Daily Archives: August 22, 2012

Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010 had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.

Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010 had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.

On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen, was vague and replied “I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that is “not of this world”.

Delegates to the conference on ancient Egyptian architecture were left shocked, however Dr Shaheen had refused to comment further or elaborate on his UFO and alien related statements.

Down below is 90’s The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary, that’s deals with the fact that Russian had already discovered the tomb of Alien Humanoid in Egypt and something is beneath the pyramid. The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary interestingly supporting the head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen claim as well.

Actually ancient Egyptian writings very often talk of beings from the sky, the sky opening and bright lights coming down to teach them technology and give them wisdom. Many pictures and symbols resemble UFOs and aliens. POSSIBLY aliens built the Great Pyramid. And these solid long lasting construction techniques were adopted by the Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptian legends tell of Tep Zepi, or the “first time”. This is described as an age when “sky gods” came down to Earth and raised the land from mud and water.

They supposedly flew through the air in flying “boats” and brought laws and wisdom to man through a royal line of Pharaohs. And of course, this was all thrown out the window when Christianity came along. Keep in mind that the Gods were the one and only ‘religion’ that there was. No other conflicting beliefs? Why? Well because it was fact, not faith.

The modern church would have you believe that’s it’s just a myth. But you have to ask yourself on the edge of Occam razor, what truly indeed is more likely?

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Posted by on August 22, 2012 in WISDOM


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Our ancestors were probably more intelligent and capable than we give them credit for.






Stonehenge, great pyramid of Giza, Pyramid of the Sun, Easter Island Heads, Central America Pyramids: what do all of these have in common? They’re just a few of the mysterious megalithic structures that baffle us all.


A megalith is a structure made out of giant rock. It could be a monument, statue, or some strange pattern consisting of giant rocks.


These structures aren’t just found in one area of the world. In fact, they are found all across the globe. Every culture has an architectural oddity in the form of giant rocks, often weighing around 1,000 tons each.


Stonehenge. This megalithic structure is found in the Salisbury plains of England. These giant stones, which weigh at around 40 tons each, are believed to have came from quarries far away.


  • Egyptian’s great pyramid of Giza. This great pyramid truly lives up to its name. It contains over two million stones weighing an average of 2.5 stones each.


  • Easter Island statues. This Polynesian Island is one of the most isolated places on Earth. How, then, were the giant statues gathered and taken there? Each giant stone has a rather strange face carved on it. We know that the statues have been there for at least three centuries, due to reports from early 18th century Europeans who came across the Island.


  • The Trilithon in Baalbek, Lebanon. This structure consists of three very large stone blocks, weighing in around 800 – 1000 tons each! These three giant rocks are known to be the largest “building” blocks ever used by human kind!


  • Carnac stones. This megalithic collection, located in the village of Carnac in Brittany, France, consists of a large number of stones. An estimated 3,000 or so stones stands at this site—all in a perfect straight line. No one is certain as to when they were built, although it’s believed they’ve been standing there since at least 3,300 BC! They appear to have been built during the Neolithic period. According to legend, though, Merlin the Magician turned a Roman legion into those stones.


There are many more megalithic structures found around the world. We may never know how they were built, or who built them. Some believe that they were built by aliens. Others believe that the ancients had more advanced technology than we realize. Could it have been the Atlanteans, or some other long lost civilization, who had the knowledge and technology to build such structures? Some would like to think so. In reality though, the explanation is probably much more simple—our ancestors were probably more intelligent and capable than we give them credit for.


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Posted by on August 22, 2012 in WISDOM


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The more we fear the thicker the walls become around us that keep us a prisoner.



Man fear failure, pain, loss, embarrassment, rejection, and a wide range of other stuff. Why do we allow the element of fear to play such a devastating role in our lives? The main reason seems to be that we don’t want to endure pain, discomfort and anxiety because we don’t enjoy the feelings that flood our body and mind. Have the thought ever cross your mind that we don’t fear the same stuff universally? Some of us will allow a spider to sit in our hand without showing any anxiety or fear. Some of us will give a speech in front of a massive audience and enjoy it. There are those that seem to be immune to verbal abuse and rejection. A thick skin repels verbal abuse like a rug treated with a soil repellent. The reason why we have different fear patterns is because those that conditioned us during childhood had different things that they feared during your formative years. There are certain fears that are more universal. Religion and politics in the area where you grew up is usually responsible for specific fears. Fear became a universal control system that is used openly, but more often than not subliminally by governments, religion, banks etc. to put you in an almost endless state of fear. Look around you and you will discover that the whole system was designed to control the masses. The more we fear the thicker the walls become around us that keep us a prisoner. We fear rejection and take endless abuse by our partner. We fear financial pressure and eat the abuse of a slave driving boss daily. We fear crime and build prisons with high walls with barbwire that we live in. We are also controlled by our fear of other races, religions, political groups and the potential of disasters like earth warming or the second coming of Christ. We often fear Muslims and Muslims hate (form of fear) Christian. Can you see the endless invisible chains that keep us locked in a state of mental paralysis? The only way that you can escape the fear trap is to see things as they are and not the way that your controllers want you to view them. Take anything you fear and start researching it. Make it your business to fully understand the dynamics of the subject of your research. Dig deep and ask questions. Knowledge will set you free. Knowledge shines a light in the dark dungeons where fear hides in your mind. Most of the stuff you fear is nothing more than toothless paper tigers that make a lot of noise. Be bold and select one subject today that you would like to expose to the light. I guarantee you that there is virtually nothing that can threaten you once you start applying this principle. Remember someone is benefitting from your fear. Ask yourself who is benefitting from your state of fear and you will identify your fear source and at the same time grasp his/her or their motivation.



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Posted by on August 22, 2012 in WISDOM


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When you resist “what is” happening in the current moment you are at the mercy of such event.




Many of us are convinced that we need to fight for what we deem is ours. We find ourselves in constant battles against the will of others that also approach life from this perspective. It is our ego based outer self that must forever win arguments, disputes, debates and confrontations. It is vital that we grasp that we build walls and barriers as long as we internally, verbally or externally resist “what is” in the current moment. It is these walls erected by the ego based outer self that prevents you (the perceived ego based outer self) to re-unite with the spiritual perfect self at your core. Our spiritual perfect self is one with God. Can you see how you make it impossible to experience the love and purity of the force that everything is made of? Your acceptance “what is” and your act of living your life in the now carve a doorway in the barriers that your outer self erected. When you resist “what is” happening in the current moment you are at the mercy of such event. You allow the outer world with its ego driven individuals to decide your happiness or unhappiness when you resist “what is” in the current moment in your relationships or any other experience. Your acceptance of “what is” will allow your perfect inner self to guide you through “what is” in the most efficient manner. Your outer self is always spoiling for a fight or ready to defend what you currently perceive who you are. You are not your ego based outer self and there is no need to defend the majestic inner self. The inner self understand that it is often more advantageous to be happy than to be the victor or right in a silly ego based little drama or dispute.






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Posted by on August 22, 2012 in WISDOM


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