Daily Archives: October 16, 2015

Do you really want to be happy? Do you deserve to be happy?


I will ask you a simple question…

Do You Want to Be Happy?

Really, think about it. Do you really want to be happy? Do you deserve to be happy? Are you doing everything in your power to be happy?

Or do you think happiness is something for the wealthy, the good-looking, royalty, and the spiritually advanced?

Well, guess again. I have developed the perfect way for you to be happy. It’s called The 30-Second Happiness Miracle.

But first, If you think happiness is not for you then stop reading this report right now. You might not be ready for this powerful technique. But if you are ready for happiness, then read on.

Being Happy

From the beginning of human history we have been searching for happiness. Most of our daily functions and overall desires all revolve around “being happy.” Being satisfied is a key goal in our current “materialistic society.”

But something that the spiritually advanced noticed quickly was that everything material is impermanent. Like beauty fades, and youth withers away, so does everything material. So happiness cannot depend on the material.

So as this revelation was made clearer, many ancient traditions focused on the opposite, the spiritual. And thus, if you begin studying ancient texts and modern sciences, you’ll notice their complexity. The more you learn the more you get confused. Eventually, the main goal, happiness (or personal contentment), is lost in the haze.

Some, the very adept, are able to reach that state of pure happiness through spiritual ascension, via ascetic practices. Going on retreat to the middle of nowhere and living in a monastery devoid of life’s simple pleasures, does not seem like a practical option for a normal human being living in the 21st Century. For us, the normal human beings, spiritual ascension is a goal we might want but not at the expense of “living life to the fullest.”

For most of us, our time is our most precious commodity. We love to live life in the moment and we enjoy life more when we are in action. We like doing, evolving, learning, interacting, being, moving; this is who we are.

Sitting in a room quietly for thirty minutes, then thrusting yourself into this hectic city-world and thinking everything is going to be perfect is not a realistic view of life. Plus, with bills, spouses, bosses, coworkers, offspring, and other obstacles, one needs a “real world” approach to this fast-paced life.

So we come to this statement:

More important than spiritual ascension is personal contentment.

Only with personal contentment can you ascend spiritually. Personal contentment does not mean material or sensory satisfaction. Personal contentment means to be truly happy with yourself right here and now.

From this state of personal contentment EVERYTHING is possible. Personal contentment brings peace of mind. That’s why I have developed the 30-second Happiness Miracle. Based on ancient philosophies and good old common sense, it’s the perfect solution for 21st Century fast-paced life.

This technique will put you in a state of contentment, guaranteed. Just like 1 + 1 = 2, following these instructions cannot fail.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions a human being can experience. It alone can put you in a state of Bliss (contentment). A grateful mind is a content mind. A grateful mind needs nothing. When you are in a state of Gratitude, peace and overall contentment follows.

So from this we can say that…

Gratitude = contentment = True Happiness (Bliss)

Another key point about gratitude is that when FOCUSED, it becomes an extremely powerful energy source that releases Bliss at any time. So with the power of GBM you can turn a bad moment into a great one!

Shall your lives be filled with Gratitude, Joy, and Bliss!


By Urayoan Paz, Author of
The 30-Second Happiness Miracle


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Posted by on October 16, 2015 in WISDOM



Sex is power, sex is a tool, sex is something a woman holds on to in order to control a relationship.


Being older and more mature does not remove your beauty and ability to experience the joy of sensuality. Age can be your mental jail or paradise. Why not decide TODAY, right NOW that you will LIVE until you DIE?


My colleague Emma Wall has written today about how she believes first-date sex makes men think of women as slutty. I couldn’t disagree more with her piece. Her flatmate, the pseudonymous but supposedly modern and well-mannered ‘Tom’ secretly believes that women who have sex on a first date are ‘a little bit slutty’ and he ‘wouldn’t make them [his] girlfriend’. Far from indicating a sad truth about the relationship between men and women, this indicates only one thing: ‘Tom’ is an idiot.

