Daily Archives: August 13, 2012

Non-action is the killer of dreams. Non-action and the waiting game destroys businesses, relationships and families. Your circumstances can change and solutions can come in the blink of an eye.

We all hit a wall in our lives where we feel everything is just against us. We hammer on the door of opportunity until our knuckles are raw, but know one invite us in. The key to overcome the waves of panic and pain is to trust that things will turn out ok like they did so many times before. Think back how you worried about a wide range of stuff at school and how most of them never materialised as horrific as expected. Let your mind glide through the scrap heap periods in your life and recall how many of the biggest disasters turned out ok in the end. Recall the wonderful lessons you learned and how certain individuals revealed to you that the path forward would be much more productive and pleasant without them. The biggest mistake we make when we are confronted by serious challenges is to allow the perceived magnitude to paralyze us. We start thinking in panic stricken circles and allow our minds to bind us in a state of non-action. There is nothing more lethal than a state of non-action blended with a brew of stinking thinking. The way out of any problem situation begins with calm and deliberate action. Relax and then kick the door of opportunity down if they fail to open it for you. You do not have a financial problem. All you have is a shortfall on current available cash. Your cash flow can be remedied if you continue taking deliberate action. You need to write those letters and make those calls while you talk to as many people you can that can assist you. Non-action is the killer of dreams. Non-action and the waiting game destroys businesses, relationships and families. Your circumstances can change and solutions can come in the blink of an eye. The pass code that will open many doors for you and solve most problems is your attitude my friend.



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Posted by on August 13, 2012 in WISDOM


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Spend some time today to probe why you have this reluctance to take action.




The most difficult element of getting things done is not the actual action part of the project, but the resistance we experience that sabotage us and prevent us from taking decisive action. I once gave a lecture to a major corporation on self-management. The first words I used when I opened my lecture were that I suggest that they carefully listen to what I have to share with them because it is costing their company a fortune to hire me. I looked them in the eye and told them that their management hope that I will manage to motivate them into getting their backsides anchored on their chairs. I told them that their management convinced me that they are actually a powerful team that can produce outstanding outcomes when they become focused. I also told them that I am going to recommend that management only pay them for actual work done. This caused a real stir in my audience and even woke up those at the back of the auditorium. I explained to them that I invented a device that will register all their actual work activities as well as all their time wasting activities. This device will daily send a full report to the managing director’s office that will reveal not only actual work executed, but also the time wasted chatting to other staff about stuff unrelated to work issues, drinking tea, updating blogs or Face book etc. Each staff member will thus daily be credited with an actual net production delivered. I allowed my words to sink in for a while and then told them that they will thus be paid on the net balance of their productivity account monthly. The biggest obstacle that prevent many of us to become great in our job or for that matter anything else is procrastination. I want to repeat that we have to overcome our reluctance and resistance to take action.


Spend some time today to probe why you have this reluctance to take action. What is the cause of the resistance deep inside you that is preventing you from being the best you that you can ever be? Make a list of everything that comes to mind. Think it and then ink it. I will continue this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on August 13, 2012 in WISDOM


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You are like a person that got lost in a desert. You crawl through the hot boiling sand desperately looking for help and water. Look down my friend. You have a bottle of water on your belt.




I don’t think that there are any of you that read my blog that are ignorant about the extreme value of setting goals. Many of us read books or attended seminars on goal setting. Many tried this goal setting thing for a while and then gradually slowed down. Other in turn never even started setting goals. The main reason why of us avoid goal setting is because we are afraid that we might fail or fall short of our expectations.  We worry what others may say or do when they notice that we failed or gave up on our dreams and desires. Please take another look at the chart and become acutely aware of the source of your fears and anxieties. It is your false self that is the real coward here. Your false self is obsessed about what other many say or do or how you might be perceived by family and friends. It is easy to know what to do. It is however a totally different story when you KNOW what to do and you UNDERSTAND deep inside that it is vital to you to stop drifting through life like a leave swept along by a river. You yearn for love, acceptance, recognition, more money, status or success, but neglect the most vital tool available to you. You are your own worst enemy my friend. The false self do not have any hold over you. Your false self is nothing more than a cluster of perceptions in your head. You gave this culprit the power to run your life a long time ago. You gave your false self the power because you noticed that everybody else that worked with you while you were still young also handed over their passion and power to this useless imaginary entity in your head. It is imperative that you change your knowledge about the importance of purpose into understanding. You are like a person that got lost in a desert. You crawl through the hot boiling sand desperately looking for help and water. Look down my friend. You have a bottle of water on your belt. All you need to do is to grasp (understand) that this container holds what you need to survive. Stop looking out there for your source of power. Your perfect self is ready to assist you if you are brave enough to detach from the false self that is currently running your show.  Knowledge not acted on is useless. It is only when knowledge is applied diligently that huge changes rush into your life. Your false self is a passive coward while your perfect indestructible self will never let you down.



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Posted by on August 13, 2012 in WISDOM


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The enemy and the most destructive force inside all of us is our resistance to anything that might force us to think or take action outside our comfort zone.



The enemy and the most destructive force inside all of us is our resistance to anything that might force us to think or take action outside our comfort zone. We have this door that automatically slams shut when anything or anyone expects us to take action for an extended period of time. An extended period can be anything between five minutes and several years. We live in an instant gratification world where we want to hit a button and see our desired outcome materialise. A powerful resistance instantaneously swamp our mind when we are confronted with anything that our current frame of reference identifies as “unknown” or “risky”. Some of us walk or even run away (mentally or physically) from challenges that could cause us discomfort or expect us to confront challenges where the outcomes are difficult to compute. We become like a donkey that digs in his heels. We must often literally be dragged through our wall of resistance by our manager or partner.


Please think about the role that RESISTANCE possibly play in your life today. Make a few notes. I will continue with this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on August 13, 2012 in WISDOM


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You decide what anything means to you. You then make choices according to what matter to you. What matter to you or what you deem “good” or “bad” and what is “acceptable “or “unacceptable” may not come close to the perceptions held by others. It will be wrong if you approach life or your relationships with a mindset that others must match your point of view.





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Posted by on August 13, 2012 in WISDOM


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