Daily Archives: August 26, 2012

Improve Your Life in One Minute

Want to make some positive gains in your life? A lot of folks would like to improve their lifestyle, but just cannot find the time to take action.

Still, the highest mountain is scaled only step at a time, and the biggest goal is only accomplished one step at a time. So why not just commit to take one small step right now?

I suggest an approach of just focusing on something you can accomplish in one minute — just 60 seconds.

You may surprise yourself. You can actually do quite a bit in only one minute. Here are some ways to use the power of a single minute:

Exercise for One Minute

No time to go to the gym? OK. Forget about the next 59 minutes, and just focus on the next one minute. Do a deep breathing exercise, or one minute of push-ups or sit-ups. After a while you may expand to two minutes — and wow, you have just made a 200 percent jump.

Relax for One Minute

Just relax into your chair and suck in a slow deep breath all the way down into your belly. Then open your mouth slightly, and release your breath as slowly as you can. Try this right now to refresh your mind with increased oxygen.

Calm Your Mind for One Minute

Your mind is a fabulous theater, and contains wonderful visions of your favorite places. Go visit one of those places for one minute. Just relax and clear your mind wherever you may be. You’ll come away feeling refreshed, and a lot calmer and clearer.

Change Your Outlook for One Minute

You can even experiment going outside your normal self for a minute. Try acting the exact opposite of how you usually act for one minute. If you tend to be introverted, think like an extrovert. If you are an engineer, think like an artist. If you are a man, think like a woman.

Re-Frame a Problem for One Minute

Choose a problem, then select a different frame of reference to consider it from. Try considering the problem through the eyes of someone you admire. Does the problem look different? Try looking at it with the mind Albert Einstein or Bill Gates or Martha Stewart. Now how does the problem look?

Be Happy for One Minute

Maybe you are currently overwhelmed with problems and challenges beyond your control. Try finding something to give thanks for, and focus on being grateful. Forget any current or past tragedies or disasters, and let yourself be happy for one minute.

You really can achieve wonders in just one minute. And these single minutes can add up to a greatly improve quality of life. Give it a try!

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

Creator of 
Become All You Can Be

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Posted by on August 26, 2012 in WISDOM


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101 myths about relationships that drive us crazy – (and a little about what you can do about them)



Once upon a time many thousands of years ago, the Devil Himself was sitting in his boiling hot company headquarters in Hell, looking at his mission statement, which was hanging on the wall in big flaming red letters at the other end of his office. It read: “To make as many people as possible as unhappy as possible for as long as possible.”


The Devil was actually a bit depressed because he felt that it really wasn’t going very well with the Devil & Co.’s mission at the moment. Despite his persistent efforts, people all around the world were really very happy and satisfied. People were just loafing around loving themselves and each other and feeling really quite good about everything.


So the Devil knew that he had to do something drastic if he was going to avoid being transferred, degraded – or worse – fired. He would have to come up with something that would really and truly kick ass and make people desperately unhappy.


And that was when he suddenly got the most brilliant idea! An idea that would – without a shadow of a doubt – really make his mission and vision of making as many people as possible as unhappy as possible for as long as possible – a reality: RELATIONSHIPS!


Yes! Of course, that was it! The Devil could already see it. Relationships – the direct route to Hell! One big lie – or a series of lies – that were so big and convincing that they would start making people desperately unhappy right from childhood…


The Devil started frantically writing his plan down:


The Devil’s no. 1 lie about relationships:


The love that I seek is outside of myself.


Woohoo! It’s brilliant! Brilliant thought the Devil as he hopped up and down enthusiastically on his flaming red throne. If I can just get enough people to believe that the love they seek is outside themselves… it will be truly awesome. So awesome that the Devil & Co. will probably end up being listed on the New York Stock Exchange!


Brilliant. Now that the basic concept was in place, it was time to add a little more pain… he he he.


The Devil’s no. 2 lie about relationships:


The love that I seek is dependent on another person.


Woohoo again! This is good, really, really good thought the Devil, surprised by his own brilliance. I’m really something… yes I really am! Amazing… And here’s another one…!


The Devil’s no. 3 lie about relationships:


I can only experience the love that I seek with one single person.


