Monthly Archives: April 2018

We BECOME what we THINK about – The Strangest Secret.

Earl Nightingale (1921–1989) was one of the most prominent motivational speakers and authors of all time. He wrote and recorded over 7,000 radio programs, 250 audio programs as well as television programs and videos.

The Strangest Secret was recorded in 1956. During that time, it has sold over a million copies and has become one of the most renowned sources of motivation in the world. Its message is simple, yet powerful, and it became the basis for the Nightingale-Conant Corporation. Many thousands of people have attributed this recording with turning their lives around and helping them make their fortunes in the world.

And the secret is… “We become what we think about.”

Here is a recording of the original LP, or scroll down to read the transcript.


The Strangest Secret, by Earl Nightingale

Some years ago, the late Nobel prize-winning Dr. Albert Schweitzer was asked by a reporter, “Doctor, what’s wrong with men today?” The great doctor was silent a moment, and then he said, “Men simply don’t think!”

It’s about this that I want to talk with you. We live today in a golden age. This is an era that humanity has looked forward to, dreamed of, and worked toward for thousands of years. We live in the richest era that ever existed on the face of the earth … a land of abundant opportunity for everyone.

However, if you take 100 individuals who start even at the age of 25, do you have any idea what will happen to those men and women by the time they’re 65? These 100 people believe they’re going to be successful. They are eager toward life, there is a certain sparkle in their eye, an erectness to their carriage, and life seems like a pretty interesting adventure to them.

But by the time they’re 65, only one will be rich, four will be financially independent, five will still be working, and 54 will be broke — depending on others for life’s necessities.

Only five out of 100 make the grade! Why do so many fail? What has happened to the sparkle that was there when they were 25? What has become of the dreams, the hopes, the plans … and why is there such a large disparity between what these people intended to do and what they actually accomplished.

The Definition of Success

First, we have to define success and here is the best definition I’ve ever been able to find: “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”

A success is the school teacher who is teaching because that’s what he or she wanted to do. A success is the entrepreneur who start his own company because that was his dream -that’s what he wanted to do. A success is the salesperson who wants to become the best salesperson in his or her company and sets forth on the pursuit of that goal.

A success is anyone who is realizing a worthy predetermined ideal, because that’s what he or she decided to do … deliberately. But only one out of 20 does that! The rest are “failures.”

Rollo May, the distinguished psychiatrist, wrote a wonderful book called Man’s Search for Himself, and in this book he says: “The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice … it is conformity.” And there you have the reason for so many failures. Conformity — people acting like everyone else, without knowing why or where they are going.

We learn to read by the time we’re seven. We learn to make a living by the time we’re 30. Often by that time we’re not only making a living, we’re supporting a family. And yet by the time we’re 65, we haven’t learned how to become financially independent in the richest land that has ever been known. Why? We conform! Most of us are acting like the wrong percentage group — the 95 who don’t succeed.


Have you ever wondered why so many people work so hard and honestly without ever achieving anything in particular, and why others don’t seem to work hard, yet seem to get everything? They seem to have the “magic touch.” You’ve heard people say, “Everything he touches turns to gold.” Have you ever noticed that a person who becomes successful tends to continue to become more successful? And, on the other hand, have you noticed how someone who’s a failure tends to continue to fail?

The difference is goals. People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. It’s that simple. Failures, on the other hand, believe that their lives are shaped by circumstances … by things that happen to them … by exterior forces.

Think of a ship with the complete voyage mapped out and planned. The captain and crew know exactly where the ship is going and how long it will take — it has a definite goal. And 9,999 times out of 10,000, it will get there.

Now let’s take another ship — just like the first — only let’s not put a crew on it, or a captain at the helm. Let’s give it no aiming point, no goal, and no destination. We just start the engines and let it go. I think you’ll agree that if it gets out of the harbor at all, it will either sink or wind up on some deserted beach — a derelict. It can’t go anyplace because it has no destination and no guidance.

It’s the same with a human being. However, the human race is fixed, not to prevent the strong from winning, but to prevent the weak from losing. Society today can be likened to a convoy in time of war. The entire society is slowed down to protect its weakest link, just as the naval convoy has to go at the speed that will permit its slowest vessel to remain in formation.

That’s why it’s so easy to make a living today. It takes no particular brains or talent to make a living and support a family today. We have a plateau of so-called “security.” So, to succeed, all we must do is decide how high above this plateau we want to aim.

Throughout history, the great wise men and teachers, philosophers, and prophets have disagreed with one another on many different things. It is only on this one point that they are in complete and unanimous agreement — the key to success and the key to failure is this:

We Become What We Think About

This is The Strangest Secret! Now, why do I say it’s strange, and why do I call it a secret? Actually, it isn’t a secret at all. It was first promulgated by some of the earliest wise men, and it appears again and again throughout the Bible. But very few people have learned it or understand it. That’s why it’s strange, and why for some equally strange reason it virtually remains a secret.

Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman Emperor, said: “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”

Disraeli said this: “Everything comes if a man will only wait … a human being with a settled purpose must accomplish it, and nothing can resist a will that will stake even existence for its fulfillment.”

William James said: “We need only in cold blood act as if the thing in question were real, and it will become infallibly real by growing into such a connection with our life that it will become real. It will become so knit with habit and emotion that our interests in it will be those which characterize belief.” He continues, ” … only you must, then, really wish these things, and wish them exclusively, and not wish at the same time a hundred other incompatible things just as strongly.”

My old friend Dr. Norman Vincent Peale put it this way: “If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms, you will achieve positive results.”

George Bernard Shaw said: “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the peo-ple who get up and look for the cir-cumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.”

Well, it’s pretty apparent, isn’t it?

We become what we think about. A person who is thinking about a concrete and worthwhile goal is going to reach it, because that’s what he’s thinking about. Conversely, the person who has no goal, who doesn’t know where he’s going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion, anxiety, fear, and worry will thereby create a life of frustration, fear, anxiety and worry. And if he thinks about nothing … he becomes nothing.

As Ye Sow, So Shall You Reap

The human mind is much like a farmer’s land. The land gives the farmer a choice.

He may plant in that land whatever he chooses. The land doesn’t care what is planted. It’s up to the farmer to make the decision. The mind, like the land, will return what stances … people to lives of suc you plant, but it doesn’t care what you plant. If the farmer plants two seeds – one a seed of corn, the other nightshade, a deadly poison, waters and takes care of the land, what will happen

Remember, the land doesn’t care. It will return poison in just as wonderful abundance as it will corn. So up come the two plants – one corn, one poison as it’s written in the Bible, “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”

The human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than the land, but it works the same way. It doesn’t care what we plant … success … or failure. A concrete, worthwhile goal … or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety, and so on. But what we plant it must return to us.

The problem is that our mind comes as standard equipment at birth. It’s free. And things that are given to us for nothing, we place little value on. Things that we pay money for, we value.

The paradox is that exactly the reverse is true. Everything that’s really worthwhile in life came to us free – our minds, our souls, our bodies, our hopes, our dreams, our ambitions, our intelligence, our love of family and children and friends and country. All these priceless possessions are free.

But the things that cost us money are actually very cheap and can be replaced at any time. A good man can be completely wiped out and make another fortune. He can do that several times. Even if our home burns down, we can rebuild it. But the things we got for nothing, we can never replace. Our mind can do any kind of job we assign to it, but generally speaking, we use it for little jobs instead of big ones. So decide now. What is it you want? Plant your goal in your mind. It’s the most important decision you’ll ever make in your entire life.

Do you want to excel at your particular job? Do you want to go places in your company … in your community? Do you want to get rich? All you have got to do is plant that seed in your mind, care for it, work steadily toward your goal, and it will become a reality.

It not only will, there’s no way that it cannot. You see, that’s a law — like the laws of Sir Isaac Newton, the laws of gravity. If you get on top of a building and jump off, you’ll always go down — you’ll never go up.

And it’s the same with all the other laws of nature. They always work. They’re inflexible. Think about your goal in a relaxed, positive way. Picture yourself in your mind’s eye as having already achieved this goal. See yourself doing the things you will be doing when you have reached your goal.

Every one of us is the sum total of our own thoughts. We are where we are because that’s exactly where we really want or feel we deserve to be — whether we’ll admit that or not. Each of us must live off the fruit of our thoughts in the future, because what you think today and tomorrow — next month and next year — will mold your life and determine your future. You’re guided by your mind.

I remember one time I was driving through eastern Arizona and I saw one of those giant earth-moving machines -roaring along the road with what looked like 30 tons of dirt in it – a tremenus, incredible machine – and there was a little man perched way up on top with the wheel in his hands, guiding it. As I drove along I was struck by the similarity of that machine to the human mind. Just suppose you’re sitting at the controls of such a vast source of energy. Are you going to sit back and fold your arms and let it run itself into a ditch? Or are you going to keep both hands firmly on the wheel and control and direct this power to a specific, worthwhile purpose? It’s up to you. You’re in the driver’s seat.

You see, the very law that gives us success is a double-edged sword. We must control our thinking. The same rule that can lead people to lives of success, wealth, happiness, and all the things they ever dreamed of — that very same law can lead them into the gutter. It’s all in how they use it … for good or for bad. That is The Strangest Secret!

Do what the experts since the dawn of recorded history have told us to do: pay the price, by becoming the person you want to become. It’s not nearly as difficult as living unsuccessfully.

The moment you decide on a goal to work toward, you’re immediately a successful person — you are then in that rare group of people who know where they’re going. Out of every hundred people, you belong to the top five. Don’t concern yourself too much with how you are going to achieve your goal — leave that completely to a power greater than yourself. All you have to do is know where you’re going. The answers will come to you of their own accord, and at the right time.

Start today. You have nothing to lose — but you have your whole life to win.



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Posted by on April 30, 2018 in WISDOM


The Super Computer that store all data on every individual that ever lived.

How To Get Motivated


The Akashic Records or The Book of Life can be equated to the universe’s super computer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth.

More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world.

Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, Akashic body our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us.

Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God’s book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self towards that which is the ideal manner for the use of time, opportunity and the expression of that for which each soul enters a material manifestation. The interpretation then as drawn here is with the desire and hope that, in opening this for the entity, the experience may be one of helpfulness and hopefulness.

It is no exaggeration to state that the computer has transformed (and is still in the process of transforming) the entire planet. Whether it’s technology, transportation, communication, education, or entertainment, the computer age has revolutionized the globe and the ways in which we understand and interact with one another. No segment of modern society has gone unaffected. The amount of information now stored in computer memory and crossing the Internet highway daily is literally unfathomable. And yet, this vast complex of computer systems and collective databases cannot begin to come close to the power, the memory, or the omniscient recording capacity of the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another. They contain the stimulus for every archetypal symbol or mythic story which has ever deeply touched patterns of human behavior and experience. They have been the inspiration for dreams and invention. They draw us toward or repel us from one another. They mold and shape levels of human consciousness. They are a portion of Divine Mind.

