Tag Archives: away from

The most powerful tool you own is your ability to measure if your current ACTION will take you TOWARDS your GOAL or AWAY from what you DESIRE.



The most powerful tool you own is your ability to measure if your current ACTION will take you TOWARDS your GOAL or AWAY from what you DESIRE. You measure you progress and the quality of your CHOICES by the FEELINGS that you experience. People, events, blogs, movies, newspaper articles and people in general will either make you FEEL empowered or dis-empowered  strong or weak, inspired or deflated during or after you engaged them. Your FEELINGS guide you faithfully during all your endeavors  FEELINGS of ANGER, FEAR, ANXIETY and DEPRESSION shout out to you that you need to move away from a POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE. When you read a book, blog or magazine you become UPLIFTED and MOTIVATED or you become aware that the material is sucking some of your valuable energy out of your body and soul. My friend many of the things we do and the interactions we have either HEAL us or make us SICK. We are either swimming UPSTREAM or DOWNSTREAM while we participate in this game of life. We must take time to STOP periodically so we can evaluate the STATUS of our current activity. Our best friend can be our worst enemy if such friend often feed us with toxic interactions that make us WEAK and WORRIED. The most dangerous people, situations and perceived opportunities are often “packaged” in fancy false disguise. Groups are often toxic. They might have a facade of saintliness and salvation that hide their hidden agendas and concealed motives. Repeat the following as often as you can today. I will today allow my FEELINGS and INTUITION to guide me while at work or play. I will not accommodate people, things and events that make me feel deflated, depressed or weak. My FEELINGS guide me today toward SUCCESS and away from potential FAILURE and LOSS. Look around you today and become aware how many things and people attempt to suck the LIFE ENERGY from you! Become aware how society is setup to US and ABUSE you. perceptions (beliefs) might need updating.



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Posted by on January 9, 2014 in WISDOM


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The most powerful tool you own is your ability to measure if your current ACTION will take you TOWARDS your GOAL or AWAY from what you DESIRE.



The most powerful tool you own is your ability to measure if your current ACTION will take you TOWARDS your GOAL or AWAY from what you DESIRE. You measure you progress and the quality of your CHOICES by the FEELINGS that you experience. People, events, blogs, movies, newspaper articles and people in general will either make you FEEL empowered or dis-empowered  strong or weak, inspired or deflated during or after you engaged them. Your FEELINGS guide you faithfully during all your endeavors  FEELINGS of ANGER, FEAR, ANXIETY and DEPRESSION shout out to you that you need to move away from a POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE. When you read a book, blog or magazine you become UPLIFTED and MOTIVATED or you become aware that the material is sucking some of your valuable energy out of your body and soul. My friend many of the things we do and the interactions we have either HEAL us or make us SICK. We are either swimming UPSTREAM or DOWNSTREAM while we participate in this game of life. We must take time to STOP periodically so we can evaluate the STATUS of our current activity. Our best friend can be our worst enemy if such friend often feed us with toxic interactions that make us WEAK and WORRIED. The most dangerous people, situations and perceived opportunities are often “packaged” in fancy false disguise. Groups are often toxic. They might have a facade of saintliness and salvation that hide their hidden agendas and concealed motives. Repeat the following as often as you can today. I will today allow my FEELINGS and INTUITION to guide me while at work or play. I will not accommodate people, things and events that make me feel deflated, depressed or weak. My FEELINGS guide me today toward SUCCESS and away from potential FAILURE and LOSS. Look around you today and become aware how many things and people attempt to suck the LIFE ENERGY from you! Become aware how society is set up to USE and ABUSE you. perceptions (beliefs) might need updating.




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Posted by on December 13, 2013 in WISDOM


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The choices that you make will lead you toward or away from your goals and dreams.




To accomplish (1) great things we must not only act (2), but also dream (3), not only plan (4), but also believe (5).

 Anatole France

The word accomplish is not always fully understood by people. The word (1) accomplish signifies to finish, complete or bring something to an end. You cannot claim that you accomplished your goal or objective if you do not bring something to a successful conclusion. Most people are excellent at starting things, but the real winners in life understand that without completion there is no reason to celebrate.

