Tag Archives: gadgets

Brilliant sexy innovations!



Leave it to Japan to come up with something sexy just for sexy sake — I can imagine that product development meeting: “OK, you know that lame gunk we can’t sell in average packaging, let’s pick something different, something…sexy?” “Let’s sell it in tit form!” “BRILLIANT!”



Sex Inventions


Inspired by an exhibit of sex inventions at the New York-based Museum of Sex, I thought I’d do a little trolling through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s online search for anything interesting coming out of our fair county.

Anaheim inventor Wayne Manska was awarded patent #6,645,164 in 2003 for a “lingual vibration device” — in English a tongue vibrator — that “[causes] a user’s tongue to rapidly, yet gently, vibrate during various oral sex acts such as cunnilingus.” In his application, he notes that similar devices are already on the market, but his is a more comfortable improvement. Manska holds several other medical patents including something called a stopcock valve that is surprisingly unsexy.


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Posted by on October 27, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM



Thinking Outside the Box – Brilliant innovations!



Leave it to Japan to come up with something sexy just for sexy sake — I can imagine that product development meeting: “OK, you know that lame gunk we can’t sell in average packaging, let’s pick something different, something…sexy?” “Let’s sell it in tit form!” “BRILLIANT!”


Sex Inventions


Inspired by an exhibit of sex inventions at the New York-based Museum of Sex, I thought I’d do a little trolling through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s online search for anything interesting coming out of our fair county.

Anaheim inventor Wayne Manska was awarded patent #6,645,164 in 2003 for a “lingual vibration device” — in English a tongue vibrator — that “[causes] a user’s tongue to rapidly, yet gently, vibrate during various oral sex acts such as cunnilingus.” In his application, he notes that similar devices are already on the market, but his is a more comfortable improvement. Manska holds several other medical patents including something called a stopcock valve that is surprisingly unsexy.


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Posted by on August 9, 2015 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM



Portable Wisdom and Life Skills 24/7 in your pocket, handbag or on your PC.







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Posted by on November 16, 2014 in WISDOM


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Portable Wisdom and Life Skills 24/7 in your pocket, handbag or on your PC.






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Posted by on November 13, 2013 in WISDOM


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Mobile – Portable Wisdom 24/7


You can now have my daily wisdom files Plus my archive of 2900 PLUS articles on tap 24/7

Upload the following link to your phone or tablet

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Posted by on August 15, 2013 in WISDOM


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Our mode of thinking either charge or drain our body’s battery.


Very few of us understand that we have an electric current that drives the many systems in our body and mind. Our mode of thinking either charge or drain our body’s battery. Positive and realistic thinking charge our battery while negative, destructive thinking about the future or the past drain our battery at an alarming rate.

We are charging or discharging other people’s batteries. We charge their batteries when we have a healthy, compassionate and supportive relationship with them and discharge their batteries if we find fault or criticize them. People either leave you feeling drained or invigorated after interacting with you. The same also holds true with those that come into your space. They either parasite on your energy and suck out huge chunks of energy leaving you drained and depleted or they leave you feeling more upbeat and inspired.

This might be a wonderful opportunity to check your own power status. There might be something or someone that is draining your energy that must be disconnected from your energy supply. It is impossible to perform at your best if your battery is low or depleted. I found that the biggest cause of battery depletion is our own self-talk and our tendency to live our lives on a reactive basis. Procrastination is another battery killer. A do it now attitude tend to quickly recharge your battery and self-esteem.

Find time to meditate for about 20 minutes a day. You will be astounded how daily meditation pumps in fresh new energy in record time when you stop your mind from flooding you with its endless speculations about everything. Become aware of how many stories we make up about people, situations, challenges and events long before we have enough data to make informed decisions.

We charge our cell phones when we notice that its battery is low. We want to make sure that it will operate well when needed. The time has come for you to check your own battery on a regular basis as well. Your battery status indicator is your feelings and emotions. Your battery is low when you feel negative, defeated, overworked, angry, depressed, anxious and frustrated. It is important to stop for a re-charge when you experience any of the above. Nothing is going to magically charge your battery until you make an objective decision to alter your current mode of operation.

Let us look at how we can use (charge) what we learned about the energy source that governs almost everything we do daily and how we often (drain) energy from our partner in our relationships.


DRAIN – PARTNER’S ENERGY – fault finding, criticizing, talking down to partner, anger, jealousy, attempt to control, communicate parent to child, suspicious, always right, cling to partner, question, need reassurance often, amplify mistakes, demand respect, look for problems and not solutions, unforgiving, forgive- but will not forget, often remind partner of past mistakes, insist partner must always be honest – but cannot cope with such honesty, sulk, silent treatment, judge, arrogant and belittle.

