Tag Archives: rules

Primitive methods of pain/pleasure/hope are the tools used to restrain the masses.




There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.


You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.


Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.


My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.





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Posted by on February 10, 2015 in WISDOM


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Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind.



There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.


You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.


Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.


My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.




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Posted by on November 24, 2014 in WISDOM


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“When you suspend disbelief it opens up the scope for seeing more possibilities.



Creativity is akin to insanity, say scientists who have been studying how the mind works.

Brain scans reveal striking similarities in the thought pathways of highly creative people and those with schizophrenia.

Both groups lack important receptors used to filter and direct thought.

It could be this uninhibited processing that allows creative people to “think outside the box”, say experts from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute.

In some people, it leads to mental illness.

But rather than a clear division, experts suspect a continuum, with some people having psychotic traits but few negative symptoms.

Art and suffering

Some of the world’s leading artists, writers and theorists have also had mental illnesses – the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh and American mathematician John Nash (portrayed by Russell Crowe in the film A Beautiful Mind) to name just two.

Creativity is known to be associated with an increased risk of depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Similarly, people who have mental illness in their family have a higher chance of being creative.

Associate Professor Fredrik Ullen believes his findings could help explain why.

He looked at the brain’s dopamine (D2) receptor genes which experts believe govern divergent thought.

He found highly creative people who did well on tests of divergent thought had a lower than expected density of D2 receptors in the thalamus – as do people with schizophrenia.

The thalamus serves as a relay centre, filtering information before it reaches areas of the cortex, which is responsible, amongst other things, for cognition and reasoning.

“Fewer D2 receptors in the thalamus probably means a lower degree of signal filtering, and thus a higher flow of information from the thalamus,” said Professor Ullen.

He believes it is this barrage of uncensored information that ignites the creative spark.

This would explain how highly creative people manage to see unusual connections in problem-solving situations that other people miss.

Schizophrenics share this same ability to make novel associations. But in schizophrenia, it results in bizarre and disturbing thoughts.

UK psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society Mark Millard said the overlap with mental illness might explain the motivation and determination creative people share.

“Creativity is uncomfortable. It is their dissatisfaction with the present that drives them on to make changes.

“Creative people, like those with psychotic illnesses, tend to see the world differently to most. It’s like looking at a shattered mirror. They see the world in a fractured way.

“There is no sense of conventional limitations and you can see this in their work. Take Salvador Dali, for example. He certainly saw the world differently and behaved in a way that some people perceived as very odd.”

He said businesses have already recognised and capitalised on this knowledge.

Some companies have “skunk works” – secure, secret laboratories for their highly creative staff where they can freely experiment without disrupting the daily business.

Chartered psychologist Gary Fitzgibbon says an ability to “suspend disbelief” is one way of looking at creativity.

“When you suspend disbelief you are prepared to believe anything and this opens up the scope for seeing more possibilities.

“Creativity is certainly about not being constrained by rules or accepting the restrictions that society places on us. Of course the more people break the rules, the more likely they are to be perceived as ‘mentally ill’.”

He works as an executive coach helping people to be more creative in their problem solving behaviour and thinking styles.

“The result is typically a significant rise in their well being, so as opposed to creativity being associated with mental illness it becomes associated with good mental health.”


By Michelle Roberts / Source: BBC

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Posted by on April 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind.


There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.



You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.



Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.



My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.



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Posted by on April 23, 2014 in WISDOM


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Please don’t let them switch off your lights.



Go ahead, ask a kid what he likes to do. He says, “I like to play”.

What do you do when you’re not playing?

“What do you mean?” the kid might say, “I play some more”.

A kid can take a ROCK and then play with it. “Kick the rock”.

I’ll tell you the rules. I hope you and I can play this game.

You’re on one side and I’m the other and we put a rock in the middle and we try to kick it past each other. That’s it. And it’s fun.

No keeping score. No goals. We’re pushing and shoving and kicking and getting dirty. Some kid might say, “Whoah, that rock is a mineral!”

Who cares! We’re kicking and playing.

Ask an adult what he’s doing and he says something like, “I’m doing something serious.” We have to make money. So we can rise up some ladder. So we can make use of our education and afford our mortgage and our kids’ college educations.

Ok, I am not going to judge. I need to do this stuff also.

Well, when you’re not doing something serious, what are you doing?

“I like to relax,” an adult might say.

A kid never says “I like to relax”.

I can just picture myself and my 100% four-eyed friends back in the days of bikeriding, shoplifting, and McRibs.

Nobody ever said, “Listen guys, It’s been loads of fun today but I should relax now. Maybe listen to some jazz or opera.”

Kids only go “home” when adults tell them to.


Or if they have to go to school. Or a family event. And later on a job. Or a government event (a holiday like “Father’s Day” or voting or something really serious). Or a rehab facility.

Gradually kids become adults. They become walking standardized tests with all the circles filled in.

It starts with that ancient mystery: why can you only use #2 pencils? It’s called #2 for a reason.

We learn to be pessimistic and cynical. We learn to hide our feelings. We learn to get scared for more than a moment.

