Tag Archives: childhood

How Core Beliefs are Built in Childhood



How Core Beliefs are Built in Childhood

What are core beliefs? How do they end up playing such an important role in who we are and in our lives? How do we get them? Do we have access to them? Are we aware of them? Is it within our power to discard the ones that do not serve us?

This topic is really inexhaustible, but, in this article, I will touch upon some basic processes. Beginning in infancy, and early childhood two main processes are responsible for the way we view ourselves, our world, our place in it and our relationship to it: our personal observations, through our senses and autonomous thinking processes, and the influence of others.

As far as our sense of self is concerned, initially, we develop and build up our “I” through a mirroring process of what others tell us about us. “You are so pretty!” “You are a bad boy.” “You are stupid.” “You are lazy”. “You are just like your father”. “You’re like me, hopeless in math”. In conversations among grownups which we happen to eavesdrop on we hear: “Oh I don’t know what to do with her she is such a jealous child”. “He is my nightmare, I can’t wait for his bedtime so I can rest a bit”. “She’s chubby, but it runs in the family”. The “you are’s” and “he/she is’s” that we have heard in our childhood alone are countless. Some, to be sure, were circumstantial, although that says nothing about how one comment, one word spoken only once, one glance may have branded us for life. Others were repeatedly hurled at us. Some were not even necessarily “bad”, for instance: “she is so sweet and well-mannered”. “He always does what I tell him to do, he is so obedient.” These are “good” things, from a grownup’s point of view, right?

So, you may ask, does what we are told really determine who we are? The answer is no. It does not determine who we are, but it determines who we think we are. If the influences are strong, persistent, repetitive, we may grow without having even an inkling of who we really are. We have become a conglomerate of our parents’ most exacting expectations and worst fears. What’s worse is that we believe in this conglomerate as being our own true self.

You become hopeless in math. You become an overweight person. You become lazy. You become too obedient and compliant for your own good. You become so sweet and well-mannered that you do not react when people step all over you. You become what you repeatedly heard others say about you. All the countless “you are’s” and “he/she is’s” comprise what you call your Self. Isn’t there just a tiny bit of some authentic stuff in me, you may ask, is all of it conditioned in, drilled in, has not something of the realer me been retained? And you are right, there is, and bits and parts of you have indeed been retained. Those are the parts that eventually may urge you to seek some form of therapy, those are the parts that may erupt in unruly behavior, those are the parts that are extremely sensitive to criticism, to labeling, even to praise, because “praise” can be another victimizing behavior by shrewd adults and it is very widely used: “oh, I count on you to be mature and not hit your little sister when she ruins your school project you have been working on all week”.

Later on, more autonomous processes are at play, to be sure. Our own personal observations, our own identifications, choices and modeling of others, and various events that may leave a positive or negative mark – these are all ways of how the “I am” of each one of us is formed, influenced, empowered or disempowered. As we grow up, go to school, we develop our own “I am’s and am nots”. But by the time we are able to form our own opinions about our self and others, not only do we already carry some “baggage” of other’s people’s opinions of us, but we have also “inherited” a way of formulating, assessing and storing these personal opinions.

What I am trying to point out in this article is a subtle yet very powerful factor that is really responsible for a lot of damage, particularly if the outside influences or our own conclusions about ourselves are negative and self-sabotaging. Language is very important as a thinking tool, in fact there can be no thinking without language, except in very rudimentary forms. And we all make a small linguistic mistake which may have tremendous cognitive and emotional consequences: the erroneous use of the verb to be.

To make this point clear, compare these two sentences: What you did was (bad, rude, inconsiderate, wonderful, clever, stupid, etc.) You are (bad, rude, inconsiderate, wonderful, clever, stupid, etc.)

Unfortunately, this fatal linguistic mistake is very commonly made in our culture, and it affects very powerfully our cognitive processes, by leading us to conclusions that are over-generalized, absolutist, rigid, all-inclusive and permanent. Once all these various “you are’s” and “I am’s” are programmed into your basic programming, your self structure, you function automatically because your subconscious has accepted these conclusions as truths and as instructions that will automatically guide your action, your sense of self, and your presence in and interaction with the world.

This same process and the same linguistic and cognitive mistake is repeated also at a wider scale. Consider:

They (as a social class, a religious group, a racial group, an ethnic group) are…

We, in our family are….

Women are…

Men are…

The world is ….

Life is ….

So, you can see how powerful this little verb can be…Perhaps, while reading this article you remembered the “you are” gifts you received in your childhood, the “I am” gifts you have given yourself since.

Take a few moments to reflect on the following questions:

  • Which “you are’s” and “I am’s” in your experience do you find dysfunctional for you and would like to eliminate from your self-concept?

  • What core beliefs about you and the world do you believe are hindering instead of encouraging your development and prevent you from realizing your highest potential?

  • Which of your core beliefs are constructive and conducive to a healthy and happy life?


by Ismini Apostoli


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Posted by on September 30, 2015 in WISDOM



Those that domesticated you implanted all their own fears/anxieties into your mind.


The force of RESISTANCE is very cunning and will use any means possible to stop you from doing what needs to be done. The endless stream of voices and feelings that activate when you are confronted with a task that might be risky or beyond your comfort zone is mind blowing. The voices will come at you from all angles. It will fabricate any story, myth or examples that it can dig from the archives in your mind to stop you from taking action. It exaggerate, belittle, seduce and attempt to bully you into submission. It will cry, scoff and take on any form in an attempt to deceive you and discourage you. You might recall how bewildered you became when you were faced historically with a decision that could send your life in a new direction. This force that is a master at building RESISTANCE will stop at nothing to convince you to stick to the well worn path that you are currently travelling on. This force will one moment talk to you as if you are a helpless child and the very next moment attempt to flood your mind with guilt and fear. Look around you and you might notice that everyone that made a success of anything did not fall for the dirty tricks used by this force. This force will create the impression that the threats are out there waiting for you if you dare to think or act outside the box. You have been lied to since early childhood. The source of your pain and discomfort is generated from within. It was the stories and bullshit myths that brought on the RESISTANCE and RELUCTANCE that you experienced every time you attempted to venture out of your comfort zone. The world you created for yourself and the relationships that you formed was heavily influenced by this invisible, but powerful force. You are not only up against your own history, but also against all the stories and myths that your parents and teachers shared with you in your formative years. It might not surprise you when I tell you that those that domesticated you faithfully implanted all their own fears and anxieties that they have been fighting against into your mind. They possibly gave their own RESISTANCE force a massive run for its money, but lost. They were defeated. I cannot come to any other conclusion. They finally succumbed to their own force of RESISTANCE or they would not have downloaded so much shit into your subconscious computer. There is nothing you fear today that cannot be traced back to nonsense downloaded into your fragile and vulnerable mind by a wide range of well intentioned programmers.


I would suggest that you today become acutely aware of the RESISTANCE that you experience periodically. Make a note when you feel the RESISTANCE welling up in you. Make a note who you spoke to or what did a person say or do that activated RESISTANCE in you. You might be so used to giving in or up that the RESISTANCE might be feeble and difficult to detect. I can guarantee you that the force of RESISTANCE will come at you in waves as described earlier in this post the moment you stop displaying your usual submissive demeanour. I will continue this series tomorrow.






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Posted by on January 17, 2015 in WISDOM


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The concept of freedom must be the most warped and misunderstood concept ever. It is words expressed by many, but understood by a precious few. I believe that nobody survive their childhood and come out mentally and emotionally free on the other side. There are just too many individuals, parties and institutions that meddle with the mind of an infant. A newly born baby might be “free” for a few days after his arrival, but soon begin to undergo a domestication process that will be sustained and enforced for many years.


I advocate complete freedom for everyone, everywhere. The concept of real freedom is to live and experience your life in a manner that will nullify the influence, rules, laws and directions of any individual or group. I also believe that every person must be allowed to live his life in a similar manner. Nobody must be allowed to impose his will or agendas on anyone under any circumstances.


The pleasure and advantages derived from the enjoyment of any activity should be allowed at the individual’s own discretion. No laws or rules are necessary to control and direct responsible free individual’s choices or activities. A free person will act within acceptable boundaries.


A free person will participate in activities in a spontaneous manner because he accepts full responsibility for all his actions and choices. He will not need laws, rules and regulations when it comes to sex, drinking and shopping because he will be fully aware that any acts that could cause any other individual a loss could result in a return to the opposite of freedom – mental and physical incarceration. His sexual activities will be conducted with other consenting adults and his drinking will be within the bounds of moderation. A person that is really free will not allow any activity (sex, drinking, eating etc.) to threaten the joy of his freedom brought him.


I am sure you noticed that laws (religious and otherwise) and harsh penalties do deter or reduce the activities of those that they are meant to arrest. A free person understands that he have the final say when it comes to things that involve his happiness. It is not the laws, rules and regulations that guide or force a free person to remain within acceptable norms. It is his desire to be happy and remain free of guilt, control, fear and obsessions that direct his choices. The free person does not need anybody or a system to tell him what actions and activities could impact on his well-being or the well-being of others.


Laws, rules and regulations are set in place to control and govern all citizens. The laws and rules are constructed in a manner so that it will curb or address any perceived eventuality that might occur. There are thousands of these laws and regulations on the books that limit or prevent individuals to use own discresion. There are also endless religious laws that make this web of control even more claustrophobic. The child that arrived on this plane free end up entangled in a web that contains thousands of laws, written, cultural or verbal that control virtually every breath he takes or every move he makes. It is a fallacy to think that you are free if you understand the bleak picture that I painted above. You might labour under the misconception that you have free will, but might by now notice that you in many aspects have no choice at all.


It is also a fallacy to think that you have rights. You will discover that there are always individuals and institutions that seem to have more rights than you. These individuals and institutions often impose their wills and perceived rights in a ruthless manner. Governments for example structured the rules and laws to always provide them with the upper hand. Every law or rule by the government or even with the company where you are employed weighs more than the rights that you perceived you have. There is always fine print in all agreements. They more often than not protect and provide most of the power to the other party. This is how governments impose their will on minorities. Minorities might think that they have protection in a democratically elected government only to discover that they have little or no rights at all. Freedom and liberty is thus often a figment of our imagination.


