You have ample opportunities at home/work to practice the art of detachment.

23 Jul


You will not jump into your vehicle and drive off with no destination in mind. Individuals that start pursuing the spiritual path often think that they will magically cross the bridge from the false external self to the perfect internal self in the blink of an eye the moment they wake up to the fact that they are and has always been the perfect self. This is a fallacy my friends. You have been acting and responding to the people and events in your life in a habitual way for as long as your dare to remember. You “spontaneously” reacted and responded to triggers from people and events without giving it much thought. Your whole life became a stimulus and response series of activities. It will thus be foolish to think that you will overnight overcome this entrenched mode of operation. Many new travellers on the spiritual path become despondent when they slip up and revert back to their old and unacceptable reaction patterns. These inherent tendencies are remnants of the ego driven external self that were conditioned to feel guilty and minimized when they fall short of their expectations (sinned). This is the gap that many religions exploited over the years. You were first conditioned to try and live a spiritual life via your false external self with little or no success.

You need a new mode of operation now that you know that you are not this imposter or false self. The first thing you need to do is to take a careful look at the characteristics that you will attempt to master. It is beneficial to identify these principles if you want to speed up the process and in time spend more and more time working from your perfect internal self. You get out of life what you put into it. You need to start sowing new seeds if you want to reap a rich spiritual and prosperous crop. You are going to strive to present a loving, caring, compassionate, understanding, productive, non-judgmental and persistent image under all conditions. You are not going to only allow these attributes to surface when it suits you or when people do or act as your ego based false self expected. You are going to display these attributes in the face of adversity, when people let you down, when you fail and even when someone you love deceived you.

It might seem like a tall order, but it is achievable because you are working from a new vantage point. Individuals on the spiritual path act in this manner not because they are afraid that they might be judged, condemned or minimized. They do what need to be done because they have had enough of the unstable and unrewarding life they led while they followed the instructions of the false outer self. They know that each adversity that they overcome and each trigger that they refrain from acting on will speed up their vibration ratio and assist them to evolve and grow.

I want to repeat that it might be testing initially, but you will if you continue to work on your goal of living the attributes depicted above soon find that you spend more and more time in the spiritual real self zone. Do not be discouraged when you periodically fall short of your goals. You are a student at earth school. No student gets an A+ every time he writes an examination. Learn from your mistakes and get back into the spiritual mode as soon as possible. There is no need to grovel or feel like a loser. You can never be a looser my friend. You are here to learn and to evolve.

The key and most important tool if you want to make fast and effective progress is the art of detachment. You need to master this art as soon as possible. You need to learn to detach when anyone that is working from his ego based outer self say or do something that is unacceptable to you. You historically duplicated such a person’s low frequency actions and reactions. You will not simply mentally detach when enticed by the ego outer self of anyone, but respond in an appropriate manner. Detachment also provides you with enough time to compose yourself if you for some reason allowed this person to trigger a negative and destructive reaction that your ego outer self historically used under such circumstances. Detach and let go my friend. Become like water. Become soft and flexible and most of all grasp that you are faced by this person’s ego outer self and not his inner self that are still asleep. You will soon discover that events and individuals that historically brought the worst out in you find it impossible to get you to respond in kind. You will experience compassion where you historically experience anger and rage. You will experience love and find it easy to forgive where you historically walked around with grudges and a bitter heart.

Things in your life will change for the better in all areas of your life. You will begin to notice things in people that you never noticed before. You will see that the anger and vindictiveness of a person has its foundation in a cesspool of fear. You will observe nature in a new light and begin to feel and experience the essence of God that is embedded in everything. You will gradually alter you view of God as some kind of super human with human characteristics. The thought that God is a vengeful, angry and judgemental entity that judge, condemn and punish people will be replaced with a new understanding of this force that permeates everything. It will astound you how the God perceptions of primitive man made its way through the ages until today. Your most important discover is will be that God is not up there somewhere billions of light years away while you, an invisible speck on planet earth are watched like a hawk to see if you manage your life in a manner that will earn you an entry  pass into a place called heaven when you die.

Your discovery that you are already like everything else part of the collective quantum sea that everything else is made of will change your perception of God forever. The idea that you are already immortal (perfect inner self) will fill you with feelings of love and wisdom. You are not in a race against time to find the right church and doctrine notwithstanding the endless interference of your own and other’s ego driven false selves and all the other survival requirements that you are faced with daily. You no longer search for God because you suddenly grasp that you are already one with this God force. You see your current body as a vehicle that you are using while at earth school and not an entity with a history that might get you into warm water or even worse when you die. It will excite you when you grasp that you like everything else within this force are continually evolving and growing. It will bring tears to your eyes when you grasp that this planet is also alive and an integral part of this force that fills the uncountable number of universes. You and mother earth is one. You can possibly now see that every tree, rock, blade of grass and living entity anywhere in the cosmos is one. Can you notice how this truth sets you free?

I am sure you can see that the benefits of this new lifestyle are endless. You will face each day with joy in your heart. You will look forward to the opportunities that each day will provide you to practice your newly found mode of operation. You will have ample opportunities at home or at work to practice detachment and wisdom. There will always be individuals that will test you to see if you are making progress. See individuals and events that historically upset or worried you as opportunities to apply your newly found life style. You will be amazed in a relative short period of time what progress you made and how much more peace of mind and happiness fill your days here at earth school.



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Posted by on July 23, 2013 in WISDOM


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