Even more brilliant! Sometimes I just surprise myself. He could see the Devil & Co.’s worldwide advertising campaign supported by Internet banners in every language proclaiming things like “The One and Only”, “The Love of Your Life”, “True Romance”… brilliant, brilliant. This is just brilliant. The Devil could feel the confusion, the overwhelming longing, the terrible misery and loneliness all the way down to his fifteen big toes. Millions and millions of people around the world who actually believe that they could only experience the love they seek with one specific person – without ever quite knowing who this one specific person is. And if one was actually lucky enough to find this person; there was no guarantee that this person would love you back. And no guarantee that he or she wasn’t already in another relationship. Yes brilliant! Just brilliant. If the Devil could get people to believe this, it would be the end of all that suffocating touchy-feely lovey-dovey stuff that was flourishing on earth at the moment. It would be the end of all those happy people who just love everything and everyone…


And last but not least…


The Devil’s no. 4 lie about relationships:


It’s only love if the relationship lasts forever.


Yes! That’s good – that’s got to hurt! With this lie, the Devil could be sure that people would stay unhappy no matter what. If they weren’t in a relationship, they’d be unhappy because they’d believe that the love that they seek was outside of themselves. And if they were in a relationship where the partners drifted apart, well this devilish lie – (that it was only love if the relationship lasted forever) – would keep them in the relationship no matter what. And the few who actually were brave enough to separate, well they would always look back at the relationship and feel it was one big failure.


Hmmmm….The Devil was aware that this last lie was pretty far out and that it would be pretty difficult to get people to believe it. So he figured he’d add a little extra lie to back this one up. He decided he’d spread the word that it was God Himself – the Top Dog – who proclaimed this lie to be the God’s honest Truth. The Devil would make sure that all religions in the world taught that a relationship was only genuine and real if the two partners took a solemn oath that they would love each other and stay together forever – no matter what happened!


Ha ha ha – am I brilliant or what? The Devil just couldn’t stop slapping his thighs with pure devilish joy.


Okay – so far so good. Now it was time for action – and not just a little action. No, no, no. The Devil knew that if he was going to sell such a colossal pack of lies to humanity, he’d really have to roll out the heaviest possible brain washing campaign. So he called in all his sales and marketing and branding departments and worked day and night developing a campaign that would make even the most incredible lies about racism, nationalism, sexism, age-ism and materialism fade in comparison. The Devil’s campaign would be a mega-giga-super-duper advertising campaign about “The One and Only” backed by a million trillion pop songs and music videos and TV series and movies and women’s magazines and books and novels, all backed by the fashion and cosmetic industries – all of whom would broadcast non-stop day and night and in unison the Devil’s lies about relationships….


I wonder how the Devil’s brilliant plan turned out…?


By my friend Tim Ray


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Posted by on August 26, 2012 in WISDOM


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We strut around with our bloated egos as if we know everything about everything.

There might be some of the readers that were so busy getting upset about the flowery language used by Joe Rogan that they possibly missed the very powerful message he shared with his audience. We strut around with our bloated egos as if we know everything about everything. What we fail to understand is that we know virtually nothing other than a few basic perceptions downloaded by our parents very soon after we arrived on this plane. Many of us have a very sensitive emotional body that make us cringe, cry or go to war if anyone dare to oppose our point of view. We have superficial data on millions of stuff that is sitting there in our sub-conscious minds ready to spring to life when activated. This gives us a false sense of superiority. What we don’t know is that our knowledge depth barely put a layer on the surface of any subject matter. Look at our education system. Our system is underfunded and understaffed. Our system makes it virtually impossible to fail. That is why you have huge numbers of students that finish school that can hardly read or write their name. We appoint individuals in serious leadership positions that are unqualified and know virtually nothing about leadership or accountability. We appoint people according to their skin colour and hope that they will sooner or later master the job. We force individuals into leadership positions in business because of skin colour and disadvantage that organisation in the competitive world we live in. We allow often lazy individuals that insist on high paying jobs with endless benefits to take over the workforce and still expect to compete in the global market. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against any race or tribe. I embrace anyone notwithstanding his mother tongue or skin colour that have a strong desire to learn, evolve and admit that he or she still have much to learn. We get brainwashed to stick to a few basic principles and perceptions or we will be toasted by God. We have a shower of uninterrupted advertising that is bombarding us mercilessly from the moment we open our eyes in the morning until we drop back into bed at night. We are producing children today that early in their life start running the show at home. They dictate what they will eat, wear and learn. Parents have been so entangled in guilt and laws that they can hardly demonstrate their insistence that certain things are out of bounds. We, the older generation should first admit that most of us suspended taking in new knowledge soon after we left school or university. We know little about most of the stuff that we see around us daily. Many slipped into a groove decades ago and still walk in circles while we hope that something mystical will happen that will bring some welcome change into our lives. Please listen to the clip again and you might notice that there is a powerful message blanketed by endless laughter. We might think it is funny when someone tells us that we are dumb, but sit for a few moments and think about it. You might agree that Joe Rogan is spot on with his message.


