Daily Archives: August 7, 2013

The Truth about Depression.


Creativity is akin to insanity, say scientists who have been studying how the mind works.

Brain scans reveal striking similarities in the thought pathways of highly creative people and those with schizophrenia.

Both groups lack important receptors used to filter and direct thought.

It could be this uninhibited processing that allows creative people to “think outside the box”, say experts from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute.

In some people, it leads to mental illness.

But rather than a clear division, experts suspect a continuum, with some people having psychotic traits but few negative symptoms.

Art and suffering

Some of the world’s leading artists, writers and theorists have also had mental illnesses – the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh and American mathematician John Nash (portrayed by Russell Crowe in the film A Beautiful Mind) to name just two.

Creativity is known to be associated with an increased risk of depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Similarly, people who have mental illness in their family have a higher chance of being creative.

Associate Professor Fredrik Ullen believes his findings could help explain why.

He looked at the brain’s dopamine (D2) receptor genes which experts believe govern divergent thought.

He found highly creative people who did well on tests of divergent thought had a lower than expected density of D2 receptors in the thalamus – as do people with schizophrenia.

The thalamus serves as a relay centre, filtering information before it reaches areas of the cortex, which is responsible, amongst other things, for cognition and reasoning.

“Fewer D2 receptors in the thalamus probably means a lower degree of signal filtering, and thus a higher flow of information from the thalamus,” said Professor Ullen.

He believes it is this barrage of uncensored information that ignites the creative spark.

This would explain how highly creative people manage to see unusual connections in problem-solving situations that other people miss.

Schizophrenics share this same ability to make novel associations. But in schizophrenia, it results in bizarre and disturbing thoughts.

UK psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society Mark Millard said the overlap with mental illness might explain the motivation and determination creative people share.

“Creativity is uncomfortable. It is their dissatisfaction with the present that drives them on to make changes.

“Creative people, like those with psychotic illnesses, tend to see the world differently to most. It’s like looking at a shattered mirror. They see the world in a fractured way.

“There is no sense of conventional limitations and you can see this in their work. Take Salvador Dali, for example. He certainly saw the world differently and behaved in a way that some people perceived as very odd.”

He said businesses have already recognised and capitalised on this knowledge.

Some companies have “skunk works” – secure, secret laboratories for their highly creative staff where they can freely experiment without disrupting the daily business.

Chartered psychologist Gary Fitzgibbon says an ability to “suspend disbelief” is one way of looking at creativity.

“When you suspend disbelief you are prepared to believe anything and this opens up the scope for seeing more possibilities.

“Creativity is certainly about not being constrained by rules or accepting the restrictions that society places on us. Of course the more people break the rules, the more likely they are to be perceived as ‘mentally ill’.”

He works as an executive coach helping people to be more creative in their problem solving behaviour and thinking styles.

“The result is typically a significant rise in their well being, so as opposed to creativity being associated with mental illness it becomes associated with good mental health.”

By Michelle Roberts / Source: BBC

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Posted by on August 7, 2013 in WISDOM


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Scientists in US have found a link between aggressive behaviour and sexual arousal.

Many relationships that flush down the toilet have uncontrollable anger in their foundations.

Scientists in US have found a link between aggressive behaviour and sexual arousal.

Violent behaviour in mice has been tracked to neurons within a part of the brain associated with sex.


Researchers discovered that sex and violence are intertwined in mice. A tiny patch of cells buried deep within a male”s brain determines whether it fights or mates, and there is good reason to believe humans possess a similar circuit.


The study shows that when these neurons are quieted, mice ignore intruding males they would otherwise attack.


Yet when the cells are activated, mice assault inanimate objects, and even females they ought to court.


“We really don”t know which part of the brain went wrong in those mice. Consequently it”s tough to make sense of that behaviour,” says Dayu Lin, a neuroscientist now at New York University and an author of the study, who began searching for the seat of aggression in mice while working with David Anderson at the California Institute of Technology inPasadena.


As part of the study, the researchers exposed male mice to consecutive encounters with other intruding male and female mice.


They then examined the brain areas activated by the encounters by labelling brain cells with a fluorescent tag that can distinguish recently active neurons. Surprisingly, neurons within a region called the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) snapped into action during fights – but also during sex.


