Daily Archives: August 15, 2012

Your thoughts are the tools with which you carve your life story on the substance of the universe.






You are given the gifts of Gods. You create your reality. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.


Think you are well and that all is well with you and nature will read your thoughts and make them true.


Your thoughts are the tools with which you carve your life story on the substance of the universe. When you choose your thoughts, you choose results.


Life allows you to think as you please, but it always produces for you what you think.

Author Unknown


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It’s high time to come clean. Stop with the self-talk to appease and conciliate.




More than 100 years ago, we were enlightened by three highly intelligent, intuitive gifted men who were modern pioneers of the human psyche. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler were psychological visionaries who knew, before it was time to know, we would need to access the depths of the unconscious, if we were penetrate the mysteries of the present day and age.


These iconic fathers of psychoanalytic therapy understood that in order to puncture the veil of hypocrisy and rampant untruth, choking the life out of people, we would have to probe the deep recesses of the unconscious realm, to unravel the trance-like hold, and the illusion of accepted normalcy has on us. Is it normal to be constantly bombarded by/ through and with the conflicted thoughts of others? Must we continue with the insanity of non-relenting self-talk so that we placate our self-generated ill-defined thoughts and actions? 

In order to follow our own truth, we must be willing to probe, expose, access, recognize, appreciate, embrace, and apply it to our everyday lives. We are not to forfeit the benefits of the sanctity of our own minds for fear of what is gained by succumbing to those voices of disdain or self-appointed elevation. Those, who familiar or not, would rather have us controlled by the perils of monotony (found within the box of approval, agreement and validation) and so called normal acceptance of the way things are currently viewed and appreciated need be forcefully exorcized from the skull, without regret. No longer can we amicably allow the thoughts, ideas, assumptions, desires, dreams, (whether repressed or voiced) to play such an important role in our lives.

We are continually engaged in self-talk in order to ‘establish and maintain’ a reliable sense of balance; in other words, put forth a false front. This on-going complacent, amicable self-talk (phony personality) prevents us from hearing the revolting ‘still small voice’ of genuine truth within. We are so accustomed to relying on others for our views, opinions and attitudes that when we try to make a step up to the plate, we feel embarrassed or ashamed for having had a revelatory thought of own in the first place. Falsity plays out its masked roles in many forms. Sometimes, from those who are the closest to us or who we deem so vitally significant to our happiness. We have a difficult time recognizing what’s false or true due to the ‘loud speaker’ of self-talk we engage in unceasingly. 

We are so consumed with business, (the ludicrous idea of getting ahead), we don’t want to recognize or admit falsity in our lives. We simply want to keep the waters calm for fear of upsetting the apple cart. So, round and round the mulberry bush we go; hand in hand, all singing a superficial lullaby of false motivations. We are so buried beneath the saturated influences of others, we rarely stop to regroup, asking IF what we are following or allowing to be said, as if in agreement, really suits our innermost fancy. In other words, are we basing what we feel upon the suppositions of others we value more than ourselves?

False institutions, false leaders, false media, false ideas, false education, false motivations, false successes, false dreams, false importance, false identification, false goals, false aspirations all fall under the category of unexpressed idealized dreams which have nothing whatever to do with us or our personal ambitions. But, we have invested so much time and effort to reverently preserve and charismatically present ourselves, as dutiful compliant individuals, we dare not reveal what’s going on with us ‘down under.’ To strip from us, the false mask of elevated status and coveted acclaim requires gut honesty and resilient courage, unlike anything we’ve demonstrated, thus far. 

Many people are silently (begrudgingly) unwillingly choosing and have decimated their entire lives to living from a false base. Why? Because we don’t trust our gut instinct; we listen to the (easily accessible and readily recognizable) surface voice of our tattered minds. Due to the deposited insecurity, from the belied voices of infiltrated, unwanted, influential opinioned osmosis, (others who surround us and who live in our minds from memories), we have not a clue what it is we really want to do or how we want to do it. What a shame! An actual living travesty, which prevents any genuine evolvement from taking place, no matter how much we plea for things to change. 