They are the unbiased judge and jury that attempt to guide, educate, and transform every individual to become the very best that she or he can be. They embody an ever-changing fluid array of possible futures that are called into potential as we humans interact and learn from the data that has already been accumulated. 

Biblical References: Book of Life

Information about these Akashic Records – this Book of Life – can be found in folklore, in myth, and throughout the Old and New Testaments. It is traceable at least as far back as the Semitic peoples and includes the Arabs, the Assyrians, the Phoenicians, the Babylonians, and the Hebrews. Among each of these peoples was the belief that there was in existence some kind of celestial tablets which contained the history of humankind as well as all manner of spiritual information.

The first reference in Scripture to some unearthly volume is found in Exodus 32:32. After the Israelites had committed a most grievous sin by worshiping the golden calf, it was Moses who pleaded on their behalf, even offering to take full responsibility and have his own name stricken “out of thy book which thou hast written” in recompense for their deed.

Later, in the Old Testament, we learn that there is nothing about an individual that is not known in this same book. In Psalm 139, David makes reference to the fact God has written down everything about him and all the details of his life – even that which is imperfect and those deeds which have yet to be performed.

For many individuals this Book of Life is simply an imagery symbol of those destined for heaven and has its roots in the custom of recording genealogical records of names or perhaps early census taking. Traditional religion suggests that this book – either in literal or symbolic form – contains the names of all those who are worthy of salvation. The Book is to be opened in connection with divine judgment (Dan. 7:10, Rev. 20:12). In the New Testament, those redeemed by Christ are contained within the Book (Philippians 4), those not found in the Book of Life will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.

As an interesting corollary, in the ancient world, a person’s name was symbolic of his or her existence. According to Sir James George Frazer, author of The Golden Bough – one of the most extensive volumes on world mythology – there was such a bond between one’s name and one’s existence “that magic may be wrought on a man just as easily as through his name as through his hair, his nails, or any other material part of his person.” In ancient Egypt, to blot a name out of a record was equivalent to destroying the fact that the person had ever even existed.

H.P. Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner on the Akashic Records

Closer to our current era, a great deal of contemporary information on the Akashic Records has been made available by both reputable psychics and modern-day mystics – individuals who have somehow perceived beyond the limits of three dimensions. According to H.P. [Helena Petrovna] Blavatsky (1831-1891), Russian immigrant, mystic, and founder of the Theosophical Society, the Akashic Records are much more than simply an account of static data which may be gleaned by a sensitive; instead, the records have an ongoing creative stimulus upon the present:

Akasha is one of the cosmic principles and is a plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, immutable in its higher principles. It is the quintessence of all possible forms of energy, material, psychic, or spiritual; and contains within itself the germs of universal creation, which sprout forth under the impulse of the Divine Spirit.

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), the Austrian-born philosopher, educator, and founder of the Anthroposophical Society possessed the ability to perceive information beyond the material world: a “spiritual world” which was just as real to him as the physical world was to others. Steiner claimed that the ability to perceive this other world could be developed, enabling an individual to see events and information every bit as concrete as the present:

…man can penetrate to the eternal origins of the things which vanish with time. A man broadens his power of cognition in this way if he is no longer limited to external evidence where knowledge of the past is concerned. Then he can see in events what is not perceptible to the senses, that part which time cannot destroy. He penetrates from transitory to non-transitory history. It is a fact that this history is written in other characters than is ordinary history. In gnosis and in theosophy it is called the “Akasha Chronicle”…To the uninitiated, who cannot yet convince himself of the reality of a separate spiritual world through his own experience, the initiate easily appears to be a visionary, if not something worse. The one who has acquired the ability to perceive in the spiritual world comes to know past events in their eternal character. They do not stand before him like the dead testimony of history, but appear in full life. In a certain sense, what has happened takes place before him.

In terms of contemporary insights, perhaps the most extensive source of information regarding the Akashic Records comes from the clairvoyant work of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), Christian mystic and founder of A.R.E. For forty-three years of his adult life, Edgar Cayce possessed the uncanny ability to lie down on a couch, close his eyes, fold his hands over his stomach, and put himself into some kind of an altered state in which virtually any type of information was available. The accuracy of Cayce’s psychic work is evidenced by approximately one dozen biographies and literally hundreds of titles which explore various aspects of his information and the thousands of topics he discussed.Edgar Cayce and the Akashic Records

When asked about the source of his information, Cayce replied that there were essentially two. The first was the subconscious mind of the individual for whom he was giving the reading and the second was the Akashic Records.

Cayce’s Sojourn to Access the Records

Most often, when giving a reading which discussed a person’s soul history and his or her individual sojourn through space and time, Cayce would begin with a statement such as, “Yes, we have before us the records of the entity now known or called _________.” In discussing the process for accessing these records, Edgar Cayce described his experience as follows:

I see myself as a tiny dot out of my physical body, which lies inert before me. I find myself oppressed by darkness and there is a feeling of terrific loneliness. Suddenly, I am conscious of a white beam of light. As this tiny dot, I move upward following the light, knowing that I must follow it or be lost.

As I move along this path of light I gradually become conscious of various levels upon which there is movement. Upon the first levels there are vague, horrible shapes, grotesque forms such as one sees in nightmares. Passing on, there begin to appear on either side misshapen forms of human beings with some part of the body magnified. Again there is change and I become conscious of gray-hooded forms moving downward. Gradually, these become lighter in color. Then the direction changes and these forms move upward and the color of the robes grows rapidly lighter. Next, there begin to appear on either side vague outlines of houses, walls, trees, etc., but everything is motionless. As I pass on, there is more light and movement in what appear to be normal cities and towns.

With the growth of movement I become conscious of sounds, at first indistinct rumblings, then music, laughter, and singing of birds. There is more and more light, the colors become very beautiful, and there is the sound of wonderful music. The houses are left behind, ahead there is only a blending of sound and color. Quite suddenly I come upon a hall of records. It is a hall without walls, without ceiling, but I am conscious of seeing an old man who hands me a large book, a record of the individual for whom I seek information.

Yes, we have the body here, and the record as has been made and as may be made with the will as exercised, and the condition irrespective of the will’s influence or effect as has been created. We have conditions that might have been, that are, and that may be. Do not get the three mixed up or crossed purposes of either.

Once given the record, Cayce had the ability to select the information which would be most capable of assisting the individual at that time in his or her life. Frequently, a reading might suggest that only a selection of the available material was being provided, but that the individual was being given that which would be “most helpful and hopeful.” Additional insights were frequently provided in subsequent readings once an individual had attempted to work with and apply the information which had been given previously.

As a means of perhaps alluding to the fact that the Akashic Records were not simply a transcription of the past but included the present, the future, and certain probabilities as well, in reading 304-5, Cayce began the reading with a curious statement.

When discussing the Book of Life, he stated it that it was “The record of God, of thee, thy soul within and the knowledge of same.” (281-33)

On another occasion (2533-8) Cayce was asked to explain the difference between the Book of Life and the Akashic Records:

Q. [What is meant by] The Book of Life?

A. The record that the individual entity itself writes upon the skein of time and space, through patience – and is opened when self has attuned to the infinite, and may be read by those attuning to that consciousness…

Q. The Book of God’s Remembrances?

A. This is the Book of Life.

Q. The Akashic Records?

A. Those made by the individual, as just indicated.

The Edgar Cayce readings suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation. This information has an effect upon us in the here and now. In fact, the Akashic Records have such an impact upon our lives and the potentials and probabilities we draw toward us that any exploration of them cannot help but provide us with insights into the nature of ourselves and our relationship to the universe.

There is much more to our lives, our histories, and our individual influence upon our tomorrows than we have perhaps dared to imagine. By accessing information from the Akashic Records, the universe’s computer database, much might be revealed to us. The world as we have collectively perceived it is but a faint shadow of reality.


By Kevin J. Todeschi, Author of 
Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records

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Posted by on April 30, 2018 in WISDOM


Thinking Outside The Box – Learn when and how to step outside the lines.



There is some evidence that more creativity results in more of what many would call luck. No real surprise here – more creative and new ideas obviously means more opportunities for good or “lucky” ideas to come about. But how do you become more creative?

There are actually many techniques for generating more creative ideas. Books on creative problem solving, for example, are full of these techniques. You can use them in a given situation for immediate results, or train yourself to use them habitually for a permanently more creative mind.

However, there is one important aspect of creativity that this lesson addresses. It is the tendency we have to conform, and how this stifles our creativity. Learn when and how to step outside the lines, and you will be far more creative, and therefore potentially luckier in life.

Conformity To The “Rules”

In 1999 Daniel Simons, from the University of Illinois, published a paper with C.F. Chabris, in the journal “Perception & Psychophysics.” It was titled “Gorillas in Our Midst: Sustained Inattentional Blindness for Dynamic Events.” It reported a simple experiment in which subjects watched a 30-second film of people playing basketball, to see if they noticed the guy in the gorilla suit on the court.

Richard Wiseman, the expert on luck and creativity, took the idea and ran with it. He showed the following film to many groups of people. In the film, three basketball players are dressed in white t-shirts, and three in black. The are playing a game, but in the middle of the film, a man in a gorilla suit walks into the middle of the court and beats his chest for the camera.

This is something very obvious, which most viewers would notice, right?

However, viewers were instructed to watch for and count the number of passes made by one team. They were focusing on that task, so when later asked for their totals, and then asked if they noticed anything unusual in the film, only a small percentage ever said yes.

In fact, when Wiseman introduced enough competitiveness to the process (for example, by pitting one side of the room against the other in a test of accuracy), the number of people who noticed the gorilla was as low as 5%.

This is an example of how “in the box” we can be when we’re in a given situation. We stay within the normal “rules” for the situation. It is a useful part of our psychology. Too much awareness of everything else going on can interfere with concentration on the task at hand.

However, there are times when the task at hand is to think outside that box and see something new.

Thinking Outside The Box

The “box” is the normal way of doing things and looking at things. It is the assumptions that almost everyone involved is making. The best way to start thinking out of the box then, is to identify and challenge all the assumptions that make up thinking inside the box.

For example, one of the major liquor brands was faltering years ago, and they couldn’t seem to boost their sales. Promotions, lowering the price, getting better shelf placement – these were the “in the box” solutions. Then someone challenged the assumptions, by asking “What if we stopped the promotions and just raised the price?”

The price was raised as an experiment, and sales soon doubled. As it turns out, some types of liquor are bought quite often as gifts. Buyers don’t want to buy the most expensive one, but they also don’t want to seem cheap, so they won’t buy products that don’t cost enough.