We crowd out the toys and songs and games we were originally blessed to know. We forget about play. That wonderful bubbling feeling that pours danger and excitement on everything we can see.

Of course, there are exceptions. Rock stars. Sergey Brin, Scarlett Johanssen, etc. They get to still play when they want.

But you can be an exception also.

You don’t need money to create the world you live in. You play FIRST.

Sergey Brin started off poor as shit. He was a janitor in Stanford’s math department until he solved an ancient formula on the chalkboard.

Scarlett Johanssen lived in and sang in the orphanage until that rich bald guy adopted her.

But they played. And they kept playing. And the play made them special.

That’s how you unravel mystery, invention, WOW!, and all the things that create passion, enough money to provide, and whatever else your needs are.

You choose the world you live in. It’s an item on a menu. Right now you choose.

If you aren’t choosing, you’re excusing.

The sad thing is, I can tell you from experience, is that when you opt for “play world” (not as porn as it sounds), the rest of the world doesn’t like it. They spent a lot of time, effort, and money on being serious.

When you opt to find the play in the small events that add up to a day, a year, a lifetime, you will change. You will transform.

You will be the one person around you who can read between the lines and see that it was all meant for play all along. With no exceptions.

I hope you choose to come out and play. Kicking the rock. Building the fort. Painting with magic fingers. Small angers disappear in a flash of laughter.

But I’m going to warn you now. The adults are looking for you in the dark. They will drag you home. They will punish you if you let them.

Ignore them.

Please don’t let them switch off your lights.

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Posted by on March 2, 2014 in WISDOM


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Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of their controllers.

There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.



You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.



Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.



My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.



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Posted by on February 27, 2014 in WISDOM


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We make up the rules and regulations for our individual worlds according to our belief systems.


We decide what we deem suitable conduct. We act and react according to these norms. We make up the rules and regulations for our individual worlds according to our belief systems. Each one of us becomes the ruler of our own individual world and life. We could as ruler of our world change the rules and the scripts that we prepared for others and ourselves, but often stubbornly insist that everyone must at all times stick to the original scripts we prepared for them. Keep in mind that everyone that acts in our plays has their own individual world as well. These actors are also the rulers of their own world and the author of their own scripts. Many misunderstanding and disputes are caused by individuals that fail to adhere to the specific role we wrote for them in our script.






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Posted by on February 11, 2014 in WISDOM


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We make up the rules and regulations for our individual worlds according to our belief systems.



We decide what we deem suitable conduct. We act and react according to these norms. We make up the rules and regulations for our individual worlds according to our belief systems. Each one of us becomes the ruler of our own individual world and life. We could as ruler of our world change the rules and the scripts that we prepared for others and ourselves, but often stubbornly insist that everyone must at all times stick to the original scripts we prepared for them. Keep in mind that everyone that acts in our plays has their own individual world as well. These actors are also the rulers of their own world and the author of their own scripts. Many misunderstanding and disputes are caused by individuals that fail to adhere to the specific role we wrote for them in our script.




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Posted by on December 20, 2013 in WISDOM


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Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind.

There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.



You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.



Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.



My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.



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Posted by on December 16, 2013 in WISDOM


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Each one of us becomes the ruler of our own individual world and life.

We decide what we deem suitable conduct. We act and react according to these norms. We make up the rules and regulations for our individual worlds according to our belief systems. Each one of us becomes the ruler of our own individual world and life. We could as ruler of our world change the rules and the scripts that we prepared for others and ourselves, but often stubbornly insist that everyone must at all times stick to the original scripts we prepared for them. Keep in mind that everyone that acts in our plays has their own individual world as well. These actors are also the rulers of their own world and the author of their own scripts. Many misunderstanding and disputes are caused by individuals that fail to adhere to the specific role we wrote for them in our script.



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Posted by on December 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind.

There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.


You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.


Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.


My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.



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Posted by on September 16, 2013 in WISDOM


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Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception.


There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.


You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.


Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.


My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.




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Posted by on September 9, 2013 in WISDOM


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7 rules for making more happiness! – Plus think outside the box my friends!

Have you ever almost scared yourself to death about something that never happened? Or gotten yourself into a panic about something you thought just might happen one day but never did? Or told yourself stories about the potential negative outcome of events that were far off in the future? Or fantasized about what you’d do if lost your job or got a terminal illness? Or invented worst-case scenarios that played out like Hollywood catastrophe films? Well if you have or do, welcome to the club! Because you’re not alone. You see the worry club is probably the biggest club on the planet. Almost everyone is a member, at least everyone I know is! Although I have heard of a few wise souls who seem to have dropped out of the club. But they are few and far between indeed.

