You can be compassionate and supportive to everyone that cross your path daily, not because you attempt to qualify for heaven or attempt to escape hell. You can do it because it’s the right thing to do.

03 Apr



I have been studying religion, philosophy and spirituality for more than forty years now. I invested labouredly in time, money, energy and dug deep and intensely for the reason why man come to this plane. I even at the age of twelve found it impossible to grasp why a loving God will allow you and me to wake up in this slanted shit hole saddled with a mission to identify the right church, accept a specific savoir and live an impeccable life, all in an unknown lifespan or face the possibility to be tormented and toasted forever. What confused me even more was that I might have been “posted” in a wonderful home with caring parents that guide and feed me while I receive a superior education while you in turn were “posted” with a single mother, never knew your father, get inadequate and substandard schooling while you wondered where you next meal will come from. Both of us will be judged, weighed and measured by God when we expire according to the dogma of many churches. There is a possibility that one of us might get a pass to heaven while the other will be shipped off to a place called hell where he/she will be tormented and toasted in the most gruesome manner for all eternity.

Everyone is thus on this plane to attempt to find the right religion, the correct holy book and appease the God perception in that holy book. It must be remembered that we are playing for the quality of our everlasting life during this single exposure to this dimension. Some of us might have a life time to achieve these objectives while others might be extracted after a few years of trials and tribulations. Our mission is not only to find the right God, church and live a quality of life that would allow us to qualify for heaven. We are exposed to a fight for survival financially and otherwise from a young age. We are apparently also exposed to an evil invisible entity that is using all the tricks in the book to corrupt, test our loyalty to God and confuse us. We are as you can see knee deep in the shit virtually from birth. Our chances of success minuscule according to the dogma of those that claim that they are the guides to everlasting bliss.

I concluded after careful deliberation and contemplation that it is absolute nonsense to buy into the rubbish that we were fed in this regard from early childhood. I decided at a young age that I have absolutely no desire to participate in any of these illogical and unrealistic movements that promote this kind of thinking. The more I studied the clearer it became to me that our enemy is fear. We fear pain and we desire pleasure. Crafty operators used this formula to mind fuck us into entities that can be led by our noses. We became like sheep and follow these “spiritual leaders” while they steal our time, money and resources. The God perceptions and dogma that they present to us is figments of the imagination of those that came before them that lay the foundation for their scams. I can tell you that there is not a single person that ever speculated about God, heaven and hell that can present you with a morsel of evidence that what they preach are valid. The first so-called enlightened, inspired ones and philosophers speculated about these matters and the current gurus are still doing the same. Some do it better than others, but it all still remain nothing more than speculations.

Set yourself free my dear friend. You do not need to live your life in fear to be a wonderful and caring individual. You can be compassionate and supportive to everyone that cross your path daily, not because you attempt to qualify for heaven or attempt to escape hell. You can do it because it’s the right thing to do. You can live a wonderful and successful life by living your life ONE MOMENT at a time. Do not fear the future or what might happen when you expire. Stop minimizing yourself because you feel you were born in sin according to the myth. Surviving daily in this dimension is difficult enough. Why load all the speculative garbage on your shoulders while you stagger around trying to appease the imaginary God that you have been sold on since early childhood? All you have is this moment my friend. Be the best you can be, not because you fear God, but because you understand that the quality of your choices and actions today will confront you tomorrow. It is not God that is punishing you. It is your own choices that you made yesterday that you are faced with today.

I believe there is an intelligent energy field that we are part of, that we live and die in. I have no reason to think that this is some kind of super human in the sky that meddle in our affairs. This energy field needs nothing from us. There is no need to endlessly convince this energy field of your loyalty and support. You can never be separated from this force. The quality of your life is decided by you and you alone. So go out from now on and live your dream, love your children, forgive those that cause you discomfort and be gentle with yourself.



Posted by on April 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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4 responses to “You can be compassionate and supportive to everyone that cross your path daily, not because you attempt to qualify for heaven or attempt to escape hell. You can do it because it’s the right thing to do.

  1. supriya

    April 3, 2013 at 2:56 pm

    I would like you to nominate for the Liebster award

    Love connects me to you


    • Rene

      April 3, 2013 at 4:25 pm

      Than you for your support my dear friend. I have no idea what a Liebster award is, but feel that the unconditionally sharing of some wisdom and insights is enough reward for me. I am well rewarded If the reader find a single thought in my posts that improve the quality of their life.


      • supriya

        April 4, 2013 at 9:01 am

        I am thankful to you and of course god for making me able to be a part of your journey. Your post have a great impact on my way of thinking. Now, I am able to see and understand the other side of everything.
        I love to read your each & every post but every time I read I feel its not enough. 🙂
        Keep up the good work & hoping I am able to read your every post.
        God bless you & your love one…you are making my world beautiful. Thank you 🙂


      • Rene

        April 4, 2013 at 11:28 am

        You will find that a lack of knowledge on anything or anyone makes a lot of stuff “invisible” to you. The same goes for most things that you are confronted with daily. You have a certain mindset or belief system of many things. The problem we run into is that we tend to filter out anything that fail to fit into our historical framework. That is why it is so difficult to change people. Can often cannot hear or see what you are telling them because it do fit their tried and tested belief system. You often find this in religion and relationships. I try to write my material so it will motivate you to remain object and remove the filters so you can see things as they are and not the way that it is presented to you. You are waking up to reality and that is why you enjoy the material. This is the start of an exciting journey for you. I will continue to assist you to the best of my ability.



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