CHARGE – PARTNER’S ENERGY – flexible, adaptable, tolerant, understanding, comforting, compassionate, promote, praise, supportive, aware, loving, kind, forgive and forget, ask – don’t insist, open to change, do not expect perfection, listen, communicate adult to adult, poise, confident, don’t need partner to reassure him/her all the time, own passions – hobbies – project – no need to be entertained all the time, earn respect, inspire, talk about problems – don’t turn disputes into a win at all cost affairs, do the unexpected, allow honesty even if it is a sensitive matter, responsible, dignity, warm and a soft place to land for partner when he/she is taking strain. 


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Posted by on May 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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Portable Wisdom and Life Skills 24/7 in your pocket, handbag or on your PC.







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Posted by on April 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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A timeline of the most popular predictions: 2012 – 2259


Enthusiasm is like a power additive that you add to your mission in life.

Far enough in the distance to dream, yet seemingly within arm’s reach, that year was attached to more predictions of technological innovations from readers than any other in the interactive, crowd-sourced timeline published online with “The Future of Computing,” last week’s special issue of Science Times.

Holographic displays. Robotic restaurants. Computers that replace doctors, translators and drivers. If it’s proximate science fiction you want, you’ll have it, it seems, at the end of the decade.

Looking at 2020 and beyond, readers imagined a future with cures for intractable diseases, direct links between brain and computer, automated everything, contact with alien life forms, sentient machines and no language barriers.

Readers were invited to make predictions and collaboratively edit this timeline, which was divided into three sections: a sampling of past advances in computing, predictions that readers could push forward or pull backward in time with the click of a button (but not, of course, into the past), and a form for making and voting on predictions. Tens of thousands of edits were made.

Starting with predictions from experts like Sebastian Thrun, Georges Nahon, Larry Smarr, Drew Endy and David Patterson, the timeline grew in scope and creativity with the addition of selected reader suggestions as word of the project spread socially via sites like Twitter.

Optimistic predictions far outpaced negative ones — a wishful view, perhaps, of technology as panacea. The most popular reader-submitted prediction came from Roy in Italy, who wrote that by 2020, “Google will provide everyone with the ability to communicate with everyone else, regardless of the specific language they speak, via their smartphone, with real-time language translation.”

Pushing and pulling dates on the timeline, readers said it would take 65 years to connect our brains to the Internet via Wi-Fi, as D. Moysey of Boston predicted, “granting nearly unlimited memory and communication ability, provided you don’t lose the signal.”

Not all predictions were rosy. In David Gibson’s dystopian view, “humans will become so integrated with electronics that more people will die from computer viruses in a year than from biological viruses.” Readers suggested this would happen about 2170.

Many of the negative forecasts were bullish on technological growth, just skeptical about our ability to control it. In 2021, Steve Williams wrote from Calgary, Alberta, “computers will become so ubiquitous that they will be relegated to appliance status like toasters, as people strive to put the misnamed ‘social media’ aside in favor of face-to-face human connections.”

Some predictions, good or bad, were open to interpretation. Within 10 years, wrote Ian Breckheimer, “more people will enter into romantic relationships with people they met online than people they met in person.”

Predictions about the far future — 2100 and beyond — took a broader view of changes that might affect all of humanity. Will we speak telepathically? Maybe by 2484, readers said. Will we be governed by an all-knowing artificial intelligence? In 2267, perhaps. Live forever? That could happen as soon as 2100, according to Jay Snipes of Pickerington, Ohio, who predicted, “Medical and computer sciences will learn to map the human brain, preserving the memories, knowledge, and wisdom of selected individuals before they die.”

When, if ever, will these flights of fantasy become fact? Perhaps the most accurate prediction of all belongs to R. Campos of Brazil, who wrote that in the year 2025, “we’ll be laughing at these predictions.”

A timeline of the most popular predictions: 2012 – 2259

2012: COMPUTER ON A CHIP “The high-end microprocessor of 2020 will be an entire computer on a single chip: processor and main memory versus the many processor chips and DRAM chips of today.”

2013: ELECTRONIC INK “Electronic ink becomes as flexible and thin as paper. A new print revolution starts.”

2019: ONLINE SCIENCE “Scientific publishing will move away from the current journal-and-conference model to a model that takes better advantage of online tools.”

2019: UNIVERSAL MEDICAL DATABASE “Your entire medical history from birth till death will be collectively combined in one universal system and available to all your different doctors.”

2022: HALO OF DATA “Personalized descriptions of what and who is around you will be available at the push of a button on your smartphone, and also by default. A ‘halo of data’ will constantly accompany you. This represents the next step beyond augmented reality.”

2023: CURING CANCER “By 2020, the most common forms of cancer will be treated with a personalized therapy based on genetic sequencing. A patient’s therapy will be retargeted every six months as a result of resequencing the cancer to track its inevitable evolution.”

2024: PRACTICAL ROBOT CARS “By 2018, freeway car pool lanes will be opened to robot-driven cars.”

2026: PROGRAMMABLE ORGANISMS “By 2030, reprogrammable tissue and organismal development will arrive. Scientists will design a life on a computer and print it out in a laboratory.”

