Tag Archives: sleep problems

Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think.

If you often lay awake, unable to put your mind to rest while you’re tossing and turning, you’re going to love what you’re about to read, because I’m about to share with you one of the most powerful methods for quickly shutting off your mind, and drifting off to sleep.

As you may already know, your mind must be in the Alpha brain-wave stage to fall asleep. This is the stage your mind enters you’re still conscious, but your body and begin to relax. It enables your more rampant and conscious mind to turn off as you enter the realm of sleep.

We all know how it feels… when you’re lying awake in bed trying to fall asleep, it seems like your mind is running on hyper-speed. It’s almost like you’re thinking 10 times faster than when you’re just normally awake and alert. In fact, if you experience this often, I can tell you for a fact that your mind IS working harder than it is when you’re not trying to fall asleep, and there is a very good reason for it, here’s why this happens…

The law of momentum is everywhere in life, in physics, with your body, and most importantly, with your “thoughts.” You see, your thinking is very predictable, it all works on the law of focus and momentum. Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think wildly into…

It awaits and responds your every command. It’s an exceptional tool. Except, most of us aren’t very experienced at “controlling” this amazing tool. In fact, a lot people aren’t even aware that they can control it! And this is where sleep problems come in.

Imagine your mind like a giant overflowing lake that’s just waiting for an outlet to pour into… Slowly, when it finds an outlet, it begins with a trickle of water. That trickle turns into a stream. Then, that stream turns into a small river. Pretty soon, the small river is a giant unstoppable waterfall. Your thoughts work in the same way when you’re “trying” to fall asleep.

For example, you’re laying in bed, frustrated, forcing your mind to not think. “I just want to get some sleep! Stop thinking. Okay, starting now… I won’t think anymore. No think… nothing. My life is nothing… If only I would finally get motivated in my job maybe I would finally create the income to start traveling instead of dealing with these problems. Problems, how can I… Ahh, I’m thinking again! Stop!”

You get even more frustrated, and repeat the process over again in a few minutes. So how do you stop it? It’s easy, you see, you can easily control your thinking, except most people aren’t aware of the tools necessary! The good news is, I’m about to give you the 3 step handbook to controlling your mind. Here are the 3 universal steps that will enable you to not only stop thinking, you’ll also be able to lower your brain-waves into the alpha brain-state, which will quickly let you enter sleep…

The 3-Step Process for Controlling Your Mind

Step 1: Awareness

The first step to changing anything is becoming aware that it’s happening, especially if it’s your mind. Pretend your mind is racing, and you finally realize that you’re thinking… Most people at this stage get extremely frustrated and “try” to force the mind into submission. It doesn’t work! Why? Because, what you focus on expands. The more frustrated you get, the more you’re focusing on frustration, so you’ll get even MORE frustration, and more thinking… on and on!

So the first step, is to simply become “aware” of the fact that you’re thinking. Nothing more. When you notice that you’re thinking, smile to yourself, and say, “I just noticed myself thinking… Interesting…”
Now notice what happens inside of you when you do this… something VERY profound. If “I” just noticed “myself” thinking, perhaps there are really two completely separate identities running your life? There is the “I” and there is the “self.”

The “I”, is the real you, the higher being, the “I” behind the mind, that runs the show, the heart, the soul, the true conscious being, the choice maker.

The “self” is the mind. If left to run the show, will run in endless circles until the edge of insanity.

The moment you do this, the moment you become “Aware” – you are no longer a slave to your mind. You have won. After you become aware… do nothing, just lay there for 3 seconds and notice how it feels to be present in who you really are, not the mind, but you, the “I” – there is a great feeling of peace behind that presence in the “I.” Why? Because when you are aware like this, you’re aware of the power of your choice making. You now have the power of choice.

Step 2: Relaxed Focus

“What you focus on expands.” Now that you have become aware of your thinking. All you have to do is “direct” your mind into a place that will bring you into a deep, deep place of relaxation. Think about it, if before your mind will relentlessly race into any direction you give it, why not pick a direction that will give you peace and restful sleep?