Individuals, groups, churches and governments own most of us (mentally and physically) because of these laws and rules. It is the illusion of the laws and rules web that rob us of our ability to become free in our choices and the way we conduct our lives. We must become free-thinkers and begin to live our lives with a freedom frame of mind. Mental liberty and freedom is a way of life and a worthy goal to strive for. Look around you today and you will discover that there are always those that think they are your master and you their slave. They might have thousands of rules and laws that they use to intimidate, own or control you, but more often than not make up new rules on the run to further intimidate and dominate you. The controllers might often come at you in uniforms, but they could also be a family member, boss, partner or even a child.


The time has come to take ownership of your life and your choices. You are not inferior to anyone or any institution. You have the right to live, speak and protect your property and everything that is yours in a vagarious and assertive manner. Do not allow anyone to wrap you with imaginary or superficial laws that do not provide you with equal status and rights. You must understand and master personal liberty and freedom if you want to live a happy and successful life. Remember that “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free (Johann W. Goethe (1749 – 1832)



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Posted by on November 30, 2014 in WISDOM


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The force of RESISTANCE ….. exaggerate, belittle, seduce and attempt to bully you into submission.


The force of RESISTANCE is very cunning and will use any means possible to stop you from doing what needs to be done. The endless stream of voices and feelings that activate when you are confronted with a task that might be risky or beyond your comfort zone is mind blowing. The voices will come at you from all angles. It will fabricate any story, myth or examples that it can dig from the archives in your mind to stop you from taking action. It exaggerate, belittle, seduce and attempt to bully you into submission. It will cry, scoff and take on any form in an attempt to deceive you and discourage you. You might recall how bewildered you became when you were faced historically with a decision that could send your life in a new direction. This force that is a master at building RESISTANCE will stop at nothing to convince you to stick to the well worn path that you are currently travelling on. This force will one moment talk to you as if you are a helpless child and the very next moment attempt to flood your mind with guilt and fear. Look around you and you might notice that everyone that made a success of anything did not fall for the dirty tricks used by this force. This force will create the impression that the threats are out there waiting for you if you dare to think or act outside the box. You have been lied to since early childhood. The source of your pain and discomfort is generated from within. It was the stories and bullshit myths that brought on the RESISTANCE and RELUCTANCE that you experienced every time you attempted to venture out of your comfort zone. The world you created for yourself and the relationships that you formed was heavily influenced by this invisible, but powerful force. You are not only up against your own history, but also against all the stories and myths that your parents and teachers shared with you in your formative years. It might not surprise you when I tell you that those that domesticated you faithfully implanted all their own fears and anxieties that they have been fighting against into your mind. They possibly gave their own RESISTANCE force a massive run for its money, but lost. They were defeated. I cannot come to any other conclusion. They finally succumbed to their own force of RESISTANCE or they would not have downloaded so much shit into your subconscious computer. There is nothing you fear today that cannot be traced back to nonsense downloaded into your fragile and vulnerable mind by a wide range of well intentioned programmers.


I would suggest that you today become acutely aware of the RESISTANCE that you experience periodically. Make a note when you feel the RESISTANCE welling up in you. Make a note who you spoke to or what did a person say or do that activated RESISTANCE in you. You might be so used to giving in or up that the RESISTANCE might be feeble and difficult to detect. I can guarantee you that the force of RESISTANCE will come at you in waves as described earlier in this post the moment you stop displaying your usual submissive demeanour. I will continue this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on November 3, 2014 in WISDOM


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Overview – The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden.




The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden

Almost universally, we share a sense that there‚ more to us than meets the eye. Somewhere deep within the mists of our ancient history, we know we have magic and miraculous powers within us. From the time of childhood, we fantasize about our ability to do things that are beyond the realm of reason and logic.


Gregg Braden has spent over 20 years studying spiritual and religious texts and is considered by many an inspired spiritual teacher. Most people interested in spirituality are already familiar with his previous works like ‚ The Spontaneous Healing of Belief‚ Awakening to Zero Point‚ The Science of Compassion‚The Isaiah Effect‚ and ‚The God Code.


The special message contained in Braden‚ new book, The Divine Matrix is that we are not observers but creators of our own personal worlds, and we have the power to transform our lives by gaining a better understanding of our relationship to all-that-is, learning how to listen to its messages, and learning to communicate with it in its own language.


The Divine Matrix is divided into three parts. Part I Discovering the Divine Matrix: The Mystery that Connects All Things‚ examines and combines ancient wisdom with recent breakthroughs in quantum physics to give us an understanding of this net of energy that contains all.


Part II, The Bridge Between Imagination and Reality: How the Divine Matrix works‚ describes in great detail our ability to connect with and re-program the matrix to mirror more desirable effects on our lives.


Part III, Messages from the Divine Matrix: Living, Loving, and Healing in Quantum Awareness‚ teaches us how to listen to the Matrix and how the Matrix reflects our emotions in the relationships we form with others and with our world.




Braden describes it as a field of energy, which provides the container as well as a bridge and a mirror for everything that happens between the world within and the world without. He also invites us to look at the Divine Matrix as a cosmic blanket, which is many layers deep and is everywhere and all the time. Braden tells us that from a quantum perspective, everything in existence from an atom to a whole planet can be thought of as a disturbance in the fabric of this space-time blanket. In the Vedas, this blanket is the unified field of pure consciousness‚ that bathes and permeates all creation. According to Hsin-Hsin Ming (the Taoist Faith-mind Verses) it‚ described as the essence which is the container of all experience and the experience itself.


Combining the wisdom of our oldest traditions with some findings of quantum physics, Braden concludes that there are three principles that govern the Matrix:


1. Everything exists within the Divine Matrix and everything is inter-connected.


2. The Divine Matrix is holographic, which means that any portion of the field contains everything in the field.


3. The past, present and future are intimately joined. As a container of time, the Matrix provides continuity between the choices of our present and the experiences of our future.




We connect to the Matrix, not by thought, but through the language of emotion. Our feelings of love, hate, fear, forgiveness etc. are actually instructions that program the Divine Matrix. Within this emotional communication and connection to the Matrix lies our power to bring healing, more joy and peace to our lives. According to Braden, the Matrix can be thought of a huge computer into which, through our beliefs, feelings and emotions, we program commands that produce the results we see in our lives.


In Part III, Braden provides us with 20 keys to conscious creation which if studied, understood and applied can help us greatly in getting in touch with our miraculous potential to heal and create joy, love and peace in the world.




A story worth sharing.....


Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have created.


Key 2: Everything in our world is connected to everything else.


Key 3: To tap the force of the universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world rather as separate from it.


Key 4: Once something is joined, it is always connected, whether it remains physically linked or not.

Key 5: The act of focusing our consciousness is an act of creation. Consciousness creates!

Key 6: We have all the power we need to create all the changes we choose!

Key 7: The focus of our awareness becomes the reality of our world.

Key 8: To simply say that we choose a new reality in not enough!

Key 9: Feeling is the language that‚  to the Divine Matrix. Feel as though your goal is accomplished and your prayer is already answered.

Key 10: Not just any feeling will do. The ones that create must be without ego and judgment.

Key 11: We must become in our lives that we choose to experience as our world.

Key 12: We are not bound by the laws of physics as we know them today.

Key 13: In a holographic every piece of the something mirrors the whole something.

Key 14: The universally connected hologram of consciousness promises that the instant we create our good wishes and prayers, they are already received at their destination.

Key 15: Through the hologram of consciousness, a little change in our lives is mirrored everywhere in our world.

Key 16: The minimum number of people required to a change in consciousness is the 1% of the population.

Key 17: The Divine Matrix serves as the mirror in our world of the relationships that we create in our beliefs.

Key 18: The root of our experiences may be reduced to one of the three universal fears (or a combination of them): abandonment, low self-worth, or lack of trust.

Key 19: Our true beliefs are mirrored in our most intimate relationships.

Key 20: We must become in our lives the very things we choose to experience in our world.


Undoubtedly, Gregg Braden is a great spiritual thinker and visionary of our times. Like many of his contemporaries he also tries to bridge science with spirituality. In part, this is in response to modern man‚ need not to take things on faith, but have his faith backed up by scientific evidence. In The Divine Matrix, Braden attempts to link quantum physics to metaphysics and spirituality. Does really such a link exist? The average lay person, would still have to take Braden‚ scientific ‚Äúevidence‚ on faith. The more scientifically oriented reader would tend to consider the link very tenuous and the evidence presented to prove it, arbitrary and sketchy.


Quantum physics is a highly complex science firmly rooted in reason and logic. Metaphysics, on the other hand, is deeply rooted in feeling, emotion, intuition and faith. Braden attempts to blend reason with intuition in his effort to broaden our understanding of our world. How successful and convincing his attempt is, is up to the discerning reader to decide.

This Review was written by Ismini Apostoli.

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Posted by on July 18, 2014 in WISDOM


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“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free”




The concept of freedom must be the most warped and misunderstood concept ever. It is words expressed by many, but understood by a precious few. I believe that nobody survive their childhood and come out mentally and emotionally free on the other side. There are just too many individuals, parties and institutions that meddle with the mind of an infant. A newly born baby might be “free” for a few days after his arrival, but soon begin to undergo a domestication process that will be sustained and enforced for many years.


I advocate complete freedom for everyone, everywhere. The concept of real freedom is to live and experience your life in a manner that will nullify the influence, rules, laws and directions of any individual or group. I also believe that every person must be allowed to live his life in a similar manner. Nobody must be allowed to impose his will or agendas on anyone under any circumstances.


The pleasure and advantages derived from the enjoyment of any activity should be allowed at the individual’s own discretion. No laws or rules are necessary to control and direct responsible free individual’s choices or activities. A free person will act within acceptable boundaries.


A free person will participate in activities in a spontaneous manner because he accepts full responsibility for all his actions and choices. He will not need laws, rules and regulations when it comes to sex, drinking and shopping because he will be fully aware that any acts that could cause any other individual a loss could result in a return to the opposite of freedom – mental and physical incarceration. His sexual activities will be conducted with other consenting adults and his drinking will be within the bounds of moderation. A person that is really free will not allow any activity (sex, drinking, eating etc.) to threaten the joy of his freedom brought him.


