Daily Archives: August 30, 2012

Stuff that will have absolutely no negative or destructive impact on the less conservative individual could bring on a heart attack to those that grew up in a deeply religious and conservative community.




We are confronted with millions of triggers from the moment we open our eyes in the morning until we slide back into bed at night. We are not only triggered by our own thoughts, the opinions expressed by others, everything we hear and see, but also by a wide range of other things like the media and TV. Some of us allow these triggers to randomly activate a wide range of emotions in us. Malema make some see red while others jump for joy when they see his image or listen to his rhetoric. Our emotions and our moods shoot up and down in an erratic and unpredictable manner. The reason why we become so disposed to the unpredictable is that we “spontaneously” react as dictated by our software in our heads. A person uploaded by a more conservative community will for example react to very different triggers than individuals that grew up in less narrow minded society. Stuff that will have absolutely no negative or destructive impact on the less conservative individual could bring on a heart attack to those that grew up in a deeply religious and conservative community. There are communities that experience no guilt or compassion when they stone a perceived offending party to death because he or she transgressed according to their dogmatic software that apparently was downloaded by God personally. Can you see how we daily act and react like a puppet according to our historical perceptions? I sometimes get vindictive remarks or letters from certain individuals when I dare to post a nude picture. I am convinced that they would also stone me if they thought they could get away with it. I have been called the son of Satan and the antichrist by certain readers that read some of my posts or that run into a nude picture of a beautiful lady. I would suggest that those that still run on conservative software simply detach when they notice something on my blog that trigger anger or anxiety. Move on and read some of the more acceptable stuff that I post or stop visiting my blog. You might think that you can convince me to downgrade to your old and often outdated reaction patterns. This will never happen. I have no desire to join those that arrogantly believe that they have ownership of God and belong to the only movement on this planet that can provide mankind with a pass to heaven. I read your dogma and do not despise your belief or thought process. I sometimes learn from your so-called holy books and often have a different idea about the subject matter. I do not view you as evil or unacceptable. I understand that you cannot act contrary to your program’s instructions until you reach a stage of evolution where you become compassionate about everyone notwithstanding their race, religion or political convictions. My advice to you is to stop judging others. Get your house in order and live your life in a manner where I will develop a strong desire to emulate your behaviour.



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Posted by on August 30, 2012 in WISDOM


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Practitioners of naked yoga explain the lack of clothes frees them from negative feelings about their bodies and allows them to be more accepting of their physical imperfections.




Honoring your body is an aspect of practicing yoga, and it’s a powerful thing to connect your breath with your body’s movements. Once you’re in the groove, you feel strong, alive, and content. Some yoga devotees take this to a whole new level by practicing their asana completely free of clothes.




To find out why folks prefer to practice yoga in the buff, read more.



Practitioners of naked yoga explain the lack of clothes frees them from negative feelings about their bodies and allows them to be more accepting of their physical imperfections, like stretch marks, love handles, or cellulite. Others are nudists to begin with and feel more natural in their birthday suit, so practicing naked yoga seems more natural. Whatever the reason to strip and stretch, teachers and practitioners of naked yoga feel it’s a way to find a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. Plus, if you’re naked, you don’t have to worry about your gals falling out of your top in Down Dog, or wedgies from your underwear. Many classes are geared solely toward men or women, but co-ed classes are also offered. I like my yoga clothed, but to each her own.


Does this sound like something you’d want to try?




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Posted by on August 30, 2012 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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Very few people understand that the “personality” that they live reflects the progress that they made spiritually at any given moment in time. Their outer and inner worlds are mirrors that reflect back to them the quality of the outcomes that they created for themselves.

