Daily Archives: July 3, 2013

You can be brave/confident when you start living in the moment and handle each moment on its own merit.

There is no other characteristic that can provide you with more power and progress than a positive frame of mind and confidence. I am not talking about ego based confidence here. Ego based confidence is nothing more than role playing. Ego based illusions of confidence usually spring a leak when confronted with a serious obstacle. Confidence is an invisible force that supports you and guides you when the shadows of fear cling to you like old stale smoke. Confidence is something deep inside you that allow you to confront any person or situation in a calm and mature manner notwithstanding a strong desire to run for the hills.

When they construct a building they introduce tons and tons of steel into the concrete structure that will support the building when completed. Confidence is something stronger than steel. It is embedded deep inside and assists you to look adversity in the eye while you remain calm and rational.

I used the word rational because a careful search for the reason why many of us lack confidence is that we do not remain rational when we are faced with challenges and obstacles. We allow our minds to manufacture monster movies in our heads that predict horrific outcomes should the perceived threats that we are confronted with gain the upper hand. We see and experience ourselves in a pain producing, helpless and vulnerable state. Our hearts beat like a drum while our subconscious minds send out waves of urgent messages that recommend that we leave the area urgently.

The above reaction is a standard reaction and is described as the “fight or flight” responds. The above describe the flight reaction. Our subconscious mind might on the other hand select a different coping option and instruct you to fight like a wounded tiger. Both these reactions are more often than not irrational and based on a “jump to conclusions” mode of thinking. It is usually nothing more than a cocktail of chemicals dumped into our system. Our ancestors found that they were forced to act decisively when confronted by a tiger or a dinosaur. They were forced to either run like the wind or fight for their lives. We are still stuck with the same mechanism. We still today apply the “fight or flight” mode of operation when we feel threatened. The problem we are faced with is that the world changed and most of our reactions are no longer based on this old and outdated reality.

How can we override these “automatic reaction patterns”?

We must stop living our lives on a reactive basis. We must stop “jumping to conclusions”. We must detach, even if it is for a few seconds from the strong desire to slip into the “fight or flight” mode. How can we take decisive and rational action before we assessed the current perceived threat? This article is about confidence. You can only become confident when you know what you are dealing with. You need to ask questions and gather as much information as you can before you take action. The biggest percentage of the threats that you are confronted with is not even close to the rubbish that your sub-conscious mind dish up for you daily. The reactions you feel is nothing more than a false alarm caused by the pre-programmed reactions that ensured survival to your ancestors. The key is thus not to do or say the first thing that comes to mind. Compose yourself and gather quality information before you take action. You might feel that a confident person will fight the perceived threat or run like the wind. I can assure you that you just learned a top secret used by the real confident individuals and heroes that you admire. Let us look at a few of the other secrets that brave individuals mastered.

Ask the golden question – “What is the worst that can happen?”

Fear of the unknown drain huge volumes of energy out of your system. Most of us want to live in a predictable world. The sooner you understand that life is not fair and will never be predictable the quicker you will master the art of rock solid confidence. Acceptance of the worst case scenario will immediately reduce your stress and anxiety. I am suggesting a true and realistic evaluation of the perceived threat at hand. You must stop wasting valuable energy on a phantom outcome that might never reach maturity. You must take action on the stuff that you have control over and manage the elements that you have less control over. You must accept “what is” and then take decisive action.

Make your own movie that show how you overcome and succeed.

I explained earlier that your sub-conscious mind produce horror movies when you are faced with a perceived challenge. You can use this same powerful method, but produce a movie where you are the hero that slaughter the dragon and gallop away into the sunset, successful and victorious. Your mind does not know the difference between an actual event and something vividly imagined. That is why you act and react the way you do when your sub-conscious mind dish up one of its horror movies for you. Visualise, as often as you can how you manage and overcome the problem or adversity. What you see is what you get. You will find that this method will give you confidence and all the energy you need to stand up to anything that life might throw at you.

You must accept “what is” if you want to be confident and decisive.