Now imagine what happens to your profit margins when you raise the price and double the sales. That’s the power of thinking outside of the box.

Ways To Get Outside The Box

Challenging assumptions is a powerful and creative problem solving technique. The difficult part is to identify the assumptions. If you are designing a new motorcycle, write down assumptions like “speed matters,” “it has to run on gas” and “it needs two wheels,” not because you expect to prove these wrong, but because challenging these can lead to creative possibilities. Maybe the time has come for an electric three-wheeled motorcycle.

Another way to get to creative solutions is to “assume the absurd.” This is either fun or annoying, depending on how open-minded you can be. All you do is start making absurd assumptions, then finding ways to make sense of them. The easiest way to do it is by asking “what if.”

What if a carpet cleaning business was better off with half as many customers? It seems absurd, but work with it. Hmm…less stressful, perhaps. More profitable if each customer was worth three times as much. Is that possible? Commercial jobs that involve large easy to clean spaces (theaters, offices, convention halls) make more money in a day than houses, with fewer headaches. Focusing on getting those accounts could be the most profitable way to go – not so absurd.

Another way to more innovative ideas is to literally do your thinking out of the box. Get out of the house or the office. Park the car and walk around. New environments can stimulate new ideas.

Always look around at how others outside of your usual “circle” of friends and associates are doing things. On busses in Ecuador, salesmen put a product into everyone’s hands and let them hold it while they do a sales pitch. Then you have to give back “your” product or pay for it. It is very effective. How could you use the principle in your business?

There was an experiment in creativity in which brainstorming sessions were done in two ways. The first set consisted of normal sessions. In the second set of sessions, one simple change was made. The participants were told to take their shoes off.

Consistently, people produced more ideas when their shoes were off. This is a neat little example of how just getting out of our normal routines can stimulate more creative thought.

Social Conformity

One of the things that stifles our creativity is our need to conform to the people around us. We tend to do what they are doing and think what they are thinking. There are certain expectations that are there, even when we aren’t aware of them.

Of course there is good reason to conform most of the time. Singing while in a bookstore, refusing to shake hands, or certain other demonstrations of non-conformity probably won’t give you any creative edge in life. We conform to most unspoken social “rules” because they benefit all of us.

On the other hand, there are other times when breaking the rules or not following the herd makes sense. If everyone goes to the closest check-out registers at the grocery store, you might get out faster by going to one further down. If most people are using credit cards and as a result are in financial trouble, you might do well to be a non-conformist.

Luck or opportunity is often where the crowd isn’t. For example, many tourists here in Colorado like to pan for gold. Of course, they all go to the same easily-accessible places, so these places are don’t have much gold left. Where would you have more luck looking for gold? Wherever the people don’t go, of course.

When I was sixteen I hitchhiked across the country. This was back when hitchhiking was common. I came to one freeway entrance ramp and saw over 20 hitchhikers lined up with their thumbs out. As I walked past them I heard complaints about how long they had been waiting.

I just kept walking. A mile later, away from the crowd, there was room for a driver to pull over, and he didn’t have to make a choice about who to pick up. I easily got a ride there – my reward for being a non-conformist.

Non-Conformity – The Lottery Example

Here’s an example of how being a non-conformist can even increase your luck in the lottery. It is so common for people to bet on birthdays, that winning tickets with numbers below 31 (the days of the month) usually split the pot more ways. This means that each winner gets less money.

On the other hand, when the winning numbers are all over 32, fewer tickets have winning numbers. This means that the money is split fewer ways and each winning ticket is worth more. All numbers are equally likely to come up, so if you bet the numbers between 32 and 40, you have a better chance to win more money.

This doesn’t make the lottery a good bet, by the way, but just a better bet. It is a great little example of how getting away from the crowd can be a creative way to improve your luck.


By Steve Gillman,
Author of 
Secrets of Lucky People

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Posted by on April 27, 2018 in WISDOM


Eliminate the news media from your life for the next 30 days



I understand what I am about to say may sound crazy to you, but allow me to suggest the possibility that you have been totally brainwashed and you have unknowingly become your own worst enemy.


In fact, this is exactly what is happening to millions of people. And most likely, you are one of them.


What I am talking about is the SUBLIMINAL and SUBCONSCIOUS programming you are getting – programming that is imprinted on your subconscious without your knowledge.


I am not saying there is an organized conspiracy to program your mind. The people that are spreading these negative messages don’t even know they are doing it!


The problem is as you are exposed to these mind viruses, you are likely to be infected.


Just as exposure to raw sewage can cause you to be infected with germs, microbes and other nasty things, prolonged exposure to the media will infect your mind with many nasty viruses. Society spends billions of dollars to protect us from biological and computer viruses. Yet a mind virus can be the most dangerous of all.


One of the best things you can do to prevent mind viruses is stop following the news. Don’t watch TV, don’t listen to “talk” radio, don’t read newspapers or magazines that have the news in them. Why? Because they all make their money by selling fear, lack, scarcity and limitation. Bad news is what sells.


Open the average newspaper and you will see that 90% or more of what you read is negative news. The percentage is about the same for radio and TV. Do you really believe it is important to find out how many houses burnt down, how many people were robbed or killed in your city, state or another country? Do you really need to be reminded of the economic situation every day? Being exposed to all this negativity creates a negative view of the world and negative thought patterns in your mind.


When I tell people to skip the news, they invariably ask, “How will I know if there is a major world tragedy or natural disaster heading my way or terrorists striking near me?” Trust me. You will know about all the big stuff you need to know. Let’s face it, the vast majority of your friends and neighbors follow the news so they can do the watching and reading for you. You still won’t be able to escape it completely because most restaurants and shops now have the TV news on all day long. So if something major happens, you will know about it.


I haven’t watched the news for the past ten years. I don’t read the newspaper either because I don’t want or need to know about all the bad stuff. My life is about creating good stuff. Eliminate the news media from your life for the next 30 days and see what I mean.


Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress – IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.


By Dr. Robert Anthony,
Creator of The Secret of Deliberate Creation

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Posted by on April 26, 2018 in WISDOM


The “poor me” mentality/deadly virus that eat away your self-image/self-esteem.


It is not all about you .............. !


When we go around with an entitlement mentality we become frustrated when something stops us from taking ownership of what we deemed due to us. Many of us feel that we have been cheated, robbed and exploited and usually begin to look for someone or something to blame. The next step is usually to find ways that we can make the individual that we identified the cause to experience the same level of pain, rejection and discomfort that we perceive he or she inflicted on us. Once we reach the level of “getting even” we are well on our way sliding down the emotional tone scale. We then rapidly, in the blink of an eye deflate from the happiness and contentment level and slip right down to the place where victim reside. This is a wonderful place for those that feel cheated. Millions of victims crowd this zone. They have special meetings where they gather to share with their fellow citizens what happened to them. They in a way feel at home in this zone because they get endless opportunities to vent and to tell their story to fellow victims. They don’t even notice that there is almost no laughter in the streets. What they also fail to notice is that everyone is so busy licking his or her wounds that nothing really constructive is suggested at the meetings that could assist the citizens of the victim zone to obtain what they think they are entitled to. Some might periodically come with ideas how they should take revenge or force those that apparently robbed them to hand over what they think they are entitled to. These plans never work out and those that leave to go and do battle for their rights soon return, even more depressed than before. The “poor me” mentality becomes a deadly virus that eat away your self-image and self-esteem. The only way out of this zone is to adjust your mental GPS system so it can guide you to the gratitude zone. You will soon discover in this zone that life is not fair. You will also learn that there are many things that you can be grateful for that you never noticed before. You will be guided in this zone to get rid of your entitlement mentality. You will in future understand that life is a game and that it is silly to think that things always work out as expected.



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Posted by on April 26, 2018 in WISDOM


Portable Wisdom 24/7 in the palm of your hand.












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Posted by on April 25, 2018 in WISDOM


Parents “fear of loss” and “fear of rejection” are major obstacles for your child.


Explain to your children that it is important to understand that every person is busy writing their own story in their book of life. Every person on this planet sees things from his/her personal perspective. No two persons view or experience things the same. You might think that something is obvious while other have a totally different take on the matter at hand. It will thus be silly to expect that friends, family and even strangers will see things from your perspective. Tell your child that he/she can avoid a lot of pain, frustration and conflicts when he/she fully understands that each person is living in his own world that he created for him/herself. We often feel rejected if a friend, someone at school with us or a stranger fails to act the way we expect him/her to respond. The biggest pain inducer that you child will ever be exposed to is his/her expectations. Life is very unpredictable. Your best friend today can become your worst enemy two weeks from now. Your friend possibly made an assumption about you based on false information given to him/her by someone else. It will be silly to feel wounded because you failed to sustain the relationship. You cannot control the thoughts and feelings of anyone. The best you can do is to confront your friend and ask him/her if your friendship is still ok. Listen what he/she say before you respond. Clarify any misunderstandings in a calm and relaxed manner. Move on if he/she reject your clarification or apology.                

We give away our power when we have high expectations, hopes and dreams for someone else. We give such person ample opportunity to disappoint or frustrate us. We need to remain realistic and accept that there are an endless number of things that can happen and go wrong in relationships. Misunderstandings are the major cause of disputes. You give people control over you if you have unrealistic expectations. Teach your child to enjoy his/her relationships. Also teach your child that relationships can fail like most things in life. Show your child that it is sometimes necessary to walk away from relationships when it becomes a one-sided experience. It might be painful for a while, but will heal. Teach your child to be careful who they associate with. A person with a radically different focus on life can influence your child to go outside his/her norms. The desire to be or remain acceptable can influence your child to get involved in behaviour or things that could cause long-term damage.                 


 Parents must understand that “fear of loss” and “fear of rejection” is major obstacles that your child will need to learn to manage. Show compassion when your child run into relationship problems. It might be a “storm in a tea cup” according to your perceptions, but could be a major issue for your child. Being isolated at school or not accepted in a group can be a painful experience. It is important that you carefully go through the principles above with your child long before he/she is put to the test. Parents keep in mind that you developed your own perceptions about everything as well. Do your best to see whatever is bothering your child from his/her perspective.     



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Posted by on April 25, 2018 in WISDOM


An Honest Meditation – 21 plus please.


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Posted by on April 24, 2018 in WISDOM


Daily Meditation Makes You More Resilient to Mental Decline in Old Age

Information overload, conceptual image


Meditating for just one hour a day can buffer the effects of age-related cognitive decline, new research claims.

The researchers at the University of California, Davis, who carried out the study, can’t explain why the practice has this effect, but previous studies have found that it can cause brain changes that help people keep their mental abilities.

The current study, spanning seven years, examines the long-term benefits people gained from meditating.