We are living in an anesthetized world filled with unrequited love of the sublime self. We are hopeless, helpless, disenfranchised individualized people, who have followed goals that in no way can satisfy the deepest desires of our soul. And, yet we altruistically continue to act as if what we are doing is for the best of all concerned. Give me a break! When we allow ourselves to become infiltrated by other people’s ideas of what is supposedly right and just for us, instead of pursuing the mainline of our own ambitions , be they accepted, appreciated, understood, respected or not, nothing but unmitigated unhappiness results. 

As long as we deny the existence of our own self-motivated vain glorious motivations to please and sublimate, we continue to remain stuck and arrogant. We see ourselves are long-suffering. Anytime, we generate an artificial premise (by explaining, excusing, or defending) our hidden desires, we do it based on false motivations. Rest assured nothing but total dissatisfaction and utter chaos will result. Self-talk creates irrefutable damage to the integrity of the individual. No longer can this raping of the human mind take place. 

A bridge of self-honesty must be built and in all actuality is being built to free the slaves of mediocrity and bearers of inconsistent indecision whose hearts and minds are saturated with unveiled boredom and depression. People know they’re unhappy, they just don’t why. The Al ‘why-ing’ is found in the ‘whining’. Cease to complain to yourself while a contradicting interacting takes place on the outside. 

low the ‘still small voice’ to speak its unwavering sensual artistic truth in the midst of other’s incessant jabbering. It will difficult and uncomfortable, at first; but incalculably worth the effort invested.


By: Paula Andrea Pyle


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It is silly to beat yourself up when you failed.




There is a serious misconception in the minds of many that concluded at a young age that it is scandalous to fail. Poor programming cause waves of negative and destructive thoughts and feelings to flood our minds with feelings a depression, despondency and shame. Well meaning parents, teachers etc. created the impression that we should feel like shit when we fail to achieve a desired objective or fail to come first in a race. I have been assisting several professional athletes to mentally prepare for major upcoming events. It was almost sad to watch them phone their parents immediately after such event to break the good or bad news to them. I heard how they justified or made excuses when they lost and how they rightfully take the credit if they succeeded. I am using this example to show you the endless lifespan that our memories have that are dormant in our minds until triggered. The same athlete that struted around with confidence before the race, match or event become almost childlike in his actions when the old shame and guilt feelings are woken up. Success is a journey. Failures are nothing more than stepping stones. What I am saying is that you in a way can fail your way to success. Failure is nothing more than an indicator that there are still work do be done. It is silly to beat yourself up when you failed. I am not saying that you must go into a race or a boxing match with a mindset that winning is not your ultimate goal. You must do what need to be done in the game of life. Play hard and play to win. Give your very best every time you enter the arena of life. Give yourself the best chance possible by preparing well and by executing all your actions at the highest level. Play until the final whistle. Be happy and rejoice when you win, but don’t make the fatal mistake of wallowing in self-pity when you lose. Life is not fair. There are many occasions where the winner has been decided long before an event. Things are often manipulated and contrived to create a certain outcome. We should teach our children at school how to lose with dignity. I have seen many teachers that make children feel like shit when they achieve less acceptable outcomes. They are minimised and belittled before their class or team. A sane teacher or coach will never break down and destroy a player that fell short of expectations. An outstanding coach will rather spend time making adjustments or upgrading areas that need some additional work. We do not blow up a building and start over every time a worker made a mistake. We rectify the mistake and then move on. You cannot blow up your building of self-confidence every time you hit a barrier and allow silly negative guilt driven feelings to cloud your mind and judgement.




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Fear, Guilt, Intimidation and Manipulation.