The biggest mistake we make is that we fail to accept the reality of the current moment. We leak valuable energy when we play the role of a victim and moan and groan what could or should have been. No progress can be made until we accept what we are dealing with. Accepting the harsh reality of “what is” triggers confidence in most individuals. I have seen many average timid individuals that transformed into confident and decisive problem solvers the moment they accepted reality. They showed leadership abilities that astounded their friends and family. Accepting the worst case scenario and “what is” usually stops us from participating in frantic activities that serves little or no purpose. It might astound you to read that acceptance and non-action is often the way to take control.

Find a role model that inspire you

You will be amazed when you begin to emulate the confident behaviour that you see in individuals that already act and react the way you would like to act in similar circumstances. Take public speaking for example. Most of us fear public speaking and become very tense when we need to address groups. You will find that your confidence get a massive boost when you emulate an outstanding motivational speaker. Become that person for a while when it comes to confidence, but retain your own unique personality.

Use the method – How would I act or react if I knew that I would succeed?

What would you do if you knew before hand that you just cannot fail? I found that the “as if” method is very powerful. You can boost your confidence if you begin to speak, play, act and react “as if” you are outstanding in what you do. Hesitation is a serious deal breaker. Doubt and fear hand your opponents the winning edge. Learn to ask questions. You will be amazed how a question can disarm a person that think he has the upper hand. A simple question like, “What leave you with the impression that your information is correct?” can stun your opponent. Another question like, “Are you sure that the conclusion you made of the matter at hand is factual?” A question that I find extremely powerful is, “How would you feel and deal with this matter if you discovered that you came to the wrong conclusion?” Avoid asking questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” responds. Can you see how questions, any question can change a meaningless argument into a rational conversation?

Ask yourself – “Why am I making such a big deal out of this thing?”

We tend to amplify things when we have an overdose of adrenaline rushing through our system. We become hyper sensitive and over-react on many occasions. We sometimes explode with rage or feel rejected and defeated when someone defaults on a promise or do something that we think minimised our self-image and self-esteem. I can assure you that the biggest percentage of all perceived threats or obstacles vanishes when you stop pumping negative energy into them. The best and most confident thing you can do on many occasions is to do absolutely nothing. Take note of the matter at hand and then if it is not a matter of life or death put it on hold until you have more information or when it becomes more urgent. Look back and you will see that many of the things that you feared turned out ok for you. You are still functional and did well to date. I in fact found that many of the biggest problems that I faced in my life turned out to be the best thing that could ever have happened to me. I learned valuable lessons and moved on.

You must stop talking to yourself in a negative and destructive manner.

We are constantly talking to ourselves. We must not allow our negative and destructive “inner voice” run our show for us. We are in control and must dictate how things will be done. The “inner voice” that causes you so many problems and constantly warns you of impending danger is nothing more than your ego based software. You allowed this silly voice in your head to take on a persona of its own. You even began to believe that it is who you are. What most of us forget is that the voice in our head is nothing more than a cluster of perceptions that we formed since early childhood. Many of the fears expressed by the voice in our heads are nothing more than a perception that we formed when still a child. We cannot let this inner child dictate how we should live our lives today.

Follow the above tips and you will be astounded how your confidence grows in a relative short period of time. You can be brave and confident when you start living in the moment and handle each moment on its own merit.


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Posted by on July 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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Healing Fear and Anxiety through the Subconscious Mind

I am never upset for the reason I think.


This idea, like the preceding one, can be used with any person, situation or event you think is causing you pain. Apply it specifically to whatever you believe is the cause of your upset, using the description of the feeling in whatever term seems accurate to you. The upset may seem to be fear, worry, depression, anxiety, anger, hatred, jealousy or any number of forms, all of which will be perceived as different. This is not true. However, until you learn that form does not matter, each form becomes a proper subject for the exercises for the day. Applying the same idea to each of them separately is the first step in ultimately recognizing they are all the same.

