Tag Archives: fighting

And they asked me to say a few words on shame – My lecture notes.

A defeated person becomes indifferent about his fate. He finally stops feeling ashamed or sorry. He stops resisting and fighting to reclaim his dignity. The wise is very aware that passive behaviour could make him act like a dog with a broken spirit. Our parks are filled with defeated individuals that tragically accepted their fate in life.

It is not a shame to not reach your goals, but not having goals is disastrous. How can you fly your plane of life and forget to lodge a flight plan? How can others help you if not even you know where you want to be? The formula for success is actually very simple. Decide what you want and then start doing stuff that will take you towards your desired objective. The fool is convinced that it is a shame to retreat or admit defeat. He will rather give his life, lose his house or estrange his family than admit that he made a mistake.

We sometimes must go back so we can go forward. The fool continues regardless of the obvious while the wise man retreats and learns from his mistakes. There is a saying, “Run away today so you can fight again another day.” A strategic retreat is standard procedure during times of war. The wise man knows when it is time to leave. The fool clings to his sinking ship until it is buried in the waves. Leave at the right moment and you will be missed, but overstay your welcome and you will be shunned. It is no shame to call it a day, call time out or to retire hurt for a while. The fool is too proud or too stupid to see when a cycle has ended.

When we were born, we received the gift of unlimited potential. It is a shame that this gift is soon taken away by those that were responsible for our education. You were already fully conditioned before your tenth birthday to accept the limitations of the zone you were born into. The real warrior is not zone-bound and can move into any zone with ease.

Your spirit is unlimited and can adapt to any circumstances. You were born a champion and will remain a champion until your final day on this plane. When you are knocked down while playing the game of life you can see the setbacks as the end of your attempt, or you could view them as part of your education process at the university of life. There is no shame in failure or mistakes, but there is reason for concern when you stay down. Champions fail their way to success. When they fail, they get up, dust themselves off and try again. They make the necessary adjustments until they succeed. They are champions because they got up many times after being knocked down.

Champions do not see themselves as victims or cry over spilled milk. A child reared without clear boundaries has little chance of success. Limits are necessary to give purpose, direction and structure to life. The fool swims in a boundless sea of opportunity and finally drowns because of his failure to latch onto a specific purpose. He tries to own the sea while the wise man selects a single purpose (opportunity/goal) and then pursue it with all his heart. The wise man understands the power of commitment and focused thought and is well rewarded. A person that lives in a safe, moderate middle of the road manner will never experience true living. How can you appreciate victory if you never tasted defeat? How can you appreciate good food if you never went hungry? Dare to go to the outer perimeters of your comfort zone and discover the true spirit of the pioneer. Flirt with failure and learn what passion is all about.

A true warrior accepts that struggles and challenges will assist him to become a formidable fighter. The fool is afraid of problems, challenges or setbacks and can thus never become a true warrior. The formidable fighter understands that challenges and struggles will be part of his life until his final day on this planet. The fool cries and moans every time life throws a curve-ball at him. Setbacks and failures are part of the training school of life.

A wise man is aware of his limitations. He spends most of his time doing what he naturally excels at and does not waste valuable time pursuing activities that obviously do not suit his style. Certain people can run like the wind and others excel academically. The less informed sees himself as a failure if he is not flawless in everything he does. A wise person is not the slave of his history. He came to the realisation that whatever happened in the past is history. Every moment is a new challenge. The fool is so entangled mentally with the failures and mistakes that he made historically that he is unable to do his best in the current moment. Wisdom is to forget about your history and to accept that the state of your current world is the only reality.

People love using people’s history against them. They shackle them to their history and in this manner prevent them from making a success of the now. All of us need recognition and acceptance. We might have a history of failures and disasters, but deep inside the flame of being special to someone continues to flicker in the dark recesses of our minds. You will select your words with much more care if you can understand this inherent need of people. You will take your own priorities out of the way for a while and rather focus on the dreams and aspirations of the people that share your journey on spaceship earth. Acceptance costs nothing and can be passed on with unbridled abundance.

All you have in life is the current moment. You can only live life one moment at a time. If you allow past mistakes and poor choices to infiltrate your current moment you are setting yourself up for failure. Most of us have made many poor choices since our early childhood. There is no purpose at all in replaying past mistakes made in the theatre of your mind.


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Posted by on November 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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The Power of Letting Go!


The concepts of faith and surrender and letting go are all essential to manifesting your desires, and yet our rational (conscious) minds are constantly fighting for us to do just the opposite.

So, what do we do? How do we handle it when we know what we need to do, but somehow we just won’t do it? That’s exactly what this article will help you with. I give you some specific tools you can start using right now to harness the power (and art) of letting go!

I can’t even begin to express how important this issue is – make sure you read it all the way through and when you do, you can start to see instant manifestations!

