Daily Archives: January 24, 2014

We can almost say that certain individuals rule us from beyond the grave.

Please note that I did not post this to take a position against the subject matter at hand.


I posted this to show that all of us notwithstanding our station in life view life through our perceptions filter that have been programmed into us since early childhood.


Very few of us are brave enough to switch off this filter system and view each individual event untarnished by our histories and stories. We often think that our own ideas, perceptions, belief systems contain the only “truth” and that anything that fail to penetrate this filter system is defective and wrong. It is in a way sad that we grow up and live in a place where we understand, observe and judge everything via often old and outdated perceptions planted in our minds by often ignorant individuals. We can almost say that these individuals that up-loaded our perception and belief systems rule us from beyond the grave. Stop for a moment and come to terms with the facts that each person have created a world for him/herself that is based on his/her belief systems. Can you see why the “truth” is always in the eye of the beholder? 


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Posted by on January 24, 2014 in WISDOM


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Getting married will not make him stop ……..



The fool is under the impression that he can change people. People often change for a relative short period not because they see the error of their ways, but because it seems like a good strategic move to make to achieve a desire objective. The chances of a rotten person making a permanent change are less than a million to one. Accept a person without his history or take note of his history and run for the hills. Getting married will not make him stop drinking, flirting, fighting and will also not make him more caring or responsible. Feeding the rapist will not pacify him. Constantly giving someone money will not make him more productive. We live in a something for nothing world today. Doing as little as you can get away with seems to be a top priority. Using guilt or fear will not change anyone that lacks compassion and empathy. See things as they are my friend.



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A Letter to My Kids!


A Letter to My Kids


Dear Kids,

I’m taking the time to write this to you today, years before there’s a chance that you’ll ever read it.

One of my reasons for doing this is simply because I want to affirm some things that I see you doing and some of the ways you are being before you forget them.

But also, I want to give you an example of how life is a never-ending journey that is filled with shades of gray.

So, although you’re not quite ready to hear me talk about all of the challenges in my life, hopefully what follows will help you understand that no one has it all figured out… even your dad.

And that’s OK.


Part I: Who You Are – What You Want


When I started out in business, I was missing some key ingredients.

I didn’t know much about being an entrepreneur (I had just quit my job and decided to go out on my own. If I teach you right and you decide my suggestion is right for you, hopefully, you’ll never have a job, so this won’t be an issue) and I lacked confidence in myself.

But most importantly, I lacked a clear understanding of who I was and what I wanted.

I don’t blame anyone for that but myself. It was pretty much my way of surviving I imagine. A way to avoid conflict and to ensure that I didn’t ruffle any feathers.

If you don’t shine too brightly, there’s less of a chance of sticking out and calling attention to yourself.

So that’s where I want to begin, with the whole idea of who you are and what you want.

It’s funny that this is even an issue for me at 33, because right now, at your age, you are very, very clear about WHO you are and what you want.

I’m writing to you to tell you never to forget that.

Just a word of warning…

As you grow up, people around you might react to your clarity in a variety of ways.

To some, your ability to be clear and to say exactly what you want will make them uncomfortable. It might make some angry.

Please don’t listen to them. Their lives are the way they are, in part, because they aren’t able to clearly articulate what they want.

This lack of ability creates a lot of suffering in the world.

I will do my best to steer you around it now that I understand how it works.

Two of the keys to living a full life are to understand who you are and to be clear about what you want.

Everything else flows from that.


Part II: How to Become Successful


I used to think that in order to become a successful businessperson, I had to become more like successful business people.

So I read a lot of books about other people.

I read about Carnegie… I read about Bill Gates… I read about Felix Dennis…

The books I read were packed with pages and pages of “how to do it” information and stories of how others became successful.

Little did I know at the time that I was walking in the opposite direction of success.

Instead of learning how to be more like someone else, my focus should have been on learning how to become a more effective version of me.

In business, there’s this idea of the unique selling proposition. In a nutshell, it’s how what you have to offer is different (and therefore better) than anything else out there.

Being you… thinking the way you think… doing things the way you do them… your take on the world….

That’s your USP. It’s built in. Those are your competitive advantages.

