Tag Archives: destruction

“You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.”

“You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.”

Abraham Lincoln

Many of us are unable to resist compulsive shopping urges. We are abused by them and often driven by them to irrational acts of purchase. To disobey them entails total destruction of the psyche. But did you know that you can actually stand up to these brutes and scare them off?

Your basic inability to resist them arises out of the fact that if you do not yield, they will persist, and for you this is like having a hornet flying circles in your living room.

Enter the mindfulness tactic, your power hornet-swatter. Here is how to use it:

1. Next time a shopping urge (which is basically a thought) arises,
remember that the thought is an object, and you are the one who
is aware of it.
2. Let the shopping thought exist in your presence. Do not try to
suppress it or make it persist.
3. Do not yield to it.
4. It will irritatingly persist.
5. Just keep watching it. Let it persist. Do not worry about this;
the thought is harmless, let it stay as long as it wants.
6. Do not yield to it.
7. Carry on with other tasks of your day.
8. Let it persist for hours, days or whatever.
9. Finally it will give up and go away, because your brain will realize that is speaking to a wall.
10. Rinse and repeat for three more buying urges.
11. The next time you get a shopping thought, remember that you are
now capable of not yielding to it, and decide whether you want to
yield or not from your new position of strength, not out of fear as
you would before.
12. Act according to your decision.

If you follow these steps diligently, your spending pattern and your life will significantly change for the better.

Important Extra Tip: When you sense anger coming on, you can use the same mindfulness tactic to avoid impetuous behavior that you might regret later.

To your mental and financial freedom!

By: Lakshman Balaraman

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Posted by on July 21, 2013 in WISDOM


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We became so used to the hammer blows to our integrity, self-image and self-esteem that virtually nothing moves us out of our dazed daily existence.


Very few of us are aware that we are exposed to a deadly negative and destructive cocktail of mental pollution from the moment we wake up in the morning until we drop back into bed at night. The amazing thing is that very few of us understand the deadly energy sucking soul-destroying epidemic that is busy ravaging our land.

They say that you can cook a frog if you place the frog in a container of cold water and gradually increase the temperature of the water. I am sad to say that most of us are now so desensitised that the massive doses of toxic poison that we absorb via our five senses daily no longer raise an alarm that sound urgent enough to motivate us to take evasive action. We became so used to the hammer blows to our integrity, self-image and self-esteem that virtually nothing moves us out of our dazed daily existence.

We for some reason need to listen to the radio or watch the news when we surface in the morning. We are greeted by and endless stream of reports of death, destruction, political rhetoric, disasters and speculations. We listen to or view graphic depictions of murders, rapes, natural disasters and discover how the value of our currency dropped to a new record low during the restless hours that we slept. We are exposed to virtually the same news several times before we begin to make our way through the gridlocked traffic to our salt mine. We pass hundreds of billboards that attempt to bring to our attention what we urgently need or lack and should urgently acquire if we want to remain in the rat race and sustain our acceptability in society. The newspapers hang “teasers” on hundred of poles with cryptic headlines filled with horror and vague messages that will hopefully entice us to obtain an additional fix of even more fear provoking articles in their paper. The radio in your vehicle might be tuned into some kind of morning show where announcers frantically bounce more negative and destructive “news” off your punch-drunk brain.

We endlessly listen to so-called news about politicians that often either attack or defend some senseless decision they made regarding serious issues that directly influence the living standard of all citizens. We have wave after wave of infighting between political parties. We have serious skirmishes between politicians in the same party that jockey for position in the party’s pecking order. We notice the tension between races because of policies forced into place to “upgrade” so-called disadvantaged groups that suffered because of the apartheid’s years. Qualifications and experience do not form a basis when appointments are made. Farmers and their families are murdered in horrific attacks that often take on the colour of hate crimes. The moment we conclude that there is some kind of conspiracy against white people we discover that some of our black fellow citizens are faced with even worse atrocities.

We live in barbwire camps in an attempt to keep our families safe from prowling gangs that mercilessly break into homes to loot and rob. We upgrade our electronic alarms systems, employ companies with armed guards, and still become victims of these ruthless, clever and often heartless perpetrators. We must always be on high alert because we can be followed home from the bank or come under attack in our driveways. We read about elderly people that are raped and murdered for a mobile phone. Many of us became paranoid and often get up at night when a neighbour’s dog bark to check if everything is still ok notwithstanding the bars on the windows, infrared detection devices and roving armed responds patrols.

