Daily Archives: August 21, 2012



The Fear to Surrender or Trust




The third universal fear, according to Braden (1997), is the fear to trust and surrender. We have all had our share of unpleasant experiences. When several people have disappointed, failed to keep their promises or betrayed you, you are likely to believe that the world is not a safe place. Very few of us exhibit enough faith to trust in the process of life and therefore, we are reluctant to surrender. We fear the unfamiliar and unknown and therefore, we are inclined to focus on specific outcomes. We would like life to be more predictable. We develop attachments and when something does not work out according to our expectation, we feel disappointed and betrayed. We are inclined to distrust life and develop a fear of surrendering to the events as they unfold. This fear to trust and surrender prevents us from going with the flow and appreciating every situation and as it presents itself. The fear of trusting people, with whom we have established relationships, is also very common. This universal fear may result in an attempt to control a person or an event, as well as the need to develop an attachment or to change a person.


The three universal fears are interrelated and the experience of being rejected by a person may result not only in the fear of separation, but also in the fear of being unworthy and/or the fear to trust or surrender. These fears are very easy to overlook, because they have become so ingrained in our behavior. These fears are often disguised by the different masks we wear and they may manifest in different relationships. We are inclined to intellectualise and justify the social masks we hide behind to cope with the demands of life. It is important to determine what the underlying reasons are for wearing a specific mask. Some of the masks we wear may be based on fears that need to be healed. The time you need for healing is dependent on your willingness to address your universal fears.11 Your specific fears will determine which people and circumstances you draw into your life. It is the people with whom you have developed close and intimate relationships that will push your buttons and provide you with the best opportunities to heal.

Susan Minnaar



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Posted by on August 21, 2012 in WISDOM


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You create your own heaven and hell if you support this separation theory.

thermodynamichorizonbycwi2.jpg Horizon image by jessicacollette


SEPARATION IS THE GREAT OPTICAL DELUSION: Albert Einstein called it an optical delusion. Yasutani Roshi, the spiritual teacher, said, “The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there.” The truth is you are not separate from anything, ever.

You are never separate from life or from the subatomic unity that makes the mountains, amethysts and stars. When you look at an island some distance from the land you conclude that it is a separate freestanding entity that stands totally on its own. If you however study the lay of the land you soon discover that the mainland and the Iceland is connected with each other. The water creates a delusion that it is a body totally divorced from the mainland.

I mentioned earlier in this series of thoughts that you are an extension of God. When you study the words of Einstein and Roshi you suddenly realise that God is merged with your DNA building blocks and the life force that pulses through your system.

God is not an old man with a bad attitude somewhere up there that scans each individual day and night for flaws and so-called sins. He is the ultimate creator of the universe and you are just one of the manifestations of this creation process.

Separation is the greatest disease of humankind. It is because you believe you are separate and alien to the rest of life that you experience lack, struggle, conflict and pain. There is today no unity left on this planet. People have been conditioned to see themselves as separate entities that stand on their own. Each person is neatly isolated and boxed with his or her own label.

How can you be one with God and fear failure? How can you be one with your spouse and experience fear and rejection? How can you be in tune with nature and destroy it. Many unscrupulous operators in the history of humankind have carefully manipulated this delusion of separateness. The old principle of “divide and rule” has taken its toll on all of us. Politicians and spiritual leaders have broken us up into millions of splinter groups. When the spiritual leaders successfully extracted God from man, woman and child by creating this feeling of partitioning they created a wonderful business for themselves. Part of their sales pitch included services like “path finding”, “mediating” and “bridge building”.

Because us poor idiotic mortals bought the “separation” concept we became willing customers for these operators. When these so-called “spiritual leaders” successfully developed the reward (heaven) or failure (hell) concept they took control of most people’s minds on this planet. Because of the inherent tendency of people to fail and make mistakes the heaven and hell concept worked like magic. Our fear of the unknown and our desire to live make us excellent customers for movements that promote these unfounded principles. Our yearning to re-connect with our God core stolen from us makes us puppets in the hands of the people that created this illusion.

Individuals that dare to question or ask for clarification were and still are threatened with excommunication. The fear to be cast out of the “protective” walls of these institutions stopped most individuals in their tracks. The risk of giving up the potential reward of heaven was just too much to bear. Separation is a feared emotion. Most of us will rather be part of a defective system than no system at all. When you study how individuals have been killed and tortured in the name of religion through the ages you find it difficult to understand why not more people want to investigate the real truth of the matter.

If you want to experience real love, happiness and success you must discard this illusion of separation that you have been sold by these unscrupulous operators. Once you accept that you are one with everything in the universe you loose your fear of isolation.

You are one with every creation on this planet. You are part of that wonderful tree in your garden. You are one with the snow-capped mountain that you often see on postcards. You are special and do not need a special man made communication system if you want to share your thoughts and feelings with your creator. You are not on the outside and must overcome obstacles and horror filled tests to unite with God.

I sometimes feel that the video game creators got their ideas from these principles. You are not a sinner and will be tried and tested in the most inhumane ways to see if you are worthy of some heavenly prize. God will not demand the life of your child to see if you qualify for this heavenly state. He will not expose a vulnerable and fallible entity like you to an endless game of visible and invisible examinations to see if you qualify for a place in his heavenly haven. All this is nothing more than an illusion like I indicted earlier in this document. I am sure that most of these spiritual leaders are not even aware that they are leading you down a path of confusion, a case of the blind leading the blind.