I am sure you noticed that laws (religious and otherwise) and harsh penalties do deter or reduce the activities of those that they are meant to arrest. A free person understands that he have the final say when it comes to things that involve his happiness. It is not the laws, rules and regulations that guide or force a free person to remain within acceptable norms. It is his desire to be happy and remain free of guilt, control, fear and obsessions that direct his choices. The free person does not need anybody or a system to tell him what actions and activities could impact on his well-being or the well-being of others.


Laws, rules and regulations are set in place to control and govern all citizens. The laws and rules are constructed in a manner so that it will curb or address any perceived eventuality that might occur. There are thousands of these laws and regulations on the books that limit or prevent individuals to use own discresion. There are also endless religious laws that make this web of control even more claustrophobic. The child that arrived on this plane free end up entangled in a web that contains thousands of laws, written, cultural or verbal that control virtually every breath he takes or every move he makes. It is a fallacy to think that you are free if you understand the bleak picture that I painted above. You might labour under the misconception that you have free will, but might by now notice that you in many aspects have no choice at all.


It is also a fallacy to think that you have rights. You will discover that there are always individuals and institutions that seem to have more rights than you. These individuals and institutions often impose their wills and perceived rights in a ruthless manner. Governments for example structured the rules and laws to always provide them with the upper hand. Every law or rule by the government or even with the company where you are employed weighs more than the rights that you perceived you have. There is always fine print in all agreements. They more often than not protect and provide most of the power to the other party. This is how governments impose their will on minorities. Minorities might think that they have protection in a democratically elected government only to discover that they have little or no rights at all. Freedom and liberty is thus often a figment of our imagination.


Individuals, groups, churches and governments own most of us (mentally and physically) because of these laws and rules. It is the illusion of the laws and rules web that rob us of our ability to become free in our choices and the way we conduct our lives. We must become free-thinkers and begin to live our lives with a freedom frame of mind. Mental liberty and freedom is a way of life and a worthy goal to strive for. Look around you today and you will discover that there are always those that think they are your master and you their slave. They might have thousands of rules and laws that they use to intimidate, own or control you, but more often than not make up new rules on the run to further intimidate and dominate you. The controllers might often come at you in uniforms, but they could also be a family member, boss, partner or even a child.


The time has come to take ownership of your life and your choices. You are not inferior to anyone or any institution. You have the right to live, speak and protect your property and everything that is yours in a vagarious and assertive manner. Do not allow anyone to wrap you with imaginary or superficial laws that do not provide you with equal status and rights. You must understand and master personal liberty and freedom if you want to live a happy and successful life. Remember that “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free (Johann W. Goethe (1749 – 1832)



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Posted by on March 9, 2014 in WISDOM


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Transforming Childhood Trauma Into Enlightenment.

Self-pity is unique to human beings


Writing about childhood adversity, often a depressing topic, appeals to me because I know recovery is possible. What’s more, I believe those of us from traumatic backgrounds are well positioned to approach what spiritual disciplines call enlightenment (or realization, awakening, etc). This may sound surprising, but I’ve seen evidence for it in myself and others.

My younger years felt poisoned with dissatisfaction, rage, and confusion. Looking back, it’s clear I struggled with many of the difficulties known to stem from adverse home life. Here is my breakdown of the common problems, derived from multiple sources and framed by personal experience: poor self-concept, emotional reactivity, social unease, feelings of emptiness, problems with focus, and stress-induced bodily symptoms.

During the years of my recovery, each of these qualities changed from feeling wholly negative to seeming at least partially positive. Taken together, in their new form they help me appreciate life’s majesty even in the face of pain, loss, and illness. To feel privileged to be alive regardless of circumstance is, I suspect, near to realization. There is room for much greater maturity, but most of the time I feel contented and unafraid. What more does a person require?

Here’s how each affliction can be retooled to favour spiritual growth:

Poor self-concept can transform into secure humility. Whereas the well-adjusted person feels solidly established as a personality, we who were mistreated when young grew up feeling fragmented and hollow. Thus, even after we gain confidence, we remember our vulnerability. All wisdom traditions place a premium on humility, and the wounded enjoy a head start.

Emotional reactivity, properly harnessed, fosters attunement to others. What I once saw as excessive sensitivity I now recognize as the foundation of empathy.

Social unease comes from fear of embarrassment and betrayal. Scratch its surface and you’ll find a demand for acceptance and trustworthiness. Interpersonal anxiety can be reconfigured into a barometer for authenticity.

Feelings of emptiness sound bad, but consider that “emptiness” is also a catchword in Eastern meditative traditions. The connotations are different, but related. The emptiness we feel when discouraged is tainted by meaninglessness. Life appears beset by hazard and doomed to death. But if we discover beauty in life’s uncertainty and transience, then that same emptiness feels, paradoxically, full. This deep concept, best approached through meditation, tells us emptiness is the flipside of plenitude. Post-traumatic despair might be closer to post-recovery bliss than we normally think.

Problems with focus are problems of dissociation. While suffering abuse as a child, I would escape to an alternate mental world that felt distant and safe. Detaching when stressed has caused problems in adulthood, but the ability to alter consciousness offers a surprising benefit: it facilitates entry into the heightened states valued by spiritual seekers. In the extreme, shifts of consciousness can impair reality testing, so they shouldn’t be pursued without responsible preparation and guidance. But while remaining mindful and grounded, I’ve been blessed to experience transcendent awareness with greater than average ease.

Finally, the somatic symptoms that follow stress and trauma can serve as guides to bodily state. Attending to them has helped me better inhabit my body. Embodiment, in turn, promotes mindfulness and relaxation.

Humility, empathy, authenticity, plenitude, transcendence, and embodiment: not a bad starting point for enlightened growth. Every limiting quality can thus be reshaped into something advantageous. In future posts I plan to describe some strategies that enable these transformations.

The road to wellness presents challenges; in particular, emotions may feel overwhelming at the outset. I hope knowing trauma’s legacy can be reborn as spiritual maturity will embolden those just starting out.

By Will Meecham, MD, MA / Source: PsychCentral

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Posted by on March 2, 2014 in WISDOM


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It is not the laws/rules/regulations that guide/force a free person to remain within acceptable norms.





The concept of freedom must be the most warped and misunderstood concept ever. It is words expressed by many, but understood by a precious few. I believe that nobody survive their childhood and come out mentally and emotionally free on the other side. There are just too many individuals, parties and institutions that meddle with the mind of an infant. A newly born baby might be “free” for a few days after his arrival, but soon begin to undergo a domestication process that will be sustained and enforced for many years.


I advocate complete freedom for everyone, everywhere. The concept of real freedom is to live and experience your life in a manner that will nullify the influence, rules, laws and directions of any individual or group. I also believe that every person must be allowed to live his life in a similar manner. Nobody must be allowed to impose his will or agendas on anyone under any circumstances.


The pleasure and advantages derived from the enjoyment of any activity should be allowed at the individual’s own discretion. No laws or rules are necessary to control and direct responsible free individual’s choices or activities. A free person will act within acceptable boundaries.


A free person will participate in activities in a spontaneous manner because he accepts full responsibility for all his actions and choices. He will not need laws, rules and regulations when it comes to sex, drinking and shopping because he will be fully aware that any acts that could cause any other individual a loss could result in a return to the opposite of freedom – mental and physical incarceration. His sexual activities will be conducted with other consenting adults and his drinking will be within the bounds of moderation. A person that is really free will not allow any activity (sex, drinking, eating etc.) to threaten the joy of his freedom brought him.


I am sure you noticed that laws (religious and otherwise) and harsh penalties do deter or reduce the activities of those that they are meant to arrest. A free person understands that he have the final say when it comes to things that involve his happiness. It is not the laws, rules and regulations that guide or force a free person to remain within acceptable norms. It is his desire to be happy and remain free of guilt, control, fear and obsessions that direct his choices. The free person does not need anybody or a system to tell him what actions and activities could impact on his well-being or the well-being of others.


Laws, rules and regulations are set in place to control and govern all citizens. The laws and rules are constructed in a manner so that it will curb or address any perceived eventuality that might occur. There are thousands of these laws and regulations on the books that limit or prevent individuals to use own discresion. There are also endless religious laws that make this web of control even more claustrophobic. The child that arrived on this plane free end up entangled in a web that contains thousands of laws, written, cultural or verbal that control virtually every breath he takes or every move he makes. It is a fallacy to think that you are free if you understand the bleak picture that I painted above. You might labour under the misconception that you have free will, but might by now notice that you in many aspects have no choice at all.


It is also a fallacy to think that you have rights. You will discover that there are always individuals and institutions that seem to have more rights than you. These individuals and institutions often impose their wills and perceived rights in a ruthless manner. Governments for example structured the rules and laws to always provide them with the upper hand. Every law or rule by the government or even with the company where you are employed weighs more than the rights that you perceived you have. There is always fine print in all agreements. They more often than not protect and provide most of the power to the other party. This is how governments impose their will on minorities. Minorities might think that they have protection in a democratically elected government only to discover that they have little or no rights at all. Freedom and liberty is thus often a figment of our imagination.


Individuals, groups, churches and governments own most of us (mentally and physically) because of these laws and rules. It is the illusion of the laws and rules web that rob us of our ability to become free in our choices and the way we conduct our lives. We must become free-thinkers and begin to live our lives with a freedom frame of mind. Mental liberty and freedom is a way of life and a worthy goal to strive for. Look around you today and you will discover that there are always those that think they are your master and you their slave. They might have thousands of rules and laws that they use to intimidate, own or control you, but more often than not make up new rules on the run to further intimidate and dominate you. The controllers might often come at you in uniforms, but they could also be a family member, boss, partner or even a child.


