60 seconds.

You may surprise yourself. You can actually do quite a bit in only one minute. Here are some ways to use the power of a single minute:

Exercise for One Minute

No time to go to the gym? OK. Forget about the next 59 minutes, and just focus on the next one minute. Do a deep breathing exercise, or one minute of push-ups or sit-ups. After a while you may expand to two minutes — and wow, you have just made a 200 percent jump.

Relax for One Minute

Just relax into your chair and suck in a slow deep breath all the way down into your belly. Then open your mouth slightly, and release your breath as slowly as you can. Try this right now to refresh your mind with increased oxygen.

Calm Your Mind for One Minute

Your mind is a fabulous theater, and contains wonderful visions of your favorite places. Go visit one of those places for one minute. Just relax and clear your mind wherever you may be. You’ll come away feeling refreshed, and a lot calmer and clearer.

Change Your Outlook for One Minute

You can even experiment going outside your normal self for a minute. Try acting the exact opposite of how you usually act for one minute. If you tend to be introverted, think like an extrovert. If you are an engineer, think like an artist. If you are a man, think like a woman.

Re-Frame a Problem for One Minute

Choose a problem, then select a different frame of reference to consider it from. Try considering the problem through the eyes of someone you admire. Does the problem look different? Try looking at it with the mind Albert Einstein or Bill Gates or Martha Stewart. Now how does the problem look?

Be Happy for One Minute

Maybe you are currently overwhelmed with problems and challenges beyond your control. Try finding something to give thanks for, and focus on being grateful. Forget any current or past tragedies or disasters, and let yourself be happy for one minute.

You really can achieve wonders in just one minute. And these single minutes can add up to a greatly improve quality of life. Give it a try!

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

Creator of 
Become All You Can Be

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Posted by on April 1, 2013 in WISDOM


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We tend to postpone our happiness because we have been conditioned that we can only be happy when we achieve a specific objective.




We tend to postpone our happiness because we have been conditioned that we can only be happy when we achieve a specific objective. The unpredictability of the times that we are living in make life a very painful experience for individuals with this frame of mind.

I once asked a young man in his mid twenties what would really make him happy? He responded and said, “I would love to retire and live in a small cottage close to the sea.” It was difficult for me to comprehend the long postponement of this young man’s happiness and then asked him, “What will make you really happy in your work?” He stared through the window for a while and then said, “I will only be really happy when I become managing director of the company that I work for.” You might think that this young man showed a lot of ambition, but I diagnosed him as a chronically unhappy boy.

It is good to have long-term goals, but it is better to learn to enjoy each step of your journey. Only when you learn to enjoy the current moment will you achieve real contentment.  

Happiness is not something that you need to strive for or that must be handed to you by someone else. Happiness is something that must be allowed to escape from your heart. Happiness is the ability to experience happiness notwithstanding what happened in the past or what might happen at some future date.

If you knew that you have only one month to live, will you be able to enjoy every last second before your date with fate? If you are a person that is truly happy you will make the absolute best of the final hours of your life. You will give and receive love unconditionally. You will not waste time to accuse others of past mistakes that they made. What you will do is to live life to its fullest. Why then do we need to know that we will die soon before we actually live the final hours of our lives? Live each day as if it is your last on this planet and see what difference it will make. Stop looking for happiness from some outside source. Happiness is already in your heart; all you need to do is to release it.

The fear that something might be wrong with you is causing you to search for happiness in all the wrong places. Your beliefs that something or someone else will make you happy move your attention away from “here” to a place or destination away from yourself. It activates the perception that the “now” (current situation) is not the place where you will find happiness and that you can only expect happiness at some future time at a different destination or location.

Most of us are always busy pondering our “next step” and forget to appreciate what we already have. People search, struggle and strive, but never really arrive at their desired destination because they cannot get past the feeling that something is missing. I have met so many people that find it impossible to enjoy the present moment, the present company or their present partner because they feel that there is always still something missing.

The reason for this is because most people think that happiness must arrive from a source outside them. This perception is at the root of feelings of unworthiness and unhappiness. Most people are waiting for their friends, partners, children or employer to make them happy. This self-enforced feeling that something is missing and that happiness will mystically appear do not only put themselves under constant pressure, but also cause a lot of discomfort to the other players in his or her game of life.

I am convinced that you have met many individuals that are constantly unhappy. Such people also tell endless stories how people have let them down or how they have been taken advantage of. In short these people love to play the role of a victim and enjoy the moments of attention that it provokes in their listener. The problem with people with this disposition is that they are unable to see the whole picture. They look at things selectively and only see the things that will confirm and support their negative point of view.

