Daily Archives: April 3, 2013

Success is a ridding process. You need to get rid of your historical programs that are possibly outdated or that may have been warped from the start.



Most of us are young, inexperienced and extremely naive when we start rearing our children. We raise our children on a trial and error basis. There are virtually no education or preparation available to young couples when they get married or when they decide to start a family. The first six years in a child’s life is his or her most important formative years. The “emotional” foundation put down in his heart and mind during this important period will become the decision “filter” that he or she will use for the rest of his or her life. It impacts on every aspect of his or her being if a child was “damaged” psychologically in these vulnerable years.

We think of child abuse and serious neglect when we read statements like this, but psychological and emotional damage can be caused by many other factors. Most of us do not know that everything that we do in life is motivated by a desire to experience pleasure or circumvent pain. This mechanism controls who you are and impacts on every other aspect of your life. This mechanism works on a subliminal basis and can make you or break you.

Your parents “programmed” you by using their own perceptions as base. They programmed their fears and preferences into your decision-making mechanism. You might fade under pressure or mentally hide in terror because of an unpleasant experience that your mother had in her childhood.

When you study the real achievers in life you soon discover that they broke the negative influences that their parents cemented into their decision-making mechanism. They look at each new project or problem in a very objective and realistic manner. They do not allow the automatic pain and pleasure system to kick in as it usually does.

Success is thus a ridding process. You need to get rid of your historical programs that are possibly outdated or that may have been warped from the start. Take each person, event or problem and focus on it objectively and in the moment. They rise above other people because of their wisdom and insight. Stop reacting automatically when faced with a choice and ask yourself, “What is the valid data in the moment?” Love your parents unconditionally, but stop projecting defective and outdated fears into your current moment.



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Posted by on April 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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You can be compassionate and supportive to everyone that cross your path daily, not because you attempt to qualify for heaven or attempt to escape hell. You can do it because it’s the right thing to do.



I have been studying religion, philosophy and spirituality for more than forty years now. I invested labouredly in time, money, energy and dug deep and intensely for the reason why man come to this plane. I even at the age of twelve found it impossible to grasp why a loving God will allow you and me to wake up in this slanted shit hole saddled with a mission to identify the right church, accept a specific savoir and live an impeccable life, all in an unknown lifespan or face the possibility to be tormented and toasted forever. What confused me even more was that I might have been “posted” in a wonderful home with caring parents that guide and feed me while I receive a superior education while you in turn were “posted” with a single mother, never knew your father, get inadequate and substandard schooling while you wondered where you next meal will come from. Both of us will be judged, weighed and measured by God when we expire according to the dogma of many churches. There is a possibility that one of us might get a pass to heaven while the other will be shipped off to a place called hell where he/she will be tormented and toasted in the most gruesome manner for all eternity.

Everyone is thus on this plane to attempt to find the right religion, the correct holy book and appease the God perception in that holy book. It must be remembered that we are playing for the quality of our everlasting life during this single exposure to this dimension. Some of us might have a life time to achieve these objectives while others might be extracted after a few years of trials and tribulations. Our mission is not only to find the right God, church and live a quality of life that would allow us to qualify for heaven. We are exposed to a fight for survival financially and otherwise from a young age. We are apparently also exposed to an evil invisible entity that is using all the tricks in the book to corrupt, test our loyalty to God and confuse us. We are as you can see knee deep in the shit virtually from birth. Our chances of success minuscule according to the dogma of those that claim that they are the guides to everlasting bliss.

I concluded after careful deliberation and contemplation that it is absolute nonsense to buy into the rubbish that we were fed in this regard from early childhood. I decided at a young age that I have absolutely no desire to participate in any of these illogical and unrealistic movements that promote this kind of thinking. The more I studied the clearer it became to me that our enemy is fear. We fear pain and we desire pleasure. Crafty operators used this formula to mind fuck us into entities that can be led by our noses. We became like sheep and follow these “spiritual leaders” while they steal our time, money and resources. The God perceptions and dogma that they present to us is figments of the imagination of those that came before them that lay the foundation for their scams. I can tell you that there is not a single person that ever speculated about God, heaven and hell that can present you with a morsel of evidence that what they preach are valid. The first so-called enlightened, inspired ones and philosophers speculated about these matters and the current gurus are still doing the same. Some do it better than others, but it all still remain nothing more than speculations.

