Daily Archives: February 19, 2014

The men of the Fifth World

The aboriginal culture of Australia, includes a large number of tribes inhabiting the oceanic continent before the arrival of the white man. But all that rich culture is doomed to survive in stocks in which its people are destined to extinction.

In this episode one of the elders that preserve aboriginal culture will show the most important elements of a culture that struggles not to disappear.

Know his rituals in which contacts the parallel world in which the gods, spirits and men live together. We will see the role exerted by the digeridu, a musical instrument employed in these rituals. We’ll see how it is manufactured by the musicians themselves, who will address the complex technique used to make it sound.

The cave paintings of Ubi Rock opened the door showing the spirituality of these villages that are sacred totems direct reference the natural world around them. Analyze the paintings today continue to make to represent their dreams and the importance of this painting.

Participate with them in making the famous boomerang and the banquet to which fishing leads a giant turtle. But the aboriginal community also show us the bitter side of life: the reserves in which its people seem destined to a slow extinction.

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Posted by on February 19, 2014 in WISDOM


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The Healing Power of the Grateful Dead!

Here is a case history that explores the human brain’s susceptibility to music, and the healing that is possible as a result.

In 1977, noted neurologist and author Dr. Oliver Sacks met Greg, a young man with devastating amnesia caused by a brain tumor who could remember no new events in his life. He responded to one thing only: music, particularly The Grateful Dead. 

After almost fifteen years of working with Greg, Dr. Sacks arranged for Greg to meet drummer Mickey Hart and go to a Grateful Dead concert! This video tells the remarkable story of what followed.

Dr. Sacks writes more about music and music therapy in his book Musicophelia, including this passage from the preface:

“While music can affect all of us—calm us, animate us, comfort us, thrill us, or serve to organize and synchronize us at work or play—it may be especially powerful and have great therapeutic potential for patients with a variety of neurological conditions. Such people may respond powerfully and specifically to music (and, sometimes, to little else). Some of these patients have widespread cortical problems, whether from strokes or Alzheimer’s or other causes of dementia; others have specific cortical syndromes— loss of language or movement functions, amnesias, or frontal-lobe syndromes. Some are retarded, some autistic; others have subcortical syndromes such as parkinsonism or other movement disorders. All of these conditions and many others can potentially respond to music and music therapy.”

Turn it up and let the healing begin!

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Posted by on February 19, 2014 in WISDOM


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Nothing will change if we are not prepared to be flexible and adaptable like a tree in a storm.


Nothing will change if we are not prepared to be flexible and adaptable like a tree in a storm.

 When you change your point of view or alter your perception you also alter you frame of mind. Nothing can change if we are not prepared to be flexible and adaptable like a tree in a storm. We attract new options and answers the moment we modify the anchors (perceptions) that we deem non-negotiable  How can we grow and evolve if we are not prepared to adjust our anchor ideas when new and updated information comes to hand? Our lives become sterile and stagnant when we go around with fixed ideas. This is how you bring about dramatic change in your relationships and your life. Many of us are not prepared to make any adjustments until something happens or get modified in our outer world that we deem advantageous. Waiting for something or someone to change, give in or up can become a painful experience. You can speed up your progress many times when you make your own adjustments and stop waiting and hoping for a miracle from your outside world. Fixed mindsets are responsible for the deadly similar experiences that seem to follow you around like a stray dog.


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Posted by on February 19, 2014 in WISDOM


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Desperate Virgins



Losing your virginity is one of the most talked about, agonised-over rites of passage. People worry about when it’ll happen and what it will be like. It can be embarrassing, frightening, exciting and can, ultimately, be liberating. Whatever it’s like, the first time is never forgotten.

Desperate Virgins is a touching intimate investigation into the lives of three very different people who have yet to experience one of life’s most important rites of passage: having sex for the first time. Catherine is a Christian who at 43 has made the decision to give up her chastity to a much younger male escort; Mike (29) has never got off the starting blocks when it comes to the opposite sex and chooses to learn the ropes from a dating and chat-up expert to help boost his self confidence; Alan (49) is partially disabled from a teenage illness and is worried he may die a virgin. He enlists the help of an escort who specialises in middle-aged virgins.

The film follows the three virgins and their very different journeys as they deal, in very different ways, with this most personal rite of passage. Desperate Virgins follows their pressure, expectations and emotional journeys as they get that one step closer to losing their virginity. 

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Posted by on February 19, 2014 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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Hollow Earth – Many cultures around the world have myths and legends based on the idea that the Earth is hollow.


Many cultures around the world have myths and legends based on the idea that the Earth is hollow. From the ancient Greeks believing in the Underworld and some cultures even believing that hell itself really is a fiery place beneath the Earth’s surface.