   Of course the worry club has different levels of membership. Some worriers practice daily and are true experts, while others only use their worrying skills on special occasions! But all in all, it’s the most extraordinary club, because it’s a totally useless association, which does no one any good. Just think about it for a moment and look back at your life. Five years ago weren’t you worrying about pretty much the same things as you worry about today? Weren’t you worrying about your health or your finances or your kids or your relationship? And look at you today. You’re still here and you’re still probably worrying about the same things – despite all your past worrying! And what happened? The truth is probably nothing much happened did it? OK maybe there was a bump in the road here and there, but not much else. And if something really ‘serious’ did happen, it almost certainly wasn’t what you were worrying about in the first place. It was probably something completely different, something you weren’t expecting at all. But still you managed to get here, despite all your worrying and the bumps in the road! So the question is, did all that worrying help at all? Did it make the passage from then to now any easier? The honest answer for all of us is probably not. The honest answer is that worrying doesn’t make the journey through life one bit easier. Quite the contrary, it just wears us out unnecessarily! I know it’s true for me. When I think of all the wear and tear I could have saved myself if I hadn’t worried so much! I worried and worried and what happened? The years passed and I got older, but I’m still here and still pretty much OK.

Barbara Berger


Read more about this amazing book at the link below!

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Posted by on August 15, 2013 in WISDOM


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Nothing is as it seems. – Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception.

There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.


You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.


Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.


My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.



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Posted by on August 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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BREAK YOUR OWN RULES – We often stubbornly cling to old/outdated rules/regulations that have its foundation in a time/place far removed from the reality/the now.

Most of us are guilty of a strong desire to see and experience instant gratification. We have become a society where our attention soon jumps to something else if our “gratification” is delayed for too long. Impatience is the key cause of most of our failures today. If a project, relationship or our career does not give us a clear indication of progress in a relative short period of time we jump ship and try something else. Most of us want “closure” on everything as soon as possible. When we are expected to wait we become impatient and grumpy. We forget that most things in life have a cycle or “natural” time-span or rhythm. We cannot plant a tree and rush out the following morning, ready to harvest its fruit. If we worked on the pyramids in ancient Egypt we would have been in for tough time. Most of their masterpieces took virtually a lifetime or more to complete. When you want to force closure on any project or issue you usually end up making a mess of things. When you want to build a new house you allow a fair period for its completion. If you rushed the workers you might end up dead with a lot of bricks and cement in your face. If you rush a new relationship you usually end up reading a book while your friends party up a storm. Simply slow down and allow things to unfold naturally. You will get more done, make faster progress and be more successful if you can master the art of patience.


I am often staggered by the tendency of people to create impossible rule structures for themselves. We all have a whole book of rules hidden in our heads. These rules cover virtually every eventuality that we have been confronted with since birth.

This reminds me of a story told to me many years ago. Apparently, a young couple were preparing a dinner for some friends that they invited over when the young man noticed that his new wife cut the end off a roll-rib that she was busy preparing for this special occasion. When he confronted and asked her, “Why on earth do you cut the end off the roll-rib, it is such a waste?” She smiled and told him that this was a “trick” that she learned from her mother that in turn learned it from her mother. He left it at that and speculated that it must have something to do with flavour distribution. She continued to repeat this ritual every time she prepared this exotic dish. When he finally years later met her grandmother he asked her about the roll-rib mutilation. She explained to him that she did not have an over-pan big enough to take a full roll-rib and was forced to cut off the ends to make it fit. Can you see how a simple “rule” can be passed on from generation to generation that was based on a misunderstanding?

How many “rules” do you faithfully follow everyday that have just as little foundation as displayed in the roll-rib example. We often stubbornly cling to old and outdated rules and regulations that have its foundation in a time and place far removed from the reality of the now. You can seriously complicate your life and the lives of the people around you if you stubbornly force people to do things just because it has always been done that way. Most people sheepishly follow the same “rule” structure for the best part of their lives. They fail to understand that they can never perform better than the quality of the rules that they use. The rules become the patterns that they live their lives with. It is like a stencil that will give you the same pattern for as long as you live.

It is imperative that you work from a variety of perspectives if you want to grow and succeed in life. It is fear that is holding these habitual responds patterns in place. It is fear that makes the rules in an attempt to “protect” you from real achievement. Fear of pain, embarrassment and loss makes people repeat virtually the same patterns from cradle to grave. Break free from this deadly rule structure system and spice up your life. Remember nothing is going to change if you do not make the necessary changes.



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Posted by on May 23, 2013 in WISDOM


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Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind.

There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.

You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.

Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.

My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.


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Posted by on May 21, 2013 in WISDOM


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We all have an endless stream of rules/regulations in our mental software that can make or break us.

Most of us are guilty of a strong desire to see and experience instant gratification. We have become a society where our attention soon jumps to something else if our “gratification” is delayed for too long. Impatience is the key cause of most of our failures today. If a project, relationship or our career does not give us a clear indication of progress in a relative short period of time we jump ship and try something else. Most of us want “closure” on everything as soon as possible. When we are expected to wait we become impatient and grumpy. We forget that most things in life have a cycle or “natural” time-span or rhythm. We cannot plant a tree and rush out the following morning, ready to harvest its fruit. If we worked on the pyramids in ancient Egypt we would have been in for tough time. Most of their masterpieces took virtually a lifetime or more to complete. When you want to force closure on any project or issue you usually end up making a mess of things. When you want to build a new house you allow a fair period for its completion. If you rushed the workers you might end up dead with a lot of bricks and cement in your face. If you rush a new relationship you usually end up reading a book while your friends party up a storm. Simply slow down and allow things to unfold naturally. You will get more done, make faster progress and be more successful if you can master the art of patience.