Many of us thought that mass action and the huge frantic crowds driven by unscrupulous leaders with political ambitions ended when the mantel of the “Rainbow Nation” fell on our shoulders. We read about or view horrific clashes between the police and crowds of individuals that insist on more pay, better housing, service delivery etc. Huge numbers die and are seriously injured in these volatile often politically driven expressions. We yearn for leadership and clear directions from our leaders, but very little is done to address the real issues that brought our country to the brink of anarchy.

It will be silly to expect anyone to live a normal, productive and happy life in these testing times. Joblessness and poverty is driving the country closer and closer to the brink of disaster. A fair question would be, “What can I do to manage the huge challenges that we face daily?”

It is extremely important acquire a few skills that could alleviate the stress and anxiety that we face daily.

  • Start by avoiding news broadcasts on the radio and TV.
  • Stop reading the newspaper.
  • Stop living your life with a victim mentality.
  • Stop wasting your energy on stuff that you have no control over.
  • Stop talking to friends and family about negative and destructive stuff.
  • Start living your life on a moment-to-moment basis.
  • Learn to view all your fellow citizens with empathy and respect.
  • Appreciate the outstanding work that our police are doing under extremely testing conditions.
  • Serve your community with your special skills.
  • Learn to stop looking back to what could or should have been.
  • Accept the current moment with all its challenges.
  • Teach your family some basic life skills when it comes to observation and crisis management.
  • Stop taking life and yourself so serious. Make time to relax and recharge.
  • Develop a good relationship with those that work for you at home, office etc.
  • Stop looking for flaws and mistakes in others. Accept everyone unconditionally.
  • Learn to remain vigilant, but in a relaxed and focused manner.

We might not change the country overnight, but a spirit of union and goodwill will go a long way to bring down the red hot temperature that currently fuel the flames. You can continue to live a life of fear blended with deep anger or you can “accept what is” and do the best you can with what you have. We are faced with serious challenges. We can, with the right frame of mind still create a happy and productive life for our families and ourselves. A lot of the substance in this toxic cloud that currently envelope our nation is cause by impatience and our own victim mentality.

A victim mentality causes us to think like losers and slaves. We become sensitised on all the wrong stuff. We go out of our way to find stuff that we can use to moan and groan about or that can justify our sub-standard performances. You cannot think constructive thoughts while you remain focused on all the stuff that is wrong in the country. You cannot see that the unpleasant circumstances that we live under is actually caused by a small toxic group of people. There are millions of wonderful, friendly and caring people that constantly slip through your “suspicious mindset” when you are always expecting the worst. We have enough outstanding human potential to make this country a leader on many fronts.


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Posted by on June 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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The destruction of your self-image and self-esteem take place when you fall into the habit of giving yourself low scores on most things you do.


We are constantly busy judging and measuring people, events and our own performance. We will for example give a person that causes us a great deal of pain or loss a score of 1 or 2 on reliability or morality. Then again we might give the person that we just fell in love with a perfect 10 even when she picks her nose. Everything that others or we do is validated on this scoring system. A 1-2-3 would indicate PATHETIC 3-4-5 FAIR 6-7 GOOD and 8-9-10 OUTSTANDING.

Everything we do is also validated in the same manner. The problem with this tool is that we are the ones that decide when a person must get a 7 or for example a 3 under any given set of circumstances. I say a problem because we calibrate this instrument by using our own perceptions as the norm. We will give a person a high score if he or she performed close to our perception of what is good and acceptable for us and a low score when his or her performance is somewhat removed from our perceived norm. We will for example give a person that has been loyal to us for many years a 2 when a mistake is made while we give the new love in our life a 9 for a far less valuable achievement.

The destruction of your self-image and self-esteem take place when you fall into the habit of giving yourself low scores on most things you do. When you develop the tendency to see yourself as a failure in most areas of your life you also begin to live your life accordingly.

You will never perform like a 8-9-10 if you see yourself as a 3 in a specific activity or situation. This is why most people find it so difficult to motivate themselves. If you walk like a 3 and talk like a 3 you will also act and think like a 3. It is foolish to expect an 8 or 9 performance of yourself if you see yourself as a 1-2 (failure).

The problem with this validation system that forms part of our steering mechanism in life is that it becomes our norm once we made up our mind about something, somebody or ourselves. Can you see how our scoring or measuring system could possibly be flawed or founded on a lie? You will fail if you are convinced that you have only a 3 rating on something. You cannot achieve or perform beyond the rating that you accepted for yourself. You become blind about many of the things that others do or for that matter fail to do after you allocated a rating to them. Remember people walk, talk, act and perform according to their perceived scores.