Perplexed, the team implanted male mice withelectrodes capable of measuring single cells in this area of the brain and watched what happened when mice fought or mated. Most of the neurons fired specifically during sex or bouts of violence, but a handful fired during both of these seemingly opposing behaviours.


The researchers next infected neurons in this region with a virus that inserts a gene that renders them responsive to blue light – a technique called optogenetics. With an optic fibre implanted into the brains of these mice, Lin and Anderson could fire these neurons on command.


When they did so, male mice wasted little time attacking other intruding males. Activating neurons in the aggression centre also provoked assaults on castrated males, whom males would usually ignore, as well as anesthetized animals and even an inflated laboratory glove.


Switching on these neurons also drove males to attack females – but only up to a point. When males first encountered a female, activating the neurons sent them into attack mode. However, if sex had already ensued, the researchers could not elicit the mice to attack.


“It”s kind of in its own world. It doesn”t listen to anything else,” Lin says. However, activating the aggression circuit post-coitus provoked a swift attack on the female.


Quieting the aggression centre also stopped mice from acting on violent urges. Animals expressing a gene in these cells that silences them didn”t attack intruding males, at though their sexual appetites remained.


Lin and Anderson hypothesize that the entanglement of brain circuits involved in sex and violence could help mice to respond appropriately to intruders, whether male or female.


They suggest that the neurons activated by sex suppress the urge to lash out against an unknown female.


The study has been published in Nature today.

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Posted by on August 7, 2013 in WISDOM


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What is the solution? We must work together.

Mouse Frog 01

When flood waters devastated parts of northern India  a mouse hitched a ride to safety on the back of a friendly frog which helped ferried the mouse to the bank. The floods are the result of an annual monsoon season in India.

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Posted by on August 7, 2013 in WISDOM


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Amazing Uses for Baking Soda You’ve Never Thought Of


Do you give much thought about baking soda? Probably not. Other than adding it to recipes to make the batter rise, you probably just let the box sit in your cupboard among your other baking supplies.

But, baking soda, which is also known as Sodium Bicarbonate, is much more than a baking supply. It can actually make your life easier. Not only is baking powder economical to purchase, but it’s also one hundred percent safe and natural to use everywhere around your house!

Let’s look at twenty-five amazing ways you can use baking soda:

In the Bathroom

1. One part baking soda mixed with two parts of ground oatmeal makes a great scrub for your face. Just mix together the two ingredients and add enough water to make a paste. Gently rub the paste onto your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave the facial on for a few minutes. Then, gently remove it with plenty of cool water and a wash cloth. Your face will feel noticeably soft and smooth!

2. Is your skin suffering from a case of Poison Ivy or Sumac? Or, do the kids have Measles or Chicken Pox? Add a half cup of baking soda to a bath tub full of warm water. Soak the entire body. The baking soda will help relieve the itching and irritation. It will also help to soften skin!

3. There are many teeth whitening products on the market today, but the most natural is plain old baking soda. Simply dip your toothbrush into some soda everytime you brush! Not only will it help whiten your teeth, but it will help to clean your breath as well!

Baking soda can also be used to safely clean dentures, partials, and other dental apparatus.

4. You can use baking soda just like a dry cleanser to clean sinks, bath tubs, and toilets. It works especially well on chrome fixtures! It rinses off easily and you don’t have to worry about scratches either.

5. Hairbrushes and combs pick up not only loose hair, but they also get oily. 
Clean yours once a month by soaking them in a solution of warm water and a teaspoon or two of baking soda. Scrub them with a soft brush, if needed, then rinse them with clean water and let them air dry.

6. Is your hair dull and dingy? Maybe you have a build up of shampoo, spray, mousse, and other products in your hair. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in with your shampoo the next time you wash your hair. The soda will remove any build up and leave your hair soft.

In the Kitchen

7. A pan with burnt food in it can be cleaned with less effort if you soak it in baking soda and hot water first.

8. To open up a partially clogged drain, pour a half cup of baking soda into it. Follow this with a cup of vinegar. Allow the solution to bubble for several minutes, then run hot water down the drain.