An informal survey of Emma’s friends on Facebook led her to believe further that women who don’t impose an arbitrary period of abstinence on new partners are seen as easy, unchallenging, unrespectable and, in one particularly charming response, ‘shit’. Here we can draw a wider conclusion but it’s still not about men and women. It’s that Emma needs some new friends.

Those in favour of waiting who style themselves as romantics are little better. One said: ‘Sex is always better with someone you like or have feelings for, so that more positive experience of the first time together can surely only help. A woman needs to hold on to that power for as long as possible and use it as a tool to keep him interested until he starts to develop feelings for her.’ Sex is power, sex is a tool, sex is something a woman holds on to in order to control a relationship. These people need help.

When psychologists weigh in, unfortunately, they only compound the problem. Dr Wendy Walsh, author of the ludicrous-sounding ‘30 Day Love Detox’ warns: ‘The more previous sexual partners a man has, the more likely he is to quickly perceive diminished attractiveness in a woman after first intercourse. First-date sex doesn’t lead to love for men. If the guy is a player, first-date sex more often leads to distain for a woman.’ If you can find a clearer case of mistaking an effect for a cause, I’d like to see it. Perhaps, Dr Walsh, men who quickly perceive diminished attractiveness in their girlfriends are more likely to seek out new ones, and are therefore likely to have a greater number of partners.

The entertainment industry does little to help. This idea that men assess women on their willingness to put out early in a relationship is a trope of romantic fiction and agony columns with little or no basis in reality. It’s something for characters in Sex and the City to agonise over, like the price of designer shoes, or for provocative male talk show hosts (I’m talking about you, Rush Limbaugh) to score some easy controversy points with.

Some men make judgments about some women. It might be about their decision to have sex soon after meeting a new partner, or the things they’re prepared to do in bed, the way they dress, their taste in jewellery, or a thousand other things. These men have their own problems and can be ignored. The majority of men, I’ve found, are rather pleased when they find a woman who wants to have sex.

Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m out of touch. I’ve been away from first dates for almost twenty years but I despair for single people, especially men, if attitudes have changed so much in favour of this ridiculous puritanical oppositional game. Legends and sluts? No. Men and women.



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Posted by on October 16, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM



Let us rethink SEXUAL PLEASURE. Pleasure does not have to be earned/given as a reward.




All to often I talk with women who just “aren’t feelin’ it” anymore (or maybe they never have) in the bedroom. Over time, women who are not getting sexually turned-on with their partners will find themselves in one of these three camps:

1. You’ve stopped making love with your partner. Sex rarely occurs, and if it does it’s only because your partner initiates. However, your partner rarely initiates anymore because he’s experienced a history of painful rejection (note: her lack of enthusiasm for sex is interpreted as rejection). Couples may continue to co-exist as roommates, but the vital sexual connection between them is lost.

2. You are willing to go through the motions of having sex, but you’re not really enjoying making love. You feel more like a shell during intercourse, not really experiencing pleasurable sensations, and waiting for him to finish… hoping it will be soon. You are willing to have sex because you understand it’s important to your partner and you want to meet your partner’s sexual needs, however you’re not really enjoying it. The reason you’re not enjoying sex is because sex has become another task on your to-do list, it feels like an obligation to take care of someone else’s needs. While this low quality sex is helpful, it is far from optimal, and can undermine your relationship overtime as resentment builds when your needs remain unmet.

3. You “fake it”. You pretend like you’re having the time of your life, giving him what you think he wants… moaning, shouting, grinding and even flipping your hair around if you’re really good. Then you’ll give him a clear signal that you have reached an orgasm (when inside yourself, you know you haven’t) to finish things up, but it’s all an act. You’re mimicking what you’ve have seen in porn movies, or trying to be what you think your partner wants you to be for him. Again trying to please your partner with no connection to your authentic sensual self. Like in case #2, you care about pleasing your partner, but inside you’re not really feelin’ it.

