Tag Archives: war

Let us remove violence and war from our hearts and strive to build and grow.



We are faced with the problem of serious violence today. Not only the revolts that are currently sweeping the middle east, but the spreading of hatred and violence, black against white or Christian against Muslim. There is the brutality of extraordinary violence that humans carry in their hearts and minds notwithstanding outwardly educated, conditioned to repeat prayers for peace and stability.


This form of violence is the result of political and racial divisions and religious distinctions. The violence of man has obviously been inherited from the animal and from the society in which he lives. Man is committed to war and accepted war as the way of life. There may be a few pacifists here and there that carry anti-war slogans, but there are those who love war. We must not forget that many that bask in their current “leadership” roles need war and fragmented societies. The more problems that they seem to attempt to solve the more respect they receive from the societies that support them.


It is their job to see to it that wars and problems are retained. It is their bread and butter to role play the role of mediator and leader. Unity between races for example will not be conducive to their careers. Job security for these individuals can only be achieved by for example reminding the people about the past when appears as if previous fractured groups (race or religion) begin to find mutual ground for cooperation. The fires need to be stoked about the past and the potential future if such individuals want to continue to bask in the sunshine of the current benefits (financial or egotistical) that they enjoy.


Most gestures by the war in their hearts type of leaders is not based on a desire for a successful outcome. I explained earlier that these people need war, violence, division and desperation. They need to wake up from horror dreams of a society that put the past behind them and decided to stop stoking the fires of division and hate. Their nightmare is an equal society where people work shoulder to shoulder to rebuild this country notwithstanding the past. Can you think what shock will it be for those that will then have to come to the office and do a job where they will be held accountable? It will be a difficult time for many that have little or no knowledge and skills when it comes to problem solving and management. Let us remove violence and war from our hearts and strive to build and grow with or without those that might still go around with their warmongering habit patterns.



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Posted by on February 4, 2013 in WISDOM


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Religion: What it has contributed to the societies of the world, is war and violence, hate for one another, degrading of women, abuse of children and a total misunderstanding of the true nature of life.



I think we have all seen and experienced enough of religion to be totally disillusioned with it.

What it has contributed to the societies of the world, is war and violence, hate for one another, degrading of women, abuse of children and a total misunderstanding of the true nature of life and of ourselves as people of light.

We fight and kill each other over stories that never happened but were written to convey a hidden truth that because of religion the world has totally missed.


We have found that the Bible itself tells us that it does not mean what it says, and we also shared with you a newspaper article from Tel Aviv University in Israel saying that after hundreds and hundreds of years of deep investigation, they have reached the conclusion that the things stated in the Bible never happened.


Of course we find the same thing in the New Testament.


There is absolutely no evidence out side of the Bible for the existence of Jesus or Joseph or Mary or just about anyone.


There is no record of the miracles, there is no record of the crucifixion, there is no record of people getting out of graves or anything else.


But there is a record of the Bible itself telling us not to take any of this literally. There is record of the Bible itself telling us that all of this stuff, is parable, proverb, allegory and dark sayings.


2 Corinthians 3:6 Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament, not of the letter but of the spirit for the letter kills but the spirit gives life.


Romans 2:29 But he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit , not in the letter.


2 Corinthians 3:15 But even unto this day when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart Nevertheless when they shall turn to the Lord the veil shall be taken away.


The Bible itself telling us that these things are not literal.


They did not happen. They are mythological.


They are symbolic of something else.


When people read this, their eyes are blinded .


The truth is hidden and the only way one may understand what is meant by the scriptures is by turning to the Lord.


That means shutting down the human intellect and turning on the celestial spirit which is within. The only way to do that is in meditation.

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Posted by on September 14, 2012 in WISDOM


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We strut around with our bloated egos as if we know everything about everything.