When a happy person looks at a wonderful sunset he or she will allow themselves to be swept away by the kaleidoscope of colours and shadows. They might even experience a moment of deep respect for the creator. The habitually unhappy person will also look at the sunset, but will not even see the amazing play of colours. He or she might still be upset because his or her partner arrived late for their appointment.

I often tell people that you must not only listen to music, but feel the music as well. When you become a person that live your life in the now you usually become optimistic and appreciative. Unhappy people live in the past or the future. They usually drag trainloads of bad experiences with them. They find it impossible to let go of past failures and setbacks. They also cannot stop worrying what might happen in the future. While you are still busy congratulating them with their new job they will already speculate about things that could possibly go wrong at some future date. I am sure that you might think that this type of person should be classified as a perpetual pessimist, but I see people like this everyday. In fact I do not know a lot of people that I would classify as happy. When you take a careful look at all the things we do and strive for you will discover that our yearning to be happy is behind most of our actions and decisions.



Posted by on March 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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They prayed and hope that someone or something will one day hand them what they are yearning for.







 Your ego is the sum total of all your small ideas you hold about yourself. Your ego and the perceptions you have of yourself will regulate every thought or action in your life. The ego has never been photographed or x-rayed. No autopsy ever revealed this powerful control system called the ego. You can search the web right now and see if you can find a photo or illustration of the ego anywhere.

The ego is nothing more that a collection of ideas that you have of yourself. Your ego creates the impression that you separate from everything that you see around you. This mechanism is the software that you run your life on. All your actions and decisions that you make stem from this source. When you look at most modern appliances and motor vehicles you will discover that most of them have “computers” that that regulates and controls the overall performance of such appliances. Instructions are programmed into these “micro chips” that direct and control all the functions of these devices. These instructions are called the software.

Our egos are nothing more than our collective perceptions that we have of ourselves that are programmed into our subconscious minds. We act and react as if all these perceptions are true and allow our egos to run us in the same way that a cheap microchip controls your toaster in the kitchen. It is vitally important to understand that your ego and your real self are two separate systems.

You real self is perfect and connected to everything in the universe while you ego is the programmed perceptions that are predominantly false, outdated and warped. You ego software wants you to feel isolated and separated from everything else. We have in previous thoughts studied the motives and intensions of the programmers that played a vital role in the preparation of this software.

The impression was created that everything that could possibly be fun, productive or happiness generating is outside your reach. Most people search for happiness and contentment for the best part of their lives. These people are too afraid to challenge the programmers and must thus labour under this misconception for the rest of their lives.

If you were programmed to feel unworthy, unlovable and not good enough you will continue to strive and search for acceptance that might never come. This clever move to remove happiness from you and convince you that you must constantly qualify for happiness has been at the bottom of most of your pain and fear.

The illusion that you are a separate entity and that you must go from where you “are” to where you “want to be” have caused indescribable pain and suffering for many people. They searched and strived their hearts out and still found that happiness remained just out of their reach. They bought the bullshit of separation and continue to run like hell like a rat on a treadmill in an attempt to catch happiness, success and peace of mind.

They prayed and hope that someone or something will one day hand them what they are yearning for. Everything that we do is focused on generating feelings of happiness. We hope that money, friendships or status will bring us this feeling of happiness. We all achieve moments of happiness, but soon discover that it is temporary and that it slips away from us like a peace of wet soap on a tile floor.

The illusion that we must qualify and strive puts us under constant pressure all the time. We believe the software that states that we are removed from happiness and as such never feel that we are worthy to just be happy without paying some kind of price.

Your ego programmed with your perceptions of yourself puts you through hell on earth. You are always on the back foot and feel that success; love and happiness might be hiding around the next corner or in another city or relationship. You might find this difficult to accept, but you are already “there” and may enjoy the “now” without buying a ticket or paying any price. You can only appreciate this permission if you understand that the “now” in its imperfect state is better than the illusion of potential happiness that you hope you will feel when you arrive at your selected destination.

The expectation of potential happiness that you will enjoy when you arrive at your destination will never really materialise. You will continue to run on the treadmill of life after these illusive dreams until the day you die. The fleeting moments of happiness when you achieve small objectives cannot be compared to the ongoing happiness that you can experience when you appreciate what you already have. If you do not own a three-story house with a wonderful view right now you can still fully enjoy where you live right now until you one day achieve this objective.

There is no need to postpone your happiness.


This happiness shift requires of you to sterilise your ego. To get rid of the perception that you are unworthy and that you must first qualify or achieve something before you can be happy.