But if those are not well developed, because you have not taken the time to develop them, then those differences are hardly noticeable at best, and completely hidden at worst.

This will work against you, because there will be no obvious reason for people and opportunities to flock to you over another.

You will be competing against the herd and your journey will be harder than it needs to be.

So despite what you might read in books, I recommend that you do become a pioneer.

After all, there’s really no other way to be successful as you.

You’re the only one living your life. So you are a pioneer whether or not you like it.

The only question is how effective you’ll be.

How do you measure success?

I can’t tell you that because that’s a decision that only you can make.

For me, success means that I’m a better version of myself today than I was yesterday.

Maybe that will work for you. Maybe not.

I’m probably on a very different journey than you are on, so please figure this out for yourself.

Just listen… you’ll hear the answer.


Part III: Money


You’ll hear a lot of stories about money as you grow up.

Some will say it’s good.

Others will say it’s evil.

Still others will say it’s OK as long as you only have enough… not too much.

Here’s my advice: They’re all lying.

Money has no meaning.

So when you hear people arguing about it… when you hear them say it’s good to have it… when you hear them say it’s bad to have it…

Please just ignore all of them.

They are wrong.

Money is energy. It flows to people who understand it.

It flows away from people who do not.

Don’t listen to the stories about money, just watch what it does and watch how it moves.

Here are facts:

As I write this, money is required to do things in the world.

Want to go to Italy and live there for 6 months?

You need money.

Needing money is not bad…

Needing money is not good…

Needing money just is.

Be OK with that.

But my recommendation is to develop a deep understanding of how it works. That way you can use it as a tool to live your life, instead of being like most people who use up their life working for it.

If you want to create a lot of it… go ahead.

If you want to exist with little of it, that’s your choice.

If you have other plans, pursue them, just don’t forget Part I of my letter.

You see, money isn’t evil.

Wanting money isn’t evil.

Going out of your way to get money isn’t evil.

It’s all a story. Someone else’s story.

The only thing that matters in life is your story. That’s why you’re here.

You’re here to write your own story.


Part IV: Know What You Stand For


In order to attract to yourself the people, the experiences and the opportunities that will make your life full, you have to shine a bright light out into the world.

Its message cannot be mixed, uncertain or unclear.

When the message you send out into the world based on who you are, what you do and what you offer is clear and powerful, you will attract just about anything you want.

But to do that, you have to know what you stand for. Of course, this list will change over time as you grow, but my hunch is that it will not change very much.

Just to give you an example of what I’m talking about, I’m going to give you my list below. Please don’t let any of these items make their way onto your list word for word.

You have your own list to make.

Again, if I’ve done my job well by the time you read this, you’ll already know your list without giving it a whole lot of thought.

What I Stand For

  • I stand for being real. For being who you are no matter what everyone says about it. Being anything else is living a lie. And it will kill you on the inside far before you die on the outside.
  • I stand for looking out for my own best interest. If I choose to help others, that is my choice to make. For helping others is a gift you give, not something you are forced to do.
  • I stand for power. Not the loud strong arm way of acting people see on the outside, but the quiet power that exists on the inside. It’s this power that you use to create anything you want in your life.
  • I stand for taking 100% responsibility for my life. This applies to the good the bad and the ugly. 100% responsibility means no exceptions.
  • I stand for living my life how I choose to live it, provided I do not tread on the freedoms of others’ ability to do the same.

In the end, the best advice I can give you is this:

Be true to who you are and take one step at a time. There’s no rush.

I wish you the best of luck on your journey,




By Jason Leister

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Posted by on January 24, 2014 in WISDOM


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Most of the most brilliant inventions never got past the dream stage because their owners never acted on their inspirations.

To accomplish (1) great things we must not only act (2), but also dream (3), not only plan (4), but also believe (5).

Anatole France


The word accomplish is not always fully understood by people. The word (1) accomplish signifies to finish, complete or bring something to an end. You cannot claim that you accomplished your goal or objective if you do not bring something to a successful conclusion. Most people are excellent at starting things, but the real winners in life understand that without completion there is no reason to celebrate.