Let it go?

If I asked for a show of hands for how many of you have been told that the final piece of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and ‘Manifesting’ process is to ‘Let it go’ – I am sure that most (if not all) of you would raise your hands.

Then, if I asked for a show of hands for how many of you struggle with ‘letting it go’ I’m sure I would see the same amount of hands go up.

The concept seems so simple – just let it go and trust the Universe – right?

Sure, simple in concept – but then our emotions kick in and the idea of ‘letting it go’ gets thrown out the window.

Why do we struggle to ‘Let it go’?

The plain and simple answer is that even though we want to trust the Universe, we feel much more likely to achieve what we desire if we stay in the driver seat. It is human instinct to clutch and hold and control. When we operate from the conscious mind we operate from the knowledge of ‘What is true’ in our physical world. BUT – you already know that the conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg and ‘What is true’ in our physical world is ONLY what SEEMS to be true.

When we are looking to our conscious mind to define reality, trust in the Universe is a tough thing – trust and faith and letting go all rely on our ability to in our believe that despite what may seem true in our external world, there is SO MUCH going on in the ‘unseen’ non-physical world that can bring anything into fruition.

What if this was true?

To start to tap into that belief, I want you to ask yourself “What if my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire, even if my conscious mind has no idea how?”

Seriously, what if that is true?

Now, I want you to suspend your disbelief for just a second here and answer this question, “If it is true that my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire – am I free to let go how it is going to happen?”

I guarantee that if you knew that your subconscious and Universe had it all taken care of, you would have no problem letting go – you would willingly surrender because you would KNOW that you were going to be taken care of.

Now, what if this is true?

What if you realized that, every time you stop trusting, and start trying to figure out ‘how’ and control the outcome – you actually set your subconscious mind back in its job of manifesting everything you desire? Would you get out of the way then?

Of course you would! If you knew this with certainty, you would make it your job to get out of the way of your subconscious.

Your subconscious mind DOES know exactly how to bring you everything you desire. Your subconscious mind knows how to access Universal energy and manifest anything. Anytime you ‘hold on’, ‘force it’ or ‘try to figure out how’ – you get in the way of the process.

How do I know? I take a look at my personal history – and that’s exactly what I want you to do to start to harness the power of letting go in your life too!

There are 2 great ways to tap into your history for this –

Think of a time in your life when you wanted something and did let go how it was going to happen (this often happens when we are too busy or are too focused on something else) – and then it showed up in your life without you ever trying to ‘make it happen’.

Think of a time in your life when you REALLY wanted (or felt you needed) something and you tried to do everything to make it happen and then finally out of fatigue or frustration you just ‘gave up trying’ – and then it showed up in your life.

Once you have given yourself some proof from your past – letting go becomes easier and makes much more sense to your rational mind. For the next week, I want you to live ‘as if’ it is true that your subconscious mind knows EXACTLY how to bring you what you desire. Here’s how…

Any time you find yourself trying to figure out how you can ‘make’ something happen – I want you to stop and say this to your subconscious mind…

“Subconscious, I know you know EXACTLY how to bring me all of the right people, opportunities and situations to bring about [NAME YOUR DESIRE HERE] or better in my life – and I know that my job is to pay attention to the people and opportunities and situations that show up and listen to your guidance so that the inspired action I can take to assist you becomes clear.”

Try it – you will be amazed at all of the amazing things that start to show up in your life!

By Kristen Howe / Source: Unlock the Power of Now

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Posted by on September 16, 2012 in WISDOM


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The Art and Power of Letting Go


The concepts of faith and surrender and letting go are all essential to manifesting your desires, and yet our rational (conscious) minds are constantly fighting for us to do just the opposite.


So, what do we do? How do we handle it when we know what we need to do, but somehow we just won’t do it? That’s exactly what this article will help you with. I give you some specific tools you can start using right now to harness the power (and art) of letting go!


I can’t even begin to express how important this issue is – make sure you read it all the way through and when you do, you can start to see instant manifestations!


Let it go?


If I asked for a show of hands for how many of you have been told that the final piece of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and ‘Manifesting’ process is to ‘Let it go’ – I am sure that most (if not all) of you would raise your hands.


Then, if I asked for a show of hands for how many of you struggle with ‘letting it go’ I’m sure I would see the same amount of hands go up.


The concept seems so simple – just let it go and trust the Universe – right?


Sure, simple in concept – but then our emotions kick in and the idea of ‘letting it go’ gets thrown out the window.


Why do we struggle to ‘Let it go’?


The plain and simple answer is that even though we want to trust the Universe, we feel much more likely to achieve what we desire if we stay in the driver seat. It is human instinct to clutch and hold and control. When we operate from the conscious mind we operate from the knowledge of ‘What is true’ in our physical world. BUT – you already know that the conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg and ‘What is true’ in our physical world is ONLY what SEEMS to be true.