9. Do you love dried beans, but not the gas and bloating they cause? Sprinkle a teaspoon of baking soda in the water when you soak beans. Oila! No more digestion problems!

10. You don’t need a store-bought cleaner to remove dirt and insecticides from your fresh produce either. Just mix a quarter of a cup of baking soda in a sink full of water. Wash your fruits and vegetables in the solution, then rinse with clean water.

11. Baking soda makes an effective cleaner and deodorizer for your refrigerator too! Sprinkle a little on a damp sponge and clean the inside of the appliance as you normally would. Rinse clean, and see and smell the difference!

12. Your oven is another appliance that baking soda can easily clean and deodorize. Mix some baking soda and enough water to make a paste. Use a sponge 
to spread the paste over the inside of your oven. (Make sure that you don’t touch the element if your stove is electric!) Allow the paste to set undisturbed for several hours. Then, scrub your oven clean!

In the Laundry Room

13. Do you need to use a laundry booster to help get your clothes clean? Then pour in a half cup of baking soda to every washer load of laundry. You can also use baking soda with bleach too. Your laundry will look brighter and smell fresher!

In the Living Room

14. Carpet and cloth-covered furniture make beautiful additions to your house. But, they do tend to hold body odors, pet smells, cigarette smoke, and other unwanted aromas in your home. To freshen your carpet and upholstered furniture, sprinkle them with baking soda. Allow them to sit undisturbed for a half hour or so. Then, simply vacuum the baking soda up.

15. Fireplaces can also help make your home warm and cozy. But, the soot can also give your house yet another unwanted odor. To help freshen up your fireplace, clean the ashes out, then place a bowl of baking soda in it.

In the Bedroom

16. Fill a pair of old socks with baking soda. Tie a knot in the top of each sock. Then, place the socks in a pair of shoes or slippers that you want to deodorize and freshen up!

17. Are there light water rings on your finished wood nightstand? Mix together a paste of baking soda and toothpaste. Dip a soft cloth in the paste and rub the water spots away!

In the Garage

18. A paste made up of baking soda and water will clean and polish the chrome on your vehicles! 
19. A box of baking soda can make an effective extinguisher if a small fire erupts in your garage.

20. Baking soda works better than one of those hanging pine trees in your vehicles. If your vehicle smells musty or smoky, fill up the ashtrays with baking soda. The soda will absorb the odors and effectively freshen the interior.

21. Corroded battery terminals can make your car, truck, van, or SUV refuse to start. Eliminate this problem by periodically cleaning the terminals with a paste made of baking soda and water. Wipe the paste and grunge off with a clean rag.

Elsewhere Around Your House

22. Does the smell of the litter box in your house announce to visitors that you have a cat? If so, you can remedy the problem by starting with a clean box. Then, pour baking soda in it until it’s a couple inches full. Finally, add kitty litter as usual. The soda will help absorb the ammonia smell.

23. Ants in your house? Keep them out by mixing up equal parts of baking soda and salt together. Then, sprinkle the mixture wherever you see the intruders coming in at.

24. Do you need to fill in some nail holes in a plastered wall? If you don’t have any spackling handy, you can simply mix together some white toothpaste and baking soda. Fill the holes in completely, then allow the mixture to dry. If you want to match the wall color, add a drop or two of food coloring to the mix before you use it.

25. And finally, many flowers, fruits, and vegetables need to be planted in acidic soil in order for them to grow to their fullest. If you’re not sure whether the soil in an area is acidic or not, then perform this test: mix up a quarter of a cup of baking soda with two cups of water. Then, stir in a cup of the soil. If the mixture foams up, then the soil is acidic.


Posted by on August 7, 2013 in WISDOM


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Have Scientists Found the ‘Fountain of Youth’ on Easter Island?

Source: Agence France-Presse

A compound found in the soil of Easter Island stunningly boosts the lifespan of mice, enabling some to live more than 100 years old in human terms, researchers reported on Wednesday.

The remarkable molecule, a bacterial byproduct discovered in a sample taken from the remote Pacific archipelago in the 1970s, is called rapamycin, after the island’s Polynesian name of Rapa Nui.