You are already perfect and will remain perfect notwithstanding the defective software of your ego. You have the right to enjoy life one moment at a time notwithstanding your current station in life. You will achieve all your gaols and objectives if you become patient and allow time to pass. You are not the new vehicle, your job title, your sins and the house that you live in.

You are not the warped perceptions that you have been conditioned to believe since the day of your birth. These perceptions want you to fight, strive, grovel and suffer in your endless pursuit of something that you already have and own.


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Posted by on February 11, 2013 in WISDOM


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Your ideas, visions and dreams, whatever they may be, are the prophecies of what you shall one day become and achieve.



The Most Powerful Force in the Universe


Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force in the universe. Why would such a great man say something that sounds so silly and trivial? Look at those words again: ‘greatest creative force’. Imagination? Not education? Nor money?

Nor luck?

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said that imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known. Before you pass him away as a crackpot, know that Mr. Hill was an advisor to two U.S. presidents, was commissioned by the great and wealthy Andrew Carnegie to teach people about making their dreams come true, and has been thanked by many of the greatest people around the world for the success he helped them achieve. People like F. W. Woolworth (founder of Woolworth’s), Woodrow Wilson (former U.S. President), George Eastman (founder of Kodak), W. M. Wrigley, JR. (Wrigley’s), and many others have used his teachings to manifest their dreams.


Imagination is the force that takes you to places you have never been.


Henry Ford relied on imagination and belief. Walt Disney said that had he not seen Disneyland in his mind, the rest of the world would not have seen it on earth. Bill Gates first imagines his products before they become actual software that we rely on. And it would serve you well to remember that many of the world’s greatest people started with nothing and built empires. They had a dream. And the universe conspired, as it always does, to let them experience their imagination.

The universe always lets you experience your imagination, whatever it may be.

The Bible says ‘As a man thinketh, so shall he become’. It also says ‘Without vision we perish’.

Your mind’s images are literally the blueprint from which your world is built.

Your mind is infinite. What are your limits? What are limits, except those that you say are so? Why else would two different people have different ‘limits’?

Life is images of the mind, expressed. What this means is that Life, The Source, uses your thoughts, your mental images, as the instructions by which to create your reality in the material world. Life expresses your mental images into physical reality.

To express is to make known, to state, articulate, communicate, convey. The force of Life makes known your thoughts to yourself and everyone else by forming them into experiences and objects that can be experienced, here in the physical world.

You experience your own thoughts first hand, your images of your mind, so that you may know which ones are suitable and which ones are not. That is how you know yourself, that is how you experience your self, and that is how you grow.


This is the supreme purpose of this physical world that we are now in. It is designed to enable you to experience your Self. It is designed to enable you to experience an idea and its effects and consequences.

Life does not select which ones of your images to express and which ones not to. How would it choose for you? It therefore expresses all of them to the extent that you have them and believe them. You have true free will. This free will is truly free because of the fact that all of it is acted upon without filtering or favoring. Free will is truly free because of the fact that it actually gets results all the time, not just some of the time, and it gets them exactly.

Your ideas, visions and dreams, whatever they may be, are the prophecies of what you shall one day become and achieve. You can predict your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change your tomorrow by changing your inner self today.

As you think, there do you find yourself. You attract the people that have something to teach you in line with your thoughts, people who have something to learn from you in line with your thoughts, and you repel those who have nothing more to learn from you and give you in line with your thoughts. The same goes for places and conditions, situations and environments.


Many things influence your imagination – past fears, desires, poor mental training, lack of awareness, sub-personalities, lack of goals – any much more. But anything that influences your imagination is under your control. You can stop it simply by becoming aware of it and releasing it. And this is where awareness, consciousness, comes in as the key to clearing your mind of the debris that brings suffering to you and sabotages your success.

By David Cameron Gikandi




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Posted by on January 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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The Power of Clear Goals – Here is a good way to achieve your goals!

The Power of Clear Goals


Here is a good way to achieve your goals


Step One: List Your Goals

Make a list of your intentions or goals.

Remember to achieve anything: The thought must come first.

If you can’t clearly state or formulate your goal, you will probably never reach it.

Practice making lists. Refine your lists. Write down your goals for next week, next month, next year. Learn to think clearly.


Step Two: Focus

Pick the goals you want to concentrate on right now.

Don’t pick too many things at one time.

For this exercise, I suggest not more than two to three goals at the same time. In fact, one goal at a time is very powerful.

Focus. Remember the power of focus.

Be sure you describe your goals as clearly as possible before you start the exercise.


Step Three: Relax


Relax deeply.