When we are looking to our conscious mind to define reality, trust in the Universe is a tough thing – trust and faith and letting go all rely on our ability to in our believe that despite what may seem true in our external world, there is SO MUCH going on in the ‘unseen’ non-physical world that can bring anything into fruition.


What if this was true?


To start to tap into that belief, I want you to ask yourself “What if my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire, even if my conscious mind has no idea how?”


Seriously, what if that is true?


Now, I want you to suspend your disbelief for just a second here and answer this question, “If it is true that my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire – am I free to let go how it is going to happen?”


I guarantee that if you knew that your subconscious and Universe had it all taken care of, you would have no problem letting go – you would willingly surrender because you would KNOW that you were going to be taken care of.

Now, what if this is true?


What if you realized that, every time you stop trusting, and start trying to figure out ‘how’ and control the outcome – you actually set your subconscious mind back in its job of manifesting everything you desire? Would you get out of the way then?


Of course you would! If you knew this with certainty, you would make it your job to get out of the way of your subconscious.


Your subconscious mind DOES know exactly how to bring you everything you desire. Your subconscious mind knows how to access Universal energy and manifest anything. Anytime you ‘hold on’, ‘force it’ or ‘try to figure out how’ – you get in the way of the process.

How do I know? I take a look at my personal history – and that’s exactly what I want you to do to start to harness the power of letting go in your life too!


There are 2 great ways to tap into your history for this –


Think of a time in your life when you wanted something and did let go how it was going to happen (this often happens when we are too busy or are too focused on something else) – and then it showed up in your life without you ever trying to ‘make it happen’.

Think of a time in your life when you REALLY wanted (or felt you needed) something and you tried to do everything to make it happen and then finally out of fatigue or frustration you just ‘gave up trying’ – and then it showed up in your life.

Once you have given yourself some proof from your past – letting go becomes easier and makes much more sense to your rational mind. For the next week, I want you to live ‘as if’ it is true that your subconscious mind knows EXACTLY how to bring you what you desire. Here’s how…


Any time you find yourself trying to figure out how you can ‘make’ something happen – I want you to stop and say this to your subconscious mind…


“Subconscious, I know you know EXACTLY how to bring me all of the right people, opportunities and situations to bring about [NAME YOUR DESIRE HERE] or better in my life – and I know that my job is to pay attention to the people and opportunities and situations that show up and listen to your guidance so that the inspired action I can take to assist you becomes clear.”


Try it – you will be amazed at all of the amazing things that start to show up in your life!

By Kristen Howe / Source: Unlock the Power of Now

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Posted by on June 5, 2012 in WISDOM


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Self Confidence And Dimmer Switches


Let me explain, imagine that switch operates your levels of self confidence, which, in turn affects your self image… now somebody or something or maybe just a set of circumstances turns that switch down , bang… down you go , down goes your self confidence and with it goes your self esteem…

Then on another occasion again something else occurs , and suddenly you are way up there in the clouds!… again you cannot quite grasp what is triggering these extremes of lows and highs – leaving you feeling helpless in the fight to control your mood swings…

Because you are experiencing feelings of helplessness due to not being in control (something has hold of your switch) this ends up in a spiral…. down into the depths of despair… trying to overcome negative thoughts and fighting to throw that switch the other way seems at the moment a bridge too far … makes sense ?

Things are never quite as bad as we think, there are now lots of solutions out there to help you overcome these problems, many new strategies which once followed will help you fight whatever problems are affecting your life… and put you right back in charge – just where you should be!

Finding ways to pinpoint whatever de-motivates you and affects your self confidence is the first step.

Taking this first step is like saying to yourself “I now recognize that whatever problems I have need sorting out – I have to get a handle on it .. I could do with a little help”

Don’t forget also that when we are fighting our inner demons on a daily basis we often completely forget that it affects not just ourselves, but everyone around us – loved ones included.

So, OK, our new road to self discovery is not going to be easy but rest assured, there is help out there, if you want it , but why wouldn’t you?

There are so many “people” out there. Experts (that’s what they call themselves) who are willing to assist. It can be downright confusing to say the least. It can leave you feeling pretty low just trying to decide what to do!

Let me tell you that now you’ve decided to take some action towards giving yourself what you really deserve your self esteem will rocket and so will your self confidence!

With the right help and guidance (don’t fall into the trap of feeling weak, because you are asking for a “leg up” because this is your first massive step. Don’t fight it, be proud!) You will take control… Get your own hand back on that dimmer switch – the right people will assist you and help you fight to overcome the ups and downs.


By: paul challener


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Posted by on March 31, 2012 in WISDOM


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