Mysteries of the World – Scepticism is absolutely crucial in order to discover the truth.

03 Feb


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Mysteries of the World


Scepticism is the basis for science. As such, scepticism is absolutely crucial in order to discover the truth. It is true that far too many people are gullible, rather than sceptical  This gullibility has led to the unthinking following of dangerous ideologies that make human beings little more than sheep and slaves. Millions are convinced, merely on the words of others, that there are invisible creatures of one or another ethnicity, race gender or form, such as gods, sons of gods, virgin mothers, angels, devils, etc., who are directing life behind the scenes. While there are indeed unseen forces at work in nature, what they have been too frequently portrayed as are mere cultural artefacts and hallucinations, instead of ultimate realities. Mindlessly believing in these limited depictions of the mysterious and enigmatic without thorough investigation is not healthy. But hardcore scepticism that reduces the cosmos to nothing but mechanical matter and third-dimensional, mundane mediocrity is not healthy either. In this sense, the gullible follower and the hardcore septic are in the same boat. And the paradox thus presented is at the core of the quest for understanding the workings of the universe.

While it is clear from the atrocities and obscenities occurring day in and day out all over this world that no single entity, i.e., “God” is in charge, it is equally clear that there is more to life than the dry, linear experience frequently depicted by materialistic scientists and sceptics  Much of the time, the materialistic depiction of life rings true, as the supernatural or paranormal does not frequently factor into daily life. However, at times the truly bizarre and unexplainable occurs, thus throwing our established paradigms of reality into an uproar. While materialists find these occurrences disturbing and readily dismiss them as fantasy and illusion, the fact remains that they occur and cannot be so easily dismissed. Nor would we want to, since these moments of mystery are some of the most delicious and entertaining that we can experience in this dimension. These “ Fortran” moments, when frogs fall from the sky or chupacabras appear out of nowhere or man made objects are found in rock strata millions of years old, should be viewed as simply fascinating and not ignored. After all, who wants to live in a world or universe where no magic ever occurs? Yet, that does not mean we should not inspect or enjoy such events with a critical eye, using rigorous scientific methodology.

Still, it must always be remembered that there are other dimensions, and, it seems, these dimensions at times bleed together and create a mind-blowing newness that firmly shakes us out of our complacent reality. Let us inspect some of these inexplicable and earthshaking events that have allegedly occurred over the thousands and millions of years.

These “ Fortran” events or items, named by Charles Fort “the procession of the dammed” are innumerable in quantity, so the following will present a mere taste of the wonders that await those who have not already made up their minds as to the nature of reality. (The following list represents reportage of apparent phenomena, not an opinion or endorsement as to whether or not they are have actually happened or are “real.”)

  • For hundreds of years, inexplicable “sky quakes” or thunderous explosions have been heard in various parts of the world, long before jets existed to break the sound barrier.

  • Huge blocks of ice have been crashing through roofs for centuries, again long before airplanes were invented.

  • Lightning bolts have come out of clear skies and zapped people, including a few preachers in their church pulpits.

  • For millennia, people have been reported to have vanished and appeared out of thin air.

  • Also for thousands of years, red and black rains have fallen from the skies.

  • Elusive giant hairy beasts, lake monsters and sea serpents have been reported in remote places around the globe. These critters seem to know when cameras are trained on them, thereby avoiding them.

  • A long-extinct dinosaur is occasionally reported to lumber suddenly of nowhere.

  • Animals that do not belong in the area appear without any explanation such as escape from a zoo or circus, including kangaroos and gorillas in North America or panthers in England.

  • For decades – long before the overt development of the laser – thousands of animal mutilations have been reported, wherein the blood is drained and organs removed through precise surgical incisions, with no blood found around the carcass.

  • Strange machines or “submarines” are detected in waters where there shouldn’t be any.

  • Phantom ships and sailors appear and disappear on lakes and the open seas.

  • UFOs – “Unidentified Flying Objects,” not necessarily piloted by sentient creatures – have been buzzing around the sky virtually since human history began. In modern times, these appearances have been dismissed as “swamp gas.”

  • Over a century ago, dirigibles or blimps allegedly appeared in several places, decades before they were invented, and their occupants sometimes descended and made bizarre comments to the locals.

  • From time to time, huge “satellites” have been detected in space, such as “The Black Knight,” as have been strange “radio transmissions.”

  • Cultures around the world claim to be descended from or taught by “sky people”, reflecting that ancient man had the capacity to fly.

  • Eskimos claim to have been brought north in “metal birds.”

  • Men dressed in black, often in the style of the day, have been reported for centuries. They sometimes seem quite malevolent or alien, or speak unintelligibly and do bizarre things like eat cigarettes.

  • Weird carvings or figurines depict what look like astronauts wearing helmets and breathing apparatuses or carrying laser packs. These, of course, may merely be objets d’art, based on humankind’s amazing creativity and imagination.