All three of the above approaches are responses to the same problem: low sexual fulfillment. Low sexual fulfillment means that sex isn’t very enjoyable for you. You don’t see what all the fuss is about. You could take it or leave it, but preferably leave it because you might as well be reading a good book, folding laundry or catching some extra ZZZ’s.

The REAL problem is NOT that you don’t enjoy sex; it is that you have not learned HOW to relax and receive pleasure (with no strings attached).


Give yourself permission to slow down and relax, even if it means the kitchen floor remains un-swept. Relaxation begins with valuing yourself enough to allow yourself to be as you are. Once you’ve given yourself permission, recognize that relaxing is a skill that is LEARNED by practicing. With our multitasking tendencies, relaxing is a conscious choice. Make the choice to practice daily. And those of you proclaiming, “I don’t have time to relax”, need it the most.

Relaxing just takes a moment, because it’s simply a way of being present in your body. Focusing on your breathing releases tension and lowers your heart rate. Play is another great way to relax, find things to laugh about daily. For a more formal practice, take a yoga class that offers meditation. And if all else fails, there’s always merlot!



Most of us are taught to associate receiving pleasure with shame or guilt. We think that pleasure must be earned, bought or acquired as a reward for our tireless efforts. Without realizing it most of us learn to associate female sexual pleasure (women enjoying sex) with being “slutty” or immoral. After all, how many of us have ever witnessed women enjoying sex who wasn’t a porn star? Hmmm.

So let’s rethink sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is a gift that is freely given to humankind to enrich our lives. Pleasure does not have to be earned or given by someone else. Pleasure is free. Pleasure is simply enjoying ALL of the wonderful sensations that can be experienced through the body and spirit. The ability to feel, taste, smell, touch, and hear are all avenues for pleasure.



Your relationship changes the instant you change. So, the next time you decide to become sexually intimate, take a moment to clear your mind with some deep, slow breaths. Become completely present in your body, release any stress, and allow yourself to completely forget about your daily “to-do” list. Now, give yourself permission to receive pleasure. Tell your partner what feels good with sounds, words and smiles. Or better yet, show your partner how you like to be touched. Guide his hand where you want it. If you’re not certain where and how you like to experience sexual pleasure, start by exploring your own body alone. Read Goddess my Guide article “How to use a vibrator.”

There is nothing to feel shameful or guilty about. Only good things come to the women and couples who use sensual aids. In fact, women who use vibrators experience many benefits that non-users do not, including greater sexual health, more fulfilling sexual relationships, less anxiety, increased sexual self-confidence and higher libido. Vibrators can be easily incorporated into lovemaking with your partner; in the same way you might use lingerie or music to enhance the experience. For help with introducing a sex toy into your relationship read my Goddess Guide article “How to introduce a vibrator into my relationship.”

It’s never too late! Simply give yourself permission to enjoy receiving pleasurable sensations during sex in much the same way as you might enjoy a rich, smooth, chilled piece of cheesecake or hearing your 4-year-old laugh uncontrollably at an episode of Sponge Bob. Life is rich with pleasure, add more sexual pleasure to your life and watch yourself and your relationship blossom!


By Isa Jones of

What Women See vs. What Men See

Read and View More!
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Posted by on October 16, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM



“My Life List.” – These three WORDS (When Applied) can change your life overnight.


One rainy afternoon an inspired 15-year old boy named John Goddard sat down at his kitchen table in Los Angeles and wrote three words at the top of a yellow pad, “My Life List.” Under that heading he wrote down 127 goals.

These were not simple or easy goals. They included climbing the world’s major mountains, exploring from source to mouth the longest rivers of the world, piloting the world’s fastest aircraft, running a mile in five minutes and reading the entire Encyclopedia Britannica.

Now, a generation later, he has accomplished 109 of these quests, and has logged an impressive list of records in achieving them.