There might be some of the readers that were so busy getting upset about the flowery language used by Joe Rogan that they possibly missed the very powerful message he shared with his audience. We strut around with our bloated egos as if we know everything about everything. What we fail to understand is that we know virtually nothing other than a few basic perceptions downloaded by our parents very soon after we arrived on this plane. Many of us have a very sensitive emotional body that make us cringe, cry or go to war if anyone dare to oppose our point of view. We have superficial data on millions of stuff that is sitting there in our sub-conscious minds ready to spring to life when activated. This gives us a false sense of superiority. What we don’t know is that our knowledge depth barely put a layer on the surface of any subject matter. Look at our education system. Our system is underfunded and understaffed. Our system makes it virtually impossible to fail. That is why you have huge numbers of students that finish school that can hardly read or write their name. We appoint individuals in serious leadership positions that are unqualified and know virtually nothing about leadership or accountability. We appoint people according to their skin colour and hope that they will sooner or later master the job. We force individuals into leadership positions in business because of skin colour and disadvantage that organisation in the competitive world we live in. We allow often lazy individuals that insist on high paying jobs with endless benefits to take over the workforce and still expect to compete in the global market. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against any race or tribe. I embrace anyone notwithstanding his mother tongue or skin colour that have a strong desire to learn, evolve and admit that he or she still have much to learn. We get brainwashed to stick to a few basic principles and perceptions or we will be toasted by God. We have a shower of uninterrupted advertising that is bombarding us mercilessly from the moment we open our eyes in the morning until we drop back into bed at night. We are producing children today that early in their life start running the show at home. They dictate what they will eat, wear and learn. Parents have been so entangled in guilt and laws that they can hardly demonstrate their insistence that certain things are out of bounds. We, the older generation should first admit that most of us suspended taking in new knowledge soon after we left school or university. We know little about most of the stuff that we see around us daily. Many slipped into a groove decades ago and still walk in circles while we hope that something mystical will happen that will bring some welcome change into our lives. Please listen to the clip again and you might notice that there is a powerful message blanketed by endless laughter. We might think it is funny when someone tells us that we are dumb, but sit for a few moments and think about it. You might agree that Joe Rogan is spot on with his message.


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Posted by on August 26, 2012 in WISDOM


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Nothing in life that is worthwhile comes to us because we have a nice smile or a submissive attitude.

Many of us go around with a victim mentality. We allow life and people to dictate our lives. We almost always fall short of their selfish requirements. Nothing in life that is worthwhile comes to us because we have a nice smile or a submissive attitude. We need to walk tall and go for our goals and dreams in a positive and decisive manner. It is silly to think that we will be treated with respect if we allow people to sweep the floors with us. There is a time to be warm, kind and flexible, but then there are occasions that we must walk tall, become strong and do what needs to be done.



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Posted by on March 21, 2012 in WISDOM


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We’ve Been Living in a Dream World

We’ve Been Living in a Dream World

“Most people are other people,” Oscar Wilde once remarked. “Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” As he so wryly observed, the vast majority of us are not who we’ve been pretending to be, and the lives we’ve been living until now are molded according to rules and values that are not our own. Most of humanity is stuck in someone else’s discarded chewing gum and has yet to break free.


Unless you have been brave enough to forsake this trap, here is your likely portrait: your religious convictions are those of your parents or community; you root for your hometown sports teams; your political allegiances conform to the party system that society offers; you are an avid observer of the cultural pageantry, like the Super Bowl and the Oscars; your holidays are the standard ones, such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and Independence Day; you look to your political and religious leaders for guidance and protection; you feel driven to succeed–to make more money, to live a better life.
These are worthy and desirable choices that hold families and societies together. They make you who you are, you might argue. True, but only if you are content with admiring the wrapping and never looking inside the box. If you dared to look, you’d discover how these basic thoughts originate in a fundamental belief formed during the first years of your life: that survival depends on obeying the rules. Children typically bend their perceptions and interpretations of reality to match those of their parents and others who care for them. They find clever ways to please in order to receive attention and belong. As they grow up, the people and issues may change over time, but the initial patterns of conformity remain deeply ingrained in the subconscious.
The price for surrendering to consensus is steep. It is nothing less than the loss of individuality and curiosity. Without these two magnificent attributes, you disengage from the grandness of the creation and implode into the holographic illusion humans have come to call reality. You become one of Oscar Wilde’s other people, thinking someone else’s opinions and assuming they are your own.
We are trapped in the daily drama the culture and the media feed us: mortgages, sporting events, tsunamis, sex offenders, AIDS, terrorism, global warming, corrupt governments, and economic inequities . . . all demanding our attention. The matrix plays us like an instrument. A thirty-second news bite can push our buttons. We get hooked and riled, liberally lacing our collective guts with corrosive biochemicals unleashed by our righteous indignation.


This condition is virtually universal. It is also the underlying cause of the world as we know it. People cling so tightly to their personal and social identities that they are blinded to anything that does not validate them. The inevitable product is a world of war, greed, and competition, driven by paranoia and fear.


The way out is easier than anyone might imagine. However, very few summon the courage, for it requires them to leave the comfort of their known world and walk alone, unaided by the crutch of belief and dogma, into the domain of pure consciousness. Most people would rather get caught up in the business of earning a living, raising a family, or helping their community than deal with the unsettling immensity of All That Is.


Yet it seems that all humans are meant to take this epic journey of discovery at some point in their series of lives on this planet. If you choose to walk this path, you will find yourself gaining a new perspective — that of consciousness, where the mind, with its judgments and emotions, ceases to dominate and the heart is your only reliable guide. The great issues of your daily life that once commanded your attention now seem wondrously arbitrary and irrelevant — simply interesting experiences that lasted far too long and became unnecessarily weighty.


