Tag Archives: own destiny

Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do.


Stop blaming everybody for your failures. You are ultimately in control of your own destiny. There is a fallacy that it is a disgrace to fail. Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn. Failure is your built in alarm system that detects when you need to put in some additional work in a specific area. It is not the kiss of death to your hopes and dreams.


Stop calling it bad luck or some kind of conspiracy when you are actually the one that gave up on your dreams. Dreams without a constructive plan action are a total waste of time. Dreams can be compared to a seed. Only when this seed is watered (action) and nurtured (work) will it turn into a mature plant that can feed your family.


Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace. Only when you sincerely become interested in people will you see, feel, and hear who they really are. Our minds are so flooded with prejudice and preconceived perceptions that our mental growth is put on hold at a very young age. We lost our ability to listen a long time ago and only give attention to what others say when we feel that there might be something for us in the deal.


Stop taking people, your goals and projects so seriously. I found that a focused approach and a “no fear of loss” attitude take you a long way towards a successful and happy life. How can you enjoy your successes if you never knew failure? Give things your best shot and go for gold every time. You will win some and lose some, but you will feel alive and part of the game of life. Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected. Learn to see the humour in your failures. Remember when you cry, you cry alone.


Stop waiting for others to earn your approval and love. Go out and show your love for others unconditionally. It is your fear that is holding you back. Take off your protective gear and show your feelings my friend or you will never experience real happiness and true love. It takes courage to expose yourself to potential rejection and failure, but champions do not succumb to their fear!


Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do. They are inhabitants of the outer world. You have ownership and control of your own world, but not of the outer world. You will tire and deplete yourself in the process and set yourself up for failure if you attempt to control or adjust the outer world. Accept that no permanent control is possible in the outer world. The governments, police and the armies of all the nations on the planet cannot fully control this world’s inhabitants. What makes you think that you can?



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Posted by on March 2, 2015 in WISDOM


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Imagine yourself being where you want to be and do what you want to do.

1. Train your mind. According to the much publicized but nevertheless baffling concept of the law of attraction, an individual can create his own destiny by becoming a powerful magnet. Whatever you set your mind to, you have the power to attract it. This means that if you have negative thoughts, then you will attract the negativity into your life. Likewise, if you have positive thoughts, you will then invite the positive energies as well.

This concept is also known by many as subliminal training or programming of the mind. A mind that is not trained subliminally will be led by the conscious mind. The problem with this is that the conscious mind is so bombarded with external influences, which are most often negative. On the other hand, the well-trained mind knows how to find its way to the goals that you want. It knows which influences to listen to and which to block.

2. Visualize your goals. The most effective way to train the mind is to enliven it with images of your dreams and goals. Imagine yourself being where you want to be. Constant visualization will motivate your mind and eventually create a strong belief system. Once the mind recognizes this belief system, it starts formulating its own plans on how to achieve those goals. And the mind’s unlimited power, which is not to be underestimated, will simply come out.

3. Listen to the right messages. Aside from mental images, you also have to train your mind to listen to the right messages. The world is full of voices telling us different things. Your parents may be whispering that you have not been good enough, your friends may be whispering that you don’t really belong, your colleagues may be whispering that they are better than you. All these get sucked in by the conscious state that it’s all you ever hear and believe in.

So you have to overcome these messages with the help of subliminal messages, soft voices that whisper positive things to the subconscious level. When the subconscious level is deeply rooted in positive thoughts and beliefs, its power will overtake that of the conscious mind.

Here are some messages worth listening to:

I am an achiever.
I hold the ability to reach my goals.
I can make things happen.
My desires are within my reach.

4. Tackle the hindrances. There will be hindrances along the way, that’s for sure. So if you want to successfully train the mind, you have to be prepared and determined. First, the mind absorbs many influences on a daily basis. If you want to successfully create a belief system, you have to reinforce the positive ideas in your mind every single day to prevent the negativity from creeping in.

Second, the subconscious is buried under a very thick, very persistent layer of influences coming from the social environment around you. This social environment can influence and even dictate the belief system that forms in your mind. If you want to access your subconscious, you’re going to have to do battle with these influences first. You can, however, use this to your advantage by placing yourself in an environment made up of success-driven people who have the same goals as you.

By: Nelson Berry


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Posted by on December 6, 2014 in WISDOM


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Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn.



Stop blaming everybody for your failures. You are ultimately in control of your own destiny. There is a fallacy that it is a disgrace to fail. Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn. Failure is your built in alarm system that detects when you need to put in some additional work in a specific area. It is not the kiss of death to your hopes and dreams.