Most people wait for something to happen that will make them feel better about themselves or about their current status. They need things to change before they will dare to adjust their evaluation of a situation or person. You can reverse the process.

You can begin to walk; talk, act, and react like an 8-9-10 and will discover that you will soon start feeling like an 8-9-10 type of person. Once you feel like an 8-9-10 you will begin to do the things 8-9-10 do. Just for today try and act, talk and walk like an 8-9-10 and see, what difference it will make in the way you feel and the results you achieve.

Stop waiting for your circumstance to be just right before you adopt the characteristics of an 8-9-10. Act and the feeling of success and pleasure will follow. Start acting in advance like an 8-9-10 person and success will follow. If you want to remain in a 3-person zone until things change for the better, be my guest. I know that you can virtually instantaneously adjust your mood if you use this powerful method. You cannot exert influence if your score is less than a 7 my friend. People will not follow or listen to a 1-2-3-4-5 type of person. They need a person with leadership ability (8-9-10) and passion to show them the way!


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Posted by on April 24, 2013 in WISDOM


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The History of the White Race – Who we are. Where we came from. + Race Separation or Destruction! – Farrakhan

All these are achievements of the White race, very possibly the greatest race that has ever walked the face of this earth. But who is the White race, and where did they come from?


Broadly speaking there are three main sub divisions within the White race – Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean.




Although these names seem to be referring to geographic places, they did in fact originally mean certain physical types.


The Nordic sub group is recognizable by their tallness, light hair and eye colour and long skull.


The Alpine sub group is recognizable by their shorter stature, round skulls and brown eyes and hair.


The Mediterranean sub group is recognizable by their middle size stature, and their dark eyes and hair. The Mediterranean skull shape can be long or round.


There are other sub groupings of the White Race, but these are generally mixed types – for example the Dinarics (found in Poland especially) who have light hair and eyes but the round skulls of the Alpine – the product of a Nordic – Alpine mix.




When did this broad category of races appear?


Evolutionists would have you believe that the human kind originated in Africa, and as this early man migrated north, so did his pigmentation become light and his eye and hair colour lighter – by evolution of course.


Creationists would have you believe that mankind was created by a God suddenly somewhere in the Middle East.


Both theories are just that – theories, and the archaeological evidence tells quite a different story. The archaeological evidence consists of skeletal remains found at various sites around the world. From these skeletal types we can determine the size and physical features of the people who lived at that time.




What we see is that until about 40,000 or 30,000 years ago there was a race of beings who walked upright – called Homo Erectus. Homo Erectus was a two-legged creature who possessed very low mental faculties. This Homo Erectus is what is commonly known as Neanderthal man. His physical features were a small skull and particularly small cranial – brain – capacity. His arms were longer in relation to his body size that Homo Sapiens, and he was prognathic – a fancy scientific term which means that the forehead slopes back and the teeth stick out significantly – usually further than the furthest point of the nose or the chin.


The evolutionists would have us believe that Homo Sapiens (which is Latin for Wise Man) evolved from Homo Erectus – but of course this is where the evolutionary theory falls flat – there is no conclusive genetic link between Neanderthal man and Homo Sapiens. On the contrary, the archaeological evidence would indicate that at the end of the last great ice age – which may have lasted hundreds of thousands of years and which only finally receded about 40,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens appeared out of the north and swept down through Europe, physically destroying Neanderthal man.




For 20,000 years during this closing ice age – called the Upper Paleolithic period – a term referring only to the type of culture that existed amongst these early Homo Sapiens – our ancestors, the White race’s ancestors, lived as hunter gatherers in Europe.


Their physical remains and artifacts from this time are plentiful – and what is really amazing is how far spread out they were. This first race of people with whom we can claim a genetic affinity, were what is called the proto Nordic racial type – tall, light hair and eyes.


In certain isolated areas in Europe you can still find perfect living examples of this racial type, and they differ only slightly in height from modern day Nordics.


This great proto Nordic race lived in a broad band spanning from Spain right across Europe all the way to central Asia and even to the Pacific rim, where skeletal remains have been found as well.


In Siberia and Asia they were eventually absorbed by the Mongoloid races and the same happened in the Pacific rim – for example the Ainu people of Japan – that society’s highest class – are very clearly crosses of Mongoloids and Whites. They differ so substantially from the rest of the Japanese population that this is visible even to the Western eye.




