Daily Archives: February 21, 2013





CHAMPIONS SEEM TO HAVE ACCESS TO HIDDEN RESOURCES: Since early childhood I became painfully aware that certain individuals seemed to carry with them some kind of “luck” or method that gave them the winning edge in most things that they involved themselves with. Even at school I found that a small number of fellow students with the same mental and physical abilities than me were often more successful in sport and more popular with their fellow students. At this early stage of my life I attributed their success to their parents that were prominent people in the small town where I grew up in. I am sure that their influential parents did played a role in their popularity at school, but this still did not account for their success academically and on the sport fields. Later in life when I started working I found that the same trend continued. Some of the friends that sat in class with me became millionaires before they turned thirty-five.

When you read the autobiographies of successful individuals you find that most of them are convinced that hard work, dedication and being at the right place at the right time is the keys to success. I am convinced that dedication and hard might be part of their winning recipe, but that there are much more to it than meets the eye. I have been studying success and winning principles for more than thirty years now and feel convinced that the hidden support system that provides the winning edge to successful people are a combination of things that these individuals do “right” most of the time. I discovered that success is like the unlocking of a combination lock. If you do not have the right combination of such lock you will never gain access to whatever it protects. I am sure that most of you have read many so-called success books and just like me found that the authors usually takes ten or fifteen principles and construct a whole book around it. When you finished reading the book you end up with a few workable principles that you can implement in your daily activities. You walk away happy and the author count his money and everybody lives happily ever after. The hard fact of the matter is that you bought a few “concepts” packed with a lot of fillers to give bulk to the book.

I am going to daily provide you with my alphabet of success that includes the “success keys” that I found after thirty years of very focused research.  No fillers to add bulk, just the keys that successful people through the ages used to achieve the success that they so rightly deserve. We were not born to struggle or labour in survival mode for the rest of our lives. We have the right to be happy, successful and financially secure.





Without a positive attitude you have very little chance of making a success of anything. Your base that you work from must always start with a positive an attitude. Your foundation must be strong and the right frame of mind will always give you the best chance of reaching your full potential. Your attitude holds the key to everything you will ever do in life.


You need to manage your anger. When things go wrong it becomes vital not just jump off the handle, but to validate what is really going on. You must never allow your anger to dominate your actions and decisions. Never make important decisions when you are upset or angry. Most conflicts are caused by a lack of quality information. Learn to ask questions. Anger does not solve problems, but compound them. 


You must become aware and alter if you want to become successful. You can only see the opportunities that will come your way when you are wide-awake. Staying alert will help you to see problems long before they reach catastrophic levels.  


The only way that you can make progress and win is when you become a person that makes things happen. There are no room for procrastination in the life of champions. Develop a do it now attitude by doing the most productive thing at any given moment in time.


You need to learn that you never really win arguments. When two parties argue there is the tendency of both parties dig in their heels in and stubbornly cling to their own perceptions. The only way that you can solve problems are to negotiate a win, win solution. Learn to reason and avoid blowing your fuse every time that you are confronted with a potential problem.




Posted by on February 21, 2013 in WISDOM


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7 Steps – Success and the Law of Attraction and Gratitude



7 Steps – Success and the Law of Attraction and Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the more important ingredients for successfully using the Law of Attraction. By “successful,” I simply mean that there are many ways to simply get what you want; but to get what you want, to feel good about it, to enjoy it, and to have the experience of it without creating what some would call, “Bad Karma,” you need to consider using the power of Gratitude in all of your “attraction actions.” Here’s a seven-step process for creating or attracting what you want by using gratitude:

1. Determine what you have, acknowledge it as a gift, and be grateful. Don’t dwell on your circumstances, or continue to repeat or harp on current conditions; just be grateful and focus on a positive version of your goal or desire.

2. Decide what you want; be specific, positive, excited, and grateful. Be grateful for the awareness, opportunity, possibility, and ultimate experience of whatever you hope to create or experience.

3. Declare that you have specifically what you desire – giving thanks, appreciation, gratitude, etc, as if you have already received your answer or desire.

4. Affirm your desire specifically – positively declaring how grateful you are for experiencing your desire.

5. Believe in your affirmation and desires; feel the reality, emotion, and gratitude of and for your desire.

6. Accept, Allow, and Act on the things and inspirations that come to you – joyfully and gratefully moving toward your desire each day and allowing “what you want” to become “what you have.”

7. Experience what you want as a reality – recognizing your desire or answer in any form it takes – being grateful and happy always. Keep your eyes open and pay attention; many people think their prayers aren’t answered and their dreams don’t come true because they “muddy the water” of their mind and thoughts and simply don’t recognize the answer or experience when it comes to pass.

When you see other people experiencing what you want, or what you want to experience, don’t be jealous or impatient; be grateful that your desire is possible, be grateful that others are able to create the experience you are seeking (which means you can, too), and be grateful for the reminder and model of what you are striving to create and experience for yourself. It might seem difficult, or even counter-intuitive, at first to be thankful for something you don’t have; but, with a little practice and reflection, you will soon see that this is the most effective method for getting what you want and for gradually reshaping your life into a truly rewarding experience all around.

Author Unknown

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Posted by on February 21, 2013 in WISDOM


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We pay gurus and religious leaders a fortune to say things that we hope will dull our pain and give us hope.