As cognitive impairment impacts an estimated 16 million people in the US, researchers suggest meditation could help with brain aging.

For the study, investigators followed-up on previous research they’ve done in 2011, which evaluated the cognitive abilities of 60 people who regularly meditated before and after they went on a three-month-long retreat at a meditation center in the US.

Participants meditated daily at the center using techniques that were supposed to calm them, and help generate compassion, love and kindness among them.

Seven years after the study, researchers asked the 40 participants who had remained in the study how much time over the course of seven years they had spent meditating.

They found that 85 percent of them attended at least one meditation retreat, and they practiced about one hour a day for seven years.

They then completed assessments designed to measure their reaction time and ability to pay attention to a task.

Researchers found that continued meditation practice is associated with enduring improvements in sustained attention and response inhibition, or suppression of actions that are inappropriate.

These effects were significant in older adults who meditated more over the past seven years. They did not show typical patterns of age-related decline in sustained attention.

Previous studies have also found that meditation increase attention span.

A 2011 study conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital found that people who meditate are able to quickly adjust their brain waves – which regulate the flow of information – so that they can screen out distractions.

Another study published in 2012 by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles found that people who regularly meditate have larger amounts of gyrification, a process that involved the ‘folding’ of the cerebral cortex – which plays a key role in memory, attention and thought.

The gyrification process allows the brain to process information faster and enhances neural processing.

Researchers of the current study said their findings are the first to ‘offer evidence that intensive and continued meditation practice is associated with enduring improvements.’

However, they said more research is needed to determine if it is effective at countering the effects of aging on the brain.


By Jaleesa Baulkman / Daily Mail

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Posted by on April 24, 2018 in WISDOM


Insomnia? – Take an imaginary sleeping pill.



Picture a hypnotist in your head. You’re likely imagining a man with a beard wagging a gold watch in front of a subject’s eyes. Maybe he has an accent, maybe he doesn’t. What’s for sure is that he’s likely intoning, as an audience looks on, “You are getting very sleepy.”

Hypnosis has long been associated with sleep, but is often lumped into the same hokey territory as Las Vegas magicians. But far from the quackery that would literally have you quacking like a duck in front of an audience, hypnosis is a means to break a habit — and not sleeping is a deeply ingrained habit for an insomniac.

Over the last few years, hypnotherapy — a form of psychotherapy that applies hypnosis for treatment to create subconscious change in a patient — has increasingly been used to treat sleeplessness with positive results. Whether by suggesting changes to help you relax or by addressing the thought patterns that result in a restless mind, a hypnotherapist can ease months of tossing and turning with just one or two sessions.

Boiled down, hypnosis refers to “a place in our consciousness spectrum between wakefulness and sleep,” says Toronto-based hypnotherapist Andrew Gentile. “People who have insomnia, their nervous system is having trouble winding down. The process of teaching them to go into hypnosis is to teach them how to go to the doorway to sleep.”

Used in conjunction with a proper psychological analysis and a healthy sleep-hygiene routine, hypnotherapy has been shown to decrease insomnia and even reduce such REM-threats as sleep paralysis, night terrors and general bad dreams. The effectiveness stems from hypnotherapy’s ability to put the mind into a state where it is no longer susceptible to the distractions that keep one awake.

(It’s important to note that there’s a difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy. A hypnotist uses hypnotic suggestions in hopes of addressing a behavior. They find patterns and remove them using influence, and their suggestions need weeks or months to stick. A hypnotherapist has a more powerful deck of cards and is often able to find the causes of these patterns by digging deep into a patient’s mind. They’ll then use suggestions, which will last for a few days right away.)

Now, compare the act of going to sleep to the lowering of lighting in a room. In a sense, we’re decreasing the amount of electricity going through our body. “There’s a dimming, the body gets heavy, our muscles are relaxing,” says Gentile. “We feel limp, weak. Our nerves are sending fewer signals, the muscles are getting fewer impulses to be active.”

The brain is part of that nervous system. Therefore it, too, is going into a resting state and all the functions of the conscious mind— analysis, problem solving, criticism, judgment, discernment — subside as we drift off.

“When we are asleep we have the experience of dreaming,” says Gentile. “We are not analyzing — we’re in a state of radical open-mindedness and acceptance of whatever we’re being presented with.” When we’re dreaming, he adds, we get a huge amp up in other parts of the mind including imagination and non-linear thinking.

A great deal of what keeps insomniacs awake, per Gentile, are the unresolved problems, thoughts of the future, regrets from the past and other such distractions. But if you can escape into a fantasy for a few minutes, that could help you drop into sleep.

When hypnotized you enter into a trance similar to that of a day dream, one where your mind is free and able to drift off. In this state you are more open to manipulation either by a phrase or visual image. These can be used for the purpose of telling you to ignore your troubles and thoughts that steal sleep.

On a scale of one to 10, think of ten being highly awake, and 1 being deeply asleep. In hypnosis, the goal is to train someone with insomnia to get to five — that halfway place.

“By the time they’re at five they’re at a very relaxed state,” says Gentile, “The imagination is active and tangential thoughts become full-on dreams which facilitate sleep.” So long as we’re alive, our minds are active. So if we’re not consciously thinking about things, then we’re going into mini-dreams or tangential thoughts.

“In hypnosis, we are priming the pump for dreams to occur,” says Gentile. “We’re constructing dreams intentionally, which gets the imagination pumping and flowing. When you get to a relaxed enough space, these become self-sustaining. The mind is in the altered state of the dream — you’re forgetting about all our regular feelings and thoughts, and off you go into sleep.”

Melissa Tiers, a NYC-based certified hypnotherapist, teaches very specific methods of escaping the roaring mind.

“Some insomniacs react well to direct suggestion — being told under hypnosis that he or she can fall asleep quickly and easily,” says Tiers. “Ten to 20 percent will respond to that.”

Otherwise, she teaches practices that help shift attention away from or slow down racing thoughts. Here are some ways she teaches her patients to calm their mind:

1. Slow down the movie

One thing insomniacs share in common is the inability to ramp down their internal dialogue. Tiers asks an insomniac to close his eyes and imagine he’s in bed and trying to sleep. Then she asks how he’s thinking.

“Typically, an insomniac’s internal processing is really revved up,” she says. “Their internal dialog loop is very sped up. They think in disjointed images or movies — and it’s always too fast.” So, she teaches how to manipulate their thoughts by slowing them down. “From the outside, I can see people are slowing down their internal images, because they’ll relax and breathe differently.”

2. Shift into peripheral vision

If slowing down the internal dialog doesn’t help, Tiers recommends stopping it altogether. Try this: Focus on a point in front of you on the wall or ceiling. Without shifting your gaze, try seeing the objects in your peripheral vision. Now further shift your perception to include the area behind you, encompassing the entire room.

“This process is calming — for people with anxiety and stress, it makes the internal dialog quiet,” says Tiers. “They’re not used to a quiet mind so they get discombobulated. They get dizzy from the quiet.”

3. Breathe from the heart

Tiers teaches a method she calls “heart-breathing” in which you, well, focus on the heart as you breathe. This, she says, helps the mind slow down. “It’s as if they have meditated for 30 minutes in that it takes the brain waves from alpha into beta,” she says. “Some even slip into theta — and then sleep.”

4. Take an imaginary sleeping pill

Another technique Tiers finds effective is teaching patients how to go into self-hypnosis, and while they’re in it to induce a re-creation of taking a sleeping pill.

“I have them imagine the feeling they used to have when medications were effective for them,” Tiers says. “Then I teach them to associate that feeling with a squeezing of the thumb and forefinger, as if they were holding the pill. When they squeeze again, it’s like a dose from an Ambien. I can tweak what might have worked in the past but doesn’t anymore — once I do that, we can segue from hypnosis to sleep.”

If these methods don’t help, Tiers ramps it up.

“I have to go a little deeper — making sure there’s not a reason why the conscious mind is a little overdiligent,” she says.

But, as any hypnotherapist will tell you, the suggestions will more often than not stick. And the insomniac will be able to slow down his or her thoughts long enough to sleep.


By Matt Schneiderman / Van Winkle’s

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Posted by on April 23, 2018 in WISDOM


Ex-attorney pleads guilty to hypnotizing women for sexual purposes.


Former attorney Michael W. Fine pleaded guilty to charges he used his hypnotic skills to control six women for his own sexual gratification as part of a deal with prosecutors that will send him to prison for 12 years.

Fine, 59, entered pleas to five counts of kidnapping and one count of attempted kidnapping during a hearing Monday, a week before his trial was set to begin. Each of those charges carries a sexual motivation specification. Prosecutors dropped numerous other charges as part of the agreement reached during private pretrial negotiations.

Prosecutors and defense attorney John Pyle declined to comment after the hearing, citing a gag order imposed on those involved in the case by Visiting Judge Patricia Cosgrove.

Fine is due back in court Nov. 7 for a sentencing hearing and also will be informed of requirements that he register as a sex offender for the rest of his life that day.

Fine fell under scrutiny after one of his legal clients became suspicious of lost time she was experiencing and because “she was wet in her vaginal area, that her bra was disheveled” after she left Fine’s office or had conversations with him.

Hypnotize Women for sexThe woman took her concerns to Sheffield police, who initially suggested she find another lawyer, but the woman instead recorded her interactions with Fine, including when he placed her in a trance, according by documents filed by the Lorain County Bar Association in November 2014 seeking an emergency suspension of Fine’s law license.

Fine was accused of putting the woman into a trance and giving her sexual commands, including telling her to have a orgasm and that she was “being made love to by the world’s greatest lover,” according to the Bar Association filing.

The woman took the recordings to law enforcement, and she agreed to wear audio and video recording devices into a meeting with Fine at his Sheffield law offices.

Once Fine put the woman into a trance, law enforcement raided the office and searched it for evidence, according to court documents.

After the allegations against Fine, who permanently relinquished his law license last year, became public, Lorain County Prosecutor Dennis Will’s office fielded calls from numerous women claiming to have been victimized by Fine. Several women also filed lawsuits against Fine and his former law firm.

He ultimately was charged last August with taking advantage of six women and has been free on bond.

Prior to Cosgrove issuing a gag order in the case, defense attorney Robert Housel said his client was seeking treatment.

Fine’s case is at the center of a dispute between county Domestic Relations Judge Lisa Swenski, who has said she suspects she was one of Fine’s victims, and Lorain attorney Michael Tony.

Swenski removed herself from hearing Tony’s cases nearly two years ago. Although she didn’t say so at the time, she wrote in court documents filed this summer that she suspected Tony might be in league with Fine.

Tony has never been charged with a crime and isn’t facing disciplinary action from the Ohio Supreme Court’s ethics arm.

