Tag Archives: work relationships




ARE YOU SICK OF THE SAME OLD STUFF? Most people live as if there is some kind of invisible force that captured their will and ability to remain active and productive. They act as if they are helpless victims of life and circumstances. Just look around you and see if you can detect one single person that made a really dramatic and sustained modification (turnaround) to his or her unsatisfactory lifestyle.

People often bitch and moan about their work, relationships, spouses and unruly children and act as if they are the victims of some sinister plot. When you go to social occasions you often discover that most people spend hours trying to top each other’s “victim” stories while they stare at each other through the bottoms of their cocktail glasses. When you finally drive home after these “socials” you often feel drained and incomplete.

Your “social” with your friends might have made you feel slightly better initially because you received confirmation that you are not the only one that are a victim in this cesspool called life. You are exposed to “bad news” messages wherever you go. Whenever you feel enthusiastic and upbeat, buy a newspaper. Before you read two pages you will be back to your normal subdued self.

We might feel that we are living under very testing conditions today and that our situation is unique, but when you investigate the “victim” phenomena worldwide you will find that most people suffer with this form of mental bondage.

We use crime and instability as our crutch to justify our victim behaviour in South Africa. You will discover that an endless range of excuses are used to justify “victim” behaviour globally even when crime is not so visible as in South Africa. The bottom line is that “victim” behaviour is something that comes from the inside, from your own mind.

We tend to “think” ourselves to a standstill and into an early grave. The “look at me, I am a victim” turmoil in the world has reached pandemic proportions. The collective negative mood on planet earth is negative and very destructive. The main reason why people experience these very immobilizing emotions is because of the overall habit of living in the PAST or the FUTURE. We can think up the most amazing disasters in the theatre of our minds. We can die a thousand deaths in our mind with our habit of projecting ourselves into imagined future disasters.




We form opinions at a very young age about most things in life. We have “feelings” about almost anything that we can ever be faced with. Any conclusion that we came to during our lifetime will usually remain part of our coping style until the day we die.

Most people fail to understand that “everything will remain the same until a change is made”. If you are allowing fear of something that might never happen to control your thinking you are disqualifying yourself from the reality of the now.

Just think of the key areas in your life such as your work, relationships and general lifestyle and take stock of your “general” behaviour in these areas. You need to study your habitual reaction pattern in any area if it is not working as you hoped it would. Stop waiting for others to modify their behaviour, beg you for forgiveness or that the problem will go away.

Become bold and active and start doing something about whatever you feel is bothering you. Nothing will change until you activate such change. Remember if you are in waiting mode and your dispute is with someone else you are handing control to this person. When you live in the NOW and you act in the present tense you make your life predictable and much more stress free. When you live in the FUTURE and fail to take action in the NOW you are “manufacturing” your own house of pain.


The only way that you can escape this stuck in the future or past zone is to begin to live in the NOW. Give yourself a fair chance to make a success of any given day. You can do this by talking to yourself.

Tell yourself that you are not interested in things that might never happen or that happened in the past. You are talking to yourself all day long, make these “chats” constructive and motivational. Give yourself a break and stop running yourself down. When you find your mind drifting into the “horror” mode tell yourself that you are not going to waste energy on events that may never happen. If you mind drifts into the “feel sorry for me mode”, take control and say, “I create my own circumstances and will not create a torture chamber for myself today.” Wipe the slate clean every morning and attack each day with enthusiasm and commitment. Live for the moment my friend. Today and each and every day is indeed a new day with wonderful opportunities if you are focused on the now.


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Posted by on September 19, 2013 in WISDOM


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This is the invisible force that holds us at ransom, usually until the day we expire. We need to break this mould if we want to achieve the original hopes and dreams




There is misconception that many of us have. This fallacy is that we will become massively successful in our work, relationships and life in general if we pray or meditate hard enough. Some of us think that we can find success in books or peace of mind when we attend seminars. Then there are those that think that working long hours will assist them to make tons of money so they would ultimately become a manager or director in the company. We crave success in all areas of our lives. We want acknowledgement and recognition. We want our partner or fellow team members to respect us. We want to live an affluent life where we own our own palace and drive a fancy expensive car. In short we want security, predictability and recognition. We want all the above, but many fall short of these dreams and goals and gradually slip into a painful and fairly mediocre lifestyle. You might ask – What is causing most people to start life with tyres burning the tar on the highway of life only to slow down to a crawl later? I will attempt to give you the background below.

