Daily Archives: May 24, 2013

Like It or Not – You Are Judged By Your Weight


The first step is to Stop Trying to “Lose” Weight. Research clearly shows that over 95% of people who manage to “lose” weight will gain it all back, and most of them will end up weighing more than when they started.

What you really want is to permanently RELEASE your excess weight – not LOSE it. Think about it! When you lose something, what happens? You go looking for it.

If you “lost” your wallet or your purse you’d go looking for it, wouldn’t you? As you will see, your Subconscious Mind is literal and it knows if you lose something you will consciously or unconsciously try to find it.

What you are about to learn is how to RELEASE the excess weight from your life, once and for all – so you never have to “lose” it again!

Sound good so far? Then read on…

Has This Ever Happened To You?

At some point you consciously make the decision – “I need to lose weight”.

The next step is you find a book, diet, pill, shake or “program” that promises that you will lose the weight want. You read the book, take the pills, shake the shake or join a weight loss program.

After you “lose” some weight, for whatever reason, you decide the diet is over. Slowly but surely you begin to put the weight back on again. The “lost” pounds and inches return. Worse yet, you end up weighing more than you did before you started your diet.

If this has happened to you and you have FAILED at every weight loss program you have ever tried, there must be a reason.

In order to understand the reason, we need to talk about the concept of…

One Brain – Two Minds

Although we all have one brain, we possess two minds or two phases of mind power. One is called the Conscious mind and the other is called the Subconscious mind.

The primary difference between the Conscious and Subconscious is one gives directions and the other follows orders.

Between your Conscious and Subconscious there is a division called the “Critical Factor”. The function of the Critical Factor is very simple. It’s basically to keep things the same. Its primary intention is to make your life easier by rejecting or resisting information that doesn’t match the blueprint you already have inside your Subconscious mind.

This can be tremendously useful when someone tries to persuade you to do something stupid like telling you that you can “Jump off a building and you’ll fly!” But, it’s also very harmful when it keeps you stuck with a belief or habit that is not desirable – such as being overweight.

Here’s how it works…

Let’s say you make a Conscious decision to lose weight. You start your weight loss program or diet. However, because your Subconscious blueprint is not in agreement with your Conscious decision to lose weight, it sets up RESISTANCE. Whenever you have RESISTANCE or a counter-intention between you Conscious and Subconscious mind, your Subconscious will resist your Conscious mind’s instructions. In this case – to lose weight.

The ONLY way to get your Subconscious Mind to agree to release the weight permanently is you MUST bypass the Critical Factor of your Conscious Mind. This cannot be done through “willpower”.

Understanding Your Subconscious Emotional Resistance Factor

Your Subconscious mind ultimately dictates exactly what you weigh…down to the ounce!

The reason for this is your Subconscious is a place where emotions are stored. Emotions are the fuel that drives us.

Your Subconscious is controlled by emotion, not logic.

Logically or consciously you may want to get rid of the excess weight, but on an emotional level your Subconscious is programmed to keep you fat. And even if you “lose” the weight, you will gain it back.

Here is what you need to know…

Over 95% of all weight problems are emotionally driven. What this means is your inability to control your weight has nothing to do with eating too much food, eating the wrong foods or not wanting to do any type exercise.

All of these are the effect, not the cause of your weight problem.

The Cause of Your Inability To Release That Excess Fat is Your SUBCONSCIOUS EMOTIONAL RESISTANCE FACTOR.

People are not fat because they overeat. They overeat because of something else, which is the basis of the Zero Resistance Weight Release Solution® – and it is the key to bringing you back to your ideal weight where you are slender and healthy and not carrying around any excess fat.

You may not be aware of it consciously, but at some emotional level you have made the association that food or being fat makes you feel safe, secure, loved, accepted, comfortable, protected, rewarded, or reduces stress and boredom.
In some way your current weight is emotionally driven.

THE GOOD NEWS is if you remove the emotional “cause”, the physical “effect” will be effortless weight release once and for all.

The difference between the Zero Resistance Weight Release Solution® and every other program is the Zero Resistance Weight Release Solution® focuses on eliminating the RESISTANCE between your Conscious and Subconscious counter-intentions.

Releasing the excess weight is effortless when you get your Subconscious to agree with your Conscious desires.

In order to do this you have to eliminate the dysfunctional beliefs and counter-intentions that are getting in your way. You need to understand what triggers your Subconscious emotional FAT SWITCH and how to turn it off – forever.