Use any relaxation or meditation technique you like.

Get yourself into the alpha state. Breathe deeply.


Enjoy this relaxed state for some minutes without focusing on anything in particular. As thoughts enter your mind, don’t get attached to them. Just let them drift by as if you were watching your thoughts pass by on a movie screen.


Step Four: Visualize

Now review in your mind the two or three goals or intentions you wrote on your list.

See each goal or situation or achievement or whatever it is you want to manifest in your life as clearly as possible in your mind. Visualize it in detail. See it. Feel it. Enjoy it. In the present tense. Right now. In as many details as possible.

Step Five: Give Thanks

Now rejoice and give thanks.

Enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that the achievement and manifestation of these goals will bring to your life. Give thanks as if they had already manifested.

Enjoy this feeling. Breathe deeply a few more times and then slowly stretch your arms, opens your eyes, and go back to your daily activities.


Stay Focused

For best results, do this exercise once or twice a day, every day for 5-10 minutes each time. And don’t change your goals or intentions too often. I find it’s best to stick to an intention until it manifests. Or until you feel you’ve done enough work and should let it go for a while.

Once you get the hang of it, you will probably find that you will want to do this exercise at least once a day, every day, for the rest of your life. Not just because it works, but also because it will help you clarify where you are at the present moment — and where you’re going.

Of course, your goals and intentions will change as you grow and change. Just remember:

Think clearly!

Think positively!

Barbara Berger


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Posted by on November 25, 2012 in WISDOM


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Our expectation and hope drives us forward and helps us to overcome serious setbacks.


Assist people to achieve what they really desire if you want to make friends for life, become awfully rich or become very popular. Our expectation and hope drives us forward and helps us to overcome serious setbacks.


Attempt to make the right and best choice on a moment-to-moment basis. If you are going to wait for the perfect moment or until you have all the data, you might never make up your mind. Remember that your in-basket will still be full even on the day you die.


Attitude plays a vital role in everything you do. A poor attitude can never produce good results. A poor attitude is at the root of most failures. A poor attitude caused more marriages to fail and relationships to break down than all the other reasons put together.


Avoid head on confrontations or disputes if you can. There are usually no winners in such ego driven fights. The urge to win is sometimes so strong that it clouds our mind and judgment. An obsession by both parties to win usually lead to a major loss for at least one of the parties.


Avoid people that have the tendency to make their problem yours. By appearing helpless or lost, they con you into taking ownership of their problems. You are not a garbage truck that are contracted to remove everybody’s garbage (problems).


Avoid people that promise you the world, but do little. When you rely on an “empty promise” person, he will cause you endless problems. Good advice is to do things yourself if you want to make sure that they are taken care of.


Avoid saying things that could make people feel idiotic or inferior. It might give you a short-term ego boost, but in the long run, you will create an army of enemies that would love to even the score.


Avoid the misconception that people want to hear what is right and just. They want to be fed what they feel suits their current purpose. Give people what they want and you will be richly rewarded. When you help people to achieve their own objectives, they are usually more susceptible to yours.


Balance and decency is in during periods of success. When instant gratification becomes our main objective, we rapidly slide into the abyss of failure and discomfort. The wise man mastered the art of projecting himself into others’ shoes. When you act in a fair and responsible manner you enhance your chances of success many fold.


Be careful and remain grounded when you are faced with obsessive driven individuals. These individuals tend to exaggerate and amplify things in an attempt to buy your support. Certain politicians, clergy and conmen are experts at the art of mass hypnosis. When you are in the presence of passion driven individuals you need to question, probe and take nothing for granted. If you do you will do it at your peril.


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Posted by on November 22, 2012 in WISDOM


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The Dangers of Positive Thinking – Fantasies are different than having positive expectations about the future.

positive thinking

When you walk through the self-help aisle of any bookstore, you are likely to see plenty of books based on the notion that positive thinking is the key to getting what you want. The message is clear: if you want to achieve something, just keep telling yourself  “I can!” and envision yourself accomplishing your goals. Success will surely come your way.

Not so, says years of psychological research. Certain kinds of positive thoughts, known in the research as fantasies, can actually be detrimental to performance.

When we fantasize, we idealize our futures. We imagine all the wonderful things we can achieve and the ease with which we can achieve them. Fantasies are not based on past experiences, meaning that we can have fantasies about achieving things for which we have no training or practice. They are also not at all based on what we believe will happen. We are fantasizing when we talk with our friends about what it might be like to win the lottery or be an NBA superstar.

