Daily Archives: August 19, 2012

The Earth is Alive – A new theory asserts that the Earth is alive – including purportedly inanimate, non-living objects like water, proteins and DNA.




The Earth is alive, asserts a new scientific theory of life emerging from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. The trans-disciplinary theory demonstrates that purportedly inanimate, non-living objects — for example,planets, water, proteins, and DNA — are animate, that is, alive.


Erik Andrulis, PhD, assistant professor of molecular biology and microbiology, advanced his controversial framework in his manuscript “Theory of the Origin, Evolution, and Nature of Life,” published in the peer-reviewed journal, Life. His theory explains not only the evolutionary emergence of life on Earth and in the Universe but also the structure and function of existing cells and biospheres.


In addition to resolving long-standing paradoxes and puzzles in chemistry and biology, Andrulis’ theory unifies quantum and celestial mechanics. His unorthodox solution to this quintessential problem in physics differs from mainstream approaches, like string theory, as it is simple, non-mathematical, and experimentally and experientially verifiable.


The basic idea of Andrulis’ framework is that all physical reality can be modeled by a single geometric entity with life-like characteristics: the gyre. The so-called “gyromodel” depicts objects — particles, atoms, chemicals, molecules, and cells — as quantized packets of energy and matter that cycle between excited and ground states around a singularity, the gyromodel’s center. A singularity is itself modeled as a gyre, wholly compatible with the thermodynamic and fractal nature of life. An example of this nested, self-similar organization is the Russian Matryoshka doll.


By fitting the gyromodel to facts accumulated over scientific history, Andrulis confirms the proposed existence of eight laws of nature. One of these, the natural law of unity, decrees that the living cell and any part of the visible universe are irreducible. This law formally establishes that there is one physical reality.


Another natural law dictates that the atomic and cosmic realms abide by identical organizational constraints. Simply put, atoms in the human body and solar systems in the universe move and behave in the exact same manner. 

“Modern science lacks a unifying, interdisciplinary theory of life. In other words, current theories are unable to explain why life is the way it is and not any other way,” Andrulis says. “This general paradigm furnishes a fresh perspective on the character and meaning of life, offers solutions to protracted problems, and strives to end divisive debates.”


One debate swirls around the scientific merit of James Lovelock’s popular Gaia hypothesis. By showing that the Earth is theoretically synonymous with life, Andrulis’ paradigm substantiates the Gaian premise that all organisms and their surroundings on Earth are closely integrated to form a single self-regulating complex system.


Another legendary quarrel is that between biblical creationists and neo-Darwinian evolutionists. In demonstrating that the origin and evolution of life is a consequence of natural laws and physical forces, this theory synthesizes arguments and dispels assumptions from both sides of the creation-evolution debate.


To test his paradigm, Andrulis designed bidirectional flow diagrams that both depict and predict the dynamics of energy and matter. While such diagrams may be foreign to some scientists, they are standard reaction notation to chemists, biochemists, and biologists.


Andrulis has used his theory to successfully predict and identify a hidden signature of RNA biogenesis in his laboratory at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He is now applying the gyromodel to unify and explain the evolution and development of human beings.


Source: AstroBiology Magazine


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Posted by on August 19, 2012 in WISDOM


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It was Verwoerd who made these subjects difficult …….. trying to fend off black threat!


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Posted by on August 19, 2012 in WISDOM


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RELIGION – What it has contributed to the societies of the world, is war and violence, hate for one another, degrading of women, abuse of children and a total misunderstanding of the true nature of life and of ourselves as people of light.




I think we have all seen and experienced enough of religion to be totally disillusioned with it.


What it has contributed to the societies of the world, is war and violence, hate for one another, degrading of women, abuse of children and a total misunderstanding of the true nature of life and of ourselves as people of light.


We fight and kill each other over stories that never happened but were written to convey a hidden truth that because of religion the world has totally missed.


We have found that the Bible itself tells us that it does not mean what it says, and we also shared with you a newspaper article from Tel Aviv University in Israel saying that after hundreds and hundreds of years of deep investigation, they have reached the conclusion that the things stated in the Bible never happened.