To modern beliefs that great kingdoms exist down below, there has always been speculation about hollow Earth theories. supposedly, there are subterranean cities beneath the Earth’s surface, wherein many strange races of people live. Some, of course, believe that UFO’s come from these cities, where they were built by engineers with advanced technology.


Agartha is believed by some to be the name of an underground city. Many of the inhabitants are descended from humans who once lived on the Earth’s surface. According to legend, ancient Atlanteans and Lemurians fled underground during times of war and built great cities. Today, their descendants still exist underground. Some even say that another legendary city, Shamballa, is the capital city of Agartha.


How did the ancients manage to make it underground? And how do the UFO’s find their way out? Some legends suggest that there are entrances all around the Earth. These places are all famous landmarks or monuments: Kentucky Mommoth Cave in KY, Himalayan Mountains in Tibet (which is also allegedly the location of the long lost Shamballa), Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, North Pole, South Pole, King Solomon’s Mines, Rama in India, and many other places.


Speaking of India, there are still some people who believe in a subterranean race of snake-like people who dwell in other underground cities, and who often wage war on Agartha. These snake-like beings, who are known as “Nagas”, supposedly despise humans a great deal and kidnap, torture, and eat us.


Many psychics and mediums over the years claim to have channeled information from hollow Earth dwellers. Conspiracy theorists believe that even politicians are well aware of these underground cities. It’s even been rumored that Hitler once planned on sending researchers to Antarctica to find the entrance!


While most scientists and archaeologists find hollow Earth ideas to be absurd and silly, there are still many who believe that there may be something behind all the legends and myths. After all, gravity and the Earth’s mass themselves wouldn’t be as they are if the Earth was really hollow. If the Earth really is mainly hollow, it would have a much lower mass and gravity would be much less than it currently is.


The Inner Earth & Realm of




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Posted by on February 19, 2014 in WISDOM


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Mystery Patterns in China Desert Remain Unexplained + Deserted Cities

These strange white lines within an area of 1800 x 1000 metres in the desert region of Gansu province, China, are a real mystery. No one knows the purpose of these apparently painted lines each having a width of about 20 metres (~66 feet). As per historical imagery  of Google Earth these lines were built later than August 26, 2003, were incomplete in April 4, 2005 imagery  and were completed before May 30, 2005. Read more about this amazing observation at the link below.

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Posted by on February 19, 2014 in WISDOM


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The Bermuda Triangle – This area is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft.

The Bermuda Triangle (also known as Devil’s Triangle and Devil’s Sea) is a nearly half-million square-mile (1.2 million km2) area of ocean roughly defined by Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the southernmost tip of Florida. This area is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft.



The Bermuda Triangle has become popular through representation by the mass media, in which it is a paranormal site in which the known laws of physics are either violated, altered, or both.


While there is a common belief that a number of ships and airplanes have disappeared under highly unusual circumstances in this region, the United States Coast Guard and others disagree with that assessment, citing statistics demonstrating that the number of incidents involving lost ships and aircraft is no larger than that of any other heavily traveled region of the world.



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There is a common belief that a number of ships and airplanes have disappeared under highly unusual circumstances in the region called

Bermuda Triangle. Over 100 airplane disappearances and over 1000 lives lost since 1945


Many of the alleged mysteries have proven not so mysterious or unusual upon close examination, with inaccuracies and misinformation about the cases often circulating and recirculating over the decades.


The triangle is an arbitrary shape, crudely marking out a corridor of the Atlantic, stretching northward from the West Indies, along the North American seaboard, as far as the Carolinas. In the Age of Sail, ships returning to Europe from parts south would sail north to the Carolinas, then turn east for Europe, taking advantage of the prevailing wind direction across the North Atlantic. Even with the development of steam and internal-combustion engines, a great deal more shipping traffic was (and still is) found nearer the US coastline than towards the empty centre of the Atlantic. The Triangle also loosely conforms with the course of the Gulf Stream as it leaves the West Indies, and has always been an area of volatile weather. The combination of distinctly heavy maritime traffic and tempestuous weather meant that a certain, also distinctly large, number of vessels would flounder in storms.

Given the historical limitations of communications technology, most of those ships that sank without survivors would disappear without a trace. The advent of wireless communications, radar, and satellite navigation meant that the unexplained disappearances largely ceased at some point in the 20th Century. The occasional vessel still sinks, but rarely without a trace. It should be noted that both the concept and the name of the Bermuda Triangle date only to the 1960s, and were the products of an American journalist.


Other areas often purported to possess unusual characteristics are the Devil’s Sea, located near Japan, and the Marysburgh Vortex or the Great Lakes Triangle, located in eastern Lake Ontario.

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read more about this subject matter at the link below please

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Posted by on February 19, 2014 in WISDOM


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