Fantasies are different than having positive expectations about the future. Expectations are based on past experience and future probability. For example, I might have a positive expectation that I will do well on my next statistics exam because I have done well on my homework assignments and because I have studied hard. Because they are based in reality, positive expectations are associated with better effort and performance. So it’s not that all positive thoughts about the future are detrimental, just certain kinds.

4 Perils of Fantasizing

To understand why fantasies are a type of harmful positive thinking, let’s take a look at four negative consequences of them.

1. Reduced energy

Generating positive fantasies about desired outcomes can sap energy. For example, researchers asked undergraduates to imagine that they won an essay contest. In the positive fantasy condition, they asked participants to imagine that everything about winning the contest went really well; in the other condition, they told participants to imagine that winning the contest was not as great as initially anticipated. Those who fantasized about positive outcomes reported that they felt less energized than those who did not fantasize. In a similar study, fantasizers also showed decreases in systolic blood pressure (interpreted as decreases in energization) whereas the non-fantasizers did not.

2. Mental, but not actual, attainment

Indulging in thoughts about a bright future can lead to “mental attainment” of that future: thinking as though you have achieved it. This can leave people with little motivation to achieve their goals in reality. In one study, participants who generated positive fantasies about an outcome (e.g., being more focused at work) evaluated outcome-related words in ways similar to people who have already accomplished a goal. It was as though participants were thinking that they had achieved their goals without really doing so. Importantly, this means that they had less motivation and were not thinking about the steps needed to reach their goals.

3. Bad planning

This one’s pretty simple: if you only think about how positive your future might be and how easy it will be to get there, then you don’t plan for obstacles that might be in your way! For example, if I fantasize about getting my dream job, I might not consider how to deal with tough coursework, data that aren’t perfect, or rejection of my papers. If I have no plans for how to deal with these roadblocks, then I’m much less likely to get past them.

4. Pursuit of unfeasible goals

One problem with positive fantasies is that they don’t help people distinguish between feasible and unfeasible goals. When people fantasize about a positive future, they show levels of goal commitment that are independent of their expectations for achieving those goals. So even if they think they are unlikely to reach a certain goal, fantasizers remain committed to the goal.

Though you might see this commitment as beneficial, I would encourage you to imagine all the resources and time you might waste if you continually pursued goals that were just too far out of your reach. Much better to consider your talents and opportunities and put your resources toward goals that align with them!

Unfortunately, research shows that this is something people who fantasize about a positive future are unlikely to do.

Hopefully these four consequences of fantasies have convinced you that positive thinking might not always be the answer to motivation and success. The next time you find yourself fantasizing about how great it would be to get a promotion at work or to date the hottie next door, snap out of it! Thinking realistically about how you can achieve those goals might be better than imagining you already have.

By Kate Reilly / Source: Psych Your Mind


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Posted by on September 9, 2012 in WISDOM


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Anthony Robbins said that there is no greatness without a PASSION to be great, whether it’s the ASPIRATION of an athlete or an artist, a scientist, a parent or a businessperson. It is your PASSION that becomes the DRIVING FORCE that drives you forward and upward when faced with obstacle or problems. Nothing and nobody can stop a person that is driven by his/her PASSION to achieve a desired outcome. You will not achieve and worthwhile goals with LOW or NO PASSION.



I know a number of people that act as if their perception about things is the only valid perception or option worth considering or listening to. This type of person goes around with a mindset about most things in life and makes as if only their fix on something is worth consideration. Anything that falls outside their belief system is viewed as wrong, defective, evil or false.

You might often display the same tendencies without even being aware of it. You might have several perceptions about yourself that is also out of tune with reality. The only way that you can modify any unacceptable behaviour is to tune into a new and appropriate perception in this regard. It is vital that you make a conscious decision to tune into a different station if you want to modify such behaviour.

You can have a burning desire to lose weight, but if you fail to turn the dial in your head your perception about your weight will remain the same. You might have all the talent in the world, but only when you actually fine-tune your performance will you achieve a level of greatness.

You must actually lift your hand to find another station on the dial of your radio. Nothing is going to happen without you physically lifting your hand and placing it on the knob that tunes your radio. You can sit and stare at the radio for days and dream about the wide variety of stations at your disposal, but if you fail to actually act on your dream your radio will remain on the same old station.

You can read as many self-help and motivational books as you like, but without acting on your desired outcome you will see no change in your status. Most people are too afraid to touch the dial of their radios. They are so afraid of the new and unknown that they will rather take the pain than act on their dreams.


The problem with most people is that they do not even know of the variety of options available to them. They got hooked on a specific station in life and think that they must remain loyal to it long after it served its purpose. All I can say is that you need to be brave and turn that knob on your perception tuner if you want to experience what life has to offer. When you ask people why they continue with a specific destructive and flawed relationship they mumble something about, “Better the devil you know.”





