Daily Archives: August 29, 2012

The danger of creating assumptions is that we believe them and we take action based on them.




We know parts of truths or events that happen in our life, we know this as PERCEPTION or POINT OF VIEW. Much like having two sides of a story, but we need that third line to have closure. But when we don’t have the rest of the information, we tend to fill in the space with stories and reasons of why, when, where, who, what, how, that we create on our own. But this third line is solely created in our mind, we take the information that we have, truths and facts, and from them we create the missing part of the information out of our own imagination. But it isn’t a fact. The danger of creating assumptions is that we believe them and we take action based on them. Depending on our tendency, we can fill in the third line or the missing piece of information with a optimistic point of view or a pessimistic one. This is where our tendency to believe our own stories, that fill our psyche with a negative or up lifting point of view, can determine how we perceive life. We can see that the actions we take from the decision we make can be distorted by our own assumptions.


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Posted by on August 29, 2012 in WISDOM


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We are continually engaged in self-talk in order to ‘establish and maintain’ a reliable sense of balance; in other words, put forth a false front.




More than 100 years ago, we were enlightened by three highly intelligent, intuitive gifted men who were modern pioneers of the human psyche. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler were psychological visionaries who knew, before it was time to know, we would need to access the depths of the unconscious, if we were penetrate the mysteries of the present day and age.

These iconic fathers of psychoanalytic therapy understood that in order to puncture the veil of hypocrisy and rampant untruth, choking the life out of people, we would have to probe the deep recesses of the unconscious realm, to unravel the trance-like hold, and the illusion of accepted normalcy has on us. Is it normal to be constantly bombarded by/ through and with the conflicted thoughts of others? Must we continue with the insanity of non-relenting self-talk so that we placate our self-generated ill-defined thoughts and actions?

In order to follow our own truth, we must be willing to probe, expose, access, recognize, appreciate, embrace, and apply it to our everyday lives. We are not to forfeit the benefits of the sanctity of our own minds for fear of what is gained by succumbing to those voices of disdain or self-appointed elevation. Those, who familiar or not, would rather have us controlled by the perils of monotony (found within the box of approval, agreement and validation) and so called normal acceptance of the way things are currently viewed and appreciated need be forcefully exorcized from the skull, without regret. No longer can we amicably allow the thoughts, ideas, assumptions, desires, dreams, (whether repressed or voiced) to play such an important role in our lives.

We are continually engaged in self-talk in order to ‘establish and maintain’ a reliable sense of balance; in other words, put forth a false front. This on-going complacent, amicable self-talk (phony personality) prevents us from hearing the revolting ‘still small voice’ of genuine truth within. We are so accustomed to relying on others for our views, opinions and attitudes that when we try to make a step up to the plate, we feel embarrassed or ashamed for having had a revelatory thought of own in the first place. Falsity plays out its masked roles in many forms. Sometimes, from those who are the closest to us or who we deem so vitally significant to our happiness. We have a difficult time recognizing what’s false or true due to the ‘loud speaker’ of self-talk we engage in unceasingly.

We are so consumed with business, (the ludicrous idea of getting ahead), we don’t want to recognize or admit falsity in our lives. We simply want to keep the waters calm for fear of upsetting the apple cart. So, round and round the mulberry bush we go; hand in hand, all singing a superficial lullaby of false motivations. We are so buried beneath the saturated influences of others, we rarely stop to regroup, asking IF what we are following or allowing to be said, as if in agreement, really suits our innermost fancy. In other words, are we basing what we feel upon the suppositions of others we value more than ourselves?

False institutions, false leaders, false media, false ideas, false education, false motivations, false successes, false dreams, false importance, false identification, false goals, false aspirations all fall under the category of unexpressed idealized dreams which have nothing whatever to do with us or our personal ambitions. But, we have invested so much time and effort to reverently preserve and charismatically present ourselves, as dutiful compliant individuals, we dare not reveal what’s going on with us ‘down under.’ To strip from us, the false mask of elevated status and coveted acclaim requires gut honesty and resilient courage, unlike anything we’ve demonstrated, thus far.

Many people are silently (begrudgingly) unwillingly choosing and have decimated their entire lives to living from a false base. Why? Because we don’t trust our gut instinct; we listen to the (easily accessible and readily recognizable) surface voice of our tattered minds. Due to the deposited insecurity, from the belied voices of infiltrated, unwanted, influential opinioned osmosis, (others who surround us and who live in our minds from memories), we have not a clue what it is we really want to do or how we want to do it. What a shame! An actual living travesty, which prevents any genuine evolvement from taking place, no matter how much we plea for things to change.