Stop calling it bad luck or some kind of conspiracy when you are actually the one that gave up on your dreams. Dreams without a constructive plan action are a total waste of time. Dreams can be compared to a seed. Only when this seed is watered (action) and nurtured (work) will it turn into a mature plant that can feed your family.


Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace. Only when you sincerely become interested in people will you see, feel, and hear who they really are. Our minds are so flooded with prejudice and preconceived perceptions that our mental growth is put on hold at a very young age. We lost our ability to listen a long time ago and only give attention to what others say when we feel that there might be something for us in the deal.


Stop taking people, your goals and projects so seriously. I found that a focused approach and a “no fear of loss” attitude take you a long way towards a successful and happy life. How can you enjoy your successes if you never knew failure? Give things your best shot and go for gold every time. You will win some and lose some, but you will feel alive and part of the game of life. Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected. Learn to see the humour in your failures. Remember when you cry, you cry alone.


Stop waiting for others to earn your approval and love. Go out and show your love for others unconditionally. It is your fear that is holding you back. Take off your protective gear and show your feelings my friend or you will never experience real happiness and true love. It takes courage to expose yourself to potential rejection and failure, but champions do not succumb to their fear!


Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do. They are inhabitants of the outer world. You have ownership and control of your own world, but not of the outer world. You will tire and deplete yourself in the process and set yourself up for failure if you attempt to control or adjust the outer world. Accept that no permanent control is possible in the outer world. The governments, police and the armies of all the nations on the planet cannot fully control this world’s inhabitants. What makes you think that you can?


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Posted by on May 17, 2014 in WISDOM


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Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace.


Stop blaming everybody for your failures. You are ultimately in control of your own destiny. There is a fallacy that it is a disgrace to fail. Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn. Failure is your built in alarm system that detects when you need to put in some additional work in a specific area. It is not the kiss of death to your hopes and dreams.


Stop calling it bad luck or some kind of conspiracy when you are actually the one that gave up on your dreams. Dreams without a constructive plan action are a total waste of time. Dreams can be compared to a seed. Only when this seed is watered (action) and nurtured (work) will it turn into a mature plant that can feed your family.


Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace. Only when you sincerely become interested in people will you see, feel, and hear who they really are. Our minds are so flooded with prejudice and preconceived perceptions that our mental growth is put on hold at a very young age. We lost our ability to listen a long time ago and only give attention to what others say when we feel that there might be something for us in the deal.


Stop taking people, your goals and projects so seriously. I found that a focused approach and a “no fear of loss” attitude take you a long way towards a successful and happy life. How can you enjoy your successes if you never knew failure? Give things your best shot and go for gold every time. You will win some and lose some, but you will feel alive and part of the game of life. Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected. Learn to see the humour in your failures. Remember when you cry, you cry alone.


Stop waiting for others to earn your approval and love. Go out and show your love for others unconditionally. It is your fear that is holding you back. Take off your protective gear and show your feelings my friend or you will never experience real happiness and true love. It takes courage to expose yourself to potential rejection and failure, but champions do not succumb to their fear!


Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do. They are inhabitants of the outer world. You have ownership and control of your own world, but not of the outer world. You will tire and deplete yourself in the process and set yourself up for failure if you attempt to control or adjust the outer world. Accept that no permanent control is possible in the outer world. The governments, police and the armies of all the nations on the planet cannot fully control this world’s inhabitants. What makes you think that you can?



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Posted by on January 26, 2014 in WISDOM


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Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn.

Stop blaming everybody for your failures. You are ultimately in control of your own destiny. There is a fallacy that it is a disgrace to fail. Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn. Failure is your built in alarm system that detects when you need to put in some additional work in a specific area. It is not the kiss of death to your hopes and dreams.


Stop calling it bad luck or some kind of conspiracy when you are actually the one that gave up on your dreams. Dreams without a constructive plan action are a total waste of time. Dreams can be compared to a seed. Only when this seed is watered (action) and nurtured (work) will it turn into a mature plant that can feed your family.


Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace. Only when you sincerely become interested in people will you see, feel, and hear who they really are. Our minds are so flooded with prejudice and preconceived perceptions that our mental growth is put on hold at a very young age. We lost our ability to listen a long time ago and only give attention to what others say when we feel that there might be something for us in the deal.


