Daily Archives: April 20, 2014

There’s always a gap between “what I have now” and “what I would like.”




I didn’t have any money so couldn’t start a business. And even if I started one, I didn’t have an office, or clients, and I was too shy to cold-call clients. I didn’t have connections or rich parents or anything for that matter.

I didn’t have talent. I just got lucky. Nobody will hire me. I don’t have the right equipment. I couldn’t write a book because I had no publisher. I couldn’t do stand-up because I was afraid people would heckle me. I’m afraid to write a blog post often because what would people think?

All of my excuses turned out to be blessings in disguise. There’s always a gap between “what I have now” and “what I would like.”

The gap is all of your excuses. All it takes to close the gap is to be creative and work your way through the excuses. I repeat: this is ALL IT TAKES.

Your excuses are simply the roadmap that takes you from “here” to “there”. Good luck on your travels.

Below are some types of excuses that I’ve had in the past and still have. You should make your own list.

It’s very exciting to see because excuses are pointers to where the target is. There are no other pointers other than your list of excuses. The excuses are the map to success and fulfillment. It’s fun to take a blank piece of paper and draw out the map. Put roads, mountains, buildings, rivers, obstacles, and destinations in there.




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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in WISDOM



5 Ways to Maximise Your Personal Energy Supply. – Avoid/deal with Energy Vampires



Several governments, officials, environmental agencies exhort us all to conserve that energy we use so that they can save the natural environment and sustain the continued existence on the globe.

 On a personal level I think that we also need to know how to conserve, focus and maximise our own personal supply of energy. We unconsciously dissipate and waste our energy on people, situations, thoughts, attitudes and events which do not serve us well. This leaves less space and energy for creating and attracting the kind of abundance that we want in our lives.

Fascinatingly enough I’ve also found that as I conserve, concentrate and thereby maximise the energy, I tend to use less power on craving and acquiring “stuff”, but more energy emphasizing what is truly important to me, thereby helping the environment.

So here are 5 Ways to Maximise Your Personal Energy Supply.

1. Release Resistance

Releasing resistance will affect a profound change in your level of energy and how you view the world. Resistance often feels as though we are going against ourselves in order to satisfy some internal authority or a myriad of “shoulds” “oughts” and “have tos”. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to be resistant.

Related feelings and behaviour include: procrastination, using willpower and discipline to effect change (otherwise known as “I Have To Struggle To Achieve What I Want”!), stubborness, inflexibility, wanting to be right rather than happy (a very popular one:), holding onto self limiting beliefs way past their sell by date.

Releasing resistance is usually as easy as just making the decision to let choose of whatever you’re holding onto. Energy therapy furthermore helps release resistance in a very deep level.

2. Reduce time watching TV

Watching TV unconsciously is very exhausting. Haven’t you noticed that when you watch TV continuously and do little else, you become extremely tired? That’s because you are merely a passive recipient of information that you’re not fully engaged with. On an energetic level, taking in all of those rays from the TV (similar to a computer) is overstimulating on a physiological level. Of course while you are watch TV, it means that you’re not doing something more productive.

Am I saying that you stop watching TV altogether? No, but to be more selective and watch only those programs that you are engaged with. I’d also say that stop watching the TV news – all of that manufactured fear really affects you on a cellular level. I find that my mindset, moods and overall energy improve significantly when I watch less TV.

3. Consciously create vacuums

Ever heard of the saying: “Nature abhors a vacuum”. If you clean out an area of your life, you are giving the Universe a message to bring in something to replace it. This is otherwise known as energetic and/or physical clutter clearing. Start with either. Most people find it easier to start with clearing out the physical which has an effect on their energies. You are consciously creating the space for change to occur and inviting what you want into your life. This is much much easier than efforting to make things happen.

4. Avoid/deal with Energy Vampires

One of the quickest ways to get an energy boost is to disassociate yourself from those with those whose energy drains you. It is very effective. Unfortunately, it also becomes a little more difficult if they are your partner, member of your family, work colleagues or boss. It helps to develop a stronger set of boundaries and energetic protection, so that they are less likely to affect you in this way.

5. Create quiet time for yourself every day.

Never to do anything (unless it relaxes you), but just to clear and refresh your mind. We are human beings, not doings. There are situations when our crowded schedule and minds don’t allow space and time for any creative to be welcomed in. Einstein liked going sailing in the afternoons after working each day. Okay, most individuals don’t have this opportunity, but you get the point.

If you only do one of the above, then your well-being will undergo the profound change. Friends Blog

By: Wiro Edan

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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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How we feel at any given moment is a solid indicator where we are emotionally at that given moment in time.