Very few people understand that the “personality” that they live reflects the progress that they made spiritually at any given moment in time. Their outer and inner worlds are mirrors that reflect back to them the quality of the outcomes that they created for themselves. The maturity displayed when you are at work or play advertise who you are and how far you evolved from the barbaric survival orientated being that you were many lifetimes ago. We started manipulating this dimension (earth zone) a long, long time ago. We soon forgot our heritage and started acting out the same survival instincts of the other creations (animals etc.) that we encountered here. We become survival orientated in all our actions and reactions. We collectively and individually soon displayed the “survival” personality styles that we learned by studying nature. The “kill or be killed” and the “eat or be eaten” style of living soon forced us to attempt to outthink, out run and out fight everything that could threaten our survival. I am not going to labour this point. I should one day write a book where I expand extensively on this introduction. The fact of the matter is that many of us gradually evolved into more sophisticated beings that began to display more mature personality styles. We evolved into clusters and finally into societies where each one of us began to develop specific personality styles that are unique to us. Our personality and coping mechanism reflects our history. Some of us are still over the top combative today. The reason for this aggressive and combative style is our failure to overcome the original “fight for survival” instincts that we used originally when we arrived in this dimension. We still view everything and everyone with suspicion. We act and react in a manner that reflects all the characteristics that can be linked to a person in survival mode. Our current actions and choices might be far removed from reality, but we act as if the treats are real and experience the same fears that we experienced many lifetimes ago.

I am sure you can see from the introduction above that our current personality style and coping mechanisms might be a reflection of our ability to overcome the negative and destructive residue left behind in our DNA. We cannot act and react outside our built in coping style until we discover that many of our actions and reactions are destructive and not conducive to our own wellbeing. We might have a strong desire to act with compassion, love, understanding and joy, but fail to achieve these goals because of our more primitive coping style that is active. This is the reason why we have the best intentions in the world, but find that we often fall short of the outcomes we desire.

We will return to this dimension until we improved our overall vibration to a level where we can move out of the trap that we currently find ourselves in. We all know that the space shuttle can only escape the awesome law of gravity when it moves at a fast enough speed. We are the same. We are not in this dimension because we pissed off God or because we are up against a Satan character. We got stuck in this dimension because we got so involved in the silly games played in the matrix that we finally believed that we are our bodies and histories. Our vibration levels lost so much momentum that we got stuck in this dimension.

The only way we can escape this zone is to get our vibration levels up again. This can only be achieved when we become pure again. We were blessed with a control panel that shows us the progress we are making. Our progress is mirrored back to us from holographic world that we created for ourselves. Each one of us contributed to the collective hologram called earth. Each one of us experiences this holographic world in our own unique way according to our perceptions and beliefs. We filter everything and everyone through our belief filter system. Your world that you experience is different to the one I live in. The world that we see today is nothing more than the collective beliefs held by society.

Close your eye and first observe how you currently act and react. Do this in the role of an observer. See what you do or fail to do and what implication it produces in your, relationships etc. This is not done to generate guilt or fear. You need to know where you are if you want to get where you want to be. When you finished this cycle open your eyes for a moment. Wait for about ten minutes and then repeat this cycle. You will this time close your eyes and see how you act and react in a more appropriate and effective manner. You can now experience the joy and feeling of satisfaction that this new mindset will bring into your life. My friends it is just as simple as that. Invest ten to twenty minutes daily and rebuild your life. What you see you receive. Don’t view this as some kind of religious cycle. You have been using this method all your life. Everything you currently do or fail to do was registered in your retrieval system in a similar manner. Notice next time you at act or react in a negative and destructive manner how you call in pictures and feelings as well. All we are doing now is overwriting some of the defect data that you have been using since early childhood.



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Posted by on August 30, 2012 in WISDOM


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The most effective way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to adjust your attitude. New software must be downloaded into our subconscious minds.