Rapamycin first came to light because of its qualities as a fungus fighter.

It was later used to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients and then became incorporated into “stents” — implants used to keep arteries open in patients with coronary disease. It is now in clinical trials for cancer treatment.

The latest step in this remarkable odyssey is the vision that rapamycin, or something like it, may one day massively boost human life expectancy.

“I’ve been in ageing research for 35 years and there have been many so-called anti-ageing interventions over those years that were never successful,” said Arlan Richardson, director of the Barshop Institute, one of three centres that carried out the experiments.

“I never thought we could find an anti-ageing pill for people in my lifetime. However, rapamycin shows a great deal of promise to do just that.”

Intrigued by findings that suggest rampamycin inhibits an enzyme linked to ageing in invertebrates, the researchers decided to add the drug to the diet of older mice.

The rodents were 20 months old at the time, which in human terms is equivalent to around 60 years of age.

Female mice with rapamycin added to their food lived 13 percent longer on average compared with non-rapamycin counterparts. Males which were fed the drug gained nine percent in their lifetime.

The change was even more striking among the 10 percent of mice that lived longest. Within this group, rapamycin females lived 38 percent longer and rapamycin males 28 percent longer than non-rapamycin counterparts.

Rapamycin may retard ageing processes or the onset of cancer but has no impact on the causes of death itself, the study adds.

The project, reported in the British science journal Nature, is part of a test programme under the US National Institute on Ageing (NIA), which is looking for drugs that will help people remain healthy and active throughout their lives.

Previous work on rapamycin longevity was carried out on yeast, worms and flies. This study is the first to show it also appears to work on mammals.

Scientists have already found that by keeping mice skinny by restricting their diet, they could make the rodents live longer. The theory behind rapamycin is that it works on the same molecular mechanisms as calorie restriction.

Initially, the US researchers hoped to start giving rapamycin to mice from four months of age.

But the project was hit by delays in formulating the drug so that it could enter the specially-bred animals’ bloodstream more effectively.

As a result, the experiment was not started until the mice were 20 months old, but the team decided to press ahead anyway.

“Most reports indicate that calorie restriction doesn’t work when implemented in old animals,” said Richardson.

“The fact that rapamycin increases lifespan in relatively old mice was totally unexpected.”

In a commentary also published by Nature, University of Washington biocehmists Matt Kaeberlein and Brian Kennedy cautioned middle-aged people against rushing to take rapamycin, given that the drug is known to suppress the immune system, which fights invading microbes.

Despite the rush of optimism sparked by rapamycin, “extending human lifespan with a pill remains the purview of science-fiction writers for now,” they said.

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Obsessive pursuit of meaningless goals is a waste of time, money and energy. Being busy does not mean that you are actually effective or productive.

Appreciation is the key to understanding. Only when we learn to appreciate what we have will more value be added to our lives. Gratitude and appreciation are the two most neglected emotions in society today. You can never be happy or achieve peace of mind if you lack these vital components. We are what we feel. What we talk about and the way we cope with life is directly linked to our feelings. We can attempt to fake compassion, joy or gratitude but if it is not linked to our true feelings, it will be visible in our eyes. Our feelings on everything in life drive us to fame and fortune or destruction. Our feelings control our destiny.

A person that lives in a safe, moderate middle of the road manner will never experience true living. How can you appreciate victory if you never tasted defeat? How can you appreciate good food if you never went hungry? Dare to go to the outer perimeters of your comfort zone and discover the true spirit of the pioneer. Flirt with failure and learn what passion is all about.

A wise man counts his blessings everyday. He takes nothing and nobody for granted. He appreciates even the smallest gifts that life favours him with. He appreciates the gift of a beautiful sunset or when a new day is born. He is wise because he never lose his ability to appreciate. Appreciation is the key to understanding. Only when we learn to appreciate what we have will more value be added to our lives.

Gratitude and appreciation are the two most neglected emotions in society today. You can never be happy or achieve piece of mind if you lack these vital components. Continue to believe in yourself even when everything looks bleak or lost. Allow time to pass. The tide will turn. Life has many seasons. It might be winter now, but a warm and wonderful summer is just around the corner. Take stock and appreciate what you have.

