Daily Archives: May 22, 2013

Some of us believe that there is nothing we can do about the way our lives unfolded to date.

We gradually sever the chains of fear when we master our apprehensions. How do we overcome our fear? We expose the stuff we fear to scrutiny. 


Many of us are afraid to make changes in our world because we have been trained to fear the unknown. We for example fear retribution by the God perception that our parents etc. hammered into us since early childhood. The priests and the Bible left us with an endless range of examples of individuals that failed to blindly “believe” the dogma presented as truth. We gradually sever the chains of fear when we master our apprehensions. How do we overcome our fear? We expose the stuff we fear to scrutiny. We gather information and expand our knowledge. We become aware of the life that we created for ourselves. Some of us believe that there is nothing we can do about the way our lives unfolded to date. We can wake up and re-create our lives. We can dispel the defective illusions that tainted our lives to date by shining the light of truth into the dark dungeons of our minds. Ignorance crumbles rapidly when it is exposed to applied knowledge.



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Posted by on May 22, 2013 in WISDOM


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The solution is not to attempt try and improve your false self (ego) or the false self (ego) of anyone else.

I am now going to share with you something that very few authors shared with their readers before. Many of the so-called gurus and world renown speakers that wrote a lot more books than me fail to share the ultimate tool with their readers and audiences. It can be ignorance or a lack of insight that cause this oversight or it can even be that they want their readers and audiences to remain reliant on them because it is good for business. Look at the graph of the inner and outer or perfect self before you continue reading my prescription. You will notice that you have the perfect self at your core that is in turn layered by you false (impostor) self. You were pure perfect self at birth. Look at the characteristics that you were programmed with. Now look at the outer layer that envelope your perfect self and study the various characteristics depicted in this layer. You are an extension of God on your arrival, but get exposed to those that either out of habit or fear feels that you need to be domesticated so you can one day like them fit into society. You are conditioned by these enthusiastic programmers with a pain and pleasure method. When you acted as prescribed you were praised and when you fell short of their requirements you were punished physically or mentally. You gradually concluded that you are this defective false self that daily fall short of the hundred and one rules and regulations that they hammered into you. It did not take them long to get you to forget who you are and where you came from. Try as you may you continuously fell short of the requirements. Read the characteristics again and you will see with what flawed perceptions you were left to take on the world. It is impossible for you to improve the false self or the impostor. The impostor cannot become the perfect self. You can read your holy book and pray until you wear out your knees my friend. You can go to the so-called gurus that claim that they can miraculously transform the soiled and defective false self. You might for relative short periods experience an improvement, but will discover that the old false self program will kick in the moment you stop fighting and praying. I am going to state this again. You cannot transform or modify the false self. The false self is not alive like the true self and connected to God. The false self is like a virus that infiltrated your computer. It cannot perform at the level of the perfect self. All it can do is to disrupt all your good intentions with its poison when triggered. The solution is thus not to try and improve your false self or the false self of anyone else. You are attempting the impossible if you sustain this fallacy. Disappointment and guilt will follow you around like a stray dog for as long as you live. You also do not need a savoir my friend. Your real self is already an extension of God and the false self with its pathetic history is nothing more than defective software. Your biggest day since your birth is the day that you grasp what I am sharing with you here. The day you grasp this extremely important lesson is the day that you wake up to you full potential.


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Posted by on May 22, 2013 in WISDOM


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It will be rude not to open a present that someone gave you on your birthday. It will also be rude not to open the gift that your spiritual self offer you.

I mentioned earlier in my previous post that you have a specific mission (calling) that you planned to achieve during your current visit to earth dimension. I often notice how individuals fail to respond on the stream of signals that point towards their calling. It is a major mistake not to answer when your calling cross your path. What many fail to understand is that it might have taken many, many years for your inner self to direct an endless number of events, people and opportunities to a certain vantage point so that you can take possession of your calling. Timing plays a major role when a meeting like this is structured. Your spiritual self must sometimes direct hundreds of events and sustain precise timing on many fronts to guide everything towards your contact point. It is thus imperative that you answer your call when it is set up for you. Missing the appointment because of ignorance or doubt could undo all the hard work and delay a fresh opportunity for months or even years. It will be rude not to open a present that someone gave you on your birthday. It will also be rude not to open the gift that your spiritual self offer you.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not talking about mind blowing inventions or earth shattering major stuff here. I am talking about a desired objective that you set up long before you departed to this dimension. Remember you were without your current body and history at the stage when you decided on this mission. You understood what next step is important for you to grow spiritually. You may have lost your direction while you bounced around in the matrix in your current body, but you have set an alarm that will periodically remind you of your destiny and mission.

They say that there are no coincidences in life. Remain vigilant and ready to take action the next time you get the call. Continue to gain in knowledge and wisdom while you work your way through earth school. Convert as much knowledge into wisdom by applying what you learn on all your day-today activities. Listen with your spiritual ears and look with your spiritual eyes. You must also learn to trust your intuition. You will feel that what you desire is now there for the taking. Do not allow your ego based false self to confuse you or pull the wool over your eyes. Your ego that is nothing more than a cluster of data in your head took on a personality of its own soon after your arrival. You were fooled into believing that you are this illusionary entity. The time has come for you to wake up to who you are and what you are doing here.


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Posted by on May 22, 2013 in WISDOM


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Awareness is power, the more you have it, the more power you have over every area of life.

True learning is about discovering yourself and how you create your life at every level. All mistakes are mistakes of ignorance. Awareness is power, the more you have it, the more power you have over every area of life. Perception is the key to solving all problems. Understanding the problem dissolves the problem.