But, most people don’t know what that direction really is. It’s really easy. If you focus on anything your body does or feels subconsciously, you will begin to become more and more realized. For example your breathing, the feeling of the pillow on your head, the sounds of nature outside (unless you live in the city), the warmth of your body. These are all things that happen, yet your conscious mind doesn’t think about them.

As you know, “What you focus on, expands”… So what would happen if you focused on something that is happening in your “subconscious”? That’s right, your conscious thinking would diminish, and your subconscious mind would begin to take over the entire process of you falling asleep! It really is that simple, and it works every-time.
The easiest one, is your breathing. And I promise you if you just try this tonight, you will be shocked when you wake up in the morning: “Wow! It worked!”

Step 3: Repetition

As I said, the easiest one to focus on is your breathing. In the beginning, you’ll find this easier said than done. Let me walk you through it.

  • Begin by taking your focus onto your breathing. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for a short while, and slowly exhale…


  • Count “1”


  • Breathe in again… hold it shortly, exhale slowly, and count…


  • “2”

Why count? Because I guarantee you, in the very beginning, you may find it challenging to hold your focus. In fact, you’ll be surprised as you may not even make it to “5” the first time. This is because your conscious ever-thinking mind will butt in and interrupt. You may randomly go off into a barrage of thoughts again. If this happens, and it very well may, what do you do?

Simply become aware, and begin focusing on your breathing again. Guess what happens? As you become aware, 2 or 3 times… your mind will give up. I guarantee you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, when you get to “10” or “15” breaths you will feel a wave of relaxation in your body. This is the silent “click” as your mind shifts from the high frequency Beta brain-waves into Alpha brain-waves. Your subconscious mind will do the rest!

by By Kacper M. Postawski – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on July 23, 2012 in WISDOM


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I’m about to share with you one of the most powerful methods for quickly shutting off your mind, and drifting off to sleep.

If you often lay awake, unable to put your mind to rest while you’re tossing and turning, you’re going to love what you’re about to read, because I’m about to share with you one of the most powerful methods for quickly shutting off your mind, and drifting off to sleep.

As you may already know, your mind must be in the Alpha brain-wave stage to fall asleep. This is the stage your mind enters you’re still conscious, but your body and begin to relax. It enables your more rampant and conscious mind to turn off as you enter the realm of sleep.

We all know how it feels… when you’re lying awake in bed trying to fall asleep, it seems like your mind is running on hyper-speed. It’s almost like you’re thinking 10 times faster than when you’re just normally awake and alert. In fact, if you experience this often, I can tell you for a fact that your mind IS working harder than it is when you’re not trying to fall asleep, and there is a very good reason for it, here’s why this happens…

The law of momentum is everywhere in life, in physics, with your body, and most importantly, with your “thoughts.” You see, your thinking is very predictable, it all works on the law of focus and momentum. Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think wildly into…

It awaits and responds your every command. It’s an exceptional tool. Except, most of us aren’t very experienced at “controlling” this amazing tool. In fact, a lot people aren’t even aware that they can control it! And this is where sleep problems come in.

Imagine your mind like a giant overflowing lake that’s just waiting for an outlet to pour into… Slowly, when it finds an outlet, it begins with a trickle of water. That trickle turns into a stream. Then, that stream turns into a small river. Pretty soon, the small river is a giant unstoppable waterfall. Your thoughts work in the same way when you’re “trying” to fall asleep.

For example, you’re laying in bed, frustrated, forcing your mind to not think. “I just want to get some sleep! Stop thinking. Okay, starting now… I won’t think anymore. No think… nothing. My life is nothing… If only I would finally get motivated in my job maybe I would finally create the income to start traveling instead of dealing with these problems. Problems, how can I… Ahh, I’m thinking again! Stop!”