My Life List, By John Goddard 
(* marks accomplished goals)


1. * Nile River 
2. * Amazon River 
3. * Congo River 
4. * Colorado River 
5. Yangtze River, China 
6. Niger River 
7. Orinoco River, Venezuela 
8. * Rio Coco, Nicaragua



9. * The Congo 
10. * New Guinea 
11. * Brazil 
12. * Borneo 
13. * The Sudan (nearly buried alive in a sandstorm) 
14. * Australia 
15. * Kenya 
16. * The Philippines 
17. * Tanganyika (Now Tanzania) 
18. * Ethiopia 
19. * Nigeria 
20. * Alaska



21. Mt. Everest 
22. Mt. Aconcagua, Argentina 
23. Mt. McKinley 
24. * Mt. Hauscaran, Peru 
25. * Mt. Kilimanjaro 
26. * Mt. Ararat, Turkey 
27. * Mt. Kenya 
28. Mt. Cook, New Zealand 
29. * Mt. Popocatepetl, Mexico 
30. * The Matterhorn 
31. * Mt. Rainier 
32. * Mt. Fuji 
33. * Mt. Vesuvius 
34. * Mt. Bromo, Java 
35. * Grand Tetons 
36. * Mt. Baldy, California
37.Carry out careers in medicine and exploration 
38. Visit every country in the world (30 to go) 
39. * Study Navaho and Hopi Indians 
40. * Learn to fly a plane 
41. * Ride horse in Rose Parade



42. * Iguacu Falls, Brazil 
43. * Victoria Falls, Rhodesia (Chased by a warthog in the process) 
44. * Sutherland Falls, New Zealand 
45. * Yosemite Falls 
46. * Niagara Falls 
47. * Retrace travels of Marco Polo and Alexander the Great




48. * Coral reefs of Florida 
49. * Great Barrier Reef, Australia (photographed a 300-pound clam) 
50. * Red Sea 
51. * Fiji Islands 
52. * The Bahamas 
53. * Explore Okefenokee Swamp and the Everglades



54. North and South Poles 
55. * Great Wall of China 
56. * Panama and Suez Canals 
57. * Easter Island 
58. * The Galapagos Islands 
59. * Vatican City (saw the Pope) 
60. * The Taj Mahal 
61. * The Eiffel Tower 
62. * The Blue Grotto 
63. * The Tower of London 
64. * The Leaning Tower of Pisa 
65. * The Sacred Well of Chichen-Itza, Mexico 
66. * Climb Ayers Rock in Australia 
67. Follow River Jordan from Sea of Galilee to Dead Sea



68. * Lake Victoria 
69. * Lake Superior 
70. * Lake Tanganyika 
71. * Lake Titicaca, S. America 
72. * Lake Nicaragua




