Tag Archives: sane

Life is nothing more than a series of plays on the stage of life.



 We need to remove enough layers from our hearts and minds if we want to achieve a state of non resistance and enlightenment. We have been conditioned since early childhood to fight and combat our way through knee deep dogma, perceptions and the endless variety of social written and verbal laws. All these laws and perceptions are stored in our sub-conscious minds. These laws taught us the principle of opposites. We believe in a world where something or someone is either a saint or a sinner, strong or weak, pure or contaminated. We were convinced that we can only gain the approval of society while we remain within the expected norms. It is only when we reach a stage where there is nothing and nobody that sway us to act or react. It is only when we stop judging that we can reach this place of neutrality and inner peace. Yesterday is history and tomorrow is nothing more than a dream projected and the screen of our minds by our egos. Try for a single day to stop judging those that interact with you. The only way that you will achieve this objective is to remove the filters that you used historically. Observe a person, event or the news and refrain from forming an opinion. You will to your amazement discover that you remain relaxed and composed when you prevent your mind from polluting your current moment. Nothing happened, nobody said anything until you react and bring the mountains of historical judgements and perceptions into play. Your partner for example tells you that you are selfish and lazy. Do you understand that he or she said nothing that could remotely hurt you until you allow your ego out of the box again? Your boss is throwing his toys out of the cot and he is jumping up and down like a clown. You remain relaxed and composed because his “performance” is a good example of an ego out of control. Life is nothing more than a series of plays on the stage of life. You can, by using the law of non resistance remain composed, sane and relaxed in all weather conditions.


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Posted by on February 3, 2014 in WISDOM


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Life is nothing more than a series of plays on the stage of life.



We need to remove enough layers from our hearts and minds if we want to achieve a state of non resistance and enlightenment. We have been conditioned since early childhood to fight and combat our way through knee deep dogma, perceptions and the endless variety of social written and verbal laws. All these laws and perceptions are stored in our sub-conscious minds. These laws taught us the principle of opposites. We believe in a world where something or someone is either a saint or a sinner, strong or weak, pure or contaminated. We were convinced that we can only gain the approval of society while we remain within the expected norms. It is only when we reach a stage where there is nothing and nobody that sway us to act or react. It is only when we stop judging that we can reach this place of neutrality and inner peace. Yesterday is history and tomorrow is nothing more than a dream projected on the screen of our minds by our egos. Try for a single day to stop judging those that interact with you. The only way that you will achieve this objective is to remove the filters that you used historically. Observe a person, event or the news and refrain from forming an opinion. You will to your amazement discover that you remain relaxed and composed when you prevent your mind from polluting your current moment. Nothing happened, nobody said anything until you react and bring the mountains of historical judgements and perceptions into play. Your partner for example tells you that you are selfish and lazy. Do you understand that he or she said nothing that could remotely hurt you until you allow your ego out of the box again? Your boss is throwing his toys out of the cot and he is jumping up and down like a clown. You remain relaxed and composed because his “performance” is a good example of an ego out of control. Life is nothing more than a series of plays on the stage of life. You can, by using the law of non resistance remain composed, sane and relaxed in all weather conditions.



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Posted by on February 22, 2013 in WISDOM


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Life is nothing more than a series of plays on the stage of life. You can, by using the law of non resistance remain composed, sane and relaxed in all weather conditions.




We need to remove enough layers from our hearts and minds if we want to achieve a state of non resistance and enlightenment. We have been conditioned since early childhood to fight and combat our way through knee deep dogma, perceptions and the endless variety of social written and verbal laws. All these laws and perceptions are stored in our sub-conscious minds. These laws taught us the principle of opposites. We believe in a world where something or someone is either a saint or a sinner, strong or weak, pure or contaminated. We were convinced that we can only gain the approval of society while we remain within the expected norms. It is only when we reach a stage where there is nothing and nobody that sway us to act or react. It is only when we stop judging that we can reach this place of neutrality and inner peace. Yesterday is history and tomorrow is nothing more than a dream projected and the screen of our minds by our egos. Try for a single day to stop judging those that interact with you. The only way that you will achieve this objective is to remove the filters that you used historically. Observe a person, event or the news and refrain from forming an opinion. You will to your amazement discover that you remain relaxed and composed when you prevent your mind from polluting your current moment. Nothing happened, nobody said anything until you react and bring the mountains of historical judgements and perceptions into play. Your partner for example tells you that you are selfish and lazy. Do you understand that he or she said nothing that could remotely hurt you until you allow your ego out of the box again? Your boss is throwing his toys out of the cot and he is jumping up and down like a clown. You remain relaxed and composed because his “performance” is a good example of an ego out of control. Life is nothing more than a series of plays on the stage of life. You can, by using the law of non resistance remain composed, sane and relaxed in all weather conditions.