Of course we find the same thing in the New Testament.


There is absolutely no evidence out side of the Bible for the existence of Jesus or Joseph or Mary or just about anyone.


There is no record of the miracles, there is no record of the crucifixion, there is no record of people getting out of graves or anything else.


But there is a record of the Bible itself telling us not to take any of this literally. There is record of the Bible itself telling us that all of this stuff, is parable, proverb, allegory and dark sayings.


2 Corinthians 3:6 Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament, not of the letter but of the spirit for the letter kills but the spirit gives life.


Romans 2:29 But he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit , not in the letter.


2 Corinthians 3:15 But even unto this day when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart Nevertheless when they shall turn to the Lord the veil shall be taken away.


The Bible itself telling us that these things are not literal.


They did not happen. They are mythological.


They are symbolic of something else.


When people read this, their eyes are blinded .


The truth is hidden and the only way one may understand what is meant by the scriptures is by turning to the Lord.


That means shutting down the human intellect and turning on the celestial spirit which is within. The only way to do that is in meditation.


Read the following as well please:


Inventing the Bible stories – The walls of Jericho

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It is impossible to remain OBJECTIVE and refrain from JUDGING while we treat CURRENT people and events through our haze of HISTORICAL PERSEPTIONS.

We are AUTOMATICALLY ACHORING images, feelings and emotions to everything that we EXPERIENCE in all our day-to-day activities. Our subconscious minds also develop a KEY TRIGGER that will call back to LIFE all the IMAGES and EMOTIONS stored in our sub-conscious minds. Any CURRENT EVENT or THOUGHT can TRIGGER a HISTORICAL range of emotions that lay DORMAT for years in our sub-conscious minds. We are constantly ASSOCIATING CURRENT events with HISTORICAL data stored in our sub-conscious minds. The problem that most of us have is that we think that we have no CONTROL over these THOUGHT PACKAGES that are endlessly TRIGGERED by new events that we are faced with daily. We become VICTIMS that are AMBUSHED by a never ending stream of HISTORICAL images, feelings and emotions that COLOUR every moment of our day. Most of us find it impossible to look at and experience our CURRENT MOMENTS without the interference of these HISTORICAL thought bundles. It is impossible to remain OBJECTIVE and refrain from JUDGING while we treat CURRENT people and events through the haze of HISTORICAL FEELINGS and EMOTIONS.


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Posted by on August 19, 2012 in WISDOM


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Self-fulfilling prophecy! You are not a bad or evil person and you are not stupid.

The ego becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

The ego has a very specific mission, namely to prevent the Conscious You from rediscovering and then abandoning the original choice to turn away from God—the decision that gave birth to the ego. This decision was made by the Conscious You, but it was not made in the full clarity of the Christ consciousness. It was made because the Conscious You had started experimenting with the duality consciousness, the consciousness of anti-christ. Thus, the Conscious You did not clearly see what the decision entailed, and it did not fully understand that its reasoning was based on dualistic thinking. The ego will do anything in its power to prevent you from overcoming this blindness; it will do anything to prevent the Conscious You from projecting itself outside the ego’s illusions.

You need to understand that the Conscious You made its fateful decision because it did not see the absolute reality of Christ and had become blinded by the veil created by the duality consciousness. Thus, the Conscious You believed its reasoning was sound, and it felt that the decision to turn away from the teacher was either justifiable, necessary, beneficial or its only option. Because the Conscious You had already been partially blinded – meaning divided – by the dualistic logic – as Eve was divided in her mind by the serpent’s statement that she would not surely die – it did not see that its reasoning was relative. It did not understand that the serpentine logic seems reasonable only when viewed through the filter of duality, a state of mind in which everything is relative, meaning that anything can be justified.

My point here is that the Conscious You is made in the image and likeness of God, meaning your I AM Presence. Therefore, you are not a bad or evil person and you are not stupid. If the Conscious You knew better, it would do better. The problem is that as long as the Conscious You looks at the world through the filter of dualistic logic, it cannot fully know better. It cannot see beyond the relative logic of anti-christ to see the absolute reality of Christ.

