Daily Archives: August 11, 2012

Stuff that will have absolutely no negative or destructive impact on the less conservative individual could bring on a heart attack to those that grew up in a deeply religious and conservative community.




We are confronted with millions of triggers from the moment we open our eyes in the morning until we slide back into bed at night. We are not only triggered by our own thoughts, the opinions expressed by others, everything we hear and see, but also by a wide range of other things like the media and TV. Some of us allow these triggers to randomly activate a wide range of emotions in us. Malema make some see red while others jump for joy when they see his image or listen to his rhetoric. Our emotions and our moods shoot up and down in an erratic and unpredictable manner. The reason why we become so disposed to the unpredictable is that we “spontaneously” react as dictated by our software in our heads. A person uploaded by a more conservative community will for example react to very different triggers than individuals that grew up in less narrow minded society. Stuff that will have absolutely no negative or destructive impact on the less conservative individual could bring on a heart attack to those that grew up in a deeply religious and conservative community. There are communities that experience no guilt or compassion when they stone a perceived offending party to death because he or she transgressed according to their dogmatic software that apparently was downloaded by God personally. Can you see how we daily act and react like a puppet according to our historical perceptions? I sometimes get vindictive remarks or letters from certain individuals when I dare to post a nude picture. I am convinced that they would also stone me if they thought they could get away with it. I have been called the son of Satan and the antichrist by certain readers that read some of my posts or that run into a nude picture of a beautiful lady. I would suggest that those that still run on conservative software simply detach when they notice something on my blog that trigger anger or anxiety. Move on and read some of the more acceptable stuff that I post or stop visiting my blog. You might think that you can convince me to downgrade to your old and often outdated reaction patterns. This will never happen. I have no desire to join those that arrogantly believe that they have ownership of God and belong to the only movement on this planet that can provide mankind with a pass to heaven. I read your dogma and do not despise your belief or thought process. I sometimes learn from your so-called holy books and often have a different idea about the subject matter. I do not view you as evil or unacceptable. I understand that you cannot act contrary to your program’s instructions until you reach a stage of evolution where you become compassionate about everyone notwithstanding their race, religion or political convictions. My advice to you is to stop judging others. Get your house in order and live your life in a manner where I will develop a strong desire to emulate your behaviour.



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Posted by on August 11, 2012 in WISDOM


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10 Proven Tactics to Gain Compliance from Others – Be more persuasive!



People are everywhere. That’s why being persuasive determines how effective we are. Where we live, what we do, and even who we love involves influence on one level or another. And by learning the art of “dealing with and convincing people to do what you want them to do”, we can instantly improve our lives.

Emotion vs. Logic

With so much information around us and so many decisions to make every single day, there isn’t enough time to evaluate everything rationally. And so we rely on subconscious shortcuts to make things easier. This is why, as irrational beings, we’re susceptible to mental triggers.


“People are definitely more likely to believe what you say, based on logic,” Paul Mascetta teaches, “but ultimately it is their emotion that will move them to take action.”

10 Proven Tactics to Gain Compliance from Others

So, how can we take advantage of this in order to be more persuasive?


1. Obligation/Reciprocity

“People generally feel obligated to return favours or good deeds that have been done to them by others.” Just look at how we smile at strangers who smile at us first! Make sure you know what to offer and ensure it will be on the same level of what you expect in return.

2. Contrast

“The perception of something changes when it is compared to something else.” This is why a pair of $100 jeans looks like a bargain if it was marked down from $500 or why a realtor might show you a really ugly house before showing you a better one.


Another approach here is to break something down to the minimum (“$2.50 per day” sounds better than “$75 per month”) or make concessions by starting at a much higher price and then working down to what you actually want.

3. Internal Conflict

“We must act in a way that is conducive to our morals and beliefs.” Behaving against what we feel is right is something we struggle with. It makes us feel unbalanced, which is why we’ll do whatever we can to restore our moral equilibrium.


We do this in many ways including rationalisation (justifying our behaviour to make ourselves feel better), denial (pretending the problem doesn’t exist or the source isn’t reliable), correction (finding evidence to support why the information we received is inaccurate), reframing (interpreting the meaning behind the message in a different way), and separation (distancing themselves from events or matters that are causing the internal conflict).

4. Connection

“The link that exists between others can be enough to create the emotional need to act.” When creating a connection, the four factors involved are:


  • Rapport – This is created primarily through body language techniques like subtly mirroring and matching what the other person does

  • Attraction – While physical aspects (including wardrobe and grooming) are noticed first and matter initially, nonphysical aspects like intelligence and warmth are more important in the long run.

  • People Skills – Humour (when used correctly) and respect

  • Similarity – We can think and act like people who share similarities (background, interests, values, etc) without worrying about internal conflicts

 5. Proof

“We believed that if it worked before, it will probably work again.” Instead of investingtime and effort to determine if a decision is right, we simply turn to other people. This is why statistics (e.g. “over 1 million copies sold”) can be so powerful, especially when the group referred to is one with which we can identify. Just remember to stick to third party evidence (from someone with knowledge or expertise) and information that is up to date.

6. Scarcity

“The less available something becomes, the more people want it.” This is one of the most obvious and also one of the most powerful. Restricting freedom or placing limitations on availability (e.g. playing hard to get when dating) creates a sense of urgency. And as long as there’s a deadline (e.g. the Groupon countdown clock!), the more incentive there is to act right away.

7. Verbiage

“Sometimes it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” Reframe your words to use the best possible ones in a given situation. For example, “more activity” sounds better than “crowded” and “membership agreement” sounds better than “contract”. Other suggestions are to speak slowly, simply, and clearly with sentences that are short and to the point. Storytelling and analogies also help with understanding.