Stop taking people, your goals and projects so seriously. I found that a focused approach and a “no fear of loss” attitude take you a long way towards a successful and happy life. How can you enjoy your successes if you never knew failure? Give things your best shot and go for gold every time. You will win some and lose some, but you will feel alive and part of the game of life. Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected. Learn to see the humour in your failures. Remember when you cry, you cry alone.


Stop waiting for others to earn your approval and love. Go out and show your love for others unconditionally. It is your fear that is holding you back. Take off your protective gear and show your feelings my friend or you will never experience real happiness and true love. It takes courage to expose yourself to potential rejection and failure, but champions do not succumb to their fear!


Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do. They are inhabitants of the outer world. You have ownership and control of your own world, but not of the outer world. You will tire and deplete yourself in the process and set yourself up for failure if you attempt to control or adjust the outer world. Accept that no permanent control is possible in the outer world. The governments, police and the armies of all the nations on the planet cannot fully control this world’s inhabitants. What makes you think that you can?


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Posted by on January 10, 2014 in WISDOM


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Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn.

Stop blaming everybody for your failures. You are ultimately in control of your own destiny. There is a fallacy that it is a disgrace to fail. Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn. Failure is your built in alarm system that detects when you need to put in some additional work in a specific area. It is not the kiss of death to your hopes and dreams.


Stop calling it bad luck or some kind of conspiracy when you are actually the one that gave up on your dreams. Dreams without a constructive plan action are a total waste of time. Dreams can be compared to a seed. Only when this seed is watered (action) and nurtured (work) will it turn into a mature plant that can feed your family.


Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace. Only when you sincerely become interested in people will you see, feel, and hear who they really are. Our minds are so flooded with prejudice and preconceived perceptions that our mental growth is put on hold at a very young age. We lost our ability to listen a long time ago and only give attention to what others say when we feel that there might be something for us in the deal.


Stop taking people, your goals and projects so seriously. I found that a focused approach and a “no fear of loss” attitude take you a long way towards a successful and happy life. How can you enjoy your successes if you never knew failure? Give things your best shot and go for gold every time. You will win some and lose some, but you will feel alive and part of the game of life. Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected. Learn to see the humour in your failures. Remember when you cry, you cry alone.


Stop waiting for others to earn your approval and love. Go out and show your love for others unconditionally. It is your fear that is holding you back. Take off your protective gear and show your feelings my friend or you will never experience real happiness and true love. It takes courage to expose yourself to potential rejection and failure, but champions do not succumb to their fear!


Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do. They are inhabitants of the outer world. You have ownership and control of your own world, but not of the outer world. You will tire and deplete yourself in the process and set yourself up for failure if you attempt to control or adjust the outer world. Accept that no permanent control is possible in the outer world. The governments, police and the armies of all the nations on the planet cannot fully control this world’s inhabitants. What makes you think that you can?


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Posted by on November 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn.

Stop blaming everybody for your failures. You are ultimately in control of your own destiny. There is a fallacy that it is a disgrace to fail. Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn. Failure is your built in alarm system that detects when you need to put in some additional work in a specific area. It is not the kiss of death to your hopes and dreams.


Stop calling it bad luck or some kind of conspiracy when you are actually the one that gave up on your dreams. Dreams without a constructive plan action are a total waste of time. Dreams can be compared to a seed. Only when this seed is watered (action) and nurtured (work) will it turn into a mature plant that can feed your family.


Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace. Only when you sincerely become interested in people will you see, feel, and hear who they really are. Our minds are so flooded with prejudice and preconceived perceptions that our mental growth is put on hold at a very young age. We lost our ability to listen a long time ago and only give attention to what others say when we feel that there might be something for us in the deal.


Stop taking people, your goals and projects so seriously. I found that a focused approach and a “no fear of loss” attitude take you a long way towards a successful and happy life. How can you enjoy your successes if you never knew failure? Give things your best shot and go for gold every time. You will win some and lose some, but you will feel alive and part of the game of life. Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected. Learn to see the humour in your failures. Remember when you cry, you cry alone.


Stop waiting for others to earn your approval and love. Go out and show your love for others unconditionally. It is your fear that is holding you back. Take off your protective gear and show your feelings my friend or you will never experience real happiness and true love. It takes courage to expose yourself to potential rejection and failure, but champions do not succumb to their fear!


Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do. They are inhabitants of the outer world. You have ownership and control of your own world, but not of the outer world. You will tire and deplete yourself in the process and set yourself up for failure if you attempt to control or adjust the outer world. Accept that no permanent control is possible in the outer world. The governments, police and the armies of all the nations on the planet cannot fully control this world’s inhabitants. What makes you think that you can?


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Posted by on November 2, 2013 in WISDOM


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Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do.

Stop blaming everybody for your failures. You are ultimately in control of your own destiny. There is a fallacy that it is a disgrace to fail. Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn. Failure is your built in alarm system that detects when you need to put in some additional work in a specific area. It is not the kiss of death to your hopes and dreams.

Stop calling it bad luck or some kind of conspiracy when you are actually the one that gave up on your dreams. Dreams without a constructive plan action are a total waste of time. Dreams can be compared to a seed. Only when this seed is watered (action) and nurtured (work) will it turn into a mature plant that can feed your family.

Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace. Only when you sincerely become interested in people will you see, feel, and hear who they really are. Our minds are so flooded with prejudice and preconceived perceptions that our mental growth is put on hold at a very young age. We lost our ability to listen a long time ago and only give attention to what others say when we feel that there might be something for us in the deal.

Stop taking people, your goals and projects so seriously. I found that a focused approach and a “no fear of loss” attitude take you a long way towards a successful and happy life. How can you enjoy your successes if you never knew failure? Give things your best shot and go for gold every time. You will win some and lose some, but you will feel alive and part of the game of life. Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected. Learn to see the humour in your failures. Remember when you cry, you cry alone.

Stop waiting for others to earn your approval and love. Go out and show your love for others unconditionally. It is your fear that is holding you back. Take off your protective gear and show your feelings my friend or you will never experience real happiness and true love. It takes courage to expose yourself to potential rejection and failure, but champions do not succumb to their fear!

Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do. They are inhabitants of the outer world. You have ownership and control of your own world, but not of the outer world. You will tire and deplete yourself in the process and set yourself up for failure if you attempt to control or adjust the outer world. Accept that no permanent control is possible in the outer world. The governments, police and the armies of all the nations on the planet cannot fully control this world’s inhabitants. What makes you think that you can?


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Posted by on July 25, 2013 in WISDOM


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Stop blaming everybody for your failures.

Stop blaming everybody for your failures. You are ultimately in control of your own destiny. There is a fallacy that it is a disgrace to fail. Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn. Failure is your built in alarm system that detects when you need to put in some additional work in a specific area. It is not the kiss of death to your hopes and dreams.

Stop calling it bad luck or some kind of conspiracy when you are actually the one that gave up on your dreams. Dreams without a constructive plan action are a total waste of time. Dreams can be compared to a seed. Only when this seed is watered (action) and nurtured (work) will it turn into a mature plant that can feed your family.

Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace. Only when you sincerely become interested in people will you see, feel, and hear who they really are. Our minds are so flooded with prejudice and preconceived perceptions that our mental growth is put on hold at a very young age. We lost our ability to listen a long time ago and only give attention to what others say when we feel that there might be something for us in the deal.

Stop taking people, your goals and projects so seriously. I found that a focused approach and a “no fear of loss” attitude take you a long way towards a successful and happy life. How can you enjoy your successes if you never knew failure? Give things your best shot and go for gold every time. You will win some and lose some, but you will feel alive and part of the game of life. Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected. Learn to see the humour in your failures. Remember when you cry, you cry alone.

Stop waiting for others to earn your approval and love. Go out and show your love for others unconditionally. It is your fear that is holding you back. Take off your protective gear and show your feelings my friend or you will never experience real happiness and true love. It takes courage to expose yourself to potential rejection and failure, but champions do not succumb to their fear!

Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do. They are inhabitants of the outer world. You have ownership and control of your own world, but not of the outer world. You will tire and deplete yourself in the process and set yourself up for failure if you attempt to control or adjust the outer world. Accept that no permanent control is possible in the outer world. The governments, police and the armies of all the nations on the planet cannot fully control this world’s inhabitants. What makes you think that you can?


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Posted by on November 10, 2012 in WISDOM


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Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected.



Stop blaming everybody for your failures. You are ultimately in control of your own destiny. There is a fallacy that it is a disgrace to fail. Failure is not the end of the road, but simply an indicator that you still have certain lessons to learn. Failure is your built in alarm system that detects when you need to put in some additional work in a specific area. It is not the kiss of death to your hopes and dreams.