You might plant your seeds in the garden of life, but if you fail to follow through you will not reap the fruit of your labour. Everything that is worthwhile accomplishing starts with a dream (3). Most of the wonderful inventions you see around you today started with an idea in the head of someone. When the idea is transformed into a dream it is given the opportunity to materialize. Most people allow their ideas and dreams to die unceremoniously in their heads.

Most of the most brilliant inventions never got past the dream stage because their owners never acted (2) on their inspirations. The best books were never written because the potential authors could not summon up enough courage to write the first page. If you want to make your dreams a reality you need to think up a plan (4) to take it past the dream stage.

Only a few people get past their own negative self-talk. Most people do not have the courage and fortitude to take something through to a successful conclusion. Friends and family are excellent flaw finders, but usually do not have any plans of their own. Most of them resigned themselves to what they call their “fate” in life and know that they will remain just a face in the crowd of faceless mediocre people.

When you listen to the fainthearted you will become one of their clan. You will see danger and failure in every shadow. It takes courage and lots of faith in your ideas, dreams and plans if you want to take them through to a successful conclusion. You must believe (5) if you want to achieve. You must not allow negative thinkers to shoot down your plans and goals.


They say faith can move mountains. When you really believe in your mission you will overcome all obstacles that attempt to prevent you from achieving your objectives.




You are the creator of your own successes and failures. The choices that you make will lead you toward or away from your goals and dreams. The cowards are afraid to act because they fear failure. The winners accept that failure is not a destination, but simply a part of the process. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without serious effort and painful failures. All that failure indicates to you is that you still need to make a few modifications to your plan. Failures expect their plans to work without a hitch and fall apart if the don’t. Winners expect setbacks and do not allow them to deflate their initial passion and commitment. Winners do not allow the negative comments of friends and enemies to dismantle their dreams and plans.

If you have been walking around for years with a good idea in your head, now may be a good time to activate some serious action to make it a reality. I do not claim that it will be easy or that all your dreams will become a reality, but why not give some of them your best shot? How would you feel if you read in a magazine or newspaper, that someone else made millions with a similar idea than the one you have allowed to hibernate in your mind?


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Most abused sons and daughters swallow their bitterness and disgust and play-act the role of the caring son or daughter.



Herbert Bayard Swope

There is an inherent thing in most of us that often leads to our downfall. Most of us have this strong desire to be loved, respected and supported by everybody. During our formative years we usually do our level best to “win” the approval of those that have dominance over us. We soon learn that the intelligent thing to do is to remain on the “good side” of individuals like our (father, mother or teachers). We soon learn how to navigate activities in such a way that our “controllers” would approve of us. Approval meant the good stuff and disapprovals usually lead to pain and isolation.

Look around you and identify some of the things you still do to avoid potential conflicts or win the approval of people that are in an authority position over you. You will never walk up to your boss and tell him or her that you think he or she is a spineless peace of garbage. Most people will tolerate their boss’s tantrums and childish behaviour because they know that he is the one that is signing their pay cheque at the end of each month.

You will not go up to your father and tell him that he will only get your respect if he earns it. Most abused sons and daughters swallow their bitterness and disgust and play-act the role of the caring son or daughter or stay out of his way as much as possible.

You do not tell a police officer that it is obvious to you that he is an idiot and would not be able to find a chicken in a chicken pen even if his life depended on it. Most people try their best to win the approval of the people that they associate with. Most of us understand this “pecking order” thing and attempt not to get the individuals higher up in the pecking order to get upset with us.

We often preach to our children that we want honesty from them, but fail to be a good example ourselves. The children hear how their parents often moan about how the boss is always taking advantage of them at work, but also see and hear how they grovel when he or she comes for a visit or when they speak to him on the phone.




Life is not a popularity contest. You must retain your dignity and self-esteem at all times. You are not in the army and not a soldier that must obey all commands. There is no need to change into a rebel or a person that always swims upstream, but you can demand that others always treat you with respect.

Even when you made a mistake you still do not have to stand for the abuse of a person that is possibly taking advantage of your error. Even when you made a major mistake, it still does not give any person the right to shred your self-image and self-esteem. Remember people treat you the way you allow them to treat you.

If you mentally assume the “begging position” when you are faced with a person in a “power position” he or she will wipe the floors with you. Remember that you will never please all the people all the time. Some will love you and some will hate you even if you could walk on water.