You might plant your seeds in the garden of life, but if you fail to follow through you will not reap the fruit of your labour. Everything that is worthwhile accomplishing starts with a dream (3). Most of the wonderful inventions you see around you today started with an idea in the head of someone. When the idea is transformed into a dream it is given the opportunity to materialize. Most people allow their ideas and dreams to die unceremoniously in their heads.

Most of the most brilliant inventions never got past the dream stage because their owners never acted (2) on their inspirations. The best books were never written because the potential authors could not summon up enough courage to write the first page. If you want to make your dreams a reality you need to think up a plan (4) to take it past the dream stage.

Only a few people get past their own negative self-talk. Most people do not have the courage and fortitude to take something through to a successful conclusion. Friends and family are excellent flaw finders, but usually do not have any plans of their own. Most of them resigned themselves to what they call their “fate” in life and know that they will remain just a face in the crowd of faceless mediocre people.

When you listen to the fainthearted you will become one of their clan. You will see danger and failure in every shadow. It takes courage and lots of faith in your ideas, dreams and plans if you want to take them through to a successful conclusion. You must believe (5) if you want to achieve. You must not allow negative thinkers to shoot down your plans and goals.

They say faith can move mountains. When you really believe in your mission you will overcome all obstacles that attempt to prevent you from achieving your objectives.


You are the creator of your own successes and failures. The choices that you make will lead you toward or away from your goals and dreams. The cowards are afraid to act because they fear failure. The winners accept that failure is not a destination, but simply a part of the process. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without serious effort and painful failures. All that failure indicates to you is that you still need to make a few modifications to your plan. Failures expect their plans to work without a hitch and fall apart if the don’t. Winners expect setbacks and do not allow them to deflate their initial passion and commitment. Winners do not allow the negative comments of friends and enemies to dismantle their dreams and plans.

If you have been walking around for years with a good idea in your head, now may be a good time to activate some serious action to make it a reality. I do not claim that it will be easy or that all your dreams will become a reality, but why not give some of them your best shot? How would you feel if you read in a magazine or newspaper, that someone else made millions with a similar idea than the one you have allowed to hibernate in your mind?



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Posted by on February 9, 2013 in WISDOM


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The most powerful tool you own is your ability to measure if your current ACTION will take you TOWARDS your GOAL or AWAY from what you DESIRE.



The most powerful tool you own is your ability to measure if your current ACTION will take you TOWARDS your GOAL or AWAY from what you DESIRE. You measure you progress and the quality of your CHOICES by the FEELINGS that you experience. People, events, blogs, movies, newspaper articles and people in general will either make you FEEL empowered or dis-empowered  strong or weak, inspired or deflated during or after you engaged them. Your FEELINGS guide you faithfully during all your endeavors  FEELINGS of ANGER, FEAR, ANXIETY and DEPRESSION shout out to you that you need to move away from a POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE. When you read a book, blog or magazine you become UPLIFTED and MOTIVATED or you become aware that the material is sucking some of your valuable energy out of your body and soul. My friend many of the things we do and the interactions we have either HEAL us or make us SICK. We are either swimming UPSTREAM or DOWNSTREAM while we participate in this game of life. We must take time to STOP periodically so we can evaluate the STATUS of our current activity. Our best friend can be our worst enemy if such friend often feed us with toxic interactions that make us WEAK and WORRIED. The most dangerous people, situations and perceived opportunities are often “packaged” in fancy false disguise. Groups are often toxic. They might have a facade of saintliness and salvation that hide their hidden agendas and concealed motives. Repeat the following as often as you can today. I will today allow my FEELINGS and INTUITION to guide me while at work or play. I will not accommodate people, things and events that make me feel deflated, depressed or weak. My FEELINGS guide me today toward SUCCESS and away from potential FAILURE and LOSS. Look around you today and become aware how many things and people attempt to suck the LIFE ENERGY from you! Become aware how society is setup to US and ABUSE you. perceptions (beliefs) might need updating.




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Posted by on November 25, 2012 in WISDOM


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