Stop calling it bad luck or some kind of conspiracy when you are actually the one that gave up on your dreams. Dreams without a constructive plan action are a total waste of time. Dreams can be compared to a seed. Only when this seed is watered (action) and nurtured (work) will it turn into a mature plant that can feed your family.

Stop focusing on your own needs for a while if you want to expand your influence at a rapid and spectacular pace. Only when you sincerely become interested in people will you see, feel, and hear who they really are. Our minds are so flooded with prejudice and preconceived perceptions that our mental growth is put on hold at a very young age. We lost our ability to listen a long time ago and only give attention to what others say when we feel that there might be something for us in the deal.

Stop taking people, your goals and projects so seriously. I found that a focused approach and a “no fear of loss” attitude take you a long way towards a successful and happy life. How can you enjoy your successes if you never knew failure? Give things your best shot and go for gold every time. You will win some and lose some, but you will feel alive and part of the game of life. Learn to say, “so what” when things fail to work out as expected. Learn to see the humour in your failures. Remember when you cry, you cry alone.

Stop waiting for others to earn your approval and love. Go out and show your love for others unconditionally. It is your fear that is holding you back. Take off your protective gear and show your feelings my friend or you will never experience real happiness and true love. It takes courage to expose yourself to potential rejection and failure, but champions do not succumb to their fear!

Stop wasting your time trying to understand why people act the way they do. They are inhabitants of the outer world. You have ownership and control of your own world, but not of the outer world. You will tire and deplete yourself in the process and set yourself up for failure if you attempt to control or adjust the outer world. Accept that no permanent control is possible in the outer world. The governments, police and the armies of all the nations on the planet cannot fully control this world’s inhabitants. What makes you think that you can?



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Posted by on September 25, 2012 in WISDOM


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The most effective way to train the mind is to enliven it with images of your dreams and goals.


1. Train your mind. According to the much publicized but nevertheless baffling concept of the law of attraction, an individual can create his own destiny by becoming a powerful magnet. Whatever you set your mind to, you have the power to attract it. This means that if you have negative thoughts, then you will attract the negativity into your life. Likewise, if you have positive thoughts, you will then invite the positive energies as well.

This concept is also known by many as subliminal training or programming of the mind. A mind that is not trained subliminally will be led by the conscious mind. The problem with this is that the conscious mind is so bombarded with external influences, which are most often negative. On the other hand, the well-trained mind knows how to find its way to the goals that you want. It knows which influences to listen to and which to block.

2. Visualize your goals. The most effective way to train the mind is to enliven it with images of your dreams and goals. Imagine yourself being where you want to be. Constant visualization will motivate your mind and eventually create a strong belief system. Once the mind recognizes this belief system, it starts formulating its own plans on how to achieve those goals. And the mind’s unlimited power, which is not to be underestimated, will simply come out.

3. Listen to the right messages. Aside from mental images, you also have to train your mind to listen to the right messages. The world is full of voices telling us different things. Your parents may be whispering that you have not been good enough, your friends may be whispering that you don’t really belong, your colleagues may be whispering that they are better than you. All these get sucked in by the conscious state that it’s all you ever hear and believe in.

So you have to overcome these messages with the help of subliminal messages, soft voices that whisper positive things to the subconscious level. When the subconscious level is deeply rooted in positive thoughts and beliefs, its power will overtake that of the conscious mind.

Here are some messages worth listening to:

I am an achiever.
I hold the ability to reach my goals.
I can make things happen.

My desires are within my reach.

4. Tackle the hindrances. There will be hindrances along the way, that’s for sure. So if you want to successfully train the mind, you have to be prepared and determined. First, the mind absorbs many influences on a daily basis. If you want to successfully create a belief system, you have to reinforce the positive ideas in your mind every single day to prevent the negativity from creeping in.

Second, the subconscious is buried under a very thick, very persistent layer of influences coming from the social environment around you. This social environment can influence and even dictate the belief system that forms in your mind. If you want to access your subconscious, you’re going to have to do battle with these influences first. You can, however, use this to your advantage by placing yourself in an environment made up of success-driven people who have the same goals as you.

By: Nelson Berry

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Posted by on July 28, 2012 in WISDOM


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The main reason why we get stuck in deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems.

1. Train your mind. According to the much publicized but nevertheless baffling concept of the law of attraction, an individual can create his own destiny by becoming a powerful magnet. Whatever you set your mind to, you have the power to attract it. This means that if you have negative thoughts, then you will attract the negativity into your life. Likewise, if you have positive thoughts, you will then invite the positive energies as well. 