The time has come to take ownership of your life and your choices. You are not inferior to anyone or any institution. You have the right to live, speak and protect your property and everything that is yours in a vagarious and assertive manner. Do not allow anyone to wrap you with imaginary or superficial laws that do not provide you with equal status and rights. You must understand and master personal liberty and freedom if you want to live a happy and successful life. Remember that “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free (Johann W. Goethe (1749 – 1832)



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Posted by on February 20, 2014 in WISDOM


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FREEDOM AND LIBERATION – I believe that nobody survive their childhood and come out mentally/emotionally free on the other side.





The concept of freedom must be the most warped and misunderstood concept ever. It is words expressed by many, but understood by a precious few. I believe that nobody survive their childhood and come out mentally and emotionally free on the other side. There are just too many individuals, parties and institutions that meddle with the mind of an infant. A newly born baby might be “free” for a few days after his arrival, but soon begin to undergo a domestication process that will be sustained and enforced for many years.


I advocate complete freedom for everyone, everywhere. The concept of real freedom is to live and experience your life in a manner that will nullify the influence, rules, laws and directions of any individual or group. I also believe that every person must be allowed to live his life in a similar manner. Nobody must be allowed to impose his will or agendas on anyone under any circumstances.


The pleasure and advantages derived from the enjoyment of any activity should be allowed at the individual’s own discretion. No laws or rules are necessary to control and direct responsible free individual’s choices or activities. A free person will act within acceptable boundaries.


A free person will participate in activities in a spontaneous manner because he accepts full responsibility for all his actions and choices. He will not need laws, rules and regulations when it comes to sex, drinking and shopping because he will be fully aware that any acts that could cause any other individual a loss could result in a return to the opposite of freedom – mental and physical incarceration. His sexual activities will be conducted with other consenting adults and his drinking will be within the bounds of moderation. A person that is really free will not allow any activity (sex, drinking, eating etc.) to threaten the joy of his freedom brought him.


I am sure you noticed that laws (religious and otherwise) and harsh penalties do deter or reduce the activities of those that they are meant to arrest. A free person understands that he have the final say when it comes to things that involve his happiness. It is not the laws, rules and regulations that guide or force a free person to remain within acceptable norms. It is his desire to be happy and remain free of guilt, control, fear and obsessions that direct his choices. The free person does not need anybody or a system to tell him what actions and activities could impact on his well-being or the well-being of others.


Laws, rules and regulations are set in place to control and govern all citizens. The laws and rules are constructed in a manner so that it will curb or address any perceived eventuality that might occur. There are thousands of these laws and regulations on the books that limit or prevent individuals to use own discresion. There are also endless religious laws that make this web of control even more claustrophobic. The child that arrived on this plane free end up entangled in a web that contains thousands of laws, written, cultural or verbal that control virtually every breath he takes or every move he makes. It is a fallacy to think that you are free if you understand the bleak picture that I painted above. You might labour under the misconception that you have free will, but might by now notice that you in many aspects have no choice at all.


It is also a fallacy to think that you have rights. You will discover that there are always individuals and institutions that seem to have more rights than you. These individuals and institutions often impose their wills and perceived rights in a ruthless manner. Governments for example structured the rules and laws to always provide them with the upper hand. Every law or rule by the government or even with the company where you are employed weighs more than the rights that you perceived you have. There is always fine print in all agreements. They more often than not protect and provide most of the power to the other party. This is how governments impose their will on minorities. Minorities might think that they have protection in a democratically elected government only to discover that they have little or no rights at all. Freedom and liberty is thus often a figment of our imagination.


Individuals, groups, churches and governments own most of us (mentally and physically) because of these laws and rules. It is the illusion of the laws and rules web that rob us of our ability to become free in our choices and the way we conduct our lives. We must become free-thinkers and begin to live our lives with a freedom frame of mind. Mental liberty and freedom is a way of life and a worthy goal to strive for. Look around you today and you will discover that there are always those that think they are your master and you their slave. They might have thousands of rules and laws that they use to intimidate, own or control you, but more often than not make up new rules on the run to further intimidate and dominate you. The controllers might often come at you in uniforms, but they could also be a family member, boss, partner or even a child.


The time has come to take ownership of your life and your choices. You are not inferior to anyone or any institution. You have the right to live, speak and protect your property and everything that is yours in a vagarious and assertive manner. Do not allow anyone to wrap you with imaginary or superficial laws that do not provide you with equal status and rights. You must understand and master personal liberty and freedom if you want to live a happy and successful life. Remember that “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free (Johann W. Goethe (1749 – 1832)



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Posted by on December 26, 2013 in WISDOM


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The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden – Review.



The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden

Almost universally, we share a sense that there‚ more to us than meets the eye. Somewhere deep within the mists of our ancient history, we know we have magic and miraculous powers within us. From the time of childhood, we fantasize about our ability to do things that are beyond the realm of reason and logic.


Gregg Braden has spent over 20 years studying spiritual and religious texts and is considered by many an inspired spiritual teacher. Most people interested in spirituality are already familiar with his previous works like ‚ The Spontaneous Healing of Belief‚ Awakening to Zero Point‚ The Science of Compassion‚The Isaiah Effect‚ and ‚The God Code.


The special message contained in Braden‚ new book, The Divine Matrix is that we are not observers but creators of our own personal worlds, and we have the power to transform our lives by gaining a better understanding of our relationship to all-that-is, learning how to listen to its messages, and learning to communicate with it in its own language.


The Divine Matrix is divided into three parts. Part I Discovering the Divine Matrix: The Mystery that Connects All Things‚ examines and combines ancient wisdom with recent breakthroughs in quantum physics to give us an understanding of this net of energy that contains all.


Part II, The Bridge Between Imagination and Reality: How the Divine Matrix works‚ describes in great detail our ability to connect with and re-program the matrix to mirror more desirable effects on our lives.


Part III, Messages from the Divine Matrix: Living, Loving, and Healing in Quantum Awareness‚ teaches us how to listen to the Matrix and how the Matrix reflects our emotions in the relationships we form with others and with our world.




Braden describes it as a field of energy, which provides the container as well as a bridge and a mirror for everything that happens between the world within and the world without. He also invites us to look at the Divine Matrix as a cosmic blanket, which is many layers deep and is everywhere and all the time. Braden tells us that from a quantum perspective, everything in existence from an atom to a whole planet can be thought of as a disturbance in the fabric of this space-time blanket. In the Vedas, this blanket is the unified field of pure consciousness‚ that bathes and permeates all creation. According to Hsin-Hsin Ming (the Taoist Faith-mind Verses) it‚ described as the essence which is the container of all experience and the experience itself.


Combining the wisdom of our oldest traditions with some findings of quantum physics, Braden concludes that there are three principles that govern the Matrix:


1. Everything exists within the Divine Matrix and everything is inter-connected.


2. The Divine Matrix is holographic, which means that any portion of the field contains everything in the field.


3. The past, present and future are intimately joined. As a container of time, the Matrix provides continuity between the choices of our present and the experiences of our future.




We connect to the Matrix, not by thought, but through the language of emotion. Our feelings of love, hate, fear, forgiveness etc. are actually instructions that program the Divine Matrix. Within this emotional communication and connection to the Matrix lies our power to bring healing, more joy and peace to our lives. According to Braden, the Matrix can be thought of a huge computer into which, through our beliefs, feelings and emotions, we program commands that produce the results we see in our lives.


In Part III, Braden provides us with 20 keys to conscious creation which if studied, understood and applied can help us greatly in getting in touch with our miraculous potential to heal and create joy, love and peace in the world.




A story worth sharing.....


Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have created.


Key 2: Everything in our world is connected to everything else.


Key 3: To tap the force of the universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world rather as separate from it.


Key 4: Once something is joined, it is always connected, whether it remains physically linked or not.

Key 5: The act of focusing our consciousness is an act of creation. Consciousness creates!

Key 6: We have all the power we need to create all the changes we choose!

Key 7: The focus of our awareness becomes the reality of our world.

Key 8: To simply say that we choose a new reality in not enough!

Key 9: Feeling is the language that‚  to the Divine Matrix. Feel as though your goal is accomplished and your prayer is already answered.

Key 10: Not just any feeling will do. The ones that create must be without ego and judgment.

Key 11: We must become in our lives that we choose to experience as our world.

Key 12: We are not bound by the laws of physics as we know them today.

Key 13: In a holographic every piece of the something mirrors the whole something.

Key 14: The universally connected hologram of consciousness promises that the instant we create our good wishes and prayers, they are already received at their destination.

Key 15: Through the hologram of consciousness, a little change in our lives is mirrored everywhere in our world.

Key 16: The minimum number of people required to a change in consciousness is the 1% of the population.

Key 17: The Divine Matrix serves as the mirror in our world of the relationships that we create in our beliefs.

Key 18: The root of our experiences may be reduced to one of the three universal fears (or a combination of them): abandonment, low self-worth, or lack of trust.

Key 19: Our true beliefs are mirrored in our most intimate relationships.

Key 20: We must become in our lives the very things we choose to experience in our world.


Undoubtedly, Gregg Braden is a great spiritual thinker and visionary of our times. Like many of his contemporaries he also tries to bridge science with spirituality. In part, this is in response to modern man‚ need not to take things on faith, but have his faith backed up by scientific evidence. In The Divine Matrix, Braden attempts to link quantum physics to metaphysics and spirituality. Does really such a link exist? The average lay person, would still have to take Braden‚ scientific ‚Äúevidence‚ on faith. The more scientifically oriented reader would tend to consider the link very tenuous and the evidence presented to prove it, arbitrary and sketchy.


Quantum physics is a highly complex science firmly rooted in reason and logic. Metaphysics, on the other hand, is deeply rooted in feeling, emotion, intuition and faith. Braden attempts to blend reason with intuition in his effort to broaden our understanding of our world. How successful and convincing his attempt is, is up to the discerning reader to decide.


This Review was written by Ismini Apostoli.

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Posted by on December 19, 2013 in WISDOM


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Stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been.

Dear Fellow Bloggers,

The only reason why we suffer is because we resist, argue or fight with “what is”. When we become convinced about the facts of “what is” we stop sabotaging our ability to enjoy, progress and succeed with whatever we are busy with at any given moment.