When using the idea for today for a specific perceived cause of an upset in any form, use both the name of the form in which you see the upset, and the cause which you ascribe to it. For example:

I am not angry at ___ for the reason I think.
I am not afraid of ___ for the reason I think.


But again, this should not be substituted for practice periods in which you first search your mind for “sources” of upset in which you believe, and forms of upset which you think result.

In these exercises, more than in the preceding ones, you may find it hard to be indiscriminate, and to avoid giving greater weight to some subjects than to others. It might help to precede the exercises with the statement:

There are no small upsets.
They are all equally disturbing to my peace of mind.


Then examine your mind for whatever is distressing you, regardless of how much or how little you think it is doing so.

You may also find yourself less willing to apply today’s idea to some perceived sources of upset than to others. If this occurs, think first of this:

I cannot keep this form of upset and let the others go.
For the purposes of these exercises, then, I will regard them all as the same.


Then search your mind for no more than a minute or so, and try to identify a number of different forms of upset that are disturbing you, regardless of the relative importance you may give them. Apply the idea for today to each of them, using the name of both the source of the upset as you perceive it, and of the feeling as you experience it. Further examples are:

I am not worried about ___ for the reason I think.
I am not depressed about ___ for the reason I think.


Three or four times during the day is enough.

Workbook Table of Contents


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Posted by on July 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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‘Humans Have Entered a New Stage of Evolution’ – Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking: ‘Humans Have Entered a New Stage of Evolution’

Although It has taken homo sapiens several million years to evolve from the apes the useful information in our DNA has probably changed by only a few million bits. So the rate of biological evolution in humans, Stephen Hawking points out in his Life in the Universe lecture, is about a bit a year.

“By contrast,” Hawking says, “there are about 50,000 new books published in the English language each year, containing of the order of a hundred billion bits of information. Of course, the great majority of this information is garbage, and no use to any form of life. But, even so, the rate at which useful information can be added is millions, if not billions, higher than with DNA.”

This means Hawking says that we have entered a new phase of evolution. “At first, evolution proceeded by natural selection, from random mutations. This Darwinian phase, lasted about three and a half billion years, and produced us, beings who developed language, to exchange information.”

But what distinguishes us from our cave man ancestors is the knowledge that we have accumulated over the last ten thousand years, and particularly, Hawking points out, over the last three hundred.

“I think it is legitimate to take a broader view, and include externally transmitted information, as well as DNA, in the evolution of the human race,” Hawking said.

In the last ten thousand years the human species has been in what Hawking calls, “an external transmission phase,” where the internal record of information, handed down to succeeding generations in DNA, has not changed significantly. “But the external record, in books, and other long lasting forms of storage,” Hawking says, “has grown enormously. Some people would use the term, evolution, only for the internally transmitted genetic material, and would object to it being applied to information handed down externally. But I think that is too narrow a view. We are more than just our genes.”

The time scale for evolution, in the external transmission period, has collapsed to about 50 years, or less.

Meanwhile, Hawking observes, our human brains “with which we process this information have evolved only on the Darwinian time scale, of hundreds of thousands of years. This is beginning to cause problems. In the 18th century, there was said to be a man who had read every book written. But nowadays, if you read one book a day, it would take you about 15,000 years to read through the books in a national Library. By which time, many more books would have been written.”

But we are now entering a new phase, of what Hawking calls “self designed evolution,” in which we will be able to change and improve our DNA. “At first,” he continues “these changes will be confined to the repair of genetic defects, like cystic fibrosis, and muscular dystrophy. These are controlled by single genes, and so are fairly easy to identify, and correct. Other qualities, such as intelligence, are probably controlled by a large number of genes. It will be much more difficult to find them, and work out the relations between them. Nevertheless, I am sure that during the next century, people will discover how to modify both intelligence, and instincts like aggression.”

If the human race manages to redesign itself, to reduce or eliminate the risk of self-destruction, we will probably reach out to the stars and colonize other planets. But this will be done, Hawking believes, with intelligent machines based on mechanical and electronic components, rather than macromolecules, which could eventually replace DNA based life, just as DNA may have replaced an earlier form of life.