Swenski’s suspicions of Tony were revealed when she responded to his request asking the Ohio Supreme Court to permanently bar her from handling his cases when she decided to resume hearing them earlier this summer.

A decision in that matter has not yet been made.


By Brad Dicken / The Chronicle


Please note that I have always been under the impression that you cannot force anyone to do stuff while under a hypnotic trance that such person would not do while “awake”. I have more questions than answers after ready this article. Then again when you look at the silly stuff that people are prepared to do while hypnotized like eating an onion while believing its and apple you never know what is possible – Rene


Read This as Well


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Posted by on April 23, 2018 in WISDOM


Remember someone is benefiting from your fear.



Man fear failure, pain, loss, embarrassment, rejection, and a wide range of other stuff. Why do we allow the element of fear to play such a devastating role in our lives? The main reason seems to be that we don’t want to endure pain, discomfort and anxiety because we don’t enjoy the feelings that flood our body and mind. Have the thought ever cross your mind that we don’t fear the same stuff universally? Some of us will allow a spider to sit in our hand without showing any anxiety or fear. Some of us will give a speech in front of a massive audience and enjoy it. There are those that seem to be immune to verbal abuse and rejection. A thick skin repels verbal abuse like a rug treated with a soil repellent. The reason why we have different fear patterns is because those that conditioned us during childhood had different things that they feared during your formative years. There are certain fears that are more universal. Religion and politics in the area where you grew up is usually responsible for specific fears. Fear became a universal control system that is used openly, but more often than not subliminally by governments, religion, banks etc. to put you in an almost endless state of fear. Look around you and you will discover that the whole system was designed to control the masses. The more we fear the thicker the walls become around us that keep us a prisoner. We fear rejection and take endless abuse by our partner. We fear financial pressure and eat the abuse of a slave driving boss daily. We fear crime and build prisons with high walls with barbwire that we live in. We are also controlled by our fear of other races, religions, political groups and the potential of disasters like earth warming or the second coming of Christ. We often fear Muslims and Muslims hate (form of fear) Christian. Can you see the endless invisible chains that keep us locked in a state of mental paralysis? The only way that you can escape the fear trap is to see things as they are and not the way that your controllers want you to view them. Take anything you fear and start researching it. Make it your business to fully understand the dynamics of the subject of your research. Dig deep and ask questions. Knowledge will set you free. Knowledge shines a light in the dark dungeons where fear hides in your mind. Most of the stuff you fear is nothing more than toothless paper tigers that make a lot of noise. Be bold and select one subject today that you would like to expose to the light. I guarantee you that there is virtually nothing that can threaten you once you start applying this principle. Remember someone is benefiting from your fear. Ask yourself who is benefiting from your state of fear and you will identify your fear source and at the same time grasp his/her or their motivation.




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Posted by on April 22, 2018 in WISDOM


The individual with a STUDENT mindset do not jump to conclusions.


Click HERE to download PDF of Choice Map


The individual with a STUDENT mindset do not jump to conclusions and do not blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. The STUDENT is fully aware that he or she has the option to travel down the well worn path of the JUDGE or detach from this mindset and remain open, relax and alert to opportunities. The STUDENT is eager to learn and to hear what other people have to say. The STUDENT never jumps to conclusions and ask questions like, “What do I really want?”, “What is the facts and what can I learn from this experience?”, “What is my choices and what will allow for a win – win conclusion?” The student experience feelings of hope, optimism, collaboration, flexibility and fun while the JUDGE in turn remains focused on the opposite side of the scale. Read the notes below on the JUDGE and you will notice the complete different approach between the two options that we have when faced with challenges. The STUDENT open an endless number of directions that he or she can move while the JUDGE in turn remains so rigid that he or she soon runs out of options. Print a map for your office and home. This is a powerful tool that will assist you daily.




FREE!! POWERFUL LIFE CHANGING PROGRAM – Take back your power today!

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Posted by on April 22, 2018 in WISDOM


You do not need to live your life in fear!



Crafty operators used the formula below to manipulate us into entities that can be led by our noses


I have been studying religion, philosophy and spirituality for more than forty years now. I invested labouredly in time, money, energy and dug deep and intensely for the reason why man come to this plane. I even at the age of twelve found it impossible to grasp why a loving God will allow you and me to wake up in this slanted shit hole saddled with a mission to identify the right church, accept a specific savior and live an impeccable life, all in an unknown lifespan or face the possibility to be tormented and toasted forever. What confused me even more was that I might have been “posted” in a wonderful home with caring parents that guide and feed me while I receive a superior education while you in turn were “posted” with a single mother, never knew your father, get inadequate and substandard schooling while you wondered where you next meal will come from. Both of us will be judged, weighed and measured by God when we expire according to the dogma of many churches. There is a possibility that one of us might get a pass to heaven while the other will be shipped off to a place called hell where he/she will be tormented and toasted in the most gruesome manner for all eternity.

Everyone is thus on this plane to attempt to find the right religion, the correct holy book and appease the God perception in that holy book. It must be remembered that we are playing for the quality of our everlasting life during this single exposure to this dimension. Some of us might have a life time to achieve these objectives while others might be extracted after a few years of trials and tribulations. Our mission is not only to find the right God, church and live a quality of life that would allow us to qualify for heaven. We are exposed to a fight for survival financially and otherwise from a young age. We are apparently also exposed to an evil invisible entity that is using all the tricks in the book to corrupt, test our loyalty to God and confuse us. We are as you can see knee deep in the shit virtually from birth. Our chances of success minuscule according to the dogma of those that claim that they are the guides to everlasting bliss.

I concluded after careful deliberation and contemplation that it is absolute nonsense to buy into the rubbish that we were fed in this regard from early childhood. I decided at a young age that I have absolutely no desire to participate in any of these illogical and unrealistic movements that promote this kind of thinking. The more I studied the clearer it became to me that our enemy is fear. We fear pain and we desire pleasure. Crafty operators used this formula to mind fuck us into entities that can be led by our noses. We became like sheep and follow these “spiritual leaders” while they steal our time, money and resources. The God perceptions and dogma that they present to us is figments of the imagination of those that came before them that lay the foundation for their scams. I can tell you that there is not a single person that ever speculated about God, heaven and hell that can present you with a morsel of evidence that what they preach are valid. The first so-called enlightened, inspired ones and philosophers speculated about these matters and the current gurus are still doing the same. Some do it better than others, but it all still remain nothing more than speculations.

Set yourself free my dear friend. You do not need to live your life in fear to be a wonderful and caring individual. You can be compassionate and supportive to everyone that cross your path daily, not because you attempt to qualify for heaven or attempt to escape hell. You can do it because it’s the right thing to do. You can live a wonderful and successful life by living your life ONE MOMENT at a time. Do not fear the future or what might happen when you expire. Stop minimizing yourself because you feel you were born in sin according to the myth. Surviving daily in this dimension is difficult enough. Why load all the speculative garbage on your shoulders while you stagger around trying to appease the imaginary God that you have been sold on since early childhood? All you have is this moment my friend. Be the best you can be, not because you fear God, but because you understand that the quality of your choices and actions today will confront you tomorrow. It is not God that is punishing you. It is your own choices that you made yesterday that you are faced with today.

I believe there is an intelligent energy field that we are part of, that we live and die in. I have no reason to think that this is some kind of super human in the sky that meddle in our affairs. This energy field needs nothing from us. There is no need to endlessly convince this energy field of your loyalty and support. You can never be separated from this force. The quality of your life is decided by you and you alone. So go out from now on and live your dream, love your children, forgive those that cause you discomfort and be gentle with yourself.




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Posted by on April 19, 2018 in WISDOM


Words are like bullets/can never be reloaded once they leave/lips.



POWER TOOL: Recall this image the next time you want to say something rude or sarcastic to anyone. Words are like bullets and can never be reloaded once they leave your lips. Look back in your life and think of how many times your words killed the aspirations of your child. Think how what you said or failed to say wounded your partner. Remember how jumping to conclusions cause you to shoot your verbal bullets in all directions. Those that are wise do not pull the trigger and say the first things that come to mind. How many friends, family, strangers still make their way through life notwithstanding the number of your sarcastic or angry bullets that remain lodged in their minds and hearts? Learn that virtually nothing is serious enough to justify the range of wounds that our words leave in those we claim we love. Our objective on this planet is to learn, grow, mature and become love. A loving and mature person understand that their words can also forgive, heal, encourage and repair.


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Posted by on April 18, 2018 in WISDOM


How to get everything you’ve ever wanted in life/saying the right words.



The words with which you communicate determine the quality of your life. This is true whether communicating with others or with yourself. Especially with yourself. The impact of words actually causes measurable biological changes in ourselves. And in others. Words are stored in our conscious and subconscious minds. We think in words.

Certain words incite many emotions and subsequent actions. Words have the power to induce someone to laugh, to cry, to be kind, to be loving, to be cooperative, or to buy. Or be unkind, angry, or irrational. Whether words are written or spoken, they have enormous power. Of course, when words are spoken, the added factors of voice timbre, emphasis, emotion . . . all have the potential to cause even more impact.

This book offers many concrete examples of using simple words to produce certain results. This may sound like a form of manipulation. Actually, it is. But, here is the important distinction that needs to be made. Manipulation can be either positive or negative. I define negative manipulation in this context: the use of words that causes others to act for the benefit of the communicator. Positive manipulation is when certain words tend to cause responses that are of mutual benefit to the speaker or writer and the person with whom you communicate.

The techniques I’ll reveal to you have all been developed in a win/win context.

Here is what few people seem to realize: People all over the world really want to accommodate their fellow humans. But they must be approached properly. It’s my experience and observation that many people do not give much attention to the people we meet in life and who have positions on the lower end of the job scale. In fact, some people not only ignore them, they are rude and insensitive to them.

Here is a big mistake. I believe every human being should be treated with dignity and respect. Reason? People in service occupations, for example, such as waiters and waitresses, the health club attendants, golf and tennis assistants, hotel desk clerks, rental car agents, office clerks, etc. have an ongoing power to add so much quality and meaning to our lives. Little people mean a lot.

So, Rule Number One:

Treat the “little” people in your world with dignity and respect. Learn their names and background information by asking questions. Think about it. Who do you think will get special consideration when it is requested? The open and kind caring person? Or the person who treats the “little” people as though they were invisible? The answer is obvious. I’ve found that the “little” people I’ve taken time to know have enormous power to make my life more enjoyable and add real quality to each day. Plus, it’s fun to make lots of new friends.

It’s been proven by the experts that body language communicates with as much impact as the words we speak. Therefore, to enhance their power, practice saying the secret words with:

* a smile (you can even hear a smile on the telephone);
* a warm, rich tone to your voice;
* enthusiasm in what you request;
* good eye contact;
* a firm handshake;
* sincerity-you can’t fake friendliness;
* a purposeful posture-standing tall; and
* a manner that communicates an expectation that you deserve and expect to get what you request.