I am often staggered by the tendency of people to create impossible rule structures for themselves. We all have a whole book of rules hidden in our heads. These rules cover virtually every eventuality that we have been confronted with since birth.

This reminds me of a story told to me many years ago. Apparently, a young couple were preparing a dinner for some friends that they invited over when the young man noticed that his new wife cut the end off a roll-rib that she was busy preparing for this special occasion. When he confronted and asked her, “Why on earth do you cut the end off the roll-rib, it is such a waste?” She smiled and told him that this was a “trick” that she learned from her mother that in turn learned it from her mother. He left it at that and speculated that it must have something to do with flavour distribution. She continued to repeat this ritual every time she prepared this exotic dish. When he finally years later met her grandmother he asked her about the roll-rib mutilation. She explained to him that she did not have an over-pan big enough to take a full roll-rib and was forced to cut off the ends to make it fit. Can you see how a simple “rule” can be passed on from generation to generation that was based on a misunderstanding?

How many “rules” do you faithfully follow everyday that have just as little foundation as displayed in the roll-rib example. We often stubbornly cling to old and outdated rules and regulations that have its foundation in a time and place far removed from the reality of the now. You can seriously complicate your life and the lives of the people around you if you stubbornly force people to do things just because it has always been done that way. Most people sheepishly follow the same “rule” structure for the best part of their lives. They fail to understand that they can never perform better than the quality of the rules that they use. The rules become the patterns that they live their lives with. It is like a stencil that will give you the same pattern for as long as you live.

It is imperative that you work from a variety of perspectives if you want to grow and succeed in life. It is fear that is holding these habitual responds patterns in place. It is fear that makes the rules in an attempt to “protect” you from real achievement. Fear of pain, embarrassment and loss makes people repeat virtually the same patterns from cradle to grave. Break free from this deadly rule structure system and spice up your life. Remember nothing is going to change if you do not make the necessary changes.


Society, the church, your parents and an endless number of other programmers dictated which paths are acceptable. You were trained like a dog to experience guilt and fear of loss when you made mistakes.




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Posted by on March 14, 2013 in WISDOM


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“Creativity is certainly about not being constrained by rules or accepting the restrictions that society places on us.



Creativity is akin to insanity, say scientists who have been studying how the mind works.

Brain scans reveal striking similarities in the thought pathways of highly creative people and those with schizophrenia.

Both groups lack important receptors used to filter and direct thought.

It could be this uninhibited processing that allows creative people to “think outside the box”, say experts from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute.

In some people, it leads to mental illness.

But rather than a clear division, experts suspect a continuum, with some people having psychotic traits but few negative symptoms.

Art and suffering

Some of the world’s leading artists, writers and theorists have also had mental illnesses – the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh and American mathematician John Nash (portrayed by Russell Crowe in the film A Beautiful Mind) to name just two.

Creativity is known to be associated with an increased risk of depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Similarly, people who have mental illness in their family have a higher chance of being creative.

Associate Professor Fredrik Ullen believes his findings could help explain why.

He looked at the brain’s dopamine (D2) receptor genes which experts believe govern divergent thought.

He found highly creative people who did well on tests of divergent thought had a lower than expected density of D2 receptors in the thalamus – as do people with schizophrenia.

The thalamus serves as a relay centre, filtering information before it reaches areas of the cortex, which is responsible, amongst other things, for cognition and reasoning.

“Fewer D2 receptors in the thalamus probably means a lower degree of signal filtering, and thus a higher flow of information from the thalamus,” said Professor Ullen.

He believes it is this barrage of uncensored information that ignites the creative spark.

This would explain how highly creative people manage to see unusual connections in problem-solving situations that other people miss.

Schizophrenics share this same ability to make novel associations. But in schizophrenia, it results in bizarre and disturbing thoughts.

UK psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society Mark Millard said the overlap with mental illness might explain the motivation and determination creative people share.

“Creativity is uncomfortable. It is their dissatisfaction with the present that drives them on to make changes.

“Creative people, like those with psychotic illnesses, tend to see the world differently to most. It’s like looking at a shattered mirror. They see the world in a fractured way.

“There is no sense of conventional limitations and you can see this in their work. Take Salvador Dali, for example. He certainly saw the world differently and behaved in a way that some people perceived as very odd.”

He said businesses have already recognised and capitalised on this knowledge.

Some companies have “skunk works” – secure, secret laboratories for their highly creative staff where they can freely experiment without disrupting the daily business.

Chartered psychologist Gary Fitzgibbon says an ability to “suspend disbelief” is one way of looking at creativity.

“When you suspend disbelief you are prepared to believe anything and this opens up the scope for seeing more possibilities.

“Creativity is certainly about not being constrained by rules or accepting the restrictions that society places on us. Of course the more people break the rules, the more likely they are to be perceived as ‘mentally ill’.”

He works as an executive coach helping people to be more creative in their problem solving behaviour and thinking styles.