By Casey Kazan – Reproduced witht the permission of Mind Power News


Wonderful Example of Evolution


1890 – 1990



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Posted by on July 3, 2013 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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Decide that you are precious to yourself and that you are in charge of treating yourself well.

Self-Help Tips for Improving Your Mood

Decide once and for all that your mood, your sense of balance and well-being are your responsibility.

Decide that you are precious to yourself and that you are in charge of treating yourself wellBE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND.

Decide that you love and honour yourself and repeat this as often as you need during the day.

Decide that every day your first and foremost concern is to help yourself feel a little better, no matter how you have woken up that morning or how you may feel at certain moments during the day.

When you are in a good mood, make a list of the things that please you and make you feel good; refer to your list when you feel down and do one or more of those things.

When you are in a good mood, make a list of people, activities, places, images, experiences, memories that ordinarily make you feel good, refer to your list when you feel down and focus for a few minutes on those uplifting thoughts.

Even if you are at home alone, treat yourself with respect. Do not lounge around in your pyjamas, unkempt, unshaven, etc. Act as if you are expecting someone and be presentable. It will help greatly when you happen to look at yourself in the mirror.

Take care of your environment. Make it as tidy and comfortable as you can. Throw away old newspapers, magazines, junk mail, put your clothes away in your closet, make your bed, make your home an inviting place for you.

If you live alone, having something alive like a plant or a pet really does help you feel that you have some company, and something to go home to. Buy some plants and decorate your home, and consider getting a pet. Even a goldfish is good enough.

Call a friend, or write to a friend. Invite a friend to your home, or to do something together. Have something specific in mind, like going to a movie, or out to dinner, or for drinks. REACH OUT.

If no friend is available and you are feeling bored and frustrated, take yourself out to a movie, or to dinner, or for a drink. A lot of people feel self-conscious about going out alone. Remember that you are in charge of your feelings and feel proud instead that you are doing something good for yourself. DARE!

Go out for a walk, or a drive. Go on, don’t be lazy, don’t put it off, get out of the house and you will certainly be rewarded by the improvement in your mood.

GET IN TOUCH WITH NATURE. As often as you can, visit parks, places with greenery, take short holidays or day trips and get in touch with nature. Enjoy the sounds, the smells, the sights, awaken your senses.

  • Attend a lecture.
  • Go to an art gallery.
  • Go to the theatre and watch a great performance.
  • Play your favourite music, and make sure it’s your favorite uplifting music.
  • Take a long, luxurious bubble-bath.
  • Buy yourself a present, yes, go on, splurge, buy something you have been wanting for a long time.
  • Read an inspiring book, read some poetry, or go out and buy some new books.
  • Cook a gourmet dinner for yourself. Invite someone to share it.
  • Exercise. Doing even some simple exercises at home, by focusing on and energizing your body, you will immediately feel the improvement in your mood.Use your body, awaken your body, enliven your body and your mood will lift. Do some gardening, or some serious housecleaning!
  • Meditate. You don’t have to use any complicated procedures. Just decide to take a break from the negative self-talk going on in your mind. Sit quietly, focus on your breath, tell yourself to relax, and when you do feel completely relaxed lose yourself in a beautiful, relaxing scene like a serene pool, a lush forest, a beautiful beach and stay there as long as you like.

Distract yourself from the condition, topic, person, situation, event that has brought you down. Your first priority is always your balance, your peace of mind.

Avoid dwelling on past hurts and grievances, avoid painting a grim and gloomy picture of the totality of your life. Focus on the present, focus on yourself now, focus only on improving your mood now.

Find things to be thankful for, things to appreciate in yourself, your environment, your job, your friends, your family, your neighborhood, your city.

End each day by remembering to think good, loving thoughts for yourself. Make sure you fall asleep in a sweet mood. This will ensure that you will have pleasant dreams and wake up next morning in a much better mood.

by Ismini Apostoli


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Who is the White race, and where did they come from and the perseptions of – Farrakhan

All these are achievements of the White race, very possibly the greatest race that has ever walked the face of this earth. But who is the White race, and where did they come from?