8. Expectations

“People generally act in a way that other people expect them to.” These expectations are usually based on our assumptions.

9. Association/References

“People make mental associations with everything they see.” Again, this is about saving time and effort by using mental shortcuts.

10. Commitment

“People usually follow through on commitments, especially when they are public.” Nobody wants to go against their values or be seen as flaky. This is why having people to commit to something publically (e.g. having friends hold them accountable to their goals or immediately making a purchase so they are mentally vested and reluctant to change) is powerful.


The idea is to start with smaller requests (more likely to be accepted) and then gradually build up to larger ones. Just make sure the commitments are voluntary because forcing people to do what you want will only introduce more conflict and make them revert to old behaviour. As Confucius said: “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.”

By Paul J. Mascetta / Creator of The Code of Influence

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Posted by on August 11, 2012 in WISDOM


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Things You Can’t Afford Not To Know On How Your Mind Works

A suggestion is like a seed…once it is thrown onto the soil of your mind, it can grow into a mighty tree; it can even create a forest, with trees bearing nothing but the fruit of that suggestion.

There are places and people that are constantly broadcasting gloom. Avoid exposure to anyone or anything promulgating pessimistic views; for their gloominess can vine onto you and in no time, the tree of pessimism will be rooted, miles deep, into your mind.

A forest cannot grow in unfriendly environments…environments of extreme cold or dryness. Make your mind so consumed with positive emotions, that it will become an unfriendly place for hopelessness to grow.

“Self-suggestion allows you to control what gets planted into your head.”

Andres Lara

Here is how you can turn your mind into an unfriendly place for dispiritedness and other negative emotions:

1-What To Say: Suggest to yourself out-loud “I’m the best at what I do. I experience abundance everyday. I am a very lucky person. Wealth is attracted to me.” This is called self-suggestion, which is a great tool to plant great thoughts into your mind.

2-How You Say It: Think about the people who have had the most influence on you or society. They were influential because they believed in what they were saying. Say your suggestions with conviction, so they’re felt within the inner most chamber of your mind. It’s how you say it that counts.

3- When to Say It: The fields of your mind are the most fertile or receptive to suggestion when they are plowed…meaning when you are relaxed which is: 1-Right when you wake up because you are rested and untouched by exterior forces 2-Before you fall asleep because your conscious mind lacks the energy to disagree. Use self-suggestions at these times.

4-Limit Negativity: You can avoid strangers, but you cannot completely avoid a negative relative or coworker. Yet you can limit your interactions with them. Most importantly, you can make yourself inaccessible to them during your most receptive times (see #3). Save those times for you to plant some positive seeds with self-suggestions.

5-Picture it while you say it: Since a picture is worth a thousand words, develop a picture of each of those self-suggestions (see #1) inside your head. For instance, picture yourself being the best at what you do. What would others say about you? What kind of pay would you get? Where would you work from? Visualize and say your suggestions simultaneously.

By: Andres Lara – TheCubanGuy – Motivational Speaker

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Posted by on August 11, 2012 in WISDOM


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We have no control over a thunderstorm and can only wait for the storm to pass.





An untrained mind does not have a self-regulating system. An untrained mind can be compared to the weather that we experience daily. When specific circumstances combine we experience a thunderstorm. We have no control over a thunderstorm and can only wait for the storm to pass. The same holds true for those that don’t have a control system in their head. They “spontaneously” allow any thought or feeling to flood their mind. Negative rampant thoughts often produce anger and pain, not only for the angry person, but also for the recipients of his or her anger. Most of our negative and destructive behaviour that we display daily can be compared to the thunderstorm example I used earlier. Many labour under the misconception that they have no control over these waves of emotional “weather” that mystically appear and take over their behaviour. We make out as if we are a helpless victim of these anger or sarcasm storms that we rain down on family, friends and even strangers. We justify our cutting remarks or unacceptable behaviour by pacifying ourselves with excuses like, “I would never have lost my cool or behave in the manner I did if he or she did not say or do what they did.” Our automatic reactions come from a very primitive part of our brain. These are remnants of instinctive reaction patterns that we used while we were still living in caves and daily struggled to fend off predators with bad intentions. Some of us evolved during this period and gradually developed a control mechanism that now regulates these primitive and destructive moods and reactions. What we need to understand is that what anyone said or did have absolutely no power until we retaliate. What this person said or did will drift past like a cloud if we just observe it and let it move over our heads. Our objective is to fully develop the control system in our head to a level where we can show compassion and love notwithstanding the circumstances that we are confronted with. All religions on this planet promote this behaviour. What others say or do have no power to hurt you or to diminish your self-esteem in any way. The solution is not to panic when confronted with situations that cause you discomfort. They say patience is a virtue. The key is to simply observe and to investigate where these feelings come from. We will always discover that the painful feelings is not generated by (for example) the angry person, but comes from somewhere inside us. It is a cocktail of chemicals released by our brains that produce the fear, anger and desire to retaliate. We have been using pre-programmed reaction patterns that come from more primitive and barbaric times. We never question our reactions. We believe that the feelings that flood our minds are real. There are no feelings and no pain until we attach to a thought or a trigger. Why are we happy and relaxed until something or someone trigger a negative memory or feeling in us? We are composed because the feelings and reactions in our sub-conscious mind remain dormant, powerless until we allow them to be turned on. Remember you are in control of your mind and not a defenceless victim that is obliged to sing and dance when you hear the bell.



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