2031: FULL LIFE RECORDING “Most people will own and use a Personal Life Recorder which will store full video and audio of their daily lives. This will be a fully searchable archive that will radically augment a person’s effective memory.”

2039: DIGITAL ‘LIFE’ AND EVOLUTION “Systems grow so complex that new computer viruses spontaneously evolve from stray bits of code and transcription errors.”

2056: CASH IS OUTLAWED “Cash will become illegal, replaced with electric currency.”

2058: CYBERNETIC INTELLIGENCE “Enhanced intelligence will be available to most people through a combination of nanotechnology and embedded processors.”

2060: FLYING CARS “By 2040, more people will use personal air vehicles for their daily commute than cars.”

2063: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE “A computer program is created that has all the features of human intelligence, including emotion, creativity, the ability to learn and self-awareness.”

2114: MEMORY BACKUP “Human memory backup system: the whole brain can be synced to the cloud. Humans can restore and backup their memories to the system. The system can even restore memories into a new body after end of the original owner’s life.”

2259: COLLECTIVE LEARNING “Old knowledge will not have to be learned; only new knowledge will need to be created. Learning will become obsolete. All known knowledge will be contained on a supercomputer. Individuals can download all known knowledge pertaining to any subject directly to the brain.”

NY Times

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Posted by on January 18, 2013 in WISDOM


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Free eBook — 40 Sleep Hacks: The Geek’s Guide to Optimizing Sleep


Free eBook — 40 Sleep Hacks: The Geek’s Guide to Optimizing Sleep



Here’s a great free e-book if you are suffering from any type of sleep problems (or just interested in the psychology of sleep). This book has 40 interesting tips and tricks to help you get a better night’s sleep, including everything from how and when to nap, what to eat, where to sleep, and even what time to go to sleep and wake up for an optimal rest.

Other topics include the psychology of sleep and research into lucid dreaming, meditation and reviews of various technological gadgets which may help you in your quest for a proper night’s sleep. Just right-click on the book image or on the link below to download the book to your computer.

Download this Free eBook here…

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Posted by on November 15, 2012 in WISDOM


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Tasty Titties – Brilliant innovation!

Leave it to Japan to come up with something sexy just for sexy sake — I can imagine that product development meeting: “OK, you know that lame gunk we can’t sell in average packaging, let’s pick something different, something…sexy?” “Let’s sell it in tit form!” “BRILLIANT!”

Sex Inventions

Inspired by an exhibit of sex inventions at the New York-based Museum of Sex, I thought I’d do a little trolling through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s online search for anything interesting coming out of our fair county.

Anaheim inventor Wayne Manska was awarded patent #6,645,164 in 2003 for a “lingual vibration device” — in English a tongue vibrator — that “[causes] a user’s tongue to rapidly, yet gently, vibrate during various oral sex acts such as cunnilingus.” In his application, he notes that similar devices are already on the market, but his is a more comfortable improvement. Manska holds several other medical patents including something called a stopcock valve that is surprisingly unsexy.

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Posted by on May 14, 2012 in WISDOM


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Mind Reading Magic – Different Thinking Between Men and Women


Mind-reading phones? The tech’s evolving there, says Intel


How smart do you want your smartphone to actually be? Do you want it to read your mind, even a little bit?


Intel’s research chief, Justin Rattner, says that technology has advanced to the point that “context-aware computing”, an idea that’s been around for two decades, is becoming more of a reality with the rise of mobile devices.


That could lead to phones that act as psychics in your pocket. Rather than simply amass secrets about you, the devices could be doing things with that information, such as predicting what you might do next and offering suggestions.


Rattner showed a few examples during his keynote speech today at Intel’s annual developer conference in San Francisco.

Among them: a prototype application Intel worked on with Fodor’s Travel. It learns what types of foods you like to eat and what types of attractions you like to visit, based on searches you type into the phone or locations identified using GPS. The software makes similar recommendations when you visit a new city.


Tech companies are already working to predict what people want, but only in pieces.


Search engine Google, US movie-rental service Netflix and online radio service Pandora try to anticipate what people want even before they know they want it.


Stringing those types of functions together with the wealth of other information that phones collect about people could pave the way for even more helpful electronics, Rattner said.


A challenge is training computers to analyse data from “hard sensors” (which measure location, motion, voice patterns, temperature and the like) and combining those findings with data from “soft sensors” (such as calendar appointments and web browsing history).


For example, your phone could detect that you’ve just left work and seem to be on your way home — a location it might know from your address book. It could then automatically recommend the best route around traffic.


“Things don’t get really interesting until you fuse that hard sensor data with soft sensor data,” Rattner said. “It gives devices almost this sixth sense of anticipating what a user will need in the future, whether that’s the next few moments or at dinner later in the day.”


Rattner added that researchers are even making steps toward the “ultimate form of sensing” — a computer understanding a human’s thoughts.


He acknowledged the need for stronger privacy controls as the phones have better ability to think for themselves.

Read more:


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Posted by on May 10, 2012 in WISDOM


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