Tom’s upcoming book, Primal Man Primal Woman (sure to be a best seller) is the subject of this interview about men and women at their most fundamental core.


Using his unique understanding and experience to see behind the curtain of cultural belief, Tom gets to the core (there’s that apple again) of how we interact with the opposite gender, and answers what steps can be taken for an optimal loving relationship that is in accordance with his theory.

Tom Campbell’s My Big TOE must by definition (a big theory of everything) have an answer for how relationships can work optimally by shifting from need-based to love-based.

Women generally like Tom’s advice for the men, but they will also have some serious growing to do as well.

Evita Ochel of Evolving Beings has said the concept Tom proposes is “revolutionary”.

It is, and yet it is simple. He has observed and researched and tested it out, and have others, and “it works”.

And since Tom always goes beyond this reality in his interviews, he answers questions about relationships in other realities and more.


First glance: New book, Primal Man Primal Woman – My Big TOE


Students often ask me how they will be able to identify if they are in a state of RESISTANCE. The answer is simple and it is easy to detect when you are busy sabotaging yourself. How we feel at any given moment is a solid indicator where we are emotionally at that given moment in time. A feeling of unhappiness, frustration, doubt, fear and anxiety is all symptoms that we are right in the middle of a RESISTANCE storm. A feeling of boredom or dissatisfaction is also a solid indicator that we are in a state of RESISTANCE. Some of us have a feeling of guilt, but find it difficult to figure out why we are feeling so shitty and guilty. A feeling that we would rather stay in bed might be an indication that you have some kind of bug, but usually comes from a source where you are RESISTING something or someone. We often have no idea why we feel the way we do, but still come up with very creative excuses or blame our partner, friends, God or someone at work. Some attempt to drink, party or fuck their way out of the maze of RESISTANCE. Many of our addictions and obsessions come from the state of RESISTANCE. The consulting rooms of doctors and psychologists are full of victims or RESISTANCE. RESISTANCE can make you physically or mentally sick. RESISTANCE often turn into insomnia or anxiety attacks. Another symptom of RESISTANCE is a craving to shop and buy things. We often buy things we don’t need in an attempt to stop the craving deep inside us that eat away on our hearts, soul, dignity and financial capabilities.


You will notice that the consumer culture use our feelings of unhappiness and our desire for instant gratification to raid our wallets and credit cards. Look around you today and see if you can identify the many ways that we are exploited by the commercial world with promises that they will make us feel happy, satisfied, healed, more acceptable, slimmer, stronger, sexier etc. You will discover that the biggest percentage of sellers parasite on our basic habit of RESISTING our current moment. I will continue with this series tomorrow.





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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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Look around you today and you will see that everything is choreographed.




Most individuals that saw the series on the Matrix find it an enjoyable action movie, but some, only a few suddenly, realise that the Matrix is real and have been fucking mankind for thousands of years. Man have been programmed and hypnotised since the beginning of time to serve as the slaves of the system. Man have been used and abused by the privileged few that sit with most of the power and the money. You might venture a smile while reading this and think that I am on a role with one of the endless number of conspiracy theories that a few crackpots run around with periodically. Just answer one question and see if you can give a valid explanation why there are literally billions of people on this planet that are struggling to survive on a day-to-day basis while a few fat cat (politicians and corporations) sit with mountains of money sipping their whisky from crystal glass tumblers. Mankind have been lured into an invisible jail where we (you and me) became paralysed slaves that work our fingers to the bone for a system with no compassion and no love. You may ask, “How was this amazing con trick pulled on mankind?” It was achieved by master manipulators that implanted a virus of RESISTANCE in our forefathers. This virus was transferred from generation to generation via our genes as well as through the domestication process instilled in our parents by society by the church and politicians. A method of fear, pain and pleasure assisted those with their double agendas to turn us into their sheep. The carrot and stick method worked extremely well. Those that did what was expected were rewarded and those that failed to toe the line were punished. False promises and lies motivated us to turn on each other until we went into hiding each in our tiny little box. You were a good citizen if you advanced the agendas of the controllers and painfully punished if you disobeyed any of the religious and political tainted dogma. That is why everyone lives in a world of RESISTANCE. Not RESISTANCE focused on the agendas of the slave drivers, but the perceived intentions of our neighbour, brothers etc. You might be shocked when I tell you that we are not only the source (work) of all the wealth they have, but we police each other and even breed future slaves for their system. We are living in a matrix where we live and die in the illusion created for us by heartless operators. We live in an illusion where we are constantly bombarded by advertising, movies, videos, news on TV and the radio. Everything is choreographed to sustain a spirit of RESISTANCE in you. We all strive to achieve the unachievable objectives promoted on TV, in the media and newspapers. We want to be happy, successful and create some kind of future for our children. We run like rats on the treadmill of the matrix and make little or no progress. Our gains today is nullified a day or a few weeks later.