Many take little notice of motivational or inspirational articles, books or posters. Others in turn scan the horizon for anything that promise to magically turn them into unstoppable  manifestation machines. We have been flooded with so-called inspirational books and material for many years now. It is almost pathetic to notice how authors, some well known and some that never wrote a book in their life before jump on the bandwagon when a new movie or DVD come out and achieve success. A good example of this is when the DVD’s came out with the titles “What the Bleep” and “The Secret”. An avalanche of books, DVD’s and articles suddenly rained down on us like a thunderstorm. Everyone jumped on the idea of manifestation. Deceptive seeds were sown by well intended and not so well intended authors and lecturers that created the impression that you can simply flop down on a comfortable chair and visualise your way to success and affluence. Millions of books and DVD’s were sold world-wide. The “secret” that turned out not to really be a secret became a best seller world-wide. Don’t get me wrong. Both the books mentioned contain powerful material that could turn your life around, but fail to really explain that visualisation must be followed by sustained action if you want to achieve your objectives. The blue print that governs most of your actions and choices is mirrored in the environment around you that you face daily. Many of us slipped into a certain channel early in life. We then simply become a copy machine that churn out the same old attitude and outcomes in the patterns that we live daily. Very few of us make regular attitude adjustment and modify the perceptions that form the main pillars that we built our lives on. We make the same old mistakes and act in the same manner without stopping for a moment to question the validity of our actions and choices. Our attitude towards life in general and our attitude towards our children, friends, politics, race etc. remain the same. The same responds patterns jump into action when triggered. The most effective way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to adjust your attitude. New software must be downloaded into our subconscious minds. What I find amazing is the reluctance we often display when it comes to the modification of mindsets that no longer serve their purpose. We must reinvent ourselves on a daily basis. We cannot desperately hang onto stuff that is busy poisoning our soul. This message might be the best news you received in decades. The reminder that you as an intelligent human being can reinvent yourself, your relationship, career or anything else whenever you want to must be phenomenal news to you. We often fear change, but look around you and you will notice that growth is not possible without change. They say that you need to reserve a place at the funny farm if you believe that you can repeat the same old behaviour and achieve a different outcome.




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Posted by on August 30, 2012 in WISDOM


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Most of us start life deluded and think that we are and will always be surrounded by individuals that will support us and that will be there for us when things fail to materialise as expected.

It is imperative to grasp as early as possible that you must believe in your own integrity, value and ability to make a difference. Most of us start life deluded and think that we are and will always be surrounded by individuals that will support us and that will be there for us when things fail to materialise as expected. Some of us discover early in life that real friends are rarer than virgins in a whore house. We discover that our so-called blood brothers and friends vanish like a fart in a thunder storm when things start going wrong for us. We should teach children that life is not fair and that they will more often than not work like a slave and get little or no rewards. Children must understand that life consist out of an endless range of challenges that will come at them like the waves of the ocean. We cannot give our children a bigger gift than the preparation needed to see things as they are (reality). True champions play to win, but also understand that it is silly to expect to win every time they go out to compete. The key to a long and successful career is fortitude. It is not how hard you get hit, but how many times you bounce back. We must train our children to see failure as stepping stones and not disasters. The biggest curse you can put on a child is to create the impression that everything will turn our ok if they try their best. You might be the best talented player that attempt to get into a team at school and still fail to find your name on the final team list. You may have failed to make the cut because a few other players have parents that make big donations to the school and play golf with the coach. The unprepared child is often destroyed long before he or she leave school. Unprepared children become disillusioned and some of them never recover. Look around you or do some research and you will discover that the real successful players in sport and the business world overcame serious adversity during their journey through life. There will be times in your life where you will face very testing times. You will yearn for support and understanding and discover that there is no one that is brave enough or loyal enough to come to your rescue. It is these critical moments, these dark nights of the soul that bring out the best in those with fortitude, courage and determination. Some of us understand that disaster can strike at any moment. We do not fear setbacks and disasters because we know that we can like so many times before overcome anything. Winners and true champions can get up and immediately start building on a new dream and a more exciting goal. The magic ingredient that so many lack in life is staying power and determination. This is the biggest blessing you can pass onto your children. The best way my friend to do this is to lead by example. Show your children that you are strong and courageous in the face of adversity.


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Posted by on August 30, 2012 in WISDOM


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