Things are almost never as they seem. For those of us paying attention, you’ve probably noticed there’s something sinister going on. Bankers, politicians and other mainstream parasites have a silent whisper campaign in motion. The goal? Grab all they can get while the grabbing’s good. It’s been going on for years and they’re turning up the heat because even they know the game can’t last forever.

Look around. Our society is out of control. Big business has become a vicious money grubbing machine. Look at the pharmaceutical companies. It seems like every day they introduce a new drug for some vague and mysterious disease. 

Here’s a little secret. The TV commercials many of these companies use are often full of subliminal messages designed to make the viewer feel like they need the cure, their drug! And if that’s not enough, the medication usually has worse side effects than the disease itself. But this piece isn’t about the pharmaceutical companies. Far from it. 

All The Usual Suspects: The Government

Up front I mentioned a whisper campaign where elite insiders are grabbing all they can while there’s still something to grab. Here’s an example. As a democracy we’re told the little people have a right to participate in their government. But in the last thirty years or so participation has been way down. If people even bother to vote these days it’s rare that they ever follow up on what the elected clowns are doing after they get into office.

Immediately after he was elected, Obama began pushing the trillion dollar bale out bill he’d inherited from Bush. He made a lot of noise about how congress should just pass it even without reading the thing because it was so important.

And with all this going on the people finally woke up and expressed how they felt about such a huge spending program; one essentially designed to help banks that had mismanaged their affairs. Virtually every member of the House of Representatives and the US Senate had full voice and email boxes with their constituents just screaming at them to vote this bill down. And like the pigs they are, they passed it anyway. 

If this isn’t blatant fraud and manipulation I don’t know what is. These people actually rewarded banks that had failed by using highly questionable banking practices. And, they saw to it that even the executives responsible for the failures were allowed to keep performance bonuses. Ugh.

The Demonizing Of Hemp – William Randolph Hurst

I’m going to go back in time to make a point. Back to when the media was comprised of just newspapers, magazines, radio and newsreels. William Randolph Hurst was the media baron of the day. One out of every four people reading a newspaper in the 1930s was reading one that was a part of the Hurst news syndicate.

Hurst was heavily invested in timber. Timber that was systematically cut and turned into paper for his many newspapers. But suddenly, out of the blue something threatened his empire. Hemp. Hemp is extremely easy and cheap to produce. It thrives in almost any climate. Hemp is the source for an extremely durable and versatile fiber that can be turned into fabric, rope and paper. So why don’t we use more of this wonder product? Because nearly 80 years ago it threatened William Randolph Hurst’s business interests.

As hemp became more popular Hurst realized he needed to act fast. So, with the help of the government he began a smear campaign against hemp. His newspapers were full of inaccurate editorials about hemp. With the aid of the government he helped produce “educational” documentary films publicizing the evils of hemp. And with relentless anti-hemp propaganda he managed to almost literally remove hemp from American industry. 

And who suffers? We all do. Billions of trees have been harvested to produce paper when using hemp would have been cheaper and more environmentally prudent. And as consumers, we’ve been denied an extremely versatile product all so the elite could remain in power.

But fraud and manipulation go far beyond big business, the government and the media. There are plenty of freelance parasites out there looking to eat your lunch. 

Fear, Guilt, Intimidation and Manipulation

Look at the four words above. They don’t exactly give you the warm fuzzies, do they? They’re not supposed to. But those are the tactics people use to keep us in line. Consider this:

· Religious organizations of all types have used fear and guilt as a major motivator since the beginning of time. You’ve heard it all before. Stuff like, God only recognizes (name the religion) as providing the path to heaven and if you’re not on board with us, you’re doomed to eternal damnation. And that’s just one of the many guilt trips religions are selling.

· Politicians are famous for guilt trips. They use vague terms like “the rich” “the poor” “the privileged” “the less fortunate” and others to make their points through guilt. Isn’t interesting how they never offer concrete definitions for these terms? They create problems where there are none and then sell the ultra-expensive solution to us using guilt as the motivator. And neither the blue team nor the red team has clean hands. They both use the same slippery tactics.