“The result is typically a significant rise in their well being, so as opposed to creativity being associated with mental illness it becomes associated with good mental health.”


By Michelle Roberts / Source: BBC

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Posted by on January 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind.



There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.

You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.

Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.

My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.




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Posted by on November 19, 2012 in WISDOM


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Freedom: What’s it really about?



I believe in freedom, complete freedom for all. It’s easy to say, but what do I mean? I mean to live my life in such a way as to be completely free from the direction and rules of any person or entity, and I likewise mean to allow every other person to live as they decide without any direction or rules imposed on them by me.

The pleasure one derives from the enjoyment of sex, cigars, booze, coffee, and laughter is one’s own concern and no one else’s.

I believe there should be no laws governing the sexual conduct between consenting adults.

I believe there should be no laws governing the sale and use of tobacco or alcohol by adults, or any other substance for that matter.

The fact that laws now exist governing sex, cigars and booze will not deter, or hinder, us from the use of them for our pleasure. Have sex, smoke or drink if it gives you pleasure. You, and you alone, have absolute authority over your own body. I look forward to the day when there are no laws against the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness.

Personal Responsibility


Giving everyone freedom means that each person is responsible for his own well-being—no ‘nanny’ to tell you what you can or cannot do. As long as you are a responsible ADULT: smoke if you want to, drink if want to, and have sex with anyone who consents to have sex with you.



Why do Americans meekly stand by and allow their government to limit or eliminate their choices? Almost every thing in life involves some risk and we make choices whether to accept those risks or not. In America, more than anywhere else, you would expect people to have the right to make their own choices.

More than anything, America is an idea. America is an idea founded on the belief that man was born with fundamental rights—not privileges given to us by government. All personal decisions should be the complete responsibility of the individual. If we are adults, we, and we alone, should make our own choices about any and all ‘potential’ risks. Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” He did not say, “Give me complete safety, or give me death.”

Tyranny vs. Freedom


“Every variety of tyranny rests upon the belief that some persons have a right—or even a duty—to impose their wills upon other people. Tyranny may be fastened upon others by the mere whim of one man, such as a king or dictator under various names. Or tyranny may be imposed upon a minority “for their own good” by a democratically elected majority. But in any case, tyranny is always a denial—or a misunderstanding—of the mandates of an authority or law higher than man himself.” ~Rev. Edmund A. Opitz (1914-2006)



In contrast to tyranny, the philosophy of liberty is based on self-ownership. “Every man is a self-owner, having absolute jurisdiction over his own body. In effect, this means that no one else may justly invade, or aggress against, another’s person.” ~Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) Economist and Free-Market Philosopher

If you’ve never heard of, or been introduced to, the concept of self-ownership, it can be hard to understand—even though the concept is quite simple. By conditioning, many people erroneously believe we have a master. The first thing everyone must do to be free is to truly understand the philosophy of liberty—to become fully freedom conscious.

“Liberty is not a goal; it is a way of life. Liberty is not a battle that requires the conversion of others in order to win. Liberty is won when you accept the idea that you are the sole mater of your life, when your life is subordinate to none, and no other life is subordinate to yours. When you accept that idea, you are liberated. There will always be those who will claim to be your master but you will know otherwise.” ~Louis E. Carabini, Author

The following short (8 minute) embedded video is a simple, but elegant, hard-hitting animation that will explain exactly what the philosophy of liberty and self-ownership is all about. It’s a great tool anyone can use to educate children and adults alike about our right to life, liberty, and property – and our responsibility to think, speak and act.

I encourage you to watch this short video and recommend it to everyone who wants to understand the philosophy of true personal liberty. Remember: “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~Johann W. Goethe (1749-1832) Writer and Philosopher

“To be governed is to be watched, inspected, directed, indoctrinated, numbered, estimated, regulated, commanded, controlled, law-driven, preached at, spied upon, censored, checked, valued, enrolled, by creatures who have neither the right, nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so.” ~Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) Politician and Philosopher, first person to call himself an “anarchist.


By David M. Voth

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Posted by on October 14, 2012 in WISDOM


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Are you a WRITER who does not write a PAINTER who does not paint, an ENTREPRENEUR who never starts a venture? Do you feel that SOMETHING prevents you from ACHIEVING your full potential? Then it might be an appropriate moment to take a hard look at how your RESISTENCE arrested your ability to take decisive and sustained action. New Series – No. 15