Set yourself free my dear friend. You do not need to live your life in fear to be a wonderful and caring individual. You can be compassionate and supportive to everyone that cross your path daily, not because you attempt to qualify for heaven or attempt to escape hell. You can do it because it’s the right thing to do. You can live a wonderful and successful life by living your life ONE MOMENT at a time. Do not fear the future or what might happen when you expire. Stop minimizing yourself because you feel you were born in sin according to the myth. Surviving daily in this dimension is difficult enough. Why load all the speculative garbage on your shoulders while you stagger around trying to appease the imaginary God that you have been sold on since early childhood? All you have is this moment my friend. Be the best you can be, not because you fear God, but because you understand that the quality of your choices and actions today will confront you tomorrow. It is not God that is punishing you. It is your own choices that you made yesterday that you are faced with today.

I believe there is an intelligent energy field that we are part of, that we live and die in. I have no reason to think that this is some kind of super human in the sky that meddle in our affairs. This energy field needs nothing from us. There is no need to endlessly convince this energy field of your loyalty and support. You can never be separated from this force. The quality of your life is decided by you and you alone. So go out from now on and live your dream, love your children, forgive those that cause you discomfort and be gentle with yourself.



Posted by on April 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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We have a tendency not to allow any person to build up credits that can be drawn on when mistakes are made.


You need to study failure if you want to really understand success. Most of us are quick to label isolated situations that failed to work out as anticipated as a downright disaster. It is difficult to understand why we have this strange tendency to allow isolated events to warp and destroy the “big picture” in our minds. How many times have I not seen how relationships flirted with disaster because of a so-called major mistake that one of the partners made. Years of faithful and loyal support and service to such aggrieved partner are simply flushed down the toilet. We have a tendency not to allow any person to build up credits that can be drawn on when mistakes are made. If a mistake is made it usually leaves the mistake maker with a massive overdraft in the other person’s emotional data bank. The horrible thing is that we do not only do this to others, but we do it to ourselves as well.


Failure cannot be avoided and will follow you around for the rest of your life like your shadow. You are putting unfair pressure on yourself and others if you suffer with the mind-set that failure can be eradicated. How will we ever grow and learn if we made no mistakes. In fact, you should view every mistake that you ever made not as failure, but like a lesson that you learned. The problem with lessons is that you usually repeat mistakes until you have fully learned your lesson. If we fail to learn our lessons, we as a rule discover that the lessons get harder and more difficult all the time. Remember when you make a mistake or fail it is not sin or a sign that God is testing you. You are not under attack by the dark forces of Satan my friend. You are simply busy learning new disciplines at the university of life.


We often tell people that success is a journey and not a destination. What people fail to grasp is that failure is also a journey and not a destination. When you fail today, it does not mean that it is the end of the road for you. Your journey through life will contain many success and failure moments. There is no real purpose to remain on a failure station too for long. Learn your lesson and continue with your journey.


When you fail or fall short of your objectives you are faced with a choice. You can “label” the mistake or failure as a disaster or you can acknowledge your failure, learn from it and get your show back on the road. Losers amplify even the simplest of lessons into catastrophic proportions. Others might blow a mistake that you made to horrific proportions, but it only becomes a disaster when you accept this classification. Some of the most outstanding inventions in life came about after someone made a serious mistake.


Failure can only hurt you if you make a conscious choice to view it as a disaster and not a lesson. Once you labelled failure with the “disaster” or “failure” label, it begins to erode your soul. Champions never create or facilitate these failure monsters in their minds. They know that they hold the key to its power in their hands. They almost never view any failure as final and irreversible. They accept that their plan possibly took a direct hit, but they never admit final defeat. The reason why they never admit defeat is not because they live in denial, but because they know that, there is always a way out of the disaster zone.

Remember the final choice is always yours when it comes to failure. You can fall apart or see it as just another lesson presented to you by the University of Life. The key is not what happened, but how you responded to what happened to you! If you continue to view failure as the disastrous end to something, you will remain its victim forever. Champions do not view failure as an incurable disease. They hold the antidote in their hands. The antidote is to never empower failure.



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Posted by on April 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”


Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already know, but never apply!

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”

Being naked, without clothes, bare-butt nude; what does that mean to you?

Okay, more specifically, what does you being naked mean to you? Whoops; let’s consider context. I’m guessing that the thought of you being naked alone in the bathtub has a different feel than the thought of you walking down a busy, crowded street totally bare…frankly, I’m hoping.

I’m not suggesting (as some people have) that all nudity in all contexts is ‘healthy’. As with many over-applied ideas, it doesn’t always stand up to scrutiny (so to speak…ahem).

But our bodies are, needless to say, an important part of who we are. It’s not that we have to shove nudity in people’s faces (unless we’re lap dancers) to show how wonderfully un-uptight we are. However, life becomes a little easier and more enjoyable when we can relax about nakedness when it does happen.