You create your own heaven and hell if you support this separation theory. You will remain in a pain, fear and a rejected state until you accept that you already have what they are trying to sell you. You are already one with God and can change your life to include fun and happiness today if you decided to do so. It is not God that are spoiling your fun or testing you, but it is your own warped thoughts of separation that is causing most of your unhappiness. There is no need to build a bridge because you are already one with and part of your creator.






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Posted by on August 21, 2012 in WISDOM


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Dr. Masaru Emoto – Water reveals hidden messages and reacts to human thoughts, music, emotions, prayers and written words.




When most people think about water, they’re thinking about something to drink, or perhaps that hot, steamy and refreshing liquid that funnels out of the showerhead to remove the grit and grime after a long day’s work.


Dr. Masaru Emoto is not one of those people. He believes that water reveals hidden messages and reacts to human thoughts, music, emotions, prayers and written words.


Epiphany Works, an inspired event-planning company that provides forums for enlightening entertainment that is experiential in nature, is responsible for bringing the famed scientist to Cranberry on Sunday, Oct. 2.


The co-founder of Epiphany Works, Gina Hillier, contacted Emoto in hopes of bringing him to the Pittsburgh area to demonstrate his almost incomprehensible beliefs.


“Our goal is basically to show people things they’ve never done before, whether we create it or bring someone in,” Hillier explained.


“Dr. Emoto is one of those such people, and we’re honored to have him visiting. He’s touching a nerve and his message is so simple yet universal, that water has intelligence.


What he basically does is use scientific methods to prove that thoughts change the chemistry of water.”


The well-known Japanese scientist became interested in water at a very young age.


“When I was a child, I learned from my mother that ‘water is a reflection of your soul,'”


Emoto explained



“In remembering that experience, I decided to embark on this current research for and with water.”


Emoto has been on a non-stop quest for two decades and was internationally recognized through his breakthrough film, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” He believes that almost everything is affected by water, including tsunamis and hurricanes on a deeper level than is obvious. He feels that everyone should be learning much more about the importance of water’s impact on everyday life.


“Water is essential to life, but how long have we been ignorant about water? Forever,” Emoto stated. “I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that people are really ignorant when it comes to water.”


A few examples of the main questions Emoto feels people should be looking into: Why we can’t live a single day without water? How can water dissolve anything? Why is water the heaviest at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit?


While these questions can be answered in a scientific fashion, Emoto feels the root of the mystery has not been uncovered in an adequate way.



Emoto points to the fact that NASA has confirmed that all of the water on Earth actually came from outer space in the form of ice comets.


“This information was reported over eight years ago, yet no one takes it seriously,” Emoto said. “This is because if this finding was accepted, all the theories that have been discovered in modern science in the past will be nullified. This is particularly (important) because if this theory is accepted as a fact, then it means that humans really came from outer space.


“Furthermore, this forces our thinking to leave the parameters of science and enter the realm of God or other spiritual reasoning, which is one of the most despised thought process by scientists.”


Another concern of Emoto’s is that the Earth is losing the battle to hold so much water.

He says NASA has concluded that ice comets are about usually 100 tons and nearly 10 million of them hit the earth every year. Due to the influx of water, Emoto predicts many more natural disasters, along with the concern of global warming.


“What I can theorize is that Earth is now acting like a full sponge and can no longer absorb enough water,” Emoto explained.


“I am seriously worried that a part of this Earth really will be consumed by water and disappear, just like in the case of the continents Mu and Atlantis.”


Emoto believes that water is so powerful that it can create havoc merely as a result human thoughts. One of his studies consists of taking photographs of water crystals by two photographers; one who is at peace and another who is agitated.


When the feeling of what Emoto calls “Love and Thanks” was sent to the water, the crystal formation was at its best and the most beautiful. On the other hand, ugly water crystals formed when when negative feelings were sent toward the water.


Part of this research has lead Emoto to the conclusion that humans are responsible for some water-related natural disasters.


“Are modern day people living a life on a daily basis that is full of ‘Love and Thanks’ energy? The answer is no,” Emoto stated.


“We are all immersed in fear and resentment and are living a life that is full of gluttony.”


The renowned water researcher concludes that our water will reflect those feelings and retaliate, possibly wreaking havoc in more areas if people do not come together, live in harmony and respect the water.


Emoto uses Einstein’s theory of relativity, E=mc2 for his water research, believing the ‘m’ represents the number of people and the ‘c’ equals consciousness.


As far as healing powers go, Emoto believes that water has true powers when one realizes that the origin of every phenomenon can be traced back to vibrations.


“Vibration can only travel through water,” Emoto explained. “All illnesses are created when a particular vibration is corrupted. The best way to heal this irregularity is to apply the same irregular frequency vibrational wave pattern so that this relationship will cancel out the bad vibration and condition that followed.”


Due to the fact that humans are made mostly of water, Emoto feels that water has the ability to change things around the world and for mankind because water is a reflection of the soul.


“I believe water is a reflection of all human consciousness,” Emoto said. “Therefore, the current tragedies around the world that are caused by water are a result of the unbalance in the culture, economy and politics.”


The leading water scientist is selling out in almost every city he’s visiting and is attracting a vast amount of people, including medical students and churches. His lecture, “The Power of Water,” is expected to be well attended in Cranberry, his only stop in the Pittsburgh area.


By Kate Canan / Source: Gateway Newspapers


Posted by on August 21, 2012 in WISDOM


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