If you get this right, the rest is so easy you won’t believe it.

Unless you remove the EMOTIONAL RESISTANCE between your Conscious and Subconscious, no matter how hard you try to get rid of those excess pounds or kilos, you will gain them all back.

Once the EMOTIONAL RESISTANCE FACTOR has been released, your Subconscious will turn off the FAT SWITCH – Forever! This is really exciting because… once the FAT SWITCH is in the “Off” position…

…your Subconscious has no choice but to bring your body back to its ideal weight where you are naturally slender and healthy, because slender and healthy is your NATURAL state.

The Shocking Truth: It is not “Natural” To Be Fat

Now, please come closer, because this is important.

I know this may make you slightly uncomfortable, but your natural state is to have very little body fat – even as you grow older. How do we know this is true? Look back at the photographs of people from 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years ago and notice what you see. Are most of them fat? No! That’s because they were living naturally. Their Subconscious FAT SWITCH was turned off.

Times have changed. Right now Americans are among the fattest people on earth. (And it is “spreading” all over the world!) Over 65% of the population is either overweight or obese. Our cars have gotten bigger. Airlines have to charge more for fuel because of the increased extra weight of passengers. Ambulance stretchers have to be made wider and reinforced. Even the average coffin is now being made larger to accommodate our overweight bodies when we die!

The New Generation “XL”

First we had the Baby Boomers, then we had Generation “X” and then Generation “Y”.

Now we have Generation “XL” – as in Extra Large.

It is sad, but true – this generation is now referred to as the “Extra Large” generation because close to 30% of children and teens in the US are obese. Not overweight, but obese. Almost 42% are overweight. That’s double the percentage of 1980.

We are being socialized and hypnotized that being overweight is “okay” or “normal” and that it is “abnormal” not to be carrying around some extra weight.

The media and marketing companies are doing their best to “normalize” this condition. Clothing companies make larger and larger size cloths. Fast food restaurants are offering “supersized” meals. Now they even have “plus size” models. I am sure we all agree that that “super skinny” models are not normal, but trying to convince us that “plus size” (read overweight) models are normal is another dangerous trend.

If we keep normalizing overweight and accepting it as a way of life, soon 90% of the population will be fat and the hospitals will be filled with fat, sick people with heart attacks and diabetes. No matter how we try to normalize it, it is not NATURAL to be overweight! Period!

Like It or Not – You Are Judged By Your Weight

Here is another reality check. There is a world of research that clearly indicates you will be judged personally and professionally by how much you weigh. Your first impression is recorded and used as a yardstick for all future communication by those whom you meet.

It isn’t fair, but it’s true, people who are overweight communicate that they don’t care about themselves, they are lazy and not in control of their life.

On the other hand, regardless of how fat the rest of the population becomes, people who are not overweight are given preferential treatment whether it comes to business or personal relationships.

By Dr. Robert Anthony

Creator of The Zero Resistance Weight Release Solution



Free Video: Why Diets Fail:
What the Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know!

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THE LAW OF FREE WILL – You are the choice-maker.

You are the choice-maker

You are the only thinker in your mind. This is the most wonderful discovery anyone can ever make. It is the key to freedom—the high road. Because this means that you are the choice-maker. You are the one who decides.

Your ability to choose what you focus your attention on is what makes you a free individual. If you could not think for yourself and choose your focus, you would not be free. But you can, because no one else can get into your mind and think for you. Please think deeply about it—and you will see how truly amazing this is. Yes it is true that people can use force on the outer plane to coerce other people to do or say things, but no one can get into another person’s mind and think for them.

This is what makes us human beings.

This is what makes human life so precious, because we have the ability to be aware and choose our focus—and thus grow and evolve spiritually.

Having free will is our greatest gift and privilege. It is also our greatest challenge!

Why? Because no matter what is happening around you—no matter what—no matter what anyone says or does, you and you alone choose the focus of your attention. No one else can make this choice for you. Only you can do it.

That is why we are the choice-makers.

This choice is our only freedom.

Free will is our only freedom.

And whether we are aware of it or not, we are always exercising this privilege, this freedom because we are always choosing.

So please wake up to the fact that you are choosing right now—and every single minute of every single day.

Nothing else is going on.

And nothing is more important—or more wonderful than this!

So contemplate on this until you fully understand the significance (and power) of free will. Free will is what we are. Free will is our true nature, our essence. Free will is all we have, and fortunately for us, free will is everything!