73. * Become an Eagle Scout 
74. * Dive in a submarine 
75. * Land on and take of from an aircraft carrier 
76. * Fly in a blimp, balloon and glider 
77. * Ride an elephant, camel, ostrich and bronco 
78. * Skin dive to 40 feet and hold breath two and a half minutes underwater. 
79. * Catch a ten-pound lobster and a ten-inch abalone 
80. * Play flute and violin 
81. * Type 50 words a minute 
82. * Make a parachute jump 
83. * Learn water and snow skiing 
84. * Go on a church mission 
85. * Follow the John Muir trail 
86. * Study native medicines and bring back useful ones 
87. * Bag camera trophies of elephant, lion, rhino, cheetah, buffalo and whale 
88. * Learn to fence 
89. * Learn jujitsu 
90. * Teach a college course 
91. * Watch a cremation ceremony in Bali 
92. * Explore depths of the sea 
93. Appear in a Tarzan movie (he now considers this an irrelevant boyhood dream) 
94. Own a horse, chimpanzee, cheetah, ocelot, and coyote (yet to own a chimp or cheetah) 
95. Become a ham radio operator 
96. * Build own telescope 
97. * Write a book (On Nile trip) 
98. * Publish an article in National Geographic Magazine 
99. * High jump five feet 
100. * Broad jump 15 feet 
101. * Run mile in five minutes 
102. * Weigh 175 pounds stripped (still does) 
103. * Perform 200 sit-ups and 20 pull-ups 
104. * Learn French, Spanish and Arabic 
105. Study dragon lizards on Komodo Island (Boat broke down within 20 miles of island) 
106. * Visit birthplace of Grandfather Sorenson in Denmark 
107. * Visit birthplace of Grandfather Goddard in England 
108 * Ship aboard a freighter as a seaman 
109. Read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica (has read extensive parts in each volume) 
110. * Read the Bible from cover to cover 
111.* Read the works of Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, Dickens, Thoreau, Rousseau, Conrad, Hemingway, Twain, Burroughs, Talmage, Tolstoi, Longfellow, Keats, Poe, Bacon, Whittier, and Emerson (not every work of each) 
112.* Become familiar with the compositions of Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, Ibert, Mendelssohn, Lalo, Liszt, Rimski-Korsakov, Respighi, Rachmaninoff, Paganini, Stravinsky, Toch, Tschaikosvsky, Verdi 
113.* Become proficient in the use of a plane, motorcycle, tractor, surfboard, rifle, pistol, canoe, microscope, football, basketball, bow and arrow, lariat and boomerang 
114. * Compose music 
115. * Play Clair de Lune on the piano 
116. * Watch fire-walking ceremony (In Bali and Surinam) 
117. * Milk a poisonous snake (bitten by diamondback during photo session) 
118. * Light a match with .22 rifle 
119. * Visit a movie studio 
120. * Climb Cheops’ pyramid 
121. * Become a member of the Explorer’s Club and the Adventure’s Club 
122. * Learn to play polo 
123. * Travel through the Grand Canyon on foot and by boat 
124. * Circumnavigate the globe (four times) 
125. Visit the moon (“Someday, if God wills”) 
126. * Marry and have children (has five children) 
127. * Live to see the 21st century


John Goddard is the author of The Survivor
His website is at


Making and Working with a “TO DO” LIST daily will turn your life around. The results you achieve daily will motivate you to also make a “Life To Do List”.



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Posted by on October 16, 2015 in WISDOM



“Sanitizer Alert” – Hand Washing/Sanitizers can create a false sense of security.




Frequent hand washing, along with the use of effective sanitizer, is important for staying healthy. However, some studies have recently found that the use of sanitizer may be less effective at protecting health and preventing the spread of disease than previously believed. According to a “Sanitizer Alert” published in the November 2006 Journal of Environmental Health, some products marketed to the public as antimicrobial hand sanitizer are simply not effective in reducing bacterial counts on hands.

Prior to the alert, researchers purchased alcohol-based sanitizer with approximately 40% ethanol as the active ingredient at a local retail store. Although the sanitizer’ labels claimed that the products reduce germs and bacteria by nearly 100%, researchers reported that they “observed an apparent increase (emphasis added) in the concentration of bacteria in hand prints impressed on agar plates after cleansing [with sanitizer].”


Subsequent and more formal hand hygiene tests were conducted to verify – or disprove – the initial findings. The researchers observed similar results in the follow-up tests and concluded that alcohol-based sanitizer with less than 60 to 62% ethanol did not necessarily reduce – nor were they effective against – a variety of germs and bacteria.





Liquid Gloves have built in ANTIBACTERIAL properties. This means that the product doesn’t just clean your hands but also protects against almost all types of germs and bacteria.  Ordinary hygiene soaps only has an initial cleaning action but the moment you touch any contaminated surface your hands are once again exposed to germs and bacteria.  Liquid Gloves is different.  It continues protecting your skin for up to 7 hours and more after correct application.  Thus there is a continuous germ/soil blocking shield on you hands that prevents germs and bacteria adhering onto you skin, helping you remain healthy.



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Posted by on October 16, 2015 in WISDOM



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