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Posted by on September 1, 2012 in WISDOM


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“A little sane self talk about the body” – by my dear friend Barbara Berger

A little sane self-talk about the body

Here are some wise words from Barbara about an area that many of us have a lot of catastrophic thinking about: The body and our health. Read, enjoy and notice how the very contemplation of these words makes your body relax and fall into the stream of well-being …

“A little sane self talk about the body” – by my dear friend Barbara Berger


We live in a body-obsessed culture, in a society where almost everyone is so freaked out about their body and so identified with it. God forbid if something should go “wrong”, God forbid if you should get sick, God forbid if something happens… That’s the mantra inside most of our heads.

   The reality for most of us is that sometimes the body does hurt. Sometimes we do have aches and pains. It goes with the turf of having a body. But usually, in most cases, it’s not half as bad as we think it is. But unfortunately, when we think it’s “bad” or think there must be something seriously “wrong” with us when we experience these aches and pains – we become afraid and tense up. And when we are afraid and tense up, we make it more difficult for our bodies to do their natural work, which is to recreate equilibrium and heal themselves. This is unfortunate because that’s what bodies are designed to do – to heal themselves. Improvement is natural for our bodies. That’s simply the way bodies are built. And we can make it a lot easier for our bodies to do their wonderful job if we could just get ourselves out of the way. And by getting ourselves out of the way I mean by not thinking “catastrophic” thoughts about every ache and pain we experience.

   When we think catastrophic thoughts, we trigger the “fight or flight” mechanism in our bodies. When the “fight or flight” mechanism is triggered, the body then secretes adrenaline and other hormones which are counterproductive to the deep relaxation and trust (love = endorphins) that studies demonstrate strengthen the immune system and promote healing.

   So what can we do?

   When we understand this mechanism, we can actively support our bodies’ natural ability to heal in every circumstance instead of hindering our body’s healing ability – by saying things to ourselves like:

–          It’s probably not as bad as I think.

–          This too will pass.

–          My body is an amazing self-healing organism – it knows exactly what to do.

–          My body is always recreating equilibrium – that’s its job and natural urge/impulse/inclination.

–        Sometimes I feel good and sometimes I feel less good. It’s always changing but when I stop up and notice

what’s going on, I find that I’m still here.

–          Even if this is uncomfortable, I am just going to allow and accept and let my body do its wonderful healing work.

–          I’m sure I’ll get better. I usually do.

–          Healing is natural.


This is sane self talk when it comes to the body.

   In this connection, it’s also a wonderful practice to appreciate your body and remind yourself of all the wonderful things your body does for you instead of focusing on every little ache and pain.  You can say I’m so grateful because:

–          I can walk.

–          I can talk.

–          I can see.

–          I can breathe.

–          I can ride my bike.

–          I can use my computer.

–          I can go to work.

–          I can run, dance, sing, hop and play.

–          I can walk through the woods.

–          I can go to the movies.

–          I can watch TV.

–          I can eat and drink.

–          I can make love.

–          I can sleep.

–          Etc. 


Once you get started, the list is amazingly long and the body always feels better when you actually take the time to notice how wonderful it is and what an amazing gift you’ve been given.

   By focusing on all the good your body is constantly doing for you, you are using the power of your mind wisely because whatever you focus your attention on grows in your experience. Thus the more you focus on what strength and health you do have, the more you will experience strength and health. This is not just wishful thinking. Countless studies demonstrate that what we hold in mind tends to manifest in our bodies.


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Posted by on June 19, 2012 in WISDOM


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