For some people, though, appearing naked at anytime feels like a problem.

People can become chronically embarrassed and shy about being seen naked, even by their lovers or spouses. I say ‘become’ because, of course, once upon a time you were completely unaware of even the idea of nudity. No newly born babes are shy when naked.

So what makes some people relaxed with their bodies whilst others run blushing to the nearest light switch?

Where does body shyness come from?

Okay, other than Biblical references to Adam and Eve’s sudden self-consciousness at their nudity (and subsequent fall from grace), why might you have become shy about nudity? As I said, you weren’t born that way. You must have learned to be shy without clothes.

Well, firstly, some awareness around our own nudity is a good thing. We of course need to be aware that nudity isn’t always called for.

Causes for shyness around nakedness include:

  • Exclusively viewing nudity in the context of sex and being embarrassed about that.

  • Having grown up in a household or culture in which nudity was shameful and discouraged.

  • Having lack of confidence in the appearance of your own body.

  • Having had your body ridiculed or having been ridiculed for being naked in the past.

  • Feeling that your body falls pitifully short of air-brushed media bodies and therefore should never be displayed.

If you want to become more comfortable with being unclothed, follow these tips:

Tip 1: Vividly recall not being shy when naked

I have a clear recollection of stripping off and running naked in the park on a hot summer’s day (and no, that wasn’t last summer!). I must have been two or three years old, but I can still recall the sheer freedom of the experience. I didn’t think in terms of ‘nakedness’ or even about how I might appear.

I’m not suggesting that’s a totally good thing in an adult (if we want to avoid arrest), but sometimes it helps us to think about times of wonderful spontaneity to feel a little more relaxed now. If you can remember a time in which you were naked and felt fine about that, then close your eyes and take five minutes to vividly recall those feelings of freedom.

Tip 2: Remember what’s genuinely sexy

Remember that confidence is sexier than anything. I know I said that nakedness isn’t always about sex – and it shouldn’t be; nor should it be about being too self-conscious.

But it is just worth bearing in mind that being relaxed with who you are can be more of a turn-on than any amount of symmetrically firm ‘perfection’.

Tip 3: A little at a time gets you there

One woman who had never appeared naked in front of her husband wanted to be able to relax more in her own skin. I suggested she appear naked for a second (whilst she walked to switch off the light), then two seconds the next week. After a few weeks, she could walk around for minutes at a time and sometimes even forgot entirely that she was naked. A big jump can feel daunting, but many little hops can get you there.

Tip 4: Spend more time naked

This sounds obvious, but the more time you spend naked, the more natural it starts to feel. When you’re on your own (and the temperature is well above freezing), do stuff in the nude. Taking an hour to do the housework naked means that you become accustomed to being as nature intended and of course it starts to feel natural very quickly. If you can feel relaxed and natural on your own, it’s going to feel easier to be naked in front of another person.



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Posted by on April 3, 2013 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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Nothing in life that is worthwhile comes to us because we have a nice smile or a submissive attitude.

Many of us go around with a victim mentality. We allow life and people to dictate our lives. We almost always fall short of their selfish requirements. Nothing in life that is worthwhile comes to us because we have a nice smile or a submissive attitude. We need to walk tall and go for our goals and dreams in a positive and decisive manner. It is silly to think that we will be treated with respect if we allow people to sweep the floors with us. There is a time to be warm, kind and flexible, but then there are occasions that we must walk tall, become strong and do what needs to be done.



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Young adults seem to suffer collectively from a lack of self-esteem. – A lack of self-esteem is easily corrected.

Self-pity is unique to human beings

There is a growing concern among many younger people today that they do not have the skills to approach life and be successful. These young adults seem to suffer collectively from a lack of self-esteem. We have to ask why a whole generation seems to be afraid of their own future. We need to understand that a lack of self-esteem is easily corrected by those who desire to; there is a simple and effective cure for low self-esteem.

the book Think and Grow Rich there is a simple and effective method of achieving your desires, and the author Napoleon Hill named it “auto-suggestion” since until that time it had not been named. Today some of us will recognize the technique as something different but the principle remains the same and it works. Using auto-suggestion will indeed cause you to find self-esteem and self-confidence, and once you master this technique there is no limit to what you can be or do.

Briefly, there are three parts to your mind, the conscious which uses the senses to interpret information, to control the satisfaction of basic needs, and to think. Then there is the unconscious mind that controls the automatic functions such as blood flow and breathing. Lastly, there is the subconscious mind that is the controller of habits, beliefs, and behavior as well as the connection to the universal mind. The universal mind, also known as the higher power, is the provider of all things, it will give you everything you ask for, and the subconscious mind is what does the asking. It is the subconscious mind that can and does control your destiny, and it is the job of the conscious mind to direct the subconscious, yet here is where most of us fail.