If you insist in your attempt to change, modify or enjoy a different “what is” then you might as well attempt to train your dog to sing like a canary. You can try all you like, but will end up with a dog that still barks like crazy notwithstanding all your effort. Wanting your reality to be different than what you are faced with at any given moment is just stupid and a waste of time. You can send your dog for singing classes or you can hire a tutor for him, but will end up with a dog that still barks like the day he got this stupid notion in his head. All you willpower, money and effort will not provide you with the outcome you desired.

I want you to sit back for a moment and think how many time in the last day or week did you think thoughts like – My partner should have or could have – My neighbour should have – My son should have – My boss should have etc.

These thoughts clearly illustrate that you wanted reality to be different than it was or still is at this moment in time You experienced frustration, anger, anxiety, rejection and stress because you argued against the hard cold facts of “what is”.

You might think that you can see in what direction my message are moving and would like to tell me that if you simply accepted the reality of “what is” you would become passive and nothing would change or improve in any area of your life. If you posed this question to me I would ask you which of the following questions sound more logical and sane to you. “I wish I never made that stupid investment and lost all my money” or “What can I do, starting today to generate more income so I can make up for the money I lost?”

Accepting the reality of “what is” does not mean that you condone or approve of the way things are or of the behaviour of someone, it just means that you give up all your resistance and inner struggle wishing that things were different. I know that no one wants to lose his money, experience the moaning of a partner or boss or struggle with a sick child. It is however vital that you understand that it is much more helpful not to mentally argue with the reality of the moment. This might sound extremely logical, but the fact of the matter is that we have been doing this since early childhood and achieve nothing beneficial from this habitual responds pattern. We know that our resistance to “what is” is counter productive and futile, but be sustain this mode of operation and hope that one day we will achieve an acceptable outcome.

You will be amazed how your life will change when you learn to accept “what is”. It will not be easy initially to just accept “what is” because you have been playing this game since early childhood and your ego is of the opinion that it is the right thing to do. The problem that you are faced with is that you always lose when you play this silly game. When you argue with “what is” you always lose my friend.


Just awareness of this fact will bring a new perspective into the way you do things. You will stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been. You will accept “what is” without mentally fussing and straining and start working on ways that you can avoid a repeat performance in the future. You will stop wasting energy on what you hoped or whished for. Progress is only possible when you accept “what is” and boldly start working towards the outcome you desire.

Kind regards



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Posted by on December 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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You created your world in a gradual manner since early childhood. You were conditioned to view the world through via perceptions that have been passed on to you via your parents and society.

What do you see in the picture? An old or sexy lady?

You created your world in a gradual manner since early childhood. You were conditioned to view the world through via perceptions that have been passed on to you via your parents and society. They downloaded their fears, dreams and obsessions into your impressionable mind. They implanted what they “learned” (own indoctrination) via their parents into your head. You will or are most probably already busy downloading the same data into your children’s heads as well. The scripts that you write for your plays (dramas) have all the elements embedded in them that your parents and grandparents downloaded as explained above. The same fears and worries that haunted your ancestors are now kept alive through you. It is vital that you understand that you can write fresh, positive, productive, fun scripts for yourself and for those that you allow to participate in your plays. There is no need to sustain (example – religious and political) convictions until you investigated them properly. You are here to experience and to evolve. Stop reshuffling the same old garbage mindsets implanted in you that might have had some validity a long time ago, but failed to evolve as times changed and new information surfaced. Be brave and dare to do what your ancestors deemed impossible.



The same fears and worries that haunted your ancestors are now kept alive through you.


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Posted by on November 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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We believe that others will take advantage of us or wrestle control away from us if we drop the “I am a tough guy” image.


We believe that others will take advantage of us or wrestle control away from us if we drop the “I am a tough guy” image


We developed a huge number of “I am” beliefs since early childhood. We include many of the “I am” beliefs during the many different roles we play daily. We for example concluded somewhere in the past that it is advantageous to play the role of “I am a tough guy” when someone cause us discomfort. We believe that others will take advantage of us or wrestle control away from us if we drop the “I am a tough guy” pose. Many of us that suffer with this delusion use this “tough guy” image whenever we feel threatened when we feel that we might be losing control. There might be appropriate occasions when we need to play this role, but those of us that are over-sensitive often pull out our “I am a tough guy” costume during serous inappropriate events. We have many other “I am” belief systems that we automatically use as a default as well. We might have some or all of the following “I am” beliefs.

I am a very religious or spiritual.

I am an introvert or extrovert.

I am poor when it comes to spelling or arithmetic.

I am not attractive enough.

I am too fat, too short, poor, clumsy etc.

Your feelings (emotions) trigger your “I am” messages. The moment you trigger any of your “I am” messages you slip into your suitable “role” and act or react in what you deem the most appropriate manner. Can you see how these “I am” belief systems limit your potential? You created an endless number of “dramas” that impact on your own and other’s lives using this silly “I am” method.





The moment you trigger any of your “I am” messages you slip into your suitable “role” and act or react in what you deem the most appropriate manner. 


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Posted by on November 1, 2013 in WISDOM


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Are you trying to train your dog to sing like a canary?


Dear Fellow Bloggers,

The only reason why we suffer is because we resist, argue or fight with “what is”. When we become convinced about the facts of “what is” we stop sabotaging our ability to enjoy, progress and succeed with whatever we are busy with at any given moment.

If you insist in your attempt to change, modify or enjoy a different “what is” then you might as well attempt to train your dog to sing like a canary. You can try all you like, but will end up with a dog that still barks like crazy notwithstanding all your effort. Wanting your reality to be different than what you are faced with at any given moment is just stupid and a waste of time. You can send your dog for singing classes or you can hire a tutor for him, but will end up with a dog that still barks like the day you got this stupid notion in his head. All you willpower, money and effort will not provide you with the outcome you desired.

I want you to sit back for a moment and think how many time in the last day or week did you think thoughts like – My partner should have or could have – My neighbour should have – My son should have – My boss should have etc.

These thoughts clearly illustrate that you wanted reality to be different than it was or still is at this moment in time You experienced frustration, anger, anxiety, rejection and stress because you argued against the hard cold facts of “what is”.

You might think that you can see in what direction my message are moving and would like to tell me that if you simply accepted the reality of “what is” you would become passive and nothing would change or improve in any area of your life. If you posed this question to me I would ask you which of the following questions sound more logical and sane to you. “I wish I never made that stupid investment and lost all my money” or “What can I do, starting today to generate more income so I can make up for the money I lost?”

Accepting the reality of “what is” does not mean that you condone or approve of the way things are or of the behaviour of someone, it just means that you give up all your resistance and inner struggle wishing that things were different. I know that no one wants to lose his money, experience the moaning of a partner or boss or struggle with a sick child. It is however vital that you understand that it is much more helpful not to mentally argue with the reality of the moment. This might sound extremely logical, but the fact of the matter is that we have been doing this since early childhood and achieve nothing beneficial from this habitual responds pattern. We know that our resistance to “what is” is counter productive and futile, but be sustain this mode of operation and hope that one day we will achieve an acceptable outcome.

You will be amazed how your life will change when you learn to accept “what is”. It will not be easy initially to just accept “what is” because you have been playing this game since early childhood and your ego is of the opinion that it is the right thing to do. The problem that you are faced with is that you always lose when you play this silly game. When you argue with “what is” you always lose my friend.


Just awareness of this fact will bring a new perspective into the way you do things. You will stop the futile arguing and fighting against “what is”, what could or should have been. You will accept “what is” without mentally fussing and straining and start working on ways that you can avoid a repeat performance in the future. You will stop wasting energy on what you hoped or whished for. Progress is only possible when you accept “what is” and boldly start working towards the outcome you desire.

Kind regards


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Posted by on October 22, 2013 in WISDOM


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You have been lied to since early childhood. The source of your pain and discomfort is generated from within.


The force of RESISTANCE is very cunning and will use any means possible to stop you from doing what needs to be done. The endless stream of voices and feelings that activate when you are confronted with a task that might be risky or beyond your comfort zone is mind blowing. The voices will come at you from all angles. It will fabricate any story, myth or examples that it can dig from the archives in your mind to stop you from taking action. It exaggerate, belittle, seduce and attempt to bully you into submission. It will cry, scoff and take on any form in an attempt to deceive you and discourage you. You might recall how bewildered you became when you were faced historically with a decision that could send your life in a new direction. This force that is a master at building RESISTANCE will stop at nothing to convince you to stick to the well worn path that you are currently travelling on. This force will one moment talk to you as if you are a helpless child and the very next moment attempt to flood your mind with guilt and fear. Look around you and you might notice that everyone that made a success of anything did not fall for the dirty tricks used by this force. This force will create the impression that the threats are out there waiting for you if you dare to think or act outside the box. You have been lied to since early childhood. The source of your pain and discomfort is generated from within. It was the stories and bullshit myths that brought on the RESISTANCE and RELUCTANCE that you experienced every time you attempted to venture out of your comfort zone. The world you created for yourself and the relationships that you formed was heavily influenced by this invisible, but powerful force. You are not only up against your own history, but also against all the stories and myths that your parents and teachers shared with you in your formative years. It might not surprise you when I tell you that those that domesticated you faithfully implanted all their own fears and anxieties that they have been fighting against into your mind. They possibly gave their own RESISTANCE force a massive run for its money, but lost. They were defeated. I cannot come to any other conclusion. They finally succumbed to their own force of RESISTANCE or they would not have downloaded so much shit into your subconscious computer. There is nothing you fear today that cannot be traced back to nonsense downloaded into your fragile and vulnerable mind by a wide range of well intentioned programmers.


I would suggest that you today become acutely aware of the RESISTANCE that you experience periodically. Make a note when you feel the RESISTANCE welling up in you. Make a note who you spoke to or what did a person say or do that activated RESISTANCE in you. You might be so used to giving in or up that the RESISTANCE might be feeble and difficult to detect. I can guarantee you that the force of RESISTANCE will come at you in waves as described earlier in this post the moment you stop displaying your usual submissive demeanour. I will continue this series tomorrow.



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Posted by on October 7, 2013 in WISDOM


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We believe that others will take advantage of us or wrestle control away from us if we drop the “I am a tough guy” image.