You can always go back to your old radio station if you discover that nothing on offer is better than your old and trusted station. You must however not moan and bitch what raw deal you got in life if you lack the courage to investigate alternatives.

I have seen many people at the end of their life cry over what could have been. Please understand this; it is never too late to retune your life. Nothing can stop you from turning that dial on your radio of life. The only person that stands between you and a whole new life, filled to the brim with new experiences is you.

It is your fear of potential pain and discomfort that is locking you into one station in life. If you want pleasure, you must go and search for it. If you want business success, you must retune you radio on a regular basis. If you want success in your relationships, you must be able to tune to your partner’s frequency.

The champions in life never get stuck on a single perception. They are always scanning for new opportunities. People that are brave and flexible exert tremendous influence. They are exciting and easy to be with. All it takes is a simple action to steer your life in a brand new direction. This action is to make a choice and then to act on the choice you made. Remember nobody can do it for you. You must retune or unconditionally accept where you are.



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Posted by on May 6, 2012 in WISDOM


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They say that there are no coincidences in life. Remain vigilant and ready to take action the next time you get the call.


I mentioned earlier in my previous post that you have a specific mission (calling) that you planned to achieve during your current visit to earth dimension. I often notice how individuals fail to respond on the stream of signals that point towards their calling. It is a major mistake not to answer when your calling cross your path. What many fail to understand is that it might have taken many, many years for your inner self to direct an endless number of events, people and opportunities to a certain vantage point so that you can take possession of your calling. Timing plays a major role when a meeting like this is structured. Your spiritual self must sometimes direct hundreds of events and sustain precise timing on many fronts to guide everything towards your contact point. It is thus imperative that you answer your call when it is set up for you. Missing the appointment because of ignorance or doubt could undo all the hard work and delay a fresh opportunity for months or even years. It will be rude not to open a present that someone gave you on your birthday. It will also be rude not to open the gift that your spiritual self offer you.


Please do not get me wrong. I am not talking about mind blowing inventions or earth shattering major stuff here. I am talking about a desired objective that you set up long before you departed to this dimension. Remember you were without your current body and history at the stage when you decided on this mission. You understood what next step is important for you to grow spiritually. You may have lost your direction while you bounced around in the matrix in your current body, but you have set an alarm that will periodically remind you of your destiny and mission.


They say that there are no coincidences in life. Remain vigilant and ready to take action the next time you get the call. Continue to gain in knowledge and wisdom while you work your way through earth school. Convert as much knowledge into wisdom by applying what you learn on all your day-today activities. Listen with your spiritual ears and look with your spiritual eyes. You must also learn to trust your intuition. You will feel that what you desire is now there for the taking. Do not allow your ego based false self to confuse you or pull the wool over your eyes. Your ego that is nothing more than a cluster of data in your head took on a personality of its own soon after your arrival. You were fooled into believing that you are this illusionary entity. The time has come for you to wake up to who you are and what you are doing here.





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Posted by on April 14, 2012 in WISDOM


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10 Ways to Seem Smarter Than You Are



We all want to seem smart around workmates and acquaintances, but we often don’t have the time to put in to further study to achieve this. Luckily, there are a few ways you can make yourself seem smarter with a minimum of effort. This is a list of the ten best tips for appearing smarter.


10. Learn a topic to debunk


The majority of “hot topics” are debated by people with very little knowledge of the subject. A good example of this is global warming – the majority of people you speak to on this subject will tell you how we must change our habits to prevent global warming, but few will know what “anthropogenic global warming” is. Spend a little time learning what the real experts on these faddish topics say and you simply can’t go wrong. Try to remember some of the names of authors so you can quote them.


9. Improve your Vocabulary


The simplest way to do this is to subscribe to a “word a day” emailing list. Remember to ensure that you memorize the correct pronunciation and spelling of the new word or phrase. Perhaps you can start with mesonoxian, or any of the words on the Top 10 Weird English Words.


8. Obscure Knowledge


By developing knowledge in a very obscure area, you are very unlikely to meet someone else with the same knowledge. This means you can wax lyrical for hours and it doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make – no one will know, and you will seem ultra-smart. You might, for example, spend some time studying the early Egyptian dynasties (or an interesting character like Smenkhkare,) or the writings of early Christian writers. You can be sure that even the most staunch Southern Baptist fundamentalist has never heard of most of the “fathers of the Church”, let alone read anything they wrote. Saint Igantius of Antioch is a good start; you can follow up with Athenagoras, Irenaeus, Origen, Novatian, and Polycarp. Great subject matter for the Atheist who wishes to debate against fundamentalists.