We are living in an anesthetized world filled with unrequited love of the sublime self. We are hopeless, helpless, disenfranchised individualized people, who have followed goals that in no way can satisfy the deepest desires of our soul. And, yet we altruistically continue to act as if what we are doing is for the best of all concerned. Give me a break! When we allow ourselves to become infiltrated by other people’s ideas of what is supposedly right and just for us, instead of pursuing the mainline of our own ambitions , be they accepted, appreciated, understood, respected or not, nothing but unmitigated unhappiness results.

As long as we deny the existence of our own self-motivated vain glorious motivations to please and sublimate, we continue to remain stuck and arrogant. We see ourselves are long-suffering. Anytime, we generate an artificial premise (by explaining, excusing, or defending) our hidden desires, we do it based on false motivations. Rest assured nothing but total dissatisfaction and utter chaos will result. Self-talk creates irrefutable damage to the integrity of the individual. No longer can this raping of the human mind take place.

A bridge of self-honesty must be built and in all actuality is being built to free the slaves of mediocrity and bearers of inconsistent indecision whose hearts and minds are saturated with unveiled boredom and depression. People know they’re unhappy, they just don’t why. The ‘why-ing’ is found in the ‘whining’. Cease to complain to yourself while a contradicting interacting takes place on the outside.

It’s high time to come clean. Stop with the self-talk to appease and conciliate. Allow the ‘still small voice’ to speak its unwavering sensual artistic truth in the midst of other’s incessant jabbering. It will difficult and uncomfortable, at first; but incalculably worth the effort invested.


By: Paula Andrea Pyle


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The Future of Mind-Controlled Weapons – Troops could ‘control guns with their minds’, scientists suggest




Soldiers could control weapons systems simply by using their minds, British scientists have suggested.

Researchers found the Armed Forces could harness the rapid advance of neuroscience to improve the training of soldiers, pilots and other personnel.

A study, from the Royal Society, Britain’s national academy of science, showed the possible benefits of neuroscience to military and law enforcement.

It predicted new designer drugs that boost performance, make enemy troops fall asleep and ensure captives become more talkative.

But among the more remarkable scenarios suggested in the report involved the use of devices called brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) to connect soldiers’ brains directly to military technology such as drones and weapons.

The study stated that the work built on previous research that has enabled people to control cursors and artificial limbs through BMIs that read their brain signals.

In their report, one of a series from the Royal Society looking at the field of neuroscience, the experts call on the UK Government to be as “transparent as possible” about research into military and law enforcement applications.

“Since the human brain can process images, such as targets, much faster than the subject is consciously aware of, a neurally interfaced weapons system could provide significant advantages over other system control methods in terms of speed and accuracy,” the report states.

The report also showed how neuroscientists employed so-called “transcranial direct current stimulation” (tDCS) to improve soldiers’ awareness while in hostile environments.

It showed how soldiers’ ability to spot roadside bombs, snipers and other hidden threats were improved in a virtual reality training program used by US troops bound for the Middle East.

But the report’s authors argued that while hostile uses of neuroscience and related technologies were now more likely, scientists were oblivious to its potentials.

While the benefits to society were obvious, through improved treatments for brain disease and mental illness, there were serious security implications to consider.
“Neuroscience will have more of an impact in the future,” said Prof Rod Flower, chair of the report’s working group.

“People can see a lot of possibilities, but so far very few have made their way through to actual use. All leaps forward start out this way.”

Prof Flower, from the William Harvey Research Institute at Barts and the London Hospital added: “You have a groundswell of ideas and suddenly you get a step change.”

“If you are controlling a drone and you shoot the wrong target or bomb a wedding party, who is responsible for that action? Is it you or the BMI.

“There’s a blurring of the line between individual responsibility and the functioning of the machine. Where do you stop and the machine begin?”

Vince Clark, a cognitive neuroscientist and lead author on the study at the University of New Mexico, admitted he was uncomfortable in knowing neuroscience could be used by the military.

“As a scientist I dislike that someone might be hurt by my work,” he said. “I want to reduce suffering, to make the world a better place, but there are people in the world with different intentions, and I don’t know how to deal with that.