We believe that others will take advantage of us or wrestle control away from us if we drop the “I am a tough guy” image. 


We developed a huge number of “I am” beliefs since early childhood. We include many of the “I am” beliefs during the many different roles we play daily. We for example concluded somewhere in the past that it is advantageous to play the role of “I am a tough guy” when someone cause us discomfort. We believe that others will take advantage of us or wrestle control away from us if we drop the “I am a tough guy” pose. Many of us that suffer with this delusion use this “tough guy” image whenever we feel threatened when we feel that we might be losing control. There might be appropriate occasions when we need to play this role, but those of us that are over-sensitive often pull out our “I am a tough guy” costume during serous inappropriate events. We have many other “I am” belief systems that we automatically use as a default as well. We might have some or all of the following “I am” beliefs.

I am a very religious or spiritual.

I am an introvert or extrovert.

I am poor when it comes to spelling or arithmetic.

I am not attractive enough.

I am too fat, too short, poor, clumsy etc.

Your feelings (emotions) trigger your “I am” messages. The moment you trigger any of your “I am” messages you slip into your suitable “role” and act or react in what you deem the most appropriate manner. Can you see how these “I am” belief systems limit your potential? You created an endless number of “dramas” that impact on your own and other’s lives using this silly “I am” method.




Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already know, but never apply! 


The moment you trigger any of your “I am” messages you slip into your suitable “role” and act or react in what you deem the most appropriate manner. 


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Posted by on September 10, 2013 in WISDOM


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Who created your current circumstances? – Your parents? Your environment? God? Destiny?

Things You Can’t Afford Not To Know On How Your Mind Works

How to Create Exactly What You Want


Take a trip to any jail or prison and you will meet hundreds of people who will tell you they are the “victims” of their circumstances.


Travel through any big city ghetto and you’ll hear the same thing.


Visit any affluent, high-class neighborhood, talk to the people there and you’ll discover the same thing.


Visit a middle-class neighborhood in New York, Toronto, London or Sydney and you will meet people who believe they are the result of their circumstances, good or bad.


They will talk about the opportunities they were given, or the chances they were denied. They may be grateful for the education they were exposed to, or complain they were denied the education they deserve.


One person will tell you about her wonderful childhood and upbringing was, while another will complain that she came from a “dysfunctional” family.


There is no denying that income, status, education, upbringing, neighborhood, family and many other situations will influence, effect and even determine the outcome of our lives.


But who creates the circumstances?


Your parents? Your environment? God? Destiny? Lost in all this analysis and the assumption of almost every unconscious person I have ever met is this one very important reality.


The effect of our thoughts ABOUT our circumstances.


We cannot change what happened to us, but we can change our PERCEPTION about what happened to us. This is the key to changing our present circumstances and our future.


Our minds are like a garden. We can intelligently cultivate our garden, or we can allow it to run wild. If you diligently attend to your garden, it will produce the things you cultivate.


If you don’t plant specific seeds, then the animals, wind and other elements will cause RANDOM things to grow which will likely to choke out the things you want to cultivate from your garden.




Just as a gardener must tend his or her garden, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity.


If you practice gardening of this kind, you will soon discover that you are the gardener of your soul. You will come to the profound revelation that you are not the victim of your circumstances–but the creator of them.


The reason is simple: Whatever you give your attention to and focus on shapes your character, creates your circumstances, and determines your ultimate destiny.

Please read that again


What you experience in your life is directly connected to your inner state of mind. The most important thing you can learn about success, prosperity and happiness is that cause (thought) and effect (results or experiences) are one.


But face this important fact – You don’t simply end up in jail or the hospital, bankrupt, or alone no more than you simply wake up rich, successful, happy, and healthy. All these CIRCUMSTANCES are the RESULT of thousands of little decisions, which are reached as a result of the thoughts you give your attention to.


Now, if you are like most people, this is the part where you start to mentally make excuses and argue with me.


Perhaps you believe that what I just said is true for other people, but you are quite certain that you have been the victim of extenuating circumstances beyond your control.

I know. I know. YOUR situation is different.


So just how does that work?

Let’s talk about how all this applies to you.


First, you must accept that on one level or another, you have manifested everything that is happening in your life. Even the horrific, nasty stuff.

I agree that you don’t do it consciously. But you do it.

Now here’s the thing . . .


You are surrounded by a data-sphere of information that promotes negativity, fear, anxiety, limitation, and lack. It pummels your senses from all directions. It comes from your TV, radio, the Internet, your friends, family, church and the people you work with.

Most people are so saturated by negative programming that they can’t even conceive a life of anything but struggle and complaint.


What you read, what you listen to, and the people you talk with have a huge effect on the person you are and the thoughts you have. It not only comes from the media and other individuals but from the government.


The doom, gloom and negativity that is perpetuated by the government is designed to appeal to the programmed fear of the masses in order to get re-elected. We elect and re-elect these people to *save and protect us* from the pending doom and gloom.


If that wasn’t enough, consider that the microcosm of our mass culture can be found in entertainment and even sports personalities. Most of these people are insecure, self-centered and only interested in their own 15 minutes of fame.


However, they are not the problem. We are, because we are willing to spend countless hours and pay billions of dollars to watch them, mimic their lifestyles and even their manner of dress.


You must recognize that this data-sphere is continually programming you 24/7, and that almost 95% of it is fear, lack and limitation programming.


So what do you do?

If you want to reach the highest levels of success, you have to zealously guard the input you allow to come into your life. You must control your own programming, and reject the poisonous stuff most people are trying to feed you.


In order to focus on success, it is imperative that you spend more time on your own personal growth. Each morning and each evening before you go to bed, spend time on focusing on something positive.


Remember: You are the foundation from which all your dreams are made reality. This is the only way you can guarantee your success, wealth and happiness…

By Robert Anthony, Ph.D – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News


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Posted by on August 27, 2013 in WISDOM


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FEAR and COURAGE – drive you towards successful outcomes or into a sustained mindset of apathy.

The only way you can develop your ability to act in a COURAGEOUS manner is to understand that you developed perceptions about yourself since early childhood. You became convinced that you have certain strengths and weaknesses. You thus act and react in a happy, positive and acceptable manner when something falls inside the part of you that you declared “ACCEPTABLE”. You also have perceptions about yourself that you concluded is sub-standard or that you are weak in. You end up feeling STRONG when life expect you to act from your strengths and you feel – and AFRAID when forced to act from your perceived weaknesses. The only way you can develop COURAGE is to act notwithstanding the waves of FEAR that might be rushing through your body and mind. Every time you withstand the FEAR you become stronger and more brave than before. You must stretch beyond your FEAR FEELINGS if you want to become courageous. You will not one morning wake up and discover to your surprise that you became BRAVE in your sleep.




Posted by on July 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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It is very unfortunate that so many individuals in our society today are not appropriately rewarded for their creative efforts.

Computer keyboard with two gesturing hands

Many experimental psychologists and sociologist have shown that the effects of environment play a major role in shaping our behaviour and values. If constructive behaviour is appropriately rewarded during early childhood, the child becomes motivated to repeat the rewarded behaviour  provided that the reinforcement meets the individual needs of the child. For example, if a football were given to a child who is interested in botany, this would not be a reward from the child’s point of view. It is very unfortunate that so many individuals in our society today are not appropriately rewarded for their creative efforts. In some instances individuals are seemingly able to overcome the shortcomings of their environment in spite of an apparent lack of positive reinforcements. This is due to their own “self-reinforcement” in which they can see an improvement in whatever activity they are engaged in, and achieve an intrinsic sense of accomplishment; their reinforcement does not depend on the approval of others, nor on monetary reward. Those children who do depend on the approval of a group tend to be afflicted with a sense of low self-esteem, while children who do not depend on group approval usually acquire a sense of self-approval by improving upon their own performance.

 Author unknown

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Posted by on July 23, 2013 in WISDOM


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The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden – Review.


The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden

Almost universally, we share a sense that there‚ more to us than meets the eye. Somewhere deep within the mists of our ancient history, we know we have magic and miraculous powers within us. From the time of childhood, we fantasize about our ability to do things that are beyond the realm of reason and logic.

Gregg Braden has spent over 20 years studying spiritual and religious texts and is considered by many an inspired spiritual teacher. Most people interested in spirituality are already familiar with his previous works like ‚ The Spontaneous Healing of Belief‚ Awakening to Zero Point‚ The Science of Compassion‚The Isaiah Effect‚ and ‚The God Code.

The special message contained in Braden‚ new book, The Divine Matrix is that we are not observers but creators of our own personal worlds, and we have the power to transform our lives by gaining a better understanding of our relationship to all-that-is, learning how to listen to its messages, and learning to communicate with it in its own language.

The Divine Matrix is divided into three parts. Part I Discovering the Divine Matrix: The Mystery that Connects All Things‚ examines and combines ancient wisdom with recent breakthroughs in quantum physics to give us an understanding of this net of energy that contains all.

Part II, The Bridge Between Imagination and Reality: How the Divine Matrix works‚ describes in great detail our ability to connect with and re-program the matrix to mirror more desirable effects on our lives.

Part III, Messages from the Divine Matrix: Living, Loving, and Healing in Quantum Awareness‚ teaches us how to listen to the Matrix and how the Matrix reflects our emotions in the relationships we form with others and with our world.


Braden describes it as a field of energy, which provides the container as well as a bridge and a mirror for everything that happens between the world within and the world without. He also invites us to look at the Divine Matrix as a cosmic blanket, which is many layers deep and is everywhere and all the time. Braden tells us that from a quantum perspective, everything in existence from an atom to a whole planet can be thought of as a disturbance in the fabric of this space-time blanket. In the Vedas, this blanket is the unified field of pure consciousness‚ that bathes and permeates all creation. According to Hsin-Hsin Ming (the Taoist Faith-mind Verses) it‚ described as the essence which is the container of all experience and the experience itself.

Combining the wisdom of our oldest traditions with some findings of quantum physics, Braden concludes that there are three principles that govern the Matrix:

1. Everything exists within the Divine Matrix and everything is inter-connected.

2. The Divine Matrix is holographic, which means that any portion of the field contains everything in the field.

3. The past, present and future are intimately joined. As a container of time, the Matrix provides continuity between the choices of our present and the experiences of our future.