I mentioned in the previous post how a collective field of RESISTANCE crystallize where a number of people cluster together that apparently have very similar goals and objectives. We individually go around with our own unique RESISTANCE bubble. What we often fail to understand is that our RESISTANCE bubble might be unique to us, but display a huge percentage of the values, rules and regulations hammered into us, firstly by our family and then by the collective influence of the society that we grew up in. The society that we grew up in have a wide range of perceptions about religion, politics, race, food etc. This data is stored in a collective field of RESISTANCE. I call it a field of RESISTANCE because clans, tribes and nations jealously insist that their perceptions are the best and will defend them vigorously, even with their lives. It is amazing how clusters (religious, race or political) are struck with blindness when it comes to other tribes, nations or races. A good example of this is religion for example. Groups (Muslims, Christians etc.) expect others to forgo of their collective zone of RESISTANCE that contain all their perceptions and join their clan. Some of the worse wars – that wiped out endless millions have been fought in the name of religion or a God with a name that they relate to. Christians for example expect that billions of individuals join their group and accept their savior Jesus if they want to be saved when they die. Those that convert are promised that this act of forgoing of their own religious zone of RESISTANCE will ensure that they go to the Christian heaven and live happily ever after. Fear motivation is one of the major forces in the zone of RESISTANCE that is used to bring urgency to the process. Christians are convinced that “the end” is near when Jesus will come and do battle with a character called Satan. It is apparently predicted that after Jesus took care of Satan and his gang he will turn on mankind and wipe out everyone that failed to leave his own religious RESISTANCE cluster that he grew up in and join the Christian zone of RESISTANCE. A handy tool when you want to create pressure is time. The moment you bring in time to any formula you begin to build pressure. That is why the billions that are alive today need to discard their own clusters urgently (according to the Christians) to avoid being murdered by Jesus. I hope you can see to what proportions the collective RESISTANCE clusters can be stretched. No growth or evolution can take place where individuals hide in their RESISTANCE fortresses and periodically attack others that in turn hide in a RESISTANCE fortress of their own.

Look around you today and see if you can notice the many different RESISTANCE clusters that you live in. Look at the endless number of churches, sport clubs, schools, businesses etc. You will suddenly understand why making peace and forgiving is so difficult for many. They cannot be modified overnight to become receptive to your brand of RESISTANCE. Letting go of the desire to change or convert people can play a major role in your life. Remember your perceptions might be light years removed from their way of perceiving things. Stop RESISTING and accept people unconditionally if you really want to bring peace and harmony to this world.


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Posted by on October 8, 2012 in WISDOM


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Creativity is certainly about not being constrained by rules or accepting the restrictions that society places on us.




Creativity is akin to insanity, say scientists who have been studying how the mind works.

Brain scans reveal striking similarities in the thought pathways of highly creative people and those with schizophrenia.

Both groups lack important receptors used to filter and direct thought.

It could be this uninhibited processing that allows creative people to “think outside the box”, say experts from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute.

In some people, it leads to mental illness.

But rather than a clear division, experts suspect a continuum, with some people having psychotic traits but few negative symptoms.

Art and suffering

Some of the world’s leading artists, writers and theorists have also had mental illnesses – the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh and American mathematician John Nash (portrayed by Russell Crowe in the film A Beautiful Mind) to name just two.

Creativity is known to be associated with an increased risk of depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Similarly, people who have mental illness in their family have a higher chance of being creative.

Associate Professor Fredrik Ullen believes his findings could help explain why.

He looked at the brain’s dopamine (D2) receptor genes which experts believe govern divergent thought.

He found highly creative people who did well on tests of divergent thought had a lower than expected density of D2 receptors in the thalamus – as do people with schizophrenia.

The thalamus serves as a relay centre, filtering information before it reaches areas of the cortex, which is responsible, amongst other things, for cognition and reasoning.

“Fewer D2 receptors in the thalamus probably means a lower degree of signal filtering, and thus a higher flow of information from the thalamus,” said Professor Ullen.

He believes it is this barrage of uncensored information that ignites the creative spark.

This would explain how highly creative people manage to see unusual connections in problem-solving situations that other people miss.

Schizophrenics share this same ability to make novel associations. But in schizophrenia, it results in bizarre and disturbing thoughts.

UK psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society Mark Millard said the overlap with mental illness might explain the motivation and determination creative people share.

“Creativity is uncomfortable. It is their dissatisfaction with the present that drives them on to make changes.

“Creative people, like those with psychotic illnesses, tend to see the world differently to most. It’s like looking at a shattered mirror. They see the world in a fractured way.

“There is no sense of conventional limitations and you can see this in their work. Take Salvador Dali, for example. He certainly saw the world differently and behaved in a way that some people perceived as very odd.”

He said businesses have already recognised and capitalised on this knowledge.

Some companies have “skunk works” – secure, secret laboratories for their highly creative staff where they can freely experiment without disrupting the daily business.

Chartered psychologist Gary Fitzgibbon says an ability to “suspend disbelief” is one way of looking at creativity.

“When you suspend disbelief you are prepared to believe anything and this opens up the scope for seeing more possibilities.

“Creativity is certainly about not being constrained by rules or accepting the restrictions that society places on us. Of course the more people break the rules, the more likely they are to be perceived as ‘mentally ill’.”

He works as an executive coach helping people to be more creative in their problem solving behaviour and thinking styles.

“The result is typically a significant rise in their well being, so as opposed to creativity being associated with mental illness it becomes associated with good mental health.”


By Michelle Roberts / Source: BBC

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Posted by on July 29, 2012 in WISDOM


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I am often staggered by the tendency of people to create impossible rule structures for themselves. We all have a whole book of rules hidden in our heads.