“If I stop my work, the people who might be helped won’t be helped. Almost any technology has a defence application.”

The Ministry of Defence has not commented on the report.

By Andrew Hough / Source: The Telegraph

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Posted by on August 29, 2012 in WISDOM


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10 Proven Tactics to Gain Compliance from Others – Be more persuasive!




People are everywhere. That’s why being persuasive determines how effective we are. Where we live, what we do, and even who we love involves influence on one level or another. And by learning the art of “dealing with and convincing people to do what you want them to do”, we can instantly improve our lives.

Emotion vs. Logic

With so much information around us and so many decisions to make every single day, there isn’t enough time to evaluate everything rationally. And so we rely on subconscious shortcuts to make things easier. This is why, as irrational beings, we’re susceptible to mental triggers.

“People are definitely more likely to believe what you say, based on logic,” Paul Mascetta teaches, “but ultimately it is their emotion that will move them to take action.”

10 Proven Tactics to Gain Compliance from Others

So, how can we take advantage of this in order to be more persuasive?


1. Obligation/Reciprocity

“People generally feel obligated to return favours or good deeds that have been done to them by others.” Just look at how we smile at strangers who smile at us first! Make sure you know what to offer and ensure it will be on the same level of what you expect in return.

2. Contrast

“The perception of something changes when it is compared to something else.” This is why a pair of $100 jeans looks like a bargain if it was marked down from $500 or why a realtor might show you a really ugly house before showing you a better one.

Another approach here is to break something down to the minimum (“$2.50 per day” sounds better than “$75 per month”) or make concessions by starting at a much higher price and then working down to what you actually want.

3. Internal Conflict

“We must act in a way that is conducive to our morals and beliefs.” Behaving against what we feel is right is something we struggle with. It makes us feel unbalanced, which is why we’ll do whatever we can to restore our moral equilibrium.

We do this in many ways including rationalisation (justifying our behaviour to make ourselves feel better), denial (pretending the problem doesn’t exist or the source isn’t reliable), correction (finding evidence to support why the information we received is inaccurate), reframing (interpreting the meaning behind the message in a different way), and separation (distancing themselves from events or matters that are causing the internal conflict).

4. Connection

“The link that exists between others can be enough to create the emotional need to act.” When creating a connection, the four factors involved are:

  • Rapport – This is created primarily through body language techniques like subtly mirroring and matching what the other person does

  • Attraction – While physical aspects (including wardrobe and grooming) are noticed first and matter initially, nonphysical aspects like intelligence and warmth are more important in the long run.

  • People Skills – Humour (when used correctly) and respect

  • Similarity – We can think and act like people who share similarities (background, interests, values, etc) without worrying about internal conflicts

5. Proof

“We believed that if it worked before, it will probably work again.” Instead of investingtime and effort to determine if a decision is right, we simply turn to other people. This is why statistics (e.g. “over 1 million copies sold”) can be so powerful, especially when the group referred to is one with which we can identify. Just remember to stick to third party evidence (from someone with knowledge or expertise) and information that is up to date.

6. Scarcity

“The less available something becomes, the more people want it.” This is one of the most obvious and also one of the most powerful. Restricting freedom or placing limitations on availability (e.g. playing hard to get when dating) creates a sense of urgency. And as long as there’s a deadline (e.g. the Groupon countdown clock!), the more incentive there is to act right away.

7. Verbiage

“Sometimes it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” Reframe your words to use the best possible ones in a given situation. For example, “more activity” sounds better than “crowded” and “membership agreement” sounds better than “contract”. Other suggestions are to speak slowly, simply, and clearly with sentences that are short and to the point. Storytelling and analogies also help with understanding.

8. Expectations

“People generally act in a way that other people expect them to.” These expectations are usually based on our assumptions.

9. Association/References

“People make mental associations with everything they see.” Again, this is about saving time and effort by using mental shortcuts.

10. Commitment

“People usually follow through on commitments, especially when they are public.” Nobody wants to go against their values or be seen as flaky. This is why having people to commit to something publically (e.g. having friends hold them accountable to their goals or immediately making a purchase so they are mentally vested and reluctant to change) is powerful.

The idea is to start with smaller requests (more likely to be accepted) and then gradually build up to larger ones. Just make sure the commitments are voluntary because forcing people to do what you want will only introduce more conflict and make them revert to old behaviour. As Confucius said: “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.”

By Paul J. Mascetta / Creator of The Code of Influence


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