· Big business is famous for their manipulative practices. Take food labels and expiration dates for example. People are so brainwashed these days that many wouldn’t think of using a product after the expiration date has passed, even water has an expiration date these days! I was talking to an ex-Navy corpsman a while ago and he was laughing about this. He told me that back in the ’80s he had morphine and atropine on board his ship that was left over from World War II and that the department of defense said that the stuff was good indefinitely. Of course, some foods and medications spoil, but we’ve become a society of sissies relying on Big Brother to make us safe from cradle to grave.

Of course, there are many more groups and individuals out there waiting in the shadows to separate you from your money, liberty and free will. Are you hip to their tricks? What tricks? Lies of omission. Apple to oranges comparisons. Emotionally charged words and phrases designed to get you moving where they direct you.


By Charles Steed, Author of Dark Persuasion Techniques



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We all have a whole book of rules hidden in our heads. ……….. BREAK YOU OWN RULES!!





Most of us are guilty of a strong desire to see and experience instant gratification. We have become a society where our attention soon jumps to something else if our “gratification” is delayed for too long. Impatience is the key cause of most of our failures today. If a project, relationship or our career does not give us a clear indication of progress in a relative short period of time we jump ship and try something else. Most of us want “closure” on everything as soon as possible. When we are expected to wait we become impatient and grumpy. We forget that most things in life have a cycle or “natural” time-span or rhythm. We cannot plant a tree and rush out the following morning, ready to harvest its fruit. If we worked on the pyramids in ancient Egypt we would have been in for tough time. Most of their masterpieces took virtually a lifetime or more to complete. When you want to force closure on any project or issue you usually end up making a mess of things. When you want to build a new house you allow a fair period for its completion. If you rushed the workers you might end up dead with a lot of bricks and cement in your face. If you rush a new relationship you usually end up reading a book while your friends party up a storm. Simply slow down and allow things to unfold naturally. You will get more done, make faster progress and be more successful if you can master the art of patience.


I am often staggered by the tendency of people to create impossible rule structures for themselves. We all have a whole book of rules hidden in our heads. These rules cover virtually every eventuality that we have been confronted with since birth.

This reminds me of a story told to me many years ago. Apparently, a young couple were preparing a dinner for some friends that they invited over when the young man noticed that his new wife cut the end off a roll-rib that she was busy preparing for this special occasion. When he confronted and asked her, “Why on earth do you cut the end off the roll-rib, it is such a waste?” She smiled and told him that this was a “trick” that she learned from her mother that in turn learned it from her mother. He left it at that and speculated that it must have something to do with flavour distribution. She continued to repeat this ritual every time she prepared this exotic dish. When he finally years later met her grandmother he asked her about the roll-rib mutilation. She explained to him that she did not have an over-pan big enough to take a full roll-rib and was forced to cut off the ends to make it fit. Can you see how a simple “rule” can be passed on from generation to generation that was based on a misunderstanding?

How many “rules” do you faithfully follow everyday that have just as little foundation as displayed in the roll-rib example. We often stubbornly cling to old and outdated rules and regulations that have its foundation in a time and place far removed from the reality of the now. You can seriously complicate your life and the lives of the people around you if you stubbornly force people to do things just because it has always been done that way. Most people sheepishly follow the same “rule” structure for the best part of their lives. They fail to understand that they can never perform better than the quality of the rules that they use. The rules become the patterns that they live their lives with. It is like a stencil that will give you the same pattern for as long as you live.

It is imperative that you work from a variety of perspectives if you want to grow and succeed in life. It is fear that is holding these habitual responds patterns in place. It is fear that makes the rules in an attempt to “protect” you from real achievement. Fear of pain, embarrassment and loss makes people repeat virtually the same patterns from cradle to grave. Break free from this deadly rule structure system and spice up your life. Remember nothing is going to change if you do not make the necessary changes.



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