Most of us are guilty of a strong desire to see and experience instant gratification. We have become a society where our attention soon jumps to something else if our “gratification” is delayed for too long. Impatience is the key cause of most of our failures today. If a project, relationship or our career does not give us a clear indication of progress in a relative short period of time we jump ship and try something else. Most of us want “closure” on everything as soon as possible. When we are expected to wait we become impatient and grumpy. We forget that most things in life have a cycle or “natural” time-span or rhythm. We cannot plant a tree and rush out the following morning, ready to harvest its fruit. If we worked on the pyramids in ancient Egypt we would have been in for tough time. Most of their masterpieces took virtually a lifetime or more to complete. When you want to force closure on any project or issue you usually end up making a mess of things. When you want to build a new house you allow a fair period for its completion. If you rushed the workers you might end up dead with a lot of bricks and cement in your face. If you rush a new relationship you usually end up reading a book while your friends party up a storm. Simply slow down and allow things to unfold naturally. You will get more done, make faster progress and be more successful if you can master the art of patience.


I am often staggered by the tendency of people to create impossible rule structures for themselves. We all have a whole book of rules hidden in our heads. These rules cover virtually every eventuality that we have been confronted with since birth.

This reminds me of a story told to me many years ago. Apparently, a young couple were preparing a dinner for some friends that they invited over when the young man noticed that his new wife cut the end off a roll-rib that she was busy preparing for this special occasion. When he confronted and asked her, “Why on earth do you cut the end off the roll-rib, it is such a waste?” She smiled and told him that this was a “trick” that she learned from her mother that in turn learned it from her mother. He left it at that and speculated that it must have something to do with flavour distribution. She continued to repeat this ritual every time she prepared this exotic dish. When he finally years later met her grandmother he asked her about the roll-rib mutilation. She explained to him that she did not have an over-pan big enough to take a full roll-rib and was forced to cut off the ends to make it fit. Can you see how a simple “rule” can be passed on from generation to generation that was based on a misunderstanding?

How many “rules” do you faithfully follow everyday that have just as little foundation as displayed in the roll-rib example. We often stubbornly cling to old and outdated rules and regulations that have its foundation in a time and place far removed from the reality of the now. You can seriously complicate your life and the lives of the people around you if you stubbornly force people to do things just because it has always been done that way. Most people sheepishly follow the same “rule” structure for the best part of their lives. They fail to understand that they can never perform better than the quality of the rules that they use. The rules become the patterns that they live their lives with. It is like a stencil that will give you the same pattern for as long as you live.

It is imperative that you work from a variety of perspectives if you want to grow and succeed in life. It is fear that is holding these habitual responds patterns in place. It is fear that makes the rules in an attempt to “protect” you from real achievement. Fear of pain, embarrassment and loss makes people repeat virtually the same patterns from cradle to grave. Break free from this deadly rule structure system and spice up your life. Remember nothing is going to change if you do not make the necessary changes.



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Posted by on July 16, 2012 in WISDOM


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Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses.




There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. This might be true for some, but it is as far as I am concerned the root cause of most of our suffering, pain and anxiety. Accepting life, people, religion, politics, perceptions, choices, rules and laws at face value imprisoned the mind of mankind. Looking at anything in life from a single perspective is the lazy way out. Seeing and experiencing from a limited range of perspectives have shackled man almost since its inception. Primitive man could not read, write or decipher the range of threats that confronted them and were forced to turn to priests and other individuals for guidance. This disposition provided a wonderful opportunity for those that claimed that they understood to take over control of their followers minds. The initial flimsy net that these opportunists wove gradually grew stronger and more sophisticated.



You will later see how this initial ignorance created an ideal vehicle of enslavement for those in control. Mankind have been kept in a state of ignorance since the beginning of time by greedy power hungry individuals, groups and organizations. Primitive methods of pain, pleasure and hope were used to restrain the masses. Man experienced fleeting moments of pleasure while they blindly obeyed the “commands” of these controllers. Thousands of written laws, spiritual and otherwise came into being over the years. Those that remained subdued and subservient were praised and rewarded while anyone that questioned anything faced the intricate range of pain that these controllers could bring to bear on them. They were cruelly tortured in the dark ages when they questioned anything to do with religion or the state.


Mankind became the slaves of the controllers. They were carefully manipulated to let go of a fair percentage of their hard earned income. The state took their pound of flesh while the religious leaders demanded at least ten percent of all income earned as well. The system sucked in mankind to such an extent that only a handful of individuals over the years showed the courage to point out the deadly trap that we find ourselves in up to today. Do you grasp that the slaves of this system not only police the deadly system on behalf of the controllers, but breed their future slaves when they produce children? I can write a fairly substantial book on this subject matter, but believe that you can see what I am addressing in this document.


My plea is that everyone make it his or her business to get rid of the veil of ignorance that is responsible for most of their anxiety, pain and lack. You might have noticed that I post a very wide range of perceptions daily on an endless range of subjects. My motivation is that I want you to look at stuff from many different perspectives. Nothing is as it seems. I will continue to write on the endless range of methods used to keep us ignorant if I get a fairly acceptable responds on this post.