I submit that with each person we come in contact, we have, in a certain sense, the opportunity to market ourselves. To be liked or disliked. Of course, the more people like us, the happier they are to be helpful.

I use “magic words” every day of my life. Here they are revealed to you, dear reader, for the very first time anywhere.


Unless you first learn to communicate with yourself, you will not be very effective communicating with others. The silent words we all say to ourselves produce feelings. These can be positive, happy and life-enhancing, or negative, unhappy and detrimental to us.

Silent Words Are Heard!

You literally affect and change your nervous system by your internal dialogue. While I will focus mainly on the silent words, it’s important that I at least touch on another vital aspect of communication to ourselves and to the outside world.

We communicate both to our inner self with the world outside as much by the way we use our body as in our words. And our body messages, along with words spoken or silent, help create our emotion. Of course, we also hear silent words in the voice pitch and quality we choose, for our unspoken voice is heard. We hear a whiny, sleepy, apologetic voice, or we hear a rich, strong energetic voice when we speak to ourselves through internal dialogue.

In addition, if you sit slouched and speak softly and slowly with a yawning voice tone, tell yourself you are learning about communication as you begin to feel a lack of energy and drowsiness.

Any doubts? Try this test. Read the previous paragraph and see how you feel. Let yourself really experience the feelings your actions produce within you.

Now try this standing up. Walk briskly and purposefully across the room – head back, good posture. Sit comfortably, but keep your back straight as you sit in your chair. Speak silently to yourself in a strong voice with energy. Tell yourself you are learning about self-communication as you feel growing excitement about all the new benefits your new knowledge brings to your life. Let yourself really experience the emotions. See the difference!

The way we use our body muscles, facial muscles and posture is critical to our self-communication. Even how you use your eyes. It’s almost impossible to feel up if you continually look downward, especially with a frown on your face. And it’s almost impossible to feel down when you are looking straight up with a smile on your face.

Try it!

In summary, communication with the outside world, written or spoken, first starts with self-communication. Self-communication starts with the way we use our body along with the silent words we say to ourselves. The loudness of the inner words, along with the richness of tone used when we say them combine to produce our inner emotional state. Interestingly, our communication to others reflects this inner state. It can’t be hidden, at least not for long.

How to get the very best table in any restaurant

Key words are: “Celebrating Tonight”

When calling for a reservation, say, “I’d like the very best, most special table you have. We’re celebrating tonight. What can you do for us?”

If you bring your spouse on a date instead of a client or friend, say instead, “I’d like the most romantic table you have in the corner, so we can sit side by side. We’re celebrating tonight.”

If the maitre d’ asks what you are celebrating (unless, of course, it’s a birthday, anniversary, sales achievement, asset purchase, or other special event) say, “We’re celebrating . . .


By Ted Nicholas, Author of
Magic Words That Bring You Riches

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Posted by on April 18, 2018 in WISDOM


Surprising Longevity Lessons from The World’s Healthiest People.



A Greek island, Okinawa, Sardinia, Costa Rica and Loma Linda, California. What do they have in common?


Otherwise, they don’t eat the same things, don’t do the same things and aren’t even trying to be healthy. They just are.

If centenarian women on the Japanese island of Okinawa can’t find enough men their age, they should look to Sardinia and Costa Rica for their male centenarian counterparts.

1. Blue Zones

Writer Dan Buettner traveled the world for more than a decade searching for the places where people lived the longest and healthiest. He named those places “blue zones,” an anthropological term for identifying areas with the longest-living people.

He and others interested in the subject also looked into the reasons for longevity and offered dozens of them. His are the “Power 9”:

  • Move naturally

  • Know why you wake up in the morning

  • Make stress-relieving rituals part of your daily routine

  • Stop eating when your stomach is 80 percent full

  • Eat beans

  • Drink wine regularly

  • Belong to a community

  • Have close family connections

  • Have close friends and strong social networks

Those are just a few of the lessons we can learn from the healthiest people, the blue zones being the first. We follow with the other 14.

2. What They Eat

All of our sources agree that diet is a key factor in longevity. Variously, their lists include:

  • Seven times more vegetables than meat

  • Five cups (1.2 liters) of green tea a day

  • Seaweed

  • Grass-fed eggs

  • Apricots

  • Yogurt

  • Sprouted bread

  • Mineral water

Buettner cites the Mediterranean, Nordic, Okinawan and Asian diets as the secret lessons of regional populations. But, he doesn’t explain what is called the “French paradox” of apparently doing it all wrong when it comes to healthy eating.

France has one of the lowest obesity rates in the developed world, and its people live longer lives, all without diet concerns. The French love their food; it’s rich, fatty, heavy in carbohydrates, lots of cheese and chocolate. Research suggests it isn’t as much about what you eat, but how. The French tend to eat small portions, don’t snack and eat slowly. Their cheese is moldy (think penicillin) and they consume red wine consumption in moderation. They also walk everywhere.

3. Low Stress

In her book, 50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People, Sally Beare notes her subjects—traditional populations in Okinawa, Japan; Burma; Bama, China; Campodimele, Italy; Symi, Greece; and Hunza, Pakistan—live long lives because they have little stress. They tend not to have bills to pay, something the American Medical Association cites as being responsible for 60 percent of American illnesses and diseases.

4. Think Spiritually

Many of those who live long lives spend time in prayer, meditation and the like. It appears those activities lower blood pressure and prevent several diseases. Research has found that just spending time alone in contemplation is a good stress-reliever.

5. Hum, Sing, Breathe, Laugh

It’s all about oxygen. Those actions are akin to deep breathing, which draws in more oxygen, which is beneficial to the body’s cells and helps prevent cancer. But, you may not want to do much of that if you live in a polluted environment. Read on.

6. Air, Soil Quality

The world’s healthiest people tend to live in remote areas that have not yet been polluted by carbon dioxide emitted by vehicles or by pesticides.

7. Mind Games for The Brain

Fitness writer Ben Greenfield points out that living a long time is not of much benefit if you are senile. Playing games stimulates the mind, he says, and in many areas with the long-living populations, residents play complex games regularly. For example, the Chinese play “Go” and Greeks play backgammon.

8. Move

That means the activity of any kind, not changing addresses unless you seek a healthier environment. Again, the healthiest people also tend to be the hardest-working. Break a sweat once in a while.

9. Get Married or Get A Dog

The choice is yours, but one Nobel Prize winner for his health studies says humans as social creatures need the company of others, and they need to love and be loved. Marriage may not always provide that, but a dog would.

10. Have A Relationship, The Good Kind

Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger has been involved in a 75-year study of adult development and happiness. In a 2015 Ted Talk, he said a primary conclusion has been, “Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period.” People who have good relationships also are physically healthier and live longer than their non-connected counterparts, he said. Other experts say those relationships also protect your brain, and relationships, rather than died, are the reason for Costa Rica being one of the blue zones.

11. Fast One Day A Week

Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra studied the residents of Pioppi, Italy, with more than its share of centenarians and no residents with diabetes. His main emphasis was on cutting sugar consumption, but the last item on his list of how to live to 100 was, “Once a week, fast for 24 hours, if possible.”

Larry and I usually do liquid Mondays, so each Monday we only do tea, soups, smoothies, plus we do Intermitten fasting for the rest of the week.

12. Happiness

Happiness was on most lists for living long and healthy lives, but Greenfield notes it isn’t necessarily about being happy yourself; it also can be about making others happy. He suggests devoting time to a good deed, volunteering, or simply visiting a retirement home and talking to residents to cheer them up.

13. Drop Drugs

No, we’re not talking about “dropping” something like LSD (even though psychedelic medicines are important as well); it’s about dropping the use of pharmaceuticals. It turns out those Hunzans in Pakistan live to 100 without the help of drug prescriptions. Some of the men are even fathering children at the age of 90.

14. No Chemicals

Those same Hunzans are not exposed to chemical additives in their food. They don’t use pesticides to grow their food and they don’t ingest chemicals or have exposure to them. They spray their fruit trees with a water-and-ash mixture.

15. Look Good

The final recommendation for healthy living is looking good. That doesn’t mean you need to be beautiful. Italians don’t just ingest olive oil, it’s also a good skin treatment. Many women combine it with lemon juice to improve their complexion and soften their skin. So take care of your body and enjoy many more extra years of healthy living, happiness, and fun.


By Larry & Oksana Ostrovsky / BeWellBuzz

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Posted by on April 17, 2018 in WISDOM


Who is the happiest man in the world?



Who is the happiest man in the world?

If you Google it, the name “Matthieu Ricard” pops up.

Matthieu Ricard, 69, is a Tibetan Buddhist monk who has been called “the world’s happiest man.”

That’s because he participated in a 12-year brain study on meditation and compassion led by a neuroscientist from the University of Wisconsin, Richard Davidson. Davidson hooked up Ricard’s head to 256 sensors and found that when Ricard was meditating on compassion, his mind was unusually light.

Simple Capacity details the findings:

“The scans showed that when meditating on compassion, Ricard’s brain produces a level of gamma waves — those linked to consciousness, attention, learning and memory — ‘never reported before in the neuroscience literature’, Davidson said.The scans also showed excessive activity in his brain’s left prefrontal cortex compared to its right counterpart, allowing him an abnormally large capacity for happiness and a reduced propensity towards negativity.”

Ricard — who says he sometimes meditates for entire days without getting bored — admits he’s a generally happy person (although he feels his “happiest man” title is a media-driven overstatement). He spoke with Business Insider at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Here’s his advice for how to be happy.

Stop thinking “me, me, me”

To Ricard, the answer comes down to altruism. The reason is because thinking about yourself, and how to make things better for yourself all the time, is exhausting, stressful, and ultimately leads to unhappiness.

“It’s not the moral ground,” Ricard explained. “It’s simply that me, me, me all day long is very stuffy. And it’s quite miserable, because you instrumentalize the whole world as a threat, or as a potential sort of interest [to yourself].”

If you want to be happy, Ricard says you should strive to be “benevolent” which will not only make you feel better, but it will also make others like you better.

(That’s not to say you should let other people take advantage of you, Ricard warns, but you should generally strive to be kind within reason.)

“If your mind is filled with benevolence, you know — the passion and solidarity … this is a very healthy state of mind that is conducive to flourishing,” Ricard says. “So you, yourself, are in a much better mental state. Your body will be healthier, so [it] has been shown. And also, people will perceive it as something nice.”

That all sounds great in theory, but how does a person actually become altruistic and benevolent and not let selfish thoughts creep in?