Broadly speaking there are three main sub divisions within the White race – Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean.


Although these names seem to be referring to geographic places, they did in fact originally mean certain physical types.

The Nordic sub group is recognizable by their tallness, light hair and eye colour and long skull.

The Alpine sub group is recognizable by their shorter stature, round skulls and brown eyes and hair.

The Mediterranean sub group is recognizable by their middle size stature, and their dark eyes and hair. The Mediterranean skull shape can be long or round.

There are other sub groupings of the White Race, but these are generally mixed types – for example the Dinarics (found in Poland especially) who have light hair and eyes but the round skulls of the Alpine – the product of a Nordic – Alpine mix.


When did this broad category of races appear?

Evolutionists would have you believe that the human kind originated in Africa, and as this early man migrated north, so did his pigmentation become light and his eye and hair colour lighter – by evolution of course.

Creationists would have you believe that mankind was created by a God suddenly somewhere in the Middle East.

Both theories are just that – theories, and the archaeological evidence tells quite a different story. The archaeological evidence consists of skeletal remains found at various sites around the world. From these skeletal types we can determine the size and physical features of the people who lived at that time.


What we see is that until about 40,000 or 30,000 years ago there was a race of beings who walked upright – called Homo Erectus. Homo Erectus was a two-legged creature who possessed very low mental faculties. This Homo Erectus is what is commonly known as Neanderthal man. His physical features were a small skull and particularly small cranial – brain – capacity. His arms were longer in relation to his body size that Homo Sapiens, and he was prognathic – a fancy scientific term which means that the forehead slopes back and the teeth stick out significantly – usually further than the furthest point of the nose or the chin.

The evolutionists would have us believe that Homo Sapiens (which is Latin for Wise Man) evolved from Homo Erectus – but of course this is where the evolutionary theory falls flat – there is no conclusive genetic link between Neanderthal man and Homo Sapiens. On the contrary, the archaeological evidence would indicate that at the end of the last great ice age – which may have lasted hundreds of thousands of years and which only finally receded about 40,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens appeared out of the north and swept down through Europe, physically destroying Neanderthal man.


For 20,000 years during this closing ice age – called the Upper Paleolithic period – a term referring only to the type of culture that existed amongst these early Homo Sapiens – our ancestors, the White race’s ancestors, lived as hunter gatherers in Europe.

Their physical remains and artifacts from this time are plentiful – and what is really amazing is how far spread out they were. This first race of people with whom we can claim a genetic affinity, were what is called the proto Nordic racial type – tall, light hair and eyes.

In certain isolated areas in Europe you can still find perfect living examples of this racial type, and they differ only slightly in height from modern day Nordics.

This great proto Nordic race lived in a broad band spanning from Spain right across Europe all the way to central Asia and even to the Pacific rim, where skeletal remains have been found as well.

In Siberia and Asia they were eventually absorbed by the Mongoloid races and the same happened in the Pacific rim – for example the Ainu people of Japan – that society’s highest class – are very clearly crosses of Mongoloids and Whites. They differ so substantially from the rest of the Japanese population that this is visible even to the Western eye.


When this great Ice age finally ended, some of these White hunters became a pastoral people. The first artifacts made from bone and stone date from this period – about 35,000 years ago. With established settlements came developments such as fire, paintings stone blades and the fashioning of animal bones into weapons and tools. Sewing needles were also developed during this period.

Musical instruments also made their appearance- at certain sites in Southern France flutes dating back 27,000 years have been found. A typical settlement would have about 5 to 20 families living together. Coal was also first used as a fuel at about this time.

They fired clay statues in ovens, had bows and arrows (a weapon which first appeared on the scene about 10,000 years ago).

Their greatest failing was that they left no written records of their achievements – only paintings on rock walls.