When you observe what you are doing with this in mind, you will see that this is true. In every moment, you are choosing the focus of your attention. In every situation, you are making a choice. Either you are choosing to focus on the potential and the goodness of a situation or person before you or you are choosing to focus on the limitations and the negative in the situation or person before you. And it’s always like this. From the very smallest, most insignificant events in our lives like standing in line at the supermarket to the so-called big and important events in our personal relationships, careers and on the world stage.

When we understand this, we will also understand why the Wise say it’s all about you—and it’s always all about you. Nothing else is going on but your choice of focus.

You choose your focus and then you get to experience your choice.

It’s as simple as that.

 Learning to choose wisely

This is why it is so important to learn to choose wisely!

Because we get to experience all our choices!


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Ever noticed how some uncannily “lucky” people can almost effortlessly attract good things into their lives? – Why do some people have all the luck?

Why do some people have all the luck?

Ever noticed how some uncannily “lucky” people can almost effortlessly attract good things into their lives? At work, they get all the opportunities. They lead social movements in their communities. They’re spiritual, yet also have a healthy relationship with money. Their relationships are consistently blissful, and they’re always in the pink of health.

But if you’re like most people, life is a mixture of good days and bad days. You may not be poor or sick, but you worry about your money and health a little more often than you’d like. You long for the time and freedom to live life on your own terms. You wish you were better at manifesting your goals.

And so you’ve probably wondered to yourself on more than a few occasions, “what does it take to be one of those lucky people?”

The answer lies in a fascinating phenomenon known as your personal energetic frequency.

An invisible force that shapes your life experience.

The idea that energy or vibrations can influence a person’s reality is nothing new. Throughout history, different cultures have benefitted by tapping into and working with different forms of energy. For thousands of years, the Chinese have practiced Qi Gong and Tai Chi to get their energy moving for health and relaxation.

In India, people have sought after Kundalini energy and awakened it for self-awareness, a deeper understanding of consciousness and the Universe, and pure joy, knowledge, and love.

In Japan, Reiki has healed countless people simply by working with their personal energy fields.

But in recent years, breakthrough scientific studies have taken this belief one step further, by discovering that every person on the planet possesses what is known as a personal energetic frequency—a form of energy that dictates what kind of circumstances and events we will attract into our lives.

Where do you fall on the Scale of Consciousness?

In 2002, psychiatrist and consciousness researcher Dr. David Hawkins published a book called Power vs. Force. In this book he combined the discovery that all atoms and sub atoms are energy with leading research on human awareness.

The result was a scientifically validated doctorate dissertation that proves ALL objects possess energy—energy that vibrates on what is known as the Scale of Consciousness.

How does the scale work? Well imagine you have a scale of 1 to 1,000, with 1,000 being the highest state a human being can attain. If you reach this level you would be an Enlightened Master. At the lowest end of the spectrum is someone who is not thriving at all.

To determine where people are on this scale, Dr. Hawkins used muscle testing and kinesiology. As you can see, heavy emotions like fear, anger or shame vibrate at low frequencies, while feelings like love, joy and peace vibrate at high, uplifting frequencies.

What happens at 500 and above?

Right now, the average level of energy on Earth is around 207—and this is because throughout our lives, we accumulate hidden energy blockages and negative conditioning that holds us back from higher vibrations.

The level we should aim for, however, is 500 and above. 500 is the vibration of love. When you vibrate at this level life becomes drastically different. Love, joy, and abundance are suddenly within your grasp. Pain, stress, and struggle seem to melt away and you become a magnet for what you truly desire.

But here’s where things get even better. Dr. Hawkins has discovered that your energy doesn’t just affect you and your life, it affects those around you too. One person operating at a level of 500 (love) can lift 750,000 other people above 200.

The conclusion? Everyone looking for a happier, more successful and more enlightened life should aim to overcome their energy blockages, and raise their energetic frequency to a level of Love or Above—a theory that many other reputable scientists have since come to support.

By Christie Marie Sheldon, Creator of Love Or Above


 As A Man Thinketh – James Allen 

The Path of Prosperity – James Allen 
The Way of Peace – James Allen 
Book of Daily Meditations – James Allen
From Poverty To Power – James Allen
Morning and Evening Thoughts – James Allen
Above Life’s Turmoil – James Allen
Byways To Blessedness – James Allen


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