Start training your mind like you’d train to run a marathon

Ricard believes everyone has the ability to have a lighter mind because there’s a potential for goodness in every human being (unless you’re, say, a serial killer, and there’s something actually chemically abnormal going on with your brain).

But like a marathon runner who needs to train before he or she can run 26 miles, people who want to be happier need to train their minds. Ricard’s preferred way of training his is meditation.

“With mental training, we can always bring [our level of happiness] to a different level,” Ricard explains. “It’s like running. If I train, I might run a marathon. I might not become an Olympic champion, but there is a huge difference between training and not training. So why should that not apply to the mind?… There is [a] view that benevolence, attention, emotional balance and resilience are skills that can be trained. So if you put them all together, you could say that happiness is a skill that can be trained.”

OK, so how does one train their mind to be happier?

Just spend 15 continuous minutes per day thinking happy thoughts

Start by thinking happy thoughts for 10 to 15 minutes per day, Ricard says. Typically when we experience feelings of happiness and love, it’s fleeting and then something else happens, and we move on to the next thought. But Ricard says instead, concentrate on not letting your mind get distracted and keep focused on the positive emotions for the next stretch of time. And if you do that training every day, even just 2 weeks later you can feel positive mental results. And if you practice that for fifty years like Ricard has, you can become a happiness pro too.

That’s backed up by neuroscientists by the way. Davidson found from his study that even 20 minutes of daily meditation can make people much happier overall.


By Alyson Shontell / Business Insider

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Posted by on April 17, 2018 in WISDOM


Most of the stuff you fear is nothing more than toothless paper tigers.



Man fear failure, pain, loss, embarrassment, rejection, and a wide range of other stuff. Why do we allow the element of fear to play such a devastating role in our lives? The main reason seems to be that we don’t want to endure pain, discomfort and anxiety because we don’t enjoy the feelings that flood our body and mind. Have the thought ever cross your mind that we don’t fear the same stuff universally? Some of us will allow a spider to sit in our hand without showing any anxiety or fear. Some of us will give a speech in front of a massive audience and enjoy it. There are those that seem to be immune to verbal abuse and rejection. A thick skin repels verbal abuse like a rug treated with a soil repellent. The reason why we have different fear patterns is because those that conditioned us during childhood had different things that they feared during your formative years. There are certain fears that are more universal. Religion and politics in the area where you grew up is usually responsible for specific fears. Fear became a universal control system that is used openly, but more often than not subliminally by governments, religion, banks etc. to put you in an almost endless state of fear. Look around you and you will discover that the whole system was designed to control the masses. The more we fear the thicker the walls become around us that keep us a prisoner. We fear rejection and take endless abuse by our partner. We fear financial pressure and eat the abuse of a slave driving boss daily. We fear crime and build prisons with high walls with barbwire that we live in. We are also controlled by our fear of other races, religions, political groups and the potential of disasters like earth warming or the second coming of Christ. We often fear Muslims and Muslims hate (form of fear) Christian. Can you see the endless invisible chains that keep us locked in a state of mental paralysis? The only way that you can escape the fear trap is to see things as they are and not the way that your controllers want you to view them. Take anything you fear and start researching it. Make it your business to fully understand the dynamics of the subject of your research. Dig deep and ask questions. Knowledge will set you free. Knowledge shines a light in the dark dungeons where fear hides in your mind. Most of the stuff you fear is nothing more than toothless paper tigers that make a lot of noise. Be bold and select one subject today that you would like to expose to the light. I guarantee you that there is virtually nothing that can threaten you once you start applying this principle. Remember someone is benefiting from your fear. Ask yourself who is benefiting from your state of fear and you will identify your fear source and at the same time grasp his/her or their motivation.




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Posted by on April 14, 2018 in WISDOM


Misunderstandings are the major cause of disputes.


Explain to your children that it is important to understand that every person is busy writing their own story in their book of life. Every person on this planet sees things from his/her personal perspective. No two persons view or experience things the same. You might think that something is obvious while other have a totally different take on the matter at hand. It will thus be silly to expect that friends, family and even strangers will see things from your perspective. Tell your child that he/she can avoid a lot of pain, frustration and conflicts when he/she fully understands that each person is living in his own world that he created for him/herself. We often feel rejected if a friend, someone at school with us or a stranger fails to act the way we expect him/her to respond. The biggest pain inducer that you child will ever be exposed to is his/her expectations. Life is very unpredictable. Your best friend today can become your worst enemy two weeks from now. Your friend possibly made an assumption about you based on false information given to him/her by someone else. It will be silly to feel wounded because you failed to sustain the relationship. You cannot control the thoughts and feelings of anyone. The best you can do is to confront your friend and ask him/her if your friendship is still ok. Listen what he/she say before you respond. Clarify any misunderstandings in a calm and relaxed manner. Move on if he/she reject your clarification or apology.                

We give away our power when we have high expectations, hopes and dreams for someone else. We give such person ample opportunity to disappoint or frustrate us. We need to remain realistic and accept that there are an endless number of things that can happen and go wrong in relationships. Misunderstandings are the major cause of disputes. You give people control over you if you have unrealistic expectations. Teach your child to enjoy his/her relationships. Also teach your child that relationships can fail like most things in life. Show your child that it is sometimes necessary to walk away from relationships when it becomes a one-sided experience. It might be painful for a while, but will heal. Teach your child to be careful who they associate with. A person with a radically different focus on life can influence your child to go outside his/her norms. The desire to be or remain acceptable can influence your child to get involved in behaviour or things that could cause long-term damage.                 


 Parents must understand that “fear of loss” and “fear of rejection” is major obstacles that your child will need to learn to manage. Show compassion when your child run into relationship problems. It might be a “storm in a tea cup” according to your perceptions, but could be a major issue for your child. Being isolated at school or not accepted in a group can be a painful experience. It is important that you carefully go through the principles above with your child long before he/she is put to the test. Parents keep in mind that you developed your own perceptions about everything as well. Do your best to see whatever is bothering your child from his/her perspective.     



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Posted by on April 14, 2018 in WISDOM


Knowledge simply binds us to erroneous, concrete beliefs and perceptions.



Hermann Hesse’s timeless book, Siddhartha, should be required reading for any spiritual seeker. The book is about Siddhartha’s journey as a respected son of a Brahmin. Everyone expects that he will follow in his father’s footsteps. He enjoys an idyllic life and follows the tenets of his religion expecting that they will bring him peace and happiness.

He feels the pangs of discontent though, and observes that his father and elders have not yet reached enlightenment, even though they too have followed the instructions of their religion. When starving and naked ascetics cross Siddhartha’s path one day, his journey truly begins. On this endeavor, he comes to a river that teaches him many life lessons.

If you haven’t had a chance to be profoundly awakened by this book yet, here are ten quotes from it that will move you to question your own environment, religion, culture, and relationships, to possibly find something more.

“Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else … Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it.”

We so often misunderstand the difference between wisdom and knowledge in this world. Wisdom is timeless. It can only be arrived at with discernment and the development of our consciousness to a level that understands paradox and true freedom.

Knowledge simply binds us to erroneous, concrete beliefs, making it nearly impossible to understand the truth of the Universe. Wisdom, however, discloses Truth in ways that cannot even be explained with a thousand books, a million teachings from religious figures, or a hundred million facts memorized and assimilated. Wisdom is so pure, that even language corrupts it.

“When someone seeks, then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal. Seeking means: having a goal. But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal.”

There are numerous literary and mythical examples of the seeker. Joseph Campbell describes the seeker in the quintessential quest for the Holy Grail – a representation of some outer prize that can be obtained with enough valor or sacrifice, but what we truly seek can be found only within our own hearts. When we seek an outside goal, this is an indication that our own hearts long to be understood. Striving for something outside ourselves causes us to forever remain a seeker.

“I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.”

All people, places and circumstances in life are fodder for spiritual advancement. Tears are a spiritual release. Hearing a song on the radio that reminds us of someone is a clue from the Universe to send that person love and compassion. Seeing someone else go through something horrible and thinking, “that could have been me,” is a reminder to be thankful.

Getting stuck at a red light is a reminder to breathe deeper. An argument is a gentle tug from the Universe to look inside yourself. Everything that we experience can help us grow. It isn’t just the positive, airy fairy things that help us grow.

When we do a life review, the times we acted with courage and faced our pain, fear, and sadness will be the moments when we smile the biggest.

“We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.”

This point is described in great detail by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan in their discussion of spiral dynamics. The way they visualize change is in a spiral. Though we may circle around to the same challenges, each time we do, we are higher up on the spiral, hopefully with a higher level of consciousness with which to approach the problem.

Beck explained that if we try to impose our ‘solutions’ too far ahead of the curve the result can be rebellion rather than transformation. Because of this, the authors use the term “more complex” instead of “better” or “higher” to describe humanity’s stages of evolutionary development. Even if we haven’t quit reached the apex of what we can visualize, we have already taken many steps to make a better world a reality.

“So she thoroughly taught him that one cannot take pleasure without giving pleasure, and that every gesture, every caress, every touch, every glance, every last bit of the body has its secret, which brings happiness to the person who knows how to wake it. She taught him that after a celebration of love the lovers should not part without admiring each other, without being conquered or having conquered, so that neither is bleak or glutted or has the bad feeling of being used or misused.”

Sex is so often a mindless exchange between people these days. It is not an act to be engaged in so recklessly, though. When we share each other’s bodies, subtle energies are exchanged between us. The cultivation of these energies can even be used to achieve higher states of consciousness. When we act as though our bodies are just sacks of flesh, instead of the physical manifestation of energy, then we are missing the point of sensuality.

“It may be important to great thinkers to examine the world, to explain and despise it. But I think it is only important to love the world, not to despise it, not for us to hate each other, but to be able to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love, admiration and respect.”

One of my own spiritual teachers once said to me, you only have to learn to love. That is your only lesson while you are here. Even when we think we are loving, there are usually ways that we are not acting, thinking, and feeling from a loving place. This includes how we think and treat ourselves, not just other people.

“My real self wanders elsewhere, far away, wanders on and on invisibly and has nothing to do with my life.”

Whatever you define yourself as in this life – a father, a mother, a daughter, a son, a husband, a friend, a lover, a worker, etc. – these are only labels. They don’t not encase your infinite soul. You have been all these things and more in many lifetimes, and in many more places than where you are now.

“Opinions mean nothing; they may be beautiful or ugly, clever or foolish, anyone can embrace or reject them.”

You know that other saying about opinions and asses. Enough said.

“One can beg, buy, be presented with and find love in the streets, but it can never be stolen.”

With everything that has been taken from us by an evil, destructive, psychotic, corrupt cabal, isn’t wonderful to know that love cannot be traded like a stock or destroyed like gold, faked like paper money, or made to be more, or less valuable at the whims of a few elite. Love is eternal, indestructible, and pure. It is our greatest treasure.