With the total disappearance of the Ice Age certain biological changes did start to creep into this proto Nordic race. In Southern and Central Europe, a process of an increasing head breadth began to develop which eventually resulted in the Alpine race.

The Mediterranean race also appeared at about this time – also originally of Nordic extraction, it appears as if they developed their own physical characteristics due to long periods of isolation around the Mediterranean basin.

I must stress here that what we today know as “Mediterraneans” are in fact different to these original Mediterraneans. The Mediterraneans commonly referred to today are much darker that the original Mediterraneans. The reason for this difference we will see presently.

The most well preserved example of this age comes from caves in Southern France, called the Azilian culture, after the caves at Mes d’Azil. Here stones were found with what appears to be writing on them dating from this period – but they have never been deciphered and it remains to this day speculation as to what they exactly are.


As climatic conditions improved, so occurred what is called the Neolithic revolution. Again, this is a fancy term indicating only a change in living style. Neolithic means the establishment of farms and crops and even more settled lifestyles.

Although there are isolated examples of proto Nordics having established farms at the beginning of the Neolithic period in Northern Europe, the fact is that the climatic conditions were not ripe for large scale farming. The proto Nordics, Alpines and darker Mediterraneans who were living in the more climatically favourable Middle East were the first to start with large scale farming and settlements. Cereal crops were planted in the Middle east 10,000 years ago.

The cereal grain farmers spread their skills westwards, penetrating central Europe about 8000 years ago – when these crops first started appearing in Italy and the Balkans.


Here we must of course bear in mind that the inhabitants of the Middle East at this period in history were not the same people who inhabit that region now! The Semites and Mongols (who lived further east) were still migrating North and West from ancient homelands in the South and East.

The people who lived in the Middle East at the time we are talking about now were a mixture of proto Nordics, Alpines and Mediterraneans, with Mediterraneans being in the majority. Although they do not predate the Upper Paleothic settlements in Europe – they can most certainly be said to have provided much of the impetus for early White civilization.

Having said that, it was so that almost without fail the leadership elite of these Middle Eastern inhabitants were Nordics. A few examples: the first Egyptian societies were clearly White. The majority of the population were Mediterraneans, while the leadership elite was Nordic. The mummified remains of numerous pharaohs and common folk from the first great Egyptian civilization have these undeniable racial characteristics, while the first written reference to blond hair is made on the wall of the tomb of the pharaoh Cheops – his daughter, Queen Hetep-Heres II, is identified as having blond hair. Cheops was of course the builder of the great Pyramids we still see today outside Cairo.

These racial types dominated in the Middle East for nearly 10,000 years, eventually being displaced and intermingle with massive waves of Semitic and Mongoloid invaders.


The first great White Egyptian civilization was in fact predated by about some 3000 years by the great Sumerian civilization – another population whose racial make up was predominantly Mediterranean with a Nordic ruling elite. This civilization, founded between the two great rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, even built pyramids – called Ziggurats – of their own long before the Egyptians apparently stole the idea from them.

The Sumerian civilization was the first truly literate civilization, and was established as late as 3000 BC – some 5000 years ago. The most famous city state of the Sumerians was Babylon, which later became one of the wonders of the ancient world because of its beautiful hanging gardens.

The first great novel – a recreational work of fiction, was written down in Babylon – The Epic of Gilgamesh (which interestingly enough has as part of its story line the flooding of the world – clearly this was from where the later Hebrew religionists took the idea of Noah’s Ark and the flood.)

The first written law statutes also date from this Sumerian civilization – the Law code of Hammurabi, which dates from 1 760 BC.

A number of other smaller White civilizations sprang up at this time in this region as well, each of them contributing in their own way to the advancement of civilization.

Read more at the link below



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Once you slip into this apathetic mind-set you lose you fight and faith.




What would you say is the main difference between winners and losers? I am sure you can make a mile long list of potential differences. I found that winners see failure and setbacks as temporary while losers view them as long-term or permanent disasters.