Look around you today and you will see that everything is choreographed. There is a huge greedy money grabbing machine behind the glamour products and services promoted. The glib politicians never tell you from their podiums that they own you and will not hesitate to send you or your children to die for them in their silly wars. The corporations will not tell you that many of their products contain chemicals and ingredients that could destroy your health. (Look at Food Inc video) Listen to the well concealed trigger words used by those in power to motivate you to give them your labour, health, money and votes. Open your mind today and listen. You might discover how the spirit of RESISTANCE shattered society into small manageable clusters. We RESIST each other while our controllers sit in their ivory towers enjoying the fruit of our labour. They know while we RESIST and fight each other we will remain in our sheep like state. I will continue this series tomorrow.



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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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Children are often confronted by hair raising performance by their parents when they dare to tell the truth.




One of the most corrosive things many of us do is that we often rationalise perceived mistakes we made. I am often astounded with the justifications that some people come up when they fall short of their own or other’s expectations. They will find something or someone to blame. They often blame the weather, racism, historical disadvantages, God or Satan, the government, the recipe, fellow workers, the children, their partner etc. What we fail to understand is that rationalisation fortifies our habit of living a life of RESISTANCE. Did it ever cross your mind that mistakes you make or events where you fail to conclude a project successfully is a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow? The word “sin” originally simply meant that a person fell short of the expectation (goal) that he was expected to achieve. It is only when devious and clever operators noticed the wonderful opportunity to use failure as a mind control system that the concept of sin took on the horrific dimensions still used in many religions. People were made to feel like shit when they once again fell short of the so-called requirements that God personally cast in stone. What amplified the fear of sinning and letting God down was the absolute nonsense preached that nobody can escape the all seeing eye of God. People became devious and began to hide, rationalise and justify their failures. Children that have strict and obsessive parents soon discover that telling the truth can turn into a fairly unpleasant experience. They soon develop a wide range of justifications and rationalisation that would make a judge scratch his head. Some children can think up excuses and reasons for poor performance or a lack of progress that would make most defence attorneys blush. Something else that must be kept in mind is that all of us look at life through our own filter systems. We see our own perceptions and real and valid and often cannot see anything from other’s perspectives. We become mentally blind and cannot for a moment contemplate why someone is making such a fuss about a perceived mistake we made. Empathy (putting you in other’s shoes) fell apart over the years. Showing empathy means that you admit to your mistakes and as explained earlier could lead to pain and punishment. Every time we get away with the justifications we make up we entrench ourselves deeper in our castle of RESISTANCE. The problem with “making up stories and justifications” is that we must suddenly remember what bullshit story we used to cover up our dispositions. The joke is that we begin to believe our own stories and will often be prepared to fight to the death to keep what really happened under wraps. Admitting mistakes we made provide wonderful learning opportunities and at the same time extract the toxic substance that accompanies whatever transpired. We came to this dimension to experience and to grow. The mistakes we make are wonderful opportunities to learn and to expand our self-image and self-esteem. You can save lots of time, tap dancing and frustration if you admit your mistake and offer to remedy whatever damage you caused. There are parent that strongly insist that their children tell them the truth (and nothing but the truth). Children are often confronted by hair raising performances by their parents when they dare to tell the truth. Their mother begin to hyperventilate while she rips bundles of hair out of her sculpt while the father clutch his chest while he whisper and wheeze how he is going to beat the child up and force him to stay in his room for fifteen years. Let’s be honest. Very few children will continue to admit to mistakes after a few dramatic performances by his or her parents. Children later become adults and even later parents. They in turn duplicate the examples set by their parents and in the process produce a new generation of children that RESIST admitting mistakes that also find it impossible to show empathy to those that they harmed in with a mistake they made. The solution is to “tell it like it is” and let the chips fall where they may.


Spend today and see if you notice how you or others justify and rationalise when mistakes are made. See how service staff blame the computer when the messed up your account. See how incompetent mechanics flounder and lie when you question the quality of work they did on your vehicle. Try a few time do admit your mistakes without trying to justify your error. You might shock a few individuals that are not used to hearing the truth – but do it anyway. I will continue this series tomorrow.


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