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Posted by on August 26, 2012 in WISDOM


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ABUNDANCE – The Future Is Better Than You Think!

Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think

Since the dawn of humanity, a privileged few have lived in stark contrast to the hardscrabble majority. Conventional wisdom says this gap cannot be closed. But it is closing—fast.


In Abundance, space entrepreneur turned innovation pioneer Peter H. Diamandis and award-winning science writer Steven Kotler document how progress in artificial intelligence, robotics, infinite computing, ubiquitous broadband networks, digital manufacturing, nanomaterials, synthetic biology, and many other exponentially growing technologies will enable us to make greater gains in the next two decades than we have in the previous two hundred years.


We will soon have the ability to meet and exceed the basic needs of every man, woman, and child on the planet. Abundance for all is within our grasp.

Breaking down human needs by category—water, food, energy, healthcare, education, freedom—Diamandis and Kotler introduce us to dozens (and dozens) of innovators and industry captains making tremendous strides in each area: Dean Kamen’s “Slingshot,” a technology which can transform polluted water, salt water or even raw sewage into incredibly high-quality drinking water for less than one cent a liter; the Qualcomm Tricorder X PRIZE which promises a low-cost, handheld medical device that allows anyone to diagnose themselves better than a board certified doctor; Dickson Despommier’s “vertical farms,” which replaces traditional agriculture with a system that uses 80 percent less land, 90 percent less water, 100 percent fewer pesticides and zero transportation costs.

As a bonus, the authors provide a detailed reference section filled with ninety graphs, charts and graphics offering much of the source data underpinning their conclusions.

In this thrilling antidote to today’s dark pessimism, the authors rely on exhaustive research and extensive interviews with top scientists, innovators, and captains of industry to explore how four emerging forces—exponential technologies, the DIY innovator, the Technophilanthropist, and the Rising Billion—are conspiring to solve our biggest problems.


Diamandis and Kotler examine the stunning impact these forces are having on categories of critical importance while establishing hard targets for change, laying out a strategic road map for governments, industry, and entrepreneurs, and giving us plenty of reason for optimism.

Providing abundance is humanity’s grandest challenge—this is a book about how we rise to meet it.

Source: Abundance: The Book



Thirsty? Just grab a Slingshot, says Dean Kamen

Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway, has invented a water purification system called the Slingshot, which he claims can purify 97 percent of the Earth’s undrinkable water. Mr. Kamen is pictured here drinking a glass of Slingshot-produced water. (Source: CNN)


The device operates at low power and requires little maintenance. Mr. Kamen is aiming to sell the devices for $2,000 to aid organizations. (Source: CNN)


Obtaining clean drinking water remains a very serious problem for people in many parts of the world. Scientists have been hard at work trying to invent solutions to make water purification cheaper and incorporate renewable energy sources for power in remote regions. Now, one famous inventor has cooked what he claims to be the most revolutionary water purification system to date.


Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway, the Luke robotic arm, and founder of the F.I.R.S.T. robotics competition warns, “In your lifetime, my lifetime, we will see water be a really scarce, valuable commodity.”

Looking to solve this problem, Mr. Kamen and his associates at DEKA Research in Manchester, New Hampshire have invented a new type of water purifier called the Slingshot, which he claims can purify 97 percent of the world’s undrinkable water.

The device took him over 10 years to develop and can transform even sewage into clean drinking water. The crux of the invention is the “vapor compression distiller” which sits between the tank of dirty liquid and the tank of clean drinking water. This device operates at low power and boils, distills, and vaporizes liquid water from the dirty mix, leaving behind impurities in the water. The device requires little maintenance.

The device produces 250 gallons a day, enough to support 100 people. Mr. Kamen boasts, “It is literally like turning lead into gold. But I believe it’s more important, because you can’t drink lead or gold.”

The device has already been field tested in the village of Lerida in Honduras in 2006. Two of the devices were placed in the village, and everything went perfectly, without a hitch. 

Next up, Mr. Kamen envisions mass deployment. Currently, a Slingshot costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, Mr. Kamen is looking for partners to mass produce the device. He hopes to reduce the cost to about $2,000 a unit, and to enlist humanitarian groups to start buying the devices for regions in need. He states, “The biggest challenge right now between this being a dream and a reality is getting committed people that really care about the state of the world’s health to get involved.”

Currently about 900 million of the world’s 7 billion people don’t have access to clean drinking water. This leads to over 3.5 million deaths a year from water-related diseases.




Posted by on August 26, 2012 in WISDOM


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