When this great Ice age finally ended, some of these White hunters became a pastoral people. The first artifacts made from bone and stone date from this period – about 35,000 years ago. With established settlements came developments such as fire, paintings stone blades and the fashioning of animal bones into weapons and tools. Sewing needles were also developed during this period.


Musical instruments also made their appearance- at certain sites in Southern France flutes dating back 27,000 years have been found. A typical settlement would have about 5 to 20 families living together. Coal was also first used as a fuel at about this time.


They fired clay statues in ovens, had bows and arrows (a weapon which first appeared on the scene about 10,000 years ago).


Their greatest failing was that they left no written records of their achievements – only paintings on rock walls.




With the total disappearance of the Ice Age certain biological changes did start to creep into this proto Nordic race. In Southern and Central Europe, a process of an increasing head breadth began to develop which eventually resulted in the Alpine race.


The Mediterranean race also appeared at about this time – also originally of Nordic extraction, it appears as if they developed their own physical characteristics due to long periods of isolation around the Mediterranean basin.


I must stress here that what we today know as “Mediterraneans” are in fact different to these original Mediterraneans. The Mediterraneans commonly referred to today are much darker that the original Mediterraneans. The reason for this difference we will see presently.


The most well preserved example of this age comes from caves in Southern France, called the Azilian culture, after the caves at Mes d’Azil. Here stones were found with what appears to be writing on them dating from this period – but they have never been deciphered and it remains to this day speculation as to what they exactly are.




As climatic conditions improved, so occurred what is called the Neolithic revolution. Again, this is a fancy term indicating only a change in living style. Neolithic means the establishment of farms and crops and even more settled lifestyles.


Although there are isolated examples of proto Nordics having established farms at the beginning of the Neolithic period in Northern Europe, the fact is that the climatic conditions were not ripe for large scale farming. The proto Nordics, Alpines and darker Mediterraneans who were living in the more climatically favourable Middle East were the first to start with large scale farming and settlements. Cereal crops were planted in the Middle east 10,000 years ago.


The cereal grain farmers spread their skills westwards, penetrating central Europe about 8000 years ago – when these crops first started appearing in Italy and the Balkans.




Here we must of course bear in mind that the inhabitants of the Middle East at this period in history were not the same people who inhabit that region now! The Semites and Mongols (who lived further east) were still migrating North and West from ancient homelands in the South and East.


The people who lived in the Middle East at the time we are talking about now were a mixture of proto Nordics, Alpines and Mediterraneans, with Mediterraneans being in the majority. Although they do not predate the Upper Paleothic settlements in Europe – they can most certainly be said to have provided much of the impetus for early White civilization.


Having said that, it was so that almost without fail the leadership elite of these Middle Eastern inhabitants were Nordics. A few examples: the first Egyptian societies were clearly White. The majority of the population were Mediterraneans, while the leadership elite was Nordic. The mummified remains of numerous pharaohs and common folk from the first great Egyptian civilization have these undeniable racial characteristics, while the first written reference to blond hair is made on the wall of the tomb of the pharaoh Cheops – his daughter, Queen Hetep-Heres II, is identified as having blond hair. Cheops was of course the builder of the great Pyramids we still see today outside Cairo.


These racial types dominated in the Middle East for nearly 10,000 years, eventually being displaced and intermingle with massive waves of Semitic and Mongoloid invaders.




The first great White Egyptian civilization was in fact predated by about some 3000 years by the great Sumerian civilization – another population whose racial make up was predominantly Mediterranean with a Nordic ruling elite. This civilization, founded between the two great rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, even built pyramids – called Ziggurats – of their own long before the Egyptians apparently stole the idea from them.


The Sumerian civilization was the first truly literate civilization, and was established as late as 3000 BC – some 5000 years ago. The most famous city state of the Sumerians was Babylon, which later became one of the wonders of the ancient world because of its beautiful hanging gardens.


The first great novel – a recreational work of fiction, was written down in Babylon – The Epic of Gilgamesh (which interestingly enough has as part of its story line the flooding of the world – clearly this was from where the later Hebrew religionists took the idea of Noah’s Ark and the flood.)


The first written law statutes also date from this Sumerian civilization – the Law code of Hammurabi, which dates from 1 760 BC.


A number of other smaller White civilizations sprang up at this time in this region as well, each of them contributing in their own way to the advancement of civilization.


Read more at the link below


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Posted by on July 22, 2012 in WISDOM


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