You now see the illusion for what it is: a game-board projection designed so aspects of the Oneness can experience duality, fear, and separation. It is no more real than a programmed matrix in a computer game. You and I are merely units of awareness projected into the matrix, defining ourselves by the points through which we view and believing what we see to be reality. Who did the projecting? You. Who is the projection? You. There is only you.
How do you get to this liberating place from which you can see the larger picture?
The cosmic formula of creation is gloriously simple: Attention + Intention = Manifestation. Nothing in the universe evades this law. The reality you perceive is entirely a function of the only two forces at your command: your attention and your intention. Bring conscious awareness to this equation–consciously monitor your attention and intention and what you are manifesting–and everything changes.

Through this ongoing process of self-observation it will become increasingly clear that the part of you that is projected into the illusion is in trouble. This realization in fact marks the beginning of your journey out of the illusion. Once you begin to couple the law of Attention + Intention = Manifestation with the concept of Oneness, you begin to see a completely different picture. You are All That Is. There is nowhere for you to go, nothing to attain, no lessons to learn.

If you buy into the reality that you are an earthbound human stuck in the struggle of life, presto, there you are. If you focus on the part of you that is watching you flounder in the illusion, snap, you’re free. It can’t get much easier than that. Yet why are so few of us awake?

The written or spoken word can do no more than point the way. And trading one belief system for another accomplishes nothing. The answer lies elsewhere. Waking up is a consequenceof induction. Just a few years ago you might have placed yourself in the presence of a guru or master and, through devotion, discipline, or some other practice, gradually assumed some of his or her enlightenment. Now, using the law of A + I = M, you become your own master. By focusing your attention on the part of you that is watching the rest of you floundering in the illusion, you are taking a giant step in restoring control over how your attention is commanded. If you add the intention of reclaiming your essence, you complete the formula that can only result in the manifestation of whatever your curiosity seeks to explore.


The payoff of having been so deeply mired in the illusion that you nearly succumbed is compassion for those still stuck in the matrix, coupled with a large dose of humility. You have learned that the illusion is perfect exactly as it is. The only thing that needs to change is the point from which we view it. Now all that’s left is for you to summon the courage to begin the journey home.

By Jean-Claude Koven – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on March 14, 2012 in WISDOM


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Are you a WRITER who does not write a PAINTER who does not paint, an ENTREPRENEUR who never starts a venture? Do you feel that SOMETHING prevents you from ACHIEVING your full potential? Then it might be an appropriate moment to take a hard look at how your RESISTENCE arrested your ability to take decisive and sustained action. New Series – No. 10



We are spiritual beings that visit this dimension to learn, grow and evolve. We use our physical body as a vehicle while we spend time here. We (our spiritual selves) are not our body and our history. Our real SPIRITUAL SELF is nothing more than a bright spark of light that is housed in the heart of every living being. Our real spiritual self is an extension of God and should never be confused with our body, mind and history or with our actions and reactions during our term at earth school. Our spiritual self is strongly detectable while we are still young and uncontaminated. We are pure love and send out acts and vibrations of love to everything and everyone around us. The problem we face soon after our arrival on this plane is that those (most) begin to domesticate us so we can also one day be “good citizens” like them. This is how our spiritual self became encased by layer after layer of false and defective nonsense that gradually bound us in a small and ignorant laager. We are convinced at a very young age that the RESISTANCE that we experience inside when we want to expand, grow, investigate, create and express is God that is warning and guiding us to remain on its path or suffer serious consequences. Can you see how clever ignorant operators gradually encased you in a system that suits their perception of God and their deluded ideas about the force of RESISTANCE? The perfect self’s wisdom at your core is thus minimised and replaced by all the negative and destructive actions and reactions described earlier in this series. I want you to read the following carefully and ponder the implications of what I reveal. I said that the RESISTANCE force is not evil and do not want to kill you because it is feeding off you like a parasite. It simply executes what is captured in its program. The moment we begin to wake up and become aware of the force we attempt to go up against it and fight it to the best of our ability. We go into combat daily against this invisible force and attempt to fend off its countless onslaughts. We experience guilt and fear while we like warriors fend off wave after wave of the subliminal and not so subliminal onslaughts. We experience guilt because we think that we are now taking on the God that we have been conditioned with since childhood. That is the main reason why so many of us make slow progress against this mighty force of RESISTANCE and why many finally give up and submit.


Spend some time today and see if you can notice the endless war that we are confronted with daily. It is not only our thoughts that endlessly stream data rooted in the RESISTANCE force, but is also contained in every interaction we have while at work or play. Make a note of the various methods used by others (family, friends, clients etc.) I will continue this series tomorrow.




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Posted by on March 11, 2012 in WISDOM


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