However, we can teach our subconscious to behave differently through the process called autosuggestion. With simple actions taken by our conscious mind, we can program our subconscious to believe anything. Realize that it is what the subconscious believes that brings into our lives those physical things that correspond with those beliefs. Through years of programming we have been taught, and have directed our subconscious to believe that we are limited. Some of us were taught that life is hard and you don’t always get what you want, others were taught that you are disadvantaged for some reason and so would never achieve greatness or success. These beliefs were accepted by the subconscious and so it communicates with the universal and it provides what you believe and so you remain in poverty, working to just barely get by, as you “know” life is hard.

Here is where you have to change what your subconscious believes. You have to correct your way of thinking, and it is remarkably easy with auto suggestion. In the book Think and Grow Rich there is a simple and effective method listed, and for brevity sake, it will be paraphrased here. First, determine what exactly it is that you desire, you must be specific and detailed. The book Think and Grow Rich gives you many reasons why, but we are being brief for this article. Secondly, you must write it down on paper, do not skimp on details and do not be afraid of expending ink. Third, promise yourself that you will read it out-loud every day, and then do so. Fourth, think about what you have written, at first do so with every meal, then as it will become a habit and you may think about your paper and its content even more frequently. Fifth, act upon what you have written, any action will do as long as it is relevant to your desire.

You will see results after only a week, you will feel the effects after only two days, this will work amazingly quickly for your benefit, and it is so easy you will wonder why you haven’t been doing this your whole life. Do not get angry for not having been shown this technique before, just understand that the universal provides to you what you desire only when you are ready to receive it, and until now, you were simply not ready. Now you are, you have found this information and it is time to use it.

Be Blessed

By: Ralston Heath

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Posted by on April 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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THE QUESTIONS YOU ASK YOURSELF WILL DETERMINE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE – (Ex. destructive question) – “Why am I often such an idiot?”



The process of thinking is nothing more than an ongoing series of questions that you ask yourself. You question your own performance and the performances of others all the time. You ability to focus on the positive in life is determined by the type of questions that you ask yourself. If you constantly ask yourself, “Why am I such an idiot” you will continue to display “idiotic” behaviour. When you continually ask yourself, “Why is everybody picking on me all the time” you will continue to display the role of a victim. If you ask yourself, “Why am I continually missing out on career advances and promotions” you will make very little progress in whatever career you currently follow.

Superficially these questions might seem as if they come from the heart, but if you study them closer you will see that they cannot in any way enhance your performance in any area of your life. If you for example ask, “Why am I such an idiot” you will never really discover why you feel that you are giving the performance of an idiot all the time.

We also ask questions about the people around us all the time. We will for example ask, “Why is he always out to belittle me and make me look bad in situations.” This type of question can send you on a mental trip into a maze that will never provide you with a solution to the discomfort this person are causing you. We must stop asking ourselves questions that are designed to make our already negative and despondent feelings even more destructive.

The quality of your life depends on the type of questions you ask yourself about your own performance and the performances of others. If you are at the moment feeling let down by someone and you ask, “Why is everybody always letting me down” will not alleviate your pain, but rather deepen the feeling of disgust or despondency in you.

I think that this questioning habit comes from our childhood where our parents “questioned” us when we made mistakes or did something wrong. We seem to take this parent to child method of questioning into our adult life.


The way to question yourself should always bring your closer to a solution to your perceived problem. Rather ask, “What can I do to improve my performance in maths” and avoid the “Why am I such an idiot” style. When you ask “how can I improve” questions you, start thinking solutions while when ask “Why am I such an “idiot” questions you just deepen the negative perception you have about your performance in maths.

When you begin to pose solution-orientated questions, you are directing your attention towards things you can do to improve your status. If you ask destructive questions that only highlight your perceived inadequacies, you are setting yourself up for ongoing failure.

You can ask yourself questions on paper and begin to grow right now. If you list a number of “improvement questions” and begin to work on things you can do to improve on your current performance you are well on your way to success. If you are unhappy about something then ask, “What can I do right now to become more happy and fulfilled?” Make a list of positive question on the following subjects and then answer them in a constructive manner.

Make a list of questions on happy, success, passion, gratitude, money etc. Now answer your “what can I do to improve” questions. You will be amazed what progress you make in a relative short period. Remember questions are good as long as they are posed and answered in a constructive manner.


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