During the dark ages, the kings often killed the bearer of bad news. People still today do not appreciate hearing bad news. Do not take it upon yourself to show people on the error of their ways. Your intentions might be pure, but will rarely be appreciated. It is important to remember where you come from if you want to appreciate your current situation.

Most people forget their successes or achievements when they run into problems. They are forever starting over mentally. Learn to appreciate what you have. The man that is never satisfied with his current blessings is driven into high-risk decisions. Pace yourself and measure your worth not with what you lack, but with what you currently have.

A true friend or wonderful partner is often worth more than a million Dollars in the bank. A dedicated spouse or loyal children is often worth more than all the gold in the world. A regular meal is often more important than a fantasy of prosperity. A supportive and dedicated partner is worth more than the thrill of a quick “hit and run” fling.

One way of handling change that is forced on you is to accept a worst-case scenario and then to take any improvement on that as a bonus. Things can only become better once you accepted the worst. You become optimistic if you already accepted death as your potential ultimate outcome. The ultimate warrior accepts that he could die in every battle fought. He thus enjoys and appreciates his victories so much more.

Success is hidden in your heart. Stop looking for it in the wrong places. The same holds true for happiness. Happiness in not when people do as anticipated. It is when you can appreciate what you have until you achieve what you need or dream about. Other people can never make you feel unhappy about anything. You become unhappy when you activate the negative feelings that you feel befitS what happened to you.

The fool expects life to be an ongoing smooth ride. He constantly yearns for a time when his life will be perfect. The wise man accepts that the path of life will always include the bitter and the sweet. He does not tire himself chasing after fantasies of perfection. He makes the best of every given moment. He appreciates life one step at a time.

There is a saying that prophets are often not appreciated in their own land. Do not remain in a territory, a career or a relationship where you are not appreciated. You might be a small fish in a big pond in your own town, but could become a big fish in a small pond when you change your location. You will never again take any person for granted if you want to influence people in a positive manner. Stop looking at friends, family members and even strangers as if they are invisible. Show them that you care and your world will change overnight. Show people that you appreciate even the small things they do for you and they will think you are heaven sent. Feed this neglected emotional zone and become a person that will never be forgotten.

The fool becomes so obsessed with the plight of the less privileged or the needy that they become enslaved by them. Such individuals find it difficult to grasp that they are robbing themselves and their families in an attempt to achieve a “mother Theresa” status in the eyes of the community. If you give to others at your own peril, you are not a saint, but stupid. The takers of life expect you to open up and give your all while they give very little in return.

There are millions of people that parasite on people. They emotionally or financially suck you dry and then abandon you. Give people entry to your heart and mind, but cancel their entry pass when you discover that you are abusing this privilege. Establish what people need if you want to make a fortune. The formula is simple. If you know what a person really desires you can find ways to assist such person to achieve his objectives. If a man urgently wants some water, do not give him bread. If a man wants recognition, do not swear at him.

The formula is quite simple. You will be blessed if you help enough people to achieve their own objectives. Some are blessed with a royal bloodline or status that provides them a head start in life. The less informed attempt to compare his own achievements and status in life to that of the extremely affluent. You may be a spectacular success in your own right, but when you make unfair comparisons, you will end up feeling totally outclassed and like a failure.

The idiot is swept away by the beauty of a woman. Beauty is temporary and can be compared to a one-day flower. Do not let your lust lead you into endless dead-ends. When you discover beauty, compassion and love in one package you are truly blessed. This combination is unfortunately just as rare as diamonds in the street. Many of these so-called beautiful people use their beauty as a tool to gain access to your mind, heart and wallet.

A man that cannot find enough compassion in his heart to forgive is a fool. We all make mistakes, but the fool continues trying to convince everybody that he is flawless. When you master the art of forgiveness you enter a safe harbour and gain peace of mind. Happiness and success is always just one thought away. You should remember when you find it difficult to cope that one thought could change your life. One fresh thought and one new idea can change your life from pain and suffering to success and peace of mind. You are what you think. Your choices that you make on a moment-to-moment basis decide your fate and future. You can never feel or perform better than the ongoing thoughts that you allow to occupy your mind!