7. General Knowledge


This can be done very easily. Buy a Trivial Persuit (Genus Edition) and memorize one card before going to bed each night. In no time you will have a fount of general knowledge so immense that no one will dare debate you at Friday night drinks.


6. Ask Questions


The best way to use this trick is to ask questions when you already know the answer. This is a form of Irony when used in the right way; when the person you are questioning answers, you can ask a related question which will make it appear that you have taken in what they said, absorbed it, and wish to clarify an aspect of the topic. Additionally, when you are discussing a subject with someone who clearly knows less about it than you, you can ask questions that you know will make them stumble. This is particularly good if you have a large audience as everyone will be in awe of you. Make sure you are humble when the person’s weakness shows.


5. Learn About Good Books


Sparknotes. I repeat, sparknotes. Use the short notes found on this site to get a broad overview of famous classic novels. You only need to learn enough to make it seem that you have read the book. For a decent classic you should be able to do this in 30 minutes or less. And who knows, you may find that you want to read the book and gain some real intelligence.


4. Watch Movies


Watch some classic movies that are both good and bad. These movies don’t have to be silent movies, black and white, etc. Just good movies, fulfilling movies. Also, watch some bad movies. Someone who can spout off one or two good movies will sound either smart or fake. But someone who can state both good and bad movies, and justify why each is classified that way, will sound intelligent.


3. Learn Quotes


A great writer once said: “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” – while this is amusing, it is not entirely correct when trying to appear smarter. People will be utterly in awe of you if you can quote a famous line from poetry, a great play, or a witticism by a literarary master. There are a million sites on the internet that will help you to find quotations. Learn one a day. If you wish to learn a few lines of poetry, I recommend starting with Plath, Ginsberg, or Whitman; everyone knows who they are, but few will be able to quote them. Oh – the quotation I used here is by Oscar Wilde.


2. Use Words you Know


Nothing makes you looks more like an idiot than fumbling language. Stick to what you know! People will argue that tapes and books can teach you new words, but you still risk a terrible mistake. Learning new words can broaden your thinking and amplify your ability to communicate. However, doing so will open you up to appearing stupid, so you should stick with words you are 100% positive of pronunciation and meaning. Even if it takes you an entire extra sentence to explain a concept that one word would have clarified instantly, it’s totally worth it.


1. Be Quiet


Quite simply, the less you say, the less you can say wrong. Oh, and smile and nod knowingly.


Source: The List Universe

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Posted by on April 10, 2012 in WISDOM


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Are you a WRITER who does not write a PAINTER who does not paint, an ENTREPRENEUR who never starts a venture? Do you feel that SOMETHING prevents you from ACHIEVING your full potential? Then it might be an appropriate moment to take a hard look at how your RESISTENCE arrested your ability to take decisive and sustained action. New Series – No. 27


We will never achieve a relaxed and composed state of mind while we look at life through our perspective mirrors. I gave many examples earlier how our perceptions came about and how it still forms the basis that control almost every moment of our day. It impacts on every person and every activity that we involve ourselves in. We are expected to remain a person that add value to society notwithstanding the avalanche of negative news and continues energy sapping setbacks that we are frequently faced with. We must also manage the endless flow of thoughts, emotions and feelings that rush through our heads like trains in one of the biggest train stations in the world. We are slap bang in the middle of an ongoing fight for survival. Most people are only three months away from living out of their cars if their income suddenly dried up overnight. The world became a swirling toxic pool of billions of people that feed off each other. Everyone is trying to do something that will provide an income. Some sell or buy stuff, some provide services, and then there are those that paint or bake bread or become prostitutes in an attempt to obtain funds to feed their families. We today have billions of people that live out of each other’s pockets. We are constantly under pressure. We are today the slaves of a financially driven system that favour only a very small percentage that sits at the top of the pyramid of life. A lack of financial resources constantly hangs over billions of people’s heads daily. It is ironical that there are so many churches and temples where it is expected of us to on top of the load described above find the right church, God and saviour or get toasted when we finally lay down our tired heads for the last time. There are new movements around that preach about enlightenment and meditation. It would appear as if the insane expectations of you and me reached epic proportions. It is crazy and absurd to think that there is a God that apparently has a lot of compassion for us that will expect us to pass his ultimate test (when we die) or get toasted if we fail to make the grade. We today stagger under the weight of survival daily. I want to give you some amazing news. I want to tell you that God is not a white man with a white beard that hide somewhere in the clouds that watch every move you make like a paranoid peeping tom. God wants nothing from nobody. God is a force and we are part of that force. We are all one. Not a single myth of the vengeful Gods depicted in the so-called holy books is true and valid. We are looking at myths, legends and stories told from generation to generation that gradually took on an image of the word of God. All the pressure I explained above drove us like frightened sheep into caves of ignorance. We developed a self-defence system while we were busy evolving. This system is based in the spirit of RESISTANCE that cling to us like a cloud of pollution. The harder we try to achieve what is expected of us the harder we fall. We can find happiness and peace of mind if we learn to discard the RESISTANCE that we display daily. We can remove most of the pressure when we stop trying to be perfect. We are evolving beings and will in time grow into peaceful composed beings that live their lives one moment at a time.