This concept is also known by many as subliminal training or programming of the mind. A mind that is not trained subliminally will be led by the conscious mind. The problem with this is that the conscious mind is so bombarded with external influences, which are most often negative. On the other hand, the well-trained mind knows how to find its way to the goals that you want. It knows which influences to listen to and which to block.

2. Visualize your goals. The most effective way to train the mind is to enliven it with images of your dreams and goals. Imagine yourself being where you want to be. Constant visualization will motivate your mind and eventually create a strong belief system. Once the mind recognizes this belief system, it starts formulating its own plans on how to achieve those goals. And the mind’s unlimited power, which is not to be underestimated, will simply come out. 

3. Listen to the right messages. Aside from mental images, you also have to train your mind to listen to the right messages. The world is full of voices telling us different things. Your parents may be whispering that you have not been good enough, your friends may be whispering that you don’t really belong, your colleagues may be whispering that they are better than you. All these get sucked in by the conscious state that it’s all you ever hear and believe in. 

So you have to overcome these messages with the help of subliminal messages, soft voices that whisper positive things to the subconscious level. When the subconscious level is deeply rooted in positive thoughts and beliefs, its power will overtake that of the conscious mind. 

Here are some messages worth listening to:

I am an achiever.
I hold the ability to reach my goals. 
I can make things happen. 
My desires are within my reach. 

4. Tackle the hindrances. There will be hindrances along the way, that’s for sure. So if you want to successfully train the mind, you have to be prepared and determined. First, the mind absorbs many influences on a daily basis. If you want to successfully create a belief system, you have to reinforce the positive ideas in your mind every single day to prevent the negativity from creeping in. 

Second, the subconscious is buried under a very thick, very persistent layer of influences coming from the social environment around you. This social environment can influence and even dictate the belief system that forms in your mind. If you want to access your subconscious, you’re going to have to do battle with these influences first. You can, however, use this to your advantage by placing yourself in an environment made up of success-driven people who have the same goals as you.

By: Nelson Berry

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Posted by on June 22, 2012 in WISDOM


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Get What You Want With These Mind Power Tips!


1. Train your mind. According to the much publicized but nevertheless baffling concept of the law of attraction, an individual can create his own destiny by becoming a powerful magnet. Whatever you set your mind to, you have the power to attract it. This means that if you have negative thoughts, then you will attract the negativity into your life. Likewise, if you have positive thoughts, you will then invite the positive energies as well.

This concept is also known by many as subliminal training or programming of the mind. A mind that is not trained subliminally will be led by the conscious mind. The problem with this is that the conscious mind is so bombarded with external influences, which are most often negative. On the other hand, the well-trained mind knows how to find its way to the goals that you want. It knows which influences to listen to and which to block.

2. Visualize your goals. The most effective way to train the mind is to enliven it with images of your dreams and goals. Imagine yourself being where you want to be. Constant visualization will motivate your mind and eventually create a strong belief system. Once the mind recognizes this belief system, it starts formulating its own plans on how to achieve those goals. And the mind’s unlimited power, which is not to be underestimated, will simply come out.

3. Listen to the right messages. Aside from mental images, you also have to train your mind to listen to the right messages. The world is full of voices telling us different things. Your parents may be whispering that you have not been good enough, your friends may be whispering that you don’t really belong, your colleagues may be whispering that they are better than you. All these get sucked in by the conscious state that it’s all you ever hear and believe in.

So you have to overcome these messages with the help of subliminal messages, soft voices that whisper positive things to the subconscious level. When the subconscious level is deeply rooted in positive thoughts and beliefs, its power will overtake that of the conscious mind.

Here are some messages worth listening to:

I am an achiever.
I hold the ability to reach my goals.
I can make things happen.
My desires are within my reach.

4. Tackle the hindrances. There will be hindrances along the way, that’s for sure. So if you want to successfully train the mind, you have to be prepared and determined. First, the mind absorbs many influences on a daily basis. If you want to successfully create a belief system, you have to reinforce the positive ideas in your mind every single day to prevent the negativity from creeping in.

Second, the subconscious is buried under a very thick, very persistent layer of influences coming from the social environment around you. This social environment can influence and even dictate the belief system that forms in your mind. If you want to access your subconscious, you’re going to have to do battle with these influences first. You can, however, use this to your advantage by placing yourself in an environment made up of success-driven people who have the same goals as you.


By: Nelson Berry

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Posted by on March 12, 2012 in WISDOM


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