You get even more frustrated, and repeat the process over again in a few minutes. So how do you stop it? It’s easy, you see, you can easily control your thinking, except most people aren’t aware of the tools necessary! The good news is, I’m about to give you the 3 step handbook to controlling your mind. Here are the 3 universal steps that will enable you to not only stop thinking, you’ll also be able to lower your brain-waves into the alpha brain-state, which will quickly let you enter sleep…

The 3-Step Process for Controlling Your Mind

Step 1: Awareness

The first step to changing anything is becoming aware that it’s happening, especially if it’s your mind. Pretend your mind is racing, and you finally realize that you’re thinking… Most people at this stage get extremely frustrated and “try” to force the mind into submission. It doesn’t work! Why? Because, what you focus on expands. The more frustrated you get, the more you’re focusing on frustration, so you’ll get even MORE frustration, and more thinking… on and on!

So the first step, is to simply become “aware” of the fact that you’re thinking. Nothing more. When you notice that you’re thinking, smile to yourself, and say, “I just noticed myself thinking… Interesting…”

Now notice what happens inside of you when you do this… something VERY profound. If “I” just noticed “myself” thinking, perhaps there are really two completely separate identities running your life? There is the “I” and there is the “self.”

The “I”, is the real you, the higher being, the “I” behind the mind, that runs the show, the heart, the soul, the true conscious being, the choice maker.

The “self” is the mind. If left to run the show, will run in endless circles until the edge of insanity.

The moment you do this, the moment you become “Aware” – you are no longer a slave to your mind. You have won. After you become aware… do nothing, just lay there for 3 seconds and notice how it feels to be present in who you really are, not the mind, but you, the “I” – there is a great feeling of peace behind that presence in the “I.” Why? Because when you are aware like this, you’re aware of the power of your choice making. You now have the power of choice.

Step 2: Relaxed Focus

“What you focus on expands.” Now that you have become aware of your thinking. All you have to do is “direct” your mind into a place that will bring you into a deep, deep place of relaxation. Think about it, if before your mind will relentlessly race into any direction you give it, why not pick a direction that will give you peace and restful sleep?

But, most people don’t know what that direction really is. It’s really easy. If you focus on anything your body does or feels subconsciously, you will begin to become more and more realized. For example your breathing, the feeling of the pillow on your head, the sounds of nature outside (unless you live in the city), the warmth of your body. These are all things that happen, yet your conscious mind doesn’t think about them.

As you know, “What you focus on, expands”… So what would happen if you focused on something that is happening in your “subconscious”? That’s right, your conscious thinking would diminish, and your subconscious mind would begin to take over the entire process of you falling asleep! It really is that simple, and it works every-time.

The easiest one, is your breathing. And I promise you if you just try this tonight, you will be shocked when you wake up in the morning: “Wow! It worked!”

Step 3: Repetition

As I said, the easiest one to focus on is your breathing. In the beginning, you’ll find this easier said than done. Let me walk you through it.

  • Begin by taking your focus onto your breathing. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for a short while, and slowly exhale…

  • Count “1”

  • Breathe in again… hold it shortly, exhale slowly, and count…

  • “2”

Why count? Because I guarantee you, in the very beginning, you may find it challenging to hold your focus. In fact, you’ll be surprised as you may not even make it to “5” the first time. This is because your conscious ever-thinking mind will butt in and interrupt. You may randomly go off into a barrage of thoughts again. If this happens, and it very well may, what do you do?

Simply become aware, and begin focusing on your breathing again. Guess what happens? As you become aware, 2 or 3 times… your mind will give up. I guarantee you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, when you get to “10” or “15” breaths you will feel a wave of relaxation in your body. This is the silent “click” as your mind shifts from the high frequency Beta brain-waves into Alpha brain-waves. Your subconscious mind will do the rest!

by By Kacper M. Postawski – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on July 2, 2012 in WISDOM


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