It is a fallacy to think that you can win the approval of everybody that you meet. The most successful way to destroy your self-esteem is to attempt to win or retain the favour of everybody that you meet, work or live with.


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A man from another reality shows up in Tokyo’s airport


A man from another reality shows up in Tokyo’s airport


A curious incident took place in Tokyo, Japan during the early 1990s: a man arrived on a flight with a passport from a non-existent country.

The man expressed anger and shock when Japanese customs officials detained him. Although the officials checked their records carefully, the passport had been issued by a country that did not exist. No record showed the country had ever existed.

Although passports exist issued by non-existent countries (known as camouflage passports), this passport was real and had custom officials’ stamps on various pages including stamps by Japanese customs officials from previous visits.

The man was well-traveled, caucasian, said the country was in Europe and had existed for almost 1,000 years. He carried legal currency from several European countries, an international drivers license and spoke several languages.

Finally, indignant, he demanded a meeting with higher government authorities. He was convinced some massive practical joke was being played on him.

After being detained for almost 14 hours in a small security room at the airport terminal, some government officials took pity on him and transported him to a hotel. They ordered the mystery visitor to wait there until they decided what to do about the matter. From the reports, the Japanese were just as confused and flustered as the mysterious man without a country.

Although two immigration officials were posted with instructions not to permit the man to leave his room, the next morning the guards discovered he was gone. The only exit was the door they watched and the only window had no outside ledge and was 15 stories above a busy downtown street.

The authorities launched an intensive manhunt throughout Tokyo for the mysterious traveler, but finally gave up the hunt.


The professor’s drive into oblivion

Inexplicata relates a story that is like Lerina’s, except from the opposite point of view.

The original account was written by journalist Segundo Peña and published in one of Venezuela’s biggest newspapers, El Tiempo.

Peña relates a strange tale that smacks heavily of a multiverse shift. The incident occurred on the campus of ULA (the University of the Andes) and involved a well-known faculty member.

This is what happened in full daylight, according to dozens of witnesses: the professor left one of the university’s buildings, crossed a parking lot to his parked car, and entered it. Many saw him as he walked to his car, some even called out to him and waved.

The professor opened his car door, climbed in, sat down, and closed the door. The car sat there unmoving. Eventually, a few curious students went to the car and found it empty.

The professor had vanished, presumably for good, as the incident occurred more than 40 years ago.

Can such things be explained?

There is no orthodox scientific explanation for any of the incidents described, unless one looks at the leading edge of scientific speculation.

Exploring that dimly lit boundary between knowledge and myth—between the known and the unknown—the answer may be found.

People who appear and disappear may not be snatched up by rogue ripples of time, but by anomalies in the fabric of the shifting, living multiverse.

Some quantum physicists theorize that existence is populated by infinite universes infinitely created. Each universe is like an infinite bubble birthing new universes—new limitless bubbles. Time does not exist. Instead everything is an eternity of now.

In the world of the quanta—which encompases all that is—the multiverses are vibrating at different rates and some parallel worlds literally overlap ours.

Physicists also have had glimpses into these other realties during experiments where sub-atomic particles have winked out of existence and then reappeared. Whether they’re jumping dimensions, or actually traveling between multiverses, no one knows.

Finally, quantum theory and string theory recognize a symbiotic relationship between cognitive awareness and the universe. In essence, a universe cannot really exist unless a mind perceives it. The mind influences the quanta and the quanta influences (perhaps even programs) the mind. It’s a two way street.


So now what would happen if that quantum link between the quantum universe and the quantum mind were broken—even briefly?

Would the person become like a ship that lost its anchor—in this case an anchor to the universe? Could a person slip from this reality into one right “next door” to our universe? If so, would there be an exchange trading one version of a person for another, sort of a universal-multiverse swap? Or, as in the case of the hapless lost professor, would a person simply vanish with no counterweight replacing him or her from an adjoining reality?

Time would be unaffected, and the two parallel universes would be so symmetrical that only minor things may be different.

Yes, minor things like a lover that no longer exists or a sister who never had surgery…

Terrance Aym is the author of ‘Mysteries of the Multiverse: 25 True Stories from Time and Space’

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