  • Giants, elves and alien creatures of all sorts have been reported for millennia to have descended from the skies or appeared out of the ground or from the ocean.

  • Tiny, intricate artefacts such as spears and coffins are found that appear to have been made by elves.

  • Giant human skeletons from 7 to 15 feet long (2.25-5 meters) have allegedly been found in many parts of the world; however, skeptics dispute these claims as bad science and a desire to validate the Bible: “In those days there were giants in the Earth.” Some of these giant bones, in fact, were dinosaur parts.

  • Mummified remains of little people or “aliens” are reported to be found in caves or in Tibetan monasteries.

  • Coins, bucket handles, screws and other metal objects that seem to be manmade are allegedly found in rock strata tens of thousands or millions of years old, as are reportedly fossilized footprints of true human beings, long before such creatures purportedly existed. Some of these prints, such as the notorious “Paluxy prints” are claimed by scientists to be dinosaur tracks.

  • A human skull found in Africa and a bison skull in Siberia thousands of years old appear to have bullet holes in them.

  • Stone towers and structures, and miles of paved roads, thousands of years old, were found all over North America when the Europeans arrived, with no obvious builders.

  • Seaport cities are found in the American desert, proving they were built thousands of years ago, when the sea was farther inland.

  • Pre-Columbian metal objects have also been found in North America, dating from times when no natives were known to be using metal.

  • As Keel reports, “Somebody was mining ore and coal in [the U.S.], and pumping oil in Pennsylvania before Columbus set sail.”

  • Ancient pre-Columbian carvings in Central America depict black men and bearded, red-haired white men, long before anyone was supposed to have crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Pygmies claim to have reached a high degree of technology and to have sailed around the world in very ancient times. Pygmy remains are purportedly found around the globe, although it is uncertain if they are the same “race” as those from Africa.

  • Ancient maps have been found that depict Antarctica, long before that continent was discovered in modern times, although skeptics find problems with this claim.

  • Huge monolithic ruins and earth mounds are found around the globe with little evidence of who built them or how they were built.

  • Enormous spheres, perfectly round, are found in the jungles of Central America, some of which weigh up to 16 tons – who could have carved such stones?

  • Thousands of years ago, somebody in what is now New York evidently used a steel drill to create what are called “moonstones.”

  • 50,000 engraved “stone of Ica” in Peru, allegedly dated to at least several centuries old based on oxidation and the reports of Spanish conquistadors, show people, extant and extinct animals, star maps, the star ring of the zodiac, and maps of unidentified land areas. The people are shown hunting or struggling with a variety of monsters that resemble brontosaurs, triceratops, stegosaurs, and pterodactyls, which properly belong to the Mesozoic era [225-65 million BP]. Even more surprisingly, human beings are portrayed as having domesticated animals that appear to be dinosaurs and are using them for transportation and warfare. People are shown using telescopes, looking at the stars, and performing surgery. A number of these stones have been shown to be modern fakes, but some, it is claimed, were taken by a Spanish priest to Spain in the 17th century, such that if they dated even from just a few centuries ago they would represent things that shouldn’t have been known to the Peruvians at that time.

  • The Great Pyramid remains a mystery as to how it was constructed with such enormous blocks and astonishing perfection. The mysterious creator of Coral Castle, Edward Leedskalnin, claims to have discovered the secret.

  • Many thousands of years ago, ancient astronomers knew precise stellar, lunar and solar measurements such as the precession of the equinoxes and the daily, monthly and yearly movements of the sun and moon – at a time when they were supposed to be living in caves, wearing skins and carrying clubs.

  • Indian texts describe a huge battle in ancient times with flying machines and what seem to be atomic weapons. Vitrified sand or green glass of the sort found near atomic test sites has been discovered in deserts in India and China. These Indian texts, however, like the “sacred” writings of many cultures, are highly mythologized and in general cannot serve as “history.”

  • From about 15,000 to 25,000 years ago, the geological strata are virtually devoid of human remains and artifacts.

  • And recently, huge, strange and seemingly manmade structures and roads have been found under the sea off the coast of Japan, scattered over an area of 300 miles.

These examples are but a few of the wacky and wild anomalies reported around the globe for thousands of years. The quantity of such weird discoveries is far too great to be dismissed or explained away, yet mainstream scientists, in their obsessive quest for uniformity and the correctness of their opinions and paradigms, have virtually ignored them. We must ask, how did these bizarre things come about? And why would we want to ignore them? They clearly constitute some of the most interesting aspects of the human drama. To ignore them is to accept a world and a cosmos that is dull, uniform and boring. But even orthodox science recognizes that the universe is infinitely surprising in its vastness and diversity. Black holes, quarks and other cosmic oddities that appear to be at once real and unreal fascinate scientists and give them pause in their definitive pronouncements – why disregard the mysteries closer to home?

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Posted by on February 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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