Why the universe seems to confirm the ego’s illusions

The essence of the duality consciousness is that the Conscious You – guided by the false teachers of this world and the ego – creates its own “reality,” a world view that is centered around the illusion that created the ego. Everything in this world view is born from the central illusion that created the ego, and thus everything seems to support that illusion. In other words, as long as you look at the world through this filter, everything you see will confirm that the ego’s illusion is right. If you wear yellow glasses, the world will appear to have a yellow tint, and it will do so until you take off the glasses and see the world without a filter.

Yet there is an even deeper reality in the sense that the world not only appears to be colored. The reality you experience in the material universe is shaped by the ego’s beliefs. This is an essential point that all sincere spiritual seekers need to understand.  That is why I told people to do unto others what you want them to do to you. The reality being that the universe will do to you what you do to others. This is a safety mechanism that aims as serving as a substitute teacher for those co-creators who have turned away from the spiritual teachers assigned to humankind. When you have no contact with the teacher, your only way to learn is to see the consequences of your actions, and thus the universe mirrors back to you what you send out.

You must now understand that the law of free will mandates that if you turn away from God and your spiritual teacher, you must be allowed to learn from your own actions. Thus, a spiritual teacher cannot interfere with your learning process until you decide to seek the teacher’s help. The teacher is not trapped in your personal illusions, your ego’s house of mirrors, so he clearly sees through the veil that blinds you. Yet he cannot explain this to you until you rise to the level of the path where you are open to this explanation. And thus, the teacher must wait until the Conscious You begins to question the illusions created by the ego.

The teacher is fully aware of the essential problem, yet only a student with a certain amount of maturity can even begin to grasp this problem. What is the essence of the problem? Your ego has used the duality consciousness to create a mental image of what it thinks the world is like—or rather what it wants the world to be like so that it can uphold the basic illusion that created your specific ego. The Conscious You has partially identified itself with this world view and is therefore seeing the world through the colored glasses represented by the ego’s illusion. At the same time, the Conscious You – as the director of your attention, which is your creative force – is projecting this world view into the cosmic mirror. And guess what the mirror is reflecting back?

Do you now begin to see the problem? The Conscious You is using its creative faculties to project a dualistic image into the material universe, and the cosmic mirror is reflecting it back, meaning that what comes back to you seems to affirm the ego’s world view. If your ego has created the image that God is an angry and unjust being in the sky who has abandoned you, then the material universe will reflect back to you conditions that seem to affirm this image. You simply will not be able to experience God directly as long as you identify with the illusion of separation, and thus the material universe will hide the reality that God’s being is in everything. Everything you experience in this world will seem to confirm the belief that God is not here and thus you have been abandoned by God. Likewise, if you believe life is a struggle, the cosmic mirror will reflect back to you physical conditions that make your life a struggle.

In other words, you are a co-creator with God, and you can never stop co-creating. As I have said before, you will inevitably create your own circumstances, and the choice is whether you create through the dualistic sense of identity defined by the ego or through your divine identity that is anchored in your I AM Presence. The Conscious You has the ability to identify itself as anything it conceives and accepts as real. Thus, if the Conscious You identifies with the mortal identity defined by the ego, you will believe you are a mortal, human being living in a limited world that makes your life a struggle. And because you have identified with this world view, your soul will gravitate toward a planet where these conditions are physically manifest—because they have been created by the collective consciousness of the lifestreams living on that planet.

Kim Michaels


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Glowing Stars Under The Ground!

We have all seen glowing stars on the sky at night, but what about seeing stars under the ground? You get the chance to do that in the Waitomo Glowworm Cave on the North Island of New Zealand. Of course the “stars” are not real; they are glowing worms that is hanging from the ceilings in the cave.


glow worm cave


The worms are only to be found in New Zealand, and they are as tiny as an average mosquito. The lightning from the worms are the only remedy boats with tourist are having when they cruise around on the Waitomo River underground to see the mysterious glowworms.


glow worm cave




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