Denial is not a river in Egypt!

20 Mar


Do not attempt to avoid the obvious. The less informed cannot accept or recognise the obvious. The wise man keeps his eyes unflinchingly focused on reality. He understands the utter waste of time, energy and money that living an illusion can bring about. The sooner you face reality the quicker it will become nothing more than a faded memory. Denial keeps illusions alive.

The fool denies himself many things. He thinks that denying himself is brave or noble. Wisdom is to understand that it is foolish to take yourself out of the game. You need to make sure that the reasons why you are denying yourself certain things are founded on a solid foundation. Most acts of denial are based on rituals. A wise person is not the slave of his history. He came to the realisation that whatever happened in the past is history. Every moment is a new challenge.

The fool is so entangled mentally with the failures and mistakes that he made historically that he is unable to do his best in the current moment. Wisdom is to forget about your history and to accept that the state of your current world is the only reality you have. People from the outer world love using people’s history against them. They shackle them to their history and in this manner prevent them from making a success of the now.

All you need to do is master the art of needs identification if you want to make progress in life. If you discover a person’s burning desire, you have discovered the key to his mind. Assist such a person to make his dreams a reality and you will be richly rewarded. Help people to get what they want and they will usually feel obliged to return your favour.

Allow your imagination to run wild and free. Then harness your ideas and make them work for you. Remember what you visualise or worry about will become a reality. Thoughts are linked to feelings and emotions. Walk, talk and act like a champion if you want to become the best you can be. Become outcome focused. Make sure that you know what outcome you desire and then actively pursue this desired outcome. You cannot focus on your fears and expect to achieve your desired outcomes.

Do you want to own the magic key to success and problem solving? I am sure you do. The magic key that makes all your dreams a reality is decision making. Only when you decide to take, your first bold steps toward your desired outcome will your life start moving forward again. Denial keeps illusions alive.

Do not become involved in anything when expectations are unrealistically high. Such ventures, relationships or projects are bound to fail. Expectation built on a fantasy foundation is like slow working poison. Too high expectation is usually followed by disaster. Remember something for nothing is a fantasy and far removed from reality.

Do not lose heart if you feel that nobody believe in you. Your dreams will become a reality if you continue believing in yourself. If you live your life according to the perceptions that others have of you, you are doomed to failure. Enthusiasm and passion assists you to overcome serious obstacles and help you to make your dreams a reality. Enthusiasm is like a power additive that you add to your mission in life.

Follow your intuition, but retain your ability to think and act in a logical and constructive manner. Listen to your inner voice. It will tell you what needs to be done. We often worry about things that have a one in a million chance of becoming a reality. When you worry you lose your ability to hear what your inner voice has to say to you.

It becomes necessary to retrace your steps when you feel trapped in any situation. Go back to where everything started. See if you can identify when or where you stopped working in the reality mode and started focussing on an illusion. It is a total waste of time to spend your valuable energy on pursuing an illusion. It is time to run like the wind when the roof starts falling in on you.

The fool will wait and hope that the storm will pass and pay dearly for his inability to read the reality of the moment. There comes a time to retreat and run for your life and then there comes a time to stand firm and fight like a tiger. Logical thinking solves most problems. Once you take the emotion out of the equation progress will be made.

The fool is more interested in being right than in finding a solution to the problem. A cool head and some reality thinking provide you with the best options. Master the art of not engaging your mind with matters that do not concern you. How will sleepless nights, tossing and turning help the homeless? How will feelings of guilt put food on the table of the destitute? Make an active contribution or accept it as a part of the reality of life.

Most people attempt to project an image that they do not have any problem bonding with people notwithstanding their race, colour or position in life. The reality is that we naturally bond with those that we feel most comfortable with. Forced integration has not worked in the past and will not work in the future either. People must associate with individuals that they feel comfortable with notwithstanding their colour, creed or religion.

Most people start the game of life with naive enthusiasm. They dream how they are going to take the world by storm. As time slips by, they are forced to face the reality that very few of their dreams will actually materialise.



Why We Believe in Gods and why some become Atheists 


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Posted by on March 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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