We connect to the Matrix, not by thought, but through the language of emotion. Our feelings of love, hate, fear, forgiveness etc. are actually instructions that program the Divine Matrix. Within this emotional communication and connection to the Matrix lies our power to bring healing, more joy and peace to our lives. According to Braden, the Matrix can be thought of a huge computer into which, through our beliefs, feelings and emotions, we program commands that produce the results we see in our lives.

In Part III, Braden provides us with 20 keys to conscious creation which if studied, understood and applied can help us greatly in getting in touch with our miraculous potential to heal and create joy, love and peace in the world.


A story worth sharing.....

Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have created.

Key 2: Everything in our world is connected to everything else.

Key 3: To tap the force of the universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world rather as separate from it.

Key 4: Once something is joined, it is always connected, whether it remains physically linked or not.

Key 5: The act of focusing our consciousness is an act of creation. Consciousness creates!

Key 6: We have all the power we need to create all the changes we choose!

Key 7: The focus of our awareness becomes the reality of our world.

Key 8: To simply say that we choose a new reality in not enough!

Key 9: Feeling is the language that‚  to the Divine Matrix. Feel as though your goal is accomplished and your prayer is already answered.

Key 10: Not just any feeling will do. The ones that create must be without ego and judgment.

Key 11: We must become in our lives that we choose to experience as our world.

Key 12: We are not bound by the laws of physics as we know them today.

Key 13: In a holographic every piece of the something mirrors the whole something.

Key 14: The universally connected hologram of consciousness promises that the instant we create our good wishes and prayers, they are already received at their destination.

Key 15: Through the hologram of consciousness, a little change in our lives is mirrored everywhere in our world.

Key 16: The minimum number of people required to a change in consciousness is the 1% of the population.

Key 17: The Divine Matrix serves as the mirror in our world of the relationships that we create in our beliefs.

Key 18: The root of our experiences may be reduced to one of the three universal fears (or a combination of them): abandonment, low self-worth, or lack of trust.

Key 19: Our true beliefs are mirrored in our most intimate relationships.

Key 20: We must become in our lives the very things we choose to experience in our world.

Undoubtedly, Gregg Braden is a great spiritual thinker and visionary of our times. Like many of his contemporaries he also tries to bridge science with spirituality. In part, this is in response to modern man‚ need not to take things on faith, but have his faith backed up by scientific evidence. In The Divine Matrix, Braden attempts to link quantum physics to metaphysics and spirituality. Does really such a link exist? The average lay person, would still have to take Braden‚ scientific ‚Äúevidence‚ on faith. The more scientifically oriented reader would tend to consider the link very tenuous and the evidence presented to prove it, arbitrary and sketchy.

Quantum physics is a highly complex science firmly rooted in reason and logic. Metaphysics, on the other hand, is deeply rooted in feeling, emotion, intuition and faith. Braden attempts to blend reason with intuition in his effort to broaden our understanding of our world. How successful and convincing his attempt is, is up to the discerning reader to decide.

This Review was written by Ismini Apostoli.

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Posted by on May 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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How can you fly like an eagle while your leg is anchored in a trap? You must let go before progress can take place.



What we believe or think we become. I am not focused on our religious beliefs or faith here, in am concerned about the anchors that we have been putting down since early childhood. An anchor can keep a ship steady and prevent it from ending up on the rocks or it can prevent it from moving forward to new destination. If you have a negative fear filled belief, it can anchor you and prevent you from reaching your desired objective. If you have several negative, false and destructive habits or beliefs it will take an above average effort to break the chains that are keeping you stationary.

Please note that acceptable and positive anchors play a very important role in your life. Positive anchors will protect you during the destructive storms of life. It will sustain you during turbulent periods in relationships or testing times in your career. Positive anchors that come in the form of loyal friends and family can keep your boat afloat when the howling winds of circumstances are driving you towards the rocks of destructions. Advantageous anchors are vital for our survival and play an important role in turbulent times.

Negative and destructive anchors tend to hold us back when we want to make our dreams and goals a reality. Our fear of potential pain anchors us in a state of hopelessness. If we formed a certain mindset about something, it becomes an anchor. Positive anchors secure us during turbulent times, but when the storm subsides, they can be lifted and will allow us to move to new destinations. Negative anchors keep us in a paralysed no-win state.

We thus have positive anchors that protect us during the stormy periods and then we have negative anchors that keep us stationary in the sea of fear. The winners and champions are all individuals that succeeded in cutting away the negative anchors that tie them down. These negative anchors are not only negative thoughts and defective habits, but sometimes come in human form. People can become a serious hampering force in your life. They can anchor you with their warped minds and defective and damaging behaviour. They often use fear of loss and rejection to keep you anchored to them.


Check your boat of life today and see if you can spot some of the negative anchors that have been keeping you stationary. They are usually the anchors that are founded on fear. Fear of failure and pain is at the root of most of the anchors in our lives. The moment we spot the slight possibility of potential pain, we abandon our journey and allow our fear to keep us in a stationary position.

Even when the slightest wind of change blows over us, we rush out and throw our anchors overboard into the sea of life. We are so petrified of potential pain that we never really visit far off lands or exploit our full potential. Many of us remain in our safe harbour (comfort zone) and foolishly think that our fear anchors will protect us against potential disasters.

The biggest disaster is not the actual storms in life, but the fear we have of getting hurt physically or mentally. We keep our negative anchors in position even during sunshine and good weather days. How can you fly like an eagle while your leg is anchored in a trap? You must let go before progress can take place.

Only when you release can you move from where you are to where you want to be. Only when you begin to live your life in a bold “one moment at the time” manner can you escape the endless number of negative anchors of your past.


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Posted by on May 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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The concept of freedom must be the most warped and misunderstood concept ever.



The concept of freedom must be the most warped and misunderstood concept ever. It is words expressed by many, but understood by a precious few. I believe that nobody survive their childhood and come out mentally and emotionally free on the other side. There are just too many individuals, parties and institutions that meddle with the mind of an infant. A newly born baby might be “free” for a few days after his arrival, but soon begin to undergo a domestication process that will be sustained and enforced for many years.

I advocate complete freedom for everyone, everywhere. The concept of real freedom is to live and experience your life in a manner that will nullify the influence, rules, laws and directions of any individual or group. I also believe that every person must be allowed to live his life in a similar manner. Nobody must be allowed to impose his will or agendas on anyone under any circumstances.

The pleasure and advantages derived from the enjoyment of any activity should be allowed at the individual’s own discretion. No laws or rules are necessary to control and direct responsible free individual’s choices or activities. A free person will act within acceptable boundaries.

A free person will participate in activities in a spontaneous manner because he accepts full responsibility for all his actions and choices. He will not need laws, rules and regulations when it comes to sex, drinking and shopping because he will be fully aware that any acts that could cause any other individual a loss could result in a return to the opposite of freedom – mental and physical incarceration. His sexual activities will be conducted with other consenting adults and his drinking will be within the bounds of moderation. A person that is really free will not allow any activity (sex, drinking, eating etc.) to threaten the joy of his freedom brought him.

I am sure you noticed that laws (religious and otherwise) and harsh penalties do deter or reduce the activities of those that they are meant to arrest. A free person understands that he have the final say when it comes to things that involve his happiness. It is not the laws, rules and regulations that guide or force a free person to remain within acceptable norms. It is his desire to be happy and remain free of guilt, control, fear and obsessions that direct his choices. The free person does not need anybody or a system to tell him what actions and activities could impact on his well-being or the well-being of others.

Laws, rules and regulations are set in place to control and govern all citizens. The laws and rules are constructed in a manner so that it will curb or address any perceived eventuality that might occur. There are thousands of these laws and regulations on the books that limit or prevent individuals to use own discretion  There are also endless religious laws that make this web of control even more claustrophobic. The child that arrived on this plane free end up entangled in a web that contains thousands of laws, written, cultural or verbal that control virtually every breath he takes or every move he makes. It is a fallacy to think that you are free if you understand the bleak picture that I painted above. You might labour under the misconception that you have free will, but might by now notice that you in many aspects have no choice at all.

It is also a fallacy to think that you have rights. You will discover that there are always individuals and institutions that seem to have more rights than you. These individuals and institutions often impose their wills and perceived rights in a ruthless manner. Governments for example structured the rules and laws to always provide them with the upper hand. Every law or rule by the government or even with the company where you are employed weighs more than the rights that you perceived you have. There is always fine print in all agreements. They more often than not protect and provide most of the power to the other party. This is how governments impose their will on minorities. Minorities might think that they have protection in a democratically elected government only to discover that they have little or no rights at all. Freedom and liberty is thus often a figment of our imagination.

Individuals, groups, churches and governments own most of us (mentally and physically) because of these laws and rules. It is the illusion of the laws and rules web that rob us of our ability to become free in our choices and the way we conduct our lives. We must become free-thinkers and begin to live our lives with a freedom frame of mind. Mental liberty and freedom is a way of life and a worthy goal to strive for. Look around you today and you will discover that there are always those that think they are your master and you their slave. They might have thousands of rules and laws that they use to intimidate, own or control you, but more often than not make up new rules on the run to further intimidate and dominate you. The controllers might often come at you in uniforms, but they could also be a family member, boss, partner or even a child.

The time has come to take ownership of your life and your choices. You are not inferior to anyone or any institution. You have the right to live, speak and protect your property and everything that is yours in a vagarious and assertive manner. Do not allow anyone to wrap you with imaginary or superficial laws that do not provide you with equal status and rights. You must understand and master personal liberty and freedom if you want to live a happy and successful life. Remember that “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free (Johann W. Goethe (1749 – 1832)


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Posted by on May 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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The Divine Matrix book review – From the time of our childhood, we fantasize about our ability to do things that are beyond the realm of reason and logic.

The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden

Almost universally, we share a sense that there‚ more to us than meets the eye. Somewhere deep within the mists of our ancient history, we know we have magic and miraculous powers within us. From the time of our childhood, we fantasize about our ability to do things that are beyond the realm of reason and logic. And why not? While we‚ children, we have yet to  contaminated by the rules that say miracles can‚ happen in our lives.

