Tag Archives: What are you waiting for

Forgiveness does not mean that you approve what was done to you.

The rain of forgiveness washes away the hurt and pain of yesteryear. No healing can take place while you cling to your historical letdowns and painful experiences of the past. Great purity of thinking and the miraculous healing of wounds usually take place after unconditional forgiveness. Remember that forgiveness does not mean that you approve what was done to you.




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Posted by on June 13, 2013 in WISDOM


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You can sit in the waiting room of life forever or you can become an active player.


WHEN WILL YOU MOVE FORWARD?Do you feel that you are sitting in the “waiting room” of life, waiting for happiness, love, the green light, better times or a bridge to appear? Can it be that you are waiting for courage, permission, your turn, zero risk, the right moment or a sign or guarantee?

Sometimes waiting is a cover for fear, self-doubt, unworthiness and not taking responsibility. This habit of waiting is a common block to happiness, love and success. There is no rational reason to wait, happiness, success and love is waiting for you. They await your choice, your acceptance and a sign from you. For as long as you wait, you cannot see what is already possible if you get up and pursue you selected objectives.

When you wait for things to happen you are giving up all control. You hope and dream things will by accident fall into you lap or come your way. When you wait you disconnect between what is truly possible and what you will let yourself receive. When you wait you are like a person that put his or her life on hold. The world is waiting for you muster up enough courage to become active and do something about your objective, goals and dreams. Most of us are impatient and hates to wait for in queues or waiting rooms. Why are we then so inclined to put our lives on hold when it comes to the most important things in our lives?


RELATIONSHIPS:Relationships suffer because people wait for things to improve and get almost perfect before they make a commitment. What people fail to understand is that relationships are always under construction. There is always work in progress.

If you are going to wait until your “relationship” is perfect and pristine you will wait forever. Have you ever thought how your indecisiveness is possibly the major reason why you are not really making progress? You must actually get into the water before you will get wet. You can stare at the water all day long, but only when you jump in will you be able to really find out what it is really like.

While you are sitting on the fence no progress will be made either. How can you ever enjoy your relationship if you continue to sit in your protective little castle, waiting for your potential lover to break down your heavily reinforced walls? When you do this you are not really in the game; you are not a member of the club. All you are is a critical spectator. You need to dive in and get wet or accept the crumbs that life throw at you from time to time.


LONELY?People are lonely because they wait for love instead of being loving. They wait for friendship instead of being a friend. If you are not happy with your social life then you will have to look how “available” you are to individuals that might be interested to enjoy your company? If you are hiding in your flat or home with the curtains drawn you will continue to be lonely for the rest of your life. If you have built invisible walls around yourself you should not be too surprised when people pass you by.

If you have a nasty personality that repels people you will remain isolated and lonely. When you make it difficult for people to be with you, you will gather cobwebs in your self-imposed exile. You are a walking and talking advertisement who you are and what you stand for. You can instantly repel potential interest without even saying a word with a bad attitude or if you go around with a chip on your shoulder.


WORK? You have a lack of team spirit because everybody is waiting for the team spirit to get better. Nothing will change until the team member stop waiting for the team spirit to get better and do something about it. Nothing will get better or improve while the various staff member sit in their boxes and wait for others to make the first move.


PREMATURE AGEING?People age prematurely because they postpone their happiness. They promise that they will have fun after work, after chores, after the bills are paid, after retirement and after the grandkids are settled. Life passes you by when you are constantly in a standby or waiting mode. If you think that you will one day begin to live and enjoy life when everything is perfect or taken care of you are in for a nasty surprise.

They might one day write on your tombstone “Here lays the word’s biggest spectator, born 1952 – died 1990 and buried 2012.


SILLY CONFLICTS? Silly conflicts last forever because both parties wait to get what they will not give. Each party waits for the other to make the first move. Many relationships flushed down the toilet because one or both parties waited that the other would admit his or her mistake, faults, shortcomings and endless love. Waiting in relationships cause serious confusion and results in bitter conflicts. As indicated above you either dive in and get wet or quit. You cannot wait and hope that your partner will entertain and love you if you are nothing more than a spectator.


Willingness inspires readiness. With readiness all things are possible. Be ready and allow yourself to receive. Be ready and let yourself be guided, be helped, be inspired and be loved. You must become willing to get involved in the game of life or it will pass you by like a thief in the night. You need to get involved and become a player and not a spectator.

People are not out there to entertain you. They will not break down the door of your castle and beg you to come out and play. You might feel safe behind your walls and enjoy the infrequent attempts to lure you out of your hiding place, but will discover that the interested parties usually loose interest and go to the unguarded house.

You can sit in the waiting room of life forever or you can become an active player. Look around you and notice the other people in this waiting room. Their hair is grey and their skins look like a deflated rugby ball. Some of them have been waiting for more than eighty years for love, respect, friendship and fun to come their way. What they failed to realise all these years is that life is not a waiting game, but a game where you need to play your heart out if you want to taste the good things in life.



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Posted by on June 13, 2012 in WISDOM


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