“I shall no longer be instructed by the Yoga Veda or the Aharva Veda, or the ascetics, or any other doctrine whatsoever. I shall learn from myself, be a pupil of myself; I shall get to know myself, the mystery of Siddhartha.” He looked around as if he were seeing the world for the first time.”

Every single major religion on this planet has been corrupted. This doesn’t mean that religion has nothing left to teach us. It also doesn’t mean you need to believe in God or be an atheist to arrive at true wisdom, but as long as you are looking to an institution or a person to bring you enlightenment, you’ll miss it.


By Christina Sarich / The Mind Unleashed

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Posted by on April 11, 2018 in WISDOM


I wrote this/Mr. Trump August 2016 – recommended that he walk away/circus.



Mr. Trump is and has been under unbelievable attack since the day that he announced that he is ready to enter the race to become the president of the US. It was mind blowing for me when I noticed the often devious and unfair obstacles that was place in his path. Enemies crawled out of the woodwork that did their level best to sabotage this man and prevent him from achieving success. He was not only attacked by the media and opposition, but surrounded by various players of his own party that made it their objective to poison and contaminate his image every step of his journey. What I found was that a few were brave enough to attack him in the open while others selected to try and stop him using very devious methods. Subliminal and psychological methods were used and are still used daily.

There are many in the media, opposition and in his own party that could not find a single thing that he said did or achieved that remotely satisfied them. Mr. Trump according these operators cannot walk, talk, smile or even eat without these individual finding something negative that they let loose in the public domain.

There are TV services that allow so-called “experts” to present the most comical and flawed conclusions about him. Their comments are often toxic messages that were made up by using snippets of something he said to support a specific point of view. These experts that smugly sit and voice these comments are without any doubt working for his opposition. Do a test and you will find that many of these individuals have not once make a comment that might imply that he might have a valid point that he made. In an attempt to fool the public they sometimes bring in one of his supporters to counter what the panel is claiming. You will notice that this supporter get a fraction of the time available to defend Mr. Trump. I have no idea if is a planned strategy to then allow all the against Trump commentators to swamp his/her voice with meaningless interjections. You will notice the same old anti-Trump players in most of these panels.

Have you noticed how suggestions are used to endlessly repeat certain doubt creating comments? The favorite one they use is that Mr. Trump is just not qualified and do not have the temperament to hold the highest post in the land. This message goes out 24/7 in an attempt to fix this mindset in the minds of those that dare to look at their news services. Certain clips that show a fraction of what he said are played over and over during their shows. By using these partial clips the perception is left with viewers that he is erratic and highly aggressive. They use these clips to support their half-truths and often outright lies. They use these clips to gradually degrade and dismantle his image in the eyes of potential voters. I for the life of me often hoped that he will walk away from this slanted and carefully choreographed circus. All I can say to Mr. Trump is that they do not want a strong leader and a person that threaten the endless and outdated system that for years now failed to address the vital issues that need modification or eradication. Those in power will use anything possible to keep you from taking control and change the broken system. They want more of the same and fear change. There are many that fear for the jobs and their position in the current administration. Courage to tell it like it is evading them. Mr. Trump it is not the enemy that you can confront, but those that hide behind their massive egos that you must protect yourself. I am still convinced that you will win this thing. Tell those that oppose you that you are going to make it with or without them. You will then go down as a true champion that overcame massive the odds against you. I do not think that anybody that ever ran for office had to face the onslaughts and attacks that you are faced with daily.


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Posted by on April 10, 2018 in WISDOM


This can be very dangerous in the wrong hands.


I’m almost afraid to publish this post.

It feels like passing out a loaded gun to every random stranger that passes by.

In the wrong hands it could be very dangerous.

But when I think about it, it’s already in the wrong hands. The hands of con artists and cult leaders and politicians. And there is no way to take that power from them except to make everyone else aware of it.

Have you ever thought—I mean really thought—about the power of language? Most of us take it for granted. Not only as a tool to tell our families we love them, or to ask where the bathroom is, or to get anything done at all, but as the only way to transmit complex ideas.

It can take a whole book to explain one concept, but assign a name to that concept within the book, and you create a shortcut. Then, if a person has read that book, you can speak one word that conjures up an entire world in their mind.

Quixotic is a simpler example; in Don Quixote, Cervantes (albeit unintentionally) created a word which combined two previously separate ideas: chivalrous and foolish.

Back in 1948, “big brother” meant nothing but “older male sibling.” Then Orwell came out with 1984 and more than 60 years later, we still use the phrase to mean an all-seeing, all-powerful totalitarian government.

Or take the word hnau from C.S. Lewis’s Out of the Silent Planet, used to differentiate between animals and intelligent lifeforms in a universe where humans are not the only intelligent lifeforms. That’s an inadequate explanation, because the distinction involves far more than intelligence, or even spirit or soul—you’ll have to read the book to understand it.

Point: words are more than labels. Words are the means of wrapping big ideas in small packages, so we can hand them off to each other almost effortlessly.Collapsible concepts. Portable philosophy.

This is possibly one of the most powerful things on earth. Why?

Because you can use it to change the way people think.

Take a simple example. Consider the difference between the synonyms said and claimed. “Bob said he saw Linda at the store,” is neutral. But change it to “Bob claimed he saw Linda at the store,” and suddenly you doubt Bob’s honesty.

Or go the opposite direction and put “Bob confirmed he saw Linda at the store,” and suddenly the statement is fact.

Now apply it to one of our portable philosophies. Say there’s been a break-in at your condominium and the homeowners’ association votes to put up security cameras in all the corridors, so they can monitor who goes in and out of every condo. The cameras go up and everyone feels a lot safer. Then somebody graffitis “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU” on the wall beneath one camera. Suddenly you’re conjuring up images of emotionless masses in jumpsuits being presided over by a giant television screen that never shuts off. Suddenly you’re worried a little less about security and a little more about privacy. And the next time someone proposes a measure “for added security,” you’re a little slower to agree. You might flat-out oppose it.

Why does it take a whole book to explain?

It only took me six words to define Big Brother at the beginning of this post. So why aren’t we creating collapsible concepts left and right? Because it has to be more than a label. If we’re going to remember it later, it needs to strike a chord with us. It takes the emotional journey of Winston Smith to solidify Big Brother in our minds. That’s the power of stories.

Of course, chances are, you knew what Big Brother meant even if you haven’t read 1984—even if it never “struck a chord” with you. That’s because it struck a chord with so many other people that it became iconic. That’s the power of storieson a world-changing scale.

Obviously, this doesn’t happen every time anybody writes a book.

But it can happen.

Remember that next time you’re reading a dystopian novel, or watching the news, or starting a new paragraph in your WIP. Listen carefully—and write even more carefully.


Learn about something even more dangerous: the death of words.

 Read more about mind control here.


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Posted by on April 10, 2018 in WISDOM


Several “friends” you make during/lifetime will stick/knife in your back



1. A child reared without clear boundaries has little chance of success. Limits are necessary to give purpose, direction and structure to life. The fool swims in a boundless sea of opportunity and finally drowns because of his failure to latch onto a specific purpose. He tries to own the sea while the wise man selects a single purpose (opportunity/goal) and then pursue it with all his heart. The wise man understands the power of commitment and focused thought and is well rewarded.

2. A defeated person becomes indifferent about his fate. He finally stops feeling ashamed or sorry. He stops resisting and fighting to reclaim his dignity. The wise is very aware that passive behaviour could make him act like a dog with a broken spirit. Our parks are filled with defeated individuals that tragically accepted their fate in life.

3. A desperate or worried person displays the tendency to cling to anything or anyone that displays even slight compassion. A true warrior understands that this behaviour will eventually exhaust the person that he clings to. A champion never makes panic decisions or choices. He lives in the moment and knows that his winter season will pass like so many times before and make way for a brand new summer.

4. A few moments of indiscretion could become a burden that you might haunt you for the rest of your life. The need for instant gratification is usually at the root of most of our less spectacular choices. Any choice that we make can be compared to the pull of a trigger of a gun. Once the bullet leaves the barrel it cannot be recalled.

5. A good friend is like a good investment. To make good longterm friends be a friend. Friends become a shield in troubled times. Friendship is not a one-sided deal. There are people that claim that they are your friends, but they are often just stranger exploiting you. Several of the friends you make during your lifetime will stick a knife in your back the first time your friendship is really tested.

6. A grievance poisons your mind and chains you to the past. It leaves you bitter and twisted. Everyday of your life you chose between grievances and freedom. You must make up your mind if you want “pain” or “joy” or the “old” or the “new”. When you choose to go for freedom then learning the art of letting go becomes a top priority. When you have mastered the art of letting go of your history you begin to predominantly live in the now.

7. A man that cannot find enough compassion in his heart to forgive is a fool. We all make mistakes, but the fool continues trying to convince everybody that he is flawless. When you master the art of forgiveness you enter a safe harbour and gain peace of mind.

8. A man that is mature, fair and respectable is worth more than precious jewellery. Everybody respects maturity and predictability. Wisdom only comes to those that are slow to anger and careful in their judgement.

9. A man that lacks self-esteem needs titles and certificates to justify his position in life. A man at peace with who he is does not need the constant blessing or praise of others. Never allow a person’s title or position to intimidate or dominate you. See yourself on equal footing with others. Do not allow a person to intimidate you with his pedigree or current superior vantage point.

10. A man with willpower always has the best chance of coming out on top. The main reason why people fail is not because they do not have the skills and know-how, but because they lack the willpower. A person without willpower and determination always ends up the slave of those that do.


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Posted by on April 10, 2018 in WISDOM


Many of us feel that we are a victim of our circumstances.



Many of us feel that we are a victim of our circumstances. It is easy to blame others for our mistakes or for the discomfort that we experience. What we fail to acknowledge is that we more often than not have ample opportunities to terminate a drama that we are faced with, but for reasons unknown to us allow them to invade our space (world). Not many understand that there is a software program stored in our mind that kicks in and provide us with a set of direction on how we should act or react when faced with specific circumstances. Who uploaded these programs into our sub-conscious minds? It was our parents and everyone else that had access to our mind in our formative years. The reason why we continue to repeat the same patterns, rituals and mistakes is the “automatic reaction patterns” explained above. You are not going to make better choices and create a better quality life for yourself until you detach from the software that governs all your actions and reactions. The key is not to write a better defensive or offensive program, but to grasp that you are not the programs in your head. You are a spiritual being that are trapped by all these negative and destructive reactions patterns that took on a life of its own (ego). The real spiritual you will experience whatever you are presented with in a detached manner. The real you will learn from these experiences and move on. 



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Posted by on April 9, 2018 in WISDOM

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