Gregg Braden has spent over 20 years studying spiritual and religious texts and is considered by many an inspired spiritual teacher. Most people interested in spirituality are already familiar with his previous works like ‚ The Spontaneous Healing of Belief‚ Awakening to Zero Point‚ The Science of Compassion‚The Isaiah Effect‚ and ‚The God Code.

The special message contained in Braden‚ new book, The Divine Matrix is that we are not observers but creators of our own personal worlds, and we have the power to transform our lives by gaining a better understanding of our relationship to all-that-is, learning how to listen to its messages, and learning to communicate with it in its own language.

The Divine Matrix is divided into three parts. Part I Discovering the Divine Matrix: The Mystery that Connects All Things‚ examines and combines ancient wisdom with recent breakthroughs in quantum physics to give us an understanding of this net of energy that contains all.

Part II, The Bridge Between Imagination and Reality: How the Divine Matrix works‚ describes in great detail our ability to connect with and re-program the matrix to mirror more desirable effects on our lives.

Part III, Messages from the Divine Matrix: Living, Loving, and Healing in Quantum Awareness‚ teaches us how to listen to the Matrix and how the Matrix reflects our emotions in the relationships we form with others and with our world.


Braden describes it as a field of energy, which provides the container as well as a bridge and a mirror for everything that happens between the world within and the world without. He also invites us to look at the Divine Matrix as a cosmic blanket, which is many layers deep and is everywhere and all the time. Braden tells us that from a quantum perspective, everything in existence from an atom to a whole planet can be thought of as a disturbance in the fabric of this space-time blanket. In the Vedas, this blanket is the unified field of pure consciousness‚ that bathes and permeates all creation. According to Hsin-Hsin Ming (the Taoist Faith-mind Verses) it‚ described as the essence which is the container of all experience and the experience itself.

Combining the wisdom of our oldest traditions with some findings of quantum physics, Braden concludes that there are three principles that govern the Matrix:

1. Everything exists within the Divine Matrix and everything is inter-connected.

2. The Divine Matrix is holographic, which means that any portion of the field contains everything in the field.

3. The past, present and future are intimately joined. As a container of time, the Matrix provides continuity between the choices of our present and the experiences of our future.


We connect to the Matrix, not by thought, but through the language of emotion. Our feelings of love, hate, fear, forgiveness etc. are actually instructions that program the Divine Matrix. Within this emotional communication and connection to the Matrix lies our power to bring healing, more joy and peace to our lives. According to Braden, the Matrix can be thought of a huge computer into which, through our beliefs, feelings and emotions, we program commands that produce the results we see in our lives.

In Part III, Braden provides us with 20 keys to conscious creation which if studied, understood and applied can help us greatly in getting in touch with our miraculous potential to heal and create joy, love and peace in the world.


Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have created.

Key 2: Everything in our world is connected to everything else.

Key 3: To tap the force of the universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world rather as separate from it.

Key 4: Once something is joined, it is always connected, whether it remains physically linked or not.

Key 5: The act of focusing our consciousness is an act of creation. Consciousness creates!

Key 6: We have all the power we need to create all the changes we choose!

Key 7: The focus of our awareness becomes the reality of our world.

Key 8: To simply say that we choose a new reality in not enough!

Key 9: Feeling is the language that‚  to the Divine Matrix. Feel as though your goal is accomplished and your prayer is already answered.

Key 10: Not just any feeling will do. The ones that create must be without ego and judgment.

Key 11: We must become in our lives that we choose to experience as our world.

Key 12: We are not bound by the laws of physics as we know them today.

Key 13: In a holographic every piece of the something mirrors the whole something/

Key 14: The universally connected hologram of consciousness promises that the instant we create our good wishes and prayers, they are already received at their destination.

Key 15: Through the hologram of consciousness, a little change in our lives is mirrored everywhere in our world.

Key 16: The minimum number of people required to a change in consciousness is the 1% of the population.

Key 17: The Divine Matrix serves as the mirror in our world of the relationships that we create in our beliefs.

Key 18: The root of our experiences may be reduced to one of the three universal fears (or a combination of them): abandonment, low self-worth, or lack of trust.

Key 19: Our true beliefs are mirrored in our most intimate relationships.

Key 20: We must become in our lives the very things we choose to experience in our world.

Undoubtedly, Gregg Braden is a great spiritual thinker and visionary of our times. Like many of his contemporaries he also tries to bridge science with spirituality. In part, this is in response to modern man‚ need not to take things on faith, but have his faith backed up by scientific evidence. In The Divine Matrix, Braden attempts to link quantum physics to metaphysics and spirituality. Does really such a link exist? The average lay person, would still have to take Braden‚ scientific ‚Äúevidence‚ on faith. The more scientifically oriented reader would tend to consider the link very tenuous and the evidence presented to prove it, arbitrary and sketchy.

Quantum physics is a highly complex science firmly rooted in reason and logic. Metaphysics, on the other hand, is deeply rooted in feeling, emotion, intuition and faith. Braden attempts to blend reason with intuition in his effort to broaden our understanding of our world. How successful and convincing his attempt is, is up to the discerning reader to decide.

This Review was written by Ismini Apostoli.

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Posted by on April 17, 2013 in WISDOM


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Why we always attempt to RATIONALISE and JUSTIFY the mistakes we made.



The ego is a slippery and devious character that continues to influence all of us to a greater or lesser extent daily. We are silly to talk about the ego as if it is a living, breathing being that operate under its own steam. The ego is nothing more than the collective perceptions that we formed about ourselves since early childhood. We have been conned into believing that we are our bodies and our histories. The ego uses our bodies and histories to manipulate the world that we live in. We should actually see the ego as the puppet master that is hiding behind a curtain while it manipulates and animates a puppet. Each one of us have our own unique ego that manipulate us according to specific scripts (beliefs) that we collected from the day we arrive in earth dimension. The influence of our egos depends a lot on our personal level of evolution. The less evolved we are to more primitive and barbaric our scripts and roles that our ego select for us to play on the stage of life. The ego works exclusively from the data that it access via the control panel of our reptilian brain. I explained in my previous posts that the emotions and choices made from the reptilian brain cluster include the stuff we fear. Fear is the main food source (energy) of the ego and it uses this powerful weapon to isolate you in a state of RESISTANCE. One of the main fears of the ego based manipulator is shame and rejection. That is the reason why we always attempt to RATIONALISE and JUSTIFY the mistakes we made. Our ego is a highly intelligent spin doctor that can come up with amazing justifications why we made mistakes or fell short of our own or others expectations. The crazy thing is that our ego’s justifications are often so plausible that we believe them. It is impossible to grow while we continue to believe the bullshit stories and rationalisations used by the ego. We will continue to repeat the same old mistakes and fall short of our goals and dreams that we yearn for while we live our lives in fear. We remain in our house of RESISTANCE, our comfort zone and never dare to explore stuff that might set us free from the stranglehold of the ego. This is how days, months and lifetimes slip by unnoticed. We hope that love, success and happiness will enter our lives, but they never knock on our door. Some of us cry and some of us experience anxiety because of the perceived unfairness of life. What we fail to understand is that all the stuff we desire have a higher frequency than the products produced by the ego and the reptilian brain. The walls of RESISTANCE that often generate claustrophobic symptoms in us will remain in place while we sustain our partnership with the ego. Nothing of the good stuff can reach us while we are in hiding in our fortress of RESISTANCE. The most powerful law in the universe is the law of cause and effect. We cannot expect success, happiness and peace of mind while we build our futures with bricks of fear. We need courage in the face of adversity and self-confidence to kick open the door of RESISTANCE that kept us prisoner all these years. We now and then receive a slight reprieve from our egos when we become too depressed or frustrated. The ego must keep us alive because we are after all its food source that keeps it functional. The ego let us out for a while and allows us to enjoy some success and happiness, but these moments of joy never last. We are soon reeled back into our house of pain. We endlessly return for more punishment because we fail to consistently apply the principles of NON-RESISTANCE.

I suggest that you think of periods in your life when things worked well for you. See if you can recall how you embraced the unknown and fended off fear. Study some of your relationships that worked for a while before they failed. You will discover that RESISTANCE always played a major role in their demise. The same goes for business ventures and other failed projects in your life. I will continue this series tomorrow.


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Posted by on March 14, 2013 in WISDOM


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Do not fear rejection. Rejection is just a tool used by many to sustain control over your mind.


Happiness and success is always just one thought away. You should remember when you find it difficult to cope that one thought could change your life. One fresh thought or one new idea can change your life from pain and suffering to success and peace of mind. You are what you think. Your choices that you make on a moment-to-moment basis decide your fate and future. You can never feel or perform better than the ongoing thoughts that you allow to occupy your mind.



Do not fear rejection. Rejection is just a tool used by many to sustain control over your mind. The feelings produced by rejection are nothing more than a responds (reaction pattern) embedded in you since early childhood.

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Posted by on February 15, 2013 in WISDOM


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Loving Without Boundaries

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Ramblings from a disturbed mind ©2013 Cho Wan Yau

Middle-Aged Martial Arts Mom

Loving a crippling compulsion....



Just me being curious

A blog of questions and few answers.

I Dont Want To Talk About It

The Ultimate Paradox: Depression in Sobriety

Shepherd Mulwanda

ICT Research Training and Consultancy,Agriculture for Youth Development.

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma

White Shadows

Story of a white pearl that turned to ashes while waiting for a pheonix to be born inside her !


Trying to make sense of turmoil

Dince's Chronicles

My Personal Blog

Awareness It Self

Quotes for spiritual enjoyment

Doug Does Life

A Creative Monkey On How To Find Your Path In Life.


philo poétique de G à L I B E R

How my heart sings

Mainly poetry illustrated by beautiful photographs and digital art


This site is the bee's knees


Changing Our Mindset is the Imperative and Way Forward


my transformational journey into new light and occasional gushing of mind and heart - Corozal, Belize, CA

Life as Improv

Saying "Yes, and..." to life on the unfolding path to remembering full self.

Total Well-being

blog for

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