Awareness is power because awareness gives you choice. Choice is an illusion created by those in control for those who are not. To be in control, you must know. You must understand how things work and know what is going on. You need awareness to make conscious choices.


Awareness is the first step, the second step is change. You should understand what you intend to change and the reasons behind it. Knowledge brings awareness therefore knowledge is power. All of life is a learning experience for you to become all you can be.


Enoch Tan

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Posted by on May 22, 2013 in WISDOM


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Self-validation and internal congruence is where the real battle takes place. Winning over your own heart and mind — not those of others — is what truly makes the difference between an unfulfilled or a purposeful, full life.

The views and opinions of others are a petty tyrant when compared to your opinion of yourself. What you think of yourself is more valuable than any external validation or outward symbol of authority.

Self-validation and internal congruence is where the real battle takes place. Winning over your own heart and mind — not those of others — is what truly makes the difference between an unfulfilled or a purposeful, full life.

But so often we do the exact opposite of what we truly want. We have habits or addictions that hold us back. We have unwanted thought patterns stuck on auto-repeat.

A stop button, unfortunately, isn’t built into the dashboard of our minds. We’re born without a manual, so we have to do the best we can to find our own path.

Here’s the thing…

You Are Born Completely Free

It’s not your fault. You’re not broken. There’s nothing wrong with you. You are born completely free, whole, wild, and beautifully complete. But somewhere along the line an ugly lie gets embedded into your mental software. We start to think that we need to become.

And once we eat that lie, a whole network of contaminated beliefs take root within us. We start to think we need to defend our position. We feel the urge to prove ourselves. We start looking outside for validation because we’re not getting it from ourselves.

Sometimes rebellion is a positive thing. When you’re questioning false-contexts and limiting structures, the results can be highly beneficial. But when you’re rebelling against yourself, you defeat yourself before you even step onto the battlefield.

So how exactly do you reclaim ownership of your mind? What strategies are necessary for winning this battle?

1. Examine the battlefield. The first step is to get a clear picture of the battlefield. You have to know exactly where the insurgents are hidden and where the biggest challenges will be faced. Review your current life situation. Where do you hold yourself back? Where do you defeat yourself before you start? In what ways are you hurtful or insulting to yourself? This might be hard to do. We don’t like to admit that we aren’t doing our best. Remember, it’s not your fault. You didn’t choose to eat the lies; no one in their right mind would choose to accept unhelpful mental patterns. But that doesn’t change the fact that they are there. Accept that they exist so you can do something about it, no matter how difficult it may be.

2. Enroll in mind-training. No fighter can expect to be successful without the proper training and preparation. You can’t expect to be successful at abolishing limitations with an untrained mind. In order to win the battle, you will need to engage in daily mindfulness training. Meditation practice can be one form of this, but there are 23 and 1/2 other hours in the day that we can’t ignore. We must do our best to bring mindfulness into the remainder of our day as well; our relationships with others and with ourselves. We can’t expect to change without awareness.

3. Engage in speciality training. Having a specific art that you can practice as self-development will be invaluable an invaluable tool in your arsenal for uprooting and terminating falsehood. A daily or almost-daily practice is usually best. It might be something personal like mastering the guitar, or it could be a group-endeavour like martial arts. Any way that you can specialize your training to something you’re deeply passionate about, that challenges you to grow, and makes your practice tangible will be incredibly useful in your journey to mind-ownership.

4. Create the proper training environment. You can’t expect to become fit without proper training tools and positive reinforcement. The same is true for reclaiming your mind. The more you can setup your environment to be truth-reinforcing, the more you increase your chances for success. This might mean printing intentions and putting them on a board over your workspace. It could be surrounding your space with things that inspire you, and are symbols of your passions. If you’re a writer and an anthropologist, it might mean having a nice pen and notebook always nearby, a comfortable chair to sit in, a shelf with your favorite books around you, and photos of inspiring discoveries or reports of breakthrough studies. Whatever your practice or art of self-development is, make sure your environment is supportive of your success.

5. Rally your troops. The more you can participate in a community of others in the quest for heart and mind reclamation, the easier it will be for you to stick to your goal. This might be formal, like a weekly mastermind group or meet up. Or it could mean blogging and being involved in a community of others interested in your chosen passion. By participating in a group, you tap into a source of energy greater than you could have accessed on your own.

6. Cultivate mental toughness. The crusade to reclaim your mind is a difficult one. It’s not something that happens overnight. Just when you think you’ve pulled the last weed, another one stubbornly seems to pop up. The fight for your mind is a long-term endeavor. It’s something I’ve been engaged in for much of my life. And while the skirmishes do become less and less frequent, I find there is always another level of training. In order to win, you have to be persistent.

7. Learn the art of fighting without fighting. At some point, you’ll probably realize that the way to stop the war is to stop showing up. If there is nothing to fight against, there can be no fight. Be warned, this will probably make your invisible adversary very angry at first. He will scream louder, abusing you more for your heartless ignorance of his ridicule and criticism. The best thing to do is to accept it and let him tire out. When you face things head on they lose much of their power. With the art of fighting without fighting, you will likely need to use both weapons of artful ignorance and peaceful, non-violent resistance.

Uprooting and putting down insurgent undesired beliefs or thought patterns is the only way to reclaim ownership or your mind. I personally believe that this single, deliberate pursuit is perhaps the most important one you can undertake in your life. Because, ultimately, what this fight comes down to is a cleansing of falsehood and the embodiment of truth. When you live radically in truth, when you unabashedly go with yourself, when there is no internal division, you embrace your own power and potential.

And when you do that, some amazing things start to happen. The pieces of your life seem to just fall into place. You follow your heart and aren’t afraid to pursue your dreams. You realize your potential and hold nothing back. You create something beautiful and inspire others to do the same.





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