Go to any hospital and you will see how even a glimmer of hope can fuel optimism and faith in distraught family members and friends of a very sick patient. This might be a crude example, but explain why so many people can quickly recover from painful setbacks and failures while others fall apart when faced with even the slight discomfort.

The key here is that the winner’s focus on life and view setbacks as part of the game and temporary while the loser sees failure as a potentially permanent disaster. Our natural tendency is to become apathetic when we find ourselves in a real corner or when we are faced with a problem that appears un-defeatable. Once you slip into this apathetic mind-set you lose you fight and faith. Even the smallest setback or problem becomes gigantic in our minds and fill our hearts with doubt and fear.

Winners work hard to avoid this mindset. They never see setbacks or failures as permanent. They know that nothing in life is permanent. I have seen how winners go bankrupt and rise up again to become financial giants a few years later. Why I say “winners” is because they did not allow the apparent disaster to floor them permanently. They learned from their mistakes and jumped back into the arena of life better prepared. If they saw their setback as permanent they would have become struggling beggars at the table of the affluent few. It is a known fact that most successful entrepreneurs boast with at least 3-4 serious failures before the finally hit the jackpot or find something that really works for them.


Winners concentrate on what they know they can do well. If I am built like a beach ball and weigh as much as a small family car it will be extremely stupid if I develop a burning desire to become world one-hundred meter sprint champion. If I struggled with maths since the day I went to school it will be very stupid to enrol myself at university for a degree where maths is vital in the obtainment of my degree.

What some people fail to understand is that they build disappointment into their dreams if they do not become very realistic about their strengths and weaknesses. Most of us are good at certain things and not so good at others. Winners focus on things that they know that they can do well and save themselves a lot of time and frustration. They do not labour under the illusion that you must be a champion in everything you do. If they know they are not good at maths they do not contemplate suicide if they come last in a class of sixty-five. They accept that they are pretty good at certain things and less good in others. Stop setting yourself up for failure. It is a fallacy that you must be perfect in everything you do. You might be world champion material in specific fields or disciplines, why waste your time and energy on things that obviously do not suit you.

I suffered with the fallacy that I must be outstanding at everything I do. I tore myself apart when I failed or fell short of my own and others expectations. I finally came to terms with the undisputable fact that it make much more sense to focus on what I do well and to avoid setting myself up in no-win situations. Stop trying to be perfect in everything you do. You will like most of us mortals shine in certain areas and look quite clumsy in others. You might be a brilliant salesperson, but poor in administrative work. Rather appoint an administrative clerk to manage your office so you can spend even more time at what you are really good at. I wish I understood this principle many years ago. I would have saved myself years of frustration and doubt. You will never find a lion crying his eyes out because he cannot fly like an eagle or swim like a dolphin.


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my life, my love, my story

Dean Baker's Poetry and Songs

A Canadian poet, his poetry & other works

Loving Without Boundaries

A Modern Look At Practicing Consensual Non-monogamy / Polyamory


Ramblings from a disturbed mind ©2013 Cho Wan Yau

Middle-Aged Martial Arts Mom

Loving a crippling compulsion....



Just me being curious

A blog of questions and few answers.

I Dont Want To Talk About It

The Ultimate Paradox: Depression in Sobriety

Shepherd Mulwanda

ICT Research Training and Consultancy,Agriculture for Youth Development.

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma

White Shadows

Story of a white pearl that turned to ashes while waiting for a pheonix to be born inside her !


Trying to make sense of turmoil

Dince's Chronicles

My Personal Blog

Awareness It Self

Quotes for spiritual enjoyment

Doug Does Life

A Creative Monkey On How To Find Your Path In Life.


philo poétique de G à L I B E R

How my heart sings

Mainly poetry illustrated by beautiful photographs and digital art


This site is the bee's knees


Changing Our Mindset is the Imperative and Way Forward


my transformational journey into new light and occasional gushing of mind and heart - Corozal, Belize, CA

Life as Improv

Saying "Yes, and..." to life on the unfolding path to remembering full self.

Total Well-being

blog for

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“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”