You might by now have a strong desire to learn the magic formula that will neutralize the toxicity mentioned above. My friend you must stop RESISTING life and the illusion that we live in. Stop trying to impress others. Stop reacting to everything and everyone that don’t see things the same as you do. Immediately stop judging everything and everyone. Become detached and observe without criticizing or evaluating people, places and events. You will be astounded when you discover the massive volume of energy you disperse daily on pure bullshit. Take the control back of your thought process. Do not allow your ego based mind to run your show. You are the boss. I will continue this series tomorrow.





Driving Distractions

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Posted by on April 4, 2012 in WISDOM


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The process of thinking is nothing more than an ongoing series of questions that you ask yourself.







The process of thinking is nothing more than an ongoing series of questions that you ask yourself. You question your own performance and the performances of others all the time. You ability to focus on the positive in life is determined by the type of questions that you ask yourself. If you constantly ask yourself, “Why am I such an idiot” you will continue to display “idiot” behaviour. When you continually ask yourself, “Why is everybody picking on me all the time” you will continue to display the role of a victim. If you ask yourself, “Why am I continually missing out on career advances and promotions” you will make very little progress in whatever career you currently follow.

Superficially these questions might seem as if they come from the heart, but if you study them closer you will see that they cannot in any way enhance your performance in any area of your life. If you for example ask, “Why am I such an idiot” you will never really discover why you feel that you are giving the performance of an idiot all the time.

We also ask questions about the people around us all the time. We will for example ask, “Why is he always out to belittle me and make me look bad in situations.” This type of question can send you on a mental trip into a maze that will never provide you with a solution to the discomfort this person are causing you. We must stop asking ourselves questions that are designed to make our already negative and despondent feelings even more destructive.

The quality of your life depends on the type of questions you ask yourself about your own performance and the performances of others. If you are at the moment feeling let down by someone and you ask, “Why is everybody always letting me down” will not alleviate your pain, but rather deepen the feeling of disgust or despondency in you.

I think that this questioning habit comes from our childhood where our parents “questioned” us when we made mistakes or did something wrong. We seem to take this parent to child method of questioning into our adult life.




The way to question yourself should always bring your closer to a solution to your perceived problem. Rather ask, “What can I do to improve my performance in maths” and avoid the “Why am I such an idiot” style. When you ask “how can I improve” questions you, start thinking solutions while when ask “Why am I such an “idiot” questions you just deepen the negative perception you have about your performance in maths.

When you begin to pose solution-orientated questions, you are directing your attention towards things you can do to improve your status. If you ask destructive questions that only highlight your perceived inadequacies, you are setting yourself up for ongoing failure.

You can ask yourself questions on paper and begin to grow right now. If you list a number of “improvement questions” and begin to work on things you can do to improve on your current performance you are well on your way to success. If you are unhappy about something then ask, “What can I do right now to become more happy and fulfilled?” Make a list of positive question on the following subjects and then answer them in a constructive manner.

Make a list of questions on happy, success, passion, gratitude, money etc. Now answer your “what can I do to improve” questions. You will be amazed what progress you make in a relative short period. Remember questions are good as long as they are posed and answered in a constructive manner.




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Posted by on April 3, 2012 in WISDOM


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background.jpg Fake friends image by la_guera87

Very few people are prepared to pay the price in full for their hopes and dreams. They feel they achieved some kind of victory if they can get you to pay for their dreams and aspirations. Their friendships are often an empty and worthless network of people that parasite on each other. Their fake smiles and role played compassion is just as devoid of true feelings than the heart of a prostitute. Look around you and see if you can detect the good weather friends that sip your whisky and frequent your parties. We often join forces with others and hope that it will improve our situation. What we forget is that we frequently become more vulnerable because of the group dynamic


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Posted by on March 24, 2012 in WISDOM


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