Learn to be satisfied with your current position in life until new doors open for you. The less informed never enjoys his journey and constantly postpones his happiness. Obsessive pursuit of meaningless goals is a waste of time, money and energy. Being busy does not mean that you are actually effective or productive. Peace of mind comes to those that know what their goals are, but who enjoys each step of their quest.

Take care of unfinished business as soon as possible. Take care of all your unfinished cycles and gain peace of mind. The fool always has unfinished cycles that haunt and chase him. Peace of mind only comes to those that know how to begin, follow through and conclude things. The fool acts as if there is only one path. Wisdom is to know that all paths ultimately lead nowhere. Something that seems so vital and important today becomes dust in the wind of time.

Real peace of mind is to understand that a path attempted without passion will be difficult to master. Because you understand that all paths lead nowhere you might as well enjoy the journey. The wise man avoids the habit of spending “future earnings” on current impulsive goods. The fool however spends years of “future income” in advance. No peace of mind is possible while you are continuously trying to dig yourself out of a bottomless debt pit.

You will only get peace of mind and begin to really enjoy life when you start living in the “now” and when you allow other people to do the same. Have you ever been with a person that accepts you unconditionally? If you judge people, you are keeping them trapped in the past. How can any person grow and wipe their slate clean if you mentally put him behind mental bars that prevents him from joining you in the “now”?


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Use the following method and power words when you are searching for new ideas or fresh perspectives.


Use the following method and power words when you are searching for new ideas or fresh perspectives. They say that the difference between a rut and the grave is about six feet. Many of us slip into a groove and continue to play out our lives until change is forced on us. Nothing new can be created until you work up enough desire and courage to change something. Everything will stay the same until you change the current recipe.

Creativity comes to those that are not afraid of the unknown. Inventors and innovators dare to go where nobody went before. They think of ways to achieve a specific objective or solve a problem that later seem so logical, but that have been ignored because it challenged the current rules. No progress is possible while you sustain methods and systems that might be outdated and defective.

The golden rule is to remain vigilant for fresh ideas all the time. Most of the biggest inventions came about when someone identified a problem and allowed his mind to come up with a solution. Many of us become passive or panic when they are faced with a potential problem. The innovators love problems and do not view them as barriers. They see them, as wonderful opportunities to improve or create something brand new that will make certain problems go away.

The innovators are responsible for everything that you see when you look out of the window. They saw solutions while the rest of the people remained focused on the problems. Your mind is a powerful computer that is connected to the universal mind. There is an unlimited resource of data stored in the universal mind’s archives. Creative people tap these archives and often come up with amazing inventions. Individuals that are not even connected to a specific industry come up with ideas that stun those that have been working there for years.

Use the following method and power word the next time that you are faced with a problem or barrier. Focus on the situation, problem or obstacle and repeat the power word “create”. This power word will activate a creative process in your mind.

You will soon discover that your mind will begin to search for solutions where it possibly in the past could only dig up hundreds of reasons why something just cannot be done. You will soon find that several options will come to mind when you trigger your inventive power by using the word “create”.

You are a creator in your own right. You have been creating for many years. Look around you and become aware of the many things you created to date. You created your own world and circumstances. Your historical mindset directed what you created in all areas of your life. The choices that you made historically formed the base of what you have today.

You can spend your time creating wonderful innovations or you can waste it creating excuses why certain things cannot be done. Repeat the word “create” the next time that you need a solution to a problem. You will soon discover that you will have several options or combinations of ideas that could assist you to overcome what you are faced with.

The key is to focus on the outcome you desire. The power word “create” will cause creative chemicals to be released by your brain. You will suddenly think solutions and not problems like you have possibly done in the past.

I suggest that you make notes of all ideas that surface after you used the power word “create”. Do not judge what come to mind. You will be able to later use one or a combination of the ideas that surfaced to “create” a solution to the problem. Remember you can use this system to innovate and “create” even when you have no immediate problems that need your urgent attention.

Repeat this power word when you are faced with a problem or challenge that you would like to overcome. Create. Create. Create.

Possible other power words you can use: Solution. Solution. Explore. Explore. Innovate. Innovate.


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