Tag Archives: inexplicable

We are our own worst enemies.




You have a powerful inner voice that is constantly guiding you while at work or play. There are very few mistakes ever made where you did not get fair and ample warning, well in advance that what you are about to do something that could land you in hot water. You know that you must manage your time, but for some inexplicable reason you still waste the best hours of the day on unproductive useless activities. You know that what you are about to say could hurt your child or get you in trouble with your boss or lover, but you still open your cake hole and dump it anyway. You know that the mismanagement of your money will cause financial strain, but you still proceed and buy stuff that you do not really need with “future income” that you still have to earn. You know that smoking is bad for your health, but you still smoke like a chimney and hope for the best. You know that poor eating habits will result in poor health and possible heart attacks, but you still eat everything that is not hammered down.


Your subconscious computer is already loaded with all the powerful guidelines you could ever need. There is no need to buy additional motivational books or attend expensive seminars to add to your already overloaded “rules of living” database. The problem that you are faced with is not a lack of information, but the implementation of what you already know. The problem with most people is laziness and self-deception. Why attend another seminar on time management if you are not even able currently rock up in time for appointments? We know virtually everything there is to know to live a fairly successful and happy life, but remain unsuccessful because we are too stubborn or lazy to implement what we already know.



Let us from today onward listen to our inner voices. Let us do what we know is the right thing to do. Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already have.

We are our own worst enemies. We will rather pay some kind of guru a fortune to tell us things that we already know than implement simple, logical principles. This “wise man” may use different examples and label the principles in a different manner, but the basics are usually the same. This clever man just gave it a new jacket and called it something else to avoid being sued by a guru that in turn stole the principles from someone else.


When you take the Ten Commandments in the Bible you soon discover that these ten laws are simple to understand and should be easy to implement. We all know that virtually no man in history could stick to these laws for any extensive period of time.


Drop your unwillingness to implement what you already know and improve you hit rate substantially and instantaneously. Stop piling on more and more laws and start implementing the ones you already know. You are already qualified and ready to make a success of life. The key is implementation and not procrastination. The winners in life are do the things they know need to be done and do not hang around seminars, gurus or self-help bookshops.



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Posted by on January 13, 2015 in WISDOM


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The problem that you are faced with is not a lack of information, but the implementation of what you already know.





You have a powerful inner voice that is constantly guiding you while at work or play. There are very few mistakes ever made where you did not get fair and ample warning, well in advance that what you are about to do something that could land you in hot water. You know that you must manage your time, but for some inexplicable reason you still waste the best hours of the day on unproductive useless activities. You know that what you are about to say could hurt your child or get you in trouble with your boss or lover, but you still open your cake hole and dump it anyway. You know that the mismanagement of your money will cause financial strain, but you still proceed and buy stuff that you do not really need with “future income” that you still have to earn. You know that smoking is bad for your health, but you still smoke like a chimney and hope for the best. You know that poor eating habits will result in poor health and possible heart attacks, but you still eat everything that is not hammered down.


Your subconscious computer is already loaded with all the powerful guidelines you could ever need. There is no need to buy additional motivational books or attend expensive seminars to add to your already overloaded “rules of living” database. The problem that you are faced with is not a lack of information, but the implementation of what you already know. The problem with most people is laziness and self-deception. Why attend another seminar on time management if you are not even able currently rock up in time for appointments? We know virtually everything there is to know to live a fairly successful and happy life, but remain unsuccessful because we are too stubborn or lazy to implement what we already know.





Let us from today onward listen to our inner voices. Let us do what we know is the right thing to do. Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already have.

We are our own worst enemies. We will rather pay some kind of guru a fortune to tell us things that we already know than implement simple, logical principles. This “wise man” may use different examples and label the principles in a different manner, but the basics are usually the same. This clever man just gave it a new jacket and called it something else to avoid being sued by a guru that in turn stole the principles from someone else.


When you take the Ten Commandments in the Bible you soon discover that these ten laws are simple to understand and should be easy to implement. We all know that virtually no man in history could stick to these laws for any extensive period of time.


Drop your unwillingness to implement what you already know and improve you hit rate substantially and instantaneously. Stop piling on more and more laws and start implementing the ones you already know. You are already qualified and ready to make a success of life. The key is implementation and not procrastination. The winners in life are do the things they know need to be done and do not hang around seminars, gurus or self-help bookshops.


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Posted by on May 13, 2014 in WISDOM


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The problem that you are faced with is not a lack of information, but the implementation of what you already know.


You have a powerful inner voice that is constantly guiding you while at work or play. There are very few mistakes ever made where you did not get fair and ample warning, well in advance that what you are about to do something that could land you in hot water. You know that you must manage your time, but for some inexplicable reason you still waste the best hours of the day on unproductive useless activities. You know that what you are about to say could hurt your child or get you in trouble with your boss or lover, but you still open your cake hole and dump it anyway. You know that the mismanagement of your money will cause financial strain, but you still proceed and buy stuff that you do not really need with “future income” that you still have to earn. You know that smoking is bad for your health, but you still smoke like a chimney and hope for the best. You know that poor eating habits will result in poor health and possible heart attacks, but you still eat everything that is not hammered down.


Your subconscious computer is already loaded with all the powerful guidelines you could ever need. There is no need to buy additional motivational books or attend expensive seminars to add to your already overloaded “rules of living” database. The problem that you are faced with is not a lack of information, but the implementation of what you already know. The problem with most people is laziness and self-deception. Why attend another seminar on time management if you are not even able currently rock up in time for appointments? We know virtually everything there is to know to live a fairly successful and happy life, but remain unsuccessful because we are too stubborn or lazy to implement what we already know.