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Posted by on June 13, 2012 in WISDOM


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We’ve Been Living in a Dream World

We’ve Been Living in a Dream World

“Most people are other people,” Oscar Wilde once remarked. “Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” As he so wryly observed, the vast majority of us are not who we’ve been pretending to be, and the lives we’ve been living until now are molded according to rules and values that are not our own. Most of humanity is stuck in someone else’s discarded chewing gum and has yet to break free.

Unless you have been brave enough to forsake this trap, here is your likely portrait: your religious convictions are those of your parents or community; you root for your hometown sports teams; your political allegiances conform to the party system that society offers; you are an avid observer of the cultural pageantry, like the Super Bowl and the Oscars; your holidays are the standard ones, such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and Independence Day; you look to your political and religious leaders for guidance and protection; you feel driven to succeed–to make more money, to live a better life.
These are worthy and desirable choices that hold families and societies together. They make you who you are, you might argue. True, but only if you are content with admiring the wrapping and never looking inside the box. If you dared to look, you’d discover how these basic thoughts originate in a fundamental belief formed during the first years of your life: that survival depends on obeying the rules. Children typically bend their perceptions and interpretations of reality to match those of their parents and others who care for them. They find clever ways to please in order to receive attention and belong. As they grow up, the people and issues may change over time, but the initial patterns of conformity remain deeply ingrained in the subconscious.
The price for surrendering to consensus is steep. It is nothing less than the loss of individuality and curiosity. Without these two magnificent attributes, you disengage from the grandness of the creation and implode into the holographic illusion humans have come to call reality. You become one of Oscar Wilde’s other people, thinking someone else’s opinions and assuming they are your own.
We are trapped in the daily drama the culture and the media feed us: mortgages, sporting events, tsunamis, sex offenders, AIDS, terrorism, global warming, corrupt governments, and economic inequities . . . all demanding our attention. The matrix plays us like an instrument. A thirty-second news bite can push our buttons. We get hooked and riled, liberally lacing our collective guts with corrosive biochemicals unleashed by our righteous indignation.

This condition is virtually universal. It is also the underlying cause of the world as we know it. People cling so tightly to their personal and social identities that they are blinded to anything that does not validate them. The inevitable product is a world of war, greed, and competition, driven by paranoia and fear.


The way out is easier than anyone might imagine. However, very few summon the courage, for it requires them to leave the comfort of their known world and walk alone, unaided by the crutch of belief and dogma, into the domain of pure consciousness. Most people would rather get caught up in the business of earning a living, raising a family, or helping their community than deal with the unsettling immensity of All That Is.
Yet it seems that all humans are meant to take this epic journey of discovery at some point in their series of lives on this planet. If you choose to walk this path, you will find yourself gaining a new perspective — that of consciousness, where the mind, with its judgments and emotions, ceases to dominate and the heart is your only reliable guide. The great issues of your daily life that once commanded your attention now seem wondrously arbitrary and irrelevant — simply interesting experiences that lasted far too long and became unnecessarily weighty.

You now see the illusion for what it is: a game-board projection designed so aspects of the Oneness can experience duality, fear, and separation. It is no more real than a programmed matrix in a computer game. You and I are merely units of awareness projected into the matrix, defining ourselves by the points through which we view and believing what we see to be reality. Who did the projecting? You. Who is the projection? You. There is only you.
How do you get to this liberating place from which you can see the larger picture?
The cosmic formula of creation is gloriously simple: Attention + Intention = Manifestation. Nothing in the universe evades this law. The reality you perceive is entirely a function of the only two forces at your command: your attention and your intention. Bring conscious awareness to this equation–consciously monitor your attention and intention and what you are manifesting–and everything changes.

Through this ongoing process of self-observation it will become increasingly clear that the part of you that is projected into the illusion is in trouble. This realization in fact marks the beginning of your journey out of the illusion. Once you begin to couple the law of Attention + Intention = Manifestation with the concept of Oneness, you begin to see a completely different picture. You are All That Is. There is nowhere for you to go, nothing to attain, no lessons to learn.
If you buy into the reality that you are an earthbound human stuck in the struggle of life, presto, there you are. If you focus on the part of you that is watching you flounder in the illusion, snap, you’re free. It can’t get much easier than that. Yet why are so few of us awake?


The written or spoken word can do no more than point the way. And trading one belief system for another accomplishes nothing. The answer lies elsewhere. Waking up is a consequenceof induction. Just a few years ago you might have placed yourself in the presence of a guru or master and, through devotion, discipline, or some other practice, gradually assumed some of his or her enlightenment. Now, using the law of A + I = M, you become your own master. By focusing your attention on the part of you that is watching the rest of you floundering in the illusion, you are taking a giant step in restoring control over how your attention is commanded. If you add the intention of reclaiming your essence, you complete the formula that can only result in the manifestation of whatever your curiosity seeks to explore.


The payoff of having been so deeply mired in the illusion that you nearly succumbed is compassion for those still stuck in the matrix, coupled with a large dose of humility. You have learned that the illusion is perfect exactly as it is. The only thing that needs to change is the point from which we view it. Now all that’s left is for you to summon the courage to begin the journey home.


By Jean-Claude Koven – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on April 11, 2012 in WISDOM


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