The main reason why many slow down to a crawl or finally grind to a standstill is their lack of confidence and drive. Many take a few hits early in life and often fail to recover. Many also allow their own perceptions of reality to smother their potential. We have so many dreams and fantasies when we are young. We believe that we can become president, a stinking rich author or a fire fighter, but soon discover that we often fall short of our own expectations and dreams in the arena of life. We begin to measure ourselves against the opinion that our teachers, family and friends have of us. We participate in athletics at school and come stone last. We get an “F” in some of the subjects that we are expected to study as school. We notice that there are many of our fellow students that are faster, stronger and better students than us. Our original dreams, goals and desires gradually fade into nothingness.

We soon while still very young develop perceptions about many things. Many of these perceptions that we form about life and ourselves are negative, warped and devoid of “truth”. It is our collective perception base that soon controls our lives and dictates to us who we are. These perceptions soon become our self-image and self-esteem. Our self-image and self-esteem becomes the filter in our lives that we use to observe life through. We begin to live and perform according to this mould in our heads. This is the invisible force that holds us at ransom, usually until the day we expire. We need to break this mould if we want to achieve the original hopes and dreams mentioned above.



We all have a very potent system that governs how we react to life and how we address life with all its whims and surprises. The problem we have is that we apply our energy according to this perception base mentioned earlier. We automatically act and react to stimuli that we detect via our five senses. We thus do, say and act on things without thinking. We sustain the stuff we fear in this manner. We attempt to control things, people and events according to our collective perception base. This is the reason why so many of us lack courage, self-esteem and confidence. We never call time out for a moment and question our belief structure.

We do not apply our willpower in a constructive and positive manner. We in fact allow our perceptions to override our willpower. Many of us become spineless in our actions and reactions and allow the winds of life to blow us around like leafs. Brave individuals are not abnormal when they display courage. They also experience fear, worry and anxiety, but they understand that these emotions come from their perception base and might have nothing to do with the task at hand. They delay their actions or reaction fed to them by their perception software long enough so they can make an informed decision. Please read this again. You cannot grow, develop and achieve your hopes and dream or achieve a different outcome in your relationships or for that matter anything else until you stop duplicating your standard reactions patterns. You must take your power back. It must do the job that it is suppose to do. Your willpower must validate WHAT IS and investigate if your old historical perceptions and reactions will get the job done. You cannot imitate a photo copy machine and duplicate your previous days, weeks, months and even years and expect different outcomes.

How do you do this?


You learn to pause and first carefully investigate what you currently have in front of you. What you are faced with today might be light years removed from the old recipe that you used historically. You need to “pause” before you act or react. Do nothing and say nothing until you fully understand “what is” you are confronted with.

You will discover that you will suddenly become much more assertive, wise and brave. You will soon no longer be poisoned by your historical perceptions. It is more often than not, not what you are confronted with that discourage or floor you. It is the emotions, feelings and fears in your perception data base that is causing the flood of negative and destructive chemical that your brain release into your system. Your control centre automatically acts on the stimuli received from your perception data base because your “willpower” fell asleep at the job.

Try pausing for a while before you act and react and notice how much better you feel about yourself. You must use your willpower to your advantage. You must and can do amazing things when you take your power back. You will walk tall and never cringe in the face of adversity. You need to set goals and then use your willpower to achieve those goals. Your perception base might attempt to discourage you and force you back to the old way of doing things. All I am saying is that you need to honestly often ask yourself the following question. When you discover that you again become lazy, lethargic and passive ask yourself, “How is this working for me?” Stop using the old and outdate recipes and find something new. Nothing is going to change my friend. You are the one that must enforce changes in your life.