Let us from today onward listen to our inner voices. Let us do what we know is the right thing to do. Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already have.

We are our own worst enemies. We will rather pay some kind of guru a fortune to tell us things that we already know than implement simple, logical principles. This “wise man” may use different examples and label the principles in a different manner, but the basics are usually the same. This clever man just gave it a new jacket and called it something else to avoid being sued by a guru that in turn stole the principles from someone else.


When you take the Ten Commandments in the Bible you soon discover that these ten laws are simple to understand and should be easy to implement. We all know that virtually no man in history could stick to these laws for any extensive period of time.


Drop your unwillingness to implement what you already know and improve you hit rate substantially and instantaneously. Stop piling on more and more laws and start implementing the ones you already know. You are already qualified and ready to make a success of life. The key is implementation and not procrastination. The winners in life are do the things they know need to be done and do not hang around seminars, gurus or self-help bookshops.


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Posted by on August 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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The World is Your Mental Creation!




The principle of Mentalism — which says the universe is a mental creation of God — is perhaps one of the most inexplicable and mysterious of any principle as it involves the unknowable.


God, or as the followers of the teachings of Hermes say the All, is absolute and beyond understanding; all we can do is guess; and the guesses I can safely say will all be wrong. God is infinite and eternal; meaning God had no beginning but has always been, and will have no ending but will always be.


That alone is beyond comprehension. How can anything have no beginning? That my friends is the divine paradox. But allow me to address the fact that God is infinite. Being infinite he is in and of everything. I use the term loosely as God would have to be genderless and perfect. You can neither diminish nor add anything to him.


The universe is a mental creation. That goes along with the infinite nature of God. Allow me to use a metaphor as that is the only way to get even close to a comprehension of what I am attempting to say.


You can create a being, or an event in your mind. Every play, every book, every motion picture is a created fantasy, not real, but created by the mind of a person. An infinite being creates infinitely. In other words, all that is, all that was, and all that will be has been created in the mind of God. That is infinity.


I touch on this in Quantum Jumping because if the universe is infinite everything imaginable, and much more that is unimaginable has already been created. Every being, every animal and vegetable, every grain of sand, every molecule and every time period, past present and future is already there in an infinite universe.


If that is difficult to understand how about eternity? Many faiths believe that after death they will awaken in heaven, paradise, glory. That would be nice for ten years or so of perfect living in a perfect world. But how would you feel doing the same thing for a hundred years, or a thousand, or ten thousand. And after ten thousand years of paradise with the perfect woman, or man, or place to reside you can look forward to another ten thousand.


Wow. Twenty thousand years of doing the same thing. How about a hundred thousand years, a million, a hundred million years of paradise with the same person, the same perfect events. And after a hundred million years, even though you may be a bit tired of all that perfection you can look forward to a hundred million more, and then another and another. After all this is eternity.


Logically, something here is amiss. But God didn’t create us to suffer or to prosper. He didn’t create us to be bad, or good. He created all types and then gave us free will and created the law of causality, commonly called cause and effect. What they do with that resolve is up to the individual. When a writer writes a play he directs the characters and is the puppeteer; a writer is the obvious cause. But what if the writer had the ability to create the cast of the play, and the setting, and then allowed the characters to go their own way, to do their own thing, to allow the characters to create cause themselves. Might be an interesting play, but the writer would have to be an infinite being to do that so we can only guess at what the outcome would be.


As I only have a brief time to get this point across I can only hope to stimulate your mind and get you to using more of it, to think. God must be immutable. He cannot be changed, nor added to or subtracted from nor become greater or lesser in any respect. He must have always been and will always remain, what he has done in the creation of all these creatures of the universe is to experience. Now God does not need experience, he doesn’t need anything. He is, all that is.


Why did God create the universe? We can never know that. We can only use the concept of the universe being a mental creation of God in our own lives. We are also mental creators. Every thing, every dress, shoe, tie, suit, car, pencil, house, building, everything was created by the mind of a human being. In that we are all imitators of the creator of all things.


Know that you too are a creator. Get to understand your mind a bit better and you will find the way. The universe is a mental creation of God. Your world is a mental creation of yourself. Many of you know that I’ve used this concept over and over again during the thirty and more years I’ve been teaching personal development. Your world is a mental creation.


Where do you find yourself, where are you at present? You may not realize it, it may seem that forces beyond your control put you there, but the fact is, you did it. You did it with your attitude, your beliefs, your actions and your mental creations. You too are a creator, a mental creator. The great principle of Mentalism states, the universe is a mental creation of God. You are part of that creation, but you have free will. You have the ability to change, to progress, to grow, to evolve. To be a better person. To be a better and better person.


My advice to you, should you be interested is to be the best you that you can be. But know that through the dynamic use of your mind you do have the ability to be a better person, a better you. How about starting now, right now. What can you do if you made up your mind to be a better person? I can’t tell you that. But think about this, what would your life be like if you were a better person?


Only you can take the first step. Do something today, or if it is late in the afternoon or evening when you’re reading or hearing this, do something tomorrow that you will be proud of, something that will please you. I can’t tell you what that is, only you can. Sit quietly for a few moments, meditate and call on your higher self, what would that self tell you to do to make you a better person, a person you will be proud of a person your ancestors will be proud of? And then, do it.


There is a road ahead of you with many forks in it. Each one involves a choice. Your reality is the result of the choices you made in the past. Your future life will be the result of the choices you make in the future.


Make good ones. Each choice is a cause for an upcoming effect. Good luck, and may God smile on you.


By Burt Goldman, Creator of Quantum Jumping


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Posted by on March 26, 2012 in WISDOM


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