How many of us fail to read the connection between the horrific negative impact that NON-ACTION and RESISTANCE play in our lives. Look around you and you will find that we abuse drugs; we daily eat the abuse and intimidation from lovers, family, so-called friends and the government. We allow the banks to use and abuse us. We end up in hospital with stress related illnesses. We pay gurus and religious leaders a fortune to say things that we hope will dull our pain and give us hope. Many of us are drinking as if they are going to take alcohol from the market. We today live in a society that is under financial pressure all the time. We work like crazy and even neglect our children in an attempt to survive one more month. Some of us are well qualified and experienced in our selected professions, but fail to get a job because of our skin colour and the toxic state of the economy world-wide. Everyone have a powerful voice inside them that can direct their lives on a moment to moment basis. This guide and wisdom source has been carefully polluted with many layers of conditioning and habits since early childhood. We are so busy running away mentally and physically that we fail to notice the little voice inside us that is well cocooned by an endless range of perceptions. We can explode this wall of RESISTANCE today if we are brave enough to admit that we have become slaves to the system. The little voice and brilliant genius in our hearts and minds tell us to go for gold and do what needs to be done, but we ignore these messages because we are shit scared to go up against the endless perceptions, rules and regulations that enclosed us in our cold little igloo. We more often than not know exactly what we need to do or what we should avoid, but do little or nothing while we helplessly hammer against the wall of RESISTANCE built with bricks of fear. A large percentage stopped attacking the wall of RESISTANCE and fall apart when confronted by challenges. These individuals either live in denial or justify their NON-ACTION with stupid excuses.


Spend some time today gathering information about the stuff that you know need to be completed that you have been postponing for far too long now. The wall of RESISTANCE consists out of thousands of bricks manufactured by ignorant individuals with no vision. Ignorance is the biggest killer of dreams. Knowledge shines a light into the dark places in our minds that we run away from. Information is your key to success and freedom. I will continue this series tomorrow.



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Posted by on February 21, 2013 in WISDOM


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A perfect partner who’s always happy and never complains is apparently now a reality.

A perfect partner who’s always happy and never complains is apparently now a reality. But there’s a catch – he or she will be made of plastic. From simple dolls to sophisticated robots, they seem to be winning the hearts and minds of people who’ve given up on finding true love. Here’s more from the freaky world of the synthetic spouse.

never complains, hearts and minds,

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Posted by on February 21, 2013 in 21 AND OLDER


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Spend some time today and see if you can identify people that go around with their RESISTANCE shield deployed.



Did you ever feel drained and depleted after talking to a specific person? Are there certain things like politics, religion, history, race issues, cooking and cleaning or for that matter anything else that crank up a spontaneous feeling of RESISTANCE in you? Did you know that RESISTANCE work like an invisible force that radiates out from people under certain circumstances? Some of us find that an endless number of issues and events automatically trigger this invisible repelling shield that forms around us. Problems and disputes arise when two or more individuals with opposing points of view have their shields up while they attempt to solve a problem or find a solution to a dispute. It is futile to attempt to negotiate or communicate with a person that brandishes a well deployed RESISTANCE bubble. The individual with his RESISTANCE shield fully deployed is not receptive to anything you say or do that might according to his or her perceptions pose a perceived threat to him or her. Certain individuals only display their RESISTANCE shield periodically when they feel that they are losing control. There is however some of us that over-used this devise that find it virtually impossible to deflate our shield even when there are nothing and nobody that threaten us. This type of person is always on high alert and can find potential problems or threats in everything that cross their path. Resistance cannot be viewed by the naked eye or any other device. It cannot e touched and it emits no sound. The only way to become aware of this energy field is by observing how we “feel” about something or someone or how others act when their shields are deployed. This force field contain thoughts and feelings that repel and push people away from us. We might think that this force field is there to protect us against potential threats, but this force field is negative and destructive. It serves no real purpose in our lives. The only way to understand how it operates is to become aware of its building blocks. The building blocks of this field are all our own negative thoughts and feelings that we have been archiving since our birth. There are those that believe that it also accommodate all the negative and destructive thoughts and feelings we experienced in previous lifetimes. The most dangerous attribute of this field is that it creates the impression that it is there to protect us and keep us safe. Any encounter or experience where an obvious successful outcome for us is not predictable is repelled.


Spend some time today and see if you can identify people that go around with their RESISTANCE shield deployed. Also try and become aware when and why certain individuals suddenly deploy their shield. You will be amazed what trigger family and friends to deploy their protective shield. Practising this new awareness skill can make a major difference in your life. You will suddenly begin to read people like a book. You will in a short period of time master the skill to avoid areas that you know will deploy a person’s shield and make him or her inaccessible. You will also be surprised how individuals that you always viewed as confident use this protective bubble to fend you away. Ignorance is the biggest killer of dreams. Knowledge shines a light into dark places in our minds that we run away from. Information is your key to success and freedom. I will continue this series tomorrow.



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Posted by on February 21, 2013 in WISDOM


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Life allows you to think as you please, but it always produces for you what you think.





You are given the gifts of Gods. You create your reality. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.

Think you are well and that all is well with you and nature will read your thoughts and make them true.

Your thoughts are the tools with which you carve your life story on the substance of the universe. When you choose your thoughts, you choose results.

Life allows you to think as you please, but it always produces for you what you think.

Author Unknown

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Posted by on February 21, 2013 in WISDOM


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