The Coming Killshot

08 Oct


The Coming Killshot

Our “KillShot” Q&A discussion at The Portland Preparedness Center (February 23 2012) was very popular with people from many places around the world on line for the Live Stream.

But what, you may ask, is a Killshot?

The short answer:- Solar Storms shoot Electromagnetic Pulses (EMPs) at the Earth – and a Killshot is one that has truly devastatingworldwide consequences.

While introducing the subject, Michael mentioned that he had been a reporter/journalist for many years, starting in 1960, and that the information to be presented would be seen by some asshocking, and by others as unbelievable – but the object was and is to present information in the objective way scientists gather and present data. The messenger is not the issue. The message is.

The intention was (and is) to make people aware that there is very little time left to make preparations to get through and beyond what really IS the ultimate worst-case scenario – a major “killshot” from the sun in late 2012 or early 2013.

Michael’s presentation was the result of years of research and information from scientists, reports from NOAA and NASA, and the proven track record of Major Ed Dames and his group of Remote Viewers (to be explained below).

Fortunately, a number of precursor events are seen before the killshot happens – so for those who are informed, and who accept the validity of this information (we know very well that some won’t, but that’s what freedom of choice is about) there is still time to prepare for what will be shocking consequences once this EMP hits our planet.


To see this subject in context, and to draw your own informed conclusions, we recommend that you view all the various links that follow, in sequence. This will take some time – perhaps an hour or two – but it is something that should be done as soon as possible. Doing so and staying focused on what you are studying, will give you an excellent insight into what to expect, and WHY we should be very diligent about getting as well prepared as we can, as soon as we can. (We also suggest you right click on each link, open it in a new tab, then return to this one to continue).

First, we played a short clip of theoretical physicist Dr Michio Kaku (left), author of the book “Physics Of The Impossible,” and host of the sci-fi show, “Science,” on the Science channel, being interviewed on Fox Business News. (Right Click/New Tab To View).



NASA Says “Be Prepared.”

While we know that NASA is constantly monitoring the sun, whether there is a connection or not there appeared to be a real sense of urgency behind its decision to use a YouTube video to encourage ALL its employees to start a preparedness plan “NOW.”

We also know that NASA refuses to reveal any information about its activities in space being observed by the occupants of other craft (UFOs) despite the fact that many astronauts have said they have had such encounters. This raises the obvious questions – what do they know about the sun’s activity that they’re not telling the rest of us? And why did they discontinue the Space Shuttle program?

Speculation aside, it really is significant that the entire organization is being asked to do everything possible to ensure their families are prepared for the unexpected – whatever it might be. (Right Click/New Tab To View).

Killshot or not, that’s all good advice.


FEMA was also mentioned in that address – the same FEMA that has recently admitted that it cannot be expected to reach everybody in a timely manner in any sort of major emergency situation. Well, given the super-storm that is now expected, we should not be relying on anyone else but ourselves to see us through and pick up the pieces anyway.

Aside from solar storms, which we’ll come back to, preparedness is also about being prepared for earthquakes – especially now that the tectonic plates around the world are on the move.

In that regard, at least here in the US, we seem to be kept in the dark about really important matters, such as the fact that Japan experienced over 19000 earthquakes during 2011. But Japanese scientists have compiled a very dramatic animation of that, and if anything it underscores previous suggestions in Preparedness News that there’s a strong possibility that the Fukushima-Daichi power plant will eventually disappear underwater as the result of yet another big earthquake – or because these continuing swarms of ‘quakes will achieve the same objective.

Note as you watch that the power plant and that part of Japan are virtually perched on the lip of a 20,000ft deep underwater trench. (Right Click/New Tab/ To View).


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Posted by on October 8, 2012 in WISDOM


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