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Posted by on June 13, 2013 in WISDOM


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There is misconception that many of us have. This fallacy is that we will become massively successful in our work, relationships and life in general if we pray or meditate hard enough. Some of us think that we can find success in books or peace of mind when we attend seminars. Then there are those that think that working long hours will assist them to make tons of money so they would ultimately become a manager or director in the company. We crave success in all areas of our lives. We want acknowledgement and recognition. We want our partner or fellow team members to respect us. We want to live an affluent life where we own our own palace and drive a fancy expensive car. In short we want security, predictability and recognition. We want all the above, but many fall short of these dreams and goals and gradually slip into a painful and fairly mediocre lifestyle. You might ask – What is causing most people to start life with tyres burning the tar on the highway of life only to slow down to a crawl later? I will attempt to give you the background below.


The main reason why many slow down to a crawl or finally grind to a standstill is their lack of confidence and drive. Many take a few hits early in life and often fail to recover. Many also allow their own perceptions of reality to smother their potential. We have so many dreams and fantasies when we are young. We believe that we can become president, a stinking rich author or a fire fighter, but soon discover that we often fall short of our own expectations and dreams in the arena of life. We begin to measure ourselves against the opinion that our teachers, family and friends have of us. We participate in athletics at school and come stone last. We get an “F” in some of the subjects that we are expected to study as school. We notice that there are many of our fellow students that are faster, stronger and better students than us. Our original dreams, goals and desires gradually fade into nothingness.


We soon while still very young develop perceptions about many things. Many of these perceptions that we form about life and ourselves are negative, warped and devoid of “truth”. It is our collective perception base that soon controls our lives and dictates to us who we are. These perceptions soon become our self-image and self-esteem. Our self-image and self-esteem becomes the filter in our lives that we use to observe life through. We begin to live and perform according to this mould in our heads. This is the invisible force that holds us at ransom, usually until the day we expire. We need to break this mould if we want to achieve the original hopes and dreams mentioned above.




We all have a very potent system that governs how we react to life and how we address life with all its whims and surprises. The problem we have is that we apply our energy according to this perception base mentioned earlier. We automatically act and react to stimuli that we detect via our five senses. We thus do, say and act on things without thinking. We sustain the stuff we fear in this manner. We attempt to control things, people and events according to our collective perception base. This is the reason why so many of us lack courage, self-esteem and confidence. We never call time out for a moment and question our belief structure.


We do not apply our willpower in a constructive and positive manner. We in fact allow our perceptions to override our willpower. Many of us become spineless in our actions and reactions and allow the winds of life to blow us around like leafs. Brave individuals are not abnormal when they display courage. They also experience fear, worry and anxiety, but they understand that these emotions come from their perception base and might have nothing to do with the task at hand. They delay their actions or reaction fed to them by their perception software long enough so they can make an informed decision. Please read this again. You cannot grow, develop and achieve your hopes and dream or achieve a different outcome in your relationships or for that matter anything else until you stop duplicating your standard reactions patterns. You must take your power back. It must do the job that it is suppose to do. Your willpower must validate WHAT IS and investigate if your old historical perceptions and reactions will get the job done. You cannot imitate a photo copy machine and duplicate your previous days, weeks, months and even years and expect different outcomes.


How do you do this?


You learn to pause and first carefully investigate what you currently have in front of you. What you are faced with today might be light years removed from the old recipe that you used historically. You need to “pause” before you act or react. Do nothing and say nothing until you fully understand “what is” you are confronted with.


You will discover that you will suddenly become much more assertive, wise and brave. You will soon no longer be poisoned by your historical perceptions. It is more often than not, not what you are confronted with that discourage or floor you. It is the emotions, feelings and fears in your perception data base that is causing the flood of negative and destructive chemical that your brain release into your system. Your control centre automatically acts on the stimuli received from your perception data base because your “willpower” fell asleep at the job.


Try pausing for a while before you act and react and notice how much better you feel about yourself. You must use your willpower to your advantage. You must and can do amazing things when you take your power back. You will walk tall and never cringe in the face of adversity. You need to set goals and then use your willpower to achieve those goals. Your perception base might attempt to discourage you and force you back to the old way of doing things. All I am saying is that you need to honestly often ask yourself the following question. When you discover that you again become lazy, lethargic and passive ask yourself, “How is this working for me?” Stop using the old and outdate recipes and find something new. Nothing is going to change my friend. You are the one that must